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Browsing by Author "Muller-Landau, Helene C."

Browsing by Author "Muller-Landau, Helene C."

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  • Wright, S. Joseph; Muller-Landau, Helene C.; Calderon, Osvaldo; Hernandez, Andres (2005)
  • DeWalt, Saara J.; Schnitzer, Stefan A.; Chave, Jerome; Bongers, Frans; Burnham, Robyn J.; Cai, Zhiquan; Chuyong, George B.; Clark, David B.; Ewango, Corneille E. N.; Gerwing, Jeffrey J.; Gortaire, Esteban; Hart, Terese; Ibarra-Manriquez, Guillermo; Ickes, Kalan; Kenfack, David; Macia, Manuel J.; Makana, Jean-Remy; Martinez-Ramos, Miguel; Mascaro, Joseph; Moses, Sainge; Muller-Landau, Helene C.; Parren, Marc P. E.; Parthasarathy, Narayanaswamy; Perez-Salicrup, Diego; Putz, Francis E.; Romero-Saltos, Hugo; Thomas, Duncan (2010)
    We test the hypotheses proposed by Gentry and Schnitzer that liana density and basal area in tropical forests vary negatively with mean annual precipitation (MAP) and positively with seasonality. Previous studies correlating ...
  • Poorter, L.; Wright, S. Joseph; Paz, H.; Ackerly, David D.; Condit, Richard S.; Ibarra-Manriquez, G.; Harms, Kyle Edward; Licona, J. C.; Martinez-Ramos, Miguel; Mazer, S. J.; Muller-Landau, Helene C.; Pena-Claros, M.; Webb, Campbell O.; Wright, I. J. (2008)
    A central goal of comparative plant ecology is to understand how functional traits vary among species and to what extent this variation has adaptive value. Here we evaluate relationships between four functional traits (seed ...
  • Chave, Jerome; Condit, Richard S.; Muller-Landau, Helene C.; Thomas, Sean C.; Ashton, Peter S.; Bunyavejchewin, Sarayudh; Co, Leonardo L.; Dattaraja, Handanakere S.; Davies, Stuart James; Esufali, Shameema; Ewango, Corneille E. N.; Feeley, Kenneth J.; Foster, Robin B.; Gunatilleke, Nimal; Gunatilleke, Savitri; Hall, Pamela; Hart, Terese B.; Hernandez, Consuelo; Hubbell, Stephen P.; Itoh, Akira; Kiratiprayoon, Somboon; LaFrankie, James V.; Loo de Lao, Suzanne; Makana, Jean-Remy; Noor, Md Nur Supardi; Kassim, Abdul Rahman; Samper, Cristian K.; Sukumar.; Sureh, Hebbalalu S.; Tan, Sylvester; Thompson, Jill; Tongco, Maria Dolores C.; Valencia, Renato; Vallejo, Martha Isabel; Villa, Gorky; Yamakura, Takuo; Zimmerman, Jess K.; Losos, Elizabeth Claire (2008)
  • Muller-Landau, Helene C.; Wright, S. Joseph; Calderon, Osvaldo; Hubbell, Stephen P.; Foster, Robin B. (CAB International, 2002)
  • Comita, Liza S.; Muller-Landau, Helene C.; Aguilar, Salomo´n; Hubbell, Stephen P. (2010)
    The factors determining species commonness and rarity are poorly understood, particularly in highly diverse communities. Theory predicts that interactions with neighbors of the same (conspecific) and other (heterospecific) ...
  • Condit, Richard S.; Pitman, Nigel C. A.; Leigh, Egbert Giles, Jr.; Chave, Jerome; Terborgh, John W.; Foster, Robin B.; Nunez Vargas, Percy; Aguilar, Salomo´n; Valencia, Renato; Villa Munoz, Gorky; Muller-Landau, Helene C.; Losos, Elizabeth Claire; Hubbell, Stephen P. (2002)
  • Ruokolainen, Kalle; Tuomisto, Hanna; Chave, Jerome; Muller-Landau, Helene C.; Condit, Richard S.; Pitman, Nigel C. A.; Terborgh, John W.; Hubbell, Stephen P.; Leigh, Egbert Giles, Jr.; Duivenvoorden, J. F.; Svenning, Jens-Christian; Wright, S. Joseph (2002)
  • Jansen, Patrick A.; Muller-Landau, Helene C.; Wright, S. Joseph (2010)
    J. F. BRODIE AND H. K. GIBBS ( BUSHMEAT HUNTING AS CLIMATE THREAT, Letters, 16 October 2009, p. 364) argue that bushmeat extraction threatens the carbon stocks of tropical forests because (i) bushmeat hunting reduces ...
  • Muller-Landau, Helene C. (2009)
  • Ngo, Kang Min; Turner, Benjamin L.; Muller-Landau, Helene C.; Davies, Stuart James; Larjavaara, Markku; Nik Hassan, Nik Faizu bin; Lum, Shawn K. Y. (2013)
    Tropical forests contain large reserves of carbon that are vulnerable to perturbation linked to human activities, including deforestation and climate change. Accurate estimates of forest carbon are therefore required ...
  • Peguero, Guille; Muller-Landau, Helene C.; Jansen, Patrick A.; Wright, S. Joseph (2017)
  • Marks, Christian O.; Muller-Landau, Helene C. (2007)
    Shipley et al. (Reports, 3 November 2006, p. 812) predicted plant community composition and relative abundances with a high level of accuracy by maximizing Shannon's index of information entropy (species diversity), ...
  • Chave, Jerome; Muller-Landau, Helene C.; Levin, Simon A. (2002)
  • Muller-Landau, Helene C.; Condit, Richard S.; Harms, Kyle Edward; Marks, Christian O.; Thomas, Sean C.; Bunyavejchewin, Sarayudh; Chuyong, George B.; Co, Leonardo; Davies, Stuart James; Foster, Robin B.; Gunatilleke, Savitri; Gunatilleke, Nimal; Hart, Terese; Hubbell, Stephen P.; Itoh, Akira; Kassim, Abd Rahman; Kenfack, David; LaFrankie, James V.; Lagunzad, Daniel; Lee, Hua Seng; Losos, Elizabeth Claire; Makana, Jean-Remy; Ohkubo, Tatsuhiro; Samper, Cristian K.; Sukumar, Raman; Sun, I-Fang; Nur Supardi, M. N.; Tan, Sylvester; Thomas, Duncan; Thompson, Jill; Valencia, Renato; Vallejo, Martha Isabel; Munoz, Gorky Villa; Yamakura, Takuo; Zimmerman, Jess K.; Dattaraja, Handanakere Shavaramaiah (2006)
  • Larjavaara, Markku; Muller-Landau, Helene C. (2010)
    Inventories of the necromass of coarse woody debris typically involve measurements of density (e.g., kilograms per cubic metre) on a sample of logs, with densities of other logs estimated based on assignment to decay ...
  • Mascaro, Joseph; Asner, G. P.; Muller-Landau, Helene C.; van Breugel, Michiel; Hall, Jefferson S.; Dahlin, K. (2011)
    Despite the importance of tropical forests to the global carbon cycle, ecological controls over landscape-level variation in live aboveground carbon density (ACD) in tropical forests are poorly understood. Here, we conducted ...
  • Larjavaara, Markku; Muller-Landau, Helene C. (2011)
  • Anderson-Teixeira, Kristina J.; Davies, Stuart James; Bennett, Amy C.; González-Akre, Erika B.; Muller-Landau, Helene C.; Wright, S. Joseph; Abu Salim, Kamariah; Almeyda Zambrano, Angélica M.; Alonso, Alfonso; Baltzer, Jennifer L.; Basset, Yves; Bourg, Norman A.; Broadbent, Eben N.; Brockelman, Warren Y.; Bunyavejchewin, Sarayudh; Burslem, David F. R. P.; Butt, Nathalie; Cao, Min; Cardenas, Dairon; Chuyong, George B.; Clay, Keith; Cordell, Susan; Dattaraja, Handanakere S.; Deng, Xiaobao; Detto, Matteo; Du, Xiaojun; Duque, Alvaro; Erikson, David L.; Ewango, Corneille E. N.; Fischer, Gunter A.; Fletcher, Christine; Foster, Robin B.; Giardina, Christian P.; Gilbert, Gregory S.; Gunatilleke, Nimal; Gunatilleke, Savitri; Hao, Zhanqing; Hargrove, William W.; Hart, Terese B.; Hau, Billy C. H.; He, Fangliang; Hoffman, Forrest M.; Howe, Robert W.; Hubbell, Stephen P.; Inman-Narahari, Faith; Jansen, Patrick A.; Jiang, Mingxi; Johnson, Daniel J.; Kanzaki, Mamoru; Kassim, Abdul Rahman; Kenfack, David; Kibet, Staline; Kinnaird, Margaret F.; Korte, Lisa; Kral, Kamil; Kumar, Jitendra; Larson, Andrew J.; Li, Yide; Li, Xiankun; Liu, Shirong; Lum, Shawn K. Y.; Lutz, James A.; Ma, Keping; Maddalena, Damian M.; Makana, Jean-Remy; Malhi, Yadvinder; Marthews, Toby; Mat Serudin, Rafizah; McMahon, Sean M.; McShea, William J.; Memiaghe, Hervé R.; Mi, Xiangcheng; Mizuno, Takashi; Morecroft, Michael; Myers, Jonathan A.; Novotny, Vojtech; de Oliveira, Alexandre A.; Ong, Perry S.; Orwig, David A.; Ostertag, Rebecca; den Ouden, Jan; Parker, Geoffrey G.; Phillips, Richard P.; Sack, Lawren; Sainge, Moses N.; Sang, Weiguo; Sri-ngernyuang, Kriangsak; Sukumar, Raman; Sun, I-F; Sungpalee, Witchaphart; Suresh, Hebbalalu Sathyanarayana; Tan, Sylvester; Thomas, Sean C.; Thomas, Duncan W.; Thompson, Jill; Turner, Benjamin L.; Uriarte, Maria; Valencia, Renato; Vallejo, Marta I.; Vicentini, Alberto; Vrška, Tomáš; Wang, Xihua; Wang, Xugao; Weiblen, George; Wolf, Amy; Xu, Han; Yap, Sandra; Zimmerman, Jess (2015)
    Global change is impacting forests worldwide, threatening biodiversity and ecosystem services including climate regulation. Understanding how forests respond is critical to forest conservation and climate protection. This ...

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