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Browsing by Author "Herkenhoff, Kenneth E."

Browsing by Author "Herkenhoff, Kenneth E."

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  • Bridges, N. T.; Banks, Maria E.; Beyer, R. A.; Chuang, F. C.; Dobrea, E. Z. N.; Herkenhoff, Kenneth E.; Keszthelyi, L. P.; Fishbaugh, Kathryn E.; McEwen, A. S.; Michaels, T. I.; Thomson, B. J.; Wray, J. J. (2010)
    HiRISE images of Mars with ground sampling down to 25 cm/pixel show that the dust-rich mantle covering the surfaces of the Tharsis Montes is organized into ridges whose form and distribution are consistent with formation ...
  • Sullivan, R.; Banfield, D.; Bell, James F., III; Calvin, W. M.; Fike, D.; Golombek, M. P.; Greeley, Ronald; Grotzinger, J.; Herkenhoff, Kenneth E.; Jerolmack, D.; Malin, M.; Ming, D.; Soderblom, L. A.; Squyres, Steven W.; Thompson, S.; Watters, W. A.; Weitz, Catherine M.; Yen, A. (2005)
    The martian surface is a natural laboratory for testing our understanding of the physics of aeolian (wind-related) processes in an environment different from that of Earth. Martian surface markings and atmospheric opacity ...
  • McSween, Harry Y.; Arvidson, Raymond E.; Bell,James F., III; Blaney, Diana L.; Cabrol, Nathalie A.; Christensen, Philip R.; Clark, Benton C.; Crisp, J. A.; Crumpler, Larry S.; Des Marais, D. J.; Farmer, J. D.; Gellert, R.; Ghosh, A.; Gorevan, S.; Graff, T.; Grant, John A.; Haskin, L. A.; Herkenhoff, Kenneth E.; Johnson, J. R.; Jolliff, B. L.; Klingelhöfer, Göstar; Knudson, A. T.; McLennan, S.; Milam, K. A.; Moersch, J. E.; Morris, R. V.; Rieder, R.; Ruff, S. W.; de Souza, P. A.; Squyres, Steven W.; Wanke, H.; Wang, A.; Wyatt, M. B.; Yen, A.; Zipfel, J. (2004)
  • Zipfel, Jutta; SchröDer, Christian; Jolliff, Bradley L.; Gellert, Ralf; Herkenhoff, Kenneth E.; Rieder, Rudolf; Anderson, Robert; Bell, James F., III; Brückner, Johannes; Crisp, Joy A.; Christensen, Philip R.; Clark, Benton C.; De Souza, Paulo A.,Jr.; Dreibus, Gerlind; D'Uston, Claude; Economou, Thanasis; Gorevan, Steven P.; Hahn, Brian C.; Klingelhöfer, Göstar; McCoy, Timothy J.; McSween, Harry Y.; Ming, Douglas W.; Morris, Richard V.; Rodionov, Daniel S.; Squyres, Steven W.; Wänke, Heinrich; Wright, Shawn P.; Wyatt, Michael B.; Yen, Albert S. (2011)
  • Mcewen, A. S.; Hansen, C. J.; Delamere, W. A.; Eliason, E. M.; Herkenhoff, Kenneth E.; Keszthelyi, L.; Gulick, V. C.; Kirk, R. L.; Mellon, M. T.; Grant, John A.; Thomas, Nicolas; Weitz, Catherine M.; Squyres, Steven W.; Bridges, N. T.; Murchie, Scott L.; Seelos, F.; Seelos, K.; Okubo, C. H.; Milazzo, M. P.; Tornabene, Livio L.; Jaeger, W. L.; Byrne, S.; Russell, Patrick S.; Griffes, J. L.; Martinez-Alonso, S.; Davatzes, A.; Chuang, F. C.; Thomson, B. J.; Fishbaugh, Kathryn E.; Dundas, C. M.; Kolb, K. J.; Banks, Maria E.; Wray, J. J. (2007)
  • Delamere, W. Alan; Tornabene, Livio L.; McEwen, Alfred S.; Becker, Kris; Bergstrom, James W.; Bridges, Nathan T.; Eliason, Eric M.; Gallagher, Dennis; Herkenhoff, Kenneth E.; Keszthelyi, Laszlo; Mattson, Sarah; McArthur, Guy K.; Mellon, Michael T.; Milazzo, Moses; Russell, Patrick S.; Thomas, Nicolas (2010)
  • Banks, Maria E.; Byrne, Shane; Galla, Kapil; McEwen, Alfred S.; Bray, Veronica J.; Dundas, Colin M.; Fishbaugh, Kathryn E.; Herkenhoff, Kenneth E.; Murray, Bruce C. (2010)
  • Fishbaugh, Kathryn E.; Byrne, Shane; Herkenhoff, Kenneth E.; Kirk, Randolph L.; Fortezzo, Corey; Russell, Patrick S.; McEwen, Alfred (2010)
    Using data from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, we reassess the methods by which layers within the north polar layered deposits (NPLD) can be delineated and ...
  • Ashley, J. W.; Golombek, M. P.; Christensen, Philip R.; Squyres, Steven W.; McCoy, Timothy J.; Schroeder, C.; Fleischer, I.; Johnson, J. R.; Herkenhoff, Kenneth E.; Parker, T. J. (2011)
    The weathering of meteorites found on Mars involves chemical and physical processes that can provide clues to climate conditions at the location of their discovery. Beginning on sol 1961, the Opportunity rover encountered ...
  • Squyres, Steven W.; Knoll, A. H.; Arvidson, Raymond E.; Ashley, J. W.; Bell, James F., III; Calvin, W. M.; Christensen, Philip R.; Clark, Benton C.; Cohen, B. A.; de Souza, P. A., Jr.; Edgar, L.; Farrand, W. H.; Fleischer, I.; Gellert, R.; Golombek, M. P.; Grant, John A.; Grotzinger, J.; Hayes, A.; Herkenhoff, Kenneth E.; Johnson, J. R.; Jolliff, B.; Klingelhöfer, Göstar; Knudson, A.; Li, R.; McCoy, Timothy J.; McLennan, S. M.; Ming, D. W.; Mittlefehldt, D. W.; Morris, R. V.; Rice, J. W., Jr.; Schroder, C.; Sullivan, R. J.; Yen, A.; Yingst, R. A. (2009)
    The Mars rover Opportunity has explored Victoria crater, a ~750-meter eroded impact crater formed in sulfate-rich sedimentary rocks. Impact-related stratigraphy is preserved in the crater walls, and meteoritic debris is ...
  • Fishbaugh, Kathryn E.; Hvidberg, C. S.; Byrne, S.; Russell, Patrick S.; Herkenhoff, Kenneth E.; Winstrup, M.; Kirk, R. (2010)
  • McEwen, Alfred S.; Banks, Maria E.; Baugh, Nicole; Becker, Kris; Boyd, Aaron; Bergstrom, James W.; Beyer, Ross A.; Bortolini, Edward; Bridges, Nathan T.; Byrne, Shane; Castalia, Bradford; Chuang, Frank C.; Crumpler, Larry S.; Daubar, Ingrid; Davatzes, Alix K.; Deardorff, Donald G.; DeJong, Alaina; Delamere, W. Alan; Dobrea, Eldar Noe; Dundas, Colin M.; Eliason, Eric M.; Espinoza, Yisrael; Fennema, Audrie; Fishbaugh, Kathryn E.; Forrester, Terry; Geissler, Paul E.; Grant, John A.; Griffes, Jennifer L.; Grotzinger, John P.; Gulick, Virginia C.; Hansen, Candice J.; Herkenhoff, Kenneth E.; Heyd, Rodney; Jaeger, Windy L.; Jones, Dean; Kanefsky, Bob; Keszthelyi, Laszlo; King, Robert; Kirk, Randolph L.; Kolb, Kelly J.; Lasco, Jeffrey; Lefort, Alexandra; Leis, Richard; Lewis, Kevin W.; Martinez-Alonso, Sara E.; Mattson, Sarah; McArthur, Guy; Mellon, Michael T.; Metz, Joannah M.; Milazzo, Moses P.; Milliken, Ralph E.; Motazedian, Tahirih; Okubo, Chris H.; Ortiz, Albert; Philippoff, Andrea J.; Plassmann, Joseph; Polit, Anjani; Russell, Patrick S.; Schaller, Christian; Searls, Mindi L.; Spriggs, Timothy; Squyres, Steven W.; Tarr, Steven; Thomas, Nicolas; Thomson, Bradley J.; Tornabene, Livio L.; Houten, Charlie Van; Verba, Circe; Weitz, Catherine M.; Wray, James J. (2010)
    The High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) acquired 8 terapixels of data in 9,137 images of Mars between October 2006 and December 2008, covering ~0.55% of the surface. ...
  • Arvidson, Raymond E.; Anderson, R. C.; Bartlett, P.; Bell, James F., III; Blaney, Diana L.; Christensen, Philip R.; Chu, P.; Crumpler, Larry S.; Davis, K.; Ehlmann, B. L.; Fergason, R.; Golombek, M. P.; Gorevan, S.; Grant, John A.; Greeley, Ronald; Guinness, E. A.; Haldemann, A. F. C.; Herkenhoff, Kenneth E.; Johnson, J.; Landis, G.; Li, R.; Lindemann, R.; McSween, Harry Y.; Ming, D. W.; Myrick, T.; Richter, L.; Seelos, F. P.; Squyres, Steven W.; Sullivan, R. J.; Wang, A.; Wilson, J. (2004)
  • Pratt, Lisa M.; Allen, Carl; Allwood, Abby; Anbar, Ariel; Atreya, Sushil; Carr, Mike; Des Marais, Dave; Grant, John A.; Glavin, Daniel; Hamilton, Vicky; Herkenhoff, Kenneth E.; Hipkin, Vicky; Lollar, Barbara Sherwood; McCollom, Tom; McEwen, Alfred; McLennan, Scott; Milliken, Ralph; Ming, Doug; Ori, Gian Gabrielle; Parnell, John; Poulet, Francois; Westall, Frances (2010)
  • Crumpler, Larry S.; Squyres, Steven W.; Arvidson, Raymond E.; Bell, James F., III; Blaney, Diana L.; Cabrol, Nathalie A.; Christensen, Philip R.; DesMarais, D. J.; Farmer, J. D.; Fergason, R.; Golombek, M. P.; Grant, F. D.; Grant, John A.; Greeley, Ronald; Hahn, B.; Herkenhoff, Kenneth E.; Hurowitz, J. A.; Knudson, A. T.; Landis, G. A.; Li, R.; Maki, J.; McSween, Harry Y.; Ming, D. W.; Moersch, J. E.; Payne, M. C.; Rice, J. W.; Richter, L.; Ruff, S. W.; Sims, M.; Thompson, S. D.; Tosca, N.; Wang, A.; Whelley, P.; Wright, S. P.; Wyatt, M. B. (2005)
  • Mcewen, A. S.; Eliason, E. M.; Bergstrom, J. W.; Bridges, N. T.; Hansen, C. J.; Delamere, W. A.; Grant, John A.; Gulick, V. C.; Herkenhoff, Kenneth E.; Keszthelyi, L.; Kirk, R. L.; Mellon, M. T.; Squyres, Steven W.; Thomas, Nicolas; Weitz, Catherine M. (2007)
  • Schroeder, C.; Rodionov, D. S.; McCoy, Timothy J.; Jolliff, B. L.; Gellert, R.; Nittler, L. R.; Farrand, W. H.; Johnson, J. R.; Ruff, S. W.; Ashley, J. W.; Mittlefehldt, D. W.; Herkenhoff, Kenneth E.; Fleischer, I.; Haldemann, A. F. C.; Klingelhöfer, Göstar; Ming, D. W.; Morris, R. V.; de Souza, P. A.; Squyres, Steven W.; Weitz, Catherine M.; Yen, A. S.; Zipfel, J.; Economou, T. (2008)
    Reduced weathering rates due to the lack of liquid water and significantly greater typical surface ages should result in a higher density of meteorites on the surface of Mars compared to Earth. Several meteorites were ...
  • Herkenhoff, Kenneth E.; Byrne, S.; Russell, Patrick S.; Fishbaugh, Kathryn E.; McEwen, A. S. (2007)
  • Arvidson, Raymond E.; Poulet, F.; Morris, R. V.; Bibring, Jean-Pierre; Bell, James F., III; Squyres, Steven W.; Christensen, Philip R.; Bellucci, G.; Gondet, B.; Ehlmann, B. L.; Farrand, F. C.; Fergason, R. L.; Golombek, M. P.; Griffes, J. L.; Grotzinger, J.; Guinness, E. A.; Herkenhoff, Kenneth E.; Johnson, J. R.; Klingelhöfer, Göstar; Langevin, Y.; Ming, D.; Seelos, K.; Sullivan, R. J.; Ward, J. G.; Wiseman, S. M.; Wolff, M. (2006)
  • Bell, James F., III; Squyres, Steven W.; Arvidson, Raymond E.; Arneson, H. M.; Bass, D.; Blaney, Diana L.; Cabrol, Nathalie A.; Calvin, W. M.; Farmer, J.; Farrand, W. H.; Goetz, W.; Golombek, M. P.; Grant, John A.; Greeley, Ronald; Guinness, E.; Hayes, A. G.; Hubbard, M. Y. H.; Herkenhoff, Kenneth E.; Johnson, M. J.; Johnson, J. R.; Joseph, J.; Kinch, K. M.; Lemmon, M. T.; Li, R.; Madsen, M. B.; Maki, J. N.; Malin, M.; McCartney, E.; McLennan, S.; McSween, Harry Y.; Ming, D. W.; Moersch, J. E.; Morris, R. V.; Dobrea, E. Z. N.; Parker, T. J.; Proton, J.; Rice, J. W.; Seelos, F.; Soderblom, J.; Soderblom, L. A.; Sohl-Dickstein, J. N.; Sullivan, R. J.; Wolff, M. J.; Wang, A. (2004)

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