CITE AS................ Beltran, Roxanne S., Megan Connolly Sadou, Richard Condit, Sarah Peterson, Colleen Reichmuth, and Daniel P. Costa. 2014. Fine-scale whisker growth dynamics can be used to interpret temporal foraging information from stable isotope signatures. Supporting data and software.
File 1. WhiskerFitGraphs.pdf: Graphs of whisker size vs. time, with fitted model overlaid on individual photo measurements.
File 2. Beltran_WhiskerGrowthAnalysis.r: Source code in R for fitting whisker growth models.
File 3. Beltran_WhiskerMeasurement.csv: Daily photometric size estimates of whiskers at two follicles.
File 4. Beltran_FittedWhiskerParam.csv: Estimated model parameters for whisker sizes at 44 follicles.
File 5. Beltran_WhiskerPriorTable.csv: Parameter estimates used to initiate model-fitting algorithms at 44 follicles.