SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES ? NUMBER 17 Occurrence, Distribution, and Age of Australian Tektites R. 0. Chalmers, E. P. Henderson, and Brian Mason 1376 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION PRESS City of Washington 1976 ABSTRACT Chalmers, R. O., E. P. Henderson, and Brian Mason. Occurrence, Distribution,and Age of Australian Tektites. Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, number 17, 46 pages, 17 figures, 10 tables, 1976.?Extensive field work has shownthat the Australian strewnfield is less extensive than previously thought, being essentially restricted to the region south of latitudes 24? to 25?S. The few aus-tralites found north of this region probably represent specimens transported by man. Throughout much of the desert interior australites are weathering out of alate Pleistocene or early Recent horizon in a well-consolidated calcareous red sandy aeolianite; field evidence indicates that in most places they are found es-sentially where they fell, or stream erosion and sheet wash has transported them short distances and concentrated them in claypans and playas. Distribution withinthe strewnfield is irregular and can be ascribed to: (1) original nonuniform fall; (2) burial by recent deposition; (3) removal by erosion. Australites (excluding thedoubtful HNa/K type) show a continuous range of composition from 80% to 66% SiO2 with related variations in other major constituents, which is reflectedin the range of specific gravities (2.36-2.52) and refractive indices (1.493-1.529). The composition range is not uniform over the strewnfield, the high-silica aus- tralites being concentrated along a northwest trending band extending fromwestern Victoria to the Lake Eyre region. Other noteworthy features are: (1) a variation in the average size of australites from place to place, those on theNullarbor Plain being notably smaller (average <1 gram) than those of other regions (average 3-5 grams); (2) the occurrence of many large australites (>100 grams) in the southwestern part of Western Australia. Unsolved problems include: (1) the inconsistency between geological age (7000-20,000 years BP) and K-Ar and fission track ages (700,000-860,000 years); (2) the relationship, if any, between australites and the "microtektites" in Indian Oceansediments; and (3) the source region of the australite material. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION DATE is handstamped in a limited number of initial copies and is recordedin the Institution's annual report, Smithsonian Year. SERIES COVER DESIGN: Aerial view of Ulawun Volcano, New Britain. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication DataChalmers, Robert Oliver Occurrence, distribution, and age of Australian tektites.(Smithsonian contributions to the earth sciences ; No. 17) Supt. of Docs, no.: SI 1.26:17Bibliography: p. 1. Tektite?Australia. I. Henderson, Edward P., joint author. II. Mason, Brian Harold, 1917?joint author. III. Title. IV. Series: Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian contributions to the earth sciences ; no. 17. no. \1 [QE399] 550'.8s [523.5'1] 75-619432 Contents Page Introduction 1 Geographical Distribution and Relative Abundance 4 Mode of Occurrence 9 The Extent of the Australite Strewnfield 11 Australites in Relation to the Indoaustralian Strewnfield 15 Physical Properties and Chemical Composition 16 Form 16 Form Analysis 25 Weight 25 Specific Gravity 31 Refractive Index 32 Chemical Composition 36 Chemical Composition and the Origin of Tektites 38 Age and Stratigraphical Relationships 39 Literature Cited 44 ui Occurrence, Distribution, and Age of Australian Tektites R. 0. Chalmers, E. P. Henderson, and Brian Mason Introduction Australian tektites were first made known to sci- ence by Charles Darwin. In 1844, in his book Geological Observations on the Volcanic Islands Visited during the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle, he de- scribed and illustrated a specimen (Figure 1) he received from Sir Thomas Mitchell in Sydney in January 1836. Mitchell had collected it "on a great sandy plain between the rivers Darling and Mur- ray," presumably during his exploration of the Darling River valley in 1835. (The location as- cribed to this australite by Baker (1973)?approxi- mately 34?20'S, 143?10'E?appears to be erroneous, since Mitchell did not travel south of 32?30'S, near the present site of Menindee, on his 1835 journey.) Darwin compared this australite to obsidian, but noted that it was found "several hundred miles from any volcanic region," suggesting that it might have been transported either by aborigines or by natural means. The suggestion that it might have been a transported specimen was a prescient one; very few australites have been found along the Dar- ling, and the exceptional quality of Darwin's speci- men would attract an aboriginal. Additional records of the occurrence of tektites in Australia are scattered through nineteenth- and twentieth- century literature from 1855 to the present. This information is summarized in the classic mono- graphs of Suess (1900) and Baker (1959a). Suess introduced the terms "tektites," denning R. O. Chalmers, Australian Museum, Sydney, Australia. E. P. Henderson and Brian Mason, Smithsonian Institution, Wash- ington, D.C. 20560. FIGURE 1.?Front, back, and side view of the australite given to Charles Darwin by Sir Thomas Mitchell in 1836; specimen is 26 X 22 X 7 mm (Institute of Geological Sciences, London). them essentially as glassy meteorites, and "austra- lites" as those tektites found in Australia. Tektites occur in four general regions of the world. The first and largest is the Indoaustralian region (Von Koenigswald, 1960), encompassing, besides Austra- lia, Hainan Island and the adjacent mainland of China in the extreme southern section of Kwang- tung Province, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand (indochinites), the Philippines (philippi- nites), Malaysia (malaysianites), and Indonesia. Barnes (1963) introduced the term "indomalaysian- ites" to refer to tektites from Malaya, Java, Borneo, SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES and the adjacent small islands of Billiton and Bunguran, and those few other Indonesian islands on which an occasional specimen is found. Outside the Indoaustralian region two more geographically defined groups are moldavites (vltavines) from the Moldau (Vltava) River valley and areas further to the east in Czechoslovakia, and bediasites from Texas. Finally, tektites are found on the Ivory Coast, West Africa. Materials sometimes classed as tektites, but distinct from them in appearance and composition, are silica glass from the Libyan Desert and Darwin Glass from Mt. Darwin in Tasmania. The australites occupy a unique position among the tektites. Their strewnfield is by far the most extensive of any of the above-named groups. They show a wider range of composition (e.g., 66%-80% SiO2) than most tektite groups. Whereas practically all other tektites have been found in alluvial de- posits and have lost their original surface by abra- sion or solution, many australites have been recovered with their original surface well preserved, showing delicate markings produced by aerody- namic ablation. This enables significant deductions to be made regarding their original form and its modification during passage through the Earth's atmosphere. Interest in tektites as a group, and australites in particular, has waxed and waned from time to time. Comparatively little research on australites was reported in the first thirty years of this century. Then Dr. Charles Fenner, in a series of papers pub- lished between 1933 and 1955, provided a large amount of new information on numbers, forms, and distribution. Commencing in 1937, Dr. George Baker wrote a large number of papers on austra- lites, especially those from localities in Victoria and South Australia. In 1959 his comprehensive monograph "Tektites" was published, with a very full bibliography, although one early reference not listed is Clarke (1869) He continued to expand and interpret the data available on these enigmatic objects until his death in 1975. International interest in tektites greatly increased after World War II as part of a general increase in interest in meteorites. Suess originally had postu- lated an extraterrestrial origin for tektites. The dis- covery that tektites show no evidence of cosmic-ray bombardment in outer space (Anders, 1960, and Viste and Anders, 1962) indicates a relatively brief flight while outside the Earth's atmosphere, and thus supported the suggestion by Nininger (1943) that a meteorite impact on the moon was the mechanism that sent tektites to Earth. When plans were being made for manned moon landings, sci- entists at the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration began an intensive study of all things connected with the moon, including tektites. Chap- man and Larson (1963) further adduced a great deal of aerodynamic evidence to substantiate the theory of lunar origin. On the other hand, the work of Taylor (1962, 1966) and Taylor and Kaye (1969) showed that the composition of tektites was com- parable to that of sedimentary rocks of the sub- greywacke type. Bouska (1968) considered that all tektites from the entire Indoaustralian region might have been derived from impact on igneous rocks, but that tektites from other regions were derived from sedimentary rocks. These findings suggested a possible origin by meteoritic impact on Earth and not on the moon. This possibility was strengthened by the discovery that moldavites had the same K-Ar age as the Ries crater in southern Germany and that the Ivory Coast tektites were the same age as the glass in the Bosumtwi crater in Ghana (Cohen, 1963, Gentner et al., 1963, Faul, 1966). As a result, the extraterrestrial origin once widely accepted was seriously challenged, and an origin due to large-scale impact on Earth gained favor. Because of this increased interest, the demand for research material has steadily expanded, and the re- quirements therefor have become more rigorous, in terms of exact locality, mode of occurrence, and quality of preservation. On this account, we or- ganized in 1963 an expedition designed to provide more and better documented material for our re- spective institutions: the Australian Museum (Chal- mers), the Smithsonian Institution (Henderson, and Mason since 1964), and the American Museum of Natural History (Mason, 1963 and 1964). The suc- cess of the 1963 expedition, and the questions it raised about the geological occurrence, distribution, and age of australites led to further lengthy jour- neys in 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, and 1969 (Figure 2), which covered most of the strewnfield on the con- tinent. (Australites have also been found on Tasma- nia, but we have not investigated these occurrences). Special efforts were made to investigate the more remote regions in the arid interior, and to follow up any promising leads. In addition, much time NUMBER 17 .Brisbane FIGURE 2.?Routes of field expeditions, 1963-1967. was devoted to defining the northern margin of the strewnfield, an arduous and, in terms of specimens, a rather unproductive exercise. Besides the support of our respective institutions, we are greatly indebted to the National Geographic Society for a grant financing the initial expedition and continuing support for the later journeys. A grant from the National Science Foundation sup- ported Henderson in 1963, and one from the Smithsonian Research Foundation aided Mason in 1967. In addition, the award of a fellowship by the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation enabled Ma- son to spend several months at the Australian Na- tional University in Canberra in 1969 on laboratory investigations and fruitful discussions with Aus- tralian colleagues. During our travels we have been given great assistance and enjoyed generous hospi- tality through the sparsely populated interior of Australia. It is not feasible to name everyone who helped us in our work, but special mention is due SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES to the following: Mr. Frank Nicholls of Pindera, N. S. W.; in one of our prime collecting regions near Lake Torrens, Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Gregory, Mr. Noel Smith, Mr. J. Moroney and Mr. R. Craigie; in another prime collecting area in the re- gion of the eastern edge of Lake Eyre and the Birds- ville Track, the late Mr. G. Patterson of Farina, Mr. K. Price of Muloorina, Mr. Kevin Oldfield of Clayton, Mr. Brian Oldfield of Etadunna, and Mr. G. Bell of Dulkaninna. Actual assistance in collect- ing was given by Mr. H. S. St. J. Disney, Mr. H. O. Fletcher, Mr. R. Lossin, Mr. D. Hamlyn, Mr. P. Robinson, Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Weiss, the late Mr. A. A. Walker, and Mr. D. F. Walker. On one field trip Mr. D. F. Walker provided a second vehicle. In other areas the cooperation of the following is ac- knowledged: Mr. J. E. Johnson of Adelaide, Mr. P. D. Boerner of Alice Springs, Mr. Barton Jones, Mr. W. H. Cleverly, and Mr. K. Quartermaine of Kal- goorlie, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith of Earaheedy Station, northeast of Wiluna. We are indebted to curators of major australite collections for much useful information, especially Dr. A. W. Beasley of the National Museum of Victoria, Dr. D. W. P. Cor- bett and Miss J. M. Scrymgour of the South Aus- tralian Museum, Dr. D. Merrilees of the Western Australian Museum, and Mr. D. H. McColl of the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Canberra. We also thank Dr. Dean Chapman for many illuminating discussions and for the use of some of his unpub- lished information. Geographical Distribution and Relative Abundance In Table 1 a large number of australite collec- tions are listed giving the numbers, weights, and geographic coordinates of each collection. The ma- jority of these collections were made by us, and, for these, exact localities and mode of occurrence are recorded in our field notes. Some of the collections listed were presented or loaned by individuals. Others were purchased. The repositories for all these collections are shown. The numbers in Table 1 are only a rough indication of the relative abun- dance of australites at the different localities. Some localities, for example Pine Dam in the Lake Tor- rens region, have been collected intensively and re- peatedly. Other localities represented one or two man-hours of rapid reconnaissance. Nevertheless, within the range of our journeys, the relative abundance, as illustrated in Figure 3, has some basic significance. It is apparent to us that australites did not fall uniformly over the whole strewnfield. In certain regions, for example that on the northeast margin of Lake Torrens, australites are notably abundant; other regions, situated no great distance away and similar in geology, topography, and cli- mate are much less productive or apparently quite barren. Thus, on the western edge of Lake Torrens, on Arcoona Station, near Woomera, only about 60 australites have been found in some 40 years of collecting by Michael Mudie. Another example of a relatively unproductive area is on Pindera in the far northwestern corner of New South Wales. Here, over a period of about 50 years, 155 specimens were collected first by V. C. W. Nicholls and later by his son Frank. Admittedly in these two instances the australites have been found by graziers engaged in their day-to-day duties and not specially searching for them. Even within a productive region the abundance varies greatly within comparatively short distances. Of course, the productivity of an area depends not only upon the original density of fall of the australites, but also on subsequent events, in par- ticular (1) erosion, (2) deposition, (3) distribution by animals or man, and (4) prior collecting. Erosion may operate either to concentrate or to disperse australites, depending upon local condi- tions. On the Nullarbor Plain, which covers a large area straddling the South Australia-Western Aus- tralia border, australites appear to be randomly and rather sparsely distributed over most of its extent. However, small shallow circular depres- sions (known locally as "dongas") frequently pro- vided somewhat more productive collecting, the australites presumably being concentrated by sheet wash accompanying the rare heavy rains. Over much of the arid interior, wind erosion (deflation) is the principal agency for exposing australites. On the other hand, in regions of moderate to strong relief, stream erosion is likely to bury the rare australites in the mass of alluvium, and rapidly de- stroy all but the large specimens. Deposition of recent alluvium and especially wind-blown sand makes many large areas unrewarding to collect. None were found in interdune areas where the floors were silted up by the action of rivers such as Cooper Creek, Strzelecki Creek, and Diamantina NUMBER 17 TABLE 1.?Number, weight, and current location of australites acquired by Australian Meteorite Expeditions, 1963-1967, ordered approximately from east to west (AM = Australian Museum, AMNH = American Museum of Natural History, SI = Smithsonian Institution) Locality Pindera (1963) Pindera (1966-7) Pindera Currawilla Mooraberree Durrie Durrie Cuddapan Mutooroo Oakvale Frome Downs Wilpena Creek Yunta Waukaringa Mannahill Motpena (1964) Motpena (1967) Motpena Beltana (1966) Beltana (1967) Pine Dam (1963) Pine Dam (1964) Latitude/ Longitude 29?27' 142?29' tt II 25?09' 141?20' 25?16' 140?58' 25?53' 140?06' 25?48' 32?29' 140?50r 32?59' 140?47' 139?55' 31?04' 139?42' 32?27' 139?32' 32?14' 139?27' 32?25' 139?59' 138?15' " 30?54' 138?12' " 30?25' 138?02' Number 3 3 6 36 3 2 1205 99 82 1 31 7 15 1 1 97 3 33 76 236 212 49 97 97 340 Total wt. (g) 12 15 13 154 6 13 2315 98 143 16 149 19 34 2 5 126 11 59 198 585 666 139 262 260 553 Where preserved SI AMNH AM AM AMNH AMNH AM SI SI AM SI SI AM AM AM SI AM SI SI AM SI SI AMNH AM SI Notes gift F. Nicholls gift V.C.W. Nicholls gift G. Hume bought from G. Hume bought from G. Hume gift W. Crack gift N. Bartlett gift R. Craigie SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE 1.?Continued Locality Pine Dam (1965) Pine Dam (1967) Mt. Victory Well (1964) Mt. Victory Well (1966) Mt. Victory Well (1967) Busheowie Mulgaria (1964) Mulgaria (1965) Mulgaria (1967) Andamooka Island Finniss Springs Lake Arthur Lake Eyre South Clayton River Dulkaninna (1964) Dulkaninna (1967) East Peachawar- inna (1964) East Peachawar- inna (1967) East Peachawar- inna (1967) West Peachawarinna East Tankamarinna Latitude/ Longitude 30?25' 138?02f " 30?25' 137?51' ii 30?13' 137?53' 30?14' 137?38' II 30?53' 137?40' 29?33' 137?16' 29?32' 138?46' 29?14' 137?43' 29?15' 138?08' 29?06' 138?20' " 29?03' 138?19' II M 29?03' 138?17' 28?57' 138?27' Number 19 76 4 202 6 18 218 95 12 1 5 9 14 6 54 59 72 47 8 7 5 Total wt. (g) 47 81 16 300 4 136 361 121 15 8 62 13 94 22 99 62 179 55 16 33 48 Where preserved AM SI AM AM SI AM AM SI SI AM AMNH AM AMNH AMNH AMNH AM AMNH SI AM AM AMNH Notes gift G.C. Gregory gift B. Murray gift D. Hamlyn gift G.C. Gregory NUMBER 17 TABLE 1.?Continued Locality West Tankamarinna Mulka N.W. of Mulka Mungeranie New Kalamurina (1964) New Kalamurina (1967) Alton Downs Simpson Desert Charlotte Waters Macumba Ooldea Near Watson SE of Cook N of Cook Denman S of Hughes N of Hughes (1965) N of Hughes (1967) NE of Deakin N of Deakin Eucla Latitude/ Longitude 28?58' 138?18' 28?18' 138?48f 28?12' 138?24' 28?10' 138?30' 27?44' 138?15' " 26?08' 138?58' 26?24' 137?27' 25?55T 134?55' 27?15' 135?42' 30?38' 132?03' 30?31' 131?20' 30?58' 130?42' 30?10' 130?25' 30?40' 129?58' 30?55' 129?42' 30?30' 129?30' ti 30?30' 129?05' 30?32' 128?59' 31?43' 128?55' Number 299 11 15 38 1 1 1 13 38 19 58 21 24 14 170 66 28 894 452 91 50 93 2 Total wt. (g) 492 20 40 88 0.5 1 1.3 36 162 70 47 18 7 25 92 46 23 452 254 69 26 49 11 Where preserved AM AMNH SI SI AMNH AM AMNH AM SI SI SI SI SI SI SI AM AM SI AM SI AM AM SI Notes gift J. Findley coll. J. Dunn; gift G.C. Gregory gift R. Syme bought from railwayman SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE 1.?Continued Locality N of Forrest Mundrabilla Loongana N of Loongana Lake Yin- darlgooda Lake Wilson Mt. Davies SE of Earaheedy S of Earaheedy Granite Peak Millrose Latitude/ Longitude 30?20' 128?05' 30?56' 127?31' 30?57' 127?02' 30?15' 127?02' 30?42' 121?54' 26?01' 129?36' 26?llf 129?07' 25?50' 121?58' 25?40' 121?34' 25?38' 121?20' 26?24' 120?57' Number 4 14 2 8 79 72 28 21 112 36 100 1 Total wt. (g) 5 13 0.5 4 360 274 51 152 210 53 467 28 Where preserved Notes AM AM AM AM SI AMNH SI SI bought from natives SI SI SI gift E. Juniper SI (Warburton) River. Many parts of the arid interior are sandplains with the sand fairly well fixed by the desert vegetation. Aeolian deposition, rather than erosion, is dominant in the regions of these sandplains. Australites may, however, be picked up in local blow-outs or found in the debris around the holes made by such animals as wombats and rab- bits. Prior collecting strongly affects the return from any locality. Johnson (1964) records collecting 1451 australites in 15 man-hours from the floor of Lake Wilson, a playa about IV2 x 1 mile in extent in the far northwest of South Australia; our visit in 1965 produced 28 australites in 18 man-hours. Johnson's party evidently harvested a crop which had ac- cumulated probably over a period of hundreds or perhaps thousands of years; our collection repre- sents a gleaning of the few they had overlooked. Our experience with some of the claypans in the Pine Dam area which have been re-collected at a later date suggests that a systematic search over a limited area will net a major fraction of the aus- tralites present (perhaps 75%-95%), and few will be recovered on later visits to the same area. This indicates that, even in localities where australites are relatively abundant, the slow rate of natural erosion (mainly deflation in the arid interior) re- sults in a very slow release of australites from the matrix in which they are buried. Of course, in humid regions such as the Port Campbell area of Victoria, where Baker and others have collected successfully over many years, the abundant rain- fall and accelerated erosion caused by roadmaking and other human activities have provided a con- tinually prolific source of australites. It may be of interest to sum up our experiences NUMBER 17 QUEEN SLAND AUSTRALITE LOCALITIES COLLECTED Numbers- Locality not 1 ?10 10-100 >IOO collected o X V 2.41 V2.45 '** o ? .? OXril' Broken Hill NEW SOUTH WALES FIGURE 3.?Australite localities collected during the Australian Meteorite Expeditions, 1963-1967; the symbols indicate the numbers of individual specimens examined, and are not indicative of the total number of specimens found at any locality. The figures give the peak specific gravities for the larger collections, along with some data from published papers (Table 7). in regard to productivity. We have found that, in areas where australites are relatively abundant and have not been intensively collected, a return of 3-4 per man-hour is about normal, although even within such areas the recovery rate will vary quite widely. A record collection of 81 in one man-hour was made in 1965 in a shallow depression in the Nullarbor Plain north of Hughes; a return visit to the same locality in 1967 netted 9 in one man-hour. MODE OF OCCURRENCE Over much of the area in which we have col- lected (excluding for the moment the Nullarbor Plain), the topographic, geologic, and climatic conditions are extremely similar throughout. Most of the country is extremely flat, an inte- grated drainage pattern is practically absent (except close to large intermittent rivers such as the Frome and the Cooper), and the topography is longitudi- nal sand dunes (seif dunes), usually 30-60 feet high, separated by interdune corridors occupied by claypans at their lowest spots. Wind erosion is dominant, and the runoff from rare heavy rains produces only local erosion and deposition around the individual claypans. The claypan surfaces are the natural collecting grounds for australites. The geological setting is remarkably uniform over vast areas, and is illustrated in Figure 4 by sections through dunes and claypans at Motpena and Myrtle Springs (Pine Dam) in the Lake Tor- rens region of South Australia. There are es- sentially three formations represented: 1. Unconsolidated sand forming the crests of the dunes and veneering large areas of the inter- dune corridors. 10 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES concentration of australitcs modern sand MOTPENA H227900t500|ANU-127 concentration of australites I MYRTLE SPRINGS i20.310t360|ANU-127 MID-HOLOCENE SANDS MIHII'I MflTPFNA PAIFQ<5Ol Alluvial at Motpena. aeolian at |W?il|) M0TPENA PALEOSOL Myrtle Springs. LAKE TORRENS FORMATION POORAKA FORMATIONt equiv. aeolian sand at Myrtle Springs. |ll{(|| WILKATANA PALEOSOL 600Q+100 C14 DATE. CHARCOAL |i2,050t160] CK DATE. CARBONATE FIGURE 4.?Schematic sections through the late Quaternary sediments and paleosols at Motpena and Pine Dam, Myrtle Springs, showing the areas within interdune corridors where australites are commonly found (Lovering et al., 1972). 2. A well-consolidated calcareous red sandy for- mation, almost- certainly an aeolianite, which is widespread in every area we visited. 3. A calcareous red-brown formation containing abundant carbonate nodules that forms the floor of the claypans in the interdune corridors. These three formations in the Pine Dam area have also been noted by Corbett (1967). Williams and Polach (1971) have suggested a late Quaternary chronology for the events that have occurred over the last 38,000 years in the Lake Torrens plain, including the deposition or ac- cumulation of the above three formations. They have named formation 2 the Lake Torrens Forma- tion (deposited ca. 20,000-16,000 BP) capped by the Motpena paleosol (formed ca. 16,000-12,000 years BP); formation 3 has been named the Pooraka Formation (deposited 30,000 BP and earlier) capped by the Wilkatana paleosol (formed on the Pooraka Formation prior to the deposition of the Lake Torrens Formation). The Wilkatana paleosol is covered by mid-Holocene sands in many of the interdune corridors. Williams and Polach (1971) noted that in the Lake Torrens plain, as in all arid and semi-arid regions of the world, accumulations of carbonate nodules form well-developed horizons in soils and paleosols of both alluvial and aeolian origin. They determined the ages cited above by carbon 14 dating of carbonate nodules from these horizons. Car- bonate nodules are invariably thickly scattered on the surfaces of both the Motpena and Wilkatana paleosols. At Pine Dam a total thickness of about 12 feet of the Motpena paleosol is exposed. Within this thickness two layers of carbonate nodules occur, one about two feet from the top and the second some six feet lower. The carbonate nodules in the upper layer are small (fingertip size and smaller); those in the lower layer are larger (up to fist size) and much less friable. Our experience indicates that in the Pirte Dam area the australites occurred originally in a horizon at or near the top of the Motpena paleosol. One australite has been found partly embedded in the Motpena paleosol at Motpena (Lovering et al., 1972) and another in the Motpena paleosol near Pine Dam by R. O. Chalmers in 1969. Several have been found partly embedded in mid-Holocene al- luvial and aeolian deposits at Motpena (Lovering et al., 1972) and the Pine Dam area (Corbett, 1967). Some 8 miles southwest of Beltana railway sta- tion and about 10 miles north of the Motpena locality there is an isolated area measuring about 5 by 4 miles of Lake Torrens Formation lying on a surface of rocks of Proterozoic age. The area is low and eroded, revealing areas of Motpena paleo- sol, dated by Lovering et al. (1972) at 12,540 years BP (their Nilpena locality). Dunes of uncon- solidated sand lie on this paleosol (Figure 5). In- terdune corridors run between the low dunes, but erosion has not proceeded far enough to produce the bare claypan floors characteristic of the Pine Dam area. Australites occur both on the eroded paleosol and in the shallow interdune corridors; a group of them, of larger than average size, is shown in Figure 6. In deeply deflated interdune corridors, as in the Pine Dam area, the claypan floors consist of the Wilkatana paleosol and many australites are found lying on this surface. Sheet wash during heavy rain has no doubt moved them from the margins of the claypan where they have been shed from the Motpena paleosol. NUMBER 17 11 '1 - . "MTB/P-I ?":???? ??**,? i.''-1' ? ? ???^ T - * FIGURE 5.?Erosion remnants of Motpena paleosol partly covered by unconsolidated sand, south- west of Beltana Station, South Australia; australites were found on the bare surface in the fore- ground. Australites are not found everywhere the Motpena paleosol is exposed in the Lake Tor- rens region, nor where formations resembling the Motpena paleosol outside the Lake Torrens region are exposed. The principal reason for their ab- sence in what might be regarded as a favorable environment is that they presumably fell within a very short time interval while this formation was being deposited, and thus mark a thin strati- graphic horizon. If the australite horizon is not yet exposed, no australites will be found. If the australite horizon has been eroded away, austra- lites may survive, but will be subjected to rather rapid destruction by sandblasting and transpor- tation. Hence recovery of well-preserved australites near outcrops of this formation is prima facie evi- dence for the presence of the australite horizon therein. Of course it is unlikely that the australite strewnfield coincides with the geographical extent of these formations resembling the Motpena paleo- sol, so the absence of australites at any locality is no evidence that the time interval of australite ar- rival is not represented therein. For example, we noted typical exposures in western Queensland be- tween Birdsville and Bedourie but our search there failed to find any australites. However, subsequent to our field work in this area Gordon Hume has found between 1000 and 1500 on a large claypan 46 miles east of Birdsville (25?53', 140?06'), and a considerable number at nearby Cuddapan (25?48', 141?15) THE EXTENT OF THE AUSTRALITE STREWNFIELD Figure 3 shows localities where we collected be- tween 1963 and 1967. Localities collected by other investigators, notably Fenner (1940), Chapman 12 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES r FIGURE 6.?A group of larger than average australites collected from the area of Figure 5; the central specimen is 54 mm long. et al. (1964), and Baker (1956, 1959a, 1969b), are shown by dots. Distinctive symbols indicating the numbers we collected at each locality are shown. As will be discussed later, peak values for specific gravities are also shown. It is impossible to show complete data for all localities on a single map of Australia. The reader is referred to the follow- ing publications containing maps showing austra- lite localities and/or data on numbers recorded: Baker (1956, 1959a, 1959b, 1961a, 1964a), Barnes (1963), Chapman (1964, 1971), McColl and Wil- liams (1970), and Cleverly (1973, 1974). Although not shown on Figure 3, australites have been found on islands in Bass Strait, and in Tasmania, mainly in the northeast in cassiterite-bearing al- luvial deposits. To some extent, of course, the distribution indi- cated in Figure 3 and in maps in the above-men- tioned publications is an imperfect representation of the strewnfield as a whole. To be estab- lished, a locality has to be visited by someone sufficiently observant to recognize australites. How- NUMBER 17 13 ever, comparatively little of Australia has not yet been subjected to fairly careful reconnaissance, either by pastoralists, station hands, surveyors, or prospectors, most of whom are excellent observers and unlikely to pass over exotic material like aus- tralites. Moreover, we know of instances where pastoralists, having no prior knowledge of austra- lites, were stimulated by the interest we aroused to search intensively and with considerable success in the course of their work on their stations. Most areas where 1000 or more australites have been col- lected are in arid or semi-arid regions where it is easier to find them than in well-vegetated areas of higher rainfall. Also a locality cannot be established unless the finders pass on the information to persons interested in recording it. Density of population and pastoral or mining activities are other factors that favor the finding of australites. The large number of productive areas around Kalgoorlie and adjacent sites in Western Australia can certainly be ascribed to intensive prospecting for gold as well as to the relative aridity of this region. On the other hand, Broken Hill in western New South Wales has about the same population as Kalgoor- lie, the same semi-arid climate, and the surround- ing districts have been prospected equally as thoroughly, but relatively small numbers of austra- lites have been found, which again reinforces our belief that the australites did not fall uniformly over the whole strewnfield. Factors that partly ex- plain the concentration of localities in Victoria are that it is the most densely populated state in Australia and that there has been extensive agri- culture and mining. McColl and Williams (1970) state that, out of the dozens of australite localities in Victoria, there is only one where more than 1000 have been collected, two where between 100 and 1000 have been collected, and three where be- tween 10 and 100 have been collected. These lie on a southeast-northwest line extending from Vic- toria through South Australia to the Charlotte Waters region on the South Australian-Northern Territory border. The concentrations are dis- tributed unevenly, and they regard this as being due in the main to the irregular nature of the fall. One major fact supporting this hypothesis is the absence of australites in Eyre Peninsula in South Australia or in its extension to the north- west, to beyond the Trans-Australian Railway. This area is bounded to the west by the Nullarbor Plain and to the east by Spencer's Gulf. Much of the Eyre Peninsula is blanketed by recent sand, but along the railway from Port Augusta to be- yond Tarcoola, a distance of some 300 miles, the relief and erosion would surely have been sufficient to have exposed an australite horizon. We regard this apparent absence as significant. The farthest north we have collected australites is on Currawilla Station in southwestern Queens- land (25?09', 141?20/). At Mooraberree Station, about 30 miles further west, some 40 have been collected over 30 years, which is an indication of how sparsely they are distributed in this region. About 70 miles to the southwest, as already men- tioned, abundant australites have been collected on claypans in the vicinity of Durrie station by Mr. Gordon Hume. Further west along the Birdsville- Bedourie road conditions are favorable for finding australites, but we had no success and local people had found none. In our travels along the Birdsville Track from Marree to Birdsville, collecting was good until north of Cooper Creek. We were suc- cessful in only three localities between here and Birdsville, viz., in an area of big sandhills east of Ooroowilanie towards the Cooper, at Alton Downs at latitude 26?06' on the eastern border of the Simpson Desert where only one was found, and at Kalamurina, latitude 27?50', where only two were found. A few miles north of where the Cooper crosses the Birdsville Track many hundreds have been found near Mulka (Tables 1 and 7). A collection from Mungeranie is also listed in Table 1. We have not investigated the region of the Simp- son Desert, one of the largest uninhabited regions remaining in Australia (latitude 23?30' to 27?30' and longitude 132?50' to 139?00'). But Mr. R. C. Sprigg, who has traveled extensively there, in- forms us that while australites are common throughout the southern part they become progres- sively less abundant the further north one goes, until north of latitude 25? few if any are found. This statement is supported by the absence of any reference to australites in Madigan's (1946) ac- count of the 1939 Simpson Desert Expedition. Madigan would have been familiar with austra- lites because Fenner (1935) records a collection in his possession. The main desert area crossed by the expedition from east to west lay between latitudes 24? and 25?. From latitude 25? to Birdsville in latitude 25?54' the route went southeast. In about 14 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES 1967 Mr. Robin Syme, a member of a geophysical exploration team working in the Simpson Desert, made a small collection which he presented to the Australian Museum. He stated that larger collec- tions were made by other members of the ex- ploration team. The locality was about 125 miles south-southwest of Birdsville at latitude 26?23' and longitude 137?27'. The nearest named locality is Peelicanna Native Well. The Charlotte Waters strewnfield covers quite a large area extending from Finke to about 50 miles south into South Australia, and 70 miles east into the western fringes of the Simpson Desert. About seven or eight thousand have been collected here (Fenner, 1940). Beyond Finke in the Northern Ter- ritory they are rare or absent. Specimens in the South Australian Museum are stated to have come from Henbury (latitude 24?35'), and specimens in the Australian Museum collection from 5 miles north of Alice Springs (latitude 23?37'), but noth- ing is known in either case of the circumstances in which they were found. Fenner (1935) quotes Charles Chewings, a geologist with intimate knowl- edge of the Northern Territory, as having neither heard of nor seen a single specimen north of the MacDonnell Ranges. Our experience confirms this, and enquiries of .the aboriginals from Alice Springs northwest to the Western Australian border and beyond to Halls Creek were also negative. Jensen (1915) states: "Mr. William Laurie informs me that obsidian buttons are common about Bullock's Head about 40 miles from Tanami on the Granite Road." The latitude of this place is 20?25', which is well north of the apparent northern border of the australite strewnfield. However, the original re- port is hearsay unsupported by specimens and no confirmation has been forthcoming in the 60 years since the report was made (Cleverly, pers. comm.). Australites are abundant near the South Aus- tralian-Northern Territory corner (26?00', 129? 00'), where many thousands have been collected by the aboriginals and traded through the Depart- ment of Aboriginal Affairs in South Australia. In Western Australia, just over the border west of this corner, Baker (1961a) records australites at Win- gellina. We found a few near the Cavenagh Range, 60 miles to the west of Wingellina. We found none on a traverse 100 miles north from Mt. Davies towards the Rawlinson Range. Mr. R. C. Sprigg informs us that none were found during his travels in the region of the Northern Ter- ritory-Western Australia border. Our northern- most collecting locality in Western Australia was Earaheedy Station (25?40'5 121 ?00'). North of here the country is uninhabited for several hundred miles although most of it has been traversed dur- ing geological explorations. Mr. D. McColl of the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Canberra, has in- formed us that he has reports of australites north and east of Earaheedy at 24?32', 125?03' and 22? 15', 125? 13'. If the latter is correct the known strewnfield would be extended considerably to the north. Unfortunately we have been unable to con- firm this. Talbot (1910), who made an extensive geological survey along the Canning Stock Route from Wiluna to Halls Creek, records "obsidian- ites" near No. 14 Well and notes, "I did not see one anywhere else, although a careful look out was kept for them. One would not expect to find them among the sand ridges as they would be covered by drifting sand, but there were several areas along the stock route whose conditions were just as favor- able for their preservation and exposure as in this locality." Apart from this record (which may, how- ever, have been transported specimens) there are few australite localities north of the 25th parallel of latitude. Distribution by man probably explains the oc- casional discovery of one or a few australites in regions north of the apparent border of the strewn- field. They have been reported from Wodgina (21?11/, 118?40'), but this is an old mining district and prospectors would have come from many parts of Australia and could have brought them with them. The presence of australites in gold-bearing gravels in New South Wales and Victoria gave rise to the idea of australites as being talismans in the search for gold, and many prospectors valued them as such. There are specimens in the Australian Museum collection from Halls Creek, but since this is the northern terminus of the Canning Stock Route they may have been picked up by drovers traveling the route and discarded in Halls Creek. Transport by man is also indicated by the recovery of australites in mining camps in New Zealand and California. These were undoubtedly carried by prospectors from Australia. Also, australites are attractive as crop stones for large birds such as the emu (Dromaius novae-hollandiae) and the bustard or plain turkey (Eupodotis australis). Fenner NUMBER 17 15 (1949) records a plain turkey shot in South Aus- tralia which had 49 australites and two other black stones in its crop. But large birds range much less widely than man so probably do not distribute australites over long distances. There are a number of references to the utiliza- tion by aboriginals of australites as agents of heal- ing and magic and ceremonial objects, and also records of complete and broken specimens (some of which are definitely artefacts) in aboriginal campsites. It is therefore certain that aboriginals have transported australites. Baker (1957), John- son (1963, 1964) and Edwards (1966) deal with the significance with which aborigines regard australites, and record occurrences in campsites in Victoria, South Australia, and in Western Aus- tralia adjacent to the Northern Territory-South Australian border. Edwards comments: "The Aus- tralian aboriginal used australites in mythology and for the manufacture of implements. The latter use appears to be of minor importance and mainly confined to areas where suitable stone materials are in short supply." Our own experience confirms this; we found aborigine-worked australites com- mon only on the Nullarbor Plain and on Eara- heedy Station, areas where the silicified rocks preferred for implements are totally lacking. In the far north of Western Australia, C. E. Dortch (Cleverly and Dortch, 1975) found six australite specimens in prehistoric rock-shelter occupation sites within the area now largely inundated by Lake Argyle in the Ord Valley. Five of these were flaked artefacts. The authors concluded that this occurrence probably resulted from long-range trade, dating to the late Pleistocene, between the prehistoric inhabitants of the Ord Valley and more southern regions where australites occur naturally. Some years ago the owner of Marion Downs, a station 35 miles south of Bouila in northwest Queensland (23?20', 139?40'), reported that an aboriginal there had a large round australite core, chipped at the edges; he stated that he had carried it for long distances over many years and obviously treasured it. Another example of aboriginal in- terest in australites is afforded by the discovery of a 77.5-gram oval at Pindera, in the far northwest of New South Wales. The finder, Frank Nicholls, an experienced anthropological observer and collector of australites, stated that it was in an old aborig- inal campsite on the edge of a gibber plain. We devoted considerable time and effort to es- tablishing a northern boundary for the strewnfield. Naturally this is a difficult task, and absolute cer- tainty in delineating such a boundary is not to be expected. The difficulties can be seen from our dis- cussion on the mode of occurrence of australites. Nevertheless, the map shows a remarkable dearth of localities north of latitude 25?. We have checked as many of these localities as possible and have made careful enquiries regarding australites throughout our journey in this region. If the local people, especially aboriginals, have never seen australites in their regions, it is a reasonable con- clusion that they have not fallen there. On the basis of all the evidence we have been able to gather, an east-west zone along 24?-25? latitude appears to mark the northern limit of the austra- lite strewnfield. AUSTRALITES IN RELATION TO THE INDOAUSTRALIAN STREWNFIELD The australites are usually grouped with the tektites found in southeast Asia, the Philippines, and Indonesia in a single strewnfield, the Indo- australian (von Koenigswald, 1960) or Australasian (Chapman, 1964) strewnfield (Figure 7). This group- ing is based not only on geography, but also on (1) chemical similarity?the range of australite compositions is duplicated by analyses of tektites from other parts of the strewnfield; and (2) similar potassium-argon ages?tektites from throughout the strewnfield give approximately the same age of 750,000-950,000 years, within margin of error. However, there are significant differences be- tween tektites within this vast region. The char- acteristic aerodynamically shaped, flanged forms of the australites are unknown in other parts of the strewnfield, except perhaps in a few specimens from central Java. Australites are much smaller than tektites from the Philippines and Indochina. They usually weigh less than 10 grams (the largest australite ever found was 437.5 grams) whereas tektites from the Philippines and Indochina may weigh more than 1 kilogram. On the basis of mor- phological differences von Koenigswald (1960) di- vided the strewnfield into three zones?northern, central, and southern?as indicated in Figure 7. The continuity of the Indoaustralian strewnfield is not entirely convincing. Tektites appear to be 16 FIGURE 7.?Distribution of Indoaustralian tektites, according to Von Koenigswald (1960); our data indicate that the few occurrences shown near the northwestern crest of Australia probably represent transported specimens. absent from .the northern half of Australia, and none are known from New Guinea. In Indonesia tektites are common only in central Java and on Billiton Island; a few have been recorded from Borneo and the island of Bunguran, two from the Island of Flores, but none from Sumatra, Celebes, Timor, or the smaller islands. In the Philippines most of the tektite localities are on the island of Luzon. If the whole strewnfield was produced by a single shower, it was remarkably unevenly distrib- uted. The extent of the Indoaustralian strewnfield, however, is considerably increased if the micro- tektites discovered by Glass (1967) in thirteen deep- sea sediment cores from the Indian and western Pacific Oceans are accepted as belonging to the same event that produced the tektites. Glass (1972) summarizes his conclusions as follows: These glassy particles, called microtektites, represent a por- tion of the Australasian tektite-strewnfield as indicated by their appearance, geographical occurrence, age of deposition, age of formation (fission track age), petrography, physical properties, and chemical compositions. Present theories of tektite origin suggest that tektites were formed by impact and thus deposited over the entire strewnfield instantane- SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES ously (geologically speaking). Thus the Australasian microtek- tite layer provides a chronostratigraphic horizon throughout much of the Indian Ocean including the area south of Australia. The age of this horizon, according to Glass, is 700,000 years BP, coincident with the Brunhes- Matuyama magnetic reversal. However, this age is inconsistent with the stratigraphic age of austra- lites established by Gill (1970) and Lovering et al. (1972). Not all tektite researchers accept the identity of microtektites with tektites. Von Koenigswald (1968) and others have suggested that microtektites might be volcanic glass, and Baker (1968a) has suggested that they are beads of plant- silica glass produced by forest fires. Baker and Cap- padona (1972) point out that all well-preserved australites, even the smallest, have their primary forms modified by aerodynamic ablation, whereas none of the microtektites show this feature. Micro- tektites have not been recorded from the Aus- tralian landmass; we searched for them in the sedimentary horizon of the Pine Dam australites, but found none. Physical Properties and Chemical Composition FORM Australites are distinguished from other tektites by their variety of well-defined forms, and unique surface features produced by ablation during pas- sage through the Earth's atmosphere. These fea- tures may be preserved in pristine perfection in specimens recovered soon after exposure in humid regions like the southwest coast of Victoria. In arid areas in the Lake Torrens-Lake Eyre region where we have collected, preservation is never so perfect, even in freshly exposed specimens which have not undergone transportation. They probably suffered some sandblasting during burial, and sub- sequent exposure by recent deflation has further affected them. Nevertheless, we have found some remarkably fine specimens in these areas (Figure 8). In many localities transportation subsequent to exposure has caused severe abrasion and removed all or a large part of the original surface. However, even these eroded specimens can be readily classi- fied as to form. Grant (1909) noted that the various shapes of australites could all be derived from the five pri- NUMBER 17 17 FIGURE 8.?Well-preserved australites showing a variety of forms from the Pine Dam area, South Australia; the largest button is 25 mm in diameter. mary forms which a mass of liquid is capable of assuming. These primary forms are: (1) the sphere (possible only with no rotation); (2) the oblate spheroid (stable at low speeds of rotation); (3) the prolate spheroid (stable, if at all, only at high speeds of rotation); (4) the dumbbell (hourglass); and (5) the apioid (pear- or tear-shaped). Fenner (1938) recognized the sphere as the primary form from which the secondary round forms, cores, but- tons (sometimes flanged), and lenses, were derived. Baker (1963b) has established the three principal phases of shaping and sculpturing of tektites as pri- mary, secondary and tertiary. The primary phase was the generation of original shapes as described by Grant (1909); the secondary phase that pro- duced by ablational modification during passage through the Earth's atmosphere; the third phase that due to terrestrial weathering. He states that "only in the australites and perhaps a few javanites are all three phases distinctly evident. The sec- ondary phase is so far unrecognized among other tektites. In most tektite strewnfields the tertiary phase has been especially dominant, tending to de- stroy the features of the other phases." Baker (1959a, 1963b) has provided an extensive discussion of the secondary forms of australites, 18 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE 2.?Form analysis (expressed in percent unless noted otherwise) of australite collections arranged by location (1, Pindera; 2, Motpena; 3, Beltana; 4, Pine Dam; 5, Mulgaria; 6, Peach- awarinna; 7, Mulka; 8, Lake Yindarlgooda; 9, Hughes; 10, Nullarbor Plain [Fenner, 1934]; 11, Charlotte Waters [Fenner, 1940]; 12, Port Campbell [Baker, 1956]; 13, Florieton [Mawson, 1958]; * = included with lenses; ** = included with ovals) Forms Buttons Lenses Round cores Ovals Oval cores Boats Canoes Dumbbells Teardrops Correlation of Data Total number of whole forms % of whole forms ... Average weight (g) . % of round forms ... Number of fragments % of fragments 1 20.7 10.3 17.2 6.9 10.3 20.7 3.5 3.5 6.9 29 67.4 4.7 48.2 14 32.6 19 9 6 1? n 4 7 2 4 Q ,7 5 8 1 S .9 190 42.0 3.6 59.0 262 58.0 3 18.7 6.0 34.6 3.0 4.0 19.7 2.0 5.0 7.0 101 47.6 5.0 59.3 111 52.4 ?7 99 8 9 8 8 5 4 1 1 3 8 8 .0 121 39.2 3.2 57.7 188 60.8 5 28.2 19.7 11.3 9.9 8.5 4.2 2.8 8 4 7.0 71 34.8 2.3 59.2 133 65.2 6 5.1 12.8 12.8 18.0 20.5 18.0 0.0 5.1 7.7 39 55.7 3.2 30.7 31 44.3 7 19.0 26.9 12.7 3.2 1.6 19.0 3.2 8.0 6.4 126 49.2 2.8 58.6 130 50.8 8 1.0 13.8 35.7 11.0 10.1 17.4 1.0 7.3 2.7 109 83.2 5.1 50.5 22 16.8 9 18.0 56.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 8.0 4.0 0.0 10.0 50 40.0 0.8 76.0 75 60.0 10 13.8 54.9 * 8.4 8.6 4.1 3.5 6.7 1993 50.8 0.9 68.7 1927 49.2 11 13.3 63.4 * 14.4 A* 6.2 0.2 1.3 1.2 5137 72.6 6.5 76.5 1943 27.4 12 46.9 10.9 3.8 19.1 2.3 7.6 2.3 3.1 4.0 523 37.3 2.7 61.6 879 62.7 13 1.1 27.3 37.5 2.8 6.2 13.6 2.1 3.1 6.3 797 54.9 3.7 66.0 654 45.1 how they developed from the primary forms and how they have been modified by processes of ero- sion and abrasion after they fell. Fenner (1934) developed a comprehensive classification of austra- lite secondary forms which has been used with minor modifications by subsequent investigators. In classifying our collections we have adopted Fenner's system with a few alterations (Table 2). Before setting out our classification it should be mentioned that earlier investigators such as Suess, Lacroix, and others listed by Baker (1959a, pp. 149 et seq.) envisaged the secondary shapes as being derived from glass objects that were molten and viscous as they traveled through the Earth's at- mosphere with a rotary motion. This is incorrect. It has been clearly shown by Baker (1959a) and Chapman (1964) that all tektites from the Indo- australian region descended through the Earth's at- mosphere as rigid, nonrotating glass objects. The secondary forms of australites, particularly the unique flange, originated by the melting of surface layers by heat generated through friction during flight. The only time complete fusion of tektite glass took place was in the primary forms at the moment of formation. The classification of forms used is as follows: Buttons: round forms, when well preserved showing a partial or complete flange and flow ridges on the forward surface. Data on 17 well-preserved australite buttons from Motpena, South Australia, giving weights, radius of curva- ture and other dimensions, and nature of flow ridges are set out in Table 3, and the specimens are shown in Figure 9. Lenses: biconvex round forms with a sharp rim. It may be difficult to distinguish a button which has completely lost its flange from a lens. Lenses are smaller than buttons because they represent a further stage of development # II 16 12 17 13 14 10 16 17 13 10 15 FIGURE 9.?Anterior and posterior views of seventeen australite buttons from Motpena, South Australia; dimensions, weights, and other data are given in Table 3. 20 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE 3.?Data on 17 well-preserved australite buttons from Motpena Station, South Australia (weights in grams; radius of curvature and other dimensions in millimeters; C = concentric; S.C. = spiral clockwise; S.A. = spiral anticlockwise) Specimen number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Average Range Weight 5.482 4.853 3.918 4.155 4.107 4.249 4.735 3.948 3.975 5.100 4.234 5.461 2.469 2.980 4.322 2.302 3.004 4.078 3.044- 5.482 Radius of Front face 11.2 12.0 11.6 12.0 11.4 12.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.4 11.0 11.2 11.2 11.2 10.6 11.1 11.4 11.3 10.6- 12.0 curvature Rear face 13.8 11.4 13.2 13.6 10.8 11.0 10.8 10.4 10.2 9.6 11.8 9.6 10.4 10.2 9.6 9.8 9.8 10.9 9.6 13.8 Overall diameter 23 22 22 22 23 22 23 22 20 24 23 23 20 20 21 20 22 22 20- 24 Diameter of core 16 17 16 18 15 17 17 15 15 17 15 18 15 15 15 14 15 16 14- 18 Width of flange 3.2 2.5 3.2 2.1 4.0 2.5 3.0 4.0 2.5 3.5 4.0 2.5 2.5 2.9 3.0 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.1- 4.0 Specific gravity 2.449 2.455 2.455 2.471 2.456 2.449 2.472 2.468 2.477 2.456 2.449 2.460 2.460 2.455 2.445 2.468 2.455 2.458 2.445- 2.477 Nature of flow ridges C C C S.C. S.C. C S.A. S.C. S.A. C C S.A. S.A. S.A. S.C. S.C. S.C. Average Range 5. 1. 9. 24 australite 337 916- 342 12. 8. 13. buttons 16 48- 69 from 10. 6. 13. Port 19 39- 55 Campbell 22.5 16.5- 26 (Baker, - - 1967b) 3.5 3.0- 4.5 2 2 2 .400 .373- .429 through extreme ablation causing the complete loss of the flange during flight. There is a way in which lenses can be distinguished from flangeless buttons; Baker (1956) has introduced the term "flange band." This refers to vestiges of smooth areas that are sometimes seen at the edge of the posterior surface of round forms. Baker re- gards "flange bands" as representing the original surfaces of union between the body of the australite and the flange (now completely removed). Round cores or "bungs": the term "bung" is an indefinite one and applies to large round cores. Cores are thicker and heavier than buttons and originate in two ways: NUMBER 17 21 The first is the flaking away of unstable portions of equatorial regions of primary spheres in process of abla- tion during atmospheric flight. Baker (1956) considers that these spheres were twice as large as those that gave rise to buttons and lenses. The flaking occurred in the area of greatest frictional drag. The best of such cores shows striking markings on the equatorial zone as though caused by chipping, with no sign of weathering. In general the larger cores ("bungs") form in this way (Baker, 1959a, pi. X, and 1969a, pi. 7). The second way that cores are formed was suggested by Chapman (1964), who intro- duced the concept of an aerothermal stress shell. This develops during the latter stages of flight of any of the primary forms as the front face is rapidly cooled to tem- peratures below the strain temperature of the tektite glass. Under certain conditions depending on size, entry trajectory, and tektite composition, and aided by weather- ing and abrasive processes, the "shell" may partly spall off revealing the original stress profile with flange intact and the inner core-shaped mass (Figure 10 and Chap- man, 1964, fig. 4). On further weathering the two parts may become completely detached. Fenner (1935) illustrates this method of formation of a core. In general, smaller cores originate in this way. (Buttons, lenses, and round cores are derived from primary spheres.) Ovals: similar to buttons, but oval instead of round; the australite given by Sir Thomas Mitchell to Charles Darwin is a well-preserved flanged oval (Figure 1). Oval cores: These form in exactly the same way as round cores. Boats: more elongate than ovals, with straight parallel sides and rounded ends. Canoes: similar to boats, but smaller, narrower, and pointed at both ends. Dumbbells: a self-explanatory term used by some observers even when the constriction at the "waist" is barely per- ceptible; derived from the primary dumbbell form. Teardrops: a self-explanatory term. According to Chapman (1964) these shapes result when a primary mass of molten glass of very high viscosity is disrupted into many com- ponent blobs on cooling soon after initial formation. These component blobs would tend to assume the primary apioid shape. Chapman (1964) has pointed out the tear- FIGURE 10.?Photographs illustrating the formation of round and elongate cores by spallation of the outer flanged aerothermal stress shell. The specimens are from Mt. Victory Well, Lake Tor- rens region, South Australia. 22 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES drop shapes are much more common in the northern region of Indoaustralian strewnfield than in Australia. Chapman, in this paper, has postulated that the tempera- ture of formation must have become progressively lower as one proceeds from southeast Australia, through south- west Australia, to the northwestern, i.e., the Indoma- laysian, region of the strewnfield. Under the heading of teardrops Baker (1959a, 1963b) includes forms such as pear shapes, stopper shapes and aerial bombs. (All of the above forms, excepting cores of all shapes, and lenses, may have flanges, although cores may show "flange stumps," the very last remnants of a complete flange.) Bowl-, disc-, and plate-forms: These are very small, thin, and fragile forms (Baker, 1963a) and are so rare that we do not regard them as statistically significant. They are not included in Table 2 (Form analyses of australite collections). Data on small fragile forms collected by us are given in Table 4 and the specimens are shown in Figure 11. These may be the very last remnants of almost completely ablated australites that entered the atmosphere as smaller than average-sized primary spheres (Baker 1958). Baker (1940) has also suggested that these fragile forms may have originated as the flakes detached, through fric- tional drag in the equatorial zones, from large round and elongate primary forms. Baker suggests that these flakes TABLE 4.?Data on 20 small australites from the Pine Dam area (weight in grams; dimensions in millimeters) Specimen Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Type oval bowl round bowl oval bowl elongate bowl lens oval bowl (chipped) oval bowl lens oval bowl (infolded) canoe round bowl flanged button canoe teardrop teardrop lens flanged oval flanged button (chipped) teardrop lens Weight 0.0408 0.0675 0.0896 0.0997 0.1186 0.1315 0.1344 0.1373 0.1382 0.1397 0.1436 0.1496 0.1501 0.1536 0.1920 0.2285 0.2486 0.2512 0.2858 0.3265 Specific Gravity 2.403 2.431 2.449 2.449 2.460 2.450 2.449 2.439 2.448 2.468 2.465 2.458 2.455 2.447 2.469 2.439 2.459 2.458 2.461 2.460 Length 6 6 8 9 7 9 9 7 9 11 6 9 14 11 10 8 11 13 11 10 Width 5 6 5 4 7 7 7 5 5 5 6 9 5 7 6 8 9 13 Depth NUMBER 17 # 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 FIGURE 11.?Twenty bowl-, disc-, and plate-form australites from the Pine Dam area, South Australia; dimensions, weights, and specific gravities are given in Table 4. 24 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES may still have been travelling with sufficient velocity to have suffered further ablation and thus have assumed regular shapes. All complete collections such as those made by us in different areas and by Baker in southwestern Victoria contain many fragments, usually exceed- ing in number the well-preserved complete forms. There was a lack of fragments in some large collec- tions made in earlier periods. Untrained personnel collecting australites would tend to concentrate on well-preserved, relatively large forms, rather than these smaller examples. Fragmentation occurred after the australites landed on the ground. Australite glass is quite tough and the force of impact would have been quite gentle, since they would have lost their initial high velocity and would be falling under the influence of gravity. Even on hard ground it is unlikely that impact would have caused fracturing. The aerothermal stress shell and other stresses re- sult from the australite being in a state of strain. Such factors as the extreme diurnal temperature variations in semi-arid interior Australia, and the abrasive action of wind-blown sand, and water in times of infrequent but nonetheless violent flash floods, would cause splitting and spalling along lines of weakness created by the stresses. Pronounced channel-like lines of parting ex- tending deep into many australites are known as "saw-cuts" and in all collections there are many examples of complete forms on the verge of break- ing up into numerous fragments due to pro- nounced development of this feature (Figure 12). Fenner (1934) first suggested the term "saw-cuts" so that no possible implication as to their origin would be conveyed. Baker (1959a) considers that they often form along flow-line structures and most likely represent lines of easiest etching. FIGURE 12.?Australites showing "saw-cuts"; the largest specimen (25 mm long) is from Mul- garia, the other two from near Beltana, in the Lake Torrens region of South Australia. NUMBER 17 25 FORM ANALYSIS For those of our collections which were numer- ous enough to be statistically significant we analyzed the form distribution. The results are summarized in Table 2, along with comparable data from other investigators. Round types (buttons, lenses, and round cores) predominate in all the collections analyzed. This substantiates the findings of Chap- man (1964) who, as already mentioned, noted this fact in contrast to the predominance of teardrop shapes toward the northwest of the entire Indo- australian strewnfield. Round types in collections from the Lake Torrens localities and Mulka range from 57.7% to 59.3%; percentages for Pindera and Peachawarinna, respectively, are 48.2% and 30.7%. The latter two collections are probably too small for this statistical analysis. The figures for Port Campbell deserve comment. There is a high 61.6% for total round forms, which comprise a high 46.9% of buttons and a low 10.9% for lenses and 3.8% for round cores. These figures, particularly the high percentage of buttons, may reflect the ex- cellent state of preservation in this region or the close and meticulous examination carried out by Baker (1956) who, for example, distinguishes but- tons from lenses and small round cores by the presence of "flange bands," a feature that might escape investigators of collections from other lo- calities. As one would expect, high percentages of round cores ("bungs"), the larger forms, are present in collections with high average weight (Beltana, Lake Yindarlgooda, and Charlotte Wa- ters). It is particularly interesting to note the close cor- respondence between the form analyses of the Hughes and Nullarbor Plain collections. Hughes is on the Nullarbor Plain, and we made the col- lection in 1965; the Nullarbor Plain collection described by Fenner (1934) was made by Mr. W. H. C. Shaw, an officer of the Commonwealth Post and Telegraph Department stationed in this area in the period 1910-1930.* The distribution of forms is similar and the average weight is essen- tially identical. This confirms the small size of *Fenner (1934) quotes Shaw as stating that the majority of these tektites were found in the vicinity of Israelite Bay, near the western margin of the Nullarbor Plain. australites on the Nullarbor Plain compared to those of other regions. Of the elongate forms, ovals and boats are fairly common, whereas dumbbells, teardrops and canoes are present in lesser numbers. Canoes are smaller and more fragile than the other forms and therefore are destroyed more readily by natural forces. WEIGHT The high average weight of the forms from Lake Yindarlgooda, Charlotte Waters, the hitherto un- mentioned Mt. Davies area, and Beltana is due to an unusually high percentage of round cores. From the Lake Yindarlgooda collection this may result from geological conditions. There the australites are washed on to the lake floor from lag gravels on higher ground and transportation has probably de- stroyed many of the smaller forms. The same may apply to the Mt. Davies area in the far north- west of South Australia, which is an area of high relief. We have inspected a large collection (about 2,000) obtained by the South Australian Depart- ment of Aboriginal Affairs from aborigines in this area. These are notably large and average about the same as those from Charlotte Waters. The Charlotte Waters collection examined by Fenner (1940) was made by John W. Kennett when he was in charge of the police station there, and many of the specimens were collected by aboriginals. Un- fortunately there is no detailed description of the occurrence of australites in this locality. As noted in Table 2 australites from the Beltana area are larger than usual (average weight 5 grams). There is a concentration of large specimens on the eroded surface of the Motpena paleosol. The large round core (33.3 grams) and the large dumbbell (16.1 grams) listed in Table 5 came from here. When one compares the weights of different forms (Table 5) some interesting features are seen. The largest specimens, as might be expected, are the cores. The 36-gram oval core from Lake Yindarlgooda is the largest specimen we have ever found. Australites weighing more than 60 grams are quite rare. A list of those known to us (numbering 121) is given in Table 6, and their distribution shown in Figure 13. Data from Fenner (1955), Baker (1969a and 1972), and Cleverly (1974) are incorporated in this table. Figure 13 further confirms the evidence of Cleverly (based on australites of mass greater than 26 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE 5.?Maximum and minimum weights in grams for all australites collected, arranged by form Form Buttons Lenses Round cores Ovals Oval cores Boats Dumbbells Teardrops Canoes Maximum 5.7 4.6 33.3 13.4 36.0 16.9 16.1 9.4 1.5 Minimum 0.5 0.1 1.0 0.7 1.5 0.9 0.5 0.7 0.5 100 grams) of a remarkable concentration of large australites in the southwestern corner of Western Australia, extending as a belt towards the north- northeast. A minor concentration of large austra- lites is evident in western Victoria, extending northwest to Finke in the Northern Territory (al- though no australites weighing more than 40 grams are known to us from the central part of this streak in the Lake Torrens region). Cleverly (1974) inter- preted the distribution of large australites as indi- cating a concentration in areas distant from the northern boundary of the strewnfield, suggesting the possibility of a mass gradient away from this boundary. Cleverly considers this to imply a di- rection of flight southwards from the northern boundary of the strewnfield, at variance with the conclusion of Chapman (1971), who deduced a gen- erally south-north direction for australite flight paths. The large australites whose locations are plotted in Figure 13 define two linear belts which intersect at approximately 19?S,129?E. This is a remote area about 100 miles southeast of Halls Creek. The Halls Creek 1:1 million map sheet shows an oval ring of hills with a major east-west axis about 30 miles long in this area; geological maps show a rim of upturned Proterozoic quartzites surround- ing a core of highly disturbed Archean rocks, sug- gesting an impact structure. The significance, if any, of this feature to the australite problem re- mains to be investigated. The fragile disc-, plate-, and bowl-shaped forms have been described in detail and illustrated by Baker (1963a, 1964b) from the Port Campbell re- gion. The smallest one was an oval shallow bowl weighing 0.065 grams. Baker and Cappadona (1972) have described the smallest complete austra- lite ever found. It is from 6 miles north-northeast 'zs\ \ '30 ?35 , j IIS ? ? .?.i\ ? ?. 120 # ? m ? ? # ? k ? = >200 grams ? = 100-200 graras ? = 60-100 grams 125 130 ? \/ %/ 133 Q ? V % a ? ? ?'/?A&^ X 140 ? ? \ s ? ? \ ? ?? ? ? ? 143 '*S' \ Jyf i i1Iti k ISO i- \ FIGURE 13.?Geographical distribution of large australites listed in Table 6. TABLE 6.?Weight, form, and present location of large australites (over 60 grams), listed in order of decreasing weight (AM = Australian Museum, Sydney; BM = British Museum (Natural His- tory), London; BMR = Bureau of Mineral Resources, Canberra; GCLWA = Government Chemical Laboratories of Western Australia, Perth; GMM = Geological and Mining Museum, Sydney; GSWA = Geological Survey of Western Australia, Perth; NMV = National Museum of Victoria, Melbourne; SAM = South Australian Museum, Adelaide; WAM = Western Australian Museum, Perth; WASM = Western Australian School of Mines, Kalgoorlie; UA = University of Adelaide, Department of Geology; UM = University of Melbourne, Department of Geology: references without a date are personal communications; WHC = W. H. Cleverly; WHC & JMS = W. H. Cleverly & J. M. Scrymgour) Locality Notting, W.A. Newdegate, W.A. near Warralakin, W.A. near Kondinin, W.A. Lake Yealering, W.A. Karoonda, S.A. Lake Ballard, W.A. near Babakin, W.A. Narrogin or Narembeen, W.A. near Notting, W.A. near Ongerup, W.A. Cuballing, W.A. near Toolondo, Vic. Graball, W.A. Corrigin, W.A. near Chillilup, W.A. Western Victoria or Teetulpa, S.A. between Narrogin and Merredin, W.A. near Ongerup, W.A. near Charlotte Waters near Corrigin, W.A. near Eucla, W.A. Port Campbell, Vic. near Balaklava, S.A. near Goroke, Vic. Lake Grace, W.A. Lake Grace, W.A. near Kulin, W.A. Coordinates 32?27\ 33?06\ 31?08', 32?30', 32?36\ 35?09', 29?21', 32?10\ - - 32?27', 33?48\ 32?49', 36?58', 32?02\ 32?22', 34?29', - - 33?52', 26?10\ 32?21', 31?40', 38?37', 34?02\ 36?45', 33?06', 33?06', 32?40', 118?14' 119?02' 118?41' 118?07' 117?37' 139?54' 120?36f 118?06' - 118?05' 118?28' 117?11' 142?05' 118?34' 117?54' 118?25f - - 118?21' 134?50' 117?52' 128?51' 143?02' 138?20' 141?36' 118?28' 118?28' 118?26' Weight (grams) 437.5 243.1 238.0 233.9 218.6 207.9 200.3 197.2 194.8 194.4 184.1 176.0 173.6 168.3 168.0 167.3 154.0 152.0 151.3 149.3 147.0 142.0 141.6 141.0 135.1 134.5 132.7 131.5 Core shape broad oval round broad oval broad oval round narrow oval broad oval round broad oval round round dumbbell boat round round round round round dumbbell round round round boat broad oval (frag.) oval round round narrow oval Where preserved WAM 13238 (cast) WAM 12318 WASM 8925 H. Biggin WAM 4455 SAM T1159 L.P. Berryman WAM 13364 WAM 12992 WAM 12884 WAM 12293 GSWA R2024 NMV E4753 WAM 12843 GCLWA 1678 WAM 13237 (cast) K. Blackham WAM G8978 GSWA G. Latz WAM 3491 lost NMV 11402 SAM G1391 NMV 11401 AM DR 7533 AM Clarke WAM 12264 Reference Cleverly, 1974 ii ii ti II Fenner, 1955 Cleverly, 1974 WHC Cleverly, 1974 it Baker, 1972 Cleverly, 1974 II WHC Cleverly, 1974 WHC & JMS Cleverly, 1974 Fenner, 1934 Baker, 1969a WHC & JMS Baker, 1969a Cleverly, 1974 WHC Cleverly, 1974 28 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE 6.?Continued Locality Penwortham, S.A. Kalgarin, W.A. Hamilton Station, S.A. Koralta Station, NSW Wickepin East, W.A. Lake Buchanan, W.A. Lower Norton, Vic. Laing, Vic. Narembeen, W.A. Babakin, W.A. near Karoonda, S.A. Lake Wallace, Vic. Moulyinning, W.A. Norseman, W.A. Central Australia Brookton, W.A. E. Goldfields, W.A. Narembeen, W.A. Charlotte Waters, N.T. Salmon Gums, W.A. near Kurnalpi, W.A. Karonie, W.A. William Creek, S.A. Muloorina, S.A. near Kalgoorlie, W.A. Nullarbor Plain Rosanna, Vic. Lowaldie, S.A. Kulin, W.A. Kaniva, Vic. Lake King, W.A. Coordinates 33?55', 32?30\ 26?40\ 31?27', 32?45', 25?30', 36?47', 38?22', 32?04', 32?07', 35?04', 37?02', 33?14', 32?12', - 32?22', - 32?04', 25?55', 33?03', 30?28', 30?59\ 28?55?, 29?10', 30?49', - 37?45\ 35?04\ 32?42', 36?33', 33?05', 138?38' 118?42' 135?05' 142?18' 117?44' 123?00' 142?04' 142?49' 118?23' 118?01' 139?57' 141?18' 117?56' 121?47' - 117?02' - 118?50' 134?55' 121?44' 122?09' 122?39' 136?21' 137?51' 121?29' - 144?58' 139?59' 118?08' 141?17' 119?33' Weight (grams) 132.0 126.8 121.2 118.0 116.9 116.1 115.9 115.8 114.6 113.1 113.0 111.3 111.2 110.6 110.1 109.8 108.3 107.5 103.0 102.4 101.1 100.8 100.7 99.6 98.1 98.0 97.1 96.0 95.7 95.9 95.7 Core shape round broad oval broad oval round broad oval round round dumbbell broad oval broad oval round round round round boat round round narrow oval round round broad oval broad oval broad oval (frag.) oval - oval dumbbell dumbbell round boat round Where preserved L. French R. Pugh SAM T1392 BMR R18277 F. Davis WAM 12960 NMV E273O A. Halford GSWA 1/5327 SAM T191 - NMV E1986 WAM 10613 SAM T427 GMM 17408 WAM 12090 WASM 10199 WASM 8950 ? WASM 9421 C.B. Jones SAM T509 G. Hume SAM T1287 BM 1916, 372 SAM T520 NMV 11365 SAM T1296 WAM 12316 UM 3045 A.J. Thompson Reference WHC & JMS Cleverly, 1974 WHC & JMS WHC & JMS Cleverly, 1974 ? Baker, 1969a Cleverly, 1974 ? Fenner, 1955 Baker, 1969a Cleverly, 1974 it WHC & JMS Cleverly, 1974 ii WHC & JMS Cleverly, 1974 II WHC & JMS D.W.P. Corbett J. Hall Fenner, 1955 A.W. Beasley D.W.P. Corbett D. Merrilees Baker, 1959a WHC NUMBER 17 29 TABLE 6.?Continued Locality Warrnambool, Vic. Edjudina Station, W.A. Horsham, Vic. Wellington, S.A. Hexham Station, Vic. Charlotte Waters, N.T. near Cockburn, S.A. near Edenhope, Vic. Todmorden, S.A. Victoria Finniss Springs, S.A. Corop, Vic. Jubuk, W.A. Baandee, W.A. near Corrigin, W.A. Lorquon, Vic. near Renmark, S.A. E. Goldfields, W.A. Ernabella area, S.A. near Corrigin, W.A. Laverton, W.A. Diamantina R., S.A. Pindera N.S.W. Cheyne Beach, W.A. Leonora, W.A. near Muntagin, W.A. near Merredin, W.A. Frances, S.A. near Boorabbin, W.A. Maroona, Vic. Wongawol, W.A. Nungarin, W.A. Coordinates 38?23', 29? 36?45T, - - 25?55\ 32?10', 37?04\ 27?04', - 29?35', 36?28\ 32?20', 31?35', 32? 36?10', 34?10', - 26? 32? 28?49\ - 29?27', 34?21', 28?54', 31? 31?31f, 36?41', 31?14', 37?25\ 26?07', 31?11', 142?03' 122? 142?15' - - 134?55? 140?58T 141?20' 134?49' - 137?28' 144?48' 117?38' 117?58' 117? 141?45' 140?45' - 132? 117? 122?25' - 142?29' 118?57' 121?20' 118? 118?07' 140?59' 120?21' 142?52' 121?56' 118?06? Weight (grams) 94.0 92.6 90.8 90.5 90.3 90.0 89.8 89.6 89.0 88.9 88.8 88.5 86.8 86.7 85.7 83.7 83.5 83.4 80.0 79.5 78.1 78.0 77.5 76.7 75.3 75.1 75.0 74.5 74.5 74.3 74.2 73.6 Core shape dumbbell round round - - - - - - oval round dumbbell - - boat boat broad oval round round boat teardrop round oval round oval teardrop oval round round round round round - boat teardrop round Where preserved SAM T1158 I.R. Williams NMV 5204 BM 1935, 252 BM 1926, 393 G. Hume D.H. McColl NMV 16869 SAM .T638 BM 1927, 1167 SAM T579 UM 3046 WAM G7566 WAM 12176 N. Rendall NMV E336 SAM T91 WASM 10306 C. Collyer N. Rendall WAM 12167 SAM T92 F. Nicholls WAM 12972 SAM T508 WASM 10545 WAM 12935 SAM T28 M. Alexander NMV E1270 WAM ESS22 WAM 12145 Reference Fenner, 1955 WHC Baker, 1961c J. Hall " D. H. McColl II A.W. Beasley Fenner, 1955 J. Hall Fenner, 1955 Baker, 1959a Cleverly, 1974 it WHC A.W. Beasley Fenner, 1955 W.H. Cleverly D.H. McColl WHC D. Merrilees Fenner, 1955 R.O. Chalmers D. Merrilees D.W.P. Corbett WHC D. Merilees D.W.P. Corbett WHC A.W. Beasley Cleverly, 1974 D. Merilees 30 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE 6.?Continued Locality Wooganellup, W.A. Nullarbor Plain ? near Morgan, S.A. Merino, Vic. Kurnalpi, W.A. Mount Barker, W.A. Lake Yindarlgooda, W.A. Nyabing, W.A. Crown Point, N.T. Gindalbie, W.A. Coonana, W.A. near Narembeen, W.A. near Esperance, W.A. near Lameroo, S.A. near Yunta, S.A. near Kalgoorlie, W.A. Kalgoorlie, W.A. near Maitland, S.A. near Boorabbin, W.A. near Florieton, S.A. Lake Grace, W.A. Balaklava, S.A. near Agnew, W.A. Charlotte Waters, N.T. Balaklava, S.A. Central Australia Eucla, W.A. Bullaring, W.A. Babakin, W.A. near Gnowangerup, W.A. Coordinates 34? - 33?50', 37?45', 30?32', 34?36\ 30?38', 33?31\ 25?40', 30? 31? 32?33', 33? 35?28', 32?21', 30? 30?49\ 34?26', 31? 33?49', 33?06', 34?08', 28?00', 25?55', 34?08', - 31?40', 32?30', 32?11', 33?52', 117? - 139?50' 141?35' 122?14' 117?37f 121?57' 118?10' 134?40' 121? 123? 118?13' 121? 140?26' 139?20' 121? 121?29' 137?40' 120? 139?25' 118?23? 138?24' 121?10' 134?55' 138?24' - 128?51 117?44' 117?58' 117?53' Weight (grams) 73.1 72.5 72.3 71.8 71.3 70.7 69.5 69.1 68.7 68.2 67.6 66.7 66.2 66.0 65.0 64.9 64.7 64.3 64.1 63.6 63.5 63.0 62.9 62.5 62.2 62.0 62.0 61.0 60.8 60.6 Core shape round oval oval dumbbell round round - round boat - - dumbbell - oval round round boat dumbbell - oval round round boat oval round (frag.) round boat round round round Where preserved WAM ESS 86 SAM T1O77 NMV E3965 NMV El236 WASM 2215 WAM 10643 CBC Jones WAM 12885 SAM T129 R.L. Jones CBC Jones WAM 12321 WAM ESS 1 R.G. Kimber UA 18361 (missing) UA 18357 SAM T547 G. Young WAM 12802 UA WAM 10549 SAM T128 WAM 12110 SAM T232 SAM SAM T1070 SAM T332 WAM 10671 WAM 12942 WAM 12163 Reference WHC D.W.P. Corbett Baker, 1968b A.W. Beasley W.A. Cleverly D. Merrilees WHC D. Merrilees Fenner, 1955 WHC WHC D. Merrilees WHC D.H. McColl D.W.P. Corbett D.H. McColl WHC D.H. McColl D. Merrilees D.W.P. Corbett D. Merrilees D.W.P. Corbett D.H. McColl D.W.P. Corbett ? D. Merrilees ?? ii NUMBER 17 31 of Princetown on the south coast of Victoria. It is an oval bowl and weighs 0.025 grams. Since these forms are extremely fragile few survive lengthy exposure to the elements, but we have collected some in the Lake Torrens region at Mulgaria, Mt. Victory Well, and Pine Dam. A few have been found in the Lake Eyre region at Peachawarinna. A particularly productive spot was a small area in one of the claypans near Pine Dam. We were somewhat puzzled by a remarkable concentration of small australites and australite fragments over a limited area near the middle of the pan. We noted that this area was a few inches higher than the surrounding pan floor, but the significance was not realized until later, when during laboratory experi- ments it was found that these thin fragile forms actually float in water because of the surface ten- sion. Occasional rains flooding the pans with a few inches of water presumably concentrated these fragile forms by floating them on to the dry areas slightly higher than the rest of the pan floor. The smallest was an oval bowl weighing 0.0408 grams and the largest was a lens weighing 0.3265 grams. In Table 4 the weights and dimensions of twenty of these fragile forms from this area are listed, and they are illustrated in Figure 11. In these fragile forms the central core is always much reduced in volume relative to the secondarily developed cir- cumferential flange. SPECIFIC GRAVITY Summers (1913), on the basis of rather sparse data, recognized a significant regional trend in the specific gravities of australites. He wrote: I have stated elsewhere that there seemed to be a somewhat provincial distribution of the australites in respect to com- position and specific gravity. As one would naturally expect, the specific gravity of a specimen, except where modified by the occurrence of occluded vesicles, gives a good indication of the composition of the australite. My present impression is that the less acid forms are concentrated along the borders of the belt and that the acid ones are commoner along the central line running from Melbourne towards the Lake Eyre district. This prescient suggestion apparently fell into limbo. Some thirty years later, Baker and Forster (1943) published an extensive study of the specific gravities of 1,086 australites. From their results they decided that the specific gravity values show a definite gradient from east to west. They wrote: "In graph 19, the silica percentage in australites is seen to be highest in those forms with the lower specific gravities. From this, and the specific gravity values set out in Table 5, it is concluded that less acid forms occurring in the western portions of Australia give way to more acid varieties in the eastern parts of the australite strewnfield." And in a later section they used their data to deduce the manner of formation of the strewnfield: "Since the specific gravities of australites show a signifi- cant decrease from north of west to south of east across Australia, the extraterrestrial body from which the australites were shed traversed the island continent from north of west to south of east." However, despite these categorical statements, it now appears that Summers' suggestion of a central low-density belt is more nearly correct, and this has been confirmed by McColl and Williams (1970). Figure 14 presents the specific gravity distribu- tion recorded by Baker and Forster. They found specific gravities varying from 2.30 to 2.50, with most of the values (94.5%) occurring between 2.36 and 2.47. The values show a single sharp peak at 2.40. Later work has shown that these data present a distorted picture of specific gravity distribution over the whole strewnfield, since the great majority of the specimens they measured came from the belt of low specific gravity extending from western Vic- toria through eastern South Australia to Lake Eyre and beyond. Chapman et al. (1964) measured spe- cific gravities of large numbers of specimens from individual localities in Australia, and their results are summarized in Table 7, along with data for our collections, and those for some of the larger localized collections measured by Baker, and Baker and Forster. (For the latter the figure in the "Peaks" column is the mean value because they did not plot the individual data.) The data in Table 7 show that the specific gravity range at any one locality is not particularly distinctive, but the specific gravity distribution, as established by the peak or peaks, is. Three distinc- tive geographical groupings appear (Figure 3): 1. A single peak at 2.45-2.47, which charac- terizes all the Western Australian localities, plus their extension on the Nullarbor Plain into South Australia, and at Lake Wilson in the extreme northwest of South Australia; this peak also char- acterizes collections from northeast South Australia 32 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES 150- 140- 130 2-30 FIGURE 14.?Specific gravity distribution for 1086 australites from different parts of Australia (Baker and Forster, 1943). and adjoining localities in Queensland and New South Wales. 2. A single peak at 2.40-2.42, characteristic of Port Campbell and other localities in western Vic- toria; similar populations are present in south- eastern South Australia (e.g., Oakvale, Morgan, Mannahill). 3. Two peaks, one at 2.40-2.41 and one at 2.45-2.46, characteristic of localities in the Lake Torrens-Lake Eyre region. This region of two- component populations does not seem to extend north beyond Macumba to Charlotte Waters, nor northeast beyond Cooper Creek to Mulka and Mungeranie. The 2.40 peak is not present in the Motpena collection, although this belongs geo- graphically with the other localities in the Lake Torrens area. The simplest explanation of this geographical distribution is clearly the early suggestion of Sum- mers that a band of tektites of low specific gravity extends from western Victoria to the Lake Eyre district, this band being apparently superimposed on a widely distributed population of significantly higher specific gravity. The two-population nature of the australites from the Lake Torrens-Lake Eyre region is well shown in the specific gravity distribution plot for 761 australites which we col- lected in this region in 1964 (Figure 15). We are indebted to Dr. Dean Chapman for the specific gravity determinations incorporated in this plot. It is difficult to obtain meaningful data for the northeastern part of the strewnfield, comprising localities in eastern New South Wales and south- eastern Queensland. Our searches in these regions have been unproductive, and specimens are rare in collections. However, Chapman and Scheiber (1969) analyzed two specimens from Liverpool and Uralla, in eastern New South Wales; these have high specific gravities (2.489, 2.482) and low SiO2 contents (66.9%, 68.1%). REFRACTIVE INDEX Numerous measurements of the refractive index of australites have been reported in the literature, and we have made several during the course of this investigation. Within any australite some vari- ability of refractive index is usually found; this variability can readily be detected in thin sections (Figure 16), which show complex flow patterns marked by schlieren with slightly differing refrac- tive indices. The variability within a single austra- lite can be of the order of 0.003; however, in making refractive index determinations by the im- NUMBER 17 TABLE 7.?Specific gravities and peak(s) for localized collections of australites (* = mean value, not peak) Locality Granite Peak Earaheedy Kalgoorlie area Nullarbor Plain Hughes Ooldea Wingellina Lake Wilson Charlotte Waters Macumba William Creek Mulka ? Mungeranie Peachawarinna Mulgaria Pine Dam Beltana Motpena Mannahill Oakvale Morgan Port Campbell Pindera Durrie Cuddapan Number of Specimens 46 85 420 634 240 56 135 ... 986 28 420 29 ... 19 96 259 275 99 38 45 87 75 67 123 97 31 148 78 555 155 99 82 Specific Gravity Range 2.402-2.458 2.420-2.459 2.385-2.485 2.390-2.475 2.413-2.476 2.428-2.475 2.391-2.491 2.395-2.505 2.415-2.498 2.385-2.495 2.392-2.484 2.380-2.466 2.367-2.472 2.355-2.485 2.365-2.557 2.398-2.465 2.402-2.481 2.380-2.468 2.376-2.474 2.368-2.476 2.388-2.470 2,395-2.481 2.370-2.459 2.386-2.450 2.348-2.437 2.355-2.465 2.305-2.465 2.270-2.470 2.385-2.487 2.390-2.488 CSl 2 2 CSl 2 Peak(s) 2.452 2.453 2.455 2.445 2.459 2.457 2.470 2.465 2.475 2.445 2.439* .395, 2.440 2.426* 2.435 2.440 2.440 2.445 .408, 2.453 .401, 2.458 .395, 2.462 405, 2.445 2.445 2.419 2.409 2.405* 2.405 2.397* 2.450 2.440 2.459 Reference Mason, unpublished ? Chapman et aL, 1964 ?? Mason, unpublished " Baker, 1961a Chapman et al., 1964 Mason, unpublished Chapman et al., 1964 Baker and Forster, 1943 Mason, unpublished Baker and Forster, 1943 Chapman et al., 1964 Baker, 1969b Mason, unpublished ? Baker, 1968b Chapman et al., 1964 Baker and Forster, 1943 Chapman, unpublished Mason, unpublished ?? 34 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES 2.42 2.43 2.44 SPECIFIC GRAVITY FIGURE i5.?Specific gravity distribution for 761 australites from the Lake Torrens-Lake Eyre region; specific gravity determinations by Dr. Dean Chapman. mersion method it is usually possible to arrive at a reasonable mean value. Extensive series of measurements of refractive index and specific gravity on australites have been reported by Baker (1959a), Chao (1963), and Chap- man and Scheiber (1969). The data of Chapman and Scheiber are plotted on Figure 17 along with two determinations on specimens from our own collections selected at the ends of our observed specific gravity range. As has been noted by pre- vious investigators, an essentially straight-line re- lationship exists between refractive index and specific gravity for the australites, and indeed for all tektites (Barnes, 1940). In Figure 17a the line plotted by Barnes on the basis of data for all groups of tektites lies slightly above the line pro- FIGURE 16.?Thin section of flanged australite button from Motpena, South Australia, showing flow structure and schlieren of differing refractive index. NUMBER 17 viding the most satisfactory fit with the australite data, but the difference is small and statistically in- significant. The data in Figure 17a shows a range in specific gravity for australites from 2.36 to 2.52, and of refractive index from 1.493 to 1.529, except for the aberrant HNa/K group described by Chapman and Scheiber (1969), which will be discussed in the next section. The specific gravity range is es- sentially that indicated by the figures in Table 7, although a few lower specific gravities have been recorded from Port Campbell and Pindera. Lower specific gravities may, of course, be due to bubbles within the australite glass. The plot of refractive index against SiO2 per- centage (Figure 176) also shows a straight-line re- Key to A " ? -- m = o = ? = ? = Chemical Gro Norma 1 HCa Hug HAI HNa/K Extreme vaI study jpings es for (Chapmar austraI and Scheiber, 1969): ites in present a 2.46 248 SPECIFIC GRAVITY 1.54 1.53 INDEX ui l52 ?> iCTI' E lj 1.51 1.50 1.49 * ? b \ o ? o \ ? \ A \ A ^S. A \ A 68 70 72 74 SiO2, WEIGHT PERCENT FIGURE 17.?Refractive index/specific gravity (a) and refractive index/SiO2 percentage (b) plots for australites. The broken line in the refractive index-specific gravity plot is that determined by Barnes (1940) as a mean for all tektites. 36 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES lationship, although the scatter of individual points is somewhat greater than for the refractive index- specific gravity plot. This is presumably due largely to the influence of varying amounts of other com- ponents besides SiO2 on the refractive index. Nevertheless, a measurement of refractive index (or specific gravity) provides a useful approxima- tion (within about ?1%) of the silica content of an australite. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION A large amount of data on the chemical compo- sition of australites has been published in recent years, mainly by Taylor (1962), Taylor and Sachs (1964), and Chapman and Scheiber (1969). On this account we have limited our analyses to two speci- mens selected from the extreme values of specific gravity found in our total collections. These analy- ses are given in Table 8. Taylor and Sachs (1964) noted that the percent- ages of all the major elements except calcium diminshed as SiO2 percentage increased. Calcium showed some degree of negative correlation when graphed, but this was not statistically significant. Significant negative correlation with SiO2 was also established for the minor and trace elements Cr, Li, Ti, Ni, V, Sc, Ba, Rb, and Cs. One of the aims of this extensive study of aus- tralite composition was to establish whether re- gional differences in composition existed. Earlier results (Taylor, 1960; Taylor and Sachs, 1961) for the alkali elements suggested a regional variation in composition from east to west across Australia. However, the much larger amount of data as- sembled by Taylor and Sachs (1964) showed that autralites of widely different composition exist at any one locality, as is also apparent from the spe- cific gravity data (Table 7). The specimens ana- lyzed by Taylor and his co-workers were evidently selected to cover as wide a range of composition as possible, and this procedure did not take into account the marked quantization of composition indicated by the specific gravity data (the signifi- cance of which was not apparent when they made their investigations). The only marked regional feature of their analyses is the large number of specimens from Western Australia in the 70%- 72% SiO2 range. Correlating their analytical data with the specific gravity data, however, one can TABLE 8.?Chemical analyses of two australites. E. Jarose- wich, analyst (C-8 = Pine Dam Area, Lake Torrens; 43-3 = Lake Eyre South) Oxide SiO2 TiO2 M2?3 Fe2?3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K20 Total Fe as FeO s.g n C-8 43-3 77.23 0.61 10.73 0.57 3.68 0.08 1.46 1.61 1.23 2.56 99.76 4.19 2.368 1.495 68.35 0.77 14.19 0.95 4.37 0.09 2.41 4.98 1.46 2.71 100.28 5.23 2.489 1.522 establish two distinct regional populations: (1) that of Western Australia and the Nullarbor Plain, with a density peak of 2.45 corresponding to an SiO2 content of about 71%, and (2) that of Victoria with a density peak of 2.40 corresponding to an SiO2 content of about 76%. The Lake Torrens- Lake Eyre region between Beltana and Cooper Creek carries a mixture of these two populations. The specific gravity data for Lake Wilson and Wingellina specimens, and the single analysis of a Lake Wilson specimen (Taylor and Sachs, 1964) suggest that australites from this region, centered on the South Australia-Western Australia- Northern Territory corner, may have a distinctive composition. Their peak specific gravity is signifi- cantly higher than that for any other area, and Taylor and Sachs commented on the analytical data for the Lake Wilson specimen as follows: "[This specimen] is unusual in possessing, in addi- tion to the high value for nickel, the highest NUMBER 17 37 amounts of Mg, Fe, Co, and Cr. The concentra- tions of the other elements are normal for the silica content (69.8 per cent) (1960:250). Chapman and Scheiber (1969) studied the com- positional variations in tektites from the whole Australasian (Southeast Asia and Australia) strewn- field. They comment: "These data are collected herein with little attention to geographic distribu- tion pattern but with emphasis on the information provided as to the chemical nature of the parent rock from which the tektites derived." With this in view they selected 530 specimens for chemical analysis from approximately 47,000 whose specific gravity they had measured. In their 1969 paper they report 60 analyses, of which 22 are Australian specimens. The analyses were classified into a num- ber of chemical groups, and in a later paper Chapman (1971) provided a map showing the geo- graphical distribution of these chemical groups. Australite analyses were assigned to the follow- ing chemical groups: Normal: The term "normal" is evidently used in the sense "very common." The only chemical criteria listed are CaO>MgO, Na2O>1.25%, and Ni<41 ppm. Practically all the analysed australites from Western Australia and the extension of the Nullarbor Plain into South Australia are in this group, and specimens are also present in collec- tions from eastern South Australia and the adjacent area of New South Wales. HCa: H denotes "high"; for the HCa australites CaO ranges from 1.83% to 5.62%, FeO 3.57%-4.75%, Ni 17 ppm-26 ppm, and Cr 57 ppm-98 ppm. The HCa aus- tralites occur only within the low specific gravity "streak" from Victoria through the Lake Torrens-Lake Eyre region, but not all HCa australites have low specific gravity; analysed specimens have specific gravities ranging from 2.361 to 2.501. "HCa" may be something of a misnomer for this group, since some specimens have lower Ca than specimens in other group. HMg: The chemical criteria are MgO>3.4%, Ni>210 ppm, and Cr>210 ppm. This is a relatively rare type among australites, only six analyses being recorded. These aus- tralites were collected in central Western Australia and adjacent areas in South Australia and Northern Territory (Lake Margareta, Serpentine Lakes, Lake Wilson). HA1: A12O3>14.9%,; found only in N.S.W. (Pindera, Liver- pool, and Uralla), except for one specimen in Tasmania. HNa/K: Nine specimens, all from northwest South Aus- tralia, comprise this group; they are characterized by an exceptionally high Na/K ratio. Na2O/K2O ranges from 2.7 to 3.6, whereas in all other australites and most other tektites this ratio is always less than unity. The only chemical group that can be readily distinguished on the basis of physical properties (refractive index and specific gravity) is the HNa/K, and as will be seen from subsequent dis- cussion, the identification of this group as tektites is questionable. The HCa group shows practically the full range of refractive index and specific gravity (Figure 17a), whereas the remaining groups show a narrower range; however, this restriction in range may simply reflect the limited compo- sition range of the specimens selected for analysis. The specific gravity range for the Kalgoorlie- Nullarbor Plain region (where all specimens are apparently "normal" australites) is 2.385-2.485, practically the complete range for australites. The separate character of the HA1 group can be ques- tioned; the three analysed specimens all have low SiO2 (66.9%-68.5%) and the high A12O3 may simply reflect the low SiO2, since Taylor and Sachs (1964) have demonstrated the highly significant negative correlation of A12O3 with SiO2 for all australite analyses. The HNa/K specimens present a perplexing problem. Chapman and Scheiber found nine through the specific gravity screening of approxi- mately 47,000 specimens of australites and South- east Asian tektites; we have found none in a similar screening of over 1300 australites. Their composi- tion is distinctly different from all other tektites; Chapman and Scheiber consider them related to the Ivory Coast tektites, but a glance at their CaO/MgO plot (Chapman and Scheiber, 1969, fig. 2) shows that this is hardly tenable, because Ivory Coast tektites cluster at 1% CaO, 3% MgO, whereas the HNa/K specimens cluster at 5% CaO, 4% MgO. The 87Sr/86Sr ratio for the HNa/K specimens is 0.704 (Compston and Chapman, 1969), quite different from other australites (0.713-0.718) and Ivory Coast tektites (0.724). In addition, they give a fission-track age of approximately 4 million years (Fleischer et al. 1969). Fleischer et al. conclude that HNa/K specimens represent a unique tek- tite fall, preceding that of the Australasian strewn- field, which they place at 0.7 million years ago. They comment: "To many observers it may seem odd that a newly identified fall should exist in the very region where a previously known fall had occurred." In view of the remarkable differences between the HNa/K australites from all other tektites (in- cluding the Ivory Coast tektites), the evidence for their identity as tektites requires careful scrutiny. 38 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES This evidence is somewhat tenuous, resting as it does on the following statement (Chapman and Scheiber, 1969:6756-6757): It might be questioned whether the HNa/K specimens are really tektites. They were found by three different col- lectors at four different localities in Australia and were intermingled in all cases with numerous australites of ordinary composition. Their shapes include elongates, cores, and fragments not visually distinguishable from the shapes of normal tektites with which they were found. Specific gravity measurements served to cull them from the majority. A meridianal section from AN245, a typical aerodynamic core shape (Figure 14a) revealed the same quantitative distribution of residual tensile and compressive stress as in normal australite cores. This attests to rapid cooling. Wafers cut from all but two (AN245 and AN87) of nine analyzed HNa/K australites exhibit glassy inclusions, both bubbly and compact, that are indistinguishable from the lechatelier- ite of normal tektites. All nine show flow structure. Pieces from three (AN87, AN245, and AN325) were subjected to our standard test of heating to about 175O?C at low pressure (?0.1 atm); each melted without frothing or noticeable vesiculation. They are true tektites. The illustration (fig. 14a), described as "a typi- cal aerodynamic core shape," could equally well be described as a rounded pebble; the material ap- pears to be a homogeneous glass, completely lacking the schlieren so prominent in the accom- panying photograph of an australite section. No mention is made of flange remnants on any of the specimens, which would clearly identify them as australites. The chemical composition, as Chapman and Scheiber point out, is closely similar to that of a terrestrial andesite, although their Cr and Ni contents are anomalously high. So the question arises, if these are not tektites, what are they? They were all found in northwest- ern South Australia, six of them from a location "south of Lake Wilson, 26?20/S, 129?20'E." To our knowledge no volcanic rocks that might contain obsidian of the composition of the HNa/K speci- mens are known in that region. However, the mountains to the north, the Mann Range, are high-grade metamorphic rocks of granitic to more basic compositions, and are extensively veined by pseudotachylite, evidently formed along zones of intense shearing. These pseudotachylites are black and glassy, and pebbles resemble eroded australites. Chapman and Scheiber comment that the Rb-Sr data for the HNa/K specimens can be interpreted as indicating parent material representing very ancient times of crystallization, of the order of 2500 million years ago, an age consistent with the Mann Range rocks. Chemical Composition and the Origin of Tektites It is ironic that the two scientists who have con- tributed most to our knowledge of the chemical composition of australites arrived at diametrically opposed opinions as to their origin, Taylor ascrib- ing a terrestrial source and Chapman a lunar one. At the Third International Tektite Symposium held in Corning, New York, in April 1969, where much of this chemical evidence was presented, an informal vote of the conferees revealed an essen- tially even split between adherents of the lunar and of the terrestrial origin. The issue was soon to be decisively resolved. The Apollo 11 moon landing on 20 July 1969 and subsequent missions brought back material whose geochemistry almost certainly negates the possibility of a lunar origin for the tektites. The evidence has been summarized by Taylor (1973), as follows: The Apollo lunar missions provide critical evidence which refutes the hypothesis of lunar origin of tektites. Tektite chemistry is totally distinct from that observed in lunar maria basalts. These possess Cr contents which are two orders of magnitude higher than tektites, distinctive REE patterns with large Eu depletions, high Fe and low SiO2 contents, low K/U ratios and many other diagnostic features, none of which are observed in the chemistry of tektites. The lunar uplands compositions, as shown by Apollo 14, 15 and 16 samples and the y-ray and XRF orbiter data, are high-Al, low-SiO2 compositions totally dissimilar to those of tektites. The composition of lunar rock 12013 shows typical lunar features and is distinct from that of tektites. The small amounts of lunar K-rich granitic material found in the soils have K/Mg and K/Na ratios 10-50 times those of tektites. The ages of the lunar maria (3.2-3.8 aeons) and uplands (>4.0 aeons) are an order of magnitude older than the parent material of the Southeast Asian and Australian tektites, which yield Rb-Sr isochrons indicating ages on the order of 100-300 m.y. The lunar lead isotopic compositions are highly radiogenic whereas tektites have terrestrial Pb isotopic rations. Lunar ?18O values are low (<^7 per mil) compared with values of +9J6 to +11.5 per mil for tektites. In summary, a lunar impact origin for tektites is not com- patible with the chemistry, age, or isotopic composition of the lunar samples. A lunar volcanic origin, recently revived by O'Keefe (1970) encounters most of the same problems. Recent lunar volcanism (<50 m.y.), if the source of tektites, should contribute tektite glass to the upper layers of the regolith. None has been found. The disproof of a lunar origin for australites re- inforces the quest for a terrestrial source of the NUMBER 17 39 parent material. Taylor and Kaye (1969) demon- strated the close match between the average com- position of australites, for both major and trace elements, and that of greywacke. They therefore suggested an origin by cometary impact on terres- trial rocks of appropriate composition without specifying potential source locations. Schmidt (1962) postulated a meteorite crater in the Wilkes Land region of Antarctica (approximately 71?S, 140?E) on the basis of striking gravity minima similar to those observed for Canadian meteorite craters, and suggested this would be an appropriate source for the australites. On the other hand Lieske and Shirer (1964), using a digital computer, calcu- lated the trajectories of tektite-like bodies with high initial velocities, with a view to determining whether the debris from an explosive meteorite im- pact could have attained intercontinental ranges. They regard it as improbable that the small tek- tites forming the australite strewnfield could have been distributed in their present form by a meteor- ite impact in Antarctica. Taylor (1969) pointed out that both number and mass of tektites increase towards the northwest corner of the entire Indo- australian strewnfield, the largest recorded speci- mens being of the Muong-Nong type from Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand; this would suggest a primary source in the region. Kaysing (1970) extrapolated from the data of McColl and Williams (1970) to suggest that Lake Toba in Sumatra was a possible source area for the Austra- lian group of tektites. Taylor (1970) pointed out the consensus of opinion that Lake Toba was a volcano-tectonic depression surrounded by vast quantities of ignimbrite. Analyses of australites are dissimilar to Lake Toba ignimbrite, particularly for the critical elements magnesium, sodium, and potassium, and also for silica. Taylor considers that on these grounds there is no a priori case for con- sidering Lake Toba as a potential source area. It is puzzling that a catastrophic event that sprayed glass over the southern half of Australia and by extension to the Philippines and southern China left no other geological evidences?especially if it occurred as recently as the stratigraphic age of the australites (7000-20,000 years BP) would indicate. Age and Stratigraphical Relationships It is perhaps misleading to talk about the age of australites in any general sense. Different pro- cedures devised to "date" australites may in fact be determining the time of a specific event in a lengthy history. Some possible events that may be dated in this context are: 1. The formation of the glass and its cooling to the argon retention temperature, thereby en- abling the determination of a potassium-argon age. This assumes no subsequent reheating of sufficient intensity to "reset" the potassium-argon "clock." Fission-track dating is analogous, in that fission tracks accumulate in the glass after solidification and cooling, but may be erased by subsequent re- heating. 2. The passage of the australite through the Earth's atmosphere, presumably dated by age de- terminations on flange material. 3. The time of incorporation in the geological formation where the australite is found, dated by stratigraphy or by radiochemical determinations on associated material. If the australite is found where it fell, the age of the enclosing formation presuma- bly gives the time of fall, which should be identi- cal with event 2; transportation may result in the australite being incorporated in a younger forma- tion, or even apparently in an older formation (e.g., if washed into a cleft in older rocks). Potassium-argon dating has been applied to aus- tralites by a number of researchers. The most com- prehensive data are those of McDougall and Lovering (1969), which are reproduced in Table 9: they confirm and extend the earlier work of Reyn- olds (1960) and Zahringer (1963). McDougall and Lovering comment: The apparent K-Ar dates average 0.86 ? 0.06 m.y. (standard deviation), approximately 0.15 m.y. older than found by previous workers. The internal consistency of the K-Ar dates on the australite cores, which have potassium contents ranging from 1.61 to 2.18 per cent suggests that the dates are geologically meaningful, and probably record the time of primary melting. Studies of flanged australites confirm that potassium is depleted in the flanges relative to the associated cores, and show that the flanges have considerably older apparent K-Ar dates than the cores. Because it is agreed that the flanges were formed by subsequent ablation of the primary australite cores, it must be concluded that the flanges contain excess radiogenic argon. McDougall and Lovering also measured the K-Ar age of a philippinite and found 0.78 ? 0.05 m.y., slightly higher than the ages of 0.68 to 0.73 m.y. given by Zahringer (1963) for five philippin- ites. Zahringer found that all the tektites he ana- 40 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE 9.?Potassium-argon ages of australites (McDougall and Lovering, 1969) Locality Kalgoorlie, WA Leonora, WA Musgrave Ranges, SA Florieton, SA Charlotte Waters, NT Myrtle Springs, SA " composite Port Campbell, Vic. Stanhope Bay, Vic. core core core core flange core flange core core flange core flange flange core flange core flange % K 2.05 2.19 1.61 1.79 1.71 1.64 1.71 1.66 1.99 1.92 1.97 1.83 1.90 1.85 1.89 1.81 1.66 1.83 1.82 1.72 Age 0.88 0.79 0.86 0.92 0.87 0.94 0.75 1.05 0.81 0.79 0.91 1.16 0.94 1.79 1.11 0.86 1.12 0.95 0.85 1.09 , m.y. ? 0.03 + 0.09 ? 0.07 ? 0.18 ? 0.09 + 0.12 ? 0.07 ? 0.08 ? 0.04 ? 0.03 + 0.09 ? 0.04 ? 0.21 + 0.04 ? 0.03 ? 0.02 ? 0.03 ? 0.05 ? 0.11 + 0.03 lyzed from different localities in the Indoaustralian region (Indochina, Thailand, Philippines, Billiton, Java, Borneo, and Australia gave the same K-Ar ratio (within experimental uncertainty) and hence showed the same age. This apparent consistency in age for tektites throughout the vast Indoaustralian region has been cited as important evidence for a common and contemporaneous origin. Nevertheless, nagging uncertainties in the interpretation of the K-Ar ages remain, especially in view of the apparent older ages for flanges. In this connection, the work of Clarke et al. (1966) is significant. They point out that the calculation of the K-Ar ages of tektites rests on the assumption that all 40Ar is expelled from the melt at the time of formation, so that the measured 40Ar is entirely the product of the decay of 40K since the melting event. To test this assumption they made glasses of tektite composi- tion from geologically old materials under care- fully controlled conditions to promote complete outgassing. The apparent K-Ar ages of these glasses were measured, and ranged from zero to over 1 m.y. They concluded: "The data indicates that the as- sumption of complete loss of 40Ar may not be completely valid, and the interpretation of K-Ar dating as applied to tektites may need reevalua- tion." The results suggest an alternative explanation of the consistent K-Ar ages of tektites throughout the Indoaustralian region?that they may not be true ages, but represent a limit to the outgassing of preexisting 40Ar in the source materials. If tek- tites were formed in a catastrophic impact, as envisaged by most researchers, then insufficient time for complete degassing of radiogenic Ar from the source materials is a distinct possibility. How- ever, this interpretation appears to be negated by the fission-track ages (Table 10) of Fleischer and Price (1964), which support the K-Ar ages, al- though they show a considerable spread. Later work by Gentner et al. (1969) gives fission-track ages for australites of 0.11-0.71 m.y., in agreement with the data of Fleischer and Price. Fleischer and Price comment as follows: The nine australites have four distinct and separate fission track ages which lead to two alternative conclusions as to the true solidification ages: (1) There were at least four different solidification events, or (2) track numbers have been altered over time in such a way as to change at least three ages from their true values. Although we cannot rigor- ously decide between these two possibilities, we conclude that the second alternative is the more reasonable one, the true age then being 0.70 (?0.04) m.y. There are three reasons for believing this. First is the very good agreement between this value and the ages found for australites by Zahringer (1963) using K-Ar dating. Secondly, we know that simple thermal conditions can give rise to fading (and hence too young ages), while conditions for arriving at too large an age are rare. For samples with as high a uranium content as tektites the only possibility we know of would be the close proximity of a deposit of uranium, which would be a neu- tron source and hence induce fission. Thirdly, in the 0.13 m.y. old Port Campbell australite there were tracks which showed effects of exposure to elevated temperature. Such tracks have a somewhat blurry and less crisp appearance than do unheated tracks, and are easily distinguished from them. We conclude that the solidification age is 0.70 ? 0.04 m.y., and the other samples were probably heated sufficiently to produce track fading (one sample recently, two about 0.12 m.y. ago and one about 0.34 m.y. ago). As noted in Table 10, Fleischer and Price ex- amined some flanged australites from Port Camp- bell, and found that fission-track densities were NUMBER 17 41 TABLE 10.?Fission track ages of australites (Fleischer and Price, 1964) arranged by age (* = flanged specimens; flange and core gave the same age) Locality Kalgoorlie, WA Port Campbell, Vic *Port Campbell, Vic Kalgoorlie, WA Kalgoorlie, WA Charlotte Waters, NT *Port Campbell, Vic *Port Campbell, Vic *Port Campbell, Vic Age, m.y. <0.03 0.11 ? 0.04 0.13 + 0.02 0.34 + 0.01 0.66 ? 0.01 0.64 + 0.16 0.69 + 0.05 0.69 ? 0.07 0.8 + 0.2 essentially identical in flange and core. They com- ment: The track density in the flange, which results from abla- tion by the atmosphere, should measure the time of entry into the Earth's atmosphere; the track density in the core should measure the time of formation of the original tektite, which reached the Earth's atmosphere as a rigid, cold sphere (Chapman and Larson, 1963). The total densities found (303 ? 22/cm2 for the core and 292 ? 25/cm2 for the flange) in the three oldest samples are statistically indistinguishable. Therefore the descent onto Earth must have occurred 0.70 m.y. ago, i.e. much longer ago than the 0.005 m.y. deduced from geological evidence (Baker, 1960). These results imply that the formation of the glass and its passage through the atmosphere were not separated by a detectable time interval. This is consistent with evidence of a rapid flight time. Australites (and other tektites) appear not to have been exposed to appreciable cosmic-ray irradiation. Reynolds (1960) has shown that australites do not contain detectable 21Ne. From the measured neon diffusion rate, the measured cross-section for pro- duction of neon from other elements, and from the limit of detectability of 21Ne Reynolds con- cluded that the australite he measured had a maxi- mum flight time of 28,000 years. Anders (1960) did not find any 26A1 in an australite. The sensi- tivity of the measurement of 26A1 (Viste and An- ders, 1962) does not, however, preclude a 90,000- year flight time. The geological data, however, are completely in- compatible with the australites having fallen ap- proximately 700,000 years ago. Experienced field investigators agree that australites are found in late Pleistocene or post-Pleistocene formations and not in older deposits. Fenner (1935), on the basis of the extensive evidence collected by him, con- cluded that they fell in early post-Pleistocene times. Baker (1962), who carefully investigated the austra- lite occurrences near Port Campbell for over thirty years, and who was also familiar with other local- ities, wrote as follows: "The evidence from the geo- logical occurrence of australites, supported by ethnological and pedological evidence, leads to the conclusion that the age-on-earth of the tektite fall in Australia is about 5,000 years. It is probably not under 3,000 years, nor over 6,000 years." Johnson (1965), discussing specifically the australite occur- rence at Lake Wilson, but also drawing on many years of field experience, wrote: "It appears that the australites fell soon after the end of the Pleisto- cene." Our own observations are in agreement with these statements. Over most of the vast area we have prospected, australites are associated with a readily recognizable geological formation, a well- consolidated red sand, which is undoubtedly an aeolian deposit. It contains layers of calcareous nodules, some of which are moulds of former tree roots; those layers may represent the B horizons of ancient soils. This geological formation is gen- erally overlain by unconsolidated red sand, usually in the form of seif dunes, the sand derived from the deflation of the underlying formation. Where stream channels exist, they may have cut down into this formation some tens of feet, as on Mul- garia Station. The geological evidence suggests that the red sand formation with which the australites are associated was deposited under semi-arid con- ditions?arid enough for extensive wind transpor- tation of the constituent sand, but also humid enough for the growth of sand-fixing vegetation and the development of soil horizons. Increasing aridity apparently brought this depositional period to a close, and it was succeeded by an extremely arid period with strong deflation and the develop- ment of extensive series of seif dunes. In more re- cent time the aridity has evidently diminished, 42 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES since the seif dunes are now essentially fixed by vegetation. The australites are always near the top of the consolidated red sand formation, indicating that they fell shortly before a change to extremely arid conditions. In South Australia this red sand formation containing the australite horizon has been named the Lake Torrens Formation (Wil- liams and Polach, 1971), and its date of deposit set at about 16,000-20,000 years BP. Lovering et al. (1972), therefore, concluded that the australite fall occurred within this time period, although it may have occurred during the development of the Motpena paleosol (12,000-16,000 years BP). During all our field work we have searched for wood or charcoal associated with australite occur- rences, in the expectation of thereby obtaining carbon-14 dating of the australite fall. This search has been unsuccessful. For obvious reasons, wood, even if originally present, is unlikely to survive in an arid or semi-arid environment. That woody shrubs were probably present is indicated by the calcareous moulds of tree roots found in the australite-bearing formation. Better success has been obtained in the Port Campbell area as re- ported by Gill (1965, 1970). A carefully selected site was excavated using archeological methods, in which the sandy soil was removed inch by inch. Fourteen australite specimens were discovered in situ, at depths of 11 to 14 inches, along with ma- terials for radiocarbon dating. All the australites were found on or up to three inches above a hard- pan layer. Seven radiocarbon datings were made of fossil hardpan material, of charcoal at various levels above the hardpan, and of grass tree resin in situ above the hardpan. The oldest date was 7,300 years for carbonized wood fragments in the hardpan. Gill concludes that australites fell prior to the comparatively arid postglacial thermal maxi- mum, which began about 6500 years ago; this is consistent with our deductions from the strati- graphic relations at interior sites. We are thus faced with what seem to be irrecon- cilable "facts" regarding the time of fall of aus- tralites. Geological evidence shows the fall of australites took place some time during the period 7000-20,000 years BP, whereas K-Ar and fission- track figures show the age of formation to be ap- proximately 700,000-860,000 years BP. There seem to be three possibilities: (1) the figures are wrong, (2) the geology is wrong, or (3) something else is wrong. It is probably presumptuous to suggest that the 700,000-860,000-year figure is "wrong." It is the result obtained by several independent and ex- perienced investigators, and its significance is ap- parently strengthened by the fact that tektites throughout the Indoaustralian region, from the Philippines through Indochina, Thailand, and Indonesia to Australia all give this same potassium- argon age. However, it may be permissible to sug- gest that the interpretation of this figure may be wrong, i.e., that it does not measure the time of solidification of the glass. We do not know what material was melted to form the tektite glass, but it is conceivable that this material contained argon which was not completely expelled during the melt- ing process. Inherited argon would thereby give a spurious and too great age for the time of forma- tion of the glass. On this interpretation the uni- formity of tektite age throughout the Indoaustralian region?the youngest age measured for any tektites ?may not strengthen the argument of consan- guinity, but may instead reflect the limit for argon degassing under conditions of formation of tektite glass. The fact that K-Ar dating for the flange and core of australites has given a greater age for the flange than the core adds to the uncertainty of the K-Ar dating of these objects. However, this interpretation of the potassium- argon age appears to be vitiated by the fission-track investigation, which supports the 700,000 year age, and, in addition, shows that flange and core have identical fission-track density. This would seem to demonstrate that the australite glass was formed about 700,000 years ago, and that the australites descended through the Earth's atmosphere shortly thereafter. On the basis of these arguments, therefore, it has been suggested that the geology is wrong. As Schaeffer (1966) states the case: "The geological age does not measure the arrival of these tektites on the Earth as the tektites are detrital to the deposits and were originally deposited in other older forma- tions." While this is certainly true for many, if not most, of the tektite occurrences in other parts of the world, a large number of australite occur- rences are certainly not of detrital origin. No one who has seen the Port Campbell localities and ex- amined the many perfectly preserved australites therefrom is likely to argue that these specimens NUMBER 17 43 are not being found essentially where they fell. The complete lack of solution etching, even on thin plates weighing as little as 0.03 gram, is a powerful argument against the australites having been subjected to terrestrial weathering, even in situ, for more than a few thousand years. Our own experience in the arid interior indicates that at many locations we were collecting australites es- sentially where they fell. Delicate surface markings and flanges, which would certainly have been de- stroyed in a few years exposure to present surface conditions, let alone transportation, are still pres- ent on many of the specimens. Their distribution is completely unrelated to stream channels; they are often found on higher ground which is being actively deflated; no detrital material in the same size range, such as stream pebbles, is present. As Lovering et al. (1972) commented, if the australites fell 700,000 years ago they would not be found in the Lake Torrens region, since this area has been aggrading throughout the Pleistocene, and a 700,000-year horizon would be deeply buried. Having reached an apparently irreconcilable impasse between the physical dating and the geo- graphical dating of the australite fall, one can only turn to the third proposition?something else is wrong. Perhaps this can better be stated as something?some unsuspected factor?has been overlooked. We have no plausible suggestions for this unsuspected factor or factors. It may not be inappropriate, however, to recall other conflicts of this kind, such as that between Lord Kelvin and many geologists as to the age of the Earth, before the discovery of radioactivity completely altered the situation. Literature Cited Anders, E. 1960 The Record in the Meteorites, II: On the Presence of Aluminum-26 in Meteorites and Tektites. Geo- chimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 19:53?62. 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