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Origins of the Flora of Southern Brazil

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dc.contributor.author Smith, Lyman B. en
dc.date.accessioned 2015-09-02T18:13:18Z
dc.date.available 2015-09-02T18:13:18Z
dc.date.issued 1962
dc.identifier.citation Smith, Lyman B. 1962. "<a href="https://repository.si.edu/handle/10088/27096">Origins of the Flora of Southern Brazil</a>." in <em>Systematic Plant Studies</em>, 215&ndash;249. Contributions from the United States National Herbarium. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press. en
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10088/27096
dc.publisher Smithsonian Institution Press en
dc.relation.ispartof Systematic Plant Studies en
dc.relation.ispartofseries Contributions from the United States National Herbarium en
dc.rights.uri http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NoC-US/1.0/
dc.title Origins of the Flora of Southern Brazil en
dc.type Book, Section en
dc.identifier.srbnumber 115403
rft.spage 215
rft.epage 249
rft.btitle Systematic Plant Studies
dc.description.SIUnit USNM en
dc.description.SIUnit NMNH en
dc.citation.spage 215
dc.citation.epage 249

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