CITATION TO DATABASE: Condit, R., Pérez, R., Aguilar, S., Lao, S. 2013. Data from Tree Censuses and Inventories in Panama. DOI A zip archive holding one R Analytical Table, a version of the Marena plots' census data in R format, designed for data analysis. This and all other tables labelled 'full' have one record per individual tree found in that census. Detailed documentations of the 'full' tables is given in RoutputFull.pdf (see component 10 below); an additional column 'plot' is included because the table includes records from many different locations. Plot coordinates are given in PanamaPlot.txt (component 12 below). This one file, 'marenaRecent.full1.rdata', has data from the latest census at 60 different plots. These are the best data to use if only a single plot census is needed. R Analytical Tables of the style 'full' for 44 plots with two censuses: 'marena2cns.full1.rdata' for the first census and 'marena2cns.full2.rdata' for the second census. These 44 plots are a subset of the 60 found in marenaRecent.full (component 1): the 44 that have been censused two or more times. These are the best data to use if two plot censuses are needed. R Analytical Tables of the style 'full' for nine plots with three censuses: 'marena3cns.full1.rdata' for the first census through 'marena2cns.full3.rdata' for the third census. These nine plots are a subset of the 44 found in marena2cns.full (component 2): the nine that have been censused three or more times. These are the best data to use if three plot censuses are needed. R Analytical Tables of the style 'full' for six plots with four censuses: 'marena4cns.full1.rdata' for the first census through 'marena4cns.full4.rdata' for the fourth census. These six plots are a subset of the nine found in marena3cns.full (component 3): the six that have been censused four or more times. These are the best data to use if four plot censuses are needed. A zip archive holding one R Analytical Table, a version of the Marena plots' census data in R format. These are designed for data analysis. This one file, 'marenaRecent.full1.rdata', has data from the latest census at 60 different plots. The table has one record per individual stem, necessary because some individual trees have more than one stem. Detailed documentations of these tables is given in RoutputFull.pdf (see component 11 below); an additional column 'plot' is included because the table includes records from many different locations. Plot coordinates are given in PanamaPlot.txt (component 12 below). These are the best data to use if only a single plot census is needed, and individual stems are desired. R Analytical Tables of the style 'stem' for 44 plots with two censuses: 'marena2cns.stem1.rdata' for the first census and 'marena3cns.stem2.rdata' for the second census. These 44 plots are a subset of the 60 found in marenaRecent.stem (component 1): the 44 that have been censused two or more times. These are the best data to use if two plot censuses are needed, and individual stems are desired. R Analytical Tables of the style 'stem' for nine plots with three censuses: 'marena3cns.stem1.rdata' for the first census through 'marena3cns.stem3.rdata' for the third census. These nine plots are a subset of the 44 found in marena2cns.stem (component 6): the nine that have been censused three or more times. These are the best data to use if three plot censuses are needed, and individual stems are desired. R Analytical Tables of the style 'stem' for six plots with four censuses: 'marena3cns.stem1.rdata' for the first census through 'marena3cns.stem3.rdata' for the third census. These six plots are a subset of the nine found in marena3cns.stem (component 7): the six that have been censused four or more times. These are the best data to use if four plot censuses are needed, and individual stems are desired.
bci.spptable.rdata. A list of the 1414 species found across all tree plots and inventories in Panama, in R format. The column 'sp' in this table is a code identifying the species in the full census tables (marena.full and marena.stem, components 1-4 and 5-8 above).
RoutputFull.pdf: Detailed documentation of the 'full' tables in Rdata format (components 1-4 above).
RoutputStem.pdf: Detailed documentation of the 'stem' tables in Rdata format (component 5-8 above).
PanamaPlot.txt: Locations of all tree plots and inventories in Panama.