a. Photomicrograph of thin (lO^m) section of the Andura meteorite, an olivine bronzite-chondrite (H6) . Note the strong contrast between the relatively coarse, equigranular, "metamorphic" texture of the matrix surrounding the chondrule, lower left, and the fine-grained, unrecrystallized texture of the chondrule itself and other parts of the matrix, a contrast that indicates a nonmetamorphic origin. Silicates, mostly olivine and pyroxene, show light pastel colors, metal (NiFe) brown, troilite (FeS) dark brown. This section also illustrates the extreme difficulties in performing a modal analysis optically. Length of section 2.3 mm. b. Photomicrograph of thin (10/tm) section of the Pulsora olivine-bronzite chondrite (H3 to H7?) . Upper left part consists of skeletal and zoned olivine (Fai3 to Faie) in silica-rich glass (H3) . The normal matrix, lower right, containing numerous chondrules and fragments, is unsorted, mostly fine-grained and has the same (and constant) olivine-pyroxene composition as the chondrules. Some lithic fragments, also with constant olivine composition, show an "achondritic" (H7?) texture. Silicate minerals show varying pastel colors, the glass is pinkish, and the opaques (metal and troilite) are dark. Note the eutectic metal/troilite spherule, top left. This section clearly demonstrates that the Pulsora chondrite never suffered thermal metamorphism. Length of section 3.6 mm. (Fredriksson et al., "The Pulsora Anomaly.") SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES ? NUMBER 14 Mineral Sciences Investigations 1972-1973 George S. Switzer EDITOR SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION PRESS City of Washington 1975 ABSTRACT Switzer, George S., editor. Mineral Sciences Investigations, 1972-1973. Smith-sonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, number 14, 88 pages, 29 figures, and frontispiece, 1975.?Thirteen short contributions from the Smithsonian'sDepartment of Mineral Sciences for 1972 and 1973 are gathered together in this volume. Scientific contributions include new data on some mercury mineralsfrom Terlingua, Texas; a description of dashkesanite from St. Paul's Rocks; a note on high-alumina basalt from the Aleutian Trench; descriptions of samplesfrom the Apollo 15 and 16 lunar missions; chondrule composition of the Allende meteorite; the Pulsora meteorite and metamorphic equilibration in chondrites;the possible survival of very large meteorites that encounter the earth's surface; data on eight observed-fall chondritic meteorites; chemical analyses of two micro-probe standards; and a technological note on the preparation of multiple micro- probe samples. A history of mineral sciences in the Smithsonian Institution anda list of meteorites in the Smithsonian collections complete the volume. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION DATE is handstamped in a limited number of initial copies and is re-corded in the Institution's annual report, Smithsonian Year. SI PRESS NUMBER 5138. SERIES COVER DESIGN: Aerial view of Ulawun Volcano, New Britain. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication DataSwitzer, George S., comp. Mineral sciences investigations, 1972-1973.(Smithsonian contributions to the earth sciences, no. 14) Supt. of Docs, no.: SI 1.26: 14"Thirteen short contributions from the Smithsonian's Department of Mineral Sciences." 1. Meteorites. 2. Mineralogy. 3. Lunar petrology. I. National Museum of Natural History.Dept. of Mineral Sciences. II. Title. III. Series: Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian contributions to the earth sciences, no. 14.QE1.S227 no. 14 [QE395] 55O'.8s [549] 74-10590 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price $2.50 (paper cover) Contents HISTORY Page MINERAL SCIENCES IN THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, by Brian Mason ... 1 MINERALOGY NEW DATA ON SOME MERCURY MINERALS FROM TERLINGUA, TEXAS, by Roland C. Rouse 11 DASHKESANITE: HIGH-CHLORINE AMPHIBOLE FROM ST. PAUL'S ROCKS, EQUATORIAL ATLANTIC, AND TRANSCAUCASIA, U.S.S.R., by Sara S. Ja- cobson 17 PETROLOGY NOTE ON HIGH-ALUMINA BASALT DREDGED NEAR THE ALEUTIAN TRENCH, by William G. Melson 21 LUNAR STUDIES COMPOSITION OF THREE GLASS PHASES IN AN APOLLO 15 BASALT FRAG- MENT, by George S. Switzer 25 PETROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF APOLLO 16 SAMPLES 66083,1 AND 67943,1, by Brian Mason 31 METEORITES THE ALLENDE METEORITE: CHONDRULE COMPOSITION AND THE EARLY HISTORY OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM, by Andrew L. Graham 35 THE PULSORA ANOMALY: A CASE AGAINST METAMORPHIC EQUILIBRA- TION IN CHONDRITES, by Kurt Fredriksson, Ananda Dube, Eugene Jarosewich, Joseph A. Nelen, and Albert F. Noonan 41 IMPACT SURVIVAL CONDITIONS FOR VERY LARGE METEORITES, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE LEGENDARY CHINGUETTI METEORITE, by Robert F. Fudali and Dean R. Chapman 55 PRELIMINARY DATA ON EIGHT OBSERVED-FALL CHONDRITIC METEORITES, by Roy S. Clarke, Jr., Eugene Jarosewich, and Albert F. Noonan 63 LIST OF METEORITES IN THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, compiled by Brian Mason 71 STANDARDS FOR CHEMICAL ANALYSIS CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF TWO MICROPROBE STANDARDS, by Eugene Jarosewich 85 POLISHED SECTION TECHNIQUES PREPARATION OF MULTIPLE MICROPROBE SAMPLES, by Grover C. More- land and Richard Johnson 87 iii MINERAL SCIENCES INVESTIGATIONS 1972-1973 Dedicated to EDWARD P. HENDERSON Curator Emeritus, Department of Mineral Sciences Smithsonian Institution Mineral Sciences Investigations 1972-1973 Mineral Sciences in the Smithsonian Institution Brian Mason ABSTRACT The Smithsonian Institution's interest in mineralsciences extends back to the founding of the Insti- tution, whose founder, James Smithson, publisheda number of mineralogical papers. This account traces the development of the mineral sciences (in-cluding all of geology, except paleontology and stratigraphy) in the Smithsonian from its foundingin 1846 to 1963. Introduction This history has been compiled to record the origin and development of mineral sciences as a part of the Smithsonian Institution. Mineral sci- ences are interpreted in a very broad sense as in- cluding all of geology, except paleontology and stratigraphy. This is essentially how the subject has evolved in the Institution, and the present Depart- ment of Mineral Sciences is responsible not only for mineralogy and petrology (both terrestrial and extraterrestrial?meteorites and lunar rocks), but also for most aspects of physical geology, including the exhibition hall "Our Restless Planet" and the answering of many queries from the public on general geology. The sources of this history include published information from annual reports and Brian Mason, Department of Mineral Sciences, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Wash- ington, D.C. 20560. research papers, excerpts from manuscripts in the department's files (including a lengthy historical account written by Dr. G. P. Merrill near the end of his long curatorship), and verbal reminiscences by staff members and others. The account has been carried up to 1963, when the Department of Geol- ogy was divided into two departments, Paleobiology and Mineral Sciences. This seems to be a convenient point in time to stop, since subsequent develop- ments are well known both from published reports and from the personal knowledge of the present staff. Although the Department of Mineral Sciences was established as recently as 1963, the Smithso- nian's interest in this field extends back to the establishment of the Institution?or even before, if we consider James Smithson's own contributions to mineralogy. He published a number of minera- logical papers, the most notable being one in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (1803), in which he showed that the material then known as calamine comprised two distinct miner- als, zinc carbonate (now known as smithsonite) and zinc silicate (hemimorphite). Along with Smithson's monetary bequest, the Institution received his cabinet of minerals, described (Goode, 1897:305) as "a cabinet, which . . . proves to consist of a choice and beautiful collection of minerals, comprising probably eight or ten thousand specimens. The specimens, though generally small, are extremely perfect, and constitute a very complete geological and mineralogical series, embracing the finest vari- ties of crystallization, rendered more valuable by SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES accompanying figures and descriptions by Mr. Smithson, and in his own writing. The cabinet also contains a valuable suite of meteoric stones, which appear to be suites of most of the important mete- orites which have fallen in Europe during several centuries." This collection was unfortunately lost in the disastrous fire at the Institution in 1865. The original charter of the Smithsonian Institu- tion provided not only for a museum, but also for a chemical laboratory. The chemical laboratory was established by 1853, since in his report for 1854 the then Secretary, Joseph Henry (1854:18), re- corded: "The laboratory of the Institution during the past year has been used by Professor J. Lawrence Smith in the examination of American minerals. . . . He also made a series of analyses of meteorites, among which were fourteen specimens belonging to the cabinet of James Smithson." This work was published as "Re-examination of American Miner- als" (1853-1854) and "Memoir on Meteorites" (1855). Unfortunately, the specific meteorites from the Smithson collection are not identified and presumably were lost in the 1865 fire. J. Lawrence Smith moved to Louisville in the fall of 1854, after giving a series of lectures during the winter of 1853- 1854 (for which he was paid $550, according to the financial records). Apparently, however, he worked in the Smithsonian chemical laboratory during several subsequent summers. After the brilliant beginning provided by Smith, the mineral sciences languished for the next quarter century. Joseph Henry was unwilling to commit the Institution's limited income for the development of a museum. Indeed, he appears to have discour- aged the accumulation of large collections. In 1861 Professor Thomas Egleston of the School of Mines at Columbia University, a prominent mineralogist, was employed in the Smithsonian laboratory ex- amining and classifying the collections representing the acquisitions of the various land office surveys, exploring expeditions, and other sources (Henry, 1862:38). It is further recorded (Henry, 1873:51) that during the interval 1861-72 "a large number of specimens in mineralogy and geology were also packed up and transmitted to Professors Egleston and Newberry of the School of Mines of New York under the existing arrangements with those gentle- men to select and label a perfect single series for the U.S. National Museum and to exchange the dupli- cate specimens in its interest." This may not have been altogether in the interest of the Smithsonian Institution; Merrill comments: It is impossible, however, from the available records to state the full number in the collections at any one time, owing to the manner in which sets were made up to send out under the administration of Messrs. Egleston and New- berry. There is here shown a singular and inexplicable discrepancy between manifested intentions and actual ac- complishment since under the administration of Egleston and Newberry these collections were largely, and in some cases almost completely dissipated or depleted. In this connection the following excerpt (Merrill, c.l 925) of a letter from W. P. Blake to G. P. Merrill dated 12 October 1899 is significant: I was also astonished in looking through the museum collection at Columbia College, New York to see the series of very remarkable concretions I collected on the Colorado desert in the cases. Wondering how they got there I inquired of Prof. Baird and he told me that an arrangement had been made with Newberry to look over the mass of material which had been accumulated with permission to him to take such duplicate material as he liked. [Merrill (c.1925) comments:] "Evidently Prof. N. made the most of his opportunity!" In 1873 F. M. Endlich was appointed chemist and mineralogist in the Institution and served until 1879 when he resigned. During this period he was engaged during the summers as a geologist on the Hayden surveys in Colorado. Endlich reported in 1873 that the geological collections all told consti- tuted 6300 specimens of which 3000 were minerals, representing 230 species; 2300 rocks and 500 ore specimens, with about 800 samples on hand await- ing classification. In his final report Endlich (1880: 333-335) listed 343 species and varieties of minerals in the collection. The museum operations of the Smithsonian In- stitution were reorganized and greatly expanded in 1880, following the great accretion of collections from the Centennial Exhibition of 1876 and the provision of a large new building to house them (the present Arts and Industries Building). In a handwritten manuscript Merrill commented: It was a square squatty affair of red, blue and yellow brick, exteriorly an architectural horror, interiorly a barren waste. It presented but one redeeming feature?space; and as it was space that Baird was after I presume it may at first thought have been considered a success. One can here but be reminded of the reply made by a high official after being shown thru the then newly finished Pension Office building. "Well," it was asked, "have you any criticism?" "Yes," was the reply, "it is fireproof." NUMBER 14 FIGURE 1.?George P. Merrill (1854-1929). The expansion and reorganization of 1880 found expression in the creation of several departments and the appointment of salaried officials to take charge of the various collections. Dr. George W. Hawes was appointed curator of geology and min- eralogy. In 1881 he was given three aids: F. P. Dewey for chemistry and metallurgy, G. P. Merrill for petrology (Figure 1), and W. S. Yeates for min- eralogy. The organization thus formed was short- lived, being terminated by the death of Dr. Hawes on 22 June 1882. Upon the death of Dr. Hawes, Mr. Dewey was appointed an assistant curator and shortly afterwards full curator of a separate Depart- ment of Metallurgy and Economic Geology. In December 1883, Dr. F. W. Clarke of the U.S. Geo- logical Survey was made honorary curator of the Department of Mineralogy, with Mr. Yeates as assistant. In the same year Dr. Merrill was made assistant acting curator in charge of the newly created Department of Lithology and Physical Ge- ology. In 1889, after the resignation of Mr. Dewey to become assayer at the Bureau of the Mint, the two departments of Metallurgy and Economic Geology, and Lithology and Physical Geology were united under the title of Department of Geology, Systematic and Applied, and Dr. Merrill appointed curator. A complete reorganization in 1897 created a single Department of Geology, with three divi- sions: Physical and Chemical Geology, Mineralogy, and Stratigraphic Paleontology. Merrill was ap- pointed head curator of the department, and was also curator of physical and chemical geology. Clarke remained as honorary curator of mineralogy, with Wirt Tassin assistant curator and Dr. L. T. Chamberlain as honorary custodian of gems and precious stones. The Department of Geology so con- stituted survived with minor modifications for over sixty years, until the creation of separate depart- ments of Mineral Sciences and Paleobiology in FIGURE 2.?William F. Foshag (1894-1956). SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES 1963. Throughout this time, however, the divisions of Physical and Chemical Geology, and of Miner- alogy actually functioned essentially as a single unit, although they appear as separate units on the table of organization until 1942. Merrill was effec- tively curator of both divisions until his death in 1929. He was succeeded as head curator of the De- partment of Geology by Dr. R. S. Bassler, a paleon- tologist, and Dr. W. F. Foshag (Figure 2) was appointed curator of both divisions. Dr. Bassler re- tired in 1948, and Foshag succeeded him as head curator, a position he held until his death in 1956. Dr. G. A. Cooper, also a paleontologist, then be- came head curator, and Dr. G. S. Switzer, curator of mineralogy, an arrangement that continued until the eventual formation of separate departments of Paleobiology and Mineral Sciences. Functions of the Department With this introduction, it is convenient to de- scribe the operations of the different segments of the department under the headings of mineralogy, petrology, meteorites, and gems and precious stones. MINERALOGY William S. Yeates, the first appointee specifically in mineralogy, graduated M.A. in 1881 from Emory and Henry College, Virginia, and immediately thereafter became an assistant to Dr. Hawes. After Hawes' death in 1882, Yeates remained as the salaried officer in charge of the mineral collections until May 1893, when he resigned to become state geologist of Georgia. He was apparently more an administrative officer than a scientific investigator, and his work at the Smithsonian Institution con- tributed little to the published record. Yeates was succeeded for a short period by O. C. Farrington, whose career is essentially linked with the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, where he was curator of geology from 1894 to 1930. In 1894 Wirt Tassin became assistant curator, with F. W. Clarke continuing as honorary curator. Tassin worked in the Division of Mineralogy from 1894 to May 1909, when he resigned to go into private business. He left an interesting and in- formative manuscript account of the history of the division up to 1906: FIGURE 3.?Joseph E. Pouge (1887-1971). In 1883 Mr. F. W. Clarke was appointed honorary curator. This marks the real beginning of the present Division of Mineralogy. To Mr. Clarke more than any other is due the present standing of the collection. His appreciation of good minerals, his knowledge of their value, his enthusiasm, his widespread acquaintance and his position on the Geological Survey and on exposition boards has been of incalculable value to the collection. In fact it would be almost impossible to say too much concerning the value of his influence in securing fine specimens. Tassin gave an account of the growth of the mineral collections from 1859 to 1906. The total number grew slowly from 793 in 1859 to 3551 in 1880, and then increased rapidly, evidently due to the reorganization, reaching 45,291 in 1895; growth then leveled off, the total in 1906 being 48,987. While Tassin evidently devoted much of his work to his curatorial and exhibition responsibilities, he also did some research. His name is associated with Dr. Merrill's in the investigation of several meteor- ites, the first such research in the Institution since that of J. Lawrence Smith half a century earlier. Tassin was succeeded in 1909 by Dr. Joseph E. Pogue (Figure 3), of whom Merrill (c.1925) re- marked: "For the first time in the history of the Department the collections were administered by a NUMBER 14 FIGURE 4. Edgar T. Wherry (1885- ) . Photograph taken in his garden in Chevy Chase, D. C, about 1917. ,-?J.-,** trained mineralogist." Pogue worked as assistant curator of the Division of Mineralogy until October 1913, when he resigned to join the U.S. Geological Survey. Much of his time must have been occupied in moving the collections and exhibits into the pres- ent Natural History Building, which was opened in 1910. During his term in office Dr. Pogue visited many European museums, studying collections and displays. He also published several papers involv- ing original research, among them a monograph on turquoise published by the National Academy of Sciences in 1915. Pogue was followed by Dr. Edgar T. Wherry (Figure 4), who carried on the work of the division along the lines laid down by his predecessors, but who was able to devote more time to research. He published a number of papers, including one in 1917 giving the name "merrillite" to a new calcium phosphate mineral that Dr. Merrill had recognized as a meteoritic constituent in 1915. He was one of the founders of the American Mineralogist and its first managing editor (1916-1921), and president of the Mineralogical Society of America in 1923. He resigned from the Smithsonian Institution in August 1917 to join the Bureau of Chemistry of the Department of Agriculture. When contacted in April 1972, Dr. Wherry was kind enough to provide the following reminis- cences: In 1913 I was teaching mineralogy at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and spending summers as field assistant to Professor Florence Bascom of Bryn Mawr College in the preparation of geologic folios of quadrangles in southeastern Pennsylvania, for the U. S. Geological Survey. I was also collecting the minerals of the state, and writing articles about them. Finding these activities somewhat over- taxing I was glad to accept an invitation from Dr. George SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES P. Merrill, head curator of Geology at the Smithsonian, to join his staff as assistant curator of Mineralogy and Petrology. Some years before this position had been held by a Mr. Wirt Tassin, who had arranged the mineral collection as a sort of textbook, accompanying each specimen with an elabo- rate descriptive label, the study of which would take far more time than most visitors could spare. When he retired, his place was taken by Joseph Pogue, who rearranged the collection in accordance with standard classifications, re- placing the textual labels with simple ones bearing name, composition, and locality. He resigned to go into business, and I was taken on to complete his reorganization of the collection. My duties included answering correspondence about minerals, including especially requests for identification of specimens submitted, usually with reference to their potential commercial value. Sometimes my reports would be ques- tioned, but to make me feel at ease, the Smithsonian office showed me a bit of pertinent correspondence: this comprised a report on a specimen made by Dr. Merrill, a response from the sender questioning its correctness, and the marginal annotation addressed by Merrill to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, "If what this man says is true, Merrill ought to be fired." The most worth-while specimen I received was a bit of clay, and instead of an inquiry as to its value, the question was: "Is this of igneous or sedimentary origin?" Finding it to be free from quartz grains, which make up the large bulk of ordinary sediments, I guessed that it represented altered volcanic ash. I Was promptly contacted by a patent-lawyer, who explained that his client held a patent on the use of igneous material for water-softening, and wished to claim royalties from the organization marketing this clay for that purpose, if it was indeed of igneous origin. I was accord- ingly invited to go to South Dakota where the material occurred, and study it fully. I was thereby enabled to establish the nature of "bentonite" as representing altered volcanic ash, which has had important geological applica- tions. In the course of that trip I stopped off at several notable mineral localities, and collected multiple specimens of such things as geodes, and lead-zinc ore-minerals. These were packed in barrels, which could then be shipped under government frank, and sent back for adding to the educa- tional collections which the Smithsonian Institution was distributing to schools. In those days the whole field of mineralogy was handled by one man, and I never had a technical assistant or under- study. Records were kept by a pleasantly efficient secretary, Miss Margaret W. Moody. She had scratched with a diamond point a catalog number on the back of every gem-stone; and when I resigned, it was her duty to check the gems against the catalog, to see that I had not lost any of them. It was pleasant to hear that only one ruby appeared to be missing, but that turned out to have been transferred to a special exhibit of North Carolina specimens. Dr. Wherry was succeeded as assistant curator by William F. Foshag, and at about the same time Earl V. Shannon was appointed assistant curator in the Division of Physical and Chemical Geology, Merrill being curator of that division as well as head curator of the Department of Geology. Shan- non was an accomplished analyst and a keen miner- alogist, and an extremely diligent worker. Between 1919 and 1929 he published over 80 papers, many of them short notes but also some lengthy ones, in- cluding a 483-page monograph on the minerals of Idaho. Tragically he suffered a mental breakdown in 1929 and left the Institution. He was succeeded by Edward P. Henderson, who served for over 35 years until his retirement in 1966, and is still active in the department as a research associate. In 1926 the mineral collection was enormously enriched by two remarkable bequests, which raised it from comparatively undistinguished stature to one of the world's great mineral collections. These were the Roebling and Canfield bequests. Colonel Washington A. Roebling (the Colonel was a Civil War veteran) was a civil engineer and the builder of the Brooklyn Bridge. During the latter work he suffered "cassion disease," with per- manent impairment of his health. This caused him to turn his attention to mineral collecting. He sought not only beautifully developed specimens but also those that were rare?indeed his aim was to secure a representative of every known mineral, however insignificant and uninteresting in appear- ance. In this he was eminently successful, the col- lection on his death lacking only about a dozen of the accepted mineral species at that time. His im- paired health made travel and field collecting im- possible for him, but he had ample financial means, and corresponded vigorously with mineralogists and mineral dealers throughout the world. He died on 28 July 1926, leaving his collection of 16,000 carefully selected specimens to the Smithsonian Institution. His son, John A. Roebling, generously established an endowment fund of $150,000, the income to be used for the acquisition of additional material. This endowment has provided for the continued growth of the Roebling collection. The Canfield collection really comprises three collections. The nucleus was formed by Mahlon Dickerson of Dover, New Jersey, who began col- lecting in the early part of the nineteenth century. This collection passed to his nephew, Frederick Canfield, and to it were added many fine specimens collected at Franklin and Sterling Hill between 1840 and 1866. This collection, comprising some NUMBER 14 1600 specimens, was displayed in the family man- sion near Dover, where it remained until it was transferred to Washington in 1926. Frederick A. Canfield, son of Frederick Canfield, who inherited the collection, preferred to leave it intact and begin a new one of his own. This, at the time of his death on 3 July 1926, totaled some 7500 specimens. Frederick A. Canfield was educated as a geologist and mining engineer at Rutgers and Columbia Universities. In the practice of his profession he had the opportunity to travel and acquire many fine specimens at first hand. He also subsidized workmen in the railway tunnels and quarries of northern New Jersey, and in that way obtained many choice specimens of the trap rock minerals. His profes- sional connection with the Franklin and Sterling Hill mines enabled him to keep pace with the new and rare minerals constantly found there. He also obtained many fine suites of specimens from out- standing mineral localities. With the bequest of the mineral collections Mr. Canfield also provided an endowment of $50,000 for future accessions. Dr. Merrill died on 15 August 1929 and was suc- ceeded as head curator of the Department of Ge- ology by Dr. R. S. Bassler. Dr. Foshag was appointed curator of both the Division of Mineralogy and Petrology, and the Division of Physical and Chem- ical Geology, in effect combining the two divisions, although on the table of organization the Division of Physical and Chemical Geology survived until 1942. Dr. Foshag was born on Long Island in 1894, but his family moved to California and he gradu- ated from the University of California in 1919. In 1917 and 1918 he served as chemist for the Riverside Portland Cement Company at the famous min- eral locality of Crestmore, which probably effec- tively started his career in mineralogy. During his service with the Smithsonian Institution he ex- amined many famous mineral localities in the United States and Mexico. During World War II he spent most of his time in the latter country in cooperative work with the Mexican authorities in the development of mineral deposits. During that time, in 1944, the new volcano Paricutin erupted, and he began a long-continued study of its eruptive processes and products, a study terminated by his death. His Mexican work also led him to an interest in Latin American archeology and specifically a study of jade objects from Central America. He was successful in pinpointing a source for this jade in Guatemala. His contributions to mineralogy were recognized by the ward of the Roebling Medal of the Mineralogical Society of America in 1953. Dr. Foshag died on 21 May 1956 and was suc- ceeded as curator of the Division of Mineralogy and Petrology by Dr. George S. Switzer, who had joined the museum as associate curator in the di- vision in April 1948. In August 1957 Paul E. De- sautels was appointed associate curator in the division, and later in the same year Roy S. Clarke, Jr., was appointed chemist. These men, together with Dr. Henderson and Dr. Switzer, comprised the professional staff when the division was re- formed as the Department of Mineral Sciences in 1963. PETROLOGY Systematic petrology in the Smithsonian Institu- tion can be fairly dated from the appointment of G. W. Hawes as curator of the Department of Ge- ology on 1 January 1881. Hawes was one of the pioneers in the use of the petrographic microscope in the United States, having learned its use during graduate work at Yale University with Professor E. S. Dana, and at the University of Heidelberg with Professor Harry Rosenbusch; he received the Ph.D. degree from the latter university in 1880. At the same time as his appointment to the Smithso- nian Institution, Hawes began an investigation of the building-stones of the United States as part of the Tenth Census; the Annual Report for 1881 (Baird, 1882:110) states: Dr. Hawes . . . has gathered specimens of stone from every quarry in the United States; and a force of fifteen men, in part detailed from the Census Office, has been occupied all the year in preparing them for study and exhibition. . . . Numerous analyses of building-stones by the chemical and specific gravity methods have been made by Messrs. F. P. Dewey and F. W. Taylor. Since the 1st of June (1881), Mr. Geo. P. Merrill has prepared 1550 microscopic slides of building-stones, to be used in connection with the investiga- tion. Unfortunately Hawes developed tuberculosis during 1881, and the disease advanced rapidly. In 1882 he went to Colorado in the hope of checking it, but he died in Manitou Springs on 22 June 1882. On his death the petrographic work on the building- stones fell to G. P. Merrill, who noted in his manu- script (c.1925) that he was wholly inexperienced in SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES this field. He evidently learned quickly and well, however, since he was one o? the co-authors of "Reports on the Building-Stones of the United States and Statistics of the Quarry Industry for 1880" (1884), in which he contributed an article on the microscopic structure of the building-stones and eighteen reproductions of photomicrographs. Merrill continued his petrographic work on building-stones and became an authority on the subject, writing several monographs and books thereon. He served as a special agent in this field for the Twelfth Census (1912). He was consulted frequently by both private and public officials re- garding the stone to be used for various structures. He thus served in an advisory capacity in the selec- tion of stone for the Natural History Building, the Old Post Office Building, Constitution Hall, the columns on the west face of the Treasury Building, and numerous others. Perhaps the most momentous question left for his decision was the choice of stone for the Lincoln Memorial (Yule marble from Colo- rado). Probably through his work on building- stones, Merrill became very interested in rock weathering, and wrote extensively on this subject, culminating in his book, A Treatise on Rocks, Rock Weathering, and Soils. He also authored The Nonmetallic Minerals: Their Occurrence and Uses. After the turn of the century, Merrill's interest turned to meteorites, and for the remainder of his life his research work was concentrated in this field. The petrological collections continued to grow, largely through accessions of material from the U. S. Geological Survey illustrating regional mono- graphs and bulletins. In 1916, however, Joseph P. Iddings was appointed honorary curator of petrol- ogy, and after his death in 1920 Whitman Cross succeeded to this honorary position and held it until his death in 1949. These appointments brought two of the authors of the CIPW system of igneous rock classification into the Smithsonian Institution; a third, Henry S. Washington, was at the Geophysical Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washing- ton and many of his collections were eventually given to the Smithsonian Institution. During his period as honorary curator, Cross developed a col- lection of some 2000 igneous rocks comprising most of the types established by the CIPW system. Each rock has a thin section accompanying it, with a meticulous description on a file card; many are chemically analyzed. This is probably the most com- prehensive systematic collection of igneous rocks in existence. After the death of Cross active curatorial and re- search work in petrology was largely discontinued, because of inadequate staffing. This situation was remedied by the establishment of a Division of Petrology within the newly organized Department of Mineral Sciences in 1963, and the appointment of Dr. William G. Melson in 1964 to direct it. METEORITES As mentioned earlier, the original Smithson be- quest included his cabinet of minerals, which con- tained "a valuable suite of meteoric stones, which appear to be suites of most of the important mete- orites which have fallen in Europe during several centuries" (Goode, 1897:305). Some of these were analyzed by J. Lawrence Smith in the chemical laboratory of the Institution in 1853-54. Unfor- tunately, these meteorites were evidently lost along with the rest of Smithson's cabinet in the fire of 1865. The number of falls actually represented in the collection at the first date mentioned (1880) cannot with absolute certainty be given owing to the imperfection of the record, but it was small; seven localities were represented: Imilac and Vaca Muerta, Chile; Marietta (New Concord), Ohio; Par- nallee, India; Searsmont, Maine; and Cold Bokkeveld, South Africa. The Tucson iron which should have formed the chief attraction was not catalogued, though brought, through the influence of Dr. B. J. D. Irwin, to Washington in 1863. The Casas Grandes iron which came to Washington from the Philadelphia Centennial should also have received attention (Merrill, c.1925). The collection grew rapidly, evidently largely through the work of Dr. F. W. Clarke, who was ap- pointed honorary curator in the Department of Mineralogy in December 1883. In 1889 he published a catalog of the meteorite collection as of October 1888, in which he lists 128 distinct falls and finds; in addition, there were 217 meteorites in the Shep- ard collection, which was deposited in the museum by Shepard's son in 1886 (and ultimately be- queathed to the Smithsonian Institution in 1915). There was considerable duplication between the two collections and many of the specimens in both collections were fragments. Nevertheless, the build- ing-up of the meteorite collection by Clarke, almost entirely by exchanges, was a notable contribution at this early time. NUMBER 14 In 1888 Merrill published his first paper on meteorites, and was an active researcher in the field until his death in 1929, publishing over eighty papers on meteorites. The collection continued to grow. In 1902, Tassin brought the Clarke catalog up to date. For the purposes of this catalog the Shepard meteorites were listed along with the mu- seum's collection. The combined collections con- tained 348 distinct falls and finds. In 1916 Merrill published a "Handbook and Descriptive Catalogue of Meteorite Collections in the United States Na- tional Museum". The combined collections at that time contained 412 independent falls and finds. The meteorite collection has continued to grow steadily and may now be the world's largest and most com- prehensive from the standpoint of the number of meteorites represented. The tradition of meteorite research begun by Merrill has continued. Dr. Foshag wrote a number of papers on meteorites during his curatorship, and his presidential address (1940) to the Mineralogical Society of America was entitled "Problems in the Study of Meteorites." Meteorite research within the Institution, however, became the major interest of Dr. Edward P. Henderson. Beginning in 1934 and continuing throughout his curatorship and after his retirement, he had published over thirty papers on meteorites. Many of these were written in collab- oration with Stuart H. Perry (1874-1957), a Michi- gan newspaper publisher. Perry graduated in 1894 from the University of Michigan, where he studied chemistry, geology, and zoology. Fossils were his first love, but around 1930 his scientific interests be- came directed towards the study of meteorites. He was a vigorous collector, being aided in this respect by adequate private means. In 1944, the Smith- sonian published Perry's "Metallography of Mete- oritic Iron," which for many years has been the standard reference in this field. He also compiled and privately published nine albums of photomi- crographs of iron meteorites (166 in all), of which six sets were produced. Through the years that Perry was studying and collecting meteorites he generously shared his knowledge and specimens with others. Although he presented specimens to many institutions, and privately assisted others in their studies of meteorites, he was sincerely in- terested in the growth of the national collection and presented what he considered to be his most impor- tant specimens to the Smithsonian Institution. Dur- ing his life Perry donated 192 meteorites in this way. After J. Lawrence Smith's death in 1883, his widow endowed the Lawrence Smith Medal, to be awarded by the National Academy of Sciences for "original investigation of meteoric bodies." This medal was awarded to George P. Merrill in 1922, Stuart H. Perry in 1945, and Edward P. Henderson in 1970. GEMS AND PRECIOUS STONES This collection owes its beginning to an exhibit made by F. W. Clarke and paid for ($2500) by funds appropriated for the New Orleans Exposi- tion of 1884. The same collection was displayed at the Cincinnati Exposition the following year, after which it was returned to Washington and placed on exhibition in the museum. A detailed descrip- tion of this collection was published by G. F. Kunz in 1889. In 1891 the collection was greatly aug- mented by purchases from the estate of Dr. Joseph Leidy of Philadelphia, and was exhibited at the Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893. In 1894, Mrs. Frances Lea Chamberlain gave the museum a collection of precious stones that had been made by her father, Dr. Isaac Lea. Later, in 1897, her hus- band, Dr. L. T. Chamberlain, was appointed hon- orary curator of the collection and added a large number of desirable specimens. On his death in 1913 he bequeathed a sum of money, the income from which is used for its further increase. The growth of the gem collection is documented by the 1900 "Descriptive Catalogue" by Wirt Tassin and in the 1922 "Handbook and Descriptive Cata- logue" by G. P. Merrill. A recent popular account is Gems in the Smithsonian by Paul E. Desautels. Literature Cited Baird, S. F. 1882. Report of the Secretary. Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution for the Year 1881, 839 pages. Clarke, F. W. 1889. The Meteorite Collection in the U.S. National Museum: A Catalogue of Meteorites Represented November 1, 1886. Annual Report of the Smith- sonian Institution for 1886, 2:255-265. Desautels, P. E. 1972. Gems in the Smithsonian. Washington, D.C.: Smith- sonian Institution Press. 10 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES Endlich, F. M. 1874. Mineralogical Collection. Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution for the Year 1873, pages 51-53. 1880. List of Species and Varieties of Minerals in the National Museum of the United States in 1879. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 3:333-335. Goode, G. B. 1897. The Smithsonian Institution, 1846-1896. Washing- ton, D.C. Henry, J. 1854. Report of the Secretary. Ninth Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institu- tion, 463 pages. 1862. Report of the Secretary. Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution for the Year 1861, 463 pages. 1873. Report of the Secretary. Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution for the Year 1872, 456 pages. Kunz, G. F. 1889. Gem Collection of the U.S. National Museum. Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution for 1886, 2:267-275. Merrill, George P. 1879. A Treatise on Rocks, Rock Weathering, and Soils. 1st edition, 411 pages. New York: MacMillian and Co. [2nd edition, 400 pages, published in 1906.] 1884. Reports on the Building-Stones of the United States and Statistics of the Quarry Industry for 1880. U.S. Tenth Census, 10:1-410. 1888. On the San Emigdio Meteorite. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 11:161-167. 1904. The Nonmetallic Minerals: Their Occurrence and Uses. 414 pages. New York: John Wiley and Sons. 1916. Handbook and Descriptive Catalogue of Meteorite Collections in the United States National Museum. United States National Museum Bulletin, 94:1-206. 1922. Handbook and Descriptive Catalogue of the Col- lections of Gems and Precious Stones in the United States National Museum. United States National Museum Bulletin, 118:1-225. [c. 1925.] [History of the Department of Geology.] Manu- script, files of the Department of Mineral Sciences, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. Perry, S. H. 1944. Metallography of Meteoritic Iron. United States National Museum Bulletin, 184:1-206. Pogue, J. E. 1915. The Turquoise: A Study of Its History, Mineralogy, Geology, Ethnology, Archaeology, Mythology, Folk- lore, and Technology. Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, 12 (2, 3d memoir), 162 pages, 22 plates. Shannon, E. V. 1926. The Minerals of Idaho, United States National Mu- seum Bulletin, 131:1-483. Smith, J. L. 1853.?1854. Re-examination of American Minerals. Ameri- can Journal of Science, 15:207-215; 16:41-53, 365- 373; 18:372-381. 1855. Memoir on Meteorites. American Journal of Science, 19:153-163, 322-343. Smithson, J. 1803. A Chemical Analysis of Some Calamines. Philo- sophical Transactions of the Royal Society (London), 93:12-28. Tassin, W. 1900. Descriptive Catalogue of the Collection of Gems in the United States National Museum. Annual Re- port of the Smithsonian Institution for 1900, pages 473-670. Tassin, W. 1906. [The Mineral Collections, 1859-1906.] Manuscript, files of the Department of Mineral Sciences, Na- tional Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. Wherry, E. T. 1917. Merrillitc, Meteoritic Calcium Phosphate. American Mineralogist, 2:119. New Data on Some Mercury Minerals from Terlingua, Texas Roland C. Rouse ABSTRACT An X-ray study has been performed on the threemercury minerals eglestonite, mosesite, and kleinite. Previous work is reviewed and, where necessary, cor-rected in the light of new data. Eglestonite is cubic, Ia3d, with a =16.04 A and has the formula Hg4C1 2O. Mosesite and kleinite are mercury nitrogenchloride sulfates. Mosesite is cubic with a = 28.62 A and kleinite, hexagonal with a = 40.60 and c = 11.16 A. Although the chemical formulas of theirsupercells are still uncertain, their subcell formulas correspond essentially to the chloride salts of Mil-Ion's base (Hg 2NOH?H2O). Introduction The mercury deposit at Terlingua, Brewster County, Texas, is known mineralogically for its suite of secondary mercury minerals. It is, in fact, the type locality for six of them including terlin- guaite (Hg4O2Cl2), eglestonite (Hg4Cl2O), and the mercury nitrogen chloride sulfates mosesite and kleinite. These minerals are known from but a few localities and one investigator (Lipscomb, 1957) in a review of the crystal chemistry of mercury found it quite remarkable that kleinite and mosesite should occur at all in nature. The latter two are of particular interest as they are thought to be stuffed derivatives of the high tridymite and high cristo- balite structures, respectively. They contain NHg4 tetrahedra, which play the same structural role as SiO4 tetrahedra do in silicates. There exists one definitive study of the whole group, that of Hillebrand and Schaller (1909). Sub- sequent investigators have compiled a large body Roland C. Rouse, Department of Geology and Mineralogy, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. of chemical, optical, and crystallographic data, but their results have often been ambiguous or con- tradictory. An accurate determination of the crystal structure has been made only for terlinguaite and since this has resolved most of the problems associ- ated with this mineral, it was not included in the present study. The terlinguaite structure (Aurivil- lius and Folkmarson, 1968) is interesting from a crystal chemical viewpoint as it contains mercury in two valence states. Some of the mercury atoms are divalent and form the characteristic linear O-Hg-O groups (Grdenic, 1965). Others are ar- ranged in equilateral triangular clusters in which each mercury has a formal oxidation number of + 4/3. The Hg-Hg distances in the cluster are shorter than those in solid mercury indicating in- termetallic bonding, and terlinguaite is therefore a metal cluster compound. Experimental Methods The study of eglestonite, mosesite, and kleinite is rendered difficult by their tendency to occur as multiple crystals, whether as twins, parallel growths or random intergrowths. In the case of kleinite this seems to be invariably the case. The specimens used in this study were from Terlingua and Hua- huaxtla, Mexico, and were obtained from the U. S. National Museum collections. As reported by pre- vious workers, eglestonite is photosensitive, its color changing rapidly from yellow to brown to black. The color change produced no obvious changes in the x-ray diffraction patterns, but this matter was not investigated systematically. Unit cell parameters were determined from pre- cession photographs and verified by the cone-axis or rotating crystal methods. Space groups were determined from precession and Weissenberg pho- tographs taken with MoKa and CuKa radiations, 11 12 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES respectively. The cell parameters were refined from powder data by the method of least-squares using the program of Appleman and Evans. In the case of mosesite and kleinite the data were obtained from a powder diffractometer utilizing monochro- matized CuK? radiation and quartz as an internal standard. Since there was not enough eglestonite available for this procedure, it was necessary to use 16 reflections between 102? and 165? 2e measured from a Debye-Scherrer photograph. The powder patterns in Tables 1, 2, and 3 were likewise mea- sured from shrinkage-corrected Debye-Scherrer pho- tographs taken with a 114.6 mm diameter camera and filtered CuK? radiation. Intensities were esti- mated visually. Minerals Studied EGLESTONITE Eglestonite was first described by Moses (1903) as a cubic mineral having the formula Hg6Cl3O2. Hillebrand and Schaller (1909:145, 147) confirmed the cubic symmetry but found the formula to be Hg4Cl2O on the basis of three chemical analyses. The crystal class was determined to be m3m from the presence of the hexoctahedron as a common form. The crystal structure of eglestonite is of some interest due to the presence of the binary ion Hg2+2. Two structures have been proposed, both by the same investigator. Hedlik (1948) found eglestonite to be cubic, Pm3n, with a =16.07 A. She went on to propose a structure containing the mercurous ion and having Hillebrand and Schal- ler's chemical formula. However, in Hedlik (1950) there appeared a revised structure based on a cell having a = 8.03 A and symmetry Im3m. The for- mula was also changed to Hg6Cl4O, which is not in accord with the existing chemical analyses. No explanation was offered for the revisions and since both structures were derived with powder and rotating crystal data, neither can be considered re- liable. To compound the confusion, Wolfe (cited in Palache, et al., 1951:51) reported the cell pa- rameter a =16.03 A and a probable space group Ia3d for eglestonite. The present study has confirmed Wolfe's results. Eglestonite is cubic, Ia3d, with a refined parameter a = 16.0398 ? 0.0003 A. There is also a very promi- TABLE 1 / 10 40 100 <1 7 7 10 50 5 10 5 <1 <1 1 1 80 1 <1 3 20 1 10 <1 1 1 5 5 <1 5 1 5 10 <1 <1 5 3 <1 5 Plus ca. 65 more .?Powder dohs 6.549 4.006 3.271 3.142 2.925 2.832 2.599 2.529 2.471 2.313 2.265 2.179 2.135 2.034 2.003 1.887 1.858 1.811 1.788 1.707 1.687 1.633 1.617 1.586 1.554 1.526 1.499 1.475 1.461 1.384 1.373 1.334 1.308 1.290 1.266 1.237 1.215 1.182 lines to 0.777 pattern of dcalc 6.548 4.010 3.274 3.146 2.928 2.835 2.602 2.536 2.475 2.315 2.268 2.183 2.143 2.037 2.005 1.890 1.865 1.816 1.793 1.710 1.691 1.637 1.620 1.588 1.558 1.529 1.502 1.477 1.464 1.386 1.375 1.337 1.310 1.293 1.268 1.237 1.216 1.182 A eglestonite hkl 211 400 422 510, 431 521 440 611, 532 620 541 444 543, 710, 550 721, 633, 552 642 651, 732 800 660, 822 831, 750, 743 752 840 664 851, 930, 754 844 941, 853, 770 10 ? 1 ? 1, 772 943 10.3? 1, 952 871 961, 10.3*3 10*4.2 11 .3?2, 10.5.3, 972 10.6.0, 866 12.C0, 884 10.7.1, 11 .5.2 12?3. 1, 983 12.4.0 10.8*2 13.2.1, H'7.2 12.6-2 nent subcell having ^4= a/2 = 8.02 A and symmetry Im3m. That the 16.04 A cell is the correct one is confirmed by powder data (Table 1), which can only be indexed fully on the larger cell. The unit cell contents calculated from the average of Hille- brande's analyses are Hg9411 C149J6 O23.76. From a consideration of the available equipoints in NUMBER 14 13 Ia3d, the correct formula must be Hg4Cl2O with Z = 24. These results indicate that Hedlik's revised structure is necessarily wrong since it is based on the subcell rather than the true cell and gives a formula inconsistent with the chemical analyses. Preliminary work on a redetermination of the eglestonite structure is underway and a complete study is planned. MOSESITE Mosesite was described by Canfield, et al. (1910) as a new mercury-ammonium compound containing chloride, sulfate, and water. Although cubic in morphology, it was weakly birefringent but became isotropic when heated to ^186?C. From this they concluded that mosesite exists in high and low temperature polymorphic forms with the inversion temperature being 186?C. This, of course, is not necessarily the case as many cubic materials show a weak, anomalous birefringence. In a study of moses- ite from the Fitting district of Nevada, Bird (1932) found on the basis of powder data that mosesite is cubic with a face-centered lattice and a = 9.57 A. A restudy of mosesite was performed by Switzer, et al. (1953), who obtained the first complete chem- ical analysis of the mineral. Noting the strong similarity of its powder pattern and chemistry to those of Millon's base (Hg2NOH-2H2O), they de- rived a formula Hg2N(Cl,SO4,MoO4,CO3)?H2O (Z=8) for material from Huahuaxtla Mexico. Mo- sesite is, therefore, the chloride salt of Millon's base with lesser amounts of other large anions. The structure of Hg2NOH?H2O was determined by Lipscomb (1951) to be cubic, F43m, with ? = 9.58 A. It is a stuffed derivative of the high cristobalite structure with a 3-dimensional framework of linked NHg4 tetrahedra. The OH" and H2O occupy the large open channels in the framework. This ex- plains the presence of large complex anions in the mosesite formula. Switzer, et al. (1953) also pro- posed a structure for mosesite analogous to that of Millon's base. The structure is cubic, F43m, with a = 9.524 A, which is consistent with the powder pattern. The author has reexamined the mosesite crystals from Huahuaxtla, Mexico, analyzed by Fahey (in Switzer, et al., 1953). Although the X-ray study of this material is not yet complete, several important results can be reported. Weissenberg photographs TABLE 2.?Powder pattern of mosesite 1 75 10 90 100 40 40 25 35 25 20 30 20 20 20 10 10 15 20 15 15 Plus ca. dobs 5.512 3.375 2.877 2.756 2.382 2.186 1.834 1.685 1.610 1.454 1.436 1.375 1.334 1.241 1.192 1.165 1.102 1.093 1.066 1.047 16 more lines dcalc 5.508 3.373 2.876 2.754 2.385 2.188 1.836 1.832 1.686 1.683 1.612 1.607 1.455 1.453 (mostly broad bands) hkl 333, 511 660, 822 933, 771, 755 666, 10.2.2 12-0.0 993, 13 ? 1 ? 1 999, 15.3.3 12.10.0 12-12 ? 0 17*0.0 17.5.1 14.1L0 19.5.1 18.8.0 to 0.787 A confirm the cubic symmetry, but the space group has not yet been determined with certainty. A rotating crystal photograph shows that mosesite has a supercell with a = 28.8 A, three times the value previously reported. The refined value is a = 28.618 ? 0.002 A. The subcell has A =a/3 = 9.54 A. There is also a second subcell, defined by the strong re- flections, which has ,4' = a/12 = 2.38A. Powder data for mosesite are presented in Table 2. The pattern is similar to that of Switzer, et al. (1953), except that the d-values and. intensities of the reflections are in better agreement with those of Hg2NOH>2H2O than are the data of Switzer, et al. This is especially true of the line at 5.512 A, whose intensity is much greater than reported by those authors. The indexed reflections in Table 2 do obey the presence rule for a face-centered 9.54 A cell. Powder diffractometer scans, however, show a small peak at 12.87 A, which can only be indexed as 210 (dcalc= 12.80 A) of the 28.62 A supercell. This is in accord with the single crystal results and also seems to require a primitive lattice for mosesite. It is possible that the 9.54 A subcell is face-centered, 14 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES while the supercell is primitive. The substructure corresponds to the structure of Millon's base and the superstructure is perhaps connected with order- ing of the several kinds of large interstitial anions in mosesite. The symmetry and lattice type of the supercell is the subject of continuing single crystal studies. KLEINITE A fourth yellow mercury mineral occurring at Terlingua was mentioned by Moses (1903), but it remained for Sachs (1905) to name it kleinite. Hille- brand and Schaller (1909) found it to be another mercury ammonium compound with chloride and sulfate, but despite many chemical analyses they could not derive a satisfactory formula. They also described in detail the highly anomalous optical properties of kleinite. Although the mineral is mor- phologically hexagonal, basal sections are strongly birefringent. Above about 130?C, however, kleinite becomes uniaxial and, as in the case of mosesite, this was ascribed to polymorphism. They also noted that birefringent basal sections would not extin- guish under crossed polars. This was explained by assuming each crystal to be composed of a group of parallel biaxial plates stacked along c. During fur- ther heating experiments, Canfield, et al. (1910) made the interesting observation that kleinite be- comes isotropic above 186?C. In an x-ray investigation Heritsch (1949) found that all kleinite crystals are composed of several individuals and that heating above the supposed inversion temperature does not change this. His crystals were all hexagonal, probably P63/mmc, with a= 13.56 and c? 11.13 A. There is also a sub- periodicity of a/2 = 6.78 A. A crystal structure was deduced using rotating crystal data. In a later paper Heritsch (1954) noted that mosesite had been shown to be isostructural with Millon's base, which is in turn a high cristobalite derivative. By analogy, he proposed that kleinite is a high tridymite de- rivative with the formula (Hg2N) (Cl,SO4)?xH2O where x^\/4. As with mosesite the structural chan- nels contain the large anions and water molecules. Nijssen and Lipscomb (1954) came to the same conclusion on the basis of the close relationship between kleinite and Hg2NBr. They determined the structure of the latter to be a derivative of high tridymite. Hg2NBr is hexagonal, P63/mmc, with 0 = 6.65 and c= 11.26 A, which corresponds to the kleinite subcell. In a later paper, however, Lip- scomb (1957) reported evidence that the a parameter of kleinite given by Heritsch should be tripled. He further suggested on the basis of some intensity calculations that the channels in the kleinite struc- ture contain mercury atoms as well as anions. In the present study, the interpretation of the diffraction photographs was greatly hindered by the fact that every crystal examined was multiple. In some cases, however, the volume of one individual was considerably greater than those of the others. It was therefore possible to separate its reciprocal lattice pattern from those of the others and study its symmetry and cell parameters. This approach is not infallible, but its results are supported by the powder data, which are not subject to the uncer- tainties introduced by the multiplicity of the single crystals. Rotation photographs around the c-axis are con- sistent with Hillebrand and Schaller's model of a stacking of parallel plates along c. Adjacent indi- viduals, however, seem to be slightly tilted with respect to one another by ^?1.5? in those crystals examined. As suggested by Lipscomb (1957), kleinite is hexagonal with a three times the value given by Heritsch. The refined cell parameters are a = 40.599 ?0.005 and c=11.155?0.003 A. There are two subcells. One, denned by the total pattern of me- dium plus strong reflections, has A= a/6 = 6.77 and C = c= 11.16 A. The other, denned by the strong reflections alone, has /4' = a/12 = 3.39 and C' = c/2 = 5.58 A. An independent check on these parameters is provided by the powder pattern (Table 3). It contains four low-angle reflections (220, 222, 811, and 702), which cannot be indexed on Heritsch's cell but which can be indexed quite satisfactorily on the 40.60 A cell. The space group of the supercell could not be determined since the superstructure reflections on the Weissenberg photographs are too few and scattered. However, the 6.77 A subcell does have symmetry P63mc, P62c, or P63/mmc. This subcell is the analog of the Hg2NBr cell. Using the average chemical analysis of Hille- brand and Schaller (1909), the supercell contents are Hg330.47^141.41*->1158.95C)24.96 W143.91H, NUMBER 14 / 10 15 15 25 5 20 <1 1 10 5 100 70b 15 90 3 TABLE 3.?- dth, 10.19 5.871 5.577 5.188 4.890 4.040 3.850 3.731 3.382 3.132 2.931 2.888 2.831 2.788 2.688 100 5 5V 10 10 1 10 20v 3 15 3 3 30 dcalc hkl 2.592 2.518 2.446 2.306 2.215 2.171 2.084 2.057 2.019 1.900 1.843 1.772 1.736 1.690 10.15 5.860 5.577 5.188 4.888 4.040 3.861 3.836 3.732 3.383 3.140 3.127 2.930 2.893 2.890 2.883 2.834 2.789 2.693 2,689 2.594 2.592 2.518 2.513 220 600 002 601 222 602 811 820 702 660 603 433 12?0?0 662 860 752 12 ? 0 ? 1 004 903 224, 960 12*0.2 504 604 10 .4*2 Plus ca. 40 more lines (mostly broad bands) to 0.781 A b broad, vb very broad On the basis of the available data it is difficult to derive a satisfactory formula from this. A formula for the 6.77 A subcell, however, may be derived by analogy to that of Hg2NBr. The subcell contents are 93C14 42 O4 or very nearly Hg9N4(Cl,SO4)5'H2O. This can be rewritten as 4H^NCl?Hg(Cl,SO4)-H2O. Presum- ably, the 4Hg2NCl represents that part of the sub- structure analogous to Hg2NBr (for which Z = 4), while the remainder represents the contents of the structural channels. 15 The true symmetry and formula of the super- structure can only be settled by a complete struc- ture determination combined with a new chemical analysis. The former objective, however, may not be attainable due both to the lack of single crystals and the experimental difficulties inherent in treat- ing highly absorbing compounds with very large supercells. The outlook for mosesite is more hope- ful, however, and further work is anticipated on this mineral. Literature Cited Aurivillius, K., and L. Folkmarson 1968. The Crystal Structure of Terlinguaite Hg4O2Cl;,. Ada Chemica Scandinavica, 22:2529-2540. Bird, P. H. 1932. A New Occurrence and X-Ray Study of Mosesite. American Mineralogist, 17:541-550. Canfield, F. A., W. F. Hillebrand, and W. T. Schaller 1910. Mosesite, a New Mercury Mineral from Terlingua, Texas. American Journal of Science, 4th series, 30:202-208. Grdenic, D. 1965. The Structural Chemistry of Mercury. Quarterly Reviews (London), 19:303-328. Hedlik, A. 1948. Uber die Formel und Struktur von Eglestonit. Experientia, 4:66. 1950. Uber Formel und Struktur des Mercurooxychlorides Eglestonit. Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petro- graphische Mitteilungen, Dritte Folge, 1:378-389. Heritsch, H. 1949. Rontgenuntersuchungen an Kleinit. Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, Dritte Folge, 1:300-312. 1954. Bemerkungen zur Kristallchemischen Konstitution des Kleinites. Anzeiger der Osterreichischen Aka- demie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Wissen- schaftliche Klasse, 1:1-4. Hillebrand, W. F., and W. T. Schaller 1909. The Mercury Minerals from Terlingua, Texas. United States Geological Survey Bulletin, 405. Lipscomb, W. N. 1951. The Structure of Millon's Base and Its Salts. Acta Crystallographica, 4:156-158. 1957. Recent Studies in the Structural Inorganic Chem- istry of Mercury. Annals of the Neiv York Academy of Sciences, 65:427-435. Moses, A. J. 1903. Eglestonite, Terlinguaite and Montroydite, New Mercury Minerals from Terlingua, Texas. Ameri- can Journal of Science, 4th series, 16:253-263. 16 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES Nijssen, L., and W. N. Lipscomb 1905. Der Kleinit, ein Hexagonales Quecksilberoxydchlorid 1954. A Hexagonal Modification of a Salt of Millon's von Terlingua in Texas. Sitzungberichte der Kon- Base. Ada Crystallographica, 7:103-106. iglichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Palache, C, H. Berman, and C. Frondel (Berlin), 1091-1094. 1951. Dana's System of Mineralogy. Volume 2, 7th edition. Switzer, G., W. F. Foshag, K. J. Murata, and J. J. Fahey New York: John Wiley and Sons. 1953. Re-examination of Mosesite. American Mineralogist, Sachs, A. 38:1225-1234. Dashkesanite: High-Chlorine Amphibole from St. Paul's Rocks, Equatorial Atlantic, and Transcaucasia, U.S.S.R. Sara S. Jacobson ABSTRACT New data are given for dashkesanite, a high-chlorineamphibole, from two localities, Transcaucasia, U.S.S.R., and St. Paul's Rocks, Equatorial Atlantic.Four new analyses (by electron microprobe) of the mineral from Transcaucasia gave a chlorine con- tent ranging from 4.15 to 5.34 percent. The originalanalysis by Krutov (1936) by wet chemical methods reported Cl = 7.24 percent. Five analyses (by micro-probe) of dashkesanite from St. Paul's Rocks gave Cl ranging from 6.03 to 6.51 percent. The mineral from both localities is low in SiO2 and MgO andhigh in FeO, Cl, and K 2O compared to other horn-blende compositions. It is hastingsitic using the classification of Ernst (1968). Introduction High-chlorine amphibole was first described by Krutov (1936). He found the mineral in skarn rocks surrounding sheetlike magnetite ore bodies at Dash- kesan, Transcaucasia, U.S.S.R. These skarn rocks occur about 1200 meters from the ore body and extend for over 200 meters with an average thick- ness of 0.60-0.75 meters. The surrounding country rock is described as porphyrites and tuffs with dikes of gabbro porphyrite occuring near the skarn. Kru- tov (1936) named the mineral "dashkesanite" for the locality. The mineral was also found by Melson, et al. (1972) in brown hornblende mylonites from St. Sara S. Jacobson, Department of Geology, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California 90024. Paul's Rocks, an ultrabasic intrusion exposed in a series of islets in the equatorial Atlantic. Brown hornblende mylonites are the second most abun- dant of three rock types found on the islets; peri- dotite mylonites are the most abundant rock type and clinopyroxene mylonites are the least abun- dant. All samples examined were collected in 1966 during Cruise 20 of the R. V. Atlantis II. Samples from both of these areas were investigated in the present study. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.?I wish to thank W. G. Mel- son for suggesting the project and his help through- out. Petrography The specimen from Transcaucasia available for study (USNM 120180) consists of fine- to medium- grained, subhedral to anhedral crystals of dashke- sanite; minor chlorite and epidote and a fine- grained material that may be scapolite are also found in the specimen. This specimen of dashke- sanite is dark green. In thin section, it shows a strong yellow to blue-green pleochroism. Cleavage is not well developed; rather a basal parting appears to dominate. The mineral has inclined extinction and positive elongation. Dashkesanite from St. Paul's Rocks was studied in two sections of brown hornblende mylonite, (USNM 110393-13 and 110393-31). Both are from the Southeast Islet. (See Melson, et al., 1972, for map of localities.) The primary assemblage is kaersutitic hornblende, plagioclase, and Fe-Ti ox- ides. These occur with accessory amounts of dash- kesanite, allanite, zircon, scapolite and titanbiotite. 17 18 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES FIGURE 1.?Portion of a hornblende augen in section USNM 110393-13. The diagonal grayish area in the central part of the photo is dashkesanite. Width of field is 1.6 mm x 1.3 The hornblende forms large rounded augen. Dash- kesanite occurs in veins in the augen and as over- growths on the hornblende augen. It is also found in veins in the fine-grained matrix. It does not oc- cur disseminated in the matrix (Figure 1). The optical properties of the St. Paul's Rocks dashkesanite are similar to those described for the mineral from the type locality. The dashkesanite forms fine to coarse, anhedral to subhedral masses; good crystal forms are rare. The mineral again shows the distinctive, strong yellow-green to blue- green pleochroism. The dashkesanite is not sheared nor mylonitized. Analytical Procedure Analyses of the above samples were done on an ARL EMX electron microprobe using a 15kV ac- celeration potential, 0.15 juA sample current and a TABLE 1.?Amphibole analyses Constituent SiO2 TiO2 A12O3 Fe2O3 FeO MgO CaO Na2O K.,O Cl H2O O = C1 Total Si Al Al Ti Fe** Mg Fe+2 Na Ca K OH Cl 1 36.13 0.30 10.22 7.60 19.99 3.63 10.83 1.24 2.84 7.24 1.05 101.93 1.63 100.30 5.934 | 1.978 \ 0.035 / o.94o y 0.888 I 2.747 * 0.394 1 1.906 > 0.596 \ 1.154 I 2.016 S 2 33.90 1.01 11.57 - 31.91* 1.81 11.16 0.74 3.34 4.95 - 100.44 1.12 99.32 7-91 52fx | 8.00 0.26 \ 0.13 1 4.67h - \ 5.50 0.47 i 4.64 ) 0.25 ) 2.90 2.08 I 3.07 0.74 \ 317 IM 3 35.31 0.75 11.81 - 30.21 ? 2.27 11.34 0.89 2.92 4.15 - 99.75 0.94 98.81 6.06 / 1.94 \ 0.40 \ 0.10 1 0.58 i 4.34 * 0.33 1 2.09 >C 0.64 ) 1.21 4 33.24 1.14 12.21 - 31.761 1.70 11.13 0.75 3.46 5.34 - 100.73 1.20 99.53 NUMBER 8?? S 0.27 0.15 5.42 - 0.44 4.61 0.25 3 06 2 07 0.77 1.57 5 34.92 0.54 11.99 - 30.57 * 2.27 11.34 0.80 3.47 5.06 - 100.95 1.14 99.81 OF IONS ON ! \S )(\ 0.40 \ 0.07 1 5.47 - y 0.58 4 4.38 * 0.27 1 3 09 2 08 I 0.76 ) 1.47 6 36.66 0.41 11.43 - 26.99* 4.85 11.69 1.82 1.76 6.10 - 101.71 1.38 100.33 THE BASIS OF 8.00 J-JJJ8.00 0.33 \ 0.05 1 5.43 - y 5.33 1.20 ( 3.75 * 0.59 1 3 11 2 08 > 3 04 0.37 ) 1.72 7 35.06 0.80 12.27 - 26.71 4.05 11.78 1.75 1.96 6.51 - 101.39 1.47 99.92 24 (O 5.91 2.09 0.35 0.10 - 1.02 3.76 0.57 2 13 0.42 1.86 8 35.76 0.70 12.55 - 26.32* 4.87 11.35 1.77 1.76 6.03 - 101.11 1.36 99.75 , Cl, OH) 18- ;s i \ 0.41 X / 0.09 / )5.23 - ) ( 1,1 ( ; 3.66; j 0.57 1 > 3 12 2 02 i \ 0.37 \ 1.70 9 36.44 0.44 11.60 - 27.03* 4.42 11.35 1.86 1.66 6.20 - 101.00 1.40 99.60 8.00 ^[8.00 0.55 \ 0.06 f 5.37 - y 5.25 0.87 ( 3.77 ; 0.60 ) 2 96 2 03 > 2 98 0.35 \ 1.75 10 36.00 0.59 11.85 - 27.99* 3.51 11.42 1.79 1.71 6.10 - 100.96 1.38 99.58 6.05 / 1.95 \ ' 0.40 \ 0.07 1 - ) 5.29 0.88 I 3.94 ; 0.58 ) 2 06 > 3 01 0.37 \ 1.74 a All Fe calculated as FeO. "Includes Mn 0.06. Column 1: Krutov's (1936) analysis (includes P2O5 0.10, SO3 0.11, MnO 0.43) Columns 2-5: Dashkesanite from Transcaucasia. Analyzed on electron microprobe. Columns 6-10: Dashkesanite from the St. Paul's Rocks. All analyses done on section USNM-110393-31. Analyzed on electron microprobe. NUMBER 14 19 SjU.m beam size. The analyses were corrected using the Bence and Albee (1968) correction pro- cedures, and the summations corrected for chlorine equivalents of oxygen. The results are given in Table 1. The ionic proportions were calculated on the basis of 24 anions with H2O not determined and all Fe assumed to be ferrous. The choice of 24 anions rather than 23 was made because Cl~ rather than OH" appears to nearly completely fill the A site. Since the occupancy of this site is known and need not be assumed, a normalization on the basis of 24 anions is a justified approximation. The actual number of anions is probably between 23 and 24. Chemistry Dashkesanite from the two localities has similar chemistry in some respects. Both are low in SiO2 and MgO and high in FeO, Cl, and K2O compared to other hornblende compositions (Leake, 1968; Deer, et al., 1963a:290), while CaO, TiO2, and A12O3 are consistent with other hornblendes. These hornblendes are hastingsitic, using the classifica- tion of Ernst (1968). There are also chemical differences between the two occurrences. The dashkesanite from the St. Paul's Rocks is higher in SiO2, Cl, Na2O, MgO and lower in total Fe and K2O than the dashkesan- ite from Transcaucasia. There are also differences between Krutov's original analyses and those done for the present paper. The new analyses show less Cl, SiO2, and Na2O, and higher A12O3. These differences may be due to the differences in analyti- cal technique. The cation sums (Table 1) are high, generally summing over 16. This is probably because for the microprobe analyses all iron is assumed to be fer- rous. Krutov's analysis shows a considerable amount of ferric iron, and indicates that from 13 to 14 percent of the ferrous iron reported in the probe analyses may be ferric. Particularly, the totals for the Y site (Fe + Ti + Mg + octahedral Al) are high, being between 5.23 and 5.50. Leake (1968:249) postulates that good analyses would have sums between 4.75 and 5.25 for this site. Recalculating the ionic propor- tions assuming all iron as ferric iron reduces the sum for this site by approximately 0.70 and reduces the cation total by approximately 1. Depending on the amount of ferric iron present, all the cation proportions are probably less than those reported for the present analyses in which all iron is as- sumed as ferrous iron. Discussion Dashkesanite from the two localities is close in optical characteristics and chemical composition in spite of the differences in the environments in which they are found. In St. Paul's Rocks dashkesanite is a late stage mineral, as shown by the absence of shear- ing or mylonitization. Melson, et al. (1972:241) in- clude dashkesanite in the neomineral group. These minerals occur as undeformed grains indicating formation by recrystallization and precipitation continuously during or after mylonitization. Melson, et al. (1972:241) speculate the high-chlorine miner- als found (dashkesanite, scapolite and chlorapatite) formed either by reaction of primary minerals with a chlorine-rich pore fluid or by direct crystallization from such a pore fluid. It is possible that the chlorine was derived from sea water during weathering of the brown horn- blende mylonites. The dashkesanite does occur with scapolite, however, which is most characteristically formed in upper amphibolite facies rocks (Deer, et al., 1963b:330); this would indicate moderate to high temperatures. The formation of the dashkesanite may be re- lated to the formation of the brown hornblende mylonites. Of the three rock types present, the brown hornblende mylonites have the largest amount of chlorine in their bulk composition (1.22-1.86% compared with 0.67% in the clinopy- roxene-plagioclase mylonite and 0.05-0.20% in the peridotite mylonites [Melson, et al., 1972]). The higher amount of chlorine may account for the observable presence of the dashkesanite and other high chlorine phases in the brown hornblende mylonites. High chlorine content appears to be a characteristic of the strongly undersaturated alkalic rock clan to which the brown hornblende mylonites are chemically related (Melson, pers. comm.). The dashkesanite in the Trancaucasian rocks formed by contact metamorphism. Krutov (1936) feels that the dashkesanite was formed by reaction of the fluids from the magma, containing large amounts of FeO and Cl, with the surrounding 20 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES country rocks described as porphyrites and tuffs. He projects conditions of low temperature and high fluid pressure. Krutov (1936) thinks the source of the fluids are the basic differentiates of the intru- sion, which have a high chlorine content. These basic differentiates occur as dikes of gabbro por- phyrite near the amphibole skarn. The differences in chemistry between the two localities of dashkesanite as noted in the preceding section can be accounted for by the differences in environments. There are, however, strong similari- ties between the two environments. Both occur- rences are in silica-undersaturated environments and this would account for the low SiO2 content of dashkesanite. Although the specific conditions of formation are not known, both occurrences of the mineral appear to be related to the late stage fluids derived from basic and ultrabasic intrusions. Dashkesanite may be present but may not have been recognized in other rocks of similar composi- tion as the Transcaucaian rocks and St. Paul's Rocks. Further observance of this mineral in other silica-undersaturated rocks could add to our knowl- edge of the geochemistry of chlorine, the concen- tration of chlorine in such rocks, and the late stage fluids associated with these rocks. Dashkesanite may also prove interesting crystal- lographically because the chlorine ion is the largest (1.81 A) of the ions commonly reported in the A site in amphiboles (OH~, 0.91-0.105 A and F~, 1.33 A [Bloss, 1971]). Literature Cited Bence, A. E., and A. L. Albee 1968. Empirical Correction Factors for the Electron Microanalysis of Silicates and Oxides. Journal of Geology, 76:382-403. Bloss, F. Donald 1971. Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry. 545 pages. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. Deer, W. A., R. A. Howie, and J. Zussman 1963a. Chain Silicates. Volume 2 of Rock-Forming Min- erals. 379 pages. New York: John Wiley and Sons. 1963b. Framework Silicates. Volume 4 of Rock-Forming Minerals. 435 pages. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Ernst, W. G. 1968. Amphiboles. 125 pages. New York: Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. Krutov, G. A. 1936. Dashkessanite: A New Chlorine Amphibole of the Hastingsite Group. Bulletin de VAcademie des Sci- ences de I'URSS, Classe des Sciences Mathematiques et Naturelles, Serie Geologique, 341-373. [See also Mineralogical Abstracts, 6(1937): 438.] Leake, B. E. 1968. A Catalog of Analyzed Calciferous and Subcal- ciferous Amphiboles Together with their Nomen- clature and Associated Minerals. Geological Society of America Special Paper, 98. Melson, W. G., S. R. Hart, and G. Thompson 1972. St. Paul's Rocks, Equatorial Atlantic: Petrogenesis, Radiometric Ages and Implications on Sea Floor Spreading. Geological Society of America Memoir, 132:241-272. Note on High-Alumina Basalt Dredged near the Aleutian Trench William G. Melson ABSTRACT High-alumina basalt was dredged from a smallseamount in the Adak Fracture Zone near and south of the Aleutian Trench. The basalt, dredgedfrom magnetic anomaly 25 (about 63 million years old) has a composition transitional between basalt from spreading centers and basalt from seamounts.It thus may have been derived from the ancestral East Pacific Rise or from younger off-ridge vol-canism. Extensive weathering effects have changed the concentrations of some elements, and obscured the primary igneous composition. Introduction Very little is known about the igneous rocks on the floor of the north Pacific Ocean. Samples dredged from this region were transferred to the National Museum of Natural History, Smithso- nian Institution, by Dr. Barrett H. Erickson of the U.S. National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Ad- ministration. These are the only samples in the Museum's collections from this area, and their de- scription is the subject of this report. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.?I am indebted to Dr. Erick- son for providing the samples for study; to Mr. Paul Grim, also of the U.S. National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, for helpful dis- cussions and information on the Adak Fracture Zone; to Mr. E. Jarosewich, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, for per- William G. Melson, Department of Mineral Sciences, Na- tional Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. 20560. forming the chemical analyses; and to Dr. S. R. Cann and his associates, University of East Anglia, England, for performing trace element analyses on the samples. Specimen Features Two basalt samples were received, both identical in hand specimen features and weighing 195 gm (USNM 112471) and 400 gm (USNM 112472). Both are angular, and have very thin, black, hydrous iron-manganese oxide coatings on at least one sur- face. Other surfaces are free of the coatings, indi- cating that the fragments were broken off larger boulders or outcrops by the dredge. A thin, 5 to 10 mm, reddish altered zone extends inward into the rock from the oxide-encrusted surfaces. The unen- crusted surfaces are mottled by small black circular encrustations, probably composed of hydrous iron- manganese oxides, about 1 to 2 mm across, on a yellowish background of altered basalt. The less- altered appearing interior is dark brown, contains scattered large (up to 1 cm across) rounded, multi- crystal aggregates of plagioclase (An80), which com- pose about 3 volume percent of each sample. The groundmass contains abundant plagioclase micro- lites (average An60-An70), and small granules and sheaflike quench crystals of clinopyroxene. The large plagioclase crystals are altered to white clay minerals on the outer, oxide-encrusted surface. The very fine grain-size of the samples shows that they cooled near quenched surfaces, although neither fresh glass nor palagonitized glass surfaces occur. There are no obvious grain-size gradients across the samples. These features indicate that the samples are from the interior, but probably less than 20 centimeters from a cooling surface, of a 21 22 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES pillow lava or from the contact of a shallow intru- sion. Bottom Exposure Age The thickness of the hydrous iron-manganese oxide coating on deep-sea rocks is proportional to the length of time of exposure on the sea-floor. The rate of deposition ranges between 1 and 10 mm per million years (Bender et al., 1966; Ku and Broecker, 1967; Somayujulu, 1967). The maximum thickness of 1 mm on these samples thus indicates a bottom exposure age of from 0.1 to 1 million years. Sample Locality and Oceanic Basement Age The sample was dredged from a depth of 4714 m on the south side of a small seamount which rises to 3790 m. The locality (49?30.43' N, 177?32.88' W) is on magnetic anomaly 25 (Grim and Erick- son, 1969; Erickson and Grim, 1969), which has an age estimated at 63 million years according to the magnetic reversals time scale of Heirtzler, et al. (1968). The thin hydrous iron-manganese encrusta- tion shows that the sample has been exposed at the sea floor for a much shorter period of time than this. The inference, then, is that it has only re- cently been exposed at the sea-floor by faulting or slumping off of overburden, and/or it is a geo- logically recent eruptive rock. The unnamed seamount from which the samples were dredged is elongated in an east-northeast direc- tion, and rises 1210 m over a distance of 15 km in this direction. Steepest slopes are perpendicular to this direction, and average about 10?. The bathy- metry itself would indicate formation of the feature as an off-ridge submarine volcano. However, the direction of elongation is nearly paralled to the trend of the regional magnetic anomalies. This feature raises the possibility that the seamount was a bathymetrically high ridge formed originally at a spreading center. The composition of the basalt from the seamount, as will be discussed, does not indicate unambiguously which of these possibilities is true. Composition The Adak Fracture Zone basalt samples are high- alumina basalt with evidence of significant weather- TABLE 1.?Chemical composition of high-alumina basalt from the Adak Fracture Zone Constituent SiO2 A1,O3 FesO, FeO MgO CaO Na2O K2O H2O+ H2O- TiO2 MnO Total Total FeO* Rb Sr . Y Zr Nb 46.80 17.99 7.52 3.52 4.48 12.14 2.84 0.37 1.66 0.77 1.67 0.17 0.19 100.12 10.05 49.61 16.01 2.21 7.19 7.84 11.32 2.76 0.22 0.63 0.45 1.43 0.14 0.18 0.72 0.85 0.74 1.25 0.90 0.64 0.25 0.12 0.22 0.30 0.29 0.07 0.04 49.84 48.16 14.09 18.31 3.06 8.61 8.52 10.41 2.15 0.38 4.24 5.89 4.87 8.79 4.05 1.69 2.52 2.91 0.26 0.93 0.16 0.16 11.49 1.27 11.36 9.71 TRACE ELEMENTS 7.2 148 57 111 0.8 123 43 100 46 12 42 * All Fe recalculated as FeO. Column 1: Using classical methods, E. Jarosewich, analyst; trace elements by X-ray fluorescence by J. R. Cann and co- workers. Column 2: Average ocean-floor basalt (Cann, 1971), 94 analy- ses; Fe2O3, FeO, H2O + , H2O ?, and trace element averages (Melson and Thompson, 1971). Column 3: Standard deviations for column 2. Column 4: Average of 181 olivine tholeiites and tholeiites from the Hawaiian Islands (MacDonald and Katsura, 1964). Recalculated on an anhydrous basis. Column 5: Average of 10 samples of alkali basalt from sub- marine volcanoes and islands of the eastern Pacific Ocean (Engel, et al., 1965). Recalculated on an anhydrous basis. ing (Table 1). The ferric to ferrous iron ratio is considerably greater than fresh oceanic basalts, and reflects submarine oxidation. The water content, on the other hand, is higher (2.43 versus 1.08) than most midocean ridge basalts (Table 1). Weathering of deep-sea basalts commonly produces potassium- rich smectite (Melson and Thompson, 1973) which significantly increases the bulk K2O content of even slightly weathered submarine basalts. Although clay minerals are abundant in the mesostasis, the K2O content of the sample, 0.37 percent, is barely higher than the average for fresh ocean-floor basalt (0.22, Table 1). NUMBER 14 23 TABLE 2.?Trace element composition (ppm) of the Adak Fracture Zone high-alumina basalt compared to other regions (all data and averages by Dr. J. R. Cann and colleagues; averages from Pearce and Cann, 1971) Sample Adak Basalt USXM 112471 . . . USNM 112472 . . . Average Ocean floor basalt Average Island arc andesitc Average Hawaii basalt Ti 10012 - 7760 4050 15360 Rb 7.2 9.7 - - - Sr 148 144 - - - Y 57 49 27 21 24 Zr 111 108 80 106 162 Nb 0.8 4.2 - - ? Origin of High-Alumina Content High-alumina content can be a feature of erupted liquid, or a reflection of an abundance of already present calcic plagioclase phenocrysts. In the Adak high-alumina basalt, the high-alumina content is a reflection of a high-alumina liquid composition. Although large rounded plagioclase crystals occur, they compose on the order of 3 volume percent of the samples, an amount much too small to account for the high-alumina content of the sample. The large, rounded calcic plagioclase crystals are prob- ably cognate, and may reflect convective movements or settling of early forming plagioclase crystals from cooler to hotter portions of the pre-eruption magma chamber. In this region of the Adak Fracture Zone old oceanic crust formed by sea-floor spreading at the northern extension of the east Pacific rise about 63 million years ago? Or, is the seamount from which it was dredged the product of much younger, off-ridge volcanism? These two modes of origin correlate with distinct differences in chemical com- position. A number of elements whose concentra- tions commonly differ in these two settings were determined in the Adak sample. These include Ti, K, and Zr, which are characteristically higher in volcanic islands and seamounts compared to deep- sea basalts from spreading ridges. The most striking compositional differences be- tween the Adak Fracture Zone basalt and most ocean-floor basalts, are its high alumina content, low magnesia content, and high total iron to mag- nesia ratio. These features are probably not a result of weathering. The Zr and Ti contents are transitional between seamount basalt and basalt derived from spreading centers (Table 2). Chem- ically, it is thus not clear to which category the Adak Fracture Zone basalt belongs. If actually derived from a spreading center about 63 million years old, its chemically and perhaps even bathymetric corresponding half would be identifiable on the opposite side of the spreading center at magnetic anomaly 25. This test of a sea- floor spreading origin for the basalt cannot be made because the eastern counterpart of the re- gion from which the Adak basalt may have come has long since been subducted beneath North America. Literature Cited Bender, M. L., T. Ku, and W. Broecker 1966. Manganese Nodules: Their Evolution. Science, 151: 325-328. Cann, J. R. 1971. Major Element Variations in Ocean-Floor basalts. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, A.268:495-505. Engel, A. E. J., C. G. Engel, and R. G. Havens 1965. Chemical Characteristics of Oceanic Basalts and the Upper Mantle. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 76:719-734. Ericksson, B. H., and P. J. Grim 1969. Profiles of Magnetic Anomalies South of the Aleu- tian Island Arc. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 80:1387-1389. Grim, P. J., and B. H. Ericksson. 1969. Fracture Zones and Magnetic Anomalies South of the Aleutian Trench. Journal of Geophysical Re- search, 74:1488-1494. Heirtzler, J. R., G. O. Dickson, E. M. Herron, W. C. Pitman III, and X. Le Pichon 1968. Marine Magnetic Anomalies, Geomagnetic Field Reversals, and Motions of the Ocean Floor and Continents. Journal of Geophysical Research, 73: 2119-2136. Ku, T., and W. S. Broecker 1967. Uranium, Thorium and Protactinium in a Manga- nese Nodule. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2:217-320. MacDonald, G. A., and T. Katsura 1964. Chemical Composition of Hawaiian Lavas. Journal of Petrology, 5:82-133. Melson, W. G., and G. Thompson 1971. Petrology of a Transform Fault Zone and Adjacent Ridge Segments. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, A.268:423-441. 1973. Glassy Abyssal Basalts, Atlantic Sea Floor near St. 24 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES Paul's Rocks: Petrography and Composition of Analysis Using Ti, Zr, and Y. Earth and Planetary Secondary Clay Minerals. Geological Society of Science Letters, 12:339-349. America Bulletin, 84:703-716. Somayujulu, B. L. K. Pearce, J. A., and J. R. Cann 1967. Beryllium-10 in a Manganese Nodule. Science, 156: 1971. Ophiolite Origin Investigated by Discriminant 1219-1220. Composition of Three Glass Phases in an Apollo 15 Basalt Fragment George S. Switzer ABSTRACT The fragment studied contains glass of three dis- tinct types: A: colorless, high silica glass; B: brown, high-iron interstitial glass. Microprobe analyses show high-iron interstitial glass. Microprobe analyses show there has been strong partitioning of certain ele- ments, especially of K into the high-silica glass, and P and Ti into the high-iron glasses. The high- iron glasses are thought to have been formed as im- miscible liquids. Introduction Some silicate liquids on cooling separate into two or more liquids of markedly different compositions. This process, generation of immiscible liquids, may be an important process in the generation of cer- tain classes of igneous rocks, such as those in the syenitic and granitic families (Roedder, 1951; Phil- potts and Philpotts, 1969; Roedder and Weiblen, 1970). Immiscibility has long been known in cer- tain experimentally studied systems (Greig, 1927; Roedder, 1951), but was first documented in natural materials in Apollo 11 basaltic rocks (Roedder and Weiblen, 1970). Here I describe one of the best examples of liquid immiscibility yet reported in lunar samples. During a study of Apollo 15 soil sample 15272,11 an unusual basalt fragment was encountered that contains glass of three distinct types, which for convenience are designated types A, B, and C: A George S. Switzer, Department of Mineral Sciences, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Wash- ington, D.C. 20560. is a colorless, high-silica glass; B is brown, high- iron blebs immiscible in A; and C is a brown, high- iron interstitial glass. The sample is an angular, 2.0 mm fragment com- posed primarily of plagioclase, orthopyroxene, glass, cristobalite, ilmenite, and clinopyroxene, in that order of abundance. The density of the fragment is > 2.90 < 3.00. A photomicrograph is shown in Figure 1. Microprobe analyses and microscopic examina- tion yielded the following data on the principal minerals. Plagioclase crystals up to 0.2 X 0.8 mm in size have a composition near An86, with slightly more sodic (An83) rims. The orthopyroxene, in crystals up to 0.5 mm, has composition En75Fs25Wo2. A single crystal of clinopyroxene is En34Fs26Wo40. FIGURE 1.?Thin section of basalt fragment from Apollo 15 soil sample 15272,11. Maximum dimension of fragment 2.0 mm. Transmitted light. 25 26 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES Vo ????? A FIGURE 2.?Umenite crystal surrounded by interstitial Type C glass except where in contact with plagioclase. Area on left with mosaic structure is cristobalite. Note darkening of glass due to reaction with ilmenite. a, Transmitted light, b, Reflected light. Length of bar = 0.1 mm. The cristobalite shows typical mosaic structure. Droplets of iron and possibly some sulfide are scattered throughout the specimen. The ilmenite contains 2.8 percent MgO. Ilmenite-Glass Reaction Ilmenite is a prominent phase (about 5 volume percent). Where ilmenite is in contact with Type C glass, the glass is frequently dark brown to opaque, with the depth of color decreasing away from the contact, as though ilmenite has reacted with the glass (Figure 2a, b). A microprobe step scan for Fe and Ti at 2/j.m intervals across an ilmenite-glass contact (along A-Ar of Figure 3a) yielded the data plotted in Figure 4. There has been some reaction between the two phases, but an apparent more extensive reaction seen in the thin FIGURE 3.?Ilmenite crystal in contact with (to left) Type C interstitial glass, and (to right) with high-silica glass (Type A) with high-iron (Type B) immiscible blebs. A-A' is line along which step scan analysis was made (see Figure 4). a, Transmitted light, b, Reflected light. Length of bar = 0.1 mm. NUMBER 14 27 u UI CL z Ul uac uia. 30 - 20 - 10 - 10 - - - HIGH IRON GLASS / jTYPE C 1 1 1 1 Tl ^? ' r1 in i? z S _? i ___-? ?? 1 \" < 11 -J **i r1 1\ \ ^ i HIGH SILICA GLASS TYPE A HIGH IRON GLASS TYPE B r 1 1 i i HIGH SILICA GLASS TYPE A Tl 20 40 60 MICRONS 80 FIGURE 4.?Microprobe step scan for Fe and Ti along A-A' of Figure 3. 100 T ' FIGURE 5.?Large area of immiscible glass (left) consisting of high-silica colorless glass (Type A) with blebs of high-iron (Type B) glass. Right half of each photograph is same area as shown in Figure 3. a, Transmitted light, b, Reflected light. Length of bar = 0.1 mm. Circular, highly-reflective area in upper left is iron. 28 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES TABLE 1.?Composition of glass phases Constituent SiO, A12O, FeO CaO MgO K2O Na2O TiO2 P,O5 MnO BaO Total Qtz Or Ab An Di Hy 11 Ap C Apollo 15 Apollo 11 and 12 Type A Type B Type C 12 3 4 5 6 7 ANALYSES 75.7 53.1 43.4 76.3 75.8 42.2 44.1 11.9 8.3 8.0 11.5 11.4 5.4 3.0 2.7 24.8 24.6 3.0 2.5 32.9 31.2 1.5 7.1 10.3 1.6 1.8 10.7 10.9 0.3 0.5 4.7 0.07 0.25 0.79 1.9 6.6 1.9 0.8 6.7 6.4 0.41 0.25 1.1 0.4 0.4 0.14 0.35 0.16 0.11 0.5 2.7 6.3 0.68 0.53 4.2 3.8 0.0 1.1 0.8 0.15 - 0.57 1.2 0.0 0.2 0.2 0:05 - 0.32 0.3 0.6 0.2 0.62 - 0.0 100.6 100.7 99.7 100.81 99.03 97.65 96.46 NORMS 38.5 14.5 1.3 44.7 43.4 0.5 5.0 39.0 11.2 4.7 39.6 37.8 2.4 1.5 9.3 3.4 3.4 1.1 3.0 1.4 0.9 7.4 15.2 17.7 7.0 8.9 12.8 7.0 11.4 24.2 - - 32.4 34.6 4.9 36.7 34.4 4.7 4.3 38.9 37.6 1.0 5.1 12.0 1.3 1.0 8.0 7.2 2.6 1.9 0.4 - 1.3 2.8 0.2 - - 1.5 0.6 Column 1: High-silica immiscible colorless glass. Column 2: High-iron immiscible brown glass bleb. Column 3: High-iron brown interstitial glass (average of 2 analyses). Column 4: High-silica colorless glass from Apollo 12. Average of 15 analyses (Roedder and Weiblen, 1971). Column 5: High-silica colorless glass from Apollo 11. Average of 35 analyses (Roedder and Weiblen, 1971) . Column 6: High-iron brown glass from Apollo 12. Average of 5 analyses (Roedder and Weiblen, 1971) . Column 7: High-iron brown glass from Apollo 11. Average of 7 analyses (Roedder and Weiblen, 1971). section is due to inclined grain boundaries in a section that is approximately 40 ^m thick. The Glass Phases Microprobe analyses of the three glasses are given in Table 1. The analyses were made using close standards and corrected by use of the ABFAN pro- gram of the Geophysical Laboratory (Boyd, et al., 1969). For comparison are given compositions of immiscible glass in Apollo 11 and 12 rocks de- scribed by Roedder and Weiblen (1971). The areas of high-silica glass with immiscible blebs of high-iron glass (Figure 5a, b) are similar to those described in Apollo 11 and 12 rocks by Roedder and Weiblen (1970, 1971). Comparison of the high-silica glasses (Table 1, columns 1, 4, and 5) shows them to be similar, and characterized (in addition to high-silica), by low iron, calcium, and magnesium, and high potassium. The correspondence between analyses of the brown immiscible blebs (columns 2, 6, and 7) is not NUMBER 14 29 \ 1 ..< FIGURE 6.?Area of Type C high-iron glass interstitial to plagioclase and surrounding crystal of ilmenite. Triangular area above is high-silica glass (Type A) with high-iron glass blebs (Type B). a, Transmitted light, b, Reflected light. as close. However, it should be pointed out that Roedder and Weiblen's analyses of high-iron glasses in Apollo 11 and 12 rocks are averages of seven and five analyses, repectively, with a range in SiO2 of 36.5-50.2 percent (for Apollo 11), and 40.0-45.0 (for Apollo 12). These authors point out that the high- iron glass in their samples varied somewhat in com- position between samples, between blebs, and even within blebs. The new analysis presented here for Apollo 15 is of a single 20jU,m diameter bleb. An analysis of the high-iron Type C glass is given in Table 1, column 3. This glass is clear and vitreous and typically interstitial (Figure 6), and quite distinct in this latter feature from the Type B immiscible blebs. It also differs chemically from Type B, as can be seen by comparison of columns 2 and 3 of Table 1. Discussion Apollo 15 glass analyses in Table 1 show that there has been strong partitioning of certain ele- ments into one or the other liquid, the same as found by Roedder and Weiblen (1970, 1971) in their studies of immiscible glasses in Apollo 11 and 12 rocks. Of particular interest is the high con- centration of K in the high-silica glass and the high concentration of P in the high-iron glasses. The depletion of phosphorus in the high-silica (gra- nitic) fraction is a reverse trend to that in normal fractional crystallization and is thought to be the result of the separation of the liquids by immisci- bility (Anderson and Greenland, 1969, and Roed- der and Weiblen, 1970, 1971). Because phosphorus is enriched in both types (B and C) of high-iron glasses described here, one can conclude that both were formed as immiscible liquids. The question then is why one of the two high-iron glasses occurs as blebs in high-silica glass, and the other interstitial to the plagioclase and pyroxene. One possible explanation is that, due to a complex cooling history, initially two immiscible liquids formed, of compositions (A + B) and C. Then on further cooling (A + B) further separated into Type B blebs immiscible in Type A. Literature Cited Anderson, A. T., and L. P. Greenland 1969. Phosphorus Fractionation Diagram as a Quantita- tive Indicator of Crystallization Differentiation of Basaltic Liquids. Geochimica and Cosmochimica Ada, 33:493-505. Boyd, F. R., L. W. Finger, and F. Chayes 1969. Computer Reduction of Electron-probe Data. Car- negie Institution Year Book 67, Annual Report of the Director, Geophysical Laboratory, pages 210-215. Greig, J. W. 1927. Immiscibility in Silicate Melts. American Journal of Science, series 5, 13:1-44. 30 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES Philpotts, A. R., and J. A. Philpotts 1969. Liquid Immiscibility Between Syenitic and Gabbroic Magmas (Abstract). Geological Society of America Abstracts 1969, pages 176-177. Roedder, E. 1951. Low Temperature Liquid Immiscibility in the System K2O-FeO-Al2O3-SiO2. American Mineralo- gist, 36:282-286. Roedder, E., and P. W. Weiblen 1970. Lunar Petrology of Silicate Melt Inclusions, Apollo 11 Rocks. Pages 801-837 of volume 1 in A. A. Levin- son, editor, Proceedings of the Apollo 11 Lunar Science Conference, Houston, Texas, January 5-8, 1970. Geochimica and Cosmochimica Ada, supple- ment 1, volume 34. 1971. Petrology of Silicate Melt Inclusions, Apollo 11 and Apollo 12 and Terrestrial Equivalents. Pages 507-528 of volume 1 in A. A. Levinson, editor, Proceedings of the Second Lunar Science Con- ference, Houston, Texas, January 11-14, 1971. Geochimica and Cosmochimica Acta, supplement 2. Petrographic Analysis of Apollo 16 Samples 66083,1 and 67943,1 Brian Mason ABSTRACT Two samples of 2-4 mm fines collected on the Apollo 16 mission consist largely of fragments of anorthositic rock and breccias derived therefrom. Sample 66083,1 was a 0.5 g sample of 2-4 mm fines from a clod of white impact ejecta collected at Station 6 on the southwest wall of a subdued 10 m crater on the lowest "bench" of Stone Mountain, near its base; the astrogeology report (Apollo 16, 1973) says "possibly from South Ray crater, but location generally shadowed from South Ray crater ejecta." The sample as received contained 12 fragments > 2 mm, with a total weight of 0.433 g, and an average weight of 0.036 g; there was 0.066 g of material < 2 mm. The > 2 mm fragments were density-fractionated in methylene iodide-acetone liquids, with the results as shown in Table 1. Polished thin sections were made of fragments B, C, D, E, F, and of one from 60083,1 A (designated as 66083,1AA). Half of fragments AA and F were ground and fused with lithium tetraborate flux, and the resulting glasses analyzed with the micro- probe, with the results given in Table 2. A polished thin section (66083,1H) was also prepared from the 0.2-0.4 mm material obtained by sieving from the coarser fragments; this material contained 334 in- dividual particles, which were classified as shown in Table 3. Brian Mason, Department of Mineral Sciences, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Wash- ington, D.C. 20560. There appears to be a continuous sequence be- tween breccia and crystalline rock fragments, and for some fragments the assignment to one class or the other is to some degree arbitrary. Microprobe analyses of mineral grains gave the following results (number of grains analyzed in parentheses): plagioclase (10): An88_97, mean An93; olivine (4): Fa2o-25> mean Fa23; orthopyroxene (6): Wo2-4, Fs21_26, mean Wo3Fs25; augite (1): Wo41Fsn En48. Six glass fragments were also analyzed, with the results as shown in Table 4. Glasses 1, 2, and 3 could be melted regolith from this site; 2 and 3 are very similar to AA in Table 2, while 1 is some- what more feldspathic. Glass 6 corresponds to a completely melted mare basalt. The interpretation of the compositions of glasses 4 and 5 is not so clear-cut, and they probably represent mixtures of different components. The petrography of the fragments larger than 2 mm is as follows: AA. A breccia with a glassy matrix containing about 20-30 percent of crystal fragments. The frag- ments are predominantly plagioclase (maximum TABLE 1.?Density-fractionation results for 66083,1 Fragment A B C D E F Total Density <2.70 2.72 2.85 2.90 3.03 3.07 Number of fragments 7 1 1 1 1 1 12 Grams 0.208 0.030 0.042 0.029 0.025 0.099 0.433 31 32 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES TABLE 2.?Analyses and norms of two fragments from 66083,1 (analyst: J. Nelen) TABLE 4.?Analysis of six glass fragments from 66083,1 H Constituent SiO2 .... TiO2 A12O3 . . Cr2O3 . . FeO ... MnO MgO . CaO . Na2O . . K2O . . P2O5 ... Total An Ab Or Di Hy 01 II Ap Cr AA ANALYSES 44.8 0.62 25.5 0.14 5.76 0.12 6.11 14.7 0.52 0.18 0.1 47.3 0.92 19.2 0.18 9.20 0.16 9.86 11.4 0.59 0.32 0.3 98.6 99.4 NORMS 66.4 4.4 1.1 4.7 13.5 6.6 1.2 0.2 0.2 48.8 5.0 1.9 4.9 31.6 3.9 1.8 0.7 0.3 AA = fragment with D<2.70; F = fragment with D = 3.O7. size 0.3 mm), with minor olivine and orthopy- roxene, and some lithic fragments, also mainly plagioclase. Some of the plagioclase fragments show bending of the twin lamellae. This fragment ap- pears to be typical for the material with D <2.70; its analysis (Table 2) is very similar to that of fines TABLE 3.?Classification of 334 particles from 66083 JH Particles Crystalline rock fragments . . Breccia fragments Glass (clear and devitrified) Plagioclase fragments Plagioclase, partly melted . . . Spherules, glass or devitrified Metal fragment Total Number Percent 126 125 36 31 8 7 1 334 37.7 37.4 10.8 9.3 2.4 2.1 0.3 100.0 Constituent SiO2 TiO2 A12O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Total 1 44.0 0.54 31.2 3.58 0.03 3 39 180 0.26 0.03 101.0 2 46.6 0.60 27.8 5.32 0.03 5.87 15.8 0.94 0.06 103.0 3 44.5 0.88 26.8 5.99 0.03 6.49 14.3 0.69 0.11 99.8 4 47.7 0.53 20.9 7.08 0.03 12.0 12 0 0.62 0.08 100.9 5 50.9 0.69 17.5 10.9 0.10 9.45 10.2 0.75 0.11 100.6 6 45.7 3.88 9.89 20.4 0.15 10.0 7.94 0.86 0.24 99.1 from the same location (66081, H. Rose pers. comm.), indicating that it represents partially melted soil. B. A fragment of partly devitrified glass, with some plagioclase fragments (maximum size 0.1 mm) in one area; one spherule of metal, 0.1 mm di- ameter, was noted. C. A fine-grained feldspar-rich rock, made up of a felted aggregate of small plagioclase laths (up to 0.01 mm long) with about 10 percent of interstitial pyroxene and olivine; and minor amounts of opaques (probably ilmenite); occasional larger equidimensional grains of plagioclase (up to 0.1 mm) are also present. The texture suggests a recrystallized breccia, with the larger plagioclase grains being relict fragments from a coarse-grained rock. D. A breccia consisting of clasts of plagioclase (up to 0.25 mm) and plagioclase-rich rock (up to 2 mm) in a fine-grained microcrystalline feldspathic groundmass; four metal spherules, the largest 0.35 mm in diameter, are present. Microprobe analyses give an average plagioclase composition of An90 (range An88-An94); four pyroxene grains show a range of Wo43.116, Fs17.6_22.o; one grain of olivine gave Fa29. E. A fragment consisting of plagioclase clasts (up to 0.3 mm) in a fine-grained groundmass of plagioclase and ferromagnesians (olivine and pi- geonite) in subequal amounts, with some opaques (ilmenite and a few metal grains); the texture of the groundmass suggests that it may represent a recrystallized glass. Microprobe analyses of the individual minerals (number of grains analyzed in parentheses) gave plagioclase (9), An84_An95, mean NUMBER 14 TABLE 5.?Density-fractionation results for 67943,1 Density Number of fragments TABLE 6.?Analyses and norms of three fragments from 67943 (analyst: J. Nelen) Grams <2.70 2.70-2.80 2.80-2.90 2.90-3.00 2 6 5 3 0.061 0.051 0.199 0.049 An90; pigeonite (7), Wo8_12, Fs22_24, mean Wo9,Fs23; olivine (14), Fa25_27, mean Fa26. F. A crystalline rock made largely of subequal amounts of plagioclase and ferromagnesians (py- roxenes and olivine), with a minor amount of opaque material (mainly ilmenite, but with some prominent metallic spherules up to 0.4 mm in diameter). There are distinct areas of different grain size, suggesting the rock is a recrystallized breccia of lithic and mineral fragments; this is supported by the presence of occasional large (up to 0.4 mm) plagioclase grains, probably por- phyroclasts. Microprobe analyses of the individual minerals gave the following results (number of grains ana- lysed in parentheses): plagioclase (12): An90_98, mean An95; olivine (18): Fa38_43, mean Fa41; ortho- pyroxene (17): Wo3_7, Fs25_32, mean Wo4Fs28; pi- geonite (6): Wo]0_12, Fs30_31, mean WonFs31; augite (18): Wo34_40, Fs16_20, mean Wo37Fs17; metal (7): Ni 4.7-6.5 percent, mean 5.1 percent, and Co 0.58-0.77 percent, mean 0.67 percent. The analysis (Table 2) shows that the fragment is of noritic composition, but the texture is horn- felsic rather than igneous, suggesting recrystalliza- tion of a norite breccia at high temperatures (perhaps high enough to produce a metal-sulfide melt, represented by the metallic spherules, but not high enough to melt the silicates). The fragment is very similar in composition and texture to 65015, a 1.8 kg rock collected at the adjacent Station 5 and ascribed by the Geology Investigation Team to South Ray crater ejecta. Sample 67943,1 was a 0.5 g sample of 2-4 mm fines, one of the sieve fractions from 67940, a soil sample collected from the House Rock area on the southeast of North Ray crater (Station 11 of the Apollo 16 traverses). The sample as received contained 16 fragments >2 mm, with a total weight of 0.453 g, and an Constituent SiO2 .... TiO2 A12O3 . . . FeO MnO . . . MgO CaO . . Na2O . . K2O ... Total An Ab Or Di Hy Ol II An Fa Pyx D = 2.70-2.80 D = 2.70-2.80 D=2.80-2.90 44.9 0.42 29.6 3.52 0.05 3.22 16.8 0.68 0.10 99.3 77.6 5.8 0.6 4.9 4.8 4.9 0.8 93 35.8 ANALYSES 43.4 0.35 29.2 3.58 0.08 3.24 16.4 0.60 0.09 96.9 NORMS 76.6 5.1 0.6 3.9 3.5 6.4 0.7 93 36.8 44.6 0.44 27.9 4.29 0.07 5.43 15.4 0.67 0.15 99.0 72.4 5.7 0.9 3.2 6.1 9.5 0.8 91 29.8 Ca25Mg48Fe27 Ca2eMg47Fe27 average weight of 0.029 g; there was 0.047 g of material <2 mm. The >2 mm fragments were density-fractionated in methylene iodide-acetone liquids, with the results as shown in Table 5. Com- pared to 66083, another sample of 2-4 mm fines analyzed, this sample shows a smaller density range, and a concentration of material where D = 2.70- 2.90. Polished thin sections were made of 11 fragments covering the full density range; for three of them sufficient material remained after sectioning for microprobe analysis after fusion with lithium tetra- borate flux, and the results are given in Table 6. Except for two fragments in the D = 2.90-3.00 fraction, the individual fragments could all be classed as brecciated anorthosites; they differed one from another mainly in the amount of glass in the matrix, the lower density fragments having larger amounts of glass. This glass was usually pale brown and isotropic, sometimes showing incipient devitri- fication. The analyses in Table 6 confirm the anorthositic composition of these fragments; they all show over 80 percent normative plagioclase of 34 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES anorthite composition, with minor amounts of olivine and pyroxene. Of the two non-anorthositic fragments, both with density between 2.90 and 3.00, one was an equigranular plagioclase-rich microgabbro, with in- dividual grains averaging 0.1 mm across. The esti- mated mineral composition is 65 percent plagioclase (An94), 15 percent olivine (Fa19), 15 percent pigeon- ite (Wo12Fs23En65), and 5 percent opaques (mostly ilmenite). The compositions given for the minerals are averages of microprobe analyses; plagioclase and olivine are very uniform in composition, whereas pigeonite shows minor variability from grain to grain. The other non-anorthositic fragment appeared to be a composite particle, consisting of a relatively coarse (plagioclase grains up to 0.6 mm) troctolite welded to a fine-grained (maximum grain size 0.1 mm) gabbroic anorthosite. However, the miner- alogy of the two parts of the fragment are identical ?plagioclase (An94), olivine (Fa21), minor hyper- persthene (Fa19), and a little opaques?and the fine-grained material may be comminuted and re- crystallized troctolite. The boundary between the two parts is quite sharp. These two non-anorthositic fragments may repre- sent primary igneous rocks from the Apollo 16 site that have escaped the ubiquitous brecciation and recrystallization so characteristic of most of the rocks collected on this mission. Alternatively, they may be exotic fragments transported to the Apollo 16 site from some other region on the Moon. ACKNOWLEDGMENT.?This research was supported by a grant from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NGR 09-015-146). Literature Cited Apollo 16 Preliminary Examination Team 1973. The Apollo 16 Lunar Samples. Science, 179:23-34. The Allende Meteorite: Chondrule Composition and the Early Histroy of the Solar System Andrew L. Graham ABSTRACT Fifty chondrules and aggregates from the Allende meteorite (Type III carbonaceous chondrite), havebeen analyzed for the major elements using a fu- sion technique and subsequent microprobe analysis of the resulting glass bead. A portion of eachsample was retained and made into a polished thin section for mineralogical studies. The majorelement chemistry suggests that the Ca/Al-rich chondrules and aggregates exhibit compositional changes, whereas the Mg/Fe-rich chondrules donot. There appears to be no simple relationship between these two chondrule groups. Concomitantwith a decrease in the (CaO + Al 2O3) content is adecrease in TiO 2 and an increase in Na2O. This is paralleled by changes in the mineralogy of thechondrules. Although the (CaO-f A1 2O3) to TiO2relationship is that which has been predicted in terms of a condensing solar nebular model, that of(CaO + Al 2O3) with Na2O does not conform to this model. Other evidence against the primary natureof the Ca/Al-rich Allende chondrules is cited. Introduction The Allende meteorite is a Type III carbona- ceous chondrite of the Vigarano subgroup (Clarke, et al., 1970). It is composed of chondrules and microcrystalline aggregates distributed heteroge- neously throughout a black, olivine-rich matrix. Some of the chondrules and aggregates contain min- erals rarely found in meteorites. These include melilite, magnesian spinel, fassaite, wollastonite, cordierite, hibonite, and grossular (Clarke, et al., Andrew L. Graham, Department of Mineralogy, British Museum (Natural History), London S.W. 7, England. 1970; Fuchs, 1969, 1971; Marvin, et al., 1970). From a possible composition of the primitive (that is, un- differentiated), solar nebular gas (e.g., table in Cameron, 1968:127), and making assumptions as to the initial temperature of this gas, the condensation sequence with falling temperature of stable mole- cules can be calculated. Such calculations (Lord, 1965; Grossman, 1972) indicate that corundum, spinel, and melilite form early in this sequence. It is, therefore, tempting to suggest that the occurrence of these minerals in Type III carbonaceous chon- drites is evidence supporting the thermodynamically derived condensation sequence. It is not at present known whether the Ca/Al-rich aggregates and the melilite-bearing chondrules of the Allende and simi- lar meteorites are "bulk primary" condensates or not. Does their bulk composition represent a quasi- equilibrium state, similar to that shown by ter- restrial igneous processes, in which the crystalline solids represent one side of an equilibrium solidifi- cation sequence, or are these chondrules and aggre- gates the result of the association of material after the condensation sequence had finished? The structure and chemistry of the carbonaceous chondrites provide the basis for a strong argument against the metamorphism of these meteorites sub- sequent to their accretion. This is particularly shown by the wide variation in the Fe/Fe + Mg of the olivines they contain, and by the presence of glass within the chondrules. The bulk chemistry of the chondrules has not, therefore, been changed by metamorphism since the formation of the mete- orite. In this work chondrules and aggregates separated from the Allende meteorite have been analyzed for their major elements to see whether there is a sequential relationship in their chemistry. Do they represent particular stages in the condensa- 35 36 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES TABLE 1.?The composition of some chondrules and aggregates from the Allende meteorite Constituent SiO2 TiOa A12O3 . . FeO MgO CaO Na2O ICO Cr2O3 Total 1 43.1 0.2 5.7 8.9 38.6 3.8 0.7 0.03 0.5 101.53 2 50.9 0.4 1.2 7.6 37.9 0.9 0.2 0.03 0.8 99.93 3 40.6 0.2 7.0 6.6 38.7 4.5 0.5 0.03 0.7 98.83 4 32.0 1.4 27.3 4.8 12.4 21.5 0.8 0.03 0.2 100.43 5 41.5 1.1 25.8 2.2 14.8 12.7 1.3 0.03 0.4 99.83 6 26.9 1.3 30.0 1.0 9.8 30.9 0.2 0.03 0.05 100.18 7 35.7 1.2 24.8 0.9 7.1 29.8 0.4 0.03 0.02 99.95 8 30.9 1.0 28.1 0.3 9.8 30.3 0.2 0.03 0.01 100.64 Columns 1-3: Mg/Fe-rich chondrules Columns 4-5: Fine-grained aggregates Columns 6-8: Coarse-grained Ca/Al-rich chondrules tion of the nebular gas or are they random associa- tions which have been formed for material produced by this primitive condensation? If the latter is the case then no chemical trends would be expected, while if the former is the case then a sequential chemistry may be shown. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.?This work was performed during the tenure of a Smithsonian Research Fel- lowship. Dr. B. Mason and Dr. R. F. Fudali are thanked for their assistance and also Dr. L. Walter who gave advice on the analytical procedure used. The constructive criticism and suggestions of Dr. A. A. Moss and Dr. R. F. Fudali much improved the manuscript. Method Chondrules and aggregates were picked from fractured faces of specimens of the Allende mete- orite. The aggregates, which are friable, were re- moved from the bulk material with a stainless steel needle. Each sample was then crushed in an agate mortar. An aliquot of between 1 and 2 mg was mixed with 2.5 times its weight of a lithium tetra- borate/lithium carbonate flux prepared according to the method of Norrish and Hutton (1969). The mixture was fused to a glass bead in a small gold crucible by maintaining it at 960? C for five minutes in a vertical quench furnace. After quench- ing, the bead was mounted in a lucite disc, polished and analyzed for nine elements in an A.R.L. EMX electron microprobe. United States Geological Survey standards Wl, AGV1, DTS1 and the Allende bulk standard were prepared in the same way and used as standards. The homogeneity of the stan- dards and unknowns was checked by performing multiple analyses of the standards and three sepa- rate analyses of each unknown. Reproducibility of the whole procedure was checked by making six separate beads of a standard and analyzing each as an unknown. The relative mean deviation of the analyses in this case was ?3 percent for elements present in the undiluted material at concentrations greater than 0.5 percent by weight. Summation to 100 percent was also used as a test; any analysis that did not total 100 ? 2 percent was rejected. The values used for the composition of the USGS stan- dards were those given by Flanagan (1969), and those of the Allende bulk standard were given in Clarke, et al. (1970). Results The analyses of 50 chondrules and aggregates have been used to plot Figures 1-3 and in Table 1 representative analyses are quoted for eight indi- vidual samples. The mineralogy of most of the samples was examined by preparing a thin section from a fragment of each. Analyses 1-3 of Table 1 are of Mg/Fe-rich chondrules. Analyses 4 and 5 are of fine-grained aggregates; these are too fine for microscopic identification of their constituent minerals, but x-ray powder diffractrograms show the presence of clinopyroxene, melilite, and spinel. NUMBER 14 37 gehlenite) spinel \ ?> minor clinopyroxene \ melilite) clinopyroxene I ? anorthite \ enstatite > anorthite olivine FIGURE 1.?Ternary plot of SiO2 against (CaO + ALO3) and (FeO+MgO), all in weight percent, for the chondrules and aggregates from the Allende meteorite. The line shown is a possible fractionation trend. ? well crystallized Ca/Al-rich chondrules ? finely crystalline aggregates ^ olivine-rich chondrules Analyses 6-8 are of coarse-grained chondrules com- posed of melilite and clinopyroxene with minor spinel. The composition of a melilite and some clinopyroxenes from similar chondrules are given in Clarke, et al. (1970) and in Marvin, et al. (1970). Figure 1 is a ternary plot of (CaO + AI2O3) against SiO2 and (MgO + FeO) for the data ob- tained in this work. FeO was combined with MgO as most of the analyses showed less than 5 percent FeO, except for the olivine chondrules in some of which the FeO content rises to 14 percent. From the distribution of points it can be seen that there are two chondrule/aggregate groups. One shows evidence for a development trend, that is to say its composition could be regarded as changing regularly in some manner, but the second shows no such vector properties in the diagram. The former group is made up of the Ca/Al-rich bodies and the latter of chondrules containing olivine and orthopyroxene and, occasionally, glass. The group with a trend in bulk chemistry also shows a corresponding mineralogical development. At the Ca/Al-rich end, the chondrules are composed predominantly of gehlenite with a little spinel and clinopyroxene. Progressing from this extreme to- wards the (MgO + FeO)-SiO2 join the following trends are observed: This is accompanied by a decrease in the TiO2 content and an increase in the Na2O content of the chondrules. The concentration of K2O is too low to be meaningful with the analytical method used. Figure 2 shows the distribution of TiO2 con- tents. The average concentration of TiO2 in the melilite plus clinopyroxene chondrules is 1.2 per- cent, and this decreases on moving from the most Ca/Al-rich compositions plotted in Figure 1 to- wards the SiO2-(FeO + MgO) join. The olivine chondrules show a uniform TiO2 content of around 0.2 percent by weight. The changes in the concen- tration of Na2O in the same sequence is more com- plex, as shown in Figure 3. The maximum Na2O content is observed in those chondrules whose com- positions plot in the middle of Figure 1; the MgO + FeO-rich chondrules are almost as low in Na2O as are the gehlenite-rich bodies. Petrographic exami- nation of the thin sections confirms the distinction between the two groups shown in Figure 1. The group richest in CaO and A12O3 contains soda-free melilite and clinopyroxene with spinel and occa- 10 15 20 TiO FIGURE 2.?A histogram of TiO2 concentrations in Allende chondrules and aggregates. The peak at 1.2 percent TiO2 occurs at the Ca/Al-rich end of the line drawn on Figure 1. 38 FIGURE 3.?A histogram of Na2O concentrations in Allende chondrules and aggregates. The peak at about 0.2 percent Na2O is due to the melilite chondrules and that at 0.6 per- cent Na^O to the olivine chondrules. sionally anorthite while the other group contains olivine and orthopyroxene with occasional glass. The coexistence of olivine and melilite was not seen nor was that of olivine and clinopyroxene. A further interesting observation, not expected from experience with terrestrial samples, is the coexis- tence of anorthite and melilite. Schairer and Yoder (1969) reported the coexistence of these minerals in experimental runs and commented that this had not, so far, been observed in nature. Discussion The distinctive petrographic and chemical differ- ences between the Ca/Al-rich chondrules and ag- gregates and the Mg/Si-rich chondrules strongly suggest that there was very little brecciation and mixing of chondrule fragments prior to their in- corporation in this meteorite. It is, therefore, possi- ble to regard the bulk composition of the Ca/Al- rich chondrules and aggregates as being that of the solid phases of a fractionation sequence and so any trends in their major element chemistry can be interpreted as reflecting changes in the composi- tion of their parent material. Changes in the pres- sure and temperature of the parent material, the nebular gas of the condensation hypothesis, will have very little effect upon this relationship, since dP/dT for the vapor to solid transition for melilite, enstatite, forsterite, and spinel is almost constant over a pressure range of 10~7 to 10~2 atmospheres, and has very nearly the same value for all these SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES phases (Grossman, 1972). A further point is that fine-grained aggregates are similar in composition to the more coarsely crystalline Ca/Al-rich chon- drules. It is not possible to distinguish between them in terms of those elements used to construct Figure 1. This may, in part, be due to the small number of analyses, data for only six fine-grained aggregates being currently available, but these all plot within the field defined by the analyses of the coarse-grained Ca/Al-rich chondrules. The implica- tion is that either the conditions favoring the crys- tallization of material from a similar parent were not uniform during the formation of the Ca/Al- rich bodies, or that subsequent recrystallization of the first-formed microcrystalline aggregates pro- duced the coarsely crystalline chondrules. Evidence suggesting that some recrystallization has occurred comes from the Rb/Sr systematics of the Ca/Al-rich bodies. They do not define a single isochron (Gray, et al., 1973), implying that there has been some movement of Rb and/or Sr since their formation. It has been shown, however, that the chondrule olivines show radiation damage whereas the matrix olivines do not (Green, et al., 1971). Since this damage is removed by heating to about 500? K (Green, et al., 1971), the chondrule olivines must have remained below this temperature during and after the accretion of the meteorite. Further, the presence of grossular in some of these aggregates (Clarke, et al., 1970) and of andradite (Fuchs, 1971) implies temperatures of the order of 700? K. Gros- sular has been synthesized at 800? C from a glass (Yoder, 1954) and at 400? C from a mixture of 3SiO2-Al2O3-3CaCO3 (Christophe-Michel-Levy, 1956). Thus an upper temperature limit of about 700? K can be given for the postformation history of the Ca/Al-rich bodies of this meteorite, and of about 500? K for the Mg/Fe-rich chondrules. These temperatures are too low to cause the formation of the coarse-grained chondrules from the fine- grained aggregates by recrystallization during or after the accretion of the meteorite. The changes in the bulk chemistry of the two chondrule types, Ca/Al-rich and Mg/Fe-rich, are such that it is not possible at present to connect them unequivocally into a single fractionation se- quence with a common parent. It may be that any sequential change in the Mg/Si ratio of the olivine- rich chondrules that developed as a result of early condensation processes has been modified by sub- NUMBER 14 39 sequent exchange between these chondrules and the residual material prior to the accretion of the Allende meteorite. In particular, the magnesium silicates, enstatite, and forsterite will become more iron-rich by this process, which moves their com- position toward the MgO + FeO apex of Figure 1. Plotting this figure on an iron-free basis does not, however, cause the magnesium-rich chondrules to plot on an extension of the line drawn; the distinction between the two groups of chondrules remains. The alignment of chondrule compositions in the Ca/Al-rich portion of Figure 1 suggests that their bulk compositions were fixed by a fractionation sequence similar to that derived by Grossman (1972) from theoretical considerations of the primi- tive nebular gas. Fuchs and Blander (1973), how- ever, give a summary of the phenomena that they have observed in Ca/Al-rich chondrules from the Allende meteorite that suggests a liquid precursor for these chondrules, rather than their formation from a vapor by direct condensation. In particular they note the spherical nature of the chondrules and the occurrence of eutectic intergrowths of py- roxene and anorthite and also gehlenite and anor- thite. Grossman and Clark (1973) maintain that the formation of any liquid took place after the main condensation sequence, from solids produced in this sequence. This is required by their theory because the calculated condensation sequence predicts the formation of some phases, for example clinopy- roxene and anorthite, at temperatures that are below their solidi. The direct condensation hy- pothesis has difficulty in explaining the observed Mg/Si ratios of the Ca/Al-rich chondrules, which are almost constant during the decrease in (CaO + A12O3) content (Figure 1). The direct condensation hypothesis predicts spinel as an early solid phase, subsequent condensates being more siliceous. There should then be a decrease in the Mg/Si ratio of the succeeding chondrules as condensation proceeds. This trend is not observed for the chondrule com- positions plotted in Figure 1; actually there is a slight increase in this ratio. The evidence from the Allende Ca/Al-rich chon- drules suggests that, if they are "primary conden- sates,'.' they have had a more complicated history than simply that of condensation and incorpora- tion into Type III carbonaceous chondrite matrix. How far this has erased evidence of the primitive state of these condensates is not clear. The great heterogeneity of the meteorite is remarkable and it may be that further samples will provide a better means for distinguishing between phenomena that could be produced by the early condensation se- quence in the solar nebula, and those that are the result of processes subsequent to this event. Literature Cited Cameron, A. G. W. 1968. A New Table of Abundances of the Elements in the Solar System. Pages 125-143 in L. H. Ahrens, editor, Origin and Distribution of the Elements. New York: Pergamon. Christophe-Michel-Levy, M. 1956. Reproduction artificielle des granats caliques: gros- sulaire et andradite. Socie'te Francaise de Mineralogie et de Cristallographie Bulletin, 79:124-128. Clarke, R. S., Jr., E. Jarosewich, B. Mason, J. Nelen, M. Gomez, and J. R. Hyde 1970. The Allende, Mexico, Meteorite Shower. Smith- sonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, 5:1-52. Flanagan, F. J. 1969. U. S. Geological Survey Standards-II: First Compila- tion of Data for the New USGS Rocks. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Ada, 33:81?120. Fuchs, L. H. 1969. Occurrence of Cordierite and Aluminous Orthoen- statite in the Allende Meteorite. American Mineral- ogist, 54:1645-1653. 1971. Occurrence of Wollastonite, Rhonite and Andradite in the Allende Meteorite. American Mineralogist, 526:2053-2067. Fuchs, L. H., and Blander, M. 1973. Calcium-Aluminium Rich Inclusions in the Allende Meteorite: Textural and Mineralogical Evidence for a Liquid Origin (abstract) . Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 54:345. Gray, C. A., D. A. Papanastassiou, and G. J. Wasserburg 1973. The Identification of Early Condensates from the Solar Nebula. Icarus, 20:213-239. Green, H. W. II, S. V. Radcliffe, and A. H. Heuer 1971. Allende Meteorite: A High Voltage Electron Petro- graphic Study. Science, 172:936-939. Grossman, L. 1972. Condensation in the Primitive Solar Nebula. Geo- chimica et Cosmochimica Ada, 36:597-619. Grossman, L., and S. P. Clark, Jr., 1973. High Temperature Condensates in Chondrites and the Environment in Which They Formed. Geo- chimica et Cosmochimica Ada, 37:635-650. Lord, H. C, III 1965. Molecular Equilibria and Condensation in a Solar Nebula and Cool Stellar Atmospheres. Icarus, 4: 279-288. 40 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES Marvin, U. B., J. A. Wood, and J. S. Dickey, Jr. 1970. Ca-Al-rich Phases in the Allende Meteorite. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 7:346-350. Norrish, K., and J. T. Hutton 1969. An Accurate X-ray Spectrographic Method for the Analysis of a Wide Range of Geological Samples. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Ada, 33:431-454. Schairer, J. F., and H. S. Yoder, Jr. 1969. Critical Planes and Flow Sheet for a Portion of the System CaO-MgO-ALO3-SiO2 Having Petrological Significance. Carnegie Institution Year Book, 68: 202-214. Yoder, H. S., Jr. 1954. Garnets and Staurolite. Carnegie Institution Year Book, 53:120-121. The Pulsora Anomaly: A Case against Metamorphic Equilibration in Chondrites Kurt Fredriksson, Ananda Dube, Eugene Jarosewich, Joseph A. Nelen, and Albert F. Noonan ABSTRACT Four Indian H-group chondrites, Andura, Butsura,Pulsora, and Sitathali, with almost identical chem- ical composition but differing in texture and struc- ture, are described. All have essentially the sameand constant ("equilibrated") olivine and pyroxene composition. Pulsora, however, contains lithic frag-ments, some of which are coarsely crystalline with almost no metal, while others contain skeletal oliv- ine in silica-rich glass. Thus Pulsora could not havebeen "equilibrated" after the final agglomeration, nor is it necessary to postulate any such "metamor-phic" equilibration to explain the texture and min- eralogy of other chondrites. Introduction Circumstances of fall, morphology, and general classification of the four Indian H-group chon- drites, Andura, Butsura, Pulsora, and Sitathali, have been reported by Murthy, et al. (1969), who also referred to some previous work by Coulson (1940). A more detailed description of Sitathali was published by Viswanathan, et al. (1971). Andura and Butsura were grouped together by Murthy, et al., while according to Coulson (using the Rose, Tschermak, Brezina classification) they were respec- tively Cck, crystalline spherical, and Ci, intermedi- ate chondrites. Pulsora and Sitathali were described Kurt Fredriksson, Eugene Jarosewich, Joseph A. Nelen, and Albert F. Noonan, Department of Mineral Sciences, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Wash- ington, D. C. 20560. Ananda Dube, Geological Survey of India, Calcutta 13, India. by Murthy, et al (1969) as brecciated chondrites with "fine" and "coarse" matrix respectively and as Cib, brecciated intermediate, and Chob, brecciated howarditic chondrites by Coulson (1940). All four belong to the H-group (high iron) as defined by Urey and Craig (1953) and Keil and Fredriksson (1964). According to the subdivision, mainly on de- gree of "crystallinity," proposed by Van Schmus and Wood (1967), Butsura is H6 and Sitathali H5. Andura and Pulsora have not been classified pre- viously according to this system. However, by applying the criteria of Van Schmus and Wood, Andura is definitely within the H5-H6 range. Pul- sora on the other hand shows a variety of features allowing it to be placed in any group from H3 to H6 similarly as the Hedjaz L-group chondrite (Kraut and Fredriksson, 1971). These four meteorites were selected for detailed comparative studies from a number of meteorites currently being investigated under a joint program of the Geological Survey of India and the Smith- sonian Institution, because of their essentially identical chemical composition in spite of gross morphological and textural differences as indi- cated by the studies referred to above as well as our data. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.?We are grateful to the Di- rector General of the Geological Survey of India, Dr. M. K. Roy Chowdhury, as well as his prede- cessors for encouraging this cooperative work over many years. Mr. R. K. Sundaram and Drs. S. V. P. Iyengar and M. V. N. Murthy, all of the Geological Survey of India, also gave much assistance. For various data reductions we are indebted to the Smithsonian Information Systems Division and B. 41 42 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES FIGURE 1.?Photomicrograph of thin section of the Andura bronzite-chrondrite (H6). Only one chondrule, right center, is discernible; its boundaries are indistinct. Part of the matrix is relatively coarse and equigranular; other parts, however, are still fine-grained. White to gray are silicates; black, metal and troilite. Length of section 5 mm. Compare with frontispiece (a). J. Fredriksson. This work has been supported in part by grants from the Smithsonian Research Foundation and NASA (NGR 09-015-207). Mineralogy and Textures Figures 1-4 and the frontispiece show low magni- fication photomicrographs of thin sections of the four chondrites. The distinction between Sitathali (H5), Andura (H5-6), and Butsura (H6) with re- gard to grain size, degree of crystallinity and "inte- gration" between chondrules and matrix (Van Schmus and Wood, 1967) is clearly open to rather subjective judgment. Pulsora has parts similar in texture to the other three, but Figure 5 shows a relatively coarsely crystalline fragment within Pul- sora with clear crystals of plagioclase (typical of Type 6), diopside and minor whitlockite. This fragment is also nearly devoid of metal and troilite, like so-called amphoterites, or LL-group chondrites, but its olivine is typical of the H-group (also nearly the same as in the main mass of Pulsora, see Tables 1, 5, and 6) and its texture is achondritic (perhaps a "Grade 7" in the Van Schmus and Wood (1967) 1 NUMBER 14 43 FIGURE 2.?Photomicrograph of thin section of the Butsura bronzite chondrite, classification H5 (towards H6). Chondrules are somewhat more discernible than in Figure 1, while the matrix shows some relatively fine-grained areas. Length of section 5 mm. to 6 petrographic scale). The Pulsora section shown in Figures 6 and 7, on the other hand, includes a fragment (chondrule?) with skeletal to euhedral olivine in clear glass of the kind usually found only in Type 3 chondrites. The detailed composition and significance of these fragments are discussed further below. Table 1 summarizes electron probe analyses of the major silicate phases, olivine, low and high calcium pyroxenes and plagioclase in the four meteorites. In addition, the modal composition was determined by point counting by probe analysis of (Fe, Ca, Mg) on a grid 0.3 X 0.3 mm. The calcu- lated weight percentages of these four silicates are also indicated in Table 1. The complete modal analysis is reported in Table 3 and compared to the norm. The technique and the computer pro- gram used is described in the Appendix. The phase compositions in Table 1 are averages from analyses performed at various times with different instruments and we estimate the accuracy to be at the best ?2 percent relative but usually better than ?6 percent. Olivine: The iron value, which is the most re- liable, is no more accurate than ?2 percent of the values given (this is about the best which can be 44 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES FIGURE 3.?Photomicrograph of thin section of the Sitathali bronzite chondrite (H5). The structure is similar to that shown in Figure 2. Chondrules, e.g., center and top left, are somewhat more abundant and distinct. Length of section 5 mm. achieved by using a close standard and the Bence and Albee (1968) correction factors); this makes the olivines in all four chondrites essentially identical. The precision, however, while measuring olivine in a single sample is higher (?0.1% FeO), and relative differences in olivine composition in Pul- sora are discussed below. Manganese, magnesium, and silicon were also measured but with less ac- curacy. Pyroxenes: A calcium-poor orthopyroxene is the most abundant in all four meteorites and has es- sentially constant composition within each stone but small and probably real differences between the meteorites. Like the olivines they are relatively coarse, well defined and distinguishable in the modal analysis. The less abundant calcium-rich pyroxenes show greater chemical variations (es- pecially in Pulsora), are fine-grained, and occur as inclusions in the other minerals (lamellae in Ca- poor pyroxenes) or intergrown with plagioclase in devitrified areas. Like the plagioclase they are, therefore, hard to distinguish during modal analy- sis (Appendix) and the average composition given in Table 1 is rather uncertain. Plagioclase: This phase is almost impossible to identify microscopically (except in a fragment in NUMBER 14 45 FIGURE 4.?Photomicrograph of thin section of the Pulsora bronzite chondrite. The classification for this section is H4 to H5, but compare also Figures 5 to 8, and frontispiece (b). Chondrules and lithic fragments, e.g., right center, are clearly visible in the mostly fine-grained, gray to opaque matrix. Large, coherent black areas are metal, troilite, and other opaque minerals. Length of section 5 mm. Pulsora) and almost invariably contains pyroxene crystallites. The reported composition is based on the calcium content obtained in areas where iron and magnesium values approach minimum (^ background). In the modal analyses allowance was made for substantial apparent contents of mag- nesium and, especially, iron. Metal, both taenite and kamacite, troilite and whitlockite were identified in our modal analyses and although numerous grains were analysed and counted detailed descriptions are not warranted be- cause they are of average composition and abun- dance. Also, the absolute abundance of these phases can be estimated more accurately from the bulk chemical analyses. A number of common accessory minerals, e.g., chromite and ilmenite, as well as more exotic ones, like copper and spinels, were also identified (cf. Ramdohr, 1973) but these phases seem to contribute little to the understanding of current models for the origin of chondrites, es- pecially ours involving impact-melting and breccia- tion. 46 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES TABLE I.?Abundance and average composition of major silicate phases Constituent AN DURA Olivine Pyroxene 1 Pyroxene 2 Plagioclase BUTSURA Olivine Pyroxene 1 Pyroxene 2 Plagioclase PULSORA Olivine Pyroxene 1 Pyroxene 2 Plagioclase SlTATHALI Olivine Pyroxene 1 Pyroxene 2 Plagioclase Mode wt.% FeO CaO MgO SiOt AltO3 NatO K2O MnO 29.0 18.4 42.4 39.6 - 27.2 11.3 0.8 31.4 56 M).l 0.2 6.0 5 21 18.0 55 0.8 0.5 6.1 - 2.4 - 65.6 21.5 10.4 (0.7) 25.5 18.3 - 42.4 39.4 - 27.8 11.4 0.8 31.1 56.5 - 7.8 5 21 17 56 - 4.9 - 2.6 - 66 21.7 10.3 (0.7) 22.6 18.3 - 42 39.7 - 26.5 11.0 1.3 30 55 0.3 0.1 11.3 5 19.6 17.5 54.5 0.7 0.6 3.0 - 2.5 - 65.4 21.8 10.4 1.0 28.7 18.0 - 42.3 39.6 - 24.6 11.2 0.6 31.2 56.5 - 6.7 4.1 21.4 17.6 56 5.3 - 2.5 - 65.8 21.6 10.3 (0.7) ^0.2 ^0.2 Chemical Composition The analyses reported in Table 2 are almost identical. Only Andura shows less metallic Fe and more FeO. Apparently some of its metal (and/or troilite) has been more susceptible to atmospheric oxidation. This assumption is strongly supported by the fact that the calculated normative fayalite con- tent of the olivine, Fa23 (Table 3), is considerably higher than the measured value, Fa19 (Table 1), which is the same as in the three other stones. Andura also has a more "rusty" appearance both macroscopically and in thin section. Pulsora and Butsura seem to have higher carbon contents than the other two but the possibility of contamination cannot be entirely disregarded. (The analysis of Sitathali reported by Viswanathan, et al. (1971) is apparently erroneous, especially with regard to the iron content as the authors suspected.) In Table 3 the normative and modal composi- tions are compared. The mode was obtained by electron probe analysis as described above and in the Appendix. The composition of the normative minerals agrees closely with the values obtained TABLE 2.?Chemical composition (analysts: J. Nelen, Andura; and E. Jarosewich, Butsura, Pulsora, Sitathali) Constituent Fe Ni Co . FeS SiO2 TiO2 .... A12O3 Cr2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O3 H2O + H2O- C . . Total Total Fe . ... Andura 13.72 1.62 0.08 5.57 36.85 0.16 1.85 0.53 12.23 0.39 23.42 1.97 0.91 0.12 0.29 0.19 0.10 0.05 100.05 26.74 Butsura 16.61 1.75 0.07 5.89 36.27 0.12 1.98 0.56 9.65 0.31 23.21 2.00 0.85 0.08 0.31 0.53 0.13 0.15 100.47 27.85 Pulsora 17.23 1.78 0.10 4.99 35.97 0.12 2.26 0.52 10.58 0.29 22.77 1.59 0.84 0.10 0.26 0.00 0.10 0.14 99.64 28.62 Sitathali 16.08 1.79 0.09 5.76 36.65 0.14 2.37 0.43 9.96 0.31 23.45 1.71 0.87 0.10 0.30 0.10 0.06 0.05 100.22 27.48 NUMBER 14 47 TABLE 3.?Normative and modal (weight percent) compositions Phase Ni/Fe FeS . . Ap Cr . . 11 Or Ab An Wo En Fs Fo Fa C Residue . . . Total Andura Norm 15.42 5.57 0.97 0.85 0.30 0.72 ) 7.70 I 9.0 0.58 \J 2.70 ) 17.34 I 26.7 6.71 \} 12.18 \ 40"7 0.05 Mode 17.1 5.8 0.5 _ * 6.1 6.0* 27.2 f ] 29.0 8.4 100.1 Norm 18.43 5.89 0.74 0.90 0.23 0.44 - 7.18 1.36 ' 2.73 j k 33.2 20.56 I 6.30 \ 25.90 8.75 0.15 But sura Mode 16.3 3.6 _ > 9.0 4.9 27.8 t J ? 34.7 25.5 14.1 100.0 Pulsora Norm 19.11 4.99 0.60 0.83 0.24 0.56 ) 7.07 I 9.7 2.11 \ 1.71 ) 35.6 20.09 I 28.7 6.86 \ 25.47 ) 9.62 } 0.14 Mode 17.1 4.0 0.2 _ 3.0 26.5 f f 22.6 15.4 100.1 Norn 17.96 5.76 0.71 0.68 0.26 0.25 7.34 2.25 1.79 20.28 6.38 26.52 9.20 0.05 Sitathali i Mode 16.1 3.9 0.2 _ ? 9.8 5.3 28.5 6A'7*, { 31.324.6 f ( J ? 35.7 28.7 14.4 99.9 ?Pyroxene 2, see Table 1. f Pyroxene 1, see Table 1. by probe analysis (except for the high Fa value in Andura, explained above). Although in the modal analysis only two pyroxenes were distinguished, i.e., those with <1% CaO (Pyroxene 1) and >1% CaO (Pyroxene 2), the average composition calculated according to Table 1 is Wo10En75Fs15 while the normative pyroxenes (Table 3) are in the range Wo6_9En72_76Fs18_19. The amount of pyroxene in the norm, however, is consistently lower than in the mode while the reverse is true for olivine and plagioclase. Because the "Residue" in the modal analyses is substantial, we have attempted to estab- lish its chemical composition by deducting the ele- ments in the modal minerals as well as normative metal, troilite, chromite, ilmenite, and apatite. In Table 4 these residues are compared with the chem- ical composition of the bulk silicates obtained by deducting FeO for ilmenite and chromite and CaO for apatite from the chemical analyses in Table 2. It seems clear that the residue is severely deficient in silica but enriched in alumina and alkalies. Since a large part of the residue in these fine- grained rocks must be due to "overlap" between two or more phases, we attempted to remove first olivine, requiring least silica, and secondly py- roxene, having the same composition as in the "bulk" (but different proportions), from the resi- due. In all the four cases the end result is substan- tial excess of alumina and FeO, ^-'l percent and 0.5 to 1.5 percent, respectively, of the total weight. Alkalies show a similar excess in all cases while calcium appears to be deficient in all but Andura. This calcium deficiency is probably not real but is due to uncertainty in the analysis of the Ca-rich pyroxenes. Iron and magnesium, as might be expected, are about the same in bulk silicates and residue, again excepting Andura for which the results are dis- torted because of the oxidation discussed previously. This supports the probability that most of the fine- grained "matrix" is indeed "rock flour" similar in composition to the bulk meteorites. The excess iron may possibly be explained as admixed ultra- fine metal and/or troilite. The excess of alumina and alkalies, however, is more puzzling. Three possible interpretations are offered: (1) Our modal and phase analyses are too inaccurate to allow these kinds of calculations. The consistency of the results, however, speaks against this, as well as the fact that if olivine is underestimated and pyroxene overesti- mated in the mode, which seems most likely, the discrepancies become worse. (2) A small amount of an undiscovered discreet phase(s) is present, e.g., corundum or spinel for alumina, or some silicate 48 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES TABLE 4.?Chemical composition of bulk silicates from chemical analyses and of unidentified fractions residue in the modal analyses Constituent SiOo . A12O3 FeO MgO CaO . Na2O K2O Andura Silicate fraction (76% of total) 47.8 2.4 15.4 30.4 2.6 1.2 0.2 Residue (8.4% of total) 33 7 5.7 38.1 18.0 0.2 3.3 1.0 Butsura Silicate fraction (73% of total) 49.2 2.7 12.7 31.5 2.7 1.2 0.1 Residue (14.1% of total) 38.0 11.3 14.0 32.0 0.0 4.5 0.7 Pulsora Silicate fraction (73% of total) 48.7 3.1 13.9 30.9 2.2 1.1 0.1 Residue (15.4% of total) 38.0 11.9 21.8 27.0 0.0 3.5 0.6 Sitathali Silicate fraction (74% of total) 49.0 3.2 12.9 31.3 2.3 1.2 0.1 Residue (14.4% of total) 42.0 13.2 15.5 25.4 0.0 3.3 0.6 strongly enriched in alumina and alkalies and pos- sibly iron. Our studies have not so far revealed any such exotic minerals though we have searched for all the ones recently described by Ramdohr (1973) and Mason (1972). (3) The fine-grained ground mass does contain a "real matrix" entirely different from the bulk meteorite. This is in ac- cordance with suggestions by Fredriksson and Keil (1964) that some carbonaceous chondrites are mix- tures of low and high temperature fractions. Similar mixture models have been pursued in great detail by the Chicago group led by E. Anders in a number of papers, e.g., Anders (1964) and Laul, et al. (1973); (this paper has numerous references), for especially gas-rich and/or unequilibrated chondrites. A study of carbon distribution in some chondrites (Fred- riksson and Nelen, 1969) led to the conclusion that also ordinary equilibrated chondrites may have small amounts of a low temperature real matrix and current work (Fredriksson, et al., in prep.) indi- cates that this matrix is also enriched in some heavy volatiles, e.g., Pb, Zn, and possibly also N and F (Kerridge, pers. comm.). From our present study, however, we can only conclude that if such a matrix is present, its bulk chemistry is still uncertain al- though Al/Si, Na/Si, and probably Fe/Si are higher than in the bulk silicates of H-group chondrites (as in some carbonaceous chondrites). The Pulsora Anomaly It has been demonstrated that Pulsora is chem- ically and mineralogically almost identical to three other ordinary equilibrated chondrites although its petrographic grade (Van Schmus and Wood, 1967), even on cursory inspection, seems somewhat lower, i.e., 4-5, than the others of 5-6. Detailed studies of a number of thin sections, however, have revealed several unusual lithic fragments that are not conspicuous in hand specimens. Two of these, extremely different from each other and from the bulk, are described in some detail because they have profound implications as to the thermal history of Pulsora and by analogy of other H-group chon- drites. The achondritic fragment (Figure 5) referred to previously consists of relatively coarse, equi- FIGURE 5.?Crystalline "achondritic" (H7?) fragment, lower right quarter, in Pulsora. Diopside (D), plagioclase (P) and whitlockite occur as large clear crystals together with normal olivine and orthopyroxene. Note the scarcity of metal and troilite (black) as compared to the main mass. Length of section 4 mm. NUMBER 14 49 TABLE 5.?Phase compositions in Pulsora achondritic fragments Constituent SiO2 TiO2 A12O3 FeO MgO CaO Na2O . ... K2O Olivine Pyroxene 1 - 18.0 10.8 40.5 28.8 2.2 Pyroxene - 1.6 5.2 17.9 19.0 2 Plagioclase 1.6 granular (in strong contrast with the bulk) olivine, ortho-pyroxene, diopside, plagioclase and apatite, in order of decreasing abundance. The composition of the major silicate phases are given in Tables 5 and 6. Although the accuracy of our iron determi- nations is no better than ?2 percent relative, we believe that we obtained a precision better than ? 0.1 percent FeO in alternate measurements between fragment and matrix and thus established a small difference in olivine composition, i.e., 18.0 (Table 5) in the fragment and 18.3 (Table 1) in the bulk. The ortho-pyroxene in the fragment (Pyroxene 1) has decidedly higher (2.2%, Table 5) CaO content than in the bulk (1.3%, Table 1) indicating a higher temperature of "equilibration," whereas the plagio- clase is somewhat less calcic, An5_7 versus An10, in the bulk. In the fragment, troilite and metal are scarce (^0.5%), the latter consisting of about equal amounts of taenite (r~45% Ni) and kamacite (^ 5% Ni). In contrast the main mass contains 17 percent metal with only minor amounts of taenite with ^45 percent Ni; its kamacite has ^7 percent Ni. The overall Ni content of the Pulsora metal (Table 2) is 9 percent corresponding to ^95% kamacite and ^5% taenite. The glassy fragment (Figures 6, 7) consists of euhedral and skeletal crystals of olivine (^65%) displaying normal zoning, in clear glass ('?'35%) enriched in silica; the composition is given in Table 6. The olivine has somewhat lower average iron content than olivine in the bulk and in other lithic fragments. The variation indicated in Table 6 is mostly due to zoning in the individual crystals, i.e., the cores have almost constant composition with 10-12 percent FeO. The glass is enriched in Si, Al, Ca, and Na and depleted in Mg and Fe. In its over- all composition this fragment resembles some glassy chrondrules described from unequilibrated chondrites (e.g., Fredriksson and Reid, 1965) al- though the iron content of the olivine is unusually high and the glass has > 5 percent normative quartz, also unusual in glassy chondrules. In addi- tion it contains a small, 0.5 mm, metal-sulfide spherule (Figure 8) with ^65 percent kamacite (7.3% Ni), ^35 percent troilite and a eutectic tex- ture. The troilite contains 0.9 percent Ni in sharp contrast to troilite in the main mass of Pulsora, as well as in other ordinary chondrules, which have < 0.05 percent Ni. The texture indicates rapid crystallization and the 0.9 percent Ni content of the troilite would indicate quenching from ^1000? C (Kullerud, 1963) without any appreciable reheat- ing. This fragment might be a deformed chondrule even if applying the restricted definition proposed by Fredriksson, et al. (1973), but the irregular shape and the fact that other similar but angular frag- ments were found lead us to believe that it is a TABLE 6.?Phase compositions in Pulsora glassy fragments Constituent SiO2 TiO2 A12O3 FeO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Qtz . C .. Or. . Ab. . An. . Wo. . En. . Fs. . . Fo... Fa .. II. ... Olivine Glass Calculated bulk* 41-39 - - 10-15 49-44 - - - ANALYSES 65 0.4 7.8 11.0 6.5 5.7 2.5 0.3 NORMS 5.5 0.3 2.3 30.6 40.8 - 8.7 11.2 48.5 0.1 2.6 12.2 33.7 1.9 0.8 0.1 _ - 0.8 11.7 6.3 1.9 21.2 5.6 0.5 40.5 11.8 0.2 * Modal analysis gave ^V% olivine and ^14 glass of the composition indicated in the two preceding columns. Com- pare bulk silicates in Table 4. 50 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES FIGURE 6.?Thin section of Pulsora including a lithic fragment consisting of olivine in a silica-rich glass (outlined by black, dotted line). Compare Figure 7. The black sphere consists of metal and troilite; see Figure 8. Length of section 11 mm. fragment of a pre-existing rock. In Table 6 we also present the calculated bulk composition of the sili- cate in this glassy fragment. It is remarkably similar to the composition of the Pulsora bulk silicates as given in Table 4, again indicating a common parent material. Clearly, the glassy fragments have not been equil- ibrated within themselves or with the rest of Pulsora either before or after incorporation in the mete- orite. The achondritic fragment might have been equilibrated or recrystallized and drained of metal before incorporation in the bulk which then, if metamorphic equilibration is invoked, must have been metamorphosed somewhere else, then broken up and reassembled together with its fragments, most of which have identical olivine and pyroxene composition. Pulsora, or at least its main mass, must have been "metamorphosed" to exactly the same degree as the higher grade Andura, Butsura, and Sitathali, since their chemistry and mineralogy are essentially identical, implying recrystallization at various temperatures and/or length of time with- out any differentiation. This seems incomprehensi- ble and to explain the chemical similarities between our four chondrites as well as their textural differ- ences it seems necessary to have (1) a common parent material, (2) heating and cooling rapid enough to retain olivine in silica-rich glass and to NUMBER 14 51 FIGURE 7.?Detail of Figure 6. Skeletal to euhedral zoned olivine (Fai3, center to Fa10, margin) in clear, quartz-normative glass. The bulk composition equals that of the silicates in Pulsora. Length of section 0.9 mm. prevent chemical differentiation (except for drain- ing of metal), and (3) repetitious brecciation and/ or recrystallization processes which again do not cause gross chemical changes and consequently no equilibration. FIGURE 8.?Metal (kamacite, 7% Ni) and troilite spherule in the glassy fragment shown in Figures 6 and 7. The eutectic texture and high (0.9%) Ni content in the troilite indicate quenching from about 1000? C. Diameter 0.5 mm. Conclusion We have demonstrated that the Pulsora chon- drite, in spite of its constant olivine-pyroxene com- position, has never been exposed to thermal metamorphism after agglomeration as has been sug- gested for most chondrites (e.g., Merrill, 1921; Van Schmus and Wood, 1967; Dodd, 1969). Still, Pul- sora, including its greatly variable (H3 to H7) lithic fragments, is practically identical, both chemically and with regard to major phase (and possible ma- trix) composition, to Andura, Butsura, and Sitath- ali. These latter three stones may seem to be of a higher average petrographic grade but they do contain, as might be perceived from Figures 1-4, more fine-grained parts similar to the main mass of Pulsora (while Pulsora has high grade fragments). Thus, by analogy, we contend that there is no com- pelling evidence for the assumption that the three other chondrites here described, or any other ordi- nary chondrite, ever suffered severe, long term ther- mal metamorphism, or that the constant olivine- pyroxene compositions were established by such processes. Rather, it seems that rapid, multiple processes acting on a common (at least chemically) parent material may create conditions under which olivine-pyroxene may retain their constant initial composition once established by subliquidus, or even subsolidus, crystallization (Fredriksson, 1963; Kurat, 1967; Blander, et al., 1970). Impacts on mod- erate sized bodies, > 102 to ^ 103 km, seem to be the most plausible and currently most accepted ex- planation for the contradictions presented by or- dinary chondrites. Recent investigations of lunar impact breccias, glasses, and chondrules and the interpretation thereof also seem to corroborate the impact origin of chondrites (Fredriksson, et al., 1973). Appendix MODAL ANALYSIS WITH THE ELECTRON PROBE Like most chondrites the four stones investigated in this study are fine grained and the minerals are intricately intergrown. Thus modal analysis by point counting under the microscope is practically impossible as illustrated in Figures 1-4 and espe- ciallly in the frontispiece. The proportions of metal, troilite (some oxides) and silicates can be readily estimated (e.g., Keil, 1962) but even estimates of 52 TABLE 7.?Identification of phases by number of total counts Phase 1 Kamacite . . . 2 Taenite .... 3 Troilite .... 4 Olivine .... 5 Pyroxene-1 . 6 Pyroxene-2 . 7 Plagioclase . 8 Apatite .... 9 "Others" or no fit FeKa > 21000 15000 15800 2500 1500 500 20 20 - < 99000 21000 17500 5000 3000 3000 500 400 - CaKa > 50 200 100 50 150 600 500 10000 - < 500 500 200 150 600 10000 1500 25000 - MgKa > 20 20 20 4500 1500 1300 20 20 - < 500 500 500 10000 5000 5000 300 1000 - Note: Taenite is distinguished from troilite by the count, i.e., the background, the difference (somewhat uncer- tain) being caused by the different average atomic number (this adds another variable) . In some cases "Taenite 2" was substituted for apatite by changing the criteria for Phase 8 to Fe, >10000and <15000; Ca. (i.e., background) >200 and <500; and Mg >20 and <500. the ratio of olivine to pyroxene in Andura (rela- tively coarse) differed by more than 50 percent between two of us and the amount of residue (un- identified) varied from 18 to 30 percent. In a study of Forest Vale (Noonan, et al., 1972) more rigorous optical criteria were applied which resulted in bet- ter olivine/pyroxene ratios but left /?' 45 percent of the points (i.e., > 50% of the silicates) unidenti- fied. We, therefore, decided to resort to point count- ing by electron probe, simultaneously registering the relative abundance of three elements. Similar techniques have been used before (e.g., Keil, 1962, 1967), but we believe that the procedure used for this study warrants a brief description for three reasons: (1) to illustrate the accuracy (or lack) of some of our calculations, (2) some of the modifica- tions appear to be new and easily adapted to other systems that include computerized data reduction, and (3) the inherent possibility to identify ultrafine interstitial or intergrown minerals, especially if relative abundances of six or more elements are determined simultaneously, as is possible with vari- ous modern instruments. In our study we used an ARL EMX instrument run at 20 kV, and ,- 0.25/xA beam (-? 0.025^A sample) current. The three spectrometers were SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES tuned to Fek?, Caka and Mgk? and intensities re- corded in silicate standards were approximately 125 cps (counts per second) per 1 percent Fe, 220 cps/1 percent Ca and 115 cps/1 percent Mg. Counting time was 2 seconds per point and the sample was moved mechanically (manually) under the beam on a 0.3 X 0.3 mm grid during the print out (typewriter and punch cards) time of <~? 3 seconds; thus each point required an average of r~> 6 sec- onds and a typical thin section ^ 1 cm2 was analyzed within I1/2 hours. No real concentrations were estimated. Rather, phases were identified by number of total counts as established for each run as illustrated in Table 7. Similarly any other phases can be introduced and of course any suitable elements can be substituted for Fe, Ca, Mg to characterize these phases. The developed computer program readily accommodates such changes, i.e., it accommodates eight "fixed" phases, one "unknown" (frequently caused by overlap of different phases) and one "reject," i.e., if all three channels register background or less, the point is not counted but the number of such points is reg- istered and might in special cases be used to identi- fy a special "phase," e.g., holes or pores in a sample, etc. If the counts for each of the three channels are registered on punch card only, the limits as exem- plified in the table have to be added, i.e., 48 digit (up to 107 counts per channel!) numbers which can be accommodated on 5 IBM cards. (A print out of the current program in Fortran IV is available on request.) The program at present is designed to accomodate up to 750 points, which we consider more than adequate for most thin sections. An average run on a Honeywell 1250 takes a maximum of 2 minutes. In the near future an electron probe capable of registering simultaneously nine elements will be available. This will make it possible to define more sharply a greater number of phases, but this may not lead to a much greater resolution of phases in fine-grained rocks, especially those with a glassy or crypto-crystalline matrix. It should, however, be possible to obtain the average composition of such a fine-grained matrix and/or apportion (i.e., calcu- late the norm) unidentified points among the major phases, leaving only small amounts of excess ele- ments or compounds. NUMBER 14 Literature Cited Anders, E. 1964. Origin, Age and Composition of Meteorites. Space Science Reviews, 3:583-714. Bence, A. E., and A. L. Albee 1968. Emperical Correction Factors for the Electron Mi- croanalysis of Silicates and Oxides. Journal of Geology, 76:382-403. Blander, M., K. Keil, L. S. Nelson, and S. R. Skaggs 1970. Heating of Basalts with Carbon Dioxide Laser. Science, 170:435-438. Coulson, A. L. 1940. Catalogue of Indian Meteorites. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India, 75:1-346. Dodd, R. T. 1969. Metamorphism of the Ordinary Chondrites: A Re- view. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Ada, 33:161-203. Fredriksson, K. 1963. Chondrules and the Meteorite Parent Bodies. Trans- actions of the New York Academy of Sciences, series 2, 25:756-769. Fredriksson, K., and K. Keil 1964. The Iron, Magnesium, Calcium and Nickel Distri- bution in the Murray Carbonaceous Chondrite. Meteoritics, 2:201-217. Fredriksson, K., and J. Nelen 1969. Carbon Distribution in Chondrites. Meteoritics, 4:271-272. Fredriksson, K., A. Noonan, and J. Nelen 1973. Meteoritic, Lunar and Lonar Impact Chondrules. The Moon, 7:475-482. Fredriksson, K., and A. M. Reid 1965. A Chondrule in the Chainpur Meteorite. Science, 149:856-860. Keil, K. 1962. Quantitative-erzmikroskopische Integrationsanalyse der Chondrite. Chemie der Erde, 22:281-348. 1967. The Electron Microprobe X-ray Analyzer and Its Application in Mineralogy. Fortschrittee der Miner- alogie, 44:4-66. Keil, K., and K. Fredrikkson 1964. The Iron, Magnesium and Calcium Distribution in Coexisting Olivines and Rhombic Pyroxenes in Chondrites. Journal of Geophysical Research, 69: 3487-3515. Kraut, F., and K. Fredriksson 1971. Hedjaz an L-3, L-4, L-5 and L-6 Chondrite. Mete- oritics, 6:284. Kullerud, G. 1963. The Fe-Ni-S System. Pages 175-189 in Annual Report of the Director of the Geophysical Labora- tory, 1962-1963. Carnegie Institution of Washington. [Also as number 1412 in Papers from the Geophysi- cal Laboratory.] Kurat, Gero 1967. Einige Chondren aus dem Meteoriten von Mezo- Madaras. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Ada, 31: 1843-1857. Laul J., C. R. Ganapathy, Edward Anders, and John W. Morgan 1973. Chemical Fractionation in Meteorites-VI: Accretion Temperature of H-, LL-, and E-Chondrites, from Abundance of Volatile Trace Elements, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Ada, 37:329-357. Mason, B. 1972. The Mineralogy of Meteorites. Meteoritics, 7:309- 326. Merrill, G. P. 1921. On Metamorphism in Meteorites. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 32:395-414. Murthy, M. V. N., S. N. P. Srivastara, and A. Dube 1969. Indian Meteorites. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India, 99:1-192. Noonan, A. F., K. Fredriksson, and J. Nelen 1972. Forest Vale Meteorite. Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, 9:57-64. Ramdohr, P. 1973. The Opaque Minerals in Stony Meteorites. 245 pages. Amsterdam: Elsevier Publishing Company. Urey, H. C, and H. Craig 1953. The Classification of the Stone Meteorites and the Origin of the Meteorites. Geochimica et Cosmochi- mica Ada, 4:36-82. Van Schmus, W. R., and J. A. Wood 1967. A Chemical and Petrologic Classification for the Chondritic Meteorites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Ada, 31:747-765. Viswanathan, T. V., N. R. Sen Gupta, D. R. Das Gupta, and S. Banerjee 1971. The Sitathali Meteorite. Mineralogical Magazine, 38 (September):335-343. Impact Survival Conditions for Very Large Meteorites, with Special Reference to the Legendary Chinguetti Meteorite Robert F. Fudali and Dean R. Chapman ABSTRACT Contrary to popular belief, very large meteorites(>> 1000 tons) can be sufficiently slowed by aero- dynamic drag to survive impact with the earth'ssurface provided that they enter the atmosphere at very low angles. This is a stringent requirement and survival probabilities for large, unguided ob-jects are low; but they are not zero. Based on high- velocity impact experiments and published tabula-tions of the parameters of shallow angle entry trajectories, we estimate the probability of survival for an iron meteorite approximately the size andshape of the legendary Chinguetti meteorite (100 meters x 40 meters x 20-40 meters) to be between0.1 and 1 percent. Together with a limiting esti- mate of the flux of such bodies encountering the earth, this leads to an expected survival rate of oneper 10 8?10? years on the earth's land surface. Introduction In 1916, a small (4.5 kg) meteorite was found in the Adrar region of Mauritania (then French West Africa) by a captain in the French army, Gaston Ripert. It was designated the Chinguetti Meteorite, after the nearby oasis of Chinguetti (20? 28'N, 12? 20'W). The meteorite presently resides in the Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Paris). The fascinating part of the story is that Ripert Robert F. Fudali, Department of Mineral Sciences, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Wash- ington, D. C. 20560. Dean R. Chapman, Thermo- and Gas- Dynamics Division, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California 94035. claimed the meteorite was but the tiniest part of a gigantic mass that he was led to, with the greatest reluctance, by the then chieftain of Chinguetti, Sidi Ahmed Ould Zein. Following is Ripert's description of the find (as originally transcribed by Lacroix, 1924, and cited in Monrod, 1952): This specimen was collected about 45 km. to the southwest of Chinguetti and to the west of Aouinet N'Cher. It was lying on top of an enormous metallic mass measuring about 100 m. on one side and about 40 m. in height, which stands up in the middle of dunes covered by a desert plant called 'sba' [sic]. (The mass) is in the form of a compact, unfrac- tured parallelepiped. The visible surface is vertical, standing like a cliff above the sand, which, driven by the wind, has grooved its base to such an extent that its upper edge over- hangs; the part worn by eolian erosion is polished like a mirror. The sand has piled up against the opposite face and hides it entirely, a fact that made it impossible to estimate its third dimension. The upper surface of the mass bristles with little needles, which the Arabs have tried to remove; but, because of the malleability of the metal, these were only bent. Some less important blocks (of the same material) are scattered about the neighborhood. Understandably, this report caused considerable ex- citement in 1924. If the meteorite existed it would be of enormous mass. Based on dynamical consid- erations to fix the unreported third dimension we estimate a minimum mass of 500,000 tons and a more likely mass in excess of 1,000,000 tons. Since it would have had to tumble and skid to rest from a high velocity, the most stable attitude was prob- ably achieved during the final stages of deceleration and this would be with the smallest dimension vertical. In the event that the vertical dimension is instead the intermediate dimension it is highly un- likely that the unknown horizontal dimension could 55 56 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES be significantly smaller than the vertical dimension. We therefore assume that the unknown dimension would be at least 20 meters and more likely in ex- cess of 40 meters. In addition to the scientific interest, the meteorite would be large enough to generate thoughts of commercial gain. Over the next 14 years there were several, more or less random, attempts made to re- locate the original site, without success. Curiously, it was not until 1932 that Ripert was contacted for help in these endeavors and, by then, he apparently retained only a vague notion of the general area of the site. Further, his guide had long since died. In reviewing the problem, Monod (1952) reproduced parts of two letters written by Ripert at about this time. In 1932 Ripert (translated by Brady) wrote, in part, to Dr. Jean Bosler, Director of Le Verrier Observatory in Marseille: Unfortunately, 16 years have passed since I had occasion to describe the existence of this meteorite. The times were such that everything else was blotted out by the dramatic events that were occurring in France, and I could not realize at the time all the interest that this meteorite might arouse. I spoke of it incidentally, when I was leaving Mauritania, to one of my friends, M. H. Hubert, a Doctor of Science at Dakar, who did not seem to attach any great importance to its existence. Moreover, in order to satisfy the urgent demands of my guide I had taken with me neither compass nor any material that would permit me to make notes or any measurements whatsoever; also, I could remain only a very short time, be- cause of the guide's haste to leave the spot; so my observa- tions were extremely cursory. I was able to state that the meteorite formed a sort of cliff, with numerous projecting ridges of sand, lying in an approximately southwest direction, while the northeast side was completely covered by sand. I found there a small fragment, well rounded at the edges, which I turned over to M. Hubert. On one corner (of the large mass), toward the west, I think, sand had carved out fairly thick metallic needles, which I could not loosen or re- move. Of the metallic nature of the large mass there could be no doubt at all. Examination of the small specimen given to M. Hubert proves this fact. I tried to detach one of the aforesaid needles by pounding it with the small heavy lump (= the small meteorite). The specimen showed at every point of contact traces of hammer marks, the same condition being true of the needles; and, finally, the surface appearance of the large mass was in no way comparable to that of the blackish polished surface of the rocks that are found on the 'reg' and on the sandstone plateaus of the Adrar. On my return, I wrote down my observations (based on my memory, which was very good at the time), but, since then, I have moved so much from place to place that I do not know where I put those notes. In any case, I told M. Hubert every- thing that I had seen which was then quite clear in my mind. As you may imagine, this meteorite, half-covered by sand in 1916, is very likely completely covered now, but, even so, I am astonished that it has not been found by the civilian and military expeditions that have been sent out since 1929 to look for it. It seems likely that they have been blocked by a conspiracy on the part of the natives, who seem anything but anxious that its existence should be known to Europeans. I realized this (fact) when I overheard a conversation among the camel drivers when I was with the Adrar camel corps. I had spoken of (the meteorite) to the head man of Chin- guetti, Sidi Ahmed Zein, who at first vigorously denied its existence, and it was only after long conversations (negotia- tions?) that he consented, in spite of his fears, to lead me secretly to the spot, on condition that I would take nothing with me that might permit me to describe the exact position of the meteorite, or to make notes. Sidi Ahmed died, ap- parently of poison; and, without wishing to establish any connection between the facts, I cannot now point out anyone who could serve as a guide. And in 1934 he wrote, in part, to Monod (1952; translated by Brady): I know that the general opinion is that the stone (rock) does not exist: that, to some, I am purely and simply an im- poster who picked up a metallic specimen on the 'reg' of Mauritania; that, to others, I am a simpleton who mistook an exposure of sandstone, blackened and polished as is so often the case in that country, for an enormous meteorite. I shall do nothing to undeceive them. I care very little for what any of them may think. I know only what I saw, be- cause I saw it, and I could probably have found (the mass) again if I had been directed to do so, when my visual mem- ory and my age still permitted. Monod in 1934, and one A. Pourquie, in 1938, conducted search expeditions into the Chinguetti region?both with negative results (Monod, 1952). At that point World War II intervened and the matter was not seriously broached again until the early 1950s. In his 1952 paper Monod was still con- vinced the huge meteorite could very well exist. However, based on his extensive experience in the region, he cautioned: Let me add that if the meteorite is actually located among the dunes of Ouarane, 10 hours to the southeast' of Chin- guetti, the very nature of this terrain is unsuited to easy exploration. It is foolish, of course, to pursue a search (for the meteorite) in a random fashion merely in the hope of making a lucky discovery. Thus far, this point has been academic as there have been no further efforts to relocate the site. The reason for this neglect is that it is widely be- lieved to be physically impossible for such an enor- 1 The original report of Lacroix describing the find site as southwest of Chinguetti was subsequently corrected by Ripert to southeast of Chinguetti (Monod, 1952). NUMBER 14 57 mous mass to survive an impact with the earth's surface. This belief is based on simple aerodynamic calculations, which have been generally interpreted as precluding any significant atmospheric braking if the incoming meteoritic mass exceeds a maximum of 100 to 1000 tons. This has been uniformly as- serted in several meteoritic texts that have enjoyed wide circulation (e.g., Mason 1962; Hawkins, 1964; Heidi, 1964; Wood, 1968). With little or no atmospheric braking a meteorite impacts the earth's surface with enough kinetic energy to destroy both itself and a significant por- tion of the target rock. And there surely is ample evidence?in the form of a number of meteorite impact craters of modest dimensions?that mete- orites of mass far less than that estimated for Chin- guetti do normally explode upon encountering the earth's surface. But what is not generally appreci- ated is that this is a normal, rather than an inevi- table, result. In this paper we demonstrate that, under special conditions, a Chinguetti-size mete- orite could survive a terrestrial impact essentially intact. In the following sections we delineate the conditions necessary for the survival of such a meteorite, and we compute the approximate prob- ability of encountering such conditions. As one might suspect, the conditions are stringent and the concomittant probabilities are small?but they are certainly not zero. TABLE 1.?Fate of aluminum projectiles impacting sand targets at high velocities and low incident angles (NASA Ames Light-Gas Gun Range experi- ments) Round DLG 209 211 221 215 233 VGP 788 791 792 796 (km/sec) 6.1 6.5 5.7 6.3 5.9 1.9 1.8 1.9 1.8 Ti Yr Fate of projectile (degrees) 2.1 0.9 Essentially intact 4.75 1.1 Two main fragments 7.33 1.15 Three main fragments 15 ? Fragmented into small pieces 30 - Fragmented into small pieces 2.1 1.5 Intact 4.75 3.6 Intact 7.33 2.85 Intact 15 1.32 Essentially intact 1/16 1/4 1/2 0.8 1.1 1.2 TABLE 2.?Variation of the effective strength of aluminum projectiles as a function of their diameter (NASA Ames Light-Gas Gun Range experiments) Projectile Impact velocity for Corresponding energy diameter same degree of deformation for same degree of (inch) (km jsec) deformation (ergs) 2xlO7 2xlO? 2xlO10 The foregoing should in no sense be considered an endorsement for the existence of the legendary Chinguetti meteorite. The primary purposes of this paper is not to demonstrate that it does exist, but that such a large meteorite can exist. Clearly this is the absolute minimal requirement necessary if a systematic search for the meteorite is ever seriously contemplated. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.?Donald Gault and John Wedekind of the NASA Ames Research Center generously furnished us with the unpublished, ex- perimental high-velocity impact data vital to our study. For this, and for a number of stimulating discussions on all aspects of the study, we express our deep appreciation. We also thank Lionel Levy of the NASA Ames Research Center for the com- puter-generated trajectories of a large iron mete- orite subsequent to ricochet at the earth's surface. Experimental Data on Impact Survival There is, of course, no possibility of slowing a Chinguetti-size meteorite to terminal velocity by atmospheric braking alone. In the following section we show that the minimum possible velocity such a body could have upon impact would be 3-4 km/sec, and higher velocities are much more probable. We must therefore consider the possibility of survival only for impact velocities of 3 km/sec and higher. Some of the hypervelocity impact experiments done at the light-gas gun range of NASA Ames Re- search Center have a direct bearing on this prob- lem. Most of these impact experiments have been characterized by high angles of impact (> 30?). But the few experiments carried out at low incident angles show that, for aluminum projectiles impact- ing sand targets at velocities between approximately 2 and 6 km/sec, the fate of the projectile is a func- 58 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES 0 246 Impact Angle I? degrees FIGURE 1.?Relationship between impact angle r\, impact velocity Vlmp, and rebound angle IY Aluminum projectiles into sand targets. tion of both velocity and incident angle. For a given velocity, as the incident angle is lowered, a value is reached below which the projectile will ricochet intact. The pertinent experimental data are shown in Table 1. Figure 1 plots the angle of ricochet against the angle of incidence for three impact velocities. Note that in all cases the ricochet angle is significantly less than the incident angle. We have used the data in Table 1 to approxi- mately fix the boundary separating the fragmenta- tion domain from the domain of intact ricochet on plots of impact velocities versus incident angles in Figures 2 and 3. Admittedly the data are scanty and 14 12 - 10 6 - - 4 2 - Intact - Ricochet Domain Atm. Brakinc Point .003 \ Fragmentation Domain (Al into \ \ ~ .006 2kg 3.2 kg 'Vl 5 kg 350 g >10kg Nelen did preliminary electron microprobe exam- inations on several of these meteorites. A grant from the National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion provided funds for the purchase of the Ankober and Wethersfield meteorites, and to pay re- covery expenses for the Kabo meteorite. Dr. Robert Hutchison, British Museum (Natural History) read the manuscript and provided us with several help- ful suggestions. Meteorite Descriptions The procedures and techniques used in this study are standard for this type of investigation. Chemi- cal analyses were perfomed following the general procedures described earlier (Jarosewich, 1966). Normative mineral compositions were calculated from the chemical data. Olivine and pyroxene com- positions were determined using the electron mi- croprobe. Individual mineral grains were selected, and Fe, Ca, and Mg were determined simultane- ously. The number of grains analyzed depended both on the homogeneity of the sample and on their availability in the sections at hand. Olivine compositions are reported as mole percent fayalite (Fa) and pyroxene compositions are mole percent ferrosilite (Fs). A petrographic classification is given for each meteorite following the procedure of Van Schmus and Wood (1967). In the following sections, brief descriptions of each of the meteorites are given in the order in which they are listed in Table 2. ANKOBER, BOLEDE, ETHIOPIA The Ankober meteorite fall of 7 July 1942 was observed and attracted local attention at the time. We first heard of it more than 10 years later, when Professor Guglielmo Sensi (1953) of the Pasteur In- stitue, Addis Ababa, wrote in behalf of the owner, Ato Assafa Abye. Professor Sensi reported that the meteorite had been incandescent in the air and that it had fallen into a field of whitish clay caus- ing no damage. A more dramatic version of the fall attributed to Ato Assafa Abye reflects the excited state of the local inhabitants: "After having touched the earth, it sank to a depth of about one meter, giving forth steam. The natives of the region dug at the ground to remove it, but it was still burning so much they could not take it immedi- ately. They therefore left it in place, saying that it must be a shell fired by the English." In early 1954 we received a specimen of the meteorite (USNM 2609) and its identification was confirmed by E. P. Henderson. In 1967 Robert Citron, at that time manager of the Smithsonian Institution Astrophysi- cal Observing Station in Ethiopia, obtained the main mass of the meteorite (USNM 3399). The essentially complete individual stone of 6955 g was subsequently deposited in the meteorite collection in Washington. NUMBER 14 65 TABLE 2.?Analytical data on observed-fall chondrites (values in weight percent unless otherwise indicated; chemical analyses, Eugene Jarosewich; microprobe Fa-Fs determinations, Albert F. Noonan; classifications according to Van Schmus and Wood, 1967) Constituent Ankober Schenectady Dwaleni Kiffa Kabo Tathlith Malakal Wethersfield USNM 3399 USNM 5722 USNM 5447 USNM 5490 USNM5611 USNM 5448 USNM 5446 USNM 5596 H4 H4 H4fi6 H5 H4JI5 L6 L5 L6 Fe Ni Co FeS SiO3 TiO2 Al-A Cr2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 H2O+ H2O- C Total Total Fe .... Olivine Orthopyroxene Diopside .... Albite Anorthite .... Orthoclase . . . Chromite Ilmenite Apatite Nickel-Iron .. Troilite Fa Fs ANALYSES 13.96* 1.71 0.10 5.29 35.25 0.12 2.32 0.55 13.05* 0.32 22.86 1.72 0.84 0.12 0.33 0.45 0.36 0.10 99.55 27.47 43.6 18.8 3.4 7.1 2.2 0.7 0.8 0.2 0.8 15.8 5.3 19 17 15.01* 1.72 0.09 5.29 36.20 0.12 2.25 0.55 11.77* 0.32 23.00 1.77 0.83 0.10 0.29 0.69 0.23 0.12 100.35 27.52 38.7 23.2 3.8 7.0 2.1 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.7 16.8 5.3 19 17 17.23 1.75 0.09 5.21 36.49 0.12 2.30 0.51 9.52 0.27 23.16 1.72 0.88 0.09 0.22 0.18 0.03 0.04 99.81 28.41 33.9 25.8 4.0 7.4 2.1 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.5 19.1 5.2 17.65 1.77 0.09 5.62 36.14 0.12 2.14 0.52 9.15 0.31 23.26 1.77 0.82 0.10 0.22 0.00 0.10 0.01 99.79 28.33 17.56 1.80 0.09 4.82 36.54 0.12 2.15 0.53 9.60 0.33 23.24 1.72 0.82 0.08 0.28 7.61 1.14 0.06 6.58 39.44 0.14 2.40 0.52 13.84 0.33 24.35 1.88 0.99 0.11 0.21 0.03 0.01 99.72 28.09 NORMS 33.6 25.6 4.4 6.9 1.9 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.5 19.5 5.6 33.1 27.5 3.8 6.9 2.0 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.7 19.4 4.8 0.11 0.03 99.74 22.55 43.3 23.6 5.0 8.4 1.8 0.6 0.8 0.3 0.5 8.8 6.6 OLIVINE-PYROXENE COMPOSITIONS (mole percent) 18 19 L 26 16-19D 17 L 15-18 D 16 19 L 19D 17L 14-20D 21 7.56 1.18 0.05 4.30 40.38 0.14 2.14 0.50 15.32 0.28 24.88 1.85 0.95 0.10 0.17 <0.1 0.03 0.03 99.86 22.30 45.4 24.6 5.5 8.0 1.3 0.6 0.7 0.3 0.4 8.8 4.3 25 21 7.00 1.25 0.06 5.46 39.42 0.12 2.26 0.50 15.48 0.34 24.64 1.82 1.05 0.11 0.18 0.00 0.10 0.01 99.80 22.50 49.0 19.5 5.4 8.9 1.1 0.6 0.7 0.2 0.4 8.3 5.5 25 21 ?Metallic Fe values are low and calculated FeO values are high in the Ankober and Schenectady analyses. This is primarily due to oxidation of the sample prior to analysis. The brown color of the analysis powder and the high total water values are consistent with this interpretation. L = light fraction, D = dark fraction. The stone is blocky in shape and about 90 per- cent of its surface is covered with fusion crust. Late-stage spalling of fusion crust was restricted to edges and corners where the essentially flat sur- faces of the meteorite intersect. The stone appears to have tumbled during flight and there is no ob- 66 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES vious anterior surface. One of the main surfaces is markedly less smooth than the other surfaces. This suggests a break-up at an early stage during atmo- spheric passage and the probability that the Anko- ber fall produced at least two individuals. The fusion crust is brown in color, probably due to oxidation by atmospheric moisture. It is assumed that the stone has been protected from the weather since shortly after its recovery, but we have no cer- tain information on this prior to our obtaining the specimen. Freshly cut surfaces of Ankober quickly become brown in color due to limonitic staining. Slices are compact and hard, due largely to the metal forming a continuous structural framework. Under low mag- nification (X 10) cut and broken surfaces are seen to have a surprisingly open structure. Large num- bers of submillimeter size cavities are present, into which chondrules, euhedral crystals, and crystal and chondrule fragments protrude. The meteorite has a very uniform texture with no obvious breccia- tion or veining. In thin section Ankober is seen to consist of dis- tinct complete and broken chondrules in a matrix of fine-grained silicates and metallic phases. Chon- drules do not normally exceed one millimeter in diameter, but a few unusually large ones up to 6 mm across were observed. Minerals present include olivine, bronzite, clinobronzite, taenite, kamacite, and troilite, with minor amounts of chromite, whitlockite, and copper. Forty microprobe analyses indicated a constant silicate composition of Fa 19 for olivine and Fs 17 for the low-Ca pyroxene. Abun- dant clinobronzite occurs both in chondrules and matrix, often with devitrified glass. Ankober is clas- sified as an H4 chondrite. SCHENECTADY, SCHENECTADY COUNTY, NEW YORK The Schenectady meteorite fall of 12 April 1968 produced an individual stone that was recovered following a widely observed fireball. Details of the fall and recovery have been reported by Fleischer, et al. (1970). These authors also classified the mete- orite, presented rare gas data, radioactive-ages and cosmic-ray track information. The meteorite is the property of The Schenectady Museum, Schenectady, New York, and it was loaned to us for study in August of 1969. The physical characteristics of Schenectady are similar to those described for Ankober. Exposure to moisture from the air and during sawing has re- sulted in limonitic staining. The fusion crust how- ever, is still black. The stone is compact and hard, but under low magnification (X 10) many small cavities can be seen. The openness of the structure, however, is less than that observed in Ankober. The stone has a uniform texture, free of brecciation or veining. Chondrules are abundant, distinct, and as large as two millimeters in diameter. They are seen in thin section to be in a relatively coarse-grained matrix. The chondrules are composed of olivine, orthobronzite, minor clinobronzite, and devitrified glass. Forty-five microprobe analyses show the prin- cipal silicate minerals to be essentially homoge- neous, with an olivine composition of Faa9 and a pyroxene composition of Fs]7. Other minerals iden- tified were taenite, kamacite, troilite, chromite, whitlockite, and copper. The concentration of cop- per was unusually high with as many as 20 grains found in one polished section. Schenectady is classi- fied as an H4 chondrite. DWALENI, SWAZILAND Loud explosions accompanied the fall of the Dawleni meteorite near the Swaziland-Transvaal border on 12 October 1970. Three essentially com- pletely fusion-crusted individuals were recovered promptly from a 12 km 2 area centering on the loca- tion given in Table 1. The individuals weighing 2.37, 0.51, and 0.35 kg were recovered from 15 to 18 cm below ground level in moist soil. We received two pieces of the 0.35 kg stone (156 g and 10 g) on 3 November 1970. This sample material and infor- mation on the fall and recovery were sent to us by J. G. Urie, Acting Director, Geological Survey and Mines Department, Mbabane. The Dwaleni chondrite is a compact rock with a pronounced light-dark structure (Figure 1). The one surface available to us shows approximately equal areas of light and dark material, with thin dark veins penetrating both types. The light-colored areas are of uniform composition, have sharp out- line and are tightly bound to the darker material. Bogard, et al. (1973:2429) have noted that the dark fraction of Dwaleni is unusually rich in rare gases. Both light and dark materials undoubtedly have similar bulk compositions, but minor differences in NUMBER 14 67 FIGURE 1.?The Dwaleni, Swaziland, chondrite. A broken surface showing light-dark structure and veining. One and a half times actual size. individual mineral compositions between these two materials were noted. The lighter material contains relatively large crystals of homogeneous olivine, bronzite, and plagioclase. Chondrules are absent or indistinct. Twenty-five grain analyses gave olivine, pyroxene, and plagioclase compositions of Fa2o, Fs17 and An12. The petrographic classification of this material is H6. The dark material, however, con- tains olivine and pyroxene of slightly higher magnesium content and of somewhat variable com- position. Eighteen grains analyses gave olivine and bronzite compositions of Fa1G_19 and Fs15_18. Chon- drules up to one millimeter in diameter are well defined and contain turbid glass. The petrographic classification of the dark material is H4. Kamacite, taenite, troilite and minor chromite, and copper occur in Dwaleni, mostly in the light-colored frac- tion. KIFFA, MAURITANIA At 2:55 p.m. GMT on 23 October 1970, detona- tions were heard and a smoke cloud observed in the neighborhood of the town of Kiffa. About 10 a.m. the next morning a meteorite specimen was found by a child 8 km southwest of the town. It had made a shallow hole about 20 cm deep in fine sand. The meteorite shattered into many pieces on landing and less than 1.5 kg was recovered. We received a 36 g piece on 17 February 1971 from M. Henri Gruenwald, Chef de Service Geologique, Direction Des Mines et de la Geologie, Nouakchott. M. Gruenwald was also our source of information on the fall and recovery of the meteorite. The Kiffa meteorite is a friable gray chondrite with distinct chondrules reaching a maximum di- ameter of approximately 2 mm. The chondrules can be separated with ease from the fine-grained white matrix, which appears to cement the chon- drules and metal phases together. The texture is quite uniform and there are no obvious foreign in- clusions. Olivine and bronzite are the principal silicate minerals in both chondrules and matrix. Clinobronzite is rare. Twenty microprobe analyses show chondrule olivine and pyroxene to be con- stant in composition, the fayalite and ferrosilite value being Fa18 and Fs1(i, respectively. The white matrix is composed, at least in part, of what appears to be comminuted chondrules and devitrified glass. In addition to olivine and bronzite, clinobronzite, kamacite, taenite, troilite, chromite, and whitlock- ite were identified. Although chondrules are di- stinct, Kiffa is classified an H5 chondrite principally on the basis of silicate homogeneity and the pres- ence of only minor clinopyroxene. KABO, GWARZO DISTRICT, KANO STATE, NIGERIA The name Gwarzo has been used as a synonym for Kabo. The Kabo meteorite shower of 25 April 1971 attracted considerable local attention, and at least four stones with a total weight of over 10 kg were recovered. We received a 134 g sample on 9 June 1971. Both the sample and a description of the fall and recovery were provided by Professor M. O. Oyawoye, Geology Department, University of Iba- dan. A detailed description of this meteorite has been prepared by Hutchison and coworkers (Hutch- ison, et al., 1973). Kabo is an ordinary chondrite with a subtle light-dark structure. Bogard, et al. (1973) have shown that its dark fraction contains an enrichment of several trapped rare gases. Veining and distorted metal grains in Kabo seem to be preferentially as- sociated with the dark fraction. Chondrules, which 68 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES range up to two millimeters in diameter in both fractions, are well defined in the dark fraction and less well denned in the light fraction. Clinobronzite occurs in both the light and dark fractions. The minerals identified in Kabo are olivine, bronzite, clinobronzite, kamacite, taenite, troilite, chromite, ilmenite, whitlockite, chlorapatite, and copper. Thirty grain analyses in the dark fraction show pyroxene variability over the composition range Fs14_20. The olivines, however, are essentially homogeneous with a composition of Fa19. Glass oc- curs as fragments and in chondrules in minor amounts, indicating that the dark fraction is less equilibrated than the light fraction. Thirty olivine and pyroxene grain analyses in the light fraction indicate homogeneous compositions of Fa19 and Fs17. The textural and compositional differences re- sult in an H4 classification for the dark fraction and an H5 classification for the light fraction. TATHLITH, SAUDI ARABIA The Tathlith meteorite fell early in the morning on 5 October 1967 about 15 km from the village of Tathlith. A single blocky-shaped, fusion-crusted individual was recovered immediately. The exact weight of the stone is not known to us, but estimates based on photographs indicate that it weighed about 2 kg (Figure 2). We received a 205 g slice of Tathlith from Glen F. Brown, Chief, U.S. Geologi- cal Survey Field Party, Jiddah, Saudi Arabia on 22 November 1967. It had been identified as a meteo- rite by Gerhard W. Leo in the U. S. Geological Survey Laboratories in Jiddah. The main mass of the meteorite is believed to be in the possession of the Emir of Abha. Tathlith is a highly recrystallized gray chondrite of uniform texture. Chondrules range in size up to 3 mm in diameter and are easily discernible on a cut or broken surface. In thin section, however, the chondrules appear relict and intergrown with gran- ular plagioclase and metal. Minerals identified are olivine, hypersthene, clinohypersthene, plagioclase, kamacite, taenite, troilite, chromite, and copper. Twenty grain analyses show the major silicates to be homogeneous with olivine composition of Fa26 and hypersthene of Fs2i- The plagioclase is also homogeneous with a composition of An10. Small amounts of clinohypersthene, which are probably a it^yy^H '?i-i FIGURE 2.?The Tathlith, Saudi Arabia, meteorite, a, Cut surface from which our 205 g specimen was removed, b, Meteorite sitting on cut surface. Scale in inches. Photographs by Gerhard W. Leo, U.S. Geological Survey. remnant, occur in some of the larger chondrules. Tathlith is an L6 chondrite. MALAKAL, UPPER NILE PROVINCE, SUDAN The fall of the Malakal meteorite during the first half of August 1970 into an active military area has been described by Dawoud and Vail (1971). The meteorite fragment that reached Khar- NUMBER 14 69 toum on 15 August 1970, weighed about 2 kg, and photographs of that piece indicate that it is a part of a considerably larger stone. It is not known if other fragments were recovered. We received a 194 g piece and 4.4 g of fragments from Professor J. R. Vail of the University of Khartoum on 3 November 1970. A comprehensive description of the Malakal meteorite has recently been published by El Rabaa, etal. (1974). Malakal is a unique meteorite from the point of view of its cosmic-ray history. Cressy and Rancitelli (1974) note that cosmic-ray produced 2(iAl and 58Mn are anomalously high in Malakal. They conclude that the meteorite must have experienced a two- stage irradiation, and that during the earlier stage Malakal was exposed to a cosmic-ray flux several times larger than that incident on other chondrites or that measured by space probes. Malakal is a moderately veined and brecciated hypersthene chondrite, with the dark and ap- parently shock-produced vein material also occur- ring in patches. Kamacite and troilite also appear to have been partially shock melted. Their inter- faces with each other are frequently lacy and diffuse, as are their interfaces with surrounding silicates. Abundant spherules of metal or sulfide are observed within the silicates near the metallic phases. Chondrules are present, ranging up to 5 mm in diameter, and the silicate matrix is moderately recrystallized. The minerals identified are olivine, hypersthene, kamacite, taenite, troilite, ilmenite, chromite, and whitlockite. Twenty grain analyses show the major silicates to be homogeneous with olivine composition of Fa25 and pyroxene of Fs2i. Malakal is classified as an L5 chondrite. WETHERSFIELD,, HARTFORD COUNTY,, CONNECTICUT The Wethersfield meteorite fell into the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Cassarino during the early morning hours of 8 April 1971. It penetrated a roof of asbestos shingles and three-quarter-inch plywood, then passed through four inches of insulating ma- terial and nearly went through a half-inch sheetrock ceiling in a second floor room. Debris on the floor of the room called attention to the presence of a 350 g meteorite precariously suspended in the broken ceiling. Richard E. McCrosky of the Smith- sonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, visited the Cassarino's and obtained the specimen FIGURE 3.?The Wethersfield, Connecticut, chondrite. The bottom left side of the photograph shows posterior fusion crust and spalled areas of crust. The bottom center area shows a broken surface and extensive interior veining. for scientific study and preservation. He also can- vassed the surrounding area and made numerous inquiries about the possibility of other pieces hav- ing been found. Only the one specimen was re- covered, and no observations were reported that would allow fixing the time of fall more precisely. The meteorite as found was largely covered with a dark fusion crust. Areas where the fusion crust had spalled late in flight covered 10 to 15 percent of the surface. The largest single surface covering nearly half of the specimen, was smooth and rounded and appeared to have been a leading surface during atmospheric flight. The other sur- faces were more irregular and the opposite surface appears to have been a posterior surface. Its fusion crust is lighter in color, more vesicular, and it has small areas of the darker anterior fusion crust de- posited on it. This area of posterior fusion crust is shown in the central area of Figure 3. Wethersfield is a gray, highly recrystallized chon- drite with black veins and patches of black material (Figure 3). This black material appears to have been produced by shock. Relict chondrules range up to 2 mm in diameter, with a few large ones approaching 5 mm. Fifteen microprobe grain analy- ses show the silicates to be homogeneous, with an olivine composition of Fa25 and hypersthene of Fs2i. Other minerals identified were kamacite, taenite, troilite, chromite, and whitlockite. It is classified as an L6 chondrite. 70 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES Literature Cited Bogard, D. D., M. A. Reynolds, and L. A. Simms 1973. Noble Gas Concentrations and Cosmic Ray Exposure Ages of Eight Recently Fallen Chondrites. Geochi- mica et Cosmochimica Acta, 37:2417-2433. Cressy, Philip J. Jr. 1970. Multiparameter Analysis of Gamma Radiation from the Barwell, St. Severin and Tathlith Meteorites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 34:771-779. Cressy, P. J., Jr., and L. A. Rancitelli 1974. The Unique Cosmic-Ray History of the Malakal Chondrite. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 22: 275-283. Dawoud, A. S., and J. R. Vail 1971. Malakal Meteorite, Sudan. Nature: Physical Science, 229:212-213. El Rabaa, S. M., A. M. Daminova, M. I. Dyakonova, L. G. Kvasha, L. K. Levskii, and A. V. Fisenko 1974. The Results of the Investigation of the Malakal Chondrite. Meteoritika, 33:83-89. Fireman, E. L., and R. Goebel 1970. Argon 37 and Argon 39 in Recently Fallen Meteor- ites and Cosmic-Ray Variations. Journal of Geo- physical Research, 75:2115-2124. Fireman, Edward L., and Gert Spannagel 1971. Fresh Meteorites in 1970 and the Cosmic-Ray Gradient. Chemie der Erde, 30:83-101. Fleischer, R. L., E. Lifshin, P. B. Price, R. T. Woods, R. W. Carter, and E. L. Fireman 1970. Schenectady Meteorite. Icarus, 12:402-406. Heimann, M., P. P. Parekh, and W. Herr 1974. . A Comparative Study on ^Al and MMn in Eighteen Chondrites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 38: 217-234. Hutchison, R., D. E. Ajakaiye, C. J. Elliott, and F. A. Fry 1973. The Kabo, Nigeria, Meteorite Fall. Mineralogical Magazine, 39:340-345. Jarosewich, E. 1966. Chemical Analyses of Ten Stony Meteorites. Geo- chimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 30:1261-1265. Reynolds, M. A., D. D. Bogard, and C. M. Polo 1971. Dwaleni?A New Gas-Rich Chondrite (Abstract). E.O.S., 52:269. Sensi, Guglielmo 1953. [Letter from Professor Sensi to the Smithsonian Institution.] Accession file 202751, Office of the Registrar, Smithsonian Institution. Smith, S., and E. L. Fireman 1973. Ages of Eight Recently Fallen Meteorites. Journal of Geophysical Research, 78:3249-3259. Tobailem, Jacques, and Claude Lalou 1972. Age d'exposition de la meteorite Kiffa. Comptes Rendus des Seances de UAcadimie des Sciences, Series B, 274 (21): 1185-1187. Van Schmus, W. R., and J. A. Wood 1967. A Chemical-Petrologic Classification for the Chon- dritic Meteorites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 31:747-765. List of Meteorites in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution Compiled by Brian Mason ABSTRACT A brief history of the meteorite collection in the National Museum of Natural History is followedby a list with data of locality, type, and weight of each specimen. Introduction Meteorites formed part of the original collections of the Smithsonian Institution. James Smithson's bequest, besides the endowment fund, included (Goode, 1897:305) "a cabinet, which . . . proves to consist of a choice and beautiful collection of min- erals, comprising probably eight or ten thousand specimens. . . . The cabinet also contains a valuable suite of meteoric stones, which appear to be suites of most of the important meteorites which have fallen in Europe during several centuries." In 1854 the then Secretary, Joseph Henry (1854:18), re- corded: "The laboratory of the Institution during the past year has been used by Professor J. Lawrence Smith in the examination of American minerals. . . . He also made a series of analyses of meteorites, among which were fourteen specimens belonging to the cabinet of James Smithson." Unfortunately, the specific meteorites from the Smithson collection are not identified, and the meteorite collection was apparently destroyed, along with the rest of Smith- son's cabinet, in the 1865 fire. In 1880 G. P. Merrill, in a manuscript report, Brian Mason, Department of Mineral Sciences, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Wash- ington, D.C. 20560. noted only six meteorites in the catalog: Imilac, Vaca Muerta, New Concord, Parnallee, Searsmont, and Cold Bokkeveld. The Tucson iron, which should have formed the chief attraction, was not cataloged, although brought to Washington in 1863. The Casas Grandes iron was also received around 1880, being transferred to the Smithsonian Institution along with much other material from the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition. However, the collection grew rapidly during the next decade, largely through the efforts of F. W. Clarke, who was appointed honorary curator in 1883. In 1889 he published a catalog of the meteorite collection as of October 1888, in which he lists 128 distinct falls and finds; in addition, there were 217 mete- orites in the Shephard collection, which was de- posited in the museum by Shephard's son in 1886 (and ultimately bequeathed to the Smithsonian Institution in 1915). Considerable duplication ex- isted between the two collections, and many of the specimens in both collections were small fragments. Since that time the meteorite collection has grown steadily. In 1902, W. Tassin brought the Clarke catalog up to date; the Shephard meteorites were listed along with the museum's collection, and the combined collections contained 348 falls and finds. The most recent published catalog is that by G. P. Merrill, "Handbook and Descriptive Catalogue of the Meteorite Collections in the United States National Museum." The collection at that time comprised 412 independent falls and finds. In the Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution, E. P. Henderson (1948) noted that the collection had grown to 767 meteorites. The present collection contains representative material of some 1300 meteorites, or about two- thirds of all known meteorites. The current catalog 71 72 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES in the Department of Mineral Sciences lists over 5700 individual specimens. This collection ranks in size and comprehensiveness with that of the British Museum (Natural History). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.?I wish to thank Mr. R. S. Clarke, Jr., and Mr. A. F. Noonan for much assis- tance in compiling this list, and Dr. W. R. Van Schmus for some unpublished data on the classifi- cation of individual chondrites. Literature Cited Clarke, F. W. 1889. The Meteorite Collection of the U.S. National Mu- seum: A Catalogue of Meteorites Represented No- vember 1, 1886. Report of the Smithsonian Institu- tion, 1885-86, part 2:255-265. Goode, G. B. 1897. The Smithsonian Institution, 1846-1896. Washing- ton. Henderson, E. P. 1948. American Meteorites and the National Collection. Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, pages 257-268. Henry, J. 1854. Report of the Secretary. Ninth Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institu- tion. 463 pages. Merrill, George P. 1916. Handbook and Descriptive Catalogue of the Mete- orite Collections in the United States National Museum. United States National Museum Bulletin, 94. Tassin, W. 1902. Descriptive Catalogue of the Meteorite Collection in the United States National Museum to January 1, 1902. Report of the United States National Mu- seum for 1900, pages 671-698. CHONDRITES: (Type, where known, is in- dicated by a following digit) ACHONDRITES: Enstatite Bronzite Hypersthene Amphoterite Carbonaceous Aubrite Diogenite Chassignite Ureilite Angrite Nakhlite Howardite Eucrite E H L LL C Ae Ah Ac Au Aa An Aho Aeu Abbreviations STONY-IRONS: IRONS: Pallasite Mesosiderite Siderophyre Lodranite HexahedriteOctahedrite Coarsest octahedrite Coarse octahedrite Medium octahedrite Fine octahedrite Finest octahedrite Plessitic octahedrite Ataxite Anomalous P M S Lo Hx O Ogg og Om Of Off Opl D Anom List Weights are given in grams unless otherwise indicated; "s" indicates that only a thin or polished section is present Name Aarhus Abancay Abee Abernathy Accalana Achilles Achiras Adams County Adargas ad-Dahbubah Adelie Land Adhi Kot Admire Locality Denmark Peru Canada Texas Australia Kansas Argentina Colorado Mexico Saudi Arabia Antarctica Pakistan Kansas Class H Of E4 L6 L3 H5 L6 H5 Om H5 L5 E3 P Weight s 9.8 2950 83 14 546 6.8 569 24 40 kg 69 22 22 kg Name Adrian Agen Aggie Creek Aguada Ahumada Ainsworth Akpohon Akron (1961) Alais Alamogordo Alamosa Albareto Albin Locality Texas France Alaska Argentina Mexico Nebraska Canada Colorado France New Mexico Colorado Italy Wyoming Class H4 H5 Om L6 P Ogg Om L6 Cl H5 L6 L4 P Weight 1090 163 984 8.0 834 1635 64 70 0.6 905 1784 1.7 3200 NUMBER 14 Name Aleppo Alessandria Alexander County al-Ghanim (iron) al-Ghanim (stone) Alfianello Algoma Alikatnima Allegan Allende Al Rais Alt Bela Altonah Amates Ambapur Nagla Amherst No. 1 Amherst No. 2 Anderson Andover Andura Angelica Angers Angra dos Reis (stone) Ankober Anoka Anthony Antofagasta Apoala Appley Bridge Arapahoe Arcadia Archie Arispe Arlington Arltunga Armel ar-Rakhbah Arriba No. 1 Arroyo Aguiar Artracoona Asheville Ashfork Ashmore ash-Shalfar Assam Assisi as-Su'aydan Aswan Atarra Atemajac Athens Atlanta Atoka Atwood Auburn Augustinovka Aumale Aumieres Aurora Locality Syria Italy North Carolina Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Italy Wisconsin Australia Michigan Mexico Saudi Arabia Czechoslovakia Utah Mexico India Nebraska Nebraska Ohio Maine India Wisconsin France Brazil Ethiopia Minnesota Kansas Chile Mexico Great Britain Colorado Nebraska Missouri Mexico Minnesota Australia Colorado Saudi Arabia Colorado Argentina Australia North Carolina Arizona Texas Saudi Arabia India Italy Saudi Arabia Egypt India Mexico Alabama Louisiana Oklahoma Colorado Alabama USSR Algeria France New Mexico Class L6 H5 Og O? H6 L6 Om D H5 C3 C2 Om Of Og H5 L6 L6 P L6 H6 Om L6 Aa H4 Of H5 P Om LL6 L5 LL6 H6 Og Om D L5 O L5 H5 L6 Om Og H5 H5 L5 H5 H5 Om L4 L6 LL6 E5 L6 L6 Ogg Om L6 L6 H4 Weight 162 37 12 500 3755 680 22 32 18 kg 380 kg 132 10 10 kg 14 45 8017 473 48 2791 9.0 331 0.7 8.5 6964 132 8711 16 kg 324 545 422 1676 3760 178 kg 6140 979 301 395 1142 2.9 375 6.2 39 16 935 7 29 5530 11 37 8 206 235 432 161 235 99 81 16 78 Name Ausson Avanhandava Babb's Mill (Troost's Iron) Bachmut Bacubirito Bahjoi Bald Mountain Baldwyn Balfour Downs Bali Ballinger Ballinoo Bandong Bansur Banswal Baquedano Barbotan Barea Baroti Barranca Blanca Barratta Bartlett Barwell Barwise Bath Bath Furnace Bear Creek Beardsley Bear Lodge Beaver Creek Beddgelert Beenham Bella Rocca Belle Plaine Bells Bellsbank Benares Bencubbin Bendego Benld Bennett County Benton Bereba Beuste Bhola Bholgati Bialystok Bielokrynitschie Billings Billygoat Donga Binda Bingera Bir Hadi Bischtiibe Bishop Canyon Bishopville Bishunpur Locality France Brazil Tennessee USSR Mexico India North Carolina Mississippi Australia Cameroon Texas Australia Java India India Chile France Spain India Chile Australia Texas Great Britain Texas South Dakota Kentucky Colorado Kansas Wyoming Canada Great Britain New Mexico Mexico Kansas Texas South Africa India Australia Brazil Illinois South Dakota Canada Upper Volta France Bangladesh India Poland USSR Missouri Australia Australia Australia Saudi Arabia USSR Colorado South Carolina India Class L5 H5 D L6 Off Og L4 L6 Og C3 Og Opl LL6 L6 L5 Om H5 M L6 Anom L4 Om L5 H5 H4 L6 Om H5 Om H4 H5 L5 Om L6 C2 Hx LL6 Anom Og H6 Hx LL6 Aeu L5 L Aho Aho H4 Om L6 Aho Hx H5 Og Of Ae LL3 73 Weight 223 162 133 9 997 497 222 0.5 911 154 459 1415 56 0.5 5.7 864 354 132 6.6 84 4256 670 1463 290 1086 388 275 926 3265 731 17 4166 666 90 0.5 343 88 7021 1980 6.3 8135 225 15 3 116 1.6 16 56 434 0.6 228 197 525 3358 226 630 42 74 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES Name Bitburg Bjelaja Zerkov Bjurbole Black Moshannon Park Black Mountain Blackwell Blanket Blansko Blithfield Bluff Bocas Bodaibo Boelus Boerne Bogou Boguslavka Bolrumilitz Bolivia Bondoc Peninsula Bonita Springs Boogaldi Bori Borkut Bowden Bowesmont Boxhole Brady Brahin Braunau Breece Breitscheid Bremervorde Brenham Brewster Bridgewater Briggsdale Briscoe Bristol Britstown Broken Bow Brownfield (1937) Brownfield (1964) Bruderheim Bruno Budulan Bununu Burdett Burgavli Bur-Gheluai Burkett Burlington Burnabbie Burrika Buschof Bushman Land Bushnell Bustee Butler Butsura Locality Germany USSR Finland Pennsylvania North Carolina Oklahoma Texas Czechoslovakia Canada Texas Mexico USSR Nebraska Texas Upper Volta USSR Czechoslovakia Bolivia Philippines Florida Australia India USSR South Africa North Dakota Australia Texas USSR Czechoslovakia New Mexico Germany Germany Kansas Kansas North Carolina Colorado Texas Tennessee South Africa Nebraska Texas Texas Canada Canada USSR Nigeria Kansas USSR Somalia Texas New York Australia Australia USSR South Africa Nebraska India Missouri India Class Of H6 L4 L Og L5 L6 H6 E6 L5 L6 Of LL6 H6 Og Hx Og Og M H5 Of L6 L5 H5 L6 Om L6 P Hx Om H5 H3 P L6 Om Om L5 Of Opl H4 H3 H5 L6 Hx M Aho H5 Og H5 Og Om H5 L6 L6 Of H4 Ae Opl H6 Weight 168 10 3509 29 18 2362 1790 2.3 129 8585 2 261 675 537 3107 185 325 20 kg 28 kg 34 kg 79 136 8.4 6.5 116 7346 60 20 241 541 s 33 89 kg 986 54 60 260 126 19 283 1182 168 5515 17 97 331 203 130 3513 1173 1325 65 0.6 14 2865 50 78 639 18 Name Cabezo de Mayo Cabin Creek Cacaria Cachari Cadell Calico Rock Calliham Cambria Campbellsville Campo del Cielo Camp Verde Canellas Cangas de Onis Canon City Canton Canyon City Canyon Diablo Cape Girardeau Cape of Good Hope Caperr Cape York Carbo Cardanumbi Carlton Caroline Carraweena Carthage Cartoonkana Casas Grandes Casey County Cashion Casilda Casimiro de Abreu Castalia Castine Cavour Cedar (Kansas) Cedar (Texas) Cedartown Cee Vee Central Missouri Cereseto Chainpur Chamberlin Chandakapur Channing Chantonnay Charcas Charlotte Charsonville Chassigny Chateau-Renard Chaves Chebankol Cherokee Springs Chesterville Chico Chico Mountains Chicora Locality Spain Arkansas Mexico Argentina Australia Arkansas Texas New York Kentucky Argentina Arizona Spain Spain Colorado Georgia California Arizona Missouri South Africa Argentina Greenland Mexico Australia Texas Australia Australia Tennessee Australia Mexico Kentucky Oklahoma Argentina Brazil North Carolina Maine South Dakota Kansas Texas Georgia Texas Missouri Italy India Texas India Texas France Mexico Tennessee France France France Portugal USSR South Carolina South Carolina New Mexico Texas Pennsylvania Class L6 Om Om Aeu L6 Hx L6 Of Om Og Og H5 H5 H5 Om Om Og H6 D Om Om Om L5 Of H5 L3 Om L6 Om Og H4 H5 Om H5 L6 H6 H6 H4 Hx H5 Ogg H5 LL3 H5 L5 H5 L6 Om Of H6 Ac L6 Aho Og LL6 Hx L Hx LL6 Weight 207 34 165 1650 71 539 230 351 9521 196 kg 541 6.5 1103 55 409 284 1675 kg 4 209 36 8178 24 kg 0.6 1486 13 44 1399 s 1317 kg 92 71 203 212 17 0.2 9285 191 2181 9940 130 5072 65 114 98 32 1530 371 182 182 83 23 727 s 57 7885 103 s 173 272 NUMBER 14 Name Chihuahua City Chilkoot Chinautla Chinga Chinguetti Chulafinee Chupaderos Cincinnati Clareton Clark County Clayton ville Cleveland Clover Springs Clovis No. 1 Coahuila Cobija Cockarrow Creek Cockburn Cocklebiddy Cocunda Colby Cold Bay Cold Bokkeveld Coldwater (iron) Coldwater (stone) Colfax Collescipoli Colomera Comanche (iron) Concho Cookeville Coolac Coolamon Coolidge Coomandook Coonana Coon Butte Coopertown Coorara Cope Copiapo Cortez Cosby's Creek Costilla Peak Cotesfield Covert Cowra Coya Norte Crab Orchard Cranberry Plains Cranbourne Cranganore Cratheus Credo Crescent Cronstad Cross Roads Crumlin Cruz del Aire Locality Mexico Alaska Guatemala USSR Maurctania Alabama Mexico Ohio Wyoming Kentucky Texas Tennessee Arizona New Mexico Mexico Chile Australia Australia Australia Australia Wisconsin Alaska South Africa Kansas Kansas North Carolina Italy Spain Texas Texas Tennessee Australia Australia Kansas Australia Australia Arizona Tennessee Australia Colorado Chile Colorado Tennessee New Mexico Nebraska Kansas Australia Chile Tennessee Virginia Australia India Brazil Australia Oklahoma South Africa North Carolina Ireland Mexico Class Anom Om Of D M Om Om Hx L6 Om L5 Om M H3 Hx H6 L6 L6 H5 L6 L6 P C2 O H5 Om H5 Anom Og L6 Og Og L6 C4 H6 H4 L6 Og L6 H5 Anom H6 Og Om L6 H5 Opl Hx M Of Og L6 Of L6 C2 H5 H5 L5 Of Weight 363 5524 162 1613 409 . 119 2516 32 208 2069 198 819 1041 284 kg 147 kg 202 3.2 1850 119 s 3906 287 37 4768 5472 312 127 133 550 138 459 2067 s 203 11 s 199 1149 7.6 4147 174 54 1375 1849 17 2966 61 4850 2047 7.9 700 kg 10 42 7.4 s 12 6.5 35 351 Name Cuernavaca Cubertson Cullison Cumberland Falls Cumpas Cushing Cynthiana Dalgaranga Dalgety Downs Dalhart Dalton Dandapur Daniel's Kuil Davis Mountains Dayton Deal Deelfontein Deep Springs Delegate Del Rio Densmore Den ton County Denver Deport Descubridora Dexter Dhurmsala Dimboola Dimitrovgrad Dimmitt Dingo Pup Donga Dix Djati-Pengilon Dokachi Doroninsk Dorrigo Douar Mghila Doyleville Drake Creek Dresden (Canada) Dresden (Kansas) Drum Mountains Duchesne Duel Hill (1854) Dungannon Durala Duruma Dwaleni D wight Dyarrl Island Eagle Station Edjudina Edmonson Edmonton (Canada) Edmonton (Kentucky) Efremovka Ehole Locality Mexico Nebraska Kansas Kentucky Mexico Oklahoma Kentucky Australia Australia Texas Georgia India South Africa Texas Ohio New Jersey South Africa North Carolina Australia Texas Kansas Texas Colorado Texas Mexico Texas India Australia Yugoslavia Texas Australia Nebraska Java Bangladesh USSR Australia Morocco Colorado Tennessee Canada Kansas Utah Utah North Carolina Virginia India Kenya Swaziland Kansas New Guinea Kentucky Australia Texas Canada Kentucky USSR Angola Class Om H4 H4 Ae Om H4 L4 M L5 L5 Om L6 E6 Om Off L6 Og D Om D L6 Om L6 Og Om Om LL6 H5 Om H4 Au L H6 H5 H6 Opl LL6 H5 L6 H6 H5 Om Of Of Og L6 L6 H6 L6 M P H4 L6 Hx Of C3 H5 Weight 738 12 2421 8640 2212 519 643 159 125 kg 65 49 kg 57 5 117 24 kg 3 105 318 202 237 42 kg 8 208 4455 6021 212 681 46 219 6285 4.0 8905 464 16 7.5 39 0.5 17 152 27 212 522 kg 2780 138 1009 59 1.5 115 174 8 345 0.8 281 584 8277 269 1528 76 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES Name Eichstadt Ekeby Elba Elbogen El Burro El Capitan Elenovka Eli Elwah Ellemeet Ellerslie Elm Creek El Perdido Elsinora Elyria Emery Emmaville Emmitsburg Enigma Enon Ensisheim Ergheo Erie Erxleben Essebi Estacado Estherville Esu Eustis Eva Faith Farley Farmington Farmville Farnum Faucett Fayetteville Felix Fenbark Filomena Finmarken Finney Fisher Fleming Floyd Follinge Forest City Forest Vale Forksville Forrest Forrest Lakes Forsyth Forsyth County Fort Pierre Four Corners Franceville Frankfort (iron) Frankfort (stone) Franklin Locality Germany Sweden Colorado Czechoslovakia Mexico New Mexico USSR Australia Holland Australia Kansas Argentina Australia Kansas South Dakota Australia Maryland Georgia Ohio France Somalia Colorado Germany Zaire Texas Iowa Sudan Florida Oklahoma South Dakota New Mexico Kansas North Carolina Nebraska Missouri Arkansas Alabama Australia Chile Norway Texas Minnesota Colorado New Mexico Sweden Iowa Australia Virginia Australia Australia Georgia North Carolina South Dakota New Mexico Colorado Kentucky Alabama Kentucky Class Weight Name H5 1 Freda H4 18 Fremont Butte H5 94 Frenchman Bay Om 94 Fukutomi Ogg 34 kg Futtehpur Om 4831 L5 219 Gambat L6 55 Garland Ah s Garnett L5 28 Garraf H4 1185 Geidam H5 39 Georgetown H5 87 Ghubara Om 234 Gibeon M 1002 Gifu Aeu s Gilgoin Om 7 Girgenti H4 94 Giroux Anom 44 Gladstone (iron) LL6 225 Gladstone (stone) L5 1082 Glasgow L 1275 Glorieta Mountain H6 31 Gnadenfrei C2 61 Goalpara H6 10 kg Gobabeb M 10 kg Goodland H s Goose Lake H4 480 Grady (1933) L5 300 Grady (1937) Grand Rapids H5 434 Grant H5 930 Grant County L5 2620 Grassland H4 5941 Great Bear Lake L5 150 Greenbrier County H5 6209 Gressk H4 161 Gretna C3 1286 Grosnaja H5 4.0 Grossliebenthal Hx 20 kg Gruneberg P 977 Gruver L5 277 Guarena L6 6500 Guffey H3 68 Guibga H4 256 Guidder Off 14 Gun Creek H5 36 kg Gundaring H4 147 Gunnadorah L6 1995 Gutersloh H5 1.7 LL5 s Haig L6 9.5 Hainholz Hx 1121 Hale Center No. 1 Om 99 Hale Center No. 2 Om 7255 Hallingeberg Om 297 Hamilton Om 1638 Hamlet Aho 4.7 Hammond H5 207 Hammond Downs Locality Class Weight North Dakota D 255 Colorado L4 162 Australia H3 82 Japan L5 9.7 India L6 19 Pakistan L6 29 Utah Ah 102 Kansas H4 286 Spain L6 53 Nigeria H5 5.5 Colorado H6 687 Saudi Arabia L5 9 South-West Africa Of 263 kg Japan L6 18 Australia H5 4285 Italy L6 8939 Canada P 2381 Australia Og 21 kg New Mexico H6 3250 Kentucky Om 4047 New Mexico Om Hkg Germany H5 0.8 India Au 163 Southwest Africa H4 25 Kansas L4 174 California Om 1165 kg New Mexico L 1768 New Mexico H3 772 Michigan Om 3526 New Mexico Om 481 kg Kansas L6 696 Texas L4 114 Canada H6 40 West Virginia Om 473 USSR Hx 1935 Kansas L5 32 kg USSR C3 4.7 USSR L6 49 Poland H4 16 Texas H4 1256 Spain H6 416 Colorado D 8200 Upper Volta L5 250 Cameroon LL5 0.4 Arizona Om 1204 Australia Og 237 Australia H5 1.2 Germany H4 22 Australia Om 450 Germany M 382 Texas L5 188 Texas H4 324 Sweden L3 144 Australia L6 201 Indiana LL4 1543 Wisconsin Om 293 Australia H4 15 kg NUMBER 14 Name Haraiya Hardwick Harleton Harriman Harrison County Harrisonville Havana Haven Havero Haviland Hawk Springs Hedeskoga Hedjaz Helt Township Hentmry Hendersonville Hermitage Plains Hessle Hex River Mountains Hildreth Hill City Hoba Hobbs Hokmark Holbrook Holland's Store Holly Holyoke Homestead Honolulu Hope Hopper Horace Horse Creek Hraschina Huckitta Hugoton Huizopa Hungen Hvittis Ibbenbiiren Ibitira Ider Idutywa Ilimaes (pallasite) Ilinskaya Stanitza Imilac Imperial Indarch Indianola Indian Valley Indio Rico Inman Ipiringa Iquique Iredell Iron Creek Locality India Minnesota Texas Tennessee Indiana Missouri Illinois Kansas Finland Kansas Wyoming Sweden Saudi Arabia Indiana Australia North Carolina Australia Sweden South Africa Nebraska Kansas South-West Africa New Mexico Sweden Arizona Georgia Colorado Colorado Iowa Hawaii Arkansas Virginia Kansas Colorado Yugoslavia Australia Kansas Mexico Germany Finland Germany Brazil Alabama South Africa Chile USSR Chile California USSR Nebraska Virginia Argentina Kansas Brazil Chile Texas Canada Class Aeu L4 L6 Om L6 L6 Of H6 Au H5 H5 H5 L Ogg Om L5 L6 H5 Hx L5 Of D H4 L4 L6 Hx H4 H4 L5 L5 Og Om H5 Hx Om P H5 Of H6 E6 Ah Aeu Om H5 P Om P H4 E4 L5 Hx H6 L4 H6 D Ogg Om Weight 2.2 1091 4400 12 kg 19 10 kg 12 21 1.8 84 88 26 107 135 227 kg 2695 130 1863 582 173 10 kg 4203 224 12 8454 54 37 222 5616 32 885 25 464 140 1.0 403 258 2790 21 190 9 1.6 90 kg 50 155 184 19 kg 4 2840 225 489 4.7 14 10 168 97 122 Name Itapicuru-Mirim Ivanpah Ivuna Jackalsfontein Jackson County Jajh deh Kot Lalu Jamestown Jelica Jenkins Jenny's Creek Jerome Jhung Joe Wright Mountain Johnson City Johnstown Jonzac Judesegeri Juromenha Juvinas Kaalijarv Kaba Kabo Kainsaz Kakangari Kalaba Kaldoonera Hill Kalkaska x Kamiomi Kamsagar Kandahar Kansas City Kapoeta Kappakoola Karakol Karatu Karee Kloof Karkh Karoonda Kaufman Kearney Keen Mountain Kelly Kendall County Kennard Kenton County Kerilis Kermichel Kernouve' Kesen Keyes Khairpur Khanpur Kharkov Khohar Khor Temiki Kiel Kielpa Locality Brazil California Tanzania South Africa Tennessee Pakistan North Dakota Yugoslavia Missouri West Virginia Kansas Pakistan Arkansas Kansas Colorado France India Portugal France USSR Hungary Nigeria USSR India Zaire Australia Michigan Japan India Afghanistan Missouri Sudan Australia USSR Tanzania South Africa Pakistan Australia Texas Nebraska Virginia Colorado Texas Nebraska Kentucky France France France Japan Oklahoma Pakistan India USSR India Sudan Germany Australia Class H5 Om Cl L6 Om E6 Of LL6 Og Og L4 L5 Om L6 Ah Aeu H6 D Aeu Og C3 H5 C3 C3? H4 H6 Om H4 L6 L6 H5 Aho H6 LL6 LL6 Og L6 C4 L5 H5 Hx LL4 Anom H5 Om H5 L6 H6 H4 L6 E6 LL5 L6 L3 Ae L6 H5 Weight 9.7 3115 122 30 46 18 329 231 55 kg 14 166 22 571 1955 1028 0.2 16 16 172 4.3 0.7 80 26 0.5 11 1.4 759 5 9.6 123 283 0.9 0.7 4 57 27 49 123 168 1008 5629 3512 2044 156 2691 2.4 42 1135 2105 1781 27 30 26 92 90 6.2 351 78 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES Name Kiffa Killeter Kimble County Kingfisher Kingoonya Kingston Kissij Kittakittaooloo Klein-Wenden Klondike Knowles Knyahinya Kodaikanal Kopjes Vlei Koraleigh Krahenberg Kramer Creek Krasnoi-Ugol Krasnoyarsk Kress Krymka Kuleschovka Kulnine Kumerina Kunashak Kuttippuram Kyancutta Kybunga Kyle Kyushu La Becasse Laborel La Caille Ladder Creek Lafayette La Grange L'Aigle Lakangaon Lake Bonney Lake Brown Lake Grace Lake Labyrinth Lake Murray Laketon Lakewood La Lande Lance Langon Landes Langhalsen Lanton La Porte La Primitiva Las Vegas Laundry East Laundry Rockhole Laundry West Laurens County Locality Mauritania Ireland Texas Oklahoma Australia New Mexico USSR Australia Germany Canada Oklahoma USSR India South Africa Australia Germany Colorado USSR USSR Texas USSR USSR Australia Australia USSR India Australia Australia Texas Japan France France France Kansas Indiana Kentucky France India Australia Australia Australia Australia Oklahoma Texas New Mexico New Mexico France France West Virginia Sweden Missouri Indiana Chile Nevada Australia Australia Australia South Carolina Class H4 H6 H6 L5 L4 Om H5 H4 H6 D Om L5 Off Hx L6 LL5 L4 L6 P L6 LL3 L6 L6 Opl L6 L6 Om L5 L6 L6 L6 H5 Om L6 An Of L6 Aeu L6 L6 L6 LL6 Ogg L6 L6 L5 C3 H6 O L6 Om Om Hx Og H3 H5 L4 Of Weight 25 2.5 4130 2260 2.4 333 22 10 67 158 58 1575 283 64 s 4.4 38 5.5 910 113 136 11 170 339 175 120 754 94 253 216 81 17 107 5700 637 2168 448 10 s 0.2 335 1085 80 124 523 158 185 73 492 76 558 1491 93 2791 1.0 3.1 2.9 12 Name Lawrence Leedey Leeds Lenarto Leon Leoville Le Pressoir Les Ormes Lesves Lexington County Lick Creek Lillaverke Lime Creek Limerick Lincoln County Linville Linwood Lissa Little Piney Little River Livingston (Montana) Livingston (Tennessee) Lixna Locust Grove Lodran Logan Lombard Lonaconing Long Island Loomis Loop Loreto Los Reyes Lost City Losttown Lowicz Loyola Lua Lubbock Lucky Hill Luis Lopez Lumpkin Lundsgard Luotolax Lutschaunig's Stone Macau Macibini Madoc Madrid Mafra Magura Mainz Malakal Malotas Malvern Manbhoom Mangwendi Mantos Blancos Locality Kansas Oklahoma Canada Czechoslovakia Kansas Kansas France France Belgium South Carolina North Carolina Sweden Alabama Ireland Colorado North Carolina Nebraska Czechoslovakia Missouri Kansas Montana Tennessee USSR Georgia Pakistan Oklahoma Montana Maryland Kansas Nebraska Texas Mexico Mexico Oklahoma Georgia Poland doubtful India Texas Jamaica New Mexico Georgia Sweden Finland Chile Brazil South Africa Canada Spain Brazil Czechoslovakia Germany Sudan Argentina South Africa India Rhodesia Chile Class L6 L6 Og Om H5 C2 L6 L5 L6 Og Hx H5 D H5 L6 D Og L6 L5 H6 Om Om H4 Hx Lo H5 Hx Og L6 L6 L6 Om Om H5 Om M L5 L5 L5 Om Om L6 L6 Aho L6 H5 Aeu Om L6 L4 Og L5 L5 H5 Aho LL6 LL6 Of Weight 328 97 20 208 17 kg 482 3.6 0.3 1.5 2617 9.7 150 2.9 210 71 15 33 kg 118 78 170 294 123 58 2166 13 336 62 24 2696 229 149 89 kg 377 16 kg 71 82 1772 25 390 40 174 31 97 0.5 73 72 15 11 3.5 9 672 2 160 206 19 15 17 356 NUMBER 14 Name Mapleton Maria Elena (1935) Marion Marjalahti Marshall County Marsland Mart Matatiele Mauerkirchen Mayday Mayodan Maziba Mbosi McKinney Mejillones Melrose Menow Merceditas Mem Mertzon Merua Mesa Verde Park Messina Metsakyla Mezo-Madaras Miami Mighei Milena Miller (Arkansas) Miller (Kansas) Mills Milly Milly Minas Gerais Mincy Misshof Misteca Moab Mocs Modoc Mokoia Molina Molong Monahans Monroe Monte Milone Monze Moonbi Mooranoppin Moore County Mooresfort Moorleah Morito Morland Mornans Morradal Morrill Morristown Morven Mosca Locality Iowa Chile Iowa Finland Kentucky Nebraska Texas South Africa Austria Kansas North Carolina Uganda Tanzania Texas Chile New Mexico Germany Chile Denmark Texas India Colorado Italy Finland Romania Texas USSR Yugoslavia Arkansas Kansas New Mexico Australia Brazil Missouri USSR Mexico Utah Romania Kansas New Zealand Spain Australia Texas North Carolina Italy Zambia Australia Australia North Carolina Ireland Australia Mexico Kansas France Norway Nebraska Tennessee New Zealand Colorado Class Om Om L6 P Om H5 Of Og L6 H Hx L6 Om L4 Hx L5 H4 Om L6 Om H5 Om L5 H4 L3 H C2 L6 H5 H H6 Om L M H5 Og O L6 L6 C3 L5 P Opl H4 L L6 Om Og Aeu H5 L6 Om H6 H5 D Om M H5 L6 Weight 3728 11kg 1717 452 67 244 454 69 73 5 13 kg 390 779 5208 12 kg 2782 110 724 220 3319 197 3439 3.4 s 335 1160 620 99 53 41 367 283 10 308 158 344 253 3346 5623 6.4 1189 864 913 252 0.6 265 286 149 460 161 s 636 517 32 58 87 1757 112 6136 Name Mosquero Mossgiel Moti-ka-nagla Motpena Motta di Conti Mount Ayliff Mount Browne Mount Dooling Mount Dyrring Mount Edith Mount Egerton Mount Joy Mount Magnet Mount Morris Mount Ouray Mount Padbury Mount Sir Charles Mount Stirling Mount Vernon Muddoor Mulga (North) Mulga (South) Mundrabilla Mungindi Muonionalusta Murchison Murfreesboro Murnpeowie Muroc Dry Lake Murphy Murray Muzzaffarpur Nagaria Nagy-Vazsony Nakhla Nakhon Pathom Nanjemoy Naoki Nardoo No. 1 Nardoo No. 2 Narellan Naretha Narraburra Nas Nashville (Kansas) Nashville (North Carolina) Navajo Nazareth (iron) Nedagolla Needles Neenach Negrillos Nejed Nejo Nelson County Nenntmannsdorf Neptune Mountains Locality New Mexico Australia India Australia Italy South Africa Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Pennsylvania Australia Wisconsin Colorado Australia Australia Australia Kentucky India Australia Australia Australia Australia Sweden Australia Tennessee Australia California North Carolina Kentucky India India Hungary Egypt Thailand Maryland India Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Sweden Kansas North Carolina Arizona Texas India California California Chile Saudi Arabia Ethiopia Kentucky Germany Antarctica Class H4 L4 H6 L6 H Og H6 Ogg P Om Ae Ogg Opl E6? Om M Of Og P H5 H6 H4 Om Of Of C2 Om Anom L Hx C2 Opl Aeu Og An L6 H6 H6 H5 L6 L6 L4 Om LL6 L6 O Ogg Om Anom Of L6 Hx Om L6 Ogg Ogg Og Weight 1629 560 77 98 2.4 95 486 370 672 1577 3731 2833 100 557 84 8147 21 383 134 kg 26 278 0.4 217 kg 573 419 30 kg 125 191 43 582 5830 5 s 36 644 852 79 227 75 109 33 2.7 321 17 23 kg 2676 517 315 28 10 kg 2210 15 kg 2931 183 1207 15 997 80 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES Name Nerft Ness County Netschaevo New Almelo New Baltimore New Concord New Leipzig Newport New Westville Ngawi N'Goureyma Nikolskoe N'Kandhla Nobleborough Nocoleche Nogoya Nora Creina Norcateur ? Nordheim Norfolk Norfork Norristown North East Reid North Forrest North Haig North Reid North West Forrest Norton County Novo-Urei Nuevo Laredo Nulles Nyirabrany Oak Oakley (iron) Oakley (stone) Oberlin Obernkirchen Ochansk Odessa Oesede Oesel Ogallala Ogi Ojuelos Altos Okano Okechobee Okirai Olivenza Ollague Olmedilla de Alarcon Orange River (iron) Orgueil Orlovka Ornans Oro Grande Oroville Orvinio Oscuro Mountains Locality USSR Kansas USSR Kansas Pennsylvania Ohio North Dakota Arkansas Ohio Java Mali USSR South Africa Maine Australia Argentina Australia Kansas Texas Virginia Arkansas Georgia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Kansas USSR Mexico Spain Hungary Australia Idaho Kansas Kansas Germany USSR Texas Germany USSR Nebraska Japan Spain Japan Florida Japan Spain Bolivia Spain South Africa France USSR France New Mexico California Italy New Mexico Class L6 L6 Om L5 Anom L6 Og P Of LL3 Anom L4 Om Aeu Anom C2 L4 L6 D Om Om Om H5 H4 Au LL5 E6 Ae Au Aeu H6 LL5 L5 Og H6 LL5 Of H4 Og H5 L6 Og H6 L Hx L4 H5 LL5 P H Om Cl H C3 H5 Om L6 Og Weight 71 5810 267 1557 3216 8700 17 kg 222 3318 103 1519 32 146 0.1 203 4.5 8.5 133 1094 110 60 196 1.9 3.8 8.2 4.7 11 1797 93 132 124 s 0.8 111kg 1614 195 302 1668 128 kg 137 28 118 40 191 20 968 31 938 296 314 120 183 127 3.8 9.1 401 59 102 Name Osseo Otis Ottawa Oubari Ovid Owens Valley Ozona Ozren Pacula Palo Blanco Creek Pan de Azucar Pantar Para de Minas Paragould Paranaiba Parnallee Pasamonte Patos de Minas Patrimonio Patwar Pavlodar Pavlograd Pavlovka Peace River Peckelsheim Peck's Spring Peetz Pena Blanca Springs Penokee Perpeti Perryville Persimmon Creek Pervomaisky Pesyanoe Petersburg Petropavlovka Pevensey Phillips County Piancaldoli Pickens County Piedade do Bargre Pierceville (iron) Pierceville (stone) Pillistfer Pima County Pine River Pinnaroo Pinon Pipe Creek Pitts Plains Plainview (1917) Plantersville Pleasanton Plymouth Pohlitz Ponca Creek Portales No. 3 Locality Canada Kansas Kansas Libya Colorado California Texas Yugoslavia Mexico New Mexico Chile Philippines Brazil Arkansas Brazil India New Mexico Brazil Brazil Pakistan USSR USSR USSR Canada Germany Texas Colorado Texas Kansas Pakistan Missouri North Carolina USSR USSR Tennessee USSR Australia Colorado Italy Georgia Brazil Kansas Kansas USSR Arizona Wisconsin Australia New Mexico Texas Georgia Texas Texas Texas Kansas Indiana Germany Nebraska New Mexico Class Og L6 LL6 L4 H Om H Og L6 Aeu Og H5 Of LL5 L6 LL3 Aeu Hx L M P L6 Aho L6 Ah L5 L6 Ae H L6 Opl Opl L6 Ae Aeu H LL5 P L3 H Om Om? L E6 Hx Om M D H6 Of H5 H5 H6 H5 Om L5 Ogg L Weight 37 kg 215 12 151 251 157 kg 1658 17 44 s 101 112 223 31kg 322 520 1585 827 14 592 12 97 8 551 2.2 629 810 457 3552 35 14 kg 3519 446 67 42 118 14 368 s 67 398 808 183 66 150 297 1132 1240 312 1022 363 24 kg 1862 204 619 0.1 29 156 NUMBER 14 Name Port Orford Potter Prairie Dog Creek Prambanan Pribram Pricetown Providence Puente del Zacate Pulaski County Pulsora Pultusk Puquios Puripica Putinga Putnam County Quartz Mountain Queen's Mercy Quenggouk Quillagua Quinn Canvon Raco Rafruti Rakovka Ramsdorf Ranchapur Rancho de la Pila Rancho de la Presa Rangala Ransom Ras Tanura Rawlinna Reager Red River Reed City Reid Reliegos RenazzO Rhine Villa Richardton Richland Richmond Rich Mountain Rifle Rio Loa Rio Negro Rochester Rodeo Roebourne Rolla (1936) Rolla (1939) Rosario Rosebud Rose City Rowena Rowton Roy (1933) Roy (1934) Ruff's Mountain Locality Oregon Nebraska Kansas Java Czechoslovakia Ohio Kentucky Mexico Georgia India Poland Chile Chile Brazil Georgia Nevada South Africa Burma Chile Nevada Argentina Switzerland USSR Germany India Mexico Mexico India Kansas Saudi Arabia Australia Kansas Texas Michigan Australia Spain Italy Australia North Dakota Texas Virginia North Carolina Colorado Chile Brazil Indiana Mexico Australia Kansas Kansas Honduras Texas Michigan Australia Great Britain New Mexico New Mexico South Carolina Class P L6 H3 Off H5 L6 Om Om Og H5 H5 Om Hx L6 Of Om H6 H4 Hx Om H5 D L6 L6 H4 Om H L H4 H H5 L Om Og H L C2 Og H5 Hx L5 L6 Og Hx L4 H Om Om H H Og H H5 H6 Om L5 L6 Om Weight 24 1930 314 2.3 140 3.0 5492 2332 112 5.8 3263 90 15 kg 962 2736 57 424 35 741 45 133 22 23 20 59 54 12 26 295 5.9 2.8 37 79 1877 4.0 26 26 114 5155 1026 18 112 4367 940 66 53 1998 4018 414 10 190 5 3587 78 32 8607 4528 4762 Name Rupota Rush County Rush Creek Russel Gulch Sacramento Mountains St. Caprais-de-Quinsac St. Francois County St. Genevieve County St. Germain-du-Pinel St. Lawrence St. Louis St. Mark's St. Mary's County St. Mesmin St. Michel St. Peter Saint-Sauveur St. Severin Salaices SalinaSaline Salla Salles Salta Salt Lake City Salt River Sams Valley San Angelo San Cristobal Sanderson Sandia Mountains Sandtown San Emigdio San Francisco Mountains San Jose San Juan Capistrano Santa Apolonia Santa Catharina Santa Cruz Santa Isabel Santa Luzia Santa Rosa Santa Rosalia Santiago Papasquiero Sao Jose do Rio Preto Sao Juliao de Moreira Saratov Sardis Sarepta Savannah Schenectady Schonenberg Schwetz Scott City Scottsville Scurry Seagraves Locality Tanzania Indiana Colorado Colorado New Mexico France Missouri Missouri France Texas Missouri South Africa Maryland France Finland Kansas France France Mexico UtahKansas Finland France Argentina Utah Kentucky Oregon Texas Chile Texas New Mexico Arkansas California Arizona Mexico California Mexico Brazil Mexico Argentina Brazil Colombia Mexico Mexico Brazil Portugal USSR Georgia USSR Tennessee New York Germany Poland Kansas Kentucky Texas Texas Class L6 H L6 Om Om L Og Of H LL6 H4 E5 LL3 LL6 L6 L5 E4 LL6 H4 Om H5 L H6 P H5 Opl Om Om D Om Ogg Om H4 Of H5 H6 Om D C2 L6 Ogg Anom P Anom L5 Ogg L4 Og Og Om H5 L6 Om H5 Hx H5 H4 81 Weight 975 4020 3170 72 6550 0.4 236 1380 53 100 2.4 258 s 86 231 549 7.8 2463 395 221 897 318 50 24 kg 2.5 112 19 3443 136 471 1672 100 490 1334 142 18 5689 11kg s 29 23 kg 5751 63 1176 7.5 2150 513 800 kg 254 27 kg 30 8.8 165 228 1042 26 13 kg 82 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES Name Searsmont Seelasgen Segowlie Seguin Seibert Seligman Selma Semarkona Seminole Sena Seneca Seneca Township Seres Serre de Mage Sevrukovo Seymour Shalka Shallowater Sharps Shaw Shelburne Shergotty Shingle Springs Shrewsbury Shytal Siena Sierra Gorda Sierra Sandon Signal Mountain Sikhote-Alin Silver Bell Silver Crown Silverton Simdndium Sindhri Sinnai Sioux County Sitathali Ski Sleeper Camp Slobodka (1818) Slobodka (1838) Smith Center Smithland Smithonia Smith's Mountain Smithsonian Iron Smithville Social Circle Soko-Banja Somervell County Soper Soroti South Bend South Byron South Dahna South Oman Spearman Springwater Locality Maine Poland India Kansas Colorado Arizona Alabama India Texas Spain Kansas Michigan Greece Brazil USSR Missouri India Texas Virginia Colorado Canada India California Pennsylvania Pakistan Italy Chile Chile Mexico USSR Arizona Wyoming Australia South Africa Pakistan Italy Nebraska India Norway Australia USSR USSR Kansas Kentucky Georgia North Carolina Tennessee Georgia Yugoslavia Texas Oklahoma Uganda Indiana New York Arabia Arabia Texas Canada Class H5 Og L6 H H Og H4 LL3 H4 H4 H Of H4 Aeu L5 Og Ah Ae H3 L6 U> Aeu D Om L6 LL5 Hx Og Of Ogg Ogg Og L6 M H5 H Aeu H5 L6 L6 L4 L L6 D Hx Om Ogg Og Of LL4 P Anom Off P D O E Om P Weight 90 407 61 49 131 147 157 245 457 167 265 9372 2.0 25 23 1320 88 1017 401 1596 735 270 32 395 27 15 17 kg 72 41 4107 192 170 69 9.1 46 17 154 13 1.2 3.3 3.5 4.0 91 133 590 57 3400 3708 22 kg 337 80 1122 154 2.8 465 142 kg 13 870 2647 Name Stalldalen Stannern Staunton Stavropol Steinbach Stonington Sublette Success Suchy Dul Sultanpur Supuhee Susuman Sutton Suwahib (Buwah) Sweetwater Sylacauga Tabor Tadjera Taiban Tamarugal Tambo Quemado Tane Tanokami Mountain Tatahouine Tathlith Tawallah Valley Tazewell Tell Temple Tenham Tennasilm Ternera Texline Thiel Mountains Thomson Thoreau Thule Thunda Thurlow Tiberrhamine Tieraco Creek Tieschitz Tilden Timochin Tirupati Tjabe Tjerebon Tlacotepec Tobe Tocopilla Toluca Tomatlan Tombigbee River Tomhannock Creek Tonganoxie Tonk Torrington Toubil River . Locality Sweden Czechoslovakia Virginia USSR Germany Colorado Kansas Arkansas Czechoslovakia India India USSR Nebraska Saudi Arabia Texas Alabama Czechoslovakia Algeria New Mexico Chile Peru Japan Japan Tunisia Saudi Arabia Australia Tennessee Texas Texas Australia USSR Chile Texas Antarctica Georgia New Mexico Greenland Australia Canada Algeria Australia Czechoslovakia Illinois USSR India Java Java Mexico Colorado Chile Mexico Mexico Alabama New York Kansas India Wyoming USSR Class H5 Aeu Og L6 S H L L6 H5 L6 H6 Om H5 H3 H5 H H5 L5 L5 Om Om L5 Og Ah L6 D Off L6 L L6 L4 D H5 P L6 Og Om Om Om L6 Om H3 L6 H5 H H L5 D H4 Hx Og H6 Hx H5 Om Cl H Om Weight 192 497 6101 52 427 100 62 3503 1.8 71 89 74 305 5 1018 1682 65 69 438 17 kg 970 586 91 14 246 1267 1642 180 169 5535 4838 31 646 28 kg 217 294 449 209 403 100 4038 31 903 64 16 39 s 2400 5454 1467 109 kg 168 3001 31 231 3 116 175 NUMBER 14 Name Tourinnes-la-Grosse Travis County Trenton Trenzano Treysa Trifir Troup Tryon Tucson Tulia Turtle River Twin City Tysnes Island Uberaba Ucera Udei Station Ularring Ulysses Umm Ruaba Union Union County Ute Creek Utrecht Utzenstorf Uwet Uwharrie Vaca Muerta Valdinizza Valkeala Valley Wells Vavilovka Vengerovo Vera Veramin Verkhne Udinsk Vernon County Victoria West View Hill Vigarano Vincent Vishnupur Vouille Wabar Waconda Waingaroraia Waldo Waldron Ridge Walker County Wallapai Walltown Walters Warrenton Waterville Wathena Weatherford Weaver Mountains Locality Belgium Texas Wisconsin Italy Germany Mali Texas Nebraska Arizona Texas Minnesota Georgia Norway Brazil Venezuela Nigeria Australia Kansas Sudan Chile Georgia New Mexico Holland Switzerland Nigeria North Carolina Chile Italy Finland California USSR USSR Argentina Iran USSR Wisconsin South Africa New Zealand Italy Australia India France Saudi Arabia Kansas New Zealand Kansas Tennessee Alabama Arizona Kentucky Oklahoma Missouri Washington Kansas Oklahoma Arizona Class L6 H5 Om H6 Om L L6 L Anom H5 Om D H4 H5 H5 Om L6 H L5 Hx Ogg H4 L6 H Hx Om M L6 L6 L6 LL6 H5 L4 M Om H Of Om C3 L5 LL6 L Om L6 Om L Og Hx Of L L6 C3 Anom Hx Anom D Weight 69 1480 391kg 285 195 3.0 114 2028 911kg 4917 387 3400 104 103 205 202 1.2 334 64 172 84 177 40 105 1105 1287 1449 850 s 11 3.0 34 50 52 36 9.3 34 1883 2051 s 24 161 299 1189 600 94 70 291 303 kg 3.7 25 kg 36 197 429 1216 773 Name Webb Weekeroo Weldona Welland Wellington Wellman Wessely Western Arkansas West Forrest Weston West Reid Weathersfield Whitman Wichita County Wilbia Wildara Wiley Willamette Willaroy Williamstown Willow Creek Willowdale Wilmot Wiluna Wingellina Winona Witchellina Wold Cottage Wolf Creek Wonyulg-unna Woodbine Wood's Mountain Woodward County Woolgorong Wynella Yambo No. 1 Yambo No. 2 Yandama Yanhuitlan Yardymly Yatoor Yayjinna Yenberrie Yonozu York (iron) Youndegin Ysleta Yurtuk Zaborzika Zacatecas (1972) Zacatecas (1969) Zavid Zebrak Zhovtnevyi Zomba Zsadany Zvonkov Locality Australia Australia Colorado Canada Texas Texas Czechoslovakia Arkansas Australia Connecticut Australia Connecticut Nebraska Texas Australia Australia Colorado Oregon Australia Kentucky Wyoming Kansas Kansas Australia Australia Arizona Australia Great Britain Australia Australia Illinois North Carolina Oklahoma Australia Australia Zaire Zaire Australia Mexico USSR India Australia Australia Japan Nebraska Australia Texas USSR USSR Mexico Mexico Yugoslavia Czechoslovakia USSR Malawi Romania USSR Class L6 Og H Om H H5 H Of H5 H4 H6 L5 H Og H5 H5 Opl Om H3 Om Og H H6 H4 H4 E6? H4 L6 Om Om Of Of H4 L6 H4 H L3 L6 Of Og H5 L6 Og H4 Om Og Anom Aho L Anom Om L6 H5 H L6 H H Weight 3.1 11kg 1070 213 4224 543 0.2 1672 2.3 181 0.8 290 21 2251 3.8 s 189 2721 187 1223 4866 74 133 284 s 224 156 57 350 kg 577 48 kg 1786 44 kg 362 431 4.0 3.2 377 1200 81 222 14 3836 44 30 5756 19 33 4.1 444 6600 234 73 703 270 13 40 Chemical Analyses of Two Microprobe Standards Eugene Jarosewich ABSTRACT Chemical analyses are given for two materials foruse as microprobe standards: volcanic glass from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and hornblende fromArenal Volcano, Costa Rica. There has been increasing need for well-analyzed microprobe standards because, as with any instru- mental method, a standard compositionally similar to an unknown is the most likely to give reliable results. The key requirements for microprobe stan- dards can be found in the literature in general and some are briefly summarized in an earlier paper (Jarosewich, 1972). The chemical analyses were performed employing analytical methods described by Hillebrand, et al. (1953) and Peck (1964) except for the determination of sodium and potassium. The latter elements were determined by flame photometry. Data for two new microprobe standards follow. ARENAL HORNBLENDE USNM 111356.?A green hornblende xenocryst from an andesitic basalt scoria was collected by Dr. W. Melson from the September 1968 eruption of Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica. The sample was crushed and sieved and the 60-100 mesh fraction purified using a heavy liquid (D 3.19-3.21) followed by Franz magnetic separa- tion. The purified sample contains less than 0.5 percent grains with adhering groundmass. An elec- tron microprobe check indicates the sample to be Eugene Jarosewich, Department of Mineral Sciences, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Wash- ington, D. C. 20560. TABLE 1.?Chemical analyses of two microprobe standards (analyst: E. Jarosewich) Constituent SiO2 A12O3 Fe2O3 FeO MgO CaO Na2O K2O H2O+ H2O- TiO2 P2O5 MnO Total Total Fe Basaltic Glass Arenal Hornblende Juan de Fuca Ridge (USNM 111356) (USNM 111240152) 41.46 15.47 5.60 6.43 14.24 11.55 1.91 0.21 1.21 <0.01 1.41 <0.01 0.15 99.64 8.91 50.81 14.06 2.23 9.83 6.71 11.12 2.62 0.19 n.d. 0.02 1.85 0.17 0.22 99.83 9.20 n.d. = not determined. homogeneous within the limits of analytical error. BASALTIC GLASS USNM 111240/52.?This sample was dredged from the median, flat-floored valley of the southern part of the Juan de Fuca Ridge (44? 40'N, 130?30'W, 2195-2220 m). Approximately 2 percent of the sample is composed of inclusions, primarily plagioclase and olivine. Because the aver- age combined chemical composition of these inclu- sions is similar to the composition of the glass and because they are present in small amount, the bulk chemistry of the sample is essentially the same as 85 86 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES the glass. Electron microprobe analyses shows the 1953. Applied Inorganic Analysis. 2nd edition, 1034 pages. glass to be extremely homogeneous in major and New York: J?hn Wile? and Sons- . , / s> J Jarosewich, E. minor element content. .??? ?, . , . , , r. ... , , ,,. , 1974. Chemical Analyses or Five Minerals tor microprobe Standards. Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Literature Cited Sciences, 9:83-84. Peck, L. C. Hillebrand, W. F., G. E. F. Lundell, H. A. Bright, and J. I. 1964. Systematic Analysis of Silicates. U. S. Geological Sur- Hoffman vey Bulletin, 1170:66. Preparation of Multiple Microprobe Samples Grover C. Moreland and Richard Johnson ABSTRACT Several microprobe samples may be prepared simul-taneously using a new technique described here. With judicious choice of samples the same tech-nique may be used to prepare microprobe standard discs. hardener. This mixture is stirred on the 40? to 45? C hot plate until it reaches a watery consistency. Each sample is now inserted in its appropriately numbered hole. Then using a dissecting needle, place some of the epoxy mixture on the plexiglass disc and with the needle push some of the mixture over the edge of each hole. The epoxy will run down the wall of the hole, hit the cover glass, and A preparation technique has been developed whereby it is possible to prepare several probe samples simultaneously. The bask: mount is a plexiglass disc y4 inch thick cut from a 1-inch rod. Holes of any convenient size are drilled through the disc and the holes numbered with a scriber. As many as 19 samples can be mounted and prepared simultaneously (Figure 1). A white 3X5 inch card is fastened to a hot plate with masking tape; this card provides a visual con- trast against which the sample can be easily seen. A carefully cleaned one inch cover glass is placed on the white card, and the sample disc placed on the cover glass. A weight is added to insure good contact between the disc and the cover glass, and the hot plate temperature adjusted to 40? to 45? C (100?-115? F). Rubber cement is now painted around the edge of the coverglass-plexiglass disc sandwich, and the mount is left on the hot plate for 5 to 10 minutes, or until cured as shown by a brown color. A mixture of epoxide and expoxide hardener is now prepared (Buehler 20-8130 epoxide and 20-8132 hardener or equivalent). A convenient amount is 4.8 gms of epoxide and 0.8 gm of Grover C. Moreland and Richard Johnson, Department of Mineral Sciences, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. 20560. E D FIGURE 1.?Schematic of plexiglass disc. (A = Dissecting needle, B = epoxy mixture, C = cross-section of plexiglass disc, D = coverglass, E = mineral grain, F = hole drilled in plexiglass disc.) rise. This procedure should leave the specimen in contact with the cover glass, with epoxy around and above it, but very little if any beneath it. One can check under a stereomicroscope to see that the sample is resting on the cover glass (i.e., at the bot- tom of the hole) and that no air bubbles have formed. If these conditions are not met then the samples can be pushed down and air bubbles freed 87 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO EARTH SCIENCES using a small dissecting needle. One then covers the entire upper (numbered) side of the disc with epoxy, thus insuring that the numbers will not be accidentally obliterated during the subsequent steps of preparation and during later use of the disc. The epoxy mixture should be allowed to dry on the hot plate for about 30 minutes at 50? C (125? F). The card-coverglass-plexiglass disc assembly is then placed in a 50? C oven for about 10 hours. The assembly is then removed from the oven and the card separated from the remainder of the unit. The samples are exposed by grinding off the cover glass on an 850 rpm lap with a slurry of water and $:600 aluminum oxide. Being careful to keep the lap damp, grind the disc for 2 to 3 minutes or until the samples are exposed. Also grind the num- bered side, being careful not to grind off the num- bers. The disc should now be washed thoroughly with soap and water and dried. The samples are now brought to a rough polish by covering a 600 rpm wheel with a double thick- ness of brown wrapping paper that has been covered with polishing oil and 3 micron diamond compound. (The diamond compound regularly used is VB-3, produced by the Glennel Corp. of West Chester, Pennsylvania.) The disc should be moved counter to the rotation of the wheel; a lapping time of about 5 minutes is usually required. After wash- ing and drying the polish is examined under a re- flected light microscope. If necessary repeat the lapping until the only scratches visible are those made by the 3 micron polishing compound. The numbered side of the disc should also be polished to make the numbers visible. Next, the disc is lapped on a 150 rpm wheel covered with a polishing cloth. The polishing cloth is covered with water to which 0.05 micron alumina is sparingly added until a damp-dry condition is reached. The disc is moved for 30 turns counter to the rotation of the wheel. The disc, same side down, is rotated 180? and given another 30 turns on the wheel. Once again it is washed and dried. Finally the disc is lapped on a 50 rpm wheel covered with a clean polishing cloth, giving it only 5 turns with light pressure, counter to the rotation of the wheel. This final polishing is to remove any possible contamination due to smearing. The disc is now washed and dried and examined under a reflected light microscope at about 80 magnification. The 3 micron scratches should no longer be visible and one should see only highly polished, optically fiat grains. One should exercise care in choosing specimens to be mounted in one disc as some very soft material may smear upon polishing and hence cause contamination of the rest of the specimens. Tests were made here on eight samples of varying hardness (metallic zinc, gold, magnesium, alumi- num, silver, platinum. Ni-Fe-Co alloy, and lead sulfide (galena)), and mounted and polished on a single disc. A check was made by electron micro- probe to determine any effects of smearing from one sample to another due to the polishing tech- nique. For each sample (sulfur in the case of the galena) the background level above and below the peak was determined. Each sample was then probed for Zn, Au, Mg, Al, Ag, Pt, Fe, Co, Ni, and S. Sulfur was the only element that showed a measurable concentration in some of the other samples on the disc, hence the galena did contaminate the other samples. Preliminary tests have shown that with judicious choice of samples, microprobe standard discs may be prepared using this technique, thus effecting a considerable saving in time and materials over the one-at-a-time method of polishing microprobe stan- dards. ACKNOWLEDGMENT.?We wish to thank Charles Obermeyer and William Potts for their assistance in the preparation of this paper. U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 197S 546-367/32