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The 'celestial pearl danio', a new genus and species of colourful minute cyprinid fish from Myanmar (Pisces: Cypriniformes)

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dc.contributor.author Roberts, Tyson R.
dc.date.accessioned 2011-02-16T18:26:51Z
dc.date.available 2011-02-16T18:26:51Z
dc.date.issued 2007
dc.identifier 0217-2445
dc.identifier.citation Roberts, Tyson R. 2007. "<a href="https://repository.si.edu/handle/10088/12143">The &#39;celestial pearl danio&#39;, a new genus and species of colourful minute cyprinid fish from Myanmar (Pisces: Cypriniformes)</a>." <em>Raffles Bulletin of Zoology</em>, 55, (1) 131–140.
dc.identifier.issn 0217-2445
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10088/12143
dc.description.abstract Celestichthys margaritatus, a new genus and species of Danioinae, is described from a rapidly developing locality in the Salween basin about 70-80 kin northeast of Inle Lake in northern Myanmar. Males and females are strikingly colouful. It is apparently most closely related to two danioins endemic to Inle, Microrasbora rubescens and &quot;Microrasbora&quot; erythromicron. The latter species may be congeneric with the new species. The new genus is identified as a danioin by specializations on its lower jaw and its numerous anal fin rays. The colouration, while highly distinctive, seems also to be characteristically danioin. The danioin notch (Roberts, 1986; Fang, 2003) is reduced or absent, but the danioin mandibular flap and bony knob (defined herein) are present. The anal fin has iii81/2-101/2 rays. In addition to its distinctive body spots and barred fins the new fish is distinguished from other species of danioins by the following combination of characters: snout and mouth extremely short; premaxillary with an elongate and very slender ascending process; mandible foreshortened; body deep, with rounded dorsal and anal fins; modal vertebral count 15+16=31; caudal fin moderately rather than deeply forked; principal caudal fin rays 9/8; scales vertically ovoid; and pharyngeal teeth conical, in three rows
dc.format.extent 131–140
dc.relation.ispartof Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 55 (1)
dc.title The &#39;celestial pearl danio&#39;, a new genus and species of colourful minute cyprinid fish from Myanmar (Pisces: Cypriniformes)
dc.type article
sro.identifier.refworksID 75278
sro.identifier.itemID 73116
sro.description.unit stri
sro.identifier.url https://repository.si.edu/handle/10088/12143

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