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Browsing Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences by Title

Browsing Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences by Title

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  • Stanley, Daniel J.; Swift, Donald J. P.; Silverberg, Norman; James, Noel P.; Sutton, Robert G. (1972)
    Three distinct sediment types have prograded seaward from the outer shelf to the slope and rise in the vicinity of Sable Island Bank southeast of Nova Scotia during late Quaternary time. On the slope, the oldest facies ...
  • Maldonado, Andres; Stanley, Daniel J. (1976)
    The Strait of Sicily, a broad, elongate, topographically complex platform in the central Mediterranean, separates the deep Ionian Basin from the Alg?ro-Balearic and Tyrrhenian basins to the west. A detailed core analysis ...
  • Mason, Brian (1977)
    Nine short contributions from the Smithsonian's Department of Mineral Sciences for 1974 and 1975 are gathered together in this volume. These contributions comprise an account of the composition of garnet xenocrysts from ...
  • Fudali, Robert F. (1979)
    This volume is comprised of six short contributions reporting the results of some of the research carried out by the Department of Mineral Sciences, Smithsonian Institution, during the period 1976-1977. Included are: a ...
  • Melson, William G. (1972)
    Seventeen short contributions from the Smithsonian's Department of Mineral Sciences from 1969 to 1971 are gathered together in this volume. The scientific and technological subjects treated in these contributions include ...
  • Switzer, George S. (1975)
    Thirteen short contributions from the Smithsonian's Department of Mineral Sciences for 1972 and 1973 are gathered together in this volume. Scientific contributions include new data on some mercury minerals from ...
  • Mason, Brian; Graham, A. L. (1970)
    Nickel-iron, troilite, olivine, pyroxenes, plagioclase, chromite, and phosphate minerals (chlorapatite and/or merrillite) have been separated from a number of meteorites (Modoc, St. Severin, Winona, Haraiya, Marjalahti, ...
  • Chalmers, R. O.; Henderson, E. P.; Mason, Brian (1976)
    Extensive field work has shown that the Australian strewnfield is less extensive than previously thought, being essentially restricted to the region south of latitudes 24? to 25?S. The few australites found north of this ...
  • Switzer, George; Melson, William G. (1969)
    Three specimens have been studied of the rare kyanite eclogite nodules in kimberlite from the Roberts Victor mine, South Africa. All are essentially the same with the primary assemblage: kyanite, omphacite, garnet, diamond ...
  • Clarke,Roy S., Jr. (1993)
    The Port Orford meteorite was allegedly discovered by John Evans, a contract explorer for the United States Government, on a mountain in southwestern Oregon in 1856. Efforts to organize the recovery of the alleged 10-ton ...
  • Stanley, Daniel J.; Kelling, Gilbert; Juan-Antonio Vera; Sheng, Harrison (1975)
    The Alboran Sea, an almost totally land-enclosed, mountain-bounded (Rif, Betic ranges) basin, lies east of Gilbraltar in the westernmost Mediterranean. A petrologic study of the sand fraction in river, river mouth, and ...
  • Clarke,Roy S., Jr.; Goldstein, Joseph I. (1978)
    The role that schreibersite growth played in the structural development process in coarse-structured iron meteorites has been examined. The availability of many large meteorite surfaces and an extensive collection of ...
  • Stanley, Daniel J.; Fenner, Peter (1973)
    The study summarizes the results of an underwater television survey of the sea floor at the shelfbreak and at the head of Wilmington Canyon off the Middle Atlantic States. Distributions are shown for bottom currents and ...
  • Melson, William G.; Jarosewich, Eugene; Lundquist, Charles A. (1970)
    The 1967-1968 eruption of Metis Shoal, Tonga, was evidentially similar to the frequent shallow submarine eruptions of the inner island arc of Tonga. The eruption began about 10 December 1967, and an island eventually ...
  • Untitled 
    Unknown author (1973)

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