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Hyperdominance in Amazonian forest carbon cycling

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dc.contributor.author Fauset, Sophie
dc.contributor.author Johnson, Michelle O.
dc.contributor.author Gloor, Manuel
dc.contributor.author Baker, Timothy R.
dc.contributor.author Abel, Monteagudo M.
dc.contributor.author Brienen, Roel J. W.
dc.contributor.author Feldpausch, Ted R.
dc.contributor.author Lopez-Gonzalez, Gabriela
dc.contributor.author Malhi, Yadvinder
dc.contributor.author Ter Steege, Hans
dc.contributor.author Pitman, Nigel C. A.
dc.contributor.author Baraloto, Christopher
dc.contributor.author Engel, Julien
dc.contributor.author Pétronelli, Pascal
dc.contributor.author Andrade, Ana
dc.contributor.author Camargo, José Luís C.
dc.contributor.author Laurance, Susan G. W.
dc.contributor.author Laurance, William F.
dc.contributor.author Chave, Jerôme
dc.contributor.author Allie, Elodie
dc.contributor.author Vargas, Percy Núñez
dc.contributor.author Terborgh, John W.
dc.contributor.author Ruokolainen, Kalle
dc.contributor.author Silveira, Marcos
dc.contributor.author Gerardo, Aymard C.
dc.contributor.author Arroyo, Luzmila
dc.contributor.author Bonal, Damien
dc.contributor.author Ramirez-Angulo, Hirma
dc.contributor.author Araujo-Murakami, Alejandro
dc.contributor.author Neill, David
dc.contributor.author Hérault, Bruno
dc.contributor.author Dourdain, Aurélie
dc.contributor.author Torres-Lezama, Armando
dc.contributor.author Marimon, Beatriz S.
dc.contributor.author Salomão, Rafael P.
dc.contributor.author Comiskey, James A.
dc.contributor.author Réjou-Méchain, Maxime
dc.contributor.author Toledo, Marisol
dc.contributor.author Licona, Juan Carlos
dc.contributor.author Alarcón, Alfredo
dc.contributor.author Prieto, Adriana
dc.contributor.author Rudas, Agustín
dc.contributor.author van der Meer, Peter J.
dc.contributor.author Killeen, Timothy J.
dc.contributor.author Marimon Junior, Ben-Hur
dc.contributor.author Poorter, Lourens
dc.contributor.author Boot, Rene G. A.
dc.contributor.author Stergios, Basil
dc.contributor.author Torre, Emilio Vilanova
dc.contributor.author Costa, Flávia R. C.
dc.contributor.author Levis, Carolina
dc.contributor.author Schietti, Juliana
dc.contributor.author Souza, Priscila
dc.contributor.author Groot, Nikée
dc.contributor.author Arets, Eric
dc.contributor.author Moscoso, Victor Chama
dc.contributor.author Castro, Wendeson
dc.contributor.author Coronado, Euridice N. Honorio
dc.contributor.author Peña-Claros, Marielos
dc.contributor.author Stahl, Clement
dc.contributor.author Barroso, Jorcely
dc.contributor.author Talbot, Joey
dc.contributor.author Vieira, Ima Célia Guimarães
dc.contributor.author van der Heijden, Geertje M.F.
dc.contributor.author Thomas, Raquel
dc.contributor.author Vos, Vincent A.
dc.contributor.author Almeida, Everton C.
dc.contributor.author Davila, Esteban Álvarez
dc.contributor.author Aragão, Luiz E. O. C.
dc.contributor.author Erwin, Terry L.
dc.contributor.author Morandi, Paulo S.
dc.contributor.author de Oliveira, Edmar Almeida
dc.contributor.author Valadão, Marco B. X.
dc.contributor.author Zagt, Roderick J.
dc.contributor.author van der Hout, Peter
dc.contributor.author Loayza, Patricia Alvarez
dc.contributor.author Pipoly, John J.
dc.contributor.author Wang, Ophelia
dc.contributor.author Alexiades, Miguel
dc.contributor.author Cerón, Carlos E.
dc.contributor.author Huamantupa-Chuquimaco, Isau
dc.contributor.author Di Fiore, Anthony
dc.contributor.author Peacock, Julie
dc.contributor.author Camacho, Nadir C. Pallqui
dc.contributor.author Umetsu, Ricardo K.
dc.contributor.author de Camargo, Plínio Barbosa
dc.contributor.author Burnham, Robyn J.
dc.contributor.author Herrera, Rafael
dc.contributor.author Quesada, Carlos A.
dc.contributor.author Stropp, Juliana
dc.contributor.author Vieira, Simone A.
dc.contributor.author Steininger, Marc
dc.contributor.author Rodríguez, Carlos Reynel
dc.contributor.author Restrepo, Zorayda
dc.contributor.author Muelbert, Adriane Esquivel
dc.contributor.author Lewis, Simon L.
dc.contributor.author Pickavance, Georgia C.
dc.contributor.author Phillips, Oliver L.
dc.date.accessioned 2015-05-19T13:21:11Z
dc.date.available 2015-05-19T13:21:11Z
dc.date.issued 2015
dc.identifier 2041-1723
dc.identifier.citation Fauset, Sophie, Johnson, Michelle O., Gloor, Manuel, Baker, Timothy R., Abel, Monteagudo M., Brienen, Roel J. W., Feldpausch, Ted R., Lopez-Gonzalez, Gabriela, Malhi, Yadvinder, ter Steege, Hans, Pitman, Nigel C. A., Baraloto, Christopher, Engel, Julien, Pétronelli, Pascal, Andrade, Ana, Camargo, José Luís C., Laurance, Susan G. W., Laurance, William F., Chave, Jerôme, Allie, Elodie, Vargas, Percy Núñez, Terborgh, John W., Ruokolainen, Kalle, Silveira, Marcos, Gerardo, Aymard C. et al. 2015. "<a href="http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2015/150428/ncomms7857/full/ncomms7857.html?WT.ec_id=NCOMMS-20150429">Hyperdominance in Amazonian forest carbon cycling</a>." <em>Nature Communications</em>, 6 6857. <a href="https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms7857">https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms7857</a>.
dc.identifier.issn 2041-1723
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10088/26280
dc.description.abstract While Amazonian forests are extraordinarily diverse, the abundance of trees is skewed strongly towards relatively few &#39;hyperdominant&#39; species. In addition to their diversity, Amazonian trees are a key component of the global carbon cycle, assimilating and storing more carbon than any other ecosystem on Earth. Here we ask, using a unique data set of 530 forest plots, if the functions of storing and producing woody carbon are concentrated in a small number of tree species, whether the most abundant species also dominate carbon cycling, and whether dominant species are characterized by specific functional traits. We find that dominance of forest function is even more concentrated in a few species than is dominance of tree abundance, with only ≈1% of Amazon tree species responsible for 50% of carbon storage and productivity. Although those species that contribute most to biomass and productivity are often abundant, species maximum size is also influential, while the identity and ranking of dominant species varies by function and by region.
dc.format.extent 6857
dc.publisher Nature Publishing Group
dc.relation.ispartof Nature Communications 6
dc.title Hyperdominance in Amazonian forest carbon cycling
dc.type article
sro.identifier.refworksID 12505
sro.identifier.itemID 135977
sro.description.unit NH-Entomology
sro.description.unit NMNH
sro.description.unit STRI
sro.identifier.doi 10.1038/ncomms7857
sro.identifier.url http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2015/150428/ncomms7857/full/ncomms7857.html?WT.ec_id=NCOMMS-20150429
sro.publicationPlace London

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