A new classification is presented based on the results of the recently completed cladistic analysis of the Pylochelidae. The subfamilies Pylochelinae and Pomatochelinae are retained, the latter with the genera Pylocheles and Cheiroplatea; however, the subgenera Xylocheles and Bathycheles are elevated to generic rank together with the nominal subgenus Pylocheles. In addition, one new species, B. phenax, is described in Bathycheles and B. profundus is shown to be conspecific with B. integer. The subfamilies Parapylochelinae, Cancellochelinae, Trizochelinae, and Mixtopagurinae are reduced to ranks of tribes and included in the subfamily Trizochelinae. A new genus Forestocheles is proposed in the tribe Trizochelini. Within the genus Trizocheles, subspecific rank for T. spinosus bathamae is deemed unjustified and this taxon is placed in synonymy with the nominal subspecies T spinosus spinosus. The correct identity of Trizocheles balssi is established and the species mistakenly thought to represent that taxon is described as T. hoensonae, new species. Trizocheles gracilis is found to be conspecific with T. boasi and an additional new species, T. mendanai, is added to the genus. The superfamilial ranks of Cheiroplateoidea, Pomatocheloidea, Pylocheloidea, and Cancellocheloidea proposed by Watabe (2007) are rejected, as is Birgusoidea.