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Browsing by Author "O'Brien, D. P."

Browsing by Author "O'Brien, D. P."

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  • Denevi, B. W.; Blewett, D. T.; Buczkowski, D. L.; Capaccioni, F.; Capria, M. T.; de Sanctis, M. C.; Garry, W. B.; Gaskell, R. W.; Le Corre, L.; Li, J. Y.; Marchi, S.; McCoy, Timothy J.; Nathues, A.; O'Brien, D. P.; Petro, N. E.; Pieters, C. M.; Preusker, F.; Raymond, C. A.; Reddy, V.; Russell, C. T.; Schenk, P.; Scully, J. E. C.; Sunshine, J. M.; Tosi, F.; Williams, D. A.; Wyrick, D. (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2012)
    We investigated the origin of unusual pitted terrain on asteroid Vesta, revealed in images from the Dawn spacecraft. Pitted terrain is characterized by irregular rimless depressions found in and around several impact ...

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