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Browsing by Author "Bell, James F., III"

Browsing by Author "Bell, James F., III"

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  • Sullivan, R.; Banfield, D.; Bell, James F., III; Calvin, W. M.; Fike, D.; Golombek, M. P.; Greeley, Ronald; Grotzinger, J.; Herkenhoff, Kenneth E.; Jerolmack, D.; Malin, M.; Ming, D.; Soderblom, L. A.; Squyres, Steven W.; Thompson, S.; Watters, W. A.; Weitz, Catherine M.; Yen, A. (2005)
    The martian surface is a natural laboratory for testing our understanding of the physics of aeolian (wind-related) processes in an environment different from that of Earth. Martian surface markings and atmospheric opacity ...
  • Golombek, M. P.; Arvidson, Raymond E.; Bell, James F., III; Christensen, Philip R.; Crisp, J. A.; Crumpler, Larry S.; Ehlmann, B. L.; Fergason, R. L.; Grant, John A.; Greeley, Ronald; Haldemann, A. F. C.; Kass, D. M.; Parker, T. J.; Schofield, J. T.; Squyres, Steven W.; Zurek, R. W. (2005)
  • Zipfel, Jutta; SchröDer, Christian; Jolliff, Bradley L.; Gellert, Ralf; Herkenhoff, Kenneth E.; Rieder, Rudolf; Anderson, Robert; Bell, James F., III; Brückner, Johannes; Crisp, Joy A.; Christensen, Philip R.; Clark, Benton C.; De Souza, Paulo A.,Jr.; Dreibus, Gerlind; D'Uston, Claude; Economou, Thanasis; Gorevan, Steven P.; Hahn, Brian C.; Klingelhöfer, Göstar; McCoy, Timothy J.; McSween, Harry Y.; Ming, Douglas W.; Morris, Richard V.; Rodionov, Daniel S.; Squyres, Steven W.; Wänke, Heinrich; Wright, Shawn P.; Wyatt, Michael B.; Yen, Albert S. (2011)
  • Squyres, Steven W.; Arvidson, Raymond E.; Ruff, S.; Gellert, R.; Morris, R. V.; Ming, D. W.; Crumpler, Larry S.; Farmer, J. D.; Marais, D. J. Des; Yen, A.; McLennan, S. M.; Calvin, W. M.; Bell, James F., III; Clark, Benton C.; Wang, A.; McCoy, Timothy J.; Schmidt, M. E.; de Souza, P. A., Jr. (2008)
    Mineral deposits on the martian surface can elucidate ancient environmental conditions on the planet. Opaline silica deposits (as much as 91 weight percent SiO2) have been found in association with volcanic materials by ...
  • Golombek, M. P.; Grant, John A.; Crumpler, Larry S.; Greeley, Ronald; Arvidson, Raymond E.; Bell, James F., III; Weitz, Catherine M.; Sullivan, R.; Christensen, Philip R.; Soderblom, L. A.; Squyres, Steven W. (2006)
  • Watters, Thomas R.; Robinsob, Mark S.; Beyer, Ross A.; Banks, Maria E.; Bell, James F., III; Pritchard, Matthew E.; Hiesinger, Harald; van, der Bogert; Thomas, Peter C.; Turtle, Elizabeth P.; Williams, Nathan R. (2010)
    Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera images reveal previously undetected lobate thrust-fault scarps and associated meter-scale secondary tectonic landforms that include narrow extensional troughs or graben, splay faults, ...
  • Squyres, Steven W.; Knoll, A. H.; Arvidson, Raymond E.; Ashley, J. W.; Bell, James F., III; Calvin, W. M.; Christensen, Philip R.; Clark, Benton C.; Cohen, B. A.; de Souza, P. A., Jr.; Edgar, L.; Farrand, W. H.; Fleischer, I.; Gellert, R.; Golombek, M. P.; Grant, John A.; Grotzinger, J.; Hayes, A.; Herkenhoff, Kenneth E.; Johnson, J. R.; Jolliff, B.; Klingelhöfer, Göstar; Knudson, A.; Li, R.; McCoy, Timothy J.; McLennan, S. M.; Ming, D. W.; Mittlefehldt, D. W.; Morris, R. V.; Rice, J. W., Jr.; Schroder, C.; Sullivan, R. J.; Yen, A.; Yingst, R. A. (2009)
    The Mars rover Opportunity has explored Victoria crater, a ~750-meter eroded impact crater formed in sulfate-rich sedimentary rocks. Impact-related stratigraphy is preserved in the crater walls, and meteoritic debris is ...
  • Arvidson, Raymond E.; Anderson, R. C.; Bartlett, P.; Bell, James F., III; Blaney, Diana L.; Christensen, Philip R.; Chu, P.; Crumpler, Larry S.; Davis, K.; Ehlmann, B. L.; Fergason, R.; Golombek, M. P.; Gorevan, S.; Grant, John A.; Greeley, Ronald; Guinness, E. A.; Haldemann, A. F. C.; Herkenhoff, Kenneth E.; Johnson, J.; Landis, G.; Li, R.; Lindemann, R.; McSween, Harry Y.; Ming, D. W.; Myrick, T.; Richter, L.; Seelos, F. P.; Squyres, Steven W.; Sullivan, R. J.; Wang, A.; Wilson, J. (2004)
  • Crumpler, Larry S.; Squyres, Steven W.; Arvidson, Raymond E.; Bell, James F., III; Blaney, Diana L.; Cabrol, Nathalie A.; Christensen, Philip R.; DesMarais, D. J.; Farmer, J. D.; Fergason, R.; Golombek, M. P.; Grant, F. D.; Grant, John A.; Greeley, Ronald; Hahn, B.; Herkenhoff, Kenneth E.; Hurowitz, J. A.; Knudson, A. T.; Landis, G. A.; Li, R.; Maki, J.; McSween, Harry Y.; Ming, D. W.; Moersch, J. E.; Payne, M. C.; Rice, J. W.; Richter, L.; Ruff, S. W.; Sims, M.; Thompson, S. D.; Tosca, N.; Wang, A.; Whelley, P.; Wright, S. P.; Wyatt, M. B. (2005)
  • Johnson J.R.; Bell, James F., III; Cloutis E.; Staid M.; Farrand W.H.; McCoy, Timothy J.; Rice, Mary E.; Wang A.; Yen A. (2007)
  • Arvidson, Raymond E.; Poulet, F.; Morris, R. V.; Bibring, Jean-Pierre; Bell, James F., III; Squyres, Steven W.; Christensen, Philip R.; Bellucci, G.; Gondet, B.; Ehlmann, B. L.; Farrand, F. C.; Fergason, R. L.; Golombek, M. P.; Griffes, J. L.; Grotzinger, J.; Guinness, E. A.; Herkenhoff, Kenneth E.; Johnson, J. R.; Klingelhöfer, Göstar; Langevin, Y.; Ming, D.; Seelos, K.; Sullivan, R. J.; Ward, J. G.; Wiseman, S. M.; Wolff, M. (2006)
  • Hawke, B. R.; Blewett, David T.; Lucey, Paul G.; Smith, G. A.; Bell, James F., III; Campbell, Bruce A.; Robinson, Mark S. (2004)
  • Watters, Wesley A.; Grotzinger, John P.; Bell, James F., III; Grant, John A.; Hayes, Alex G.; Li, Rongxing; Squyres, Steven W.; Zuber, Maria T. (2011)
    We present observations and models that together explain many hallmarks of the structure and growth of small impact craters forming in targets with aligned fractures. Endurance Crater at Meridiani Planum on Mars (diameter ...
  • Squyres, Steven W.; Arvidson, Raymond E.; Bollen, D.; Bell, James F., III; Brückner, J.; Cabrol, Nathalie A.; Calvin, W. M.; Carr, M. H.; Christensen, Philip R.; Clark, Benton C. (2006)
  • Arvidson, Raymond E.; Squyres, Steven W.; Anderson, R. C.; Bell, James F., III; Blaney, Diana L.; Brückner, J.; Cabrol, Nathalie A.; Calvin, W. M.; Carr, M. H.; Christensen, Philip R. (2006)
  • Bell, James F., III; Squyres, Steven W.; Arvidson, Raymond E.; Arneson, H. M.; Bass, D.; Blaney, Diana L.; Cabrol, Nathalie A.; Calvin, W. M.; Farmer, J.; Farrand, W. H.; Goetz, W.; Golombek, M. P.; Grant, John A.; Greeley, Ronald; Guinness, E.; Hayes, A. G.; Hubbard, M. Y. H.; Herkenhoff, Kenneth E.; Johnson, M. J.; Johnson, J. R.; Joseph, J.; Kinch, K. M.; Lemmon, M. T.; Li, R.; Madsen, M. B.; Maki, J. N.; Malin, M.; McCartney, E.; McLennan, S.; McSween, Harry Y.; Ming, D. W.; Moersch, J. E.; Morris, R. V.; Dobrea, E. Z. N.; Parker, T. J.; Proton, J.; Rice, J. W.; Seelos, F.; Soderblom, J.; Soderblom, L. A.; Sohl-Dickstein, J. N.; Sullivan, R. J.; Wolff, M. J.; Wang, A. (2004)
  • Arvidson, Raymond E.; Ruff, S. W.; Morris, R. V.; Ming, D. W.; Crumpler, Larry S.; Yen, A. S.; Squyres, Steven W.; Sullivan, R. J.; Bell, James F., III; Cabrol, Nathalie A.; Clark, Benton C.; Farrand, W. H.; Gellert, R.; Greenberger, R.; Grant, John A.; Guiness, E. A.; Herkenhoff, Kenneth E.; Hurowitz, J. A.; Johnson, J. R.; Klingelhöfer, Göstar; Lewis, K. W.; Li, R.; McCoy, Timothy J.; Moersch, J.; McSween, Harry Y.; Murchie, Scott L.; Schmidt, M.; Schroder, C.; Wang, A.; Wiseman, S.; Madsen, M. B.; Goetz, W.; McLennan, S. M. (2008)
  • Arvidson, Raymond E.; Bell, James F., III; Bellutta, P.; Cabrol, Nathalie A.; Catalano, J. G.; Cohen, J.; Crumpler, Larry S.; Des Marais, D. J.; Estlin, T. A.; Farrand, W. H.; Grant, John A.; Gellert, R. (2010)
  • Squyres, Steven W.; Arvidson, Raymond E.; Bell, James F., III; Bruckner, J.; Cabrol, Nathalie A.; Calvin, W. M.; Carr, M. H.; Christensen, Philip R.; Clark, Benton C.; Crumpler, Larry S.; Des Marais, D. J.; d'Uston, C.; Economou, T.; Farmer, J.; Farrand, W.; Folkner, W.; Golombek, M. P.; Gorevan, S.; Grant, John A.; Greeley, Ronald; Grotzinger, J.; Haskin, L.; Herkenhoff, Kenneth E.; Hviid, S.; Johnson, J.; Klingelhöfer, Göstar; Knoll, A.; Landis, G.; Lemmon, M.; Li, R.; Madsen, M. B.; Malin, M. C.; McLennan, S. M.; McSween, Harry Y.; Ming, D. W.; Moersch, J.; Morris, R. V.; Parker, T.; Rice, J. W.; Richter, L.; Rieder, R.; Sims, M.; Smith, M.; Smith, P.; Soderblom, L. A.; Sullivan, R.; Wanke, H.; Wdowiak, T.; Wolff, M.; Yen, A. (2004)
    The Mars Exploration Rover Spirit and its Athena science payload have been used to investigate a landing site in Gusev crater. Gusev is hypothesized to be the site of a former lake, but no clear evidence for lacustrine ...
  • Haskin, Larry A.; Wang, Alian; Jolliff, Bradley L.; McSween, Harry Y.; Clark, Benton C.; Des Marais, David J.; McLennan, Scott M.; Tosca, Nicholas J.; Hurowitz, Joel A.; Farmer, Jack D.; Yen, Albert; Squyres, Steven W.; Arvidson, Raymond E.; Klingelhöfer, Göstar; Schroder, Christian; de Souza, Paulo A.; Ming, Douglas W.; Gellert, Ralf; Zipfel, Jutta; Brückner, Johannes; Bell, James F., III; Herkenhoff, Kenneth E.; Christensen, Philip R.; Ruff, Steve; Blaney, Diana L.; Gorevan, Steven; Cabrol, Nathalie A.; Crumpler, Larry S.; Grant, John A.; Soderblom, Lawrence (2005)
    Gusev crater was selected as the landing site for the Spirit rover because of the possibility that it once held a lake. Thus one of the rover's tasks was to search for evidence of lake sediments. However, the plains ...

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