DSpace Repository
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de Queiroz, Kevin; Huie, Jonathan M.; Hammel, Jörg U.; Müller, Patrick; Baranov, Viktor
(Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, 2024)
Pre-Pleistocene fossils of Anolis lizards are rare, although 20 Miocene fossils preserved in amber from the island of Hispaniola have been reported on previously. Using light-microscopy and computed-tomography imaging, we ...
Staines, Charles L.; Staines, Susan L.
(Virginia Natural History Society, 2024)
Kamezaki, Naoki
(Division of Amphibians and Reptiles, National Museum of Natural History, 2024)
Lim, Haw Chuan; Bennett, Kevin F. P.; Justyn, Nicholas M.; Powers, Matthew J.; Long, Kira M.; Kingston, Sarah E.; Lindsay, Willow R.; Pease, James B.; Fuxjager, Matthew J.; Bolton, Peri E.; Balakrishnan, Christopher N.; Day, Lainy B.; Parsons, Thomas J.; Brawn, Jeffrey D.; Hill, Geoffrey E.; Braun, Michael J.
In a hybrid zone between two tropical lekking birds, yellow male plumage of one species has introgressed asymmetrically replacing white plumage of another via sexual selection. Here, we present a detailed analysis of the ...
de Queiroz, Kevin; Langan, Esther M.
(Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, 2024)
On 12 August 1992, Kevin de Queiroz and Jonathan B. Losos collected a series of 15 Anolis richardii on the SW coast of Grand Anse Bay, Saint George Parish, Grenada, of which one adult female (USNM 321805) lacks claws. In ...
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