SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES ? NUMBER 21 Schreibersite Growth and Its Influence on the Metallography of Coarse-Structured Iron Meteorites Roy S. Clarke, Jr. and Joseph I. Goldstein SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION PRESS City of Washington 1978 ABSTRACT Clarke, Roy S., Jr., and Joseph I. Goldstein. Schreibersite Growth and Its Influence on the Metallography of Coarse-Structured Iron Meteorites. Smithson- ian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, number 21, 80 pages, 28 figures, 20 tables, 1978. ?The role that schreibersite growth played in the structural development process in coarse-structured iron meteorites has been examined. The availability of many large meteorite surfaces and an extensive collection of metallographic sections made it possible to undertake a comprehensive survey of schreibersite petrography. This study was the basis for the selection of samples for detailed electron microprobe analysis. Samples containing representative structures from eight chemical Groups I and IIAB meteorites were selected. Electron microprobe traverses were made across structures representative of the observed range of schreibersite associations. Particular emphasis was placed on schreibersite-kamacite interface compositions. An analysis of these data has led to a comprehensive description of the structural development process. Massive schreibersite, one of the four major types of schreibersite encoun- tered, may be accounted for by equilibrium considerations. Subsolidus nuclea- tion and growth with slow cooling from temperatures at least as high as 850? C, and probably much higher, explain the phase relationships that one sees in meteorite specimens. The retention of taenite in the octahedrites establishes that bulk equilibrium did not extend as low as 550? C. Schreibersite undoubtedly continued in equilibrium with its enclosing kamacite to lower temperatures. A second type of schreibersite to form is homogeneously nucleated rhabdite. It nucleated in kamacite in the 600? C temperature range, either as a conse- quence of low initial P level or after local P supersaturation developed following massive schreibersite growth. A third type of schreibersite is grain boundary and taenite border schreiber- site. It formed at kamacite-taenite interfaces, absorbing residual taenite. Nuclea- tion took place successively along grain boundaries over a range of temperatures starting as high as 500? C or perhaps slightly higher. Grain boundary diffusion probably became an increasingly important factor in the growth of these schreibersites with decreasing temperature. The fourth type of schreibersite is microrhabdite. These schreibersites nucleated homogeneously in supersatuated kamacite at temperatures in the 400? C range or below. P diffusion controlled the growth rate of schreibersite. The Ni flux to a growing interface had to produce a growth rate equal to that established by the P flux. This was accomplished by tie line shifts that permitted a broad range of Ni growth rates, and these shifts account for the observed range of Ni concentrations in schreibersite. Equilibrium conditions pertained at growth interfaces to temperatures far below those available experimentally. Kinetic factors, however, restricted mass transfer to increasingly small volumes of material with decreasing temperature. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION DATE is handstamped in a limited number of initial copies and is recorded inthe Institution's annual report, Smithsonian Year. SERIES COVER DESIGN: Aerial view of Ulawun Volcano, New Britain. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication DataClarke, Roy S., Jr. Schreibersite growth and its influence on the metallography of coarse-structured iron meteorites.(Smithsonian contributions to the earth sciences; no. 21) Bibliography: p.1. Schreibersite. 2. Metallography. 3. Meteorites, Iron. I. Goldstein, Joseph I., joint author. II. Title. III. Series: Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian contributions to the earth sciences;no.21. QEl.S227no. 21 [QE395] 550'.8s [552] 77-10840 Contents Page Introduction 1 Acknowledgments 2 Historical Background 2 Introduction 2 19th-century Studies of Schreibersite 3 Early 20th-century Studies of Iron Meteorites 4 Modern Work on Metallic Phases of Iron Meteorites 5 Related Materials 8 Experimental 9 Results 11 Coahuila 13 Bellsbank 16 Ballinger 18 Santa Luzia 21 Lexington County 25 Bahjoi 29 Goose Lake 30 Balfour Downs 31 Discussion 37 Equilibrium Considerations of Phase Growth 37 Coahuila 40 Ballinger 42 Santa Luzia 43 Lexington County and Bahjoi 44 Goose Lake and Balfour Downs 45 Bellsbank 46 Low Temperature Phase Growth and the Equilibrium Diagram 48 Diffusion-Controlled Schreibersite Growth 54 Cooling Rate Variations 58 Interface Data and Schreibersite Distribution 59 Interface Data and the a/a + Ph Boundary 66 Schreibersite with Cohenite Borders 70 Summary and Conclusions 73 Appendix 75 Literature Cited 77 Schreibersite Growth and Its Influence on the Metallography of Coarse-Structured Iron Meteorites Roy S. Clarke, Jr. and Joseph I. Goldstein Introduction Meteorites are currently understood to be the oldest rocks available for scientific study, contain- ing components and structures that span the pe- riod from the final stages of solar nebula conden- sation to the present (Anders, 1962, 1971; Gross- man and Larimer, 1974; Wasson, 1974). They are fragments of parent bodies that accreted from preexisting aggregations of material during the period of planetary system formation some 4.6 billion years ago. These parent bodies were subse- quently disrupted into smaller objects that then had independent existences in space. Individual fragments eventually intercepted the earth and landed as recoverable meteorites. Meteorite struc- tures and compositions have undergone varying degrees of modification while resident in their parent bodies, as small bodies in space, on their passage through the atmosphere, and on landing on the earth's surface. Further changes result from long residence time on the ground and may continue during storage in collections. Bearing evidences of these complex histories, meteorites are samples not only from a far distant place but also from a far distant time, having been preserved in a remarkably gentle environment when com- Roy S. Clarke, Jr., Department of Mineral Sciences, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. 20560. Joseph I. Goldstein, Department of Metallurgy and Materials Sciences, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18015. pared to terrestrial or lunar rocks. As a conse- quence, meteorites have a unique place in the study of the development of the planetary system, yielding information that is available from no other source. Iron meteorites represent only a small fraction of the meteorites that have been observed to fall, about five percent. Fortunately, many specimens from ancient falls have been preserved under such conditions that deterioration has not been severe and are available for study (Buchwald, 1976). If this were not the case, our view of iron meteorite compositions and structures would be much nar- rower than it is. Only one of the meteorites used in this study is an observed fall. The spectacular metallographic structures re- vealed on prepared surfaces of iron meteorites have fascinated scientist and dilettante alike for more than 160 years (Perry, 1944). The Widman- statten pattern is the historical distinguishing char- acteristic of the populous octahedrite classes of iron meteorites (Goldstein and Axon, 1973). At an early date this structure was understood to result from very slow cooling at relatively low tempera- tures in the meteorite parent body. The tempera- ture range through which this structure develops is now believed to be from 700? to 350? C, temper- atures well below those where silicate systems un- dergo change. Interpretation of metallographic structures, therefore, gives information on a late, low temperature period in the history of a parent 1 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES body, information that is not readily available from other types of meteorite studies. Modern interpretations of iron meteorite struc- tures have been based on the Fe-Ni equilibrium diagram (Goldstein and Olgivie, 1965a), as it was the only applicable system known with sufficient accuracy in the low temperature range required. The Widmanstatten pattern, therefore, resulted simply from taenite transforming to kamacite with decreasing temperature as a solid state, diffusion controlled reaction. Recently the iron-rich corner of the Fe-Ni-P equilibrium system has been deter- mined experimentally down to 550? C, leading to new possibilities for investigating meteorite struc- tures (Doan and Goldstein, 1970). In this study the metallography of a group of schreibersite-con- taining coarse-structured iron meteorites has been examined using this low temperature Fe-Ni-P dia- gram. It will be shown that equilibrium growth at higher temperatures combines with diffusion-con- trolled growth at lower temperatures to explain observed structure more comprehensively than was possible using the simpler system. Schreiber- site growth becomes an integral part of the overall structural development process, and schreibersite may no longer be considered an "inclusion" that can be safely ignored when structural development is discussed. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS A number of colleagues and associates have contributed invaluable assistance throughout the course of this study. The support and encourage- ment of departmental chairman William G. Mel- son and his predecessor Brian Mason are acknowl- edged with sincere thanks. Erik Randich provided penetrating discussion of many of the problems studied here, and his analysis of ternary diffusion as applied to schreiberate growth and meteorite cooling rates was made available to us prior to publication. A. D. Romig, Jr., of Lehigh Univer- sity made available to us data on the low tempera- ture Fe-Ni-C system prior to publication. Eugene Jarosewich and Charles R. Obermeyer III fur- nished unstinting help with the electron micro- probe work. Grover C. Moreland and Richard Johnson prepared many excellent polished sec- tions. Ann Garlington and Kathy P. Porter were scrupulous in their attention to the details of manuscript preparation. Dante Piacesi, Jr., of the Office of Computer Services was responsible for the preparation of data reduction programs. A grant from the Secretary's Fluid Research Fund supported a brief visit to Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, in the fall of 1974, where a serious beginning was made on the interpretation of the data. The support of the Geochemistry Program, Division of Earth Sciences, National Sci- ence Foundation, through Grant No. DES 74- 22518 is also acknowledged. The acronym USNM (for the former United States National Museum) is used for catalog numbers in the National Mu- seum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. This paper was presented to the George Wash- ington University, Washington, D.C., by R. S. Clarke, Jr. in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the Ph.D. degree. Historical Background INTRODUCTION Meteorites, with their dramatic arrivals on earth, exotic origins, and unusual structures, have at- tracted much more than routine scientific interest ever since they became respectable objects of study at the end of the 18th century. Many of the leaders in the development of 19th-century physical sci- ence made significant contributions to their study, and several of them will be mentioned below. The older literature is extensive, but it is mainly obso- lete for other than descriptive and historical pur- poses. A critical review of this material was not attempted, but a survey of selected early develop- ments will be given. Scientific interest in schreiber- site dates from near the beginning of meteorite studies, and it is interesting to place modern work in this perspective. The first major development in the metallogra- phy of meteorites was the discovery of the phe- nomenon that has become known as the Widman- statten pattern. This structure was first discovered by William Thomson, an Englishman living in exile in Naples. He published a French version of his findings along with a good illustration in a Swiss journal in 1804. What appears to be an identical paper, only in Italian, dated 6 February 1804, was published in Siena four years later (G. Thomson, 1804, 1808). Modern writers on meteor- itics have been unaware of the earlier paper by NUMBER 21 Thomson, and this has led to confusion as to whether Thomson or Von Widmanstatten really had priority. The record seems to be unambigu- ously in favor of Thomson. Marjorie Hooker of the U.S. Geological Survey retrieved this 1804 paper, and its existence was mentioned in a foot- note in a biographic study of Thomson by C. D. Waterston (1965: 133). The writer ran across Wa- terston's paper among unindexed material in the F. A. Paneth meteorite literature collection that was deposited in the Smithsonian Institution in 1974. Alois von Widmanstatten, Director of the Impe- rial "Fabrik-Produkten-Cabinett" (Industrial Prod- ucts Collection), Vienna, discovered the phenom- enon that now bears his name independently in 1808. He devoted many years to its study and circulated his observations privately, drawing the phenomenon to the attention of students of mete- orites. Von Widmanstatten's observations were fi- nally published in 1820 by his co-worker, Carl von Schreibers (1820). The history of the discovery of the Widmanstatten pattern has been reviewed by Paneth (1960) and Smith (1960, 1962). Smith's review contains excellent reproductions of early prints and a lengthy translation of Schreibers' description of Widmanstatten's work. These early reproductions of iron meteorite structures by Wid- manstatten not only represent an advance in the science of meteoritics but also one in the art of printing. During the 19th century descriptive studies of meteorites advanced with the broadening base of understanding in mineral chemistry and related physical science. Many of the iron meteorites known today were already represented in collec- tions, and a number of them had been carefully described in the literature. The major phases of iron meteorites had been characterized and given mineral names: kamacite (low-nickel Ni-Fe, fer- rite, a-iron, b.c.c), taenite (high-nickel Ni-Fe, austenite, y-iron, f.c.c), plessite (fine-grained in- tergrowth of kamacite and taenite), troilite (FeS), cohenite (Fe3C), and schreibersite ((Fe,Ni)3P) were all known and their bulk compositions understood. Accessory minerals such as daubreelite (FeCr2S4), chromite (FeCr2O4), and graphite (C) were also known. The Widmanstatten pattern was under- stood to have formed by slow cooling under crys- tallographicly controlled conditions, kamacite plates forming parallel to the faces of an octahe- dron, giving the name octahedrite to those meteor- ites that displayed this pattern on polished and etched surfaces. 19TH-CENTURY STUDIES OF SCHREIBERSITE Schreibersite was first characterized in 1832 by the great Swedish chemist J. J. Berzelius (1832a,b, 1833, 1834). He isolated brittle, silver-white grains of a magnetic material from an acid insoluble residue of the B?humilitz, Bohemia, coarse octa- hedrite. Berzelius' elaborate analytical procedure yielded a surprisingly good analysis for the time, demonstrating that his material was an iron-nickel- phosphorus compound containing about 14 per- cent phosphorus and considerably more nickel than the bulk of the meteorite. In 1834 he reported similar analyses for schreibersite from the Elbo- gen, Bohemia, medium octahedrite and the Kras- nojarsk, Siberia, pallasite (the historic Pallas Iron). It is also interesting to note that Berzelius' concept of the Widmanstatten pattern included the ele- ment phosphorus, as is indicated by the following quotation: Es mochte wahrscheinlich seyn, dass die sogenannten Widman- stddtschen Figuren einer, der hier analysirten Schuppen analo- gen, Verbindung zwischen Eisen, Nickel und Phosphor, zuzu- schreiben seyen, welches zu erforschen ich aus Mengel an Material verhindert bin. Berzelius (1832b:297) Early descriptions of schreibersite occurrences were confounded by inadequate separation tech- niques, poor analytical methods, and complica- tions arising from both the varied morphology and the wide range in composition that is typical of this mineral. C. U. Shepard (1846, 1853) ana- lysed schreibersite and attempted to assign a min- eral name to it. His suggestion, however, was supported by inadequate data. Credit for naming schreibersite belongs to A. Patera, whose recom- mendation was reported by Haidinger (1847). The name honors Professor Karl von Schreibers (1775- 1852), director of the Imperial Cabinet, Vienna, a pioneer worker on meteorites and colleague of Von Widmanstatten. The writings of J. Lawrence Smith, a distin- guished chemist of the middle part of the last century (Silliman, 1886; Phillips, 1965), include numerous examples of early work on meteorites. SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES His description of the Tazewell, Tennessee, finest octahedrite contains a lengthy discussion of his observations (Smith, 1855). At this early date he recognized the name schreibersite and applied it to the correct mineral. He reports having identi- fied schreibersite by visual inspection in a number of iron meteorites from "the Yale College Cabi- net," where it had previously been thought to be pyrite. Smith's low nickel value for Tazewell schreibersite is suspect and his attempt at a for- mula was unsuccessful, but he clearly recognized the species and understood which elements were its major constituents. This work was undoubtedly done, at least in part, in the chemical laboratory of the Smithsonian Institution. This laboratory was organized by Professor Smith in 1854, and Secretary Joseph Henry reported that during the year "he also made a series of analyses of meteor- ites, among which were fourteen specimens from the cabinet of James Smithson, the founder of the Institution" (Goode, 1897:614). Confusion in nomenclature, however, persisted in the literature for many years. Von Reichenbach (1861) discussed schreibersite under the descriptive term "Ganzeisen" and also used the name lamper- ite. Both of these names are now part of the synonymy of schreibersite. Rose (1865) introduced the synonym rhabdite into the literature, a name derived from the Greek word for "rod." This term is still in common use by meteoriticists, but only when morphological distinctions are of inter- est. Rhabdite is the term used for the small schrei- bersite crystals occurring in the kamacite of iron meteorites. In polished sections these small schrei- bersite crystals have rhombohedral cross sections that in some cases are elongated, suggesting rods or needles. The early literature on meteoritic phosphides, schreibersite and rhabdite, was reviewed in detail by Cohen (1894). Included were a number of analyses of schreibersite and rhabdite isolated from various meteorites by Cohen and his co- workers, as well as selected analyses from the literature. This work established that schreibersite and rhabdite are morphological variations of the same mineral species, the rhabdite form having a somewhat higher nickel concentration than that observed in large schreibersite inclusions. A simi- lar review was given a few years later by Farrington (1915), using much of the same data Cohen used but with several later analyses. The 19th-century work on meteoritic phos- phides that culminated with Cohen's and Farring- ton's reviews was limited by the capabilities of classical descriptive mineralogy and classical ana- lytical chemistry. A plateau had been reached in descriptive iron meteorite studies in general that became an accepted norm that was exceeded by few workers during the first half of the 20th century. Most iron meteorite descriptions pub- lished during this period employed neither con- cepts nor techniques beyond those available to Cohen. The descriptive literature grew in volume and in quality, but new interpretations lagged. Powerful petrographic techniques were being de- veloped and used by metallurgists and ore micro- scopists, but they were not much used by students of iron meteorites. The availability of good trans- mitted light microscopes in the hands of petrogra- phers who were accustomed to working with sili- cate minerals resulted in stony meteorites being preferred subjects of investigation. EARLY 20TH-CENTURY STUDIES OF IRON METEORITES The emergence of modern physical chemistry and physical metallurgy during the decades adja- cent to the turn of the century had a marked effect on the future course of iron meteorite investigations. Descriptive studies following the 19th-century pattern continued to comprise the bulk of the published literature and, indeed, con- tinue to be published today as essential documen- tation. More modern experimental approaches, however, became significant, resulting in a body of knowledge more readily interpretable in terms of origins and developmental histories of meteor- ites than was previously possible. Actually, the roots of this work go back to a much earlier period. Pioneering synthetic experi- ments were made by Michael Faraday as early as 1820. He prepared metals of meteoritic composi- tions in the course of an investigation to improve steel (Stodart and Faraday, 1820). At a later pe- riod, Daubree (1868) described synthetic experi- ments related to meteorites. Sorby (1877, 1887), the father of metallography, made astute observa- tions, some of which were based on artificial alloys of meteoritic compositions. Unfortunately, Sorby's pioneering efforts in the metallography of mete- orites were not pursued. The following quotation NUMBER 21 from his 1877 paper reflects his perceptive under- standing of the structures he observed: These facts clearly indicate that the Widmanstatt's Figuring is the result of such a complete separation of the constituents and perfect crystallisation as can occur only when the process takes place slowly and gradually. . . . Difference in the rate of cooling would serve well to explain the difference in the structure of some meteoritic iron which do not differ in chemical composition; ... we are quite at liberty to conclude that they may have been melted .... During the same period the well-known French mineralogist, Meunier (1880), reported the results of his synthetic work on meteoritic systems. A paper by Brezina (1906) is an excellent summariz- ing statement of this early period. It contains a number of good photomicrographs of iron mete- orites, an unusual feature for papers of the time, and it discusses the development of these struc- tures in terms of exsolution phenomena (solid state transformation). He also gave a succession for the formation of the constituents of iron mete- orites, starting with olivine in pallasites: olivine, daubreelite, troilite, graphite, schreibersite, co- henite, chromite, swathing kamacite, kamacite bands, taenite, and plessite. This is a remarkably informative listing for the time, demonstrating careful petrographic observation and keen insight. One of the perennial problems of meteorite research has been that of drawing the attention of those with the knowledge and facilities to make significant contributions to the meteorite speci- mens and the important and interesting scientific problems they represent. Despite Sorby's enthusi- asm for meteorite studies, metallurgists showed little interest and had to be attracted into the field. An example of this process is an invited paper read before the Vienna meeting of the Iron and Steel Institute in 1907. Professor Frederick Berwerth's (1907) paper, "Steel and Meteoritic Iron," was based on his knowledge of the meteor- ite collection of the Imperial Natural History Mu- seum, Vienna. It was an open invitation to metal- lurgists to become involved in this field of study. During the early decades of this century, syn- thetic studies were combined with analyses based on equilibrium phase diagrams. The work of Os- mond and Cartaud (1904), Benedicks (1910), and Belaiew (1924) are examples. Unfortunately, the tools were not available at the time to determine sufficiently accurate equilibrium diagrams. As a result, many of the conclusions drawn were seri- ously flawed. These studies, however, pointed the way for future workers. The introduction of X-ray diffraction analysis into metallurgical and mineralogical research in the 1920s had an important influence on meteorite studies. Young (1926) published an early study establishing that kamacite precipitates from tae- nite, not the converse as many had previously thought. X-ray examination of the Widmanstatten pattern continued for over a decade with deepen- ing understanding and some controversy (Mehl and Derge, 1937; Derge and Komnel, 1937; Owen, 1938; Smith and Young, 1938, 1939). Rudolf Vogel's contributions to metallurgical studies in meteorites deserves special mention, his published papers having covered the period 1925 to 1967. They treated a broad range of topics related to meteoritics, eight of them being of particular interest in this context (Vogel, 1927, 1928, 1932, 1951, 1952, 1957, 1964; Vogel and Baur, 1931). These papers deal with the role of phosphorus in the development of meteoritic structures. His 1928 paper discusses schreibersite and rhabdite precipitation in terms of a hypothet- ical ternary Fe-Ni-P system. His 1932 and 1952 papers discuss the same material in terms of exper- imentally derived ternary diagrams. A watershed publication that represents the cul- mination of this earlier period of iron meteorite research is Perry's (1944) monograph on the met- allography of meteoritic iron. Although many photographs of iron meteorites had been pub- lished in the older literature, most of these were external views of complete specimens or macro- photographs of meteorite slices prepared for ex- hibit purposes. Perry's publication was the first comprehensive and systematic collection of iron meteorite photomicrographs. The variety of me- tallic structures in iron meteorites was presented to the scientific public in a way that has had significant impact up to the present. Sorby had pointed out the power of the metallographic ap- proach in 1877, but it was not seriously pursued until E. P. Henderson drew the publisher and meteorite collector S. H. Perry into this field in the 1930s (Henderson and Perry, 1958: ii). MODERN WORK ON METALLIC PHASES OF IRON METEORITES Modern work on the metallic phases of iron meteorites includes studies that may be grouped SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES into the following categories for convenience: (1) interpretations of the Widmanstatten pattern in terms of cooling histories of meteoritic parent bodies, (2) compositional studies utilizing trace elements and structure as a means of identifying parent bodies, (3) schreibersite growth as a key to structure development and cooling history, (4) descriptive studies and literature reviews. These studies are interrelated and provide essential back- ground for the work to be discussed below. Brief mention of major contributions in these areas will be given here. Progress in developing accurate low tempera- ture phase diagrams has played an essential role in modern iron meteorite studies. The Fe-Ni dia- gram of Goldstein and Ogilvie (1965a) has been used by meteoriticists for over 10 years (Figure 1). Electron microprobe techniques were employed by these workers to improve upon earlier equilib- rium diagrams (Owen and Sully, 1939; Owen and Lui, 1949) and to reconcile the Fe-Ni diagram with observations on meteorites (Agrell et al., 1963). Buchwald (1966) studied the Fe-Ni-P system at low temperature using X-ray techniques and proposed a diagram that he used to discuss mete- orite structure development. More extensive work on the Fe-Ni-P system based on longer cooling periods and electron microprobe measurements was reported by Doan and Goldstein (1970), and their diagram is basic to the interpretation of the experimental observations discussed below. The modern literature on the growth of the Widmanstatten pattern is extensive. Massalski and Park (1962) used the Fe-Ni equilibrium diagram to calculate initial temperatures of kamacite precipi- tation and final equilibrium temperatures, using areal distribution of kamacite and taenite and a lever rule calculation. Wood (1964) and Goldstein and Ogilvie (1965b) considered the nonequilibrium nature of iron meteorite structures, and combined phase diagram and kinetic considerations to derive cooling rates and to estimate parent body sizes. Both papers recognize Widmanstatten pattern growth as diffusion controlled and not subject to bulk equilibrium consideration. Wood (1964) uses the relationship between Ni buildup at the centers of taenite bands and kamacite band widths to calculate cooling rates. The Goldstein and Ogilvie (1965b) approach used a detailed analysis of diffu- sion gradients within taenite at taenite-kamacite interfaces. Both approaches gave comparable cool- ing rates within reasonable limits of error. A number of other papers were published during this period that contributed significantly to our knowledge of the structural detail of meteoritic iron (Short and Anderson, 1965; Goldstein, 1965; Reed, 1965b; Axon and Boustead, 1967). Cooling rate and thermal history studies were pursued by Goldstein and co-workers (Short and Goldstein, 1967; Goldstein and Short, 1967a, b; Fricker et al., 1970). Goldstein and Doan (1972) discussed the effect of phosphorus on the formation of the Widmanstatten pattern and reported the first lab- oratory production of an artificial Widmanstatten pattern. They conclude that cooling rate calcula- tions are not seriously affected by phosphorus. A comprehensive review of Widmanstatten pattern studies has been published by Goldstein and Axon (1973). Compositional studies of iron meteorites have traditionally gone hand-in-hand with classification, bulk Ni values and metallographic structure being the primary considerations in assigning classifica- tion categories. Modern versions of this type of classification have been given by Buchwald and Munck (1965) and Goldstein (1969). The grouping of iron meteorites on the basis of trace element content was introduced by Goldberg et al. (1951) and Lovering et al. (1957). Wasson and co-workers in a series of papers (Wasson, 1974; Scott and Wasson, 1975, 1976) have extended this approach to define genetic groups in a large number of iron meteorites, based on Ni, Ga, Ge, and Ir contents and structural considerations. Sixteen iron mete- orite groups have been characterized, represent- ing 12 genetically related meteorite groups and a number of individual meteorite parent bodies. iRecent work on schreibersite growth in iron meteorites may be dated from the observations of Henderson and Perry (1958). Using conventional chemical analysis, they observed unusually low Ni concentrations in swathing kamacite bordering the large low-Ni (12%) schreibersite in the Tombigbee River meteorite, a meteorite they also showed to contain low-Ni (20%) rhabdite. They explained their observations in part on the migration of Fe and Ni atoms in the solid state and suggested that much of the phosphide may have separated from the liquid. Somewhat later, the first electron mi- croprobe measurements of schreibersite composi- NUMBER 21 900 1 800 700 600 500 400 300 - 0 - - i i i i \ \ \ \ 11 11 1w 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 a+y 1 r i 1 10 20 30 40 ATOMIC % NICKEL FIGURE 1. ?LOW temperature Fe-Ni phase diagram of Goldstein and Ogilvie (1965). 50 tions were reported by Adler and Dwornik (1961) on schreibersite and individual rhabdite crystals from the Canyon Diablo meteorite. Goldstein and Ogilvie (1963) reported electron microprobe analyses of the composition of various- sized schreibersites in the Canyon Diablo, Breece and Grant meteorites. They observed a size-com- position correlation, the smaller the schreibersite the higher the Ni content, and showed the pres- ence of a zone of Ni depletion (swathing zone) even around very small schreibersites (rhabdites). They suggested that most schreibersite grew by solid state precipitation; although massive schrei- bersites showing no relation to the Widmanstatten pattern probably formed directly from the liquid state. Size and composition of the schreibersites were explained as dependent upon nucleation temperature and time available for growth of the precipitate. A growth analysis based on diffusion kinetics demonstrated that larger schreibersites nucleated between 700? and 500? C, and that small schreibersites (rhabdites) formed between 500? and 400? C. They also demonstrated that P solubility was greater in kamacite than in taenke. Reed (1965a) emphasized the important role P plays in the formation of iron meteorite structures. He determined the range of Ni values in schreiber- sites and rhabdites in a large number of meteor- ites, finding Ni values as low as 14% in large schreibersites and as high as 50% in small taenite- border schreibersites. Ni depletion at kamacite- schreibersite interfaces was also demonstrated. The precipitate size and Ni content relationships were confirmed, and Reed pointed out that size- for-size rhabdite grains in the Canyon Diablo me- teorite are 7% higher in Ni than those in the Coahuila meteorite. The author recognized the approximate nature of chemical analysis values 8 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES for total P, suggesting that in most cases the actual values are higher than the measured values. He discussed the sequence of phase formation in me- teorites based on Vogel and Baur's (1931) phase diagram and stressed the need for more precise information on phase equilibria. In a subsequent paper, Reed (1967) measured P distribution in the Mount Edith meteorite, dem- onstrating the practicality of measuring Ni and P distribution profiles in kamacite, taenite, and schreibersite. Later Reed (1969) discussed the role of P in relation to Widmanstatten pattern forma- tion and cooling rate calculations, and reported measurements of P content in the kamacite of 61 meteorites. Doan and Goldstein (1969) discussed the forma- tion of phosphides in the various meteorite classi- fication groups on the basis of their newly deter- mined Fe-Ni-P phase diagram. They estimated total P values from examination of the largest available polished sections of a number of meteor- ites, and used them as the basis of a discussion of schreibersite precipitation reactions in various me- teorite composition ranges. They inferred thermal equilibrium in iron meteorites down to 650? C, with schreibersites forming at higher temperatures while rhabdites form from kamacite at low temper- atures when Ni and P diffusion are severely lim- ited. Comerford (1969) discussed schreibersite and cohenite occurrences in iron meteorites and pointed out that rhabdites, schreibersites that nu- cleated within kamacite, may be more reliable for diffusion analysis than grain boundary schreiber- sites. Axon and co-workers have discussed schrei- bersite occurrences in a broad range of meteorites (Axon and Faulkner, 1970; Axon and Waine, 1971, 1972; Axon and Smith, 1972). The papers of Axon and Waine (1971, 1972) discuss schreibersite mor- phology, mode of occurrence, and relationship to other minerals in great detail. Hornbogen and Kreye (1970) have reported detailed metallo- graphic studies on the Coahuila and Gibeon mete- orites and have discussed Ni and P solid state reactions in some detail. Reed (1972) has reported analyses of schreibersite in the Oktibbeha County meteorite, the highest Ni schreibersite known in meteorites (65.1%), and De Laeter et :al. (1973) have reported on schreibersite in the Redfields meteorites, the lowest Ni schreibersite on record (7.0%). Modern reviews that are particularly important to the investigations at hand have been mentioned previously. The paper by Goldstein and Axon (1973) is a comprehensive review of the develop- ment of the Widmanstatten pattern. The recent book by Wasson (1974) is a broad treatment of meteorites and includes an excellent summary of the work on chemical groupings of iron meteorites with extensive listings of individual iron meteorite analyses and classification. The treatise on iron meteorites by Buchwald (1976) has been of great help. Much of the descriptive material on individ- ual meteorites had been available to us in manu- script, and Dr. Buchwald spent many hours teach- ing the senior author the rudiments of iron mete- orite metallography during his two-year stay (1968-1970) at the Division of Meteorites, Smith- sonian Institution. RELATED MATERIALS Schreibersite occurrences are not restricted solely to iron meteorites. It is an accessory mineral in pallasites, mesosiderites, and enstatite chon- drites, and has been reported in several ordinary chondrites, and a few carbonaceous chondrites and achondrites (Ramdohr, 1973; Powell, 1971; Malissa, 1974). Schreibersite is also known as a product of combustion in the coal mines of Com- mentry and Cranzac, France (Palache et al., 1944: 125), as a cavity mineral in iron slags (Spencer, 1916), and associated with metallic iron in the Disko Island, Greenland, basalts (Pauly, 1969). Schreibersite has been observed by a number of workers in metal particles in lunar soil and rocks. Individual particles have been described in great detail, and Ni/Co ratios have been used to identify metal of meteoritic origin (Goldstein et al., 1970; Goldstein and Yakowitz, 1971; Axon and Gold- stein, 1972; Goldstein et al., 1972). Nickel concen- tration in metal and schreibersite in contact with each other have also been used to suggest final equilibrium temperatures and to imply cooling histories. As lunar studies have continued, it has become apparent that a greater proportion of schreibersite-containing lunar metal than had pre- viously been thought has been derived from proc- esses other than simple disruption of impacting meteorites (Axon and Goldstein, 1973; El Goresy et al., 1973; Brown et al., 1973; Carter and Pado- vani, 1973; McKay et al., 1973; Goldstein and Axon, 1973; Gooley et al., 1973). NUMBER 21 9 A second phosphide mineral, barringerite (Fe,Ni,Co)2P, has been reported from the Ollague pallasite (Buseck, 1969). This material is probably a secondary product of some type and not an en- dogenous meteoritic mineral (Buchwald, 1976: 105). The phosphide mineral, schreibersite, is the only phosphorus mineral that is observed as a minor phase in most iron meteorites, and it is the only phosphorus-containing mineral that will be considered in this paper. There are, however, nine phosphate minerals known in meteorites, and seven of these have been identified as trace constituents in iron meteorites (Fuchs, 1969; Bild, 1974). They are chlorapatite, Ca5(PO4)3Cl; grafton- ite, (Fe,Mn)3(PO4)2; sarcopside, (Fe,Mn)3(PO4)2; whitlockite, Ca3(PO4)2; brianite, Na2MgCa(PO4)2; panethite, Na2Mg2(PO4)2; and farringtonite, Mg3(PO4)2. These minerals are observed in a vari- ety of associations: as inclusions? in graphite-troi- lite-silicate nodules, in simple troilite nodules or in troilite-chromite nodules, as inclusions in or in contact with schreibersite, and associated with other minor minerals or isolated in metal. The phosphate-phosphide association has been used to calculate equilibrium oxygen fugacity in iron me- teorites and pallasites (Olsen and Fredriksson, 1966; Olsen and Fuchs, 1967). In the iron meteor- ites considered in this paper, phosphate minerals are either absent or isolated within inclusions that represent a higher temperature stage in the devel- opment of the meteorite structure. No evidence has been developed in this work to indicate that the observed phosphide-metal equilibria have been affected by the presence of phosphates. Experimental Two types of data are needed in order to inter- pret iron meteorite structural development as a consequence of cooling through the subsolidus Fe-Ni-P system. Accurate bulk compositions are the first requirement, and good bulk Ni values are available from the literature. The problem of obtaining good bulk P values has not been solved satisfactorily, and estimated values were found to be useful. This aspect of the problem will be discussed in detail below. The second type of data required are P and Ni gradients within kamacite and schreibersite, and particularly P and Ni values at kamacite-schreibersite interfaces. Experimental procedures for obtaining these values were devel- oped in the electron microprobe laboratory of the Department of Mineral Sciences, National Mu- seum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. Reed (1967, 1969) had reported traverse data on the Mount Edith meteorite and had demonstrated the practicality of measuring the low P levels in kamacite with the microprobe. Doan and Gold- stein's (1970) experience in their phase diagram studies was also encouraging. Ideally, one re- quired step-by-step traverses over many meteorite structures, each traverse consisting of a large num- ber of individual analyses for P and Ni. Ni concen- trations were in a range that presented no unusual analytical problems, but the expected low levels of P required special care. An A.R.L. EMX electron microprobe (Applied Research Laboratory, Sunland, California) was used in this work. Simultaneous measurements were made for Ni Ka (LiF crystal) and P Ka (ADP crystal) radiation at an X-ray takeoff angle of 52.5?. The instrument was operated at an acceler- ating voltage of 20 KV, with an approximately 0.1 fia sample current on 100% Fe and a beam size of approximately 1 /xm. Average count rates mea- sured on 50% Ni and calculated to 100% Ni were 30,000 cts/sec, with a peak to background ratio of 230. Count rates for 100% P measured on schrei- bersite were 25,000 cts/sec with a peak to back- ground ratio of 915. Standard statistical assump- tions suggest that for the 20 second counting periods employed, a detectability limit for P of 150 ppm for a single determination would be achieved, within a satisfactory range for the prob- lem at hand (Ziebold, 1967). Neighboring P deter- minations within a given traverse generally agreed within ?50 ppm. The standards used were 100% Fe, 100% Ni, a series of Fe-Ni alloys of known composition, and a fragment of a large schreibersite from the Canyon Diablo meteorite. The 100% Fe was used for deter- mining both Ni and P background counts. The Fe-Ni standards were prepared by R. E. Ogilvie and obtained from J. I. Goldstein. They were used to derive an empirical curve that was incor- porated into a data reduction program to correct Ni determinations. The schreibersite standard contained 12.9% Ni, 0.26% Co, and.was assumed to contain 15.5% P. A linear relationship between P counts in schreibersite and concentration in an unknown was assumed. This was thought to cause 10 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES no serious error in low level P measurements, but it does introduce errors in P determination in schreibersite. In this study, P values for schreiber- site were only used to identify the mineral, and for this purpose corrections seemed unnecessary. Sections were prepared for study by standard metallographic procedures. Pieces of meteorite were mounted in one-inch diameter Bakelite, ground on a graded series of sandpapers, and polished with 3 /xm diamond paste and finally Linde B alumina compound. The sections were then lightly etched with 0.5% nital (0.5 ml nitric acid in 100 ml of 95% ethanol). Light etching was essential to reveal structures that were examined and to permit their being relocated and analyzed in the microprobe. It would have been impossible to obtain the mass of data required using unetched sections. While deep etching is known to cause errors in microprobe measurements at phase inter- faces, the light etching used here did not seem to cause a problem. A schreibersite-kamacite-taenite structure in the Carleton meteorite was selected to test this point. As nearly identical traverses as possible, considering that the section had to be removed from the microprobe, were made before and after etching. The results were identical within reasonable experimental error. Areas selected for microprobe analysis were photographed in detail, permitting the recording of the exact location of microprobe traverses. The electron microprobe data was accumulated using a step-scan procedure. Ni and P counts were measured simultaneously and recorded on punch cards along with step length. The data were computer processed, resulting in a second set of cards containing calculated P values, empir- ically corrected Ni values, and step length. These cards in turn were used to obtain computer gen- erated plots. Photographs of the data plots as received from the computer are given in Figures 2 and 3. The only additions to these diagrams are the vertical lines that have been added to help identify the structural elements. Figure 2 is a traverse across a structure in the Ballinger, Texas, meteorite, catalog number USNM 824. The label- ing indicates that this is the fifth traverse made over structures in that meteorite, the data having been taken on 8 September 1972. Two symbols are used to indicate P concentration, the ordinate scale being zero to 0.7% P for low values and zero to 70% P for high values. The traverse started in kamacite and crossed a very thin, elongated phos- phide (4 /mm wide) at the edge of a taenite lamella. It passed into kamacite and after traveling 275 /Am entered a rhombohedral phosphide (rhabdite) 30 /u,m across and then passed into kamacite again. The two unusually high P values in the kamacite are undoubtedly due to unseen phosphides that were included in the excitation volume of the microprobe beam. Figure 3 is a similar plot for the Lexington County Meteorite. In this case only a portion of the complete traverse is reproduced (700 out of 1600 fim). The traverse started in kamacite, entered a phosphide at a taenite border, passed into kamacite, a second phosphide, and a second taenite lamella. Interface concentration values and concentration gradient shapes and lengths were read from these plots. Data obtained in this way are subject to several sources of error beyond those that apply to an individual point analysis in a homogeneous mate- rial. Stability of the microprobe over the long periods required to obtain lengthy traverses was a problem. Due to the survey nature of this investi- gation, compromises were made in favor of large numbers of traverses and for lengthy traverses. The microprobe beam current was monitored and kept within narrow limits, but this does not neces- sarily prevent all instrumental drift. Data were rejected when drift became an obvious problem, but normally measurements on standards or re- peated measurements on the same structures gave identical results within reasonable limits of error (? 0.005% P, ?0.1% Ni). The schreibersite-kamacite interface measure- ments are subject to errors due to both finite beam size and to interface geometry. The finite beam produces measured interface profiles that are less sharp than the actual profile. It is unlikely that this is a serious error in determining the interface value of P in kamacite, as this is only read to the nearest 0.01%. The interface value of Ni in kamacite is probably increased slightly by the proximity of high Ni in the adjoining schrei- bersite. More serious errors may result from inter- face geometry, as there is no reason to assume that the interfaces measured were perpendicular to the surface of the section. The small size of most of the structures measured, combined with their large number, made it impractical to attempt measuring slopes and applying corrections. Repro- ducibility of measurements on the same structure NUMBER 21 11 BRLLINGER 824 05 8 SEPT 72 ELEMENT rn = P (0-.7) ? = P (0-70) * = NI (0-70) B 5 a me a 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 DISTflNCE (MICRONS) FIGURE 2. ?Computer plotted Ni-P traverse across structure in Ballinger meteorite. and on similar structures within the same meteor- ite indicated that this is not too serious a problem for the study at hand. Results Eight coarse-structured iron meteorites covering a range of bulk Ni and bulk P contents were selected for Ni and P measurements at kamacite- schreibersite interfaces (Table 1). Four structural and five chemical classification categories are rep- resented in the group. The Bellsbank meteorite contains very low total Ni, while Balfour Downs is one of the highest Ni members of Group IA. Coahuila contains only about 0.3 wt. %P, while Bellsbank contains exceptionally high P. The other meteorites in the group range between these limits in Ni and P contents. The data in Table 1 were taken from Wasson (1974) and Buchwald (1976). Buchwald's values combine, where appropriate, chemical analytical values with the results of plan- ometric analyses of large surfaces. Contributions of Ni and P due to large schreibersite inclusions are included in this approach, resulting in esti- mates more representative of the meteorite as a whole than uncorrected chemical values. Wasson's Ni values are chemical values determined on small samples taken for trace element analysis. A com- plete review of the literature of each of these meteorites and a discussion of their detailed met- allography has been given by Buchwald (1976). Microscopic examination of metallographic sec- tions of these eight meteorites led to the selection of representative schreibersite-containing struc- 12 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES LEXINGTON COUNTY 3334 03 30 SEPT 72 ELEMENT m = P (0-.7) O = P (0-70) A = NI t0-70) HO O a 100 ISO 200 250 300 360 400 450 600 550 DISTRNCE (MICRONS) FIGURE 3. ?Computer plotted Ni-P traverse across structure in Lexington County meteorite. tures for detailed study by the electron microprobe step-scan procedure described above. Several mi- croprobe traverses were made for each meteorite, and the data obtained on Ni and P values at kamacite-schreibersite interfaces and on Ni and P gradients in kamacite are summarized below. A separate table accompanies the description of trav- erses for a given meteorite, the format used being the same in each case (Tables 2-9). The first two columns give the specimen number, which in- cludes the USNM catalog number, and the traverse number. Column three contains two types of information. The first entry for each traverse is enclosed in square brackets and gives the sequence of phases traversed and the length of the traverse. The abbreviations used here are Ph for the various morphologies of schreibersite, a for kamacite and y for taenite. The following entries for a given traverse identify the specific schreibersites mea- sured and give the length of schreibersite tra- versed. The next column, headed %NiSch, gives the weight percent Ni in schreibersite either at a kamacite-schreibersite interface or within a large schreibersite. Where an interface measurement has been made, the schreibersite Ni value will be followed in the next two columns by the weight percent Ni in kamacite at the interface (%Niot) and the weight percent P at the interface (%Pa). The next two sets of two columns each indicate the length of observed Ni and P gradients away from the interface and the Ni and P values at which a gradient was no longer distinguishable. Factors NUMBER 21 13 TABLE 1. ? Composition and classification of selected meteorites Meteorite Coahuila Bellsbank BaTMnger Santa Luzia Lexington County .... Bahjol Goose Lake Balfour Downs ?Buchwald (1976) **Wasson (1974) Weight Percent %P* ChemicalClassification** StructuralClassification* 0.3 2 0.4 0.9 0.3 0.4 0.3 5.6 5.3 6.5 6.6 -7.0 7.7 8.3 8.4 5.49 4.13 6.19 6.3 6.69 7.95 8.00 8.39 IIA IRANOM IA-AN I IB IA IA-AN IA-AN IA H H Og Ogg 0g 0g 0m Og such as impingement and termination of a partic- ular traverse influence these final observed Ni and P values. In the final three columns the Ni and P values from columns three through six have been converted to atomic percent for use later. COAHUILA The Coahuila, Mexico, meteorite is an example of an ordinary hexahedrite (IIA), similar in com- position and structure to a number of other hexa- hedrites. It consists of single crystal kamacite con- taining profuse small schreibersites generally of rhabdite morphology, and occasional larger schreibersites. The larger schreibersites sometimes border troilite or troilite-daubreelite inclusions, and in rare instances are associated with cohenite. Section 3298 is dominated by six troilite-dau- breelite inclusions, ranging in size from 5 to 0.3 mm in diameter. Half to three-quarters of the length of the borders of these sulfides are rimmed with schreibersite. One small sulfide is bordered for most of its circumference with schreibersite, the remaining border being rimmed with cohenite. Kamacite in the vicinity of these inclusions contains many subgrain boundaries and is free of schreiber- site. Microrhabdites measuring less than a few microns in maximum length and generally consid- erably smaller are present in profusion away from these inclusions. Somewhat larger rhabdites are present in several areas aligned along Neumann bands. Several lamellar schreibersites, 5 to 10 /am wide and extending to lengths that are a major part of a millimeter or more, are also present. A summary of the traverses of this section is given below and specific measurements are listed in Table 2. 3298, traverse 1: crossed a 150 /xm wide schreibersite bordering a 2 x 2 mm troilite-daubreelite inclusion and then extended into the surrounding kamacite for nearly 1 mm. 3298, traverse 2: crossed a 40 yum wide schreibersite bordering a 0.5 x 0.5 mm troilite-daubreelite inclusion and then ex- tended 350 (im into the surrounding kamacite. 3298, traverse 3: crossed a 100 /u.m wide schreibersite bordering the 5x5 mm troilite-daubreelite inclusion and then ex- tended for 350 /xm into surrounding kamacite. This traverse is reproduced at the upper left in Figure 4. Section 1641(1) primarily contains regions of kamacite with evenly distributed rhabdite, the in- dividual rhabdites averaging 200 fim2 in cross- sectional area. Also present in areas of clear kam- acite are several large schreibersite inclusions and schreibersite-cohenite inclusions. The largest schreibersite inclusion has an area of 0.25 mm2. A 0.1 x 0.6 mm schreibersite is bordered by cohen- ite, and an adjacent, slightly smaller schreibersite is partially surrounded by cohenite. One cohenite area, 0.2 x 0.3 mm, contains six small schreiber- sites. A 0.4 x 1.4 mm cohenite area contains a number of small schreibersites and surrounds a central schreibersite measuring 0.04 x 0.6 mm. An 80 X 150 fim daubreelite is surrounded by schreibersite. Two lamellar schreibersites, each approximately 0.02 X 1.0 mm, are present, and one of these is partially bordered with cohenite. 1641(1), traverse 4: crossed a large skeletal schreibersite enclos- ing a kamacite area. The traverse first crossed 450 fjun of kamacite, then 120 /urn of schreibersite, 70 jxm of included kamacite, a second 70 (im schreibersite crossing, and termi- nated after passing through 360 /tm of kamacite. The schrei- bersite was of uniform composition, and the measurements 14 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE 2. ?Coahuila schreibersite-kamacite interface measurements Specimen No. 3298 3298 3298 1641(1) 1641(1) 1641 1641 1641 1641 Traverse No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Structure traversed & schreibersites measured [Ph border of troilite-daubreelite inciusion-a, 1.1 mm] Schreibersite, 150 pm wide [Ph border of troilite-daubreelite inclusion-a, 400 ym] Schreibersite, 40 ym wide [Ph border of troilite-daubreelite inclusion-a, 450 ym] Schreibersite, 100 um wide [a-Ph-a-Ph-a, 1 mm] Schreibersite 260x500 ym with 60x170 um included kamacite 120 ym traverse 70 ym traverse [a-Ph-a, 350 um] Rhabdite, 25 ym traverse Enter Exit [a-Ph-a, 750 um] Rhabdite (45x75 um), 45 um traverse [a-Ph-a, 800 um] Rhabdite (50x70 um), 70 ym traverse Exit [o-Ph-a-Ph-a, 850 ym] Rhabdite (50x70 ym), 50 um traverse Rhabdite (25x30 ym), 25 ym traverse [a-Ph-a, 200 ym] Rhabdite (20x40 um), 25 ym traverse Weight *NiSch 23.5 25.0 25.0 23.5 23.5 34.5 34.5 27.5 27.0 27.0 29.0 33.0 Percent 3SNi %Pa a 3.4 3.6 3.7 3.5 3.5 4.9 4.9 3.7 4.0 4.1 3.7 4.5 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.05 Ni Gradient Length (ym) Wt.%Ni 600 250 250 200 250 50 50 175 100 150 200 50 5.5 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 P Gradient Length (um) Wt.%P 800 350 300 50 200 Flat 100 100 Flat Flat 100 Flat 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.05 Atomic *NiSch 20.1 21.4 21.4 20.1 20.1 29.7 29.7 23.6 23.1 23.1 24.9 28.4 Percent %N1 %Pa a 3.2 3.4 3.5 3.3 3.3 4.7 4.7 3.5 3.8 3.9 3.5 4.3 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.11 0.11 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.11 0.09 in Table 2 are for the initial and final schreibersite-kamacite interfaces. 1641(1), traverse 5: crossed 100 fim of kamacite, a 25 fim wide rhabdite and terminated after another 200 fim of kamacite. This traverse is reproduced at the lower left in Figure 4. Section 1641 is a neighboring specimen to 1641(1) and is similar in metallography. Evenly distributed rhabdites averaging about 200 jam2 in area are the primary feature. Random larger schreibersites, schreibersite-daubreelite, and schreibersite-cohenite inclusions similar to those described above are present, although they are neither as numerous nor as large as the largest mentioned above. Two unusually large rhabdites and two smaller ones were selected for measure- ment. 1641, traverse 6: crossed 400 fim of kamacite, a 45 fim wide rhabdite, and 300 fim of kamacite. Values reported in Table 2 are an average of the two similar interface measurements. This traverse is reproduced upper right in Figure 4. 1641, traverse 7: crossed 230 fim of kamacite, entered the rhabdite from an area of disturbed kamacite, traversed 70 fim of rhabdite and then 0.5 mm of kamacite. Only the measurements on leaving the rhabdite were usable. 1641, traverse 8: crossed 370 fim of kamacite, 50 fim of rhabdite, 25 fim of kamacite, 25 fim of rhabdite, and 350 fim of kamacite. The large rhabdite traversed here is the same one traversed in number 7 but from a near perpendicular direc- tion. Values reported in Table 2 are averages of two similar interface measurements. 1641, traverse 9: crossed a smaller rhabdite approximately 1 mm from traverses 6 through 8. 90 fim of kamacite were crossed, followed by 25 fim of rhabdite and 80 fim of kamacite. Average interface values are listed in Table 2. This traverse is reproduced at the lower right in Figure 4. Ni and P concentration-distance profiles typical of the Coahuila data outlined above are given in Figure 4. These diagrams were prepared from tracings of the computer plotted step-scan data. Ni concentrations are indicated by the solid lines, and P concentrations multiplied by 100 by dashed lines. The Ni profiles are normally readily repro- duced from the data charts without ambiguity. The low level P data contains more scatter; draw- ing the appropriate line, and particularly selecting -NUMBER 21 15 5O 45- 40- om UJ 0. ? 3O O UJ S 25 20- 15- ,0 25 100 (Jm 0.08 3.7 P x 100 Ni 3296 28 0.07 3.7 1641 400 MICRONS N4.9 300 MICRONS 0.05,,4.5 FIGURE 4. ?Ni and P profiles at kamacite-schreibersite interfaces in Coahuila: upper left, traverse 3; upper right, 6; lower left, 5; lower right, 9. 16 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES the kamacite interface P level, is more subjective. A smoothing procedure relying on eyeball exami- nation was used. Ni values for schreibersite and Ni and P concentrations in kamacite at the kama- cite-schreibersite interface are indicated at an ap- propriate place on the diagrams. The bulk Ni content of the meteorite is also given and indicated by a short dashed line. The four profiles (Figure 4) illustrate the ob- served range of Ni in Coahuila schreibersite and the shape and level of the Ni and P gradients in the surrounding kamacite. They are given from upper left to lower right in order of decreasing P concentration at the kamacite-schreibersite inter- face . Three of the profiles are of large rhabdites (traverses 6, 5, 9, Table 2), while the one at the upper left is of a 100 /xm wide schreibersite border- ing a large troilite-daubreelite inclusion (traverse 3, Table 2). The high P interface value and the high level in the surrounding kamacite are of particular interest. The three rhabdites appear to increase in Ni, both with decreasing cross-sectional area and with increasing interface Ni in kamacite value. The interface P values do not seem to correlate with either Ni in schreibersite or with interface Ni in kamacite values. Ni and P gradients extend for several hundred microns around the larger schreibersites but appear to be much more restricted in extent around the smaller ones. The 33% Ni schreibersite has an essentially flat P con- centration at 0.05%. For these four cases, the length and steepness of the P gradient decreases with decreasing P at the interface. BELLSBANK The Bellsbank, South Africa, meteorite is a phorphorus-rich hexahedrite. Massive and large skeletal schreibersite crystals, with individual faces over a centimeter in length and areas larger than 2 cm2, dominate polished surfaces and appear to be distributed throughout this meteorite (photo- graph in Henderson, 1965). The kamacite matrix contains a network of lamellar schreibersite. These rarely intersecting planar crystals may exceed a centimeter in length, but are normally only 5 to 10 /u,m thick. Occasional large rhabdites and subgrain boundary schreibersites are present. Microrhab- dites are present in profusion in kamacite areas away from the other forms of schreibersite. The Bellsbank meteorite has experienced severe terres- trial weathering. Many of the lamellar schreiber- sites have been replaced with corrosion products, and corrosion along kamacite-schreibersite inter- faces is common. Section 2162 contains parts of two massive schreibersites surrounded by schreibersite-free kamacite areas. Two lengthy subgrain boundaries TABLE 3. ?Bellsbank schreibersite-kamacite interface measurements Specimen No. 2162 2162 2162 2162 2162 2162 Traverse No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Structure traversed & schreibersites measured [a-Ph, 3.6 mm] Massive schreibersite (7x2 mm), 1 mm traverse [a-Ph-a, 900 um] Large rhabdite along sub-grain boundary, 40x50 um, diagonally across body. [a-Ph-a, 200 um] Same rhabdite as traverse 2, parallel to 50 pm direction Enter Exit [a-Ph-a, 300 um] Rhabdite along sub-grain boundary, 15x120 um [a-Ph-a, 300 um] Rhabdite along sub-grain boundary, 15x120 um, repeat of traverse 2162-4 [a-Ph-a, 130 ym] Large rhabdite Isolated in micro-rhabdite area of a, 30x60 pm Weight *NiSch 12.4 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.6 22.8 18.6 Percent SNi a 1.6 3.2 3.3 2.7 2.6 2.6 2.8 XP a 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.09 Ni Gradient Length (um) 900 20 40 40 80 90 40 Wt.SSNI 3.9 4.5 4.2 4.2 4.3 4.3 4.2 P Gradient Length (um) 1000 50 Flat 60 100 100 30 Wt.JSP 0.20 0.18 0.09 0.12 0.20 0.18 0.20 Atomic *N1Sch 10.6 18.8 18.8 18.8 19.3 19.5 15.9 Percent XN1 a 1.5 3.1 3.1 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.7 %P a 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.16 NUMBER 21 17 MICRO-RHABOITES 400 MICRONS Px 100 \ 400 MICRONS FIGURE 5. ?Ni and P profiles at kamacite-schreibersite interfaces in Bellsbank: top, traverse 1; lower left, 6; lower middle, 3; lower right, 4 and 5. (Dashed line indicates bulk Ni value.) 18 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES cross the kamacite and are sites of small lamellar, irregular-shaped, and rhabdite-shaped schreiber- sites. The kamacite matrix contains profuse micro- rhabdites. Oxidation products are present at sites previously occupied by lamellar schreibersite, and along some Neumann bands and possibly cleavage planes. 2162, traverse 1: crossed 2.6 mm of kamacite and entered a large schreibersite and continued for 1 mm. The traverse was perpendicular to a straight kamacite-schreibersite inter- face, and the Ni content of the schreibersite was uniform for the length of the measurement (reproduced at top of Figure 5). Numerical data for this and succeeding Bellsbank trav- erses are given in Table 3. 2762, traverse 2: crossed 650 fim of kamacite, a rhabdite at a subgrain boundary and continued into surrounding kamacite for 200 /urn. Average values for the two interface values are given in Table 3. 2162, traverse 3: crossed 70 fim of kamacite, the same rhabdite measured above, and passed into 70 fim of kamacite. Traverse 2 crossed diagonally, while this one passed through the middle parallel to the 50 ^im edge. Two different interface values for Ni and P in kamacite were obtained, perhaps influenced by the presence of the subgrain boundary (Table 3 and lower middle of Figure 5). 2162, traverse 4: crossed 170 fim of kamacite, the narrow direction of an elongated rhabdite situated along a subgrain boundary, and 100 fim of kamacite (lower right in Figure 5). 2162, traverse 5: a remeasurement of traverse 4. 2762, traverse 6: crossed a large rhabdite surrounded by a region of clear kamacite within a microrhabdite area (lower left in Figure 5). An attempt was made to determine Ni in other small schreibersites in Bellsbank. A number of measurements were made on schreibersites rang- ing down to a minimum of a few microns in width. Twelve measurements were obtained where the P value indicated that the microprobe beam had been completely within a schreibersite. The Ni values ranged from 22% to a maximum of 32%. Interface measurements were not attempted on these small bodies. The four profiles in Figure 5 represent the traverses described above and illustrate the shapes and levels of the Ni and P gradients in the sur- rounding kamacite. The profile at the top is the interface portion of traverse 1. The low value for Ni in the schreibersite combines with an unusually low interface value for Ni and a high interface value for P in kamacite. The rhabdite profile at the lower left has the same P interface value, but higher Ni in both kamacite and schreibersite. The P gradient in this case is particularly severe. The rhabdite at the lower right has similar Ni values to the one on the left, but the P interface value is considerably lower. The middle profile has uni- form Ni in the schreibersite but has two different sets of P and Ni kamacite interface values, the only such observation made in this study. BALLINGER The Ballinger, Texas, meteorite is a low-Ni coarse octahedrite. Figure 6 is a photograph of the slice studied, USNM 824. The area marked PS shows where material was taken for section prepa- ration. Section 824 is from the back of this surface and contains a large schreibersite similar in size and shape to the one at the lower right in Figure 6. Section 824(1) is the outlined surface after repol- ishing. The overall structure consists of large kamacite grains and three areas of heiroglyphic schreibersite. A Widmanstatten pattern is sug- gested in some areas of the structure, but it is certainly not well developed. The large schreiber- site on the left is completely surrounded by rims of partially decomposed cohenite. The center group of schreibersite crystals is partly bordered by partially decomposed cohenite, while the schrei- bersite on the right is completely free of cohenite. Areas of this surface containing the best Widman- statten pattern development are well away from the large schreibersite inclusions. It is interesting to note that the lower left-hand edge of this slice contains a rim of kamacite heat altered to a2, a remnant from ablation heating. This structure has not been previously observed in the Ballinger meteorite. Section 824 contains a large schreibersite 0.8 mm long and averaging 1 to 2 mm in width, surrounded by a narrow area of schreibersite-free kamacite. The kamacite matrix contains a profu- sion of both Neumann bands and rhabdites. Neu- mann band bending, particularly at the interfaces with the large schreibersite, suggests mild mechan- ical distortion in Ballinger. The kamacite contains numerous grain boundaries that are the sites of grain boundary schreibersites. Terrestrial oxida- tion has penetrated areas of this section. 824, traverse 1: crossed three areas of the large schreibersite. 500 fim of kamacite were crossed, followed by 350 fim of schreibersite, 800 fim of kamacite, 400 fim of schreibersite, 450 fim of kamacite, 670 fim of schreibersite, and finally 500 fim of kamacite. The three schreibersite areas traversed are essentially free of Ni gradients and they all have approxi- NUMBER 21 19 PS 1 cmI 1 FIGURE 6. ?Macrostructure of a slice of Ballinger meteorite (large dark inclusions are schreibersite, the one on the left enclosed in partially decomposed cohenite; area marked PS was used for microstructure examination [824(1)]; and edge marked a2 contains a rim of ablation recrystallized kamacite). mately the same Ni value. Numerical data for this and succeeding Ballinger traverses are given in Table 4. 824, traverse 2: crossed two rhabdites along a grain boundary 2 mm away from the massive schreibersite. 400 fim of kamacite were crossed, followed by two 40 fim rhabdites separated by 25 fim of kamacite, and finally 300 fim of kamacite. Because of impingement effects, the interface values in Table 4 are an average of the two similar external measurements. 824, traverse 3: crossed two areas of a 1 x 0.4 mm skeletal schreibersite 3.5 mm from the massive schreibersite. The values given in Table 4 are averages of the two external interface values. Section 824(1) is from a typical Widmanstatten area of the Ballinger meteorite, the area outlined in Figure 6. The kamacite matrix contains Neu- mann bands and rhabdites in a wide range of sizes. Kamacite lamellae are separated by grain boundaries that are alternately sites of grain boundary schreibersites and taenite-plessite bands. 824(1), traverse 4: crossed 230 fim of kamacite and entered a small schreibersite embedded in a taenite border, passed through a narrow band of taenite, and then 220 fim of kamacite. 824(1), traverse 5: crossed 150 fim of kamacite, a schreibersite embedded in taenite, 20 fim of taenite, 270 fim of kamacite, a large rhabdite, and finally 120 /AITI of kamacite (see Figure 2 in experimental section). 20 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE 4. ?Ballinger schreibersite-kamacite interface measurements Specimen No. 824 824 824 824(1) 824(1) 824(1) 824(1) 824(1) Traverse No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Structure traversed & schreibersites measured [a-Ph-a-Ph-a-Ph-a, 3.7 mm] Massive schreibersite, 350 ym Enter Exit Massive schreibersite, 400 ym Enter Exit Massive schreibersite, 670 ym Enter Exit [a-Ph-o-Ph-a, 850 ym] Two large rhabdites, 40x40 um each, separated by 25 um. Values recorded are averages of similar values. [a-Ph-a-Ph-o, 700 um] Skeletal schreibersite 1x0.4 mm. Values recorded are average of similar values from the two exterior Interfaces. [a-Ph-Y-o? 480 um] Rhabdite embedded in taenite border, 15x20 um [a-Ph-Y-a-Ph-a, 650 ym] Rhabdite embedded In taenite border, 5 um wide Large rhabdite (35x25 um), 250 ym into a from above [ct-Ph-Y-a, 300 um] Rhabdite embedded in taenite border, 10x15 um [a-Ph-a-Ph-a-Ph-a-Ph-a, 1.4 mm] Grain boundary schreibersite in sequence with taenite, 20x15 ym Rhabdite 50 ym from above, 40x50 ym Rhabdite 400 ym from above, 40x40 ym Rhabdite 600 ym from above, 30x50 ym [a-Ph-a, 1.0 mm] Grain boundary schreibersite in sequence with taenite, 15x140 ym Weight *N1Sch 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.3 19.7 19.5 34.5 35.8 49.8 49.5 41.5 51.0 47.0 44.5 40.0 40.0 48.8 Percent a 2.9 3.0 2.6 2.6 ... 2.6 4.2 4.8 6.0 6.0 5.2 6.3 5.7 5.7 5.0 5.0 6.0 %P a 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.03 N1 Gradient Length (ym) 500 300 200 150 150 500 200 150 50 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 100 Wt.%N1 5.2 4.3 4.3 4.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 6.8 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.0 P Gradient Length (um) 150 200 200 150 100 150 100 200 50 50 50 50 50 100 200 200 300 Wt.SP 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.08 0.05 0.05 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.09 0.09 0.08 Atomic *NiSch 16.6 16.6 16.6 16.5 16.8 16.6 29.7 30.8 43.1 42.9 35.8 44.2 40.7 38.4 34.5 34.5 42.3 Percent XN1a 2.8 2.9 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 4.0 4.6 5.7 5.7 5.0 6.0 5.4 5.4 4.8 4.8 5.7 XP a 0.11 o.n o.n o.n o.n 0.11 0.07 0.09 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.05 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.09 0.05 824(1), traverse 6: crossed 80 fj.m of kamacite, a taenite border schreibersite, 15 fim of taenite, and 150 fim of kamacite. 824(1), traverse 7: crossed 140 /u,m of kamacite, a grain boundary schreibersite in sequence with taenite, 50 fim of kamacite, a large rhabdite, 300 (im of kamacite, a large rhabdite, 620 jum of kamacite, a large rhabdite, and finally 80 /um of kamacite. 824(1), traverse 8: crossed 90 jxm of kamacite, a grain boundary schreibersite in sequence with taenite, and 1 mm of kamacite. The massive schreibersite in Ballinger contains higher Ni than similar sized schreibersite in Bells- bank, and the Ni in kamacite interface values are higher while the P interface values are lower. Large rhabdites in Ballinger contain more Ni than similar ones in Coahuila or Bellsbank, and their interface values are generally higher in Ni and lower in P. Grain boundary schreibersite tends to contain more Ni than kamacite matrix rnabdites, and taenite border schreibersite contains the high- est Ni values observed. As the Ni values in the schreibersite go up, interface values in kamacite tend to go up for Ni and down for P. Ni and P gradients extend over relatively large distances around the massive schreibersite and over much shorter distances in the higher Ni forms of schrei- bersite . NUMBER 21 21 SANTA LUZIA The Santa Luzia, Brazil, meteorite is a P-rich coarse octahedrite, a chemical Group IIB meteor- ite. The structure of a typical section is illustrated in Figure 7. Large, hieroglyphic schreibersites with broad areas of swathing kamacite dominate the structure. Two such schreibersite areas are shown in the figure, the central one bordering a large troilite. The second schreibersite area could also be associated with a lens-shaped troilite nucleus that lies outside the plane of this section. The areas of structure between the troilite-schreiber- site-swathing kamacite areas contain a coarse Wid- manstatten pattern, particularly well developed in the top of Figure 7. These Widmanstatten areas are reminiscent of the schreibersite-free areas of the Ballinger meteroite. Weathering has pene- trated deeply into Santa Luzia, particularly along the major grain boundaries separating the swath- ing kamacite areas from the areas of Widmanstat- ten pattern. Figure 8 is a sketch of the section of the photo- graph (Figure 7), indicating how this slice was sampled for detailed metallographic and electron microprobe analysis. Four metallographic sections were prepared from the areas indicated by dashed lines in the sketch. Section 1618 is from an area of Widmanstatten pattern, 1618P from the schreiber- site-swathing kamacite area, and 1618PS and 1618PS(1) from the sulfide-schreibersite-swathing kamacite area. The numbered arrows in the sketch indicate the location of the traverses described below. Lengthy traverses were made in each of the two hieroglyphic phosphide areas, with short ones being made in the Widmanstatten pattern area. Section 1618P contains massive schreibersite and swathing kamacite (Figure 8). Clear kamacite sur- rounds the large schreibersite, grading into kama- cite containing a profusion of microrhabdites. Neumann bands are most obvious in the transition areas between clear kamacite and microrhabdite areas. Occasional subgrain boundaries are present within the kamacite, and small schreibersites of various morphologies are associated with them. 1618P, traverse 1: crossed 1.3 mm of massive schreibersite, 2.0 mm of kamacite, 0.7 mm of massive schreibersite, 0.5 mm of kamacite, 0.2 mm of massive schreibersite, and 2.6 mm of kamacite. Numerical data for this and succeeding Santa Luzia traverses are given in Table 5. 1618P, traverse 2: crossed 1.0 mm of kamacite, 0.4 mm of massive schreibersite, 1.9 mm of kamacite, 0.8 mm of massive schreibersite, 0.9 mm of kamacite, and 0.2 mm of massive schreibersite. 1618P, traverse 3: crossed 0.2 mm of massive schreibersite, 1.0 mm of kamacite, and 0.2 mm of massive schreibersite. Section 1618PS contains troilite, massive schrei- bersite and areas of swathing kamacite (Figure 8). Its metallographic characteristics are similar to those of section 1618P. 1618PS, traverse 4: crossed 0.2 mm of troilite, 2.9 mm of kamacite, 140 /tm of massive schreibersite, 0.6 mm of kama- cite, 2.9 mm of massive schreibersite, and 0.5 mm of kama- cite. 1618PS, traverse 5: crossed 0.4 mm of troilite, 0.7 mm of massive schreibersite, 4.6 mm of kamacite, 2.5 mm of massive schreibersite, and 1.8 mm of kamacite. A representative interface profile for this traverse is reproduced in Figure 9. 1618PS, traverse 6: crossed 0.6 mm of massive schreibersite and 1.9 mm of kamacite. Section 1618PS(1) contains an outer edge of the massive schreibersite and spans the swathing kam- acite zone, containing a segment of its exterior boundary. A detailed electron microprobe traverse was not made on this sample, but sufficient mea- surements were taken to establish the Ni and P concentration patterns for the swathing zone. In the direction away from the schreibersite and toward the exterior grain boundary, the Ni in kamacite increased from slightly more than 2% at the schreibersite interface to approximately 5% within the first 0.5 mm. Over the next 7 mm the Ni concentration increased smoothly to approxi- mately 7%. It is in the first 0.2 mm of kamacite surrounding the schreibersite that the Ni concen- tration increases most rapidly, and it is this zone that is free of microrhabdites. The P concentration increases to approximately 0.1% within this same region of approximately 0.2 mm bordering the interface. Upon entering the zone of microrhab- dite precipitation, P concentration falls off in kam- acite to a uniform level of approximately 0.05% for the remainder of the swathing zone. Late- stage microrhabdite precipitation seems to have effectively removed the P gradient that must have been produced within the swathing zone during the massive schreibersite growth, while apparently only slightly modifying the Ni gradient. The clear kamacite surrounding the central schreibersite within the swathing zone is 100 to 22 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES FIGURE 7. ?Etched surface of Santa Luzia meteorite, USNM 1618: center, troilite surrounded by schreibersite and swathing kamacite; left, schreibersite area in swathing kamacite. FIGURE 8. ?Sketch of Santa Luzia meteorite slice in Figure 7, (coarse pattern, troilite; fine pattern, schreibersite; lines enclose areas of swathing kamacite; broken lines, locations of metallographic sections; numbered arrows, positions of electron microprobe traverses; stars, positions of residual taenite areas). 200 /xm wide. This clear kamacite grades into kamacite containing profusion of microrhabdites, and it is in this transitional area that Neumann bands are frequently best developed. Microrhab- NUMBER 21 23 TABLE 5. ? Santa Luzia schreibersite-kamacite interface measurements Specimen No. 1618P 1618P 1618P 1618PS 1618PS 1618PS 1618 1618 1618 Traverse No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Structure traversed & schreibersites measured [Ph-a-Ph-a-Ph-a, 7.3 mm] Massive schreibersite, Start Exit Massive schreibersite, Enter Exit Massive schreibersite, Enter Exit [a-Ph-a-Ph-a-Ph, 5.3 mm] Massive schreibersite, Enter Exit Massive schreibersite, Enter Exit Massive schreibersite, Enter Stop [Ph-a-Ph, 1.4 mm] Massive schreibersite, Start Exit Massive schreibersite, Enter Stop [Troilite-a-Ph-a-Ph-a, 7.4 Massive schreibersite, Enter Exit Massive schreibersite, Enter Exit [Troll1te-Ph-a-Ph-a, 1 cm] Massive schreibersite, Start Exit Massive schreibersite, Enter Exit [Ph-a, 2.5 nin] Massive schreibersite, Start Exit [a-Ph-a, 350 ym] Traverses across grain site, 12x170 ym Tip Center Tip [a-Y-Ph-a, 400 ym] 1.3 mm traverse 0.7 mm traverse 250 ym traverse 430 ym traverse 800 ym traverse 200 ym traverse 220 ym traverse 200 ym traverse mm] 140 ym traverse 2.9 mm traverse 0.7 mm traverse 2.5 mm traverse 0.6 mm traverse boundary schreiber- Taenite border schreibersite, 10x20 ym [a-Y-Ph-a, 350 ym] Taenite border schreibersite, 15x40 ym Weight *N1Sch 16.0 16.5 16.5 16.5 17.9 17.9 16.0 16.0 16.2 16.2 16.1 16.1 16.0 16.0 16.2 16.2 17.3 17.3 16.6 17.1 16.6 16.6 16.4 16.6 16.6 16.6 45.5 44.7 45.7 48.0 48.5 Percent a 2.4 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.3 2.3 2.2 2.4 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.6 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.3 5.8 6.0 6.2 6.4 6.5 %Pa 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 Ni Gradient Length (ym) 500 600 200 200 1000 900 1000 600 400 400 200 300 600 300 300 500 900 500 600 600 50 100 50 100 70 Wt.?N1 4.9 4.9 3.8 3.8 5.3 4.0 3.7 3.8 4.2 4.2 4.0 4.0 4.8 3.5 3.5 5.0 4.6 4.6 5.2 4.8 7.3 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.5 P Gradient Length (ym) 500 400 100 Flat 800 500 300 400 300 200 300 300 800 300 200 250 700 800 800 500 100 100 100 150 150 Wt.*P 0.15 0.15 0.08 0.07 0.16 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.11 0.11 0.16 0.08 0.08 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.18 0.13 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 Atomic %N1Sch 13.6 14.1 14.1 14.1 15.3 15.3 13.6 13.6 13.8 13.8 13.7 13.7 13.6 13.6 13.8 13.8 14.8 14.8 14.4 14.6 14.2 14.2 14.0 14.2 14.2 14.2 39.4 38.6 39.6 41.5 42.0 Percent a 2.3 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.3 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.5 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.2 5.5 5.7 5.9 6.1 6.2 vn #r a 0.13 0.11 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.11 0.13 0.14 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.05 0.07 0.07 0.05 0.05 24 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE 5?continued Specimen No. 772 772 772 772 Traverse No. 10 11 12 13 Structure traversed & schreibersites measured [a-Ph-a-Ph-a, 3.6 Itm] Massive schreibersite, 650 um traverse Enter Exit Massive schreibersite, 600 um traverse Enter Exit [a-Ph-a, 2.3 mm] Grain boundary schreibersite, 400x450 um Enter Exit [a-Ph, 750 um] Grain boundary schreibersite, 70 um traverse Enter Stop [a-Ph-Y-a, 1.4 mm] Taenite border schreibersite, 15x20 um a-border Y-border Weight *N1Sch 19.3 19.3 19.7 19.7 28.0 28.0 36.2 36.2 47.0 47.5 Percent %N1a 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 3.7 3.9 4.6 6.0 %Pa 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.03 N1 GradientLength (um) 800 250 250 80 1400 500 500 200 Wt.%N1 5.8 4.7 4.7 5.8 6.9 6.3 7.2 7.4 P Gradient Length (um) 500 250 250 600 1000 300 500 200 Wt.%P 0.14 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.11 0.12 0.09 0.07 Atomic *N1Sch 16.5 16.5 16.8 16.8 24.0 24.0 31.2 31.2 40.7 41.1 Percent SN1a 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.5 3.7 4.4 5.7 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.11 0.11 0.09 0.05 dites appear to increase in number per unit area for the first few hundred microns away from the clear kamacite. As distance increases further, there appears to be a slight increase in both concentra- tion and coarseness of microrhabdites. Coarser microrhabdites are occasionally associated with subgrain boundaries within the kamacite. There are also occasional aligned microrhabdites, as if they had precipitated along Neumann bands that are no longer present. Rare lamellar schreibersites 2 fxm or less in width and as long as 200 ju,m are present. Near the outer edge of the swathing zone occasional segments of grain boundary type schrei- bersite protrude into the swathing kamacite or are observed enclosed within it. Four areas that con- tain residual taenite as well as associated schreiber- site were observed within the two swathing zones (Figure 8), and close to their exterior borders. The swathing zone boundary has suffered se- vere terrestrial weathering and now contains sec- ondary iron oxides that have penetrated into the adjoining kamacite. Remnant grain boundary schreibersite is present, but it is encased in oxides precluding interface measurements. The amount of remnant schreibersite suggests that originally as much as 50% of the length of the grain bound- ary may have been occupied by schreibersite. A Ni determination on one of these schreibersites gave a value of 29%. Section 1618 is from an area of the large section containing coarse-structured Widmanstatten pat- tern (Figure 8). Parts of four kamacite grains 4 to 5 mm wide are present. The general metallogra- phy of the section is similar to that described for Ballinger, with the exception that only microrhab- dites are present within kamacite areas. Measure- ments described below were made along a 1.5 mm grain boundary containing taenite and taenite- plessite areas in sequence with grain boundary schreibersite. 1618, traverse 7: combines data from three short (350 fim) traverses perpendicular to the long direction of a single grain boundary schreibersite. It measured 170 fim in length and was separated from taenite by 10 to 20 fim at either end. Measurements were made near the two ends and in the middle of the schreibersite. The interface profile for the center traverse is given in Figure 9. 1618, traverse 8: crossed 200 fim of kamacite, 10 fim of schrei- bersite, 15 fim of taenite, and 170 fim of kamacite. This taenite border schreibersite was embedded in the taenite lamella at one end of the schreibersite in traverse 7, approx- imately 200 fim away. The schreibersite interface profile is given in Figure 9. 1618, traverse 9: crossed 200 fim of kamacite, 15 fim of schrei- bersite, 25 fim of taenite, and 120 fim of kamacite. The location was 200 fim farther along the same taenite measured in traverse 8. Section 772 is from a separate small specimen of the Santa Luzia meteorite. It combines both the swathing kamacite and Widmanstatten pattern NUMBER 21 25 400 MICRONS FIGURE 9. ?Ni and P profiles at kamacite-schreibersite interfaces in Santa Luzia meteorite, USNM 1618: traverses 5, 7, and 8 as indicated. areas measuYed above on separate sections in one microprobe section of 2 cm2. Figure 10 is a scale drawing indicating the areas of interest. A massive schreibersite approximately 7 mm in length is surrounded by clear kamacite that in turn is en- closed in microrhabdite-containing kamacite. A major grain boundary containing grain boundary schreibersite is within 3 mm of one end of the massive schreibersite. Leading off of that grain boundary is another that contains taenite as well as grain boundary schreibersite, within 6 mm of the massive schreibersite. Measurements have been made in these areas as indicated in Figure 10. 772, traverse 10: crossed 0.9 mm of kamacite, 0.6 mm of massive schreibersite, 0.6 mm of kamacite, 0.6 mm of massive schrei- bersite, and 0.9 mm of kamacite. Part of this traverse including the first kamacite-schreibersite interface is given in Figure 11. 772, traverse 11: crossed 1.4 mm of kamacite, 0.4 mm of grain boundary schreibersite, and 0.5 mm of kamacite. The kama- cite-schreibersite interface on leaving the schreibersite is given in Figure 11. 772, traverse 12: crossed 0.7 mm of kamacite and 50 fim of schreibersite. The Ni and P profiles are reproduced in Figure 11. 772, traverse 13: crossed a taenite boundary schreibersite (see inset in Figure 10). The major features of this traverse are given in Figure 11. The data on the Santa Luzia meteorite may be of particular significance from the standpoint of classification considerations. The schreibersite re- lationships observed for the large swathing zones and their included schreibersite are in many ways similar to the Bellsbank meteorite. The schreiber- site relationships in the Widmanstatten areas of Santa Luzia are similar to those observed in Ballin- ger. Could the differences in these two structures (Figures 6, 7) be due primarily to differences in initial P concentration? LEXINGTON COUNTY The Lexington County, South Carolina, mete- orite is a coarse octahedrite of intermediate Ni 26 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES r 1-2 mm 772 FIGURE 10. ?Scale drawing of schreibersites in an area of Santa Luzia meteorite section, USNM 772 (location of electron microprobe traverses indicated; traverse 13 is of a taenite border schreibersite, indicated in more detail in the inset). NUMBER 21 27 0.06 3.8 400 MICRONS 50- 45- 40- ZiJ 35- E L r 30-s> uS 25- 20- 15- 10- 5' PxlO 772 *I2 36 0.054.6 N 772 * 13 47 1 ? 6.0 0.0 - - - - FIGURE 11. ? Ni and P profiles at kamacite-schreibersite interfaces in Santa Luzia meteorite, USNM 772: traverses 10 through 13 as indicated. (Dashed line indicates bulk Ni value.) 28 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCE ES1, 3334 FIGURE 12. ?Sketch of Lexington County section, USNM 3334, prepared from photomosaic of area studied (arrows, electron microprobe traverses; large structure at left, massive schreibersite surrounded by cohenite; subgrain boundaries, grain boundary schreibersites, taenite, and taenite border schreibersite are indicated). content. Polished and etched surfaces reveal large areas of well-developed Widmanstatten pattern. The kamacite of these areas contains rhabdites of various sizes, grain boundary schreibersites, grain boundary and residual taenite and plessite, and Neumann bands. Oxidation has severely pene- trated the exterior surface of the specimen and invaded the interior of the meteorite along major grain boundaries. Occasional skeletal schreiber- sites in the millimeter size range are present, normally completely surrounded by cohenite. These large schreibersites tend to be surrounded by areas of swathing kamacite that interrupt the regularity of the Widmanstatten pattern. Isolated patches of cohenite are also present. Section 3334 contains a typical Lexington County Widmanstatten pattern area and a large schreiber- site surrounded by cohenite (6 x 0.3 mm). Edges of the section and major grain boundaries have been invaded by oxidation, but the areas selected for microprobe analysis appear fresh. The paths of the traverses listed below are indicated in Figure 12 and numerical data are given in Table 6. 3334, traverse 1: crossed 1.4 mm of kamacite, a 30 fim schreiber- site partially embedded in cohenite at a cohenite-kamacite interface, 60 fim of cohenite, 90 fim of schreibersite embed- ded in cohenite, 0.3 mm of cohenite, 0.2 mm of massive schreibersite, 0.1 mm of cohenite, 0.2 mm of kamacite, 50 fim of cohenite, 0.2 mm of massive schreibersite, 80 fim of cohenite, and 0.8 mm of kamacite. 3334, traverse 2: crossed 1.0 mm of kamacite, 50 fim of a large grain boundary schreibersite, and 1.5 mm of kamacite. ? 3334, traverse 3: crossed 0.8 mm of kamacite, a 15 fim wide taenite border schreibersite, 25 ^im of taenite, 0.3 mm of kamacite, a 15 fim wide schreibersite in sequence with taenite, 10 fim of kamacite, a 40 fim taenite, and 0.4 mm of kamacite. The data for an abbreviated section of this traverse are given in Figure 3. 3334, traverse 4: crossed 0.1 mm of kamacite, a 10 fim wide taenite border schreibersite, 25 fim of taenite, and 50 fim of kamacite. 3334, traverse 5: crossed 50 fim of kamacite, a 5 fim wide taenite-border schreibersite, 20 /xm of taenite, and 60 fim of kamacite. Figure 12 is a tracing of a photomosaic of the studied area in Lexington County, section 3334. The path of the traverses, the phases crossed, and the nature of the structure are indicated diagram- matically. This section illustrates a general prob- lem encountered in obtaining kamacite-schreiber- site interface data in the more carbon-rich coarse- structured octahedrites. The large, low-Ni schrei- bersites in these meteorites are frequently com- pletely surrounded by cohenite. Their Ni values may be determined, but kamacite interfaces are not present. Traverse 1, however, illustrates an interesting schreibersite-cohenite relationship that will be observed later in other meteorites. Cohenite borders around large schreibersites occasionally include small schreibersites, and more frequently have small schreibersites at cohenite-kamacite in- NUMBER 21 29 TABLE 6. ?Lexington County schreibersite-kamacite interface measurements Specimen No. 3334 3334 3334 3334 3334 Traverse No. 1 2 3 4 5 Structure traversed & schreibersites measured [a-Ph-cohen1te-Ph-coheni te-Ph-coheni te-a- cohen1te-Ph-cohen1te-a, 3.5 mm] Schreibersite embedded in cohenite at a- Interface, 25x120 ym Schreibersite embedded in cohenite, 140x280 ym Enter Exit Massive schreibersite surrounded by cohen- ite (6x0.3 mm), 200 vm traverse Enter Exit Massive schreibersite surrounded by cohen- ite (6x0.3 mm), 170 ym traverse Enter Exit [a-Ph-a, 2.5 mm] Grain boundary schreibersite, 500x40 ym [a-Ph-Y-a-Ph-a-Y-a, 1.6 mm] Taenite border schreibersite, 15x40 ym Schreibersite near taenite, 10x20 ym [a-Ph-Y-a, 200 ym] Taenite border schreibersite, 5x10 ym [a-Ph-Y-a, 140 ym] Taenite border schreibersite, 5x10 ym Weight *NiSch 34.8 33.0 32.5 25.0 24.6 24.1 24.1 39.3 50.0 52.5 50.5 51.0 Percent XN1a 4.4 5.0 6.0 6.2 6.2 6.3 % 0 0 0 0 0 0 .04 .04 .03 .03 .03 .03 Ni GradientLength (ym) 150 300 . 50 50 50 30 Wt.XNi 6.0 7.0 7.2 7.4 7.3 7.4 P Gradient Length (ym) 200 200 150 100 50 30 Wt.%P 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.05 Atomic *NiSch 29.9 28.3 27.9 21.4 21.1 20.6 20.6 33.9 43.3 45.6 43.6 44.2 Percent %N1a 4.2 4.8 5.7 5.9 5.9 6.0 XP a 0.07 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 terfaces. The Ni values in these schreibersites increase away from the large schreibersite. In this case, the large schreibersite contains approxi- mately 25% Ni, the small one completely embed- ded in cohenite has an apparent Ni gradient from 32.5% to 33.0% increasing in the direction toward kamacite, and the kamacite interface schreibersite contains 35'% Ni. The measurements in Table 6 are otherwise comparable to those reported above for similar structures. BAHJOI The Bahjoi, India, meteorite is an observed fall of 1934, the only one included in this study. It is a typical Group I meteorite of above average Ni content. Bahjoi contains complex silicate-troilite- graphite-chromite nodules surrounded by rims of schreibersite, and, in turn, cohenite. Grain bound- ary schreibersites, rhabdites of various sizes, and taenite border schreibersites are present. Taenite and plessite are present in greater abundance than in the previously examined meteorites, and pearl- itic and martensitic forms are common. An area of the carbide haxonite was observed within a pearlitic plessite area. Section 1807(Sil) contains part of a complex silicate-containing inclusion surrounded by schrei- bersite and cohenite, and small areas of kamacite. 1807(Sil), traverse 1: started within the complex inclusion, cross- ing first an island of kamacite surrounded by cohenite. The phases in sequence were: 0.1 mm of cohenite, 0.2 mm of kamacite, 0.1 mm of cohenite, 1.5 mm of schreibersite, 0.5 mm of cohenite, 0.1 mm of schreibersite containing a slight Ni gradient, and finally 1.0 mm of kamacite. The central part of this traverse is illustrated in Figure 13 and the data is given in Table 7. Section 1807 is of a typical Widmanstatten area of Bahjoi, free of large inclusions. Rhabdites, grain boundary schreibersites, and taenite border schreibersites are present in abundance. Many taenite-plessite areas are present in a variety of morphologies. One of these martensitic areas con- tains a 0.1 x 0.1 mm area of haxonite. 1807, traverse 2: crossed 30 /xm of grain boundary schreibersite, 0.7 mm of kamacite, a 15 fim wide taenite border schreiber- site, 20 /xm of taenite, and 10 fim of kamacite. The observations made on the Bahjoi meteorite 30 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE 7. ?Bahjoi schreibersite-kamacite interface measurements SpecimenNo. 1807(Sil) 1807 TraverseNo. 1 2 Structure traversed & schreibersites measured [Cohenite-a-cohenite-Ph-cohenite-Ph-a, 3.5 mm] Massive schreibersite, 10x4 mm, surroundedby cohenite and containing -30% silicate Enter Exit Schreibersite 100 ym wide embedded incohenite at a-border Enter Exit [Ph-a-Ph-a, 750 um] Grain-boundary schreibersite, 35x250 um Taenite-border schreibersite, 20x60 wm Weight *N1Sch 18.8 18.9 32.3 33.5 38.8 49.0 Percent %M 4.2 5.2 6.2 %P a 0.04 0.04 0.03 Ni Gradient Length ( m) 600 150 30 Wt.XNI 6.5 7.2 6.2 P Gradient Length ( m) 200 150 100 Wt.SP 0.06 0.06 0.06 Atomic Percent %Ni,. . XN1 %PSch a a 16.0 16.1 27.7 28.8 33.4 5.0 0.07 42.4 5.9 0.05 are mainly similar in character to examples previ- ously described. Figure 13 is a composition profile based on data from a part of traverse 1. Part of the massive schreibersite and its cohenite border are included. Ni values are low in cohenite and increase slightly upon moving away from the large schreibersite. The small exterior schreibersite is enclosed on three sides by cohenite and contains a measurable Ni gradient. This type of association is common in high C Group I meteorites. GOOSE LAKE The Goose Lake, California, meteorite is a high Ni member of Group I with a medium octahedrite structure. Polished and etched surfaces reveal many large cohenite bordered, skeletal schreiber- site inclusions, and occasional complex silicate - troilite-graphite-schreibersite-cohenite associa- tions. The cohenite has undergone partial decom- position to kamacite and graphite. Grain boundary schreibersites, rhabdites in a range of sizes, and taenite border schreibersites are present. Taenite- plessite areas are more abundant than in the meteorites examined previously and are present in a variety of forms. Weathering has invaded the structure along grain boundaries and is present in cracks within the large schreibersites. Section 1332 is dominated by two areas of cohen- ite bordered schreibersite of approximately 5 X 10 mm each (photograph in Doan and Goldstein, 1969:765). One smaller cohenite-schreibersite in- clusion is also present. Kamacite areas around these inclusions are comparatively free of other structures for distances up to 2 mm. Beyond this, normal Widmanstatten areas are present. 1332, traverse 1: began at the border of a taenite area, crossed 2.4 mm of kamacite, and entered a 30 /xm wide grain boundary schreibersite near its contact with a taenite border of a plessite area. Numerical data for this and succeeding Goose Lake traverses are given in Table 8. 1332, traverse 2: crossed 430 /xm of kamacite, 50 fim of schrei- bersite embedded in a cohenite rim of a large schreibersite, 90 fim of cohenite, 0.2 mm of schreibersite, 50 pm of cohenite, and 0.9 mm of kamacite. 1332, traverse 3: began by crossing a 40 fim wide schreibersite associated with a taenite-plessite area, crossed 2.5 mm of kamacite, entered a 40 /xm wide schreibersite embayed in cohenite, 150 fim of cohenite, and 0.3 mm of massive schreibersite. 1332, traverse 4: started near the initial point of traverse 3 within the taenite border, crossed 0.2 mm of kamacite, a 50 fim wide grain boundary schreibersite, and 0.7 mm of kamacite. Section 1332(2) is similar to number 1332 in that it also contains a 5 X 10 mm skeletal schreibersite- cohenite area. This section contains an unusually large scrfreibersite that is only partially surrounded by cohenite, thus permitting kamacite-schreiber- site interface measurements. Its longest dimension is 1.4 mm and has a maximum thickness of 0.6 mm. Morphology suggests that it is an unusually large grain boundary schreibersite rather than a massive schreibersite of the skeletal variety. The areas away from these inclusions contained normal Widmanstatten pattern. 1332(2), traverse 5: crossed 0.1 mm of kamacite, 0.1 mm cohen- ite, 1.8 mm of massive schreibersite, 170 fxm cohenite, 2.1 mm of kamacite, 20 /tin of cohenite, 0.1 mm of large grain boundary schreibersite, and 0.8 mm kamacite. NUMBER 21 31 4.2 0.04 400 MICRONS FIGURE 13. ?Ni and P profile for Bahjoi meteorite, USNM 1807: left, massive schreibersite bordered by cohenite; right, small schreibersite partially enclosed in cohenite, but also with an edge in contact with kamacite. 1332(2), traverse 6: crossed 0.4 mm of kamacite, 25 fim of cohenite, 1.2 mm of schreibersite containing a small Ni gradient over part of its distance, and 0.5 mm of kamacite. This traverse crosses the length of the large schreibersite in number 5. 1332(2), traverse 7: crossed 40 /*m tip of large schreibersite, 1.2 mm of kamacite, 0.2 mm of second tip of same schreibersite, and 0.4 mm of kamacite. This is the same large schreibersite traversed in numbers 5 and 6. 1332(2), traverse 8: crossed 0.5 mm of kamacite, 150 (im of the third tip of the large schreibersite measured in traverses 5 through 7, and 0.5 mm of kamacite. 1332(2), traverse 9: crossed 0.4 mm of kamacite, 150 /xm of a small schreibersite near the large schreibersite in traverses 5 through 8, and 0.3 mm of schreibersite. 1332(2), traverse 10: crossed 0.2 mm of kamacite, 30^im of a grain boundary schreibersite, and 0.2 mm of kamacite. 1332(2), traverse 11: crossed 0.3 mm of massive schreibersite close to traverse number 5, 0.1 mm of cohenite, a 20 ^im wide schreibersite embedded in cohenite, 0.1 mm of kama- cite, and 50 fim of cohenite. The associations measured in Goose Lake are similar in character to those described above for other meteorites. The schreibersite precipitates in this case, however, exist in an environment that is more Ni-rich. BALFOUR DOWNS The Balfour Downs, Western Australia, mete- orite is one of the highest Ni members of Group I. The first prepared surface of this specimen was perpendicular to the one shown in Figure 14, along its bottom edge. This area of approximately 12 cm2 was free of large inclusions, having the regular structure of the upper right-hand area in Figure 14. On the basis of this casual observation, Balfour Downs was assumed to be a low P medium octahedrite. Actually, it contains localized massive schreibersite enclosing significant quantities of sil- icates. These schreibersites are normally enclosed in cohenite and surrounded by swathing kamacite areas that interrupt the regular Widmanstatten 32 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE 8. ?Goose Lake schreibersite-kamacite interface measurements Specimen No. 1332 1332 1332 1332 1332(2) 1332(2) 1332(2) 1332(2) 1332(2) 1332(2) 1332(2) Traverse No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Structure traversed & schreibersftes measured [y-a-Ph-y, 2.4 mm] Schreibersite at y-border, 25 ym wide [a-Ph-cohenite-Ph-cohenite-a, 1.6 mm] Schreibersite embaying cohenite, 55 ym tra- verse Enter Exit Massive schreibersite enclosed in cohenite (3.4x0.2 mm), 260 ym traverse [Ph-a-Ph-cohenite-Ph, 3.1 mm] Schreibersite near taenite, 40x70 ym Schreibersite embaying cohenite, 30x50 ym Massive schreibersite (6x2 mm), 300 ym traverse [y-a-Ph-a, 950 um] Grain boundary schreibersite (60x250 ym), 60 ym traverse [a-cohen1te-Ph-cohen i te-a-cohen1te-Ph-a, 5.3 mm] Cohenite bordered massive schreibersite (2x6 mm), 1.8 mm traverse Enter Middle Exit Large schreibersite with partial cohenite border (1.4x0.6 mm), 100 um traverse [a-cohenite-Ph-a, 2.2 mm] Large schreibersite with partial cohenite border (1.4x0.6 mm), 1.2 mm traverse Enter Middle Exit [Ph-a-Ph-a, 1.8 mm] Large schreibersite of traverses 5 and 6 40 um traverse 200 ym traverse Enter Exit [a-Ph-a, 1.2 mm] Large schreibersite of traverses 5-7, 150 ym traverse Enter Exit [a-Ph-a, 0.9 mm] Small schreibersite near traverses 5-8 (250x400 ym), 150 ym Enter Exit [a-Ph-a, 0.5 mm] Grain boundary schreibersite (0.03x1.6 mm) associated with plessite, 30 ym traverse [Ph-cohenite-Ph-a-cohenite, 0.7 mm] Massive schreibersite (same as traverse 5), 0.4 mm traverse Start Exit Schreibersite (20x60 ym) embedded in cohenite-a border Weight *N1Sch 52.0 35.0 34.0 25.0 46.5 36.5 18.5 41.0 18.7 18.2 18.5 31.3 29.3 27.3 27.3 31.0 27.0 27.0 29.1 29.1 27.2 27.2 44.0 18.3 18.3 37.3 Percent a 6.0 4.1 6.0 4.3 5.1 3.8 3.6 3.9 3.3 3.5 3.7 3.8 3.1 3.6 5.8 4.5 %Pa 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.06 N1 Gradient Length (ym) 25 100 50 150 100 200 500 400 600 300 500 400 300 250 100 150 Wt.*N1 7.2 6.4 7.0 5.7 7.2 5.7 5.8 6.0 6.2 6.8 6.5 6.5 6.0 5.5 7.4 6.0 P Gradient Length (ym) 100 50 100 200 Flat 100 250 200 150 150 150 150 100 100 200 100 Wt.iSP 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.05 0.08 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.09 Atomic *N1Sch 45.1 30.1 29.2 21.4 40.2 31.4 15.8 35.4 15.9 15.5 15.8 26.9 25.1 23.4 23.4 26.6 23.1 23.1 25.0 25.0 23.3 23.3 38.0 15.6 15.6 32.1 Percent %M a 5.7 3.9 5.7 4.1 4.9 3.6 3.4 3.7 3.1 3.3 3.5 3.6 3.0 3.4 5.5 4.3 %Pa 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.09 0.09 o.n 0.13 0.11 o.n 0.11 o.n o.n 0.13 0.13 0.09 0.11 NUMBER 21 33 FIGURE 14. ?Etched surface of Balfour Downs meteorite, USNM 3202: left-hand side of the slice, large schreibersites, several containing silicates; (outlined area indicates polished section that was prepared for detailed study). 34 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE 9. ?Balfour Downs schreibersite-kamacite interface measurements Specimen No. 3202 3202 3202 3202 Traverse No. 1 2 3 4 Structure traversed & schreibersites measured [Ph-a-Ph-a-Ph-Y, 3.3mm] Massive schreibersite, Start Exit 1550 ym traverse Residual schreibersite 30x800 ym, asso- ciated with taenite, crossed at two locations [Ph-a-Ph-a, 3.1 mm] Massive schreibersite, Start Exit Massive schreibersite, Enter Exit [o-Ph-o-cohen1te-Ph, 2.3 n Massive schreibersite, Enter Exit Massive schreibersite, Enter End [Ph-cohenite-a-cohenite-PI Massive schreibersite. Start Exit Massive schreibersite, Enter Stop 600 ym traverse 500 ym traverse 400 ym traverse 1350 ym traverse ,2.1 mm] 800 ym traverse 250 ym traverse Weight *N1Sch 20.5 21.0 41.0 41.0 21.3 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.0 21.0 20.0 20.0 19.5 19.5 20.5 21.0 Percent *N1a 2.9 5.3 5.5 2.6 2.8 3.0 2.9 2.8 %Pa 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 Ni Gradient Length (ym) 1150 100 50 300 250 1500 250 150 Wt.%N1 6.7 00 00 4.8 4.8 7.0 5.3 4.8 P Gradient Length (ym) 200 100 300 200 300 200 150 Wt.fcP 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.11 0.10 0.08 Atomic *N1Sch 17.5 17.9 35.4 35.4 18.2 18.4 18.4 18.4 17.9 17.9 17.1 17.1 16.7 16.7 17.5 17.9 Percent a 2.8 5.1 5.2 2.5 2.7 2.9 2.7 2.7 %Pa 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 pattern (center left in Figure 14). Grain boundary schreibersite, schreibersite associated with taenite- plessite areas, and rhabdites in a variety of sizes are present. Taenite-plessite areas are present in a variety of forms and Neumann bands are com- mon. Section 3202 was prepared from the outlined area in Figure 14. It was selected particularly for the presence of massive schreibersite that was partially free of cohenite borders. Figure 15 is a photograph of a photomosaic of a portion of this section. The paths of the four traverses described below are indicated in Figure 16, a sketch based on Figure 15. 3202, traverse 1: crossed 1.5 mm of massive schreibersite, 4.5 mm of kamacite, a 40 fim wide schreibersite surrounding a taenite area, 0.1 mm of kamacite, recrossed a 30 fim width of the same schreibersite previously crossed, 50 /urn of kamacite, and 50 fim of taenite. Numerical data for this and succeeding Balfour Downs traverses are given in Table 9. 3202, traverse 2: crossed 0.6 mm of massive schreibersite, 0.6 mm of kamacite, 0.5 mm of massive schreibersite, and 1.5 mm of kamacite. 3202, traverse 3: crossed 0.3 mm of kamacite, 0.4 mm of massive schreibersite, 0.2 mm of kamacite, 80 jxm of cohenite, and 1.3 mm of massive schreibersite. The path of this traverse is indicated in Figures 15 and 16 and the electron microprobe profile is shown in Figure 17. 3202, traverse 4: crossed 0.8 mm of massive schreibersite, 0.1 mm of cohenite, 0.8 mm of kamacite, 0.1 of cohenite, and 0.2 mm of massive schreibersite. Also indicated in Figure 16 are Ni concentrations in various areas of the two massive schreibersites. One is tempted to conclude that a slight Ni gra- dient exists, with the lowest Ni values being adja- cent to cohenite. The differences, however, are small, and this should undoubtedly be looked at more systematically in the future. The Ni and P profile reproduced in Figure 17 illustrates several interesting features. The Ni concentration in kam- acite is low close to these large schreibersites, as are the Ni interface values. There also appears to be a Ni gradient in cohenite, with Ni increasing away from the massive schreibersite. NUMBER 21 35 FIGURE 15. ?Photograph of photomosaic of area of Balfour Downs meteorite examined, USNM 3202: large schreibersite inclusions in kamacite, partially bordered by cohenite. (Line indicates position of traverse 3; see Figure 17.) 36 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES I mm 3202 FIGURE 16. ?Sketch based on Balfour Downs section illustrated in Figure 15 (arrrows indicate location of traverses; numbers give schreibersite Ni concentrations in weight percent) NUMBER 21 37 0.05 2.9 600 MICRONS FIGURE 17. ?Ni and P profiles in Balfour Downs meteorite, USNM 3202, traverse 3 in Figure 16 (schreibersite inclusion at the right enclosed in cohenite). Discussion EQUILIBRIUM CONSIDERATIONS OF PHASE GROWTH The total amount of P present in an iron mete- orite has a marked effect on the structural devel- opment process, and consequently on the final structure observed in prepared sections. Studies of Widmanstatten pattern growth (Wood, 1964; Goldstein and Ogilvie, 1965b; Goldstein and Axon, 1973) have demonstrated that octahedrite meteor- ites cooled from high temperatures and were in equilibrium down to 700? C. Schreibersite growth studies (Goldstein and Ogilvie, 1963; Doan and Goldstein, 1969) led to similar conclusions concern- ing equilibrium temperatures for iron meteorites in general. In a discussion of the effects of P on the development of the Widmanstatten pattern, Goldstein and Doan (1972) estimate that equil- brium in iron meteorites was maintained down to 650? C, and probably to 600? C. Recent work by Randich (1975) suggests the schreibersite-kamacite equilibrium is maintained down to 500? C for diffusion distances as great as 1000 fim. Previous work, therefore, suggests that many of the schrei- bersite precipitates observed in iron meteorites nucleated and grew under equilibrium conditions during a significant part of their cooling history. It is the purpose of this section to examine schrei- bersite growth and related structural development in the selected group of coarse-structured iron meteorites in terms of the equilibrium Fe-Ni-P diagram of Doan and Goldstein (1970). How far can equilibrium considerations take us in explain- ing observed structures? Before proceeding, however, brief mention must be made of the effects of S, C, and Co on the Fe-Ni-P system. These elements are present in iron meteorites in quantities that may be compa- rable to or in excess of P. The role of S has been discussed recently by Goldstein and Axon (1973) and Wai (1974). Goldstein and Axon (1973) point out that S may be important in lowering the 38 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES temperature of metal melts, thereby mobilizing metal without melting silicates. This effect, how- ever, would only extend down to temperatures in the range of 1000? C. At lower temperatures, material of Fe-FeS eutectic composition becomes enclosed in solidifying metal, and the solubility of S in the metallic phases becomes negligibly small. Sulfur is removed from the metal by this process, becoming isolated in complex sulfide nodules (El Goresy, 1965). The situation with respect to carbon is much more complex. Graphite or graphite-troilite nod- ules present in many meteorites represent high temperature segregations of C as well as S. The petrography of these complex associations has been described by El Goresy (1965). Comparatively large amounts of C, however, remain soluble in the metal to lower temperatures, temperatures within the schreibersite growth range. Brett (1967) has discussed the occurrence of cohenite ((Fe,Ni)3C) in meteorites and described its formation in terms of phase equilibria using an extrapolated Fe-Ni-C diagram. He proposed that cohenite formed within a narrow range of bulk Ni values in the temperature range of 650? to 610? C. Scott (1971a) has discussed carbides in iron meteorites in great detail from a petrographic point of view. He has also reported two new carbides, haxonite ((Fe,Ni,Co)23C6) (Scott, 1971b), and a phase desig- nated W-carbide ((Fe,Ni,Co)2.5C), both of which contain considerably more Ni and Co in their structure than is observed in cohenite. Scott (1971a) suggests that cohenite may have formed at somewhat lower temperatures than those sug- gested by Brett (1967). Both Scott (1971a) and Buchwald (1976) point out that cohenite is much more widely distributed in meteorites than previ- ously realized. Cohenite and schreibersite are fre- quently observed in intimate association (Drake, 1970; Clarke, 1969; Buchwald, 1976), with cohenite normally encapsulating large schreibersite inclu- sions in the high C Group I meteorites. These schreibersite-bordering cohenites normally enclose occasional small later-formed schreibersites as has been illustrated above (Figure 13). This morphol- ogy suggests the possibility of concurrent schrei- bersite-cohenite growth after major amounts of schreibersite have formed. Carbon, therefore, is seen to be a component of the system of direct concern here. Experimental data on carbon's ef- fect on the Fe-Ni-P system at low temperatures is not available, and it has been assumed that it can be ignored here except in cases where its physical presence in the form of cohenite or other carbides is important. This assumption may well require reevaluation,when appropriate experimental data becomes available. Another simplifying assumption made in this study is to ignore the presence of Co, an element present in iron meteorites in the range of 0.3% to 0.7% (Moore et al., 1969). Co distributes itself between the three phases of interest, following Fe and seemingly having little effect on the equilibria involved. In the following sections, individual meteorites will be discussed in terms of structural develop- ment on equilibrium cooling through the low tem- perature portion (995? to 550? C) of the Fe-Ni-P system. The Doan and Goldstein (1970) isothermal sections were recalculated on an atom percent basis, and four of these sections plotted on a triangular coordinate system are given in Figure 18. Equilibrium in the system at hand may be de- fined as (1) the phases present are homogeneous, that is to say, free of measurable concentration gradients, and (2) the compositions of individual phases are related to the bulk composition by the phase diagram. In the case at hand, this means that (a) the bulk composition is the composition of the single phase present when it lies within the kamacite (a) or taenite (y) field of the diagram; (b) the bulk composition is on a tie line joining the compositions of the two phases present in the kamacite + schreibersite (a + Ph), the kamacite + taenite (a + y), and the taenite + schreibersite (y + Ph) fields of the diagram; and (c) the bulk composition is related to the three phases present by the compositions at the corners of the triangular kamacite + taenite + schreibersite (a + y + Ph) field of the diagram. The proportions of the phases present in the two- and three-phase fields may be calculated using lever rule principles. Cal- culations of this type were carried out for each of the meteorite compositions considered and are presented in a series of tables to follow (Tables 10-15). Temperatures, the proportion of phases present, and their Ni contents are given. These data will be discussed for each meteorite in terms of observed structures. Selected compositions rep- resenting these meteorites are plotted on a series of isothermal sections of the iron-rich corner of NUMBER 21 39 OS? 40 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE 10. ?Equilibrium cooling of composi- tions appropriate to the Coahuila meteorite (percentage of phases present at indicated temperatures with their Ni contents) ?c 995 975925 875850 750 700650 600 550 ?C 995975 925875 850750 700 650600 550 0.5 %a 60 7593 99 99.7 1.1 %a 1250 82 9498 98 Atomic *Y 100 100100 100100 40 257 1 Atomic 5 %y 100 100100 100 8850 18 5 i P, 5 SPh 0.3 5 P, 5 SPh 12 2 .3 Atomic a 3.3 4.04.4 5.2 5.2 .3 Atomic 3 a 3.53.8 4.5 5.05.2 5.2 t N1 %N 5 55 55 6 912 14 . N1 %H 55 55 56 9 11 Y .3 .3.3 .3.3 .5 .2 Y .3.3 .3.3 .6.9 .1 2NiPh 14 *NiPh 9.013 13 the Fe-Ni-P system from 850? to 550? C in Figure 19. COAHUILA. ?The Coahuila hexahedrite is a me- teorite of both low Ni (5.6 weight %, 5.3 atomic %) and low P (0.3 weight %, 0.5 atomic %). These bulk composition values are well established in the literature and are generally consistent with the major features of the observed structure. The presence of occasional large schreibersites as de- scribed above suggests, however, that the P value may be*somewhat low. For this reason the calcula- tions given in Table 10 were made using two P values, the literature value (0.5 atomic %) and one approximately twice as high (1.1 atomic %). The equilibrium phases present, their amounts in mole percent, and their Ni contents in atomic percent are listed in Table 10 for 10 temperatures between 995? to 550? C. Due to Caohuila's low P (0.5 atomic %), the predicted structural development sequence using the Fe-Ni-P diagram is essentially the same as that derived using the Fe-Ni diagram. At 995? C (Table 10), taenite of the bulk meteorite composition is the only phase present, and this situation contin- ues until the meteorite cools to below 850? C. As the temperature drops an additional 200? C, tae- nite transforms almost completely to massive single crystal kamacite. The last of the taenite transforms to kamacite below 600? C, in the temperature range where schreibersite first nucleates. This se- quence accounts for kamacite containing homoge- neously nucleated rhabdite, the most prominent feature of Caohuila. This low temperature of initial schreibersite nucleation and the small amount formed, however, make it difficult to understand the presence of the occasional larger schreibersites mentioned above. If a somewhat higher P content is assumed, significant differences are revealed. With an as- sumed content of 1.1 atomic % P (Table 10), transformation of taenite to kamacite starts more than 50? C higher, extends over a slightly larger temperature range, and is complete at a higher temperature than in the previous case. Schreiber- site precipitates, while more than 5% taenite re- mains in the structure, and a total of 2% schreiber- site is present at 600? C. In this case, one would expect schreibersite to nucleate at taenite-kamacite boundaries, but no direct evidence for this has been developed. The actual equilibrium P value may well lie between the two selected values, perhaps 0.8 atomic %. This amount of P would produce upon cooling a somewhat smaller quantity of schreibersite, initially nucleating at a tempera- ture below 650? C, and consuming any remaining residual taenite. Both sufficient P and adequate time at higher temperatures would be available to permit growth of the isolated larger schreibersites observed, and the bulk of the meteorite would appear to have formed under conditions of lower total P. The 5.3 atomic % Ni and 0.8 atomic % P com- positions are plotted on a series of isothermal sections in Figure 19. At 850? C, Coahuila's com- position is just inside the kamacite-taenite field of the diagram, yielding a structure containing a small amount of kamacite within a taenite matrix. The field moves in relation to this composition with decreasing temperature, until at 650? C only a small amount of taenite remains in equilibrium with a kamacite matrix. At 600? C, the composition is within the kamacite-schreibersite field, perhaps having passed through the corner of the kamacite- taenite-schreibersite field. By 550? C, the composi- tion lies well within the kamacite-schreibersite field of the diagram, with approximately 98% kamacite NUMBER 21 41 850?C 0 0 100% Fe ABELLSBANK ? COAHUILA ? SANTA LUZIA S-BALLINGER ? LEXINGTON COUNTY - BAHJOI AGOOSE LAKE-BALFOUR DOWNS 5.0 5.3 6.2 6.2 7.1 7.8 %P 3.6 0.8 2.7 1.4 1.8 2.7 10 15 ATOMIC %Ni 20 FIGURE 19. ? Meteorite bulk compositions plotted on series of isothermal sections of Fe-Ni-P system. 42 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES containing 5.1 atomic % Ni and 0.5 atomic % P, being in equilibrium with 2% schreibersite contain- ing 13 atomic % Ni and 25 atomic % P. The development sequence described above ac- counts for the major features of Coahuila struc- ture. Equilibrium cooling of this bulk composition produced large single crystals of kamacite contain- ing minor inclusions. The earliest-formed schrei- bersite nucleated and grew on preexisting sulfide inclusions where available, or perhaps at kamacite- taenite interfaces. The great majority of the indi- vidual schreibersite crystals, however, may be as- sumed to have nucleated homogeneously within kamacite. If this process had stopped at 550? C, the meteorite would contain kamacite of 5.1 atomic % Ni and 0.5 atomic % P, and schreibersite of 13 atomic % Ni. Phase composition measurements from the literature and those reported above indi- cate that diffusion controlled growth continued to lower temperatures, modifying phase composi- tions significantly, while producing only subtle changes in the gross structural features. These changes in phase compositions and subtle differ- ences in structure will be discussed in some detail later in this paper. BALLINGER. ?The Ballinger meteorite is a low Ni octahedrite probably containing more P than the analytical value given in Table 1 (0.4 weight % P, 0.7 atomic % P). The Ballinger photograph (Figure 6) shows three areas containing large schreibersite inclusions, perhaps suggesting that the amount of P should be doubled. The calcula- tions given in Table 11, therefore, were made using 6.2 atomic % Ni (6.5 weight %) and both 0.7 atomic % and 1.4 atomic % P. During equilibrium cooling in the low P case (Table 11), taenite is the only phase present until kamacite appears around 800? C. At 600? C, the equilibrium structure contains 89% kamacite, 10% taenite, and only 1% schreibersite. Upon cooling to 500? C, all of the taenite would be expected to transform, producing an equilibrium structure of 99% kamacite and 1% schreibersite. Both the pres- ence of the massive schreibersites and residual taenite in the actual structure argue against this interpretation. The growth of such large schrei- bersites requires more P, and the presence of taenite demonstrates that equilibrium cooling was not maintained down to 550? C. The 1.4 atomic % P calculation for Ballinger (Table 11 ) leads to a more reasonable interpreta- TABLE 11. ?Equilibrium cooling of composi- tions appropriate to the Ballinger meteorite (percentage of phases present at indicated temperatures with their Ni contents) "C 995975 925875 850750 700650 600550 ?C 995975 925875 850750 700650 600550 0 %a 1560 7889 99 1 %a 54 3062 7788 96 .7 Atomic *Y 100100 100100 10085 4022 10 .4 Atomic %y 100100 10095 9568 3620 8 % P, 6 %Ph 11 % P, 6 %Ph 12 23 44 .2 Atomic *N1 a 3.74.0 4.95.2 6.0 .2 Atomic XN1 a 3.94.0 4.04.5 5.05.2 5.7 * N1 XN1y 6.26.2 6.26.2 6.26.6 9.111 14 * N1 %N1y 6.26.2 6.26.3 6.37.2 9.111 14 *N1 1315 XN1 45 79 1315 Ph Ph .4.3 .1.0 tion of the structure. Small amounts of kamacite form in taenite around 900? C, and by 850? C the taenite matrix contains 4% kamacite and 1% schreibersite, a situation that might be expected to lead to the growth of several rather large schrei- bersites on subsequent cooling rather than a num- ber of small ones. By 750? C, one-third of the meteorite is kamacite, undoubtedly the swathing kamacite surrounding the large schreibersites that are present. As the temperature falls to 650? C, the meteorite transforms to 77% kamacite, and the schreibersite doubles its Ni content to 9.0 atomic %, while increasing its amount by one-half. As the temperature drops to 600? C, kamacite increases in volume, schreibersite increases in both amount and in Ni content, and taenite shrinks to 8%. The higher P content seems to be more consistent with the observed structure and could actually be a little low. The presence of taenite and high Ni schreibersite in the actual structure (see above) demonstrates that equilibrium cooling did not persist down to 550? C, and that nonequi- librium phase growth continued to lower temper- atures. As in the case with Coahuila, however, the gross features of the structure are accounted for by equilibrium cooling of this particular composi- tion (Figure 19). NUMBER 21 43 SANTA LUZIA. ?The Santa Luzia meteorite structure is dominated by schreibersite and schrei- bersite-troilite inclusions surrounded by broad areas of swathing kamacite (Figure 7). The litera- ture values for its bulk composition, 6.3 atomic % Ni and 1.6 atomic % P (6.6 weight % Ni and 0.9 weight % P, Table 1), are very close to those assumed for the high P Ballinger composition (Table 11), only a 0.1% increase in Ni and 0.2% in P. This apparently minor change, however, has important ramifications for the structural devel- opment process in Santa Luzia. In Ballinger the expected sequence of phases with falling tempera- ture, y ?> a + y ?? a + y + Ph, is followed. In Santa Luzia this sequence is inter- rupted around 850? C, where over a range of temperature taenite is in equilibrium with schrei- bersite, the sequence of phases being TABLE 12. ?Equilibrium cooling of composi- tions appropriate to the Santa Luzia meteorite (percentage of phases present at indicated temperatures with their Ni contents) Ph Ph. The growth of significant amounts of schreibersite within taenite subsequent to the disappearance of preexisting kamacite produced conditions that re- sulted in the development of large volumes of swathing kamacite and the unusual schreibersite morphology observed in the meteorite. The actual bulk P value for Santa Luzia may be somewhat larger than the 1.6 atomic % value given in Table 1. The calculations summarized in Table 12 indicate, however, that the same sequence of phases would be expected whether 1.6 atomic % or 2.7 atomic % P is assumed. In either case, kamacite and taenite would have been in equilib- rium at 925? C. It is reasonable to assume that this kamacite nucleated within taenite at the preexist- ing troilite-taenite grain boundaries, with kamacite lamellae radiating away from the troilite. Upon cooling to 875? C, the proportion of kamacite was markedly reduced at both P levels. This small amount of kamacite presumably remained local- ized near the troilite nodules. The taenite inter- faces with troilite and the kamacite-taenite inter- faces acted as nucleation sites for schreibersite upon further cooling, producing a skeletal struc- ture that sets the pattern for subsequent schreiber- site growth. Nearly half in one case, and more than half in the other, of the schreibersite that formed upon cooling the meteorite to 500? C ?c 995975 925 875850 750700 650600 550 ?C 995975 925 875850 750 700650 600550 1 %a 10 3 2660 7687 95 2 %a 4350 35 4 27 6076 8891 .6 Atomic %y 100100 90 9698 7137 218 .7 Atomic 3 *Y 5750 65 9093 66 3216 3 t p, 6 %Ph 12 33 35 5 i P, 6 SPh 67 7 88 9 9 .3 Atomic %Ni a 4.5 4.0 4.04.5 5.05.2 5.8 .2 Atomic 3 *N1a 5.35.4 4.9 4.0 4.0 4.55.0 5.25.4 i Ni SN1Y 6.36.3 6.4 6.46.3 7.29.1 1114 i Ni XN1 Y 6.87.1 7.0 6.46.3 7.2 9.111 14 %NiPh 4.44.5 5.37.1 9.013 15 *NiPh 4.44.5 5.3 7.19.0 1314 formed at the relatively high temperature of 850? C. Upon further cooling Ni and P continued to diffuse into the central schreibersite areas, P con- tributing to additional growth and Ni contributing to both growth and Ni enrichment. As a conse- quence of this localized growth of schreibersite, a large surrounding volume of low Ni metal was produced, the swathing kamacite zone of the final structure. This proposed growth sequence ex- plains the morphology of these large sc(hreibersite structures without the necessity of invoking precip- itation from the liquid, a process that would re- quire a bulk composition of more than 4.9 atomic % P at high temperatures. The broad swathing zone developed as the me- teorite cooled from 850? C down into the 700? to 650? C range (Figure 7). This transformation takes place easily at these temperatures as only a rela- tively small amount of Ni movement is required for both schreibersite growth and enrichment, and for production of the taenite border at the outer edge of the zone. This expanding taenite border acts as a barrier to isolate the large central schreibersites from the bulk material beyond the swathing zone. As the temperature drops and diffusion becomes increasingly restricted, condi- tions are met for the nucleation of schreibersite at 44 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES this taenite border. By 550? C the taenite border has been transformed and replaced with a contin- uous grain boundary, approximately half of which is occupied by grain boundary schreibersite. This is amply supported by examination of Santa Luzia specimens. The swathing zone boundary contains a large amount of schreibersite and is, with a few minor exceptions, free of residual taenite. The swathing zone itself is also free of large schreiber- sites and residual taenite, with the exception of several small areas very close to the swathing zone border. These appear to have been small areas of residual taenite that became trapped within the swathing zone at a very late stage and may have been part of the taenite border system at higher temperatures. Competition for P from neighbor- ing schreibersites appears to be the reason that these areas were not converted completely to schreibersite. Schreibersite equilibration with taenite in the 850? C temperature range results in a redistribu- tion of P in the meteorite leading to the develop- ment of areas of coarse Widmanstatten pattern (Figure 7). At these high temperatures P diffuses with ease, lowering its level even in the distant bulk metal to approximately 1.0 atomic %. Subse- quent to this, the swathing zone development described above took place, resulting in the isola- tion of that part of the meteorite from the areas where the coarse Widmanstatten pattern formed. The areas beyond the swathing zones developed an effective bulk composition similar to that of the low P Ballinger case described above. Widmanstat- ten pattern nucleated in these areas at tempera- tures below 750? C, and grain boundary schreiber- site probably began nucleating at kamacite-taenite interfaces around 600? C. The observed metallog- raphy of these areas is consistent with this expla- nation. The bulk composition of Santa Luzia is plotted on the diagrams in Figure 19. As in the previous cases, it is obvious from the observations reported in the results section that bulk equilibrium was not maintained down to 550? C, and that phase modi- fication persisted to considerably lower tempera- tures. LEXINGTON COUNTY AND BAHJOI. ?The bulk compositions of the Lexington County and Bahjoi meteorites appear to be poorly established (Table 1). They are structurally similar, carbon- and sul- fur-rich members of Group I with intermediate TABLE 13. ?Equilibrium cooling of composi- tions appropriate to the Lexington County and Bahjoi meteorites (percentages of phases present at indicated temperatures with their Ni contents) ?c 995 975925 875 850750 700650 600 550 ?C 995975 925875 850750 700650 600550 0. %a 4070 79 99 1. %a 5 10 Tr 4260 78 94 5 Atomic %y 100 100100 100100 100 6030 20 8 Atomic 3 %y 10095 9098 9796 5435 16 t P, 7. %Ph 0.3 1 i p, 7. 0.32 34 45 5 6 1 Atomic %M a 4.14.9 5.2 6.9 1 Atomic %N1 a 5.5 5.3 (4.2) 4.55.0 5.2 6.5 S N1 %My 7.17.1 7.17.1 7.17.1 9.212 14 i Ni %N1y 7.17.2 7.37.1 7.27.2 9.111 14 SUM 13 16 %M 5.5. 5.5. 7.9. 13 15 Ph Ph 20 33 10 bulk Ni. The P values of Lexington County (0.5 atomic % P, 0.3 weight % P) are too low to be reconciled with the amount of schreibersite ob- served in prepared sections. The Lexington County bulk Ni value is also probably somewhat higher than 7.0 weight % Ni when the contribution of large schreibersites is taken into consideration. Much of the kamacite in this meteorite contains 7.0 weight % Ni, and some of it contains slightly more Ni. Bahjoi also contains isolated large schrei- bersites, requiring its effective bulk P to be greater than 0.3 weight % P. For these reasons, the equilib- rium phase calculations in Table 13 were made at the intermediate Ni value of 7.1 atomic % (7.5 weight % Ni), and at 0.5 atomic % P and 1.8 atomic % P (1.0 weight % P). These calculations suggest that the actual P value probably lies be- tween the two, probably greater than 1 atomic % P. Structure development in the cooling meteorite does not start until below 750? C in the low P case (Table 13), taenite being the only phase present at higher temperatures. Schreibersite precipitation does not begin until below 650? C, a temperature at which more than 70% of the structure has transformed to kamacite. At 600? C, only 0.3% NUMBER 21 45 schreibersite is present. Under these conditions schreibersite would have precipitated at kamacite- taenite interfaces throughout a well-established Widmanstatten pattern. P could not move through the Widmanstatten pattern to precipitate as schrei- bersite borders at isolated sulfide interfaces. Schreibersite in these meteorites must have precip- itated initially prior to extensive Widmanstatten pattern development, requiring a greater bulk P content. The 1.8 atomic % P value used in Table 13 is somewhat higher than necessary to account for the observed structure. With this amount of P in the system, kamacite would precipitate by 975? C and schreibersite would be present by 925? C. If the P content were reduced to 1.4 atomic %, neither kamacite nor schreibersite would be pres- ent in the system at 925? C or above. At 875? C, however, schreibersite would be present growing within taenite. Kamacite would not nucleate until below 750? C. The important consideration here is that within a reasonable range of P contents, schreibersite nucleates within taenite, undoubtedly at preexisting taenite interfaces with troilite or troilite-silicate-graphite inclusions if they are avail- able. Major quantities of schreibersite grow under these conditions prior to kamacite nucleation and the onset of Widmanstatten pattern development. The 1.8 atomic % P value is used in Figure 19, and it can be seen there that reasonable reduction in the amount of P changes only the amounts of the phases present. Nucleation temperatures for both schreibersite and kamacite would be lowered somewhat, and smaller amounts of P would pro- duce smaller quantities of schreibersite. Neither of these meteorites would appear to contain as much as 6% schreibersite, but certainly they both contain more than 1 %. The structural development sequence in Lexing- ton County and Bahjoi is similar to that of Santa Luzia. With falling temperature a few massive schreibersites grow within taenite, followed by nucleation and growth of a swathing kamacite zone. The Ni values in these massive schreibersites (16 atomic % Ni for Bahjoi, 21 atomic % Ni for Lexington County) require that Ni enrichment continued to below 550? C. At some temperature below 650? C, however, massive schreibersite growth is stopped by precipitation of cohenite. Cohenite contains no detectable P and, therefore, isolates the massive schreibersite from a source of P for continued growth. Ni gradients within the cohenite borders (Figure 13) suggest that Ni may continue to be supplied to the schreibersite through the cohenite. Under these circumstances, a distinct swathing zone morphology is not devel- oped, but the surrounding kamacite does retain a low Ni level and is comparatively free of later- stage schreibersite precipitation. Within the bulk metal surrounding these even- tual cohenite-schreibersite inclusions, initial Wid- manstatten pattern development started above 700? C, following its normal sequence. Bulk Ni is low enough that a coarse-structured octahedrite pattern formed. Both of these meteorites have schreibersite morphologies and distributions simi- lar to a meteorite like Ballinger, but they contain more grain boundary taenite and residual taenite- plessite areas, particularly Bahjoi. GOOSE LAKE AND BALFOUR DOWNS. ?The Goose Lake and Balfour Downs meteorites are two of the highest Ni members of Group I (Table 1), and they are meteorites that contain significant amounts of C and S. The analytical P values from the literature again appear to be too low to explain the observed metallography. A planometric esti- mate of 0.9 weight % P (1.6 atomic % P) for Goose Lake was given by Doan and Goldstein (1969), and this figure appears to be consistent with the ob- served structure. Phase calculations are given in Table 14 using a pair of compositions to represent the two meteorites, 7.9 atomic % Ni (8.3 weight % Ni), and 1.4 and 2.7 atomic % P (0.75 and 1.5 weight % P), bracketing what was undoubtedly their effective bulk compositions. When 1.4 atomic % P is assumed (Table 14), schreibersite nucleates within taenite at a temper- ature above 850? C. If 2.7 atomic % P is assumed, schreibersite nucleates above 975? C in the pres- ence of 20% kamacite. No structural evidence for initial precipitation at kamacite-taenite interfaces has been observed, supporting the suggestion that the actual P level was in the neighborhood of 1.6 atomic % P. This means that schreibersite nu- cleated around 900? C, undoubtedly at taenite- troilite boundaries, were they available. The result was growth of a large amount of schreibersite in taenite, with nucleation of a kamacite swathing zone following at a temperature somewhat above 700? C. As the temperature fell, a large supply of Ni was required to keep these massive schreiber- sites in equilibrium, a process that seems to have 46 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE 14. ?Equilibrium cooling of composi- tions appropriate to the Goose Lake and Bal- four Downs meteorites (percentage of phases present at indicated temperatures with their Ni contents) ?c 995975 925875 850750 700650 600550 ?C 995975 925875 850750 700650 600550 1 %a 2547 7092 2 %a 2023 2547 7091 .4 Atomic %y 100100 100100 9998 7250 264 .7 Atomic *Y 8075 9695 9392 6744 21 % P, 7 XPh 12 33 44 % P, 7 %Ph 24 57 88 99 9 .9 Atomic XN1 a 4.55.0 5.27.1 .8 Atomic %N1a 6.26.3 4.55.0 5.27.0 % N1 XN1 Y 7.97.9 7.97.9 7.98.0 9.111 1418 % N1 %N1Y 8.28.3 7.87.9 7.97.9 9.111 14 *NiPh 6.67.0 7.19.0 1316 %N1Ph 6.05.7 6.06.2 6.67.1 9.013 16 continued down to below 550? C (17 to 24 atomic % Ni in cohenite-enclosed massive schreibersite). The size of the massive schreibersites requires that the cohenite borders precipitated at temperatures below 750? C. Within this same 700? to 550? C temperature range, the bulk of the metal away from the large schreibersites transformed to nor- mal Widmanstatten pattern. Grain boundary schreibersite, rhabdites, and taenite border schrei- bersites were formed during this part of the se- quence. In Figure 19 the 2.7 atomic % P value is used. It is obvious here that the same sequence of phases is obtained if the P value is somewhat reduced. The higher Ni is the significant structural devel- opment factor in this case. BELLSBANK. ?The Bellsbank meteorite is anom- alous, unusually low in Ni and high in P. The gross segregation of schreibersite in its structure makes it unusually difficult to arrive at a satisfac- tory bulk P content. For this reason the literature values of 5.3 weight % Ni and 2 weight % P were bracketed in Table 15 by assumed compositions of 5.3 weight % Ni and both 1 and 3 weight % P (5.0 atomic % Ni and 1.8 and 3.6 atomic % P, and 4.9 atomic % Ni and 5.3 atomic % P). The intermedi- ate P level proved to be the most reasonable in terms of explaining the observed structure and will be considered first. For the composition 5.0 atomic % Ni and 3.6 atomic % P (Table 15), kamacite is the only equilib- rium phase present from 1100? C to below 975? C. At a temperature somewhat below 975? C taenite nucleates, and a small amount of it is in equilib- rium with kamacite at 925? C. By 875? C, taenite has grown to be nearly as abundant as kamacite and the structure contains 6% schreibersite, un- doubtedly having nucleated at preexisting kama- cite-taenite grain boundaries as well as around sulfide inclusions. At 700? C most of the taenite has disappeared, and at 650? C, 90% kamacite is in equilibrium with 10% schreibersite. The schrei- bersite continues to increase in Ni as it cools, reaching a value of 11 atomic % Ni at 600? C and below, with a Ni content in the kamacite of 4.2 atomic percent. Both of these Ni values are in general agreement with observed values, perhaps a little on the high side. If the 1.8 atomic % P value is assumed, kamacite and taenite are the phases present in the equilib- rium structure from 1100? C down to below 850? C. Schreibersite first appears somewhat above 750? C, and is present in the amount of 2% when that temperature is reached. Nucleation under these circumstances would be expected to distribute schreibersite along kamacite-taenite borders, these phases being present in approximately equal amounts. Taenite disappears from the structure below 700? C, and by 600? C, 3% schreibersite is in equilibrium with kamacite. The final Ni contents of both kamacite and schreibersite are somewhat higher than in the 3.6 atomic % P case, the higher P situation agreeing better with actual measure- ments on the meteorite. When 5.3 atomic % P is assumed, the bulk composition lies within the kamacite + liquid field of the phase diagram from 1100? C to somewhat above 1010? C. At 995? C, 5% schreibersite is in equilibrium with kamacite, and this schreibersite remains constant in amount down to 925? C. Dur- ing the next 50? drop in temperature one-third of the structure transforms to taenite and the amount of schreibersite more than doubles to 13%. The taenite decreases in volume with further cooling and disappears below 750? C. By 700? C the equilib- rium phases are again kamacite and schreibersite, NUMBER 21 47 TABLE 15. ?Equilibrium cooling of composi- tions appropriate to the Bellsbank meteorite (percentage of phases present at indicated temperatures with their Ni contents) ?c 995975 925 875850 750700 650600 555 ?C 995975 925875 850750 700650 600550 ?C 995975 925875 850750 700650 600550 1 %a 1030 30 3555 6888 97 9695 3 %a 100100 8553 5063 8590 8888 5 U 9595 9552 4962 8383 8180 .8 Atomic %y 9070 70 6545 309 .6 Atomic %Y 1541 4228 5 .3 Atomic %y 3536 22 X P, 5 %Ph 23 3 45 % P, 5 %Ph 68 910 1012 12 X P, 4 XPh 55 513 1516 1717 1920 .0 Atomic %N1a 4.04.2 3.8 3.54.0 4.04.5 4.9 4.74.6 .0 Atomic SN1 a 5.0 5.04.7 4.04.0 4.04.5 4.64.2 4.2 .9 Atomic %Nia 4.84.8 4.84.0 4.04.0 4.44.4 3.83.8 % Ni %N1Y 5.15.3 5.5 5.86.3 7.29.1 % N1 *N1 Y 6.66.4 6.37.2 9.1 % Ni SN1 Y 6.46.3 7.2 ?H1ph 5.37.1 8.9 1213 *NiPh 4.44.4 5.37.1 8.011 11 %Niph 6.46.0 5.24.4 4.45.3 7.07.5 1010 schreibersite being present in the amount of 17%. With further cooling, schreibersite increases in quantity and in Ni content, with a rather marked decrease in kamacite Ni content. The final Ni content of the schreibersite is possibly slightly lower than the measured value, the quantity of schreibersite seems too high, and the kamacite Ni values too low. The 3.6 atomic % P figure, the one plotted in Figure 19, seems to be the best choice of the three. A somewhat higher P value, perhaps 4 atomic %, would probably be even better, however. This would mean that schreiber- site would initially nucleate in the presence of less taenite, and that final massive schreibersite and kamacite would have slightly smaller Ni values. The observed low temperature schreibersite mor- phology suggests that an extensive Widmanstatten pattern was not present when schreibersite nu- cleated . The phase growth calculations that have been discussed above account for the major structural features of the selected group of meteorites. Ap- propriate compositions cooled under equilibrium conditions to approximately 600? C would produce the observed proportion of phases and account for the general character of the structures. Coa- huila is single crystal kamacite containing a few isolated moderate-size schreibersite inclusions. Ballinger has a coarse Widmanstatten pattern in- terrupted by large schreibersites that may be sur- rounded by cohenite. Santa Luzia contains massive schreibersite areas surrounded by giant swathing kamacite, separating areas of coarse Widmanstat- ten pattern. The higher Ni members of the group have a finer Widmanstatten pattern with massive schreibersite morphology explainable in terms of the amounts of P and C present. Bellsbank con- tains massive schreibersite and low Ni kamacite and has similarities to the giant swathing kamacite areas in Santa Luzia. It is interesting at this point to summarize equi- librium data given above and compare it with what would be expected in terms of Widmanstat- ten pattern growth from the binary Fe-Ni system. Here Widmanstatten pattern growth is construed in its conventional usage of simply taenite trans- forming to kamacite, ignoring the presence of P either in solution or in schreibersite. The compar- ison is made in Table 16, where the first two columns give the compositions of the meteorites as plotted in Figure 19, the compositions that best fit the structural arguments given above. These columns are followed by sets of data for the ternary system and for the binary system (Figure 1). In each set the first column gives equilibrium temperatures at which Widmanstatten pattern de- velopment starts (y ?>a + y) if undercooling effects are ignored, probably a reasonable assump- tion when P is present. The second column gives the expected temperatures at which taenite would be completely transformed to kamacite (a + y ?? a) if equilibrium were maintained down to these low temperatures. The third column gives the expected temperature range for Widmanstatten pattern growth (ATWPG). The last two columns show the effect of P on increasing the tempera- tures of kamacite nucleation (TaNuc) and taenite disappearance (TyDis) over what would be ex- pected from the binary system. 48 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES* TABLE 16. ?Temperatures (? C) for Widmanstatten pattern development in the ternary system as compared to the binary system Meteorite Bellsbank Lexington County & Bahjoi Goose Lake & Balfour Downs ? ? Atomic Ni 5.0 5.3 6.2 6.2 7.1 7.8 % P 3.6 0.8 1.4 2.7 1.8 2.7 Fe-NI-P System (-930?)" 860? 880? 840? 750? 730? c+Y-a * 690? 610? 580? 580? 565? 555? ATWGP 240? 250? 300? 260? 185? 175? Fe-N1 Y-a+Y and the Ni flux from the interface into the schrei- bersite is Sm.f ? The concentration gradients in P and Ni are dCP/dX and aCNi/aX. The diffusion controlled growth process may be described by the mathematical treatment of Ran- dich and Goldstein (1975). Diffusion in the Fe-Ni- P system may be described using an extension of Fick's first law. The P and Ni fluxes in terms of concentration gradients in kamacite and schreiber- site are as follows. Ta = ? JP Ta ? _ pp dX PNi NiNi dX dX ax TPh = _r>Fe,PhNiNi ax ,ph aCp ax Jp"h = o (la) (lb) (lc) (Id) Separate sets of equations are needed for each phase. The P flux in schreibersite is zero due to the constant atomic proportion of this element in schreibersite. The symbols D?pa and D?fN? are diffusion coefficients, measures of the influence of the concentration gradients of these two ele- ments on their own flux, where as D?Nia and D^iPa reflect cross effects usually referred to as the ternary diffusional interaction. The latter coeffi- cients have been found to be so small in this system that the terms containing them may be dropped from the above equations (Heyward and Goldstein, 1973). These equations may then be simplified by neglecting the diffusional interaction terms and the P flux in schreibersite. Ja ? Hx ax (2a) (2b) (2c) Fick's second law is applied in order to consider the time dependence of the fluxes. It is assumed that diffusion coefficients are independent of com- position. at ax pp ax2 (3a) NUMBER 21 55 ATOMIC %Ni 30 20 o o 10 Ph Ni JP t+ aCp x^ H FIGURE 23. ?Relation of schreibersite growth both to Fe-Ni-P diagram and to growth equations: top, schematic low temperature ternary with tie line indicating schreibersite growing in a + Ph field; bottom, a + Ph interface compositions, composition gradients, and associated P and Ni fluxes. 56 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES dt at ax JNl ax NiNi NiNi ax2 (3b) (3c) The resulting mass balance equations for P and Ni at a schreibersite-kamacite interface are as fol- lows. (4a)dt (4b) The two mass balances are related to each other as the rate of movement of the interface, d?/dt, must be the same for both elements. (5)dt dt dt A schreibersite growth rate may then be expressed in terms of interface Ni and P concentrations, the flux of P in kamacite, and the fluxes of Ni in both kamacite and schreibersite. 1 dt Cp ? Cp7(-JPV) dt (6a) (6b) It is beyond the scope of this study to attempt the difficult numerical analysis required to solve these growth equations. Randich (1975) has devel- oped a model for this purpose and successfully applied it to the growth of schreibersite in hexa- hedrites. He compiled a computer program that treats diffusion controlled phase growth in ternary systems when the requisite portions of the phase diagram are known. The model accomodates ter- nary interactions, nonisothermal transformations (variable cooling rates), and impingement (over- lapping diffusion fields). It is based on a one- dimensional space grid and is rigorous only for lamellar schreibersite growing within kamacite. The concepts that this model employs, however, are valid for meteorites more complex than the hexahedrites, and they will be used here in a qualitative interpretation of the data. Equations 6a and 6b relate P and Ni interface concentrations to their gradients in kamacite and schreibersite for the final stages of growth. Cool- ing is assumed to be uninterrupted, with schreiber- site growth continuing down to very low tempera- tures. Measurements with the electron micro- probe, however, do not reveal changes that take place within less than 1 /urn of an interface. There- fore, as a consequence of this limitation of the measurement technique, growth apparently stops when subsequent changes become unresolvable. Randich's (1975) calculations indicate a lower limit of 250? C for detectable change. Equation 6a is a key to the understanding of schreibersite growth under the conditions that pertained in the meteorites under study. It dem- onstrates that the P flux controlled the schreiber- site growth rate. The quantity Cp in the equation is the P content of schreibersite at the interface (Figure 23), a constant at 25 atomic %. The quan- tity Cp is the interface P content in kamacite. It is a small number, 0.2 to 0.05 atomic %, in the temperature range of formation of the observed interface relationships. The quantity (CP ? CP), therefore, may be considered to be independent of temperature even though Cp is not. With this simplifying assumption, the rate of growth of a given interface, d?/dt, is seen to be dependent only on the P flux, J?f+. The P flux, however, will be dependent upon CP at any given tempera- ture. The value of Cp combines with the P level in the surrounding kamacite to establish the P gra- dient, aCp/aX, the variable that determines the flux (equation 2a). The system responds to the constraint of the P flux determining schreibersite growth rates by adjusting individual interface Ni concentrations so that the growth rate established by P (equation 6a) is matched by the growth rate due to Ni (equation 6b). This permits individual schreibersites contain- ing markedly different Ni levels to continue to grow simultaneously within the cooling meteorite. Kamacite and schreibersite interface Ni and P concentrations must continue to be related by a tie line relationship, a requirement that is met by tie lines shifting from the equilibrium tie line. The nature of these tie line shifts and their effects on growth rates of individual schreibersites is illus- trated in Figure 24. Tie line shifts and their effects are illustrated using hypothetical ternary diagrams in Figure 24. The symbols for Ni and P are retained as a matter of convenience, although scale problems preclude NUMBER 21 57 1 1 1 ^ 1 LJ 1 1 1 1 \ V li HOJu3