Thirty-five new genera are described, 27 of them based on new species. They are classified by superfamily as follows: ENTELETACEA: Acosarina (A. dorsisulcata, new species). DAVIDSONIACEA: Goniarina (G. pyelodes, new species), Tropidelasma (T. culmenatum, new species). CHONETACEA: Chonetinetes (C. reversus, new species), Micraphelia (M. scitula, new species), Rugaria (Chonetes hessensis R. E. King), Sulcataria (Chonetina? rostrata Dunbar and Condra), Undulella (U. undulata, new species). STROPHALOSIACEA: Acritosia (A. magna, new speccies), Agelesia (Aulosteges triagonalis R. E. King). RICHTHOFENIACEA: Collumatus (C. solitarius, new species), Cyclacantharia (C. kingorum, new species), Hercosestria (H. cribrosa, new species), Hercosia (Richthofenia uddeni Böse), Sestropoma (S. cribriferum, new species). PRODUCTACEA: Anemonaria (A. inflata, new species), Dasysaria (D. undulata, new species), Oncosarina (O. spinicostata, new species), Thamnosia (T. anterospinosa, new species). LYTTONIACEA: Petasmaia (P. expansa, new species). RHYNCHONELLACEA: Amphipella (A. arcaria, new species), Bryorhynchus (Camarophoria? bisulcata Shumard) Divaricosta (D. squarrosa, new species), Petasmatherus (P. opulus, new species), Phrenophoria (P. subcarinata, new species), Pontisia (P. stehlii, new species), Strigirhynchus (Rhynchonella? indentata Shumard), Tautosia (T. fastigiata, new species). SPIRIFERACEA: Lepidospirifer (L. angulatus, new species). SPIRIFERINACEA: Sarganostega (S. transversalis, new species), Xestotrema (Spirifera pulchra Meek). RETICULARIACEA: Anomaloria (A. anomala, new species), Astegosia (Squamularia guadalupensis subquadrata Girty). DIELASMATACEA: Plectelasma (P. kingi, new species). CRYPTONELLACEA: Texasia (T. elongata, new species).
The genus Cooperina Termier, Termier and Pajaud, based on material from the Glass Mountains, Texas, was assigned by its authors to the Thecideidina. Evidence is adduced here to show that it is classified more properly among the Strophalosiacea of the Productidina and that it is unrelated to the thecideids.