SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES ? NUMBER 26 Field and Laboratory Investigations of Meteorites from Victoria Land, Antarctica Ursula B. Marvin and Brian Mason f EDITORS f ii -. ISSUED JUN8 1984 SMITHSONIAN PUBLICATIONS SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION PRESS City of Washington 1984 ABSTRACT Marvin, Ursula B., and Brian Mason, editors. Field and Laboratory Inves-tigations of Meteorites from Victoria Land, Antarctica. Smithsonian Contri- butions to the Earth Sciences, number 26, 134 pages, frontispiece, 79 figures,11 tables, 1984.?This monograph describes the meteorite collecting activi- ties in Victoria Land during the 1980-1981 and 1981-1982 field seasons,and the geodetic measurements of ice motion and ablation at the Allan Hills site. Descriptions and classifications are given for all specimens collectedduring the 1980-1981 season and for most of those collected during the 1981-1982 season. Review articles are included on the petrology and classi- fication of 145 small meteorites collected in the 1977-1978 season, onAntarctic Type 3 chondrites, and on cosmic-ray-produced nuclides in the Victoria Land meteorites. The first lunar meteorite is described. Chemicalanalyses of 25 Victoria Land meteorites are published, with a discussion of Antarctic weathering effects. The Appendix lists all of the Victoria Landmeteorites classified as of June 1983, by numerical order for each locality and by meteorite class. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION DATE is handstamped in a limited number of initial copies and is recorded in the Institution's annual report, Smithsonian Year. SERIES COVER DESIGN: Aerial view of Ulawun Volcano, New Britain. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Main entry under title: Field and laboratory investigations of meteorites from Victoria Land, Antarctica. (Smithsonian contributions to the earth sciences ; no. 26) Bibliography: p. 1. Meteorites?Antarctic regions. I. Marvin, Ursula B. II. Mason, Brian Harold, 1917- III. Series. QE1.S227 no. 26 [QB755.5A] 550s [523.5'1] 83-20087 Contents Page EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION, by Ursula B. Marvin and Brian Mason .... 1 THE 1980-1981 FIELD SEASON, by William A. Cassidy 5 THE FIELD SEASON IN VICTORIA LAND, 1981-1982, by R.F. Fudali and J.W. Schutt 9 ABLATION AND ICE MOVEMENT AT THE ALLAN HILLS MAIN ICEFIELD BETWEEN 1978 AND 1981, by Ludolf Schultz and John O. Annexstad 17 DESCRIPTIONS OF STONY METEORITES, by Roberta Score, Carol M. Schwarz, and Brian Mason 23 DESCRIPTIONS OF IRON METEORITES AND MESOSIDERITES, by Roy S. Clarke, Jr 49 PETROLOGY AND CLASSIFICATION OF 145 SMALL METEORITES FROM THE 1977 ALLAN HILLS COLLECTION, by Susan G. McKinley and Klaus Keil 55 CLASSIFICATION, METAMORPHISM, AND BRECCIATION OF TYPE 3 CHON- DRITES FROM ANTARCTICA, by Edward R.D. Scott 73 A METEORITE FROM THE MOON, by Ursula B. Marvin 95 COSMIC-RAY-PRODUCED NUCLIDES IN VICTORIA LAND METEORITES, by Kunihiko Nishiizumi 105 BULK CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF ANTARCTIC METEORITES, WITH NOTES ON WEATHERING EFFECTS ON FEO, FE-METAL, FES, H2O, AND C, by Eugene Jarosewich Ill APPENDIX: Tables of Victoria Land Meteorites 115 in Allan Hills 81005, the first lunar rock to be discovered on the surface of Earth. Photograph taken before processing at the Curatorial Facility in the NASA Johnson Space Center at Houston. Field and Laboratory Investigations of Meteorites from Victoria Land, Antarctica Editors' Introduction Ursula B. Marvin and Brian Mason This is the third publication in the Smithson- ian Contributions to the Earth Sciences series to review the results of the yearly United States expeditions to collect meteorites in Victoria Land, Antarctica. The first two publications were Catalog of Antarctic Meteorites, 1977-1978 (Marvin and Mason, 1980) and Catalog of Me- teorites from Victoria Land, Antarctica, 1978- 1980 (Marvin and Mason, 1982). Both publi- cations were much more than catalogs. They included descriptions of field and laboratory investigations and overview articles on the more interesting types of Antarctic meteorites. This third publication in the series continues this practice and so we have dropped the word "Catalog" from the title. This issue describes the 1980-1981 and 1981-1982 field seasons in Victoria Land. It contains chapters outlining the results of the first geophysical measurements of ice thickness and the continuing geodetic measurements of ablation and ice motion in the Allan Hills re- Ursula B. Marvin, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138. Brian Ma- son, Department of Mineral Sciences, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsoniati Institution, Washington, B.C. 20560. gion. All specimens weighing more than 100 grams, collected in those two seasons, are de- scribed and classified. In addition, the classifi- cations of several groups of smaller, pebble- sized specimens, collected in the 1977-1978 season, have been added to the updated lists in the Appendices. Appendix Table A lists all of the Victoria Land meteorites, classified by May 1983, for each locality by consecutive numbers; Appendix Table B lists specimens consecutively by meteorite class; and Appendix Table C lists the specimens currently believed to be paired. One chapter reviews new obser- vations on the rare and relatively primitive Type 3 chondrites from Antarctica; another presents the latest measurements of cosmo- genic nuclides and terrestrial ages of Antarctic meteorites. A computerized Antarctic Mete- orite Bibliography is maintained at the Lunar and Planetary Institute (3303 NASA Road 1, Houston, Texas 77058) and lists of publica- tions from it are available on request. The highlight of the Antarctic collecting program is the discovery, on the final day of the 1981-1982 field season, of the first lunar sample ever to be found on the surface of the Earth. A brief account is presented of the field 1 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES occurrence and initial characterization of this specimen. The total numbers and classifications of me- teorite specimens collected in the 1980-1981 and 1981-1982 seasons are listed in Table 1. After six successive seasons of searches, the Main Icefield at the Allan Hills region still yields new specimens yearly, and exploration has barely begun of the vast reaches of blue ice in the Middle Western and Far Western icefields. (For the configuration of these fields see Marvin, herein, p. 96.) During preparation of this publication, we received news that re- connaissance work in the 1982-1983 season revealed the presence of rich new lodes of specimens in the area of the Thiel Mountains (Figure 1). The fruitfulness of the Antarctic Meteorite Program is thus assured for the fore- seeable future. The field explorations and laboratory re- search are both increasingly international in TABLE 1.?Numbers of meteoritic specimens collected in the 1980-1981 and 1981-1982 (in parentheses) sea- sons. Class Chondrites Carbonaceous chondrites Achondrites Mesosiderites Irons Totals Allan Hills 30 (355) 0 (4) 1 (10) 0 (2) 1 (2) 32 (373) Reckling Peak 60 0 2 4 1 67 Outpost Nunatak 1 0 0 0 0 1 Totals 91 0 3 4 2 100 Antarctica KEY; ? Continental Boundary "? Ice Shelf Border ;=* Major Glaciers ? Meteorite Find 500 km FIGURE 1.?Map of Antarctic meteorite finds. Four meteorites were discovered before the beginning of the current program: Adelie Land, 1912; Lazarev, 1961; Thiel Mountains, 1962; and Neptune Mountains, 1964. Meteorite concentrations were discovered by a United States party in the Thiel Mountains during the 1982-1983 season. NUMBER 26 scope. The Japanese program has just com- pleted its eighth season, working out of Syowa Base in the regions of the Yamato and Belgica Mountains. Japanese scientists also spent three seasons with the United States field parties in Victoria Land. The United States program, led by William A. Cassidy of the University of Pittsburgh, began work in Antarctica in 1976 and has spent seven seasons conducting searches along the interior flank of the Transantarctic Range at sites within helicopter range of McMurdo Station. The United States field parties have included members from Ja- pan, West Germany, Denmark, and Switzer- land, and future teams are expected to include members from Australia and other countries. Specimens from the United States collections have been distributed to at least ninety re- search laboratories in thirteen countries. Approximately 7000 specimens, most of them weighing only a few grams, have been collected in the past ten years by the Japanese and United States scientists. These specimens are important not for their numbers but be- cause they include new varieties of meteorites, which have not been found on other conti- nents, and additional specimens of certain very rare species. Furthermore, isotopic measure- ments of terrestrial residence times show that the Antarctic specimens landed on the Antarc- tic ice sheet between 10,000 and 700,000 years ago, with some fall dates clustering between 100,000 and 400,000 years. Most meteorites collected on other continents fell within the past 200 years, although a few stones fell as early as 20,000 years ago. Thus, the Antarctic ice sheet is furnishing us with a somewhat older sample of the stony materials that have fol- lowed Earth-crossing orbits. These results have aroused the interest of glacial geologists, who are examining the relationship between mete- orite concentrations on bare icefields and the age and flow patterns of the ice in the catch- ment areas. The Antarctic occurrences have prompted Canadian and Danish scientists to explore for similar meteorite concentrations in the Canadian Arctic and Greenland. The United States Antarctic Search for Me- teorites (ANSMET) is governed by an intera- gency agreement between the National Sci- ence Foundation, the Smithsonian Institution, and the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration. Procedures have been devel- oped, based loosely on those followed by the Apollo astronauts, for collecting the specimens by sterile techniques and keeping them frozen until they are processed in nitrogen-filled glove cabinets at the Johnson Space Center in Hous- ton. Details of the field and laboratory proce- dures are outlined in the first publication in this series (Marvin and Mason, 1980). With the intent of distributing research samples quickly and widely, all newly classified specimens are described in the Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter and mailed, on request, to investigators throughout the world. Any scientist wishing to obtain samples may submit a request, describ- ing the proposed research and the numbers, weights, and types of samples required, to the Meteorite Working Group, a committee with a rotating membership responsible for moni- toring the program and allocating samples. Requests for the Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter or for research samples should be addressed to the Secretary, Meteorite Working Group, Lu- nar and Planetary Institute, 3303 NASA Road 1, Houston, Texas 77058. The Antarctic Meteorite Working Group meets twice each year, usually in April and September. Each issue of the newsletter pub- lishes dates of meetings and deadlines for sam- ple requests. Sample requests are welcome from all qualified scientists and are considered on the basis of their merit regardless of whether a scientist is funded for meteorite research. The allocation of Antarctic meteor- ite samples does not in any way commit a funding agency to support the proposed re- search. Libraries of polished thin sections have been established in Washington, Houston, and To- kyo for the use of visitors who wish to make microscopic examinations. The library thin sections are not available for loan. To obtain SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES meteorite samples from the Japanese collec- tions or to use the thin section library in To- kyo, contact T. Nagata, Director, or K. Yanai, Curator, at the National Institute of Polar Research, 9-10 Kaga 1-chome, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo 173, Japan. To use the thin section library at the Johnson Space Center in Hous- ton, contact the Secretary of the Meteorite Working Group at the address given above. To make arrangements for using the library at the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560, contact Brian Mason, Curator. Literature Cited Marvin, Ursula B., and Brian Mason, editors 1980. Catalog of Antarctic Meteorites, 1977-1978. Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, 23: 50 pages. Marvin, Ursula B., and Brian Mason, editors 1982. Catalog of Meteorites from Victoria Land, Antarctica, 1978-1980. Smithsonian Contribu- tions to the Earth Sciences, 24: 97 pages. The 1980-1981 Field Season William A. Cassidy The 1980-1981 field season was the fifth enterprise supported by the National Science Foundation in as many years. Beforehand, we knew that in addition to the Main Icefield (76?42'S, 159?20'E) at Allan Hills, where the existence of a large meteorite concentration had been proved, lesser concentrations of me- teorites could be found at the Near Western Icefield (76?40'S, 158?49'E), Reckling Mo- raine (76?08'S, 158?47'E), and Elephant Mo- raine (76?14'S, 157?11/E). We were eager to investigate new sites in the hope of locating additional concentrations that could be ex- ploited during future field seasons. We there- fore devoted as much time as possible to recon- naissance and as little time collecting meteor- ites at known sites as was necessary to assure a successful season. After collecting 32 specimens at Allan Hills we traversed to Reckling Moraine, where we recovered 67 specimens. Reckling Moraine (Figure 2) is an extensive ice-cored detrital rock deposit with no outcropping source in the upstream direction. The source of the moraine rocks therefore may be an elevated segment of an underlying east-west ridge whose surface expression on the ice is a step feature associ- ated with the Reckling Moraine Icefield. This icefield averages 3-5 km in width and extends about 100 km in the east-west direction. Ele- phant Moraine is located about 50 km to the William A. Cassidy, Department Geology and Planetary Sci- ence, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260. west, along the same icefield. It may be that the sites of highest meteorite concentration along this icefield are at or near these mo- raines. These, in turn, could result from a more sluggish flow of ice over the subsurface barriers that produce these moraines. As we have seen at Allan Hills and Yamato Moun- tains, meteorite concentrations tend to occur at sites where ice flow is sluggish or stagnant. Approaching the icefield at Reckling Mo- raine from the south, we had to lower our supply-laden Nansen sledges down the 15?- 20? face of the step feature by using snowmo- biles in tandem: one at the rear, braking to stabilize the sledge, and one in front, pulling gently to keep its heading true. As in our previous visit, we followed the same route across the step feature as the one first used by the Philip Kyle party in December 1978. At the bottom of the step feature we were on the main part of the Reckling Icefield. Prevailing wind direction is generally south- westerly across the narrow dimension of the icefield. Most of the 67 specimens we re- covered were small (20-100 g) individuals or fragments found near the firn-ice boundary along the northern edge of the icefield. Pre- sumably these are small enough to have been blown across the ice surface by strong winds, then trapped against snow and firn at the northern edge of the ice. While at Reckling Moraine we received an air-drop of eight drums of snowmobile fuel to enable us to extend our traverse to points farther to the north: these included ice expo- SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES FIGURE 2.?Oblique photo looking westward at Reckling Moraine from a point above Reckling Peak. Smooth gray areas are patches of exposed ice. Lighter gray areas are snow. In some places the snow surface appears rough due to the presence of snow dunes (sastrugi). Near the center of the photo is a sinuous feature having the gray of exposed ice but with a rougher surface. This is Reckling Moraine. That part of the exposed ice that looks like a line of low hills and which tends to mimic the irregular boundary of the moraine is the step feature referred to in the text. sures associated with Griffin Nunatak (Figure 3), Brimstone Peak, Tent Rock, and Sheppard Rocks. We hoped to augment the minimum collection we had made so far with additional recoveries from new concentration areas, but in this we were to be disappointed. A single small specimen was found at Outpost Nunatak, an outlier of Griffin Nunatak, but none were found at the other sites; thus it was well illus- trated that not all fields of exposed ice can be expected to produce meteorite concentrations. At these barren localities we were relatively close to an area of fast-moving ice at the head of the David Glacier. In addition, the icefields are located downstream of the outcrops; there- fore, the ice probably is migrating toward the head of the David Glacier unimpeded by inter- vening barriers. In these areas, too, wind di- rection was such that snow was piled against the upstream sides of the barriers, so that ice ablation was not occurring in the stagnant flow regimes where meteorite stranding would be favored. The net result of our reconnaissance efforts during the 1980-1981 field season was a greater understanding of the conditions un- der which meteorite surface accumulations oc- cur, and do not occur. In other activities during the 1980-1981 season, we obtained new measurements of ablation rates at our Allan Hills triangulation network (Cassidy and Annexstad, 1981), and one member of our party devoted considerable time to foot searches for meteorites in Taylor Valley, with negative results. This is of interest because certain surfaces in the Dry Valleys, (77?-78?S, 160?-163?E) are expected to be rather ancient and one would not be surprised to find accumulations of meteorites that had NUMBER 26 tmWk FIGURE 3.?Camp at Griffin Nunatak, 30 km north of Reckling Peak. Part of the nunatak forms the rock cliff in the background. fallen on them and been preserved in the dry environment. Mechancial erosion, however, may be more efficient in the Dry Valleys than on the icefields farther inland. Alternatively, TABLE 2.?The 1980-1981 collection. Chondrites Carbonaceous chondrites Achondrites Mesosiderites Irons Totals Allan Hills 30 0 1 0 1 32 Reckling Peak 60 0 2 4 1 67 Outpost Nunatak 1 0 0 0 0 1 the Dry Valley surfaces may be less ancient than has been believed. The classification of meteorites recovered during the 1980-1981 season is given in Table 2. Expedition members were W.A. Cassidy, J.O. Annexstad, J. Schutt, L.A. Rancitelli, L. Schultz, H. McSween, and J. Danielson. This work was supported by NSF/DPP 78-21104 and is Departmental Contribution 572. Literature Cited Annexstad, J.O. and W.A. Cassidy 1981. Antarctic Search for Meteorites, 1980-1981. Antarctic Journal of the United States, 16(5):61- 62. The Field Season in Victoria Land, 1981-1982 R.F. Fudali andJ.W. Schutt The 1981-1982 field season in Victoria Land was, by any measure, highly successful. Major accomplishments included a second re- survey of the established triangulation net- work, the recovery of 378 meteorite speci- mens, and a gravity survey to model the ice- bedrock interface, all at the Allan Hills, South Victoria Land (76?45'S, 159?40'E). Further, advantage was taken of logistic support pro- vided by a season-long field camp in North Victoria Land (72? 12'S, 163?50'E) to conduct reconnaissance meteorite searches in this new area and to examine a possible small meteorite crater at Littel Rocks (7l?23/S, 162?0/E). The team was led again by William Cassidy, University of Pittsburgh. Other participants were John Annexstad, NASA Johnson Space Center; Ghislaine Crozaz, Washington Univer- sity at St. Louis; Ursula Marvin, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory; Ludolf Schultz, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry; and the authors. Annexstad and Schultz spent the period 15 November to 13 December determining hori- zontal and vertical displacements of their trian- gulation stations for the second time since their emplacement. They also continued their yearly measurements of ice ablation rates (see Schultz and Annexstad, herein, or Cassidy and An- nexstad, 1981). These tasks were accomplished R.F. Fudali, Department of Mineral Sciences, National Mu- seum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560. I. W. Schutt, Department of Geology and Plane- tary Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260. despite long stretches of extremely bad weather, which, however, did prevent them from extending the network further west. The authors spent 24 November to 15 De- cember at the North Victoria Land (NVL) camp, 600 km north of McMurdo Station near the head of the Canham Glacier. Here the camp scientists were supported by a number of snowmobiles and three HU-1N helicopters. Air photos of the region, on file at USGS Headquarters in Reston, Virginia, were used to delineate a number of promising bare ice areas within helicopter range of the NVL camp. The crater at Littel Rocks was also found during this archival search. The reconnaissance in NVL was largely by helicopter, but it was necessary to make rather frequent ground checks because of the unan- ticipated litter of terrestrial rubble on many of the bare ice surfaces. Bare ice patches at the Lonely One Nunataks, Reniere Rocks, Emlen Peaks, Outback Nunataks, Johannsen Nuna- tak, Frontier Mountan, Onlooker Nunatak, and Monument Nunatak were examined. Ice- fields in the southern and western regions of the Daniels range were also overflown and a snowmobile traverse to the ice patches near the Gallipoli Heights was undertaken. No me- teorites were found during any of these searches; because of the terrestrial rocks litter- ing many of these surfaces we cannot categor- ically say there are no meteorites present. However, it is clear that there can be no large meteorite concentrations such as those at the Allan Hills and the Yamato Mountains. Most 9 10 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES of the meteorites found to date in Antarctica have been on ablation surfaces upstream of rock barriers to ice flow. In the areas accessible by helicopter from the NVL camp there ap- pear to be no such upstream icefields. Rather there are a number of fast-moving glacial sys- tems without extensive areas of stagnant ice. The terrestrial rocks littering many of these bare ice surfaces in the vicinity of outcropping bedrock presumably indicates these surfaces are moving away from, rather than toward, the potential rock barriers. In general then, such rock litter may prove to be a strong contraindication of meteorite concentrations, and future reconnaissance in new areas should be conducted with this in mind. Unfortunately, the size range of the rock litter is far too small to be detected on air photos. Whether or not there are other subtle diagnostic features on the air photos that would permit us to distin- guish stagnant from moving icefields is a ques- tion we have not yet answered. The utility of being able to make such distinctions is obvious; an important step in addressing the question is searching apparently promising icefields and finding no meteorite concentrations. So our negative findings at NVL may well prove more useful, in the long run, than if we had found meteorites there. One day was spent examining the circular "crater" at Littel Rocks. The depression is about 125 m in diameter and has a terrace partially incised inside its bowl, about 5 m above the floor. The depression would be a closed basin of deposition for water, but it has clearly been overidden one or more times in the past by ice. We surmise that the terrace represents the former water level of a shallow lake and was sculpted by moving ice when the lake was frozen. There are other such shallow lakes in the area although none are so circular as this example. In any case we found no evidence of a meteoritic origin?in fact quite the contrary. Littel Rocks is composed of a dolerite intrusion characterized by a very strong, narrowly spaced, vertical joint system. This vertical jointing can be observed, undis- turbed, in the floor of the depression; i.e., there is no rubble zone beneath the present floor and the depression is much too shallow (10-15 m) to contemplate the removal of such a rubble zone by eroding ice. We therefore conclude that the depression is not an impact crater and is most likely the result of glacial activity. The amenities of a season-long Antarctic field camp, such as the NVL establishment, have been described in some detail by Marvin (1982) and will not be repeated herein. Suffice it to say that one of us (RFF) was quite pre- pared to not find meteorites throughout the balance of the field season at NVL until ad- vised that this was not a permissible option. In contrast to the areas searched in NVL, meteorites were still readily found on the bare ice patches west of the Allan Hills. A party consisting of Cassidy, Crozaz, Marvin, and the authors spent 33 days in this area (22 Decem- ber 1981 through 23 January 1982). The Allan Hills icefields comprise five sepa- rate bare ice areas (Figure 4). The Main Ice- field extends NNW from Peak 2330 for nearly 22 km and contains roughly 75 km2 of blue ice. The Near Western Icefield, 18 km west of Peak 2330, contains about 14 km2 of blue ice. The Middle Western Icefield, 31 km WSW of Peak 2330, contains about 30 km2 of blue ice. The Far Western Icefield (not shown on Fig- ure 4) is a vast area of blue ice, over 40 km long and 2-8 km wide, with an area in excess of 100 km2. Its southeastern end is some 70 km WSW of Peak 2330. Because of poor weather and insufficient time, a planned recon- naissance of the Far Western Field during the 1981-1982 season was not attempted. The Battlements Icefield, slightly smaller than Mid- dle Western Field, had not been examined previously, primarily because of the very dif- ficult terrain immediately south of Battlements Nunatak. This season our party reached the nunatak and found a passage through it to the icefield. A cursory examination of the ice sur- face revealed it to be littered with terrestrial rocks. No attempt was made to search for NUMBER 26 11 0 5 10 i i i km N Main Near Western Icefield ??-..:?.?.?; ..'.l'% Middle Western Icefield Battlements Nunatak7 Icefield^ Peak 2330 Carapace N unatak FIGURE 4.?Meteorite collecting areas west of the Allan Hills. Dots outline bare icefields. Stippled areas were searched by a reconnaissance mode. Striped areas were searched system- atically during the 1981-1982 field season. meteorites. Based on our observations at NVL we predict that there is no concentration of meteorites on this icefield. However, it should certainly be searched at a future date to test the predictive power of our NVL experience. The Main Icefield, searched the longest and most thoroughly, yielded 286 meteorites and meteorite fragments during the 1981-1982 season, bringing the recovered total from this field to 1020. There are at least two reasons why the yield from this field remained high this season despite five previous search efforts. First these so-called "blue or bare ice" patches are not really bare. At any given time there will be a 30-50% snow cover largely in the form of low, N-S trending linear drifts termed sastrugi (Figure 6). As this snow cover shifts from year to year, new, hitherto unobservable ice surfaces, and the meteorites contained thereon, become exposed. Second, and per- haps more importantly, for the first time sys- tematic, steel-cleated snowmobile sweeps were 12 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES J FIGURE 5.?Helicopter delivering snowmobiles to the Allan Hills camp. FIGURE 6.?Typical surface of the Main Icefield illustrating partial snow cover. FIGURE 7.?Snowmobile team preparing to spread out abreast to a 30-50 meter spacing. conducted over the areas of highest potential (meteorites have been found over nearly the entire Main Icefield but some areas show much higher concentrations than others, nearly bar- ren areas). Typically, once a promising area was found, 4-5 snowmobiles (Figure 7) were aligned abreast, 30-50 m apart, and a disci- plined sweep was made in a chosen direction. At the end of a sweep the line pivoted about the "outside" searcher and reversed its direc- tion. The "outside" searcher then became the "inside" searcher following his/her track back to its beginning while the others traversed new ground. This sequence was repeated until the area of interest was completely swept, with a high probability of recovering almost all the exposed meteorites. Meteorites as small as a few millimeters in maximum dimension were recovered by this technique. Two and a half days were spent systemati- cally searching the Near Western Icefield. Sev- enty-eight specimens representing a maximum of 24 individuals were recovered. At least 52 weathered fragments appear to be from a sin- gle individual and are similar to 30 fragments recovered in previous years from the same area. This icefield yielded the largest meteorite recovered in the 1981-1982 season: the 18 kg hexahedrite described by Roy Clarke (p. 50). A two-man, one-day reconnaissance at the Middle Western Icefield returned 14 frag- ments representing 11 individuals. Several other meteorites were found but not collected because of poor weather and insufficient time. These were flagged for collection next season. From the short times spent at the Near and Middle Western icefields it is clear that a large number of meteorites remain on these surfaces for future collecting. Under the reasonable assumption that we are merely observing the exposed portions of a single concentration sys- tem, there must be a very much larger number of meteorites beneath the thin snow cover separating the three icefields (Main, Near, and Middle). Whether or not the meteorite concen- tration extends to the Far Western Icefields NUMBER 26 13 should be known after the 1982-1983 season. In summary, a total of 314 field sample numbers were issued for the 378 meteorite individuals and fragments recovered from the Allan Hills icefields during the 1981-1982 season; the discrepancy between the two num- bers reflects the obvious pairing of fragments from the same meteorites. Prior to the 1981-1982 season little effort was made to accurately map the sites of mete- orites found on the Allan Hills icefields. This past season we surveyed the positions of the recovered meteorites so that detailed location maps could be produced. The 24 station trian- gulation network was used as a base for deter- mining meteorite positions on the Main Ice- field. The surveying instruments and tech- niques were rather crude but, we believe, more than adequate for the possible uses of such locality data. Where the triangulation network was not a practical reference, an initial point was established by a three-point resection from prominent landmarks, plotted on the U.S.G.S. Convoy Range 1:250,000 scale quadrangle map. A detailed meteorite location map for the Main Icefield has been produced and has al- ready proven useful for examining the possi- bility of paired falls of similar meteorites (Mar- vin, personal communication). Together with their terrestrial ages, a knowl- edge of the distribution of the larger meteor- ites on the icefields may help determine mete- orite accumulation rates, ice dynamics, and perhaps other factors bearing on meteorite concentration mechanisms. The locations of meteorites smaller than about 4 cm (maximum dimension) in size are only useful for accu- rately locating the downwind edge of an ice- field. The ever-present katabatic winds are capable of skittering these small meteorites across the ice until they lodge in the snow bordering the bare ice areas. As part of the on-going effort to delineate the meteorite concentration mechanisms at the Allan Hills, a large number of ice samples were collected at regular intervals along two east- west traverses across the Main Icefield, and the sample positions flagged for future reference. These ice samples were sent directly to Ohio State University for petrographic examination by Ian Whillans, a glaciologist with substantial experience in Antarctica. Dr. Whillans spent the final ten days with our party at the Allan Hills and was most impressed with what he tentatively concluded was an exposed vertical ice section, now running horizontally east- west, that could cover a 600,000 year period. Two large blocks of ice were also collected for radioactive dating and gas content determina- tions. One of these blocks was excavated from directly beneath the find site of one of the largest chondrites (18 cm, maximum dimen- sion, field number 1556) that we had collected. Finally, gravity measurements were made at all 24 stations of the previously established triangulation network across the Main Icefield (Figures 8 and 9). Eight additional stations were occupied on bedrock, from the northern- most tip of the Allan Hills south to Carapace Nunatak, to help define any north-south re- gional gravity trend that might be present. Calibration of the gravity data was provided by a single, direct ice-thickness measurement at station 3 of the network, obtained previously by radio-echo sounding (Kovacs, 1980). With this calibration the gravity values could be used to compute ice thicknesses at all the other stations and so model the shape of the ice/ bedrock interface beneath the station network. A detailed description of this survey may be found in the 1982 review issue of the Antarctic Journal (vol. 16, no. 5). Only the conclusions are summarized herein. The calculated east-west profiles are shown in Figure 10. The principal possible error source in constructing these profiles is our ignorance of the east-west regional gravity trend, if any. However, the corrections for any such trend would only rotate the entire profiles up or down about the easternmost points with- out changing their relative shapes. Thus any conclusions based on a comparison of relative bedrock slopes will be valid irrespective of any east-west correction. 14 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES SNOW COVERED 159? E 17 ^\ 15 1219 -76C45'S KILOMETERS ANTARCTIC METEORITE DISCOVERY AREA FIGURE 8.?The triangulation network across the Main Icefield at Allan Hills. NUMBER 26 15 FIGURE 9.?Gravity team at work. A firm conclusion that can therefore be reached is that, if the (exposed) Allan Hills act as a barrier to ice movement, then surely the barrier should begin much further west where comparable bedrock slopes are present. This conclusion is consistent with our 1982 recon- naisance of the Middle Western Icefield, which revealed meteorite concentrations 35 km west of the Allan Hills. It is, however, not consistent with the latest reported triangulation network remeasurements (Schultz and Annexstad, this issue), which indicate a zero horizontal flow rate, 5 km west of the Allan Hills, but an eastward flow of ~ 1 meter/year for the ice 13 km west of the exposed barrier. Although we have no certain explanation for the discrep- ancy between the two data sets, we do note that the more precise instruments used in the 1981 resurvey lowered the maximum reported horizontal flow rate from 2.5 to 1 meter/year. At the same time, the earlier imprecision causes the retention of high probable errors, which remain on the order of the reported 5KM - 1000 FIGURE 10.?Gravity-deduced bedrock configurations beneath the triangulation network. 16 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES rates themselves. The network was surveyed again during the 1982-1983 season and it will be interesting to see whether this data substan- tiates the latest reported (1981) rates. Literature Cited Cassidy, W.A., and J.O. Annexstad 1981. Antarctic Search for Meteorites, 1980-1981. Antarctic Journal of the United States, 16(5):61- 62. Kovacs, A. 1980. Radio-Echo Sounding in the Allan Hills, Ant- arctica, in Support of the Meteorite Field Pro- gram. Special Report 80-23, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Cold Regions Research and Engi- neering Laboratory, Hanover, New Hamp- shire. Marvin, U.B. 1982. The Field Season in Victoria Land, 1978- 1979. In U.B. Marvin and B. Mason, editors. Catalog of Meteorites from Victoria Land, Ant- arctica, 1978-1980. Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, 24:3-8 Ablation and Ice Movement at the Allan Hills Main Icefield between 1978 and 1981 Ludolf Schultz and John O. Annexstad Introduction The total number of meteorites found in Antarctica through the southern summer of 1981-1982 exceeds 6000. More than 1000 meteorites have been collected on the icefields near the Allan Hills in South Victoria Land. The United States Antarctic Search for Mete- orites (ANSMET), led by W.A. Cassidy, has concentrated in this area not only to search for meteorites but also to study the general phe- nomenon of meteorite concentrations on blue icefields in the Antarctic. For a general intro- duction one is referred to Cassidy et al. (1977), Marvin (1981), Schultz (1982), and Cassidy and Rancitelli (1982). Two factors contribute to the high meteorite concentrations on the surface of some icefields. (1) Small meteorites with weights of a few grams can be detected on bare icefields while in other areas of the Earth similar stones are hidden among terrestrial rocks or vegetation. (2) Weathering is less severe under Antarctic conditions. Without liquid water meteorites are preserved for longer periods of time than in temperate climates. Furthermore, paired meteorite falls contribute to the larger number of meteorite finds. Detailed studies of all me- Ludolf Schultz, Max-Planck-Institut fur Chemie, D-65 Mainz, West Germany. John O. Annexstad, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, 77058. teorite fragments are necessary to recombine multiple falls. Seventy-five meteorites have been tentatively identified as belonging to 13 individual falls in the Allan Hills region (Mar- vin and Mason, 1982). Even after taking into account all of these effects, a mechanism that concentrates meteorites fallen on large areas is still necessary to explain the high concentra- tions on some icefields in Antarctica. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain these meteorite concentrations (Cas- sidy et al., 1977; Nagata, 1978; Whillans, 1982). Generally, the process of meteorite con- centration is based on the assumption that meteorites entrapped in the ice in the interior of the continent will emerge on the surface of stagnant icefields close to coastal mountain chains where the outward flow of ice is blocked. All hypotheses need three basic pa- rameters to obtain quantitative results: (1) ter- restrial ages of meteorites; (2) ablation rates of the ice in regions with high meteorite concen- trations; and (3) direction and velocity of the ice movement into these regions. Terrestrial ages have been determined using radioactive cosmogenic nuclides like 14C, 26A1, 36C1, and 81Kr. The results show that a large number of Antarctic meteorites have rather high terrestrial ages with values up to 700,000 years (Fireman et al., 1979; Evans et al., 1982; Nishiizumi et al., 1983; Freundel and Schultz, in prep.). 17 18 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES To obtain information on ablation and ice movement, a triangular network of 20 stations was established at the Allan Hills icefield in 1978 (Nishio and Annexstad, 1979). Figure 11 shows a map of the Allan Hills area with the triangulation chain, which is based in bedrock and extends more than 13 km westward, cross- ing the icefield with high meteorite concentra- tions. Figure 12 shows the Allan Hills with station 1 at the lower left corner and Figure 13 is a view from a helicopter in a southwes- terly direction with the 1981 campsite. After the first measurement in 1978, the chain was resurveyed in 1979 (Nishio and Annexstad, 1980; Annexstad, 1982). We report here a summary of another redetermination of the properties of the network in November and December 1981. The method of the survey was essentially the same as in previous years. However, the instru- ments used were more modern: a Wild theo- dolite with 400g (360?) reading was used for the measurement of horizontal and vertical angles, and the slope distances between adja- cent stations were directly observed with a Wild Distomat DI4L (Figure 14). Due to ad- verse weather conditions in November 1981, in most cases only one side of each of the 18 (?) Station with NQ. A Camp 1981 fl Blue Ice Field ?5.0 Ablation rate [cm/yr] FIGURE 11.?Map of the Allan Hills Main Icefield with the triangulation network. Numbers associated with the stations are measured ablation rates in cm/year. The insert shows calculated elevations along the southern border of the network. The highest meteorite concentrations have been found at the base of the slope that runs through the network between stations 8 and 13. NUMBER 26 19 FIGURE 12.?View along the Allan Hills in a northerly direction. The tripod (left lower corner) has been installed over station 1 (Figure 11). FIGURE 13.?Helicopter view in a southwesterly direction of the Allan Hills icefield. Visible is the camp site (arrow) and the "monocline" with a moraine, which supplies the icefield with terrestrial rocks to confuse a meteorite hunter. FIGURE 14.?After removal of the station pole, the survey was carried out from instruments mounted over the hole in the ice. A shelter protects the Wild T2 theodolite and the Wild TI4L Distomat from vibrations due to the wind. triangles (Figure 11) could be measured. The observations from 1981, as well as those from previous measurements, were used to calculate the coordinates of each station relative to sta- tions 1 and 2, which are positioned in the bedrock of the Allan Hills. A standard pro- gram of triangulation networks, ARSM, at the Fachhochschule Mainz was used for the data reduction. The attempt to calculate vertical ice movements was done with a computer pro- gram developed at the Max-Planck-Institiit in Mainz. Ablation rates of the ice between two measurements are given by the differences of the height of each station pole from the surface of the ice to the top. Results and Discussion ABLATION The mean ablation rate observed for each station over three years is given in Figure 11 (Annexstad and Schultz, 1983). The uncertainty of these numbers is about 1 cm because the ablation rate around the poles is not uniform. Also from year to year the ablation rate may vary due to different wind and temperature condi- tions. However, a mean ablation rate of about 5 cm/year is well established for the stations on ice close to the areas with high meteorite concentra- tions. This observation is basic to all models for 20 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES the transport and concentration of meteorites. Once buried in the ice, meteorites can emerge to the surface and, assuming a horizontally stag- nant icefield over a long period of time, build up dense meteorite concentrations. HORIZONTAL MOVEMENTS Nishio and Annexstad (1980) reported hori- zontal ice velocities based on observations in 1978 and 1979. Their calculated values have rather large uncertainties because only one year of movement was measured. With the 1981 sur- vey, changes over a three-year period could be observed and, in addition, the use of the Disto- mat allowed a better determination of the net- work. For four selected stations the calculated coordinates (in arbitrary units) of the measure- ments in 1978, 1979, and 1981 are shown in Figure 15. This figure demonstrates that the Allan Hills HORIZONAL ICE MOVEMENT 1978-1981 Stations! O Q ? '78? '79 *"81 . 1m , t FIGURE 15.?Calculated coordinates (in relative units) of stations 4, 11, 16, and 20 for the measurements in 1978, 1979, and 1981. Due to the application of distance measure- ments in addition to the angle measurements the uncertain- ties could be reduced in the 1981 measurement. [m] C 0) (DoO 3JS a 0) 2 O ALLAN HILLS Ice Movement between 1978 and 1981 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 Stations FIGURE 16.?The calculated displacement in an easterly di- rection of all stations during the period 1978 to 1981. observational uncertainties could be reduced for the 1979 and 1981 measurements. The errors of the horizontal velocities are based mainly on the uncertainties of the initial measurement. Figure 16 shows the horizontal displacement of the stations relative to the 1978 measurement. The error bars reflect the sum of the uncertain- ties of the 1978 and 1981 data. Three different groups can be recognized according to their dis- placement in an eastward direction between 1978 and 1981. Stations 3 to 7 show, within the limits of error, no movement in three years. This area is the firn-covered icefield closest to the Allan Hills. From stations 8 to 16 the horizontal velocity of the ice increases from about 10?10 cm/year to about 100?70 cm/year. This is the area with many meteorite finds. Stations 17 to 20 have the same rate of movement of about 1 m/year. These measurements corroborate the sugges- tion that the ice moves into the Allan Hills region NUMBER 26 21 from the west and becomes stagnant where many meteorites are found. An additional resurvey of the network in future years would enhance the quality of the data, because the 1981 coordinates with rather small errors could then serve as a reference. However, to calculate the ice balance in this region, measurements of the ice thickness are needed. VERTICAL MOVEMENTS The determination of vertical angles in Ant- arctica is sometimes more difficult than the meas- urement of horizontal angles, because atmos- pheric effects can obscure the top of the poles that are used as targets. Instrumental factors also have more influence on vertical angle measure- ments. The vertical angles, therefore, have un- certainties that exceed the expected movement of the ice. For example, for stations 9 to 13 the mean error of the calculated elevations from the vertical angle measurements are about 90, 40, and 15 cm for the measurements of 1978, 1979, and 1981, respectively. A resurvey of these pa- rameters in a future field season could result in better data. Conclusions The ablation rate of the ice at the Allan Hills meteorite icefield averages about 5 cm/year. The ice from the Eastern Antarctic ice sheet approaching the Allan Hills slows down and be- comes stagnant. The ice velocity 13 km west of the Allan Hills is about 1 m/year; at a distance of about 5 km from the Allan Hills it is almost zero. The experimental uncertainties are too high to determine vertical ice velocities; how- ever, due to rather small errors of the 1981 measurement, a resurvey of the network could result in useful values for this parameter. Literature Cited Annexstad, J.O. 1982. The Allan Hills Icefield and its Relationship to Meteorite Concentration. In U.B. Marvin and B. Mason, editors, Catalog of Meteorites from Victoria Land, Antarctica, 1978-1980. Smith- sonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, 24:12- 18. Annexstad, J.O., and L. Schultz 1983. Measurements of the Triangulation Network at the Allan Hills Meteorite Icefield. In Proceed- ings of the Fourth International Symposium on Ant- arctic Earth Sciences, pages 617-619. Cassidy, W.A., E. Olsen, and K. Yanai 1977. Antarctica: A Deep-Freeze Storehouse for Me- teorites. Science, 198:727-731. Cassidy, W.A., and L.A. Rancitelli 1982. Antarctic Meteorites. 70:156-164. American Scientist, Evans, J.C., J.H. Reeves, and L.A. Rancitelli 1982. Aluminum-26: Survey of Victoria Land Mete- orites. In U.B. Marvin and B. Mason, editors, Catalog of Meteorites from Victoria Land, Ant- arctica, 1978-1980. Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, 24:70-74. Fireman, E.L., L.A. Rancitelli, and T. Kirsten 1979. Terrestrial Ages of Four Allan Hills Meteor- ites: Consequences for Antarctic Ice. Science, 203:453-455. Freundel, M., and L. Schultz In prep. Terrestrial 81Kr Ages of Antarctic Meteor- ites. Marvin, U.B. 1981. The Search for Antarctic Meteorites. Sky and Telescope, 1981:423-427. Marvin, U.B., and B. Mason, editors 1982. Catalog of Meteorites from Victoria Land, Antarctica, 1978-1980. Smithsonian Contribu- tions to the Earth Sciences, 24: 97 pages. Nagata, T. 1978. A Possible Mechanism of Concentration of Meteorites within the Meteorite Ice Field in Antarctica. Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research (Japan), special issue, 8:70-92. Nishiizumi, K., J.R. Arnold, D. Elmore, X. Ma, D. Newman, and H.E. Gove 1983. 36C1 and 53Mn in Antarctic Meteorites and 10Be-36Cl Dating of Antarctic Ice. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 62:407-417. Nishio, F., and J.O. Annexstad 1979. Glaciological Survey in the Bare Ice Area near the Allan Hills in Victoria Land, Antarctica. Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research (Japan), special issue, 15:13-23. 22 NUMBER 26 1980. Studies on the Ice Flow in the Bare Ice Area Whillans, I.M. near the Allan Hills in Victoria Land, Antarc- 1982. Meteorite Concentration Mechanism near the tica. Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Allan Hills and the Age of the Ice. In C. Bull Research (Japan), special issue, 17:1-13. and M.E. Lipschutz, editors, Workshop on Ant- Schultz, L. arctic Glaciology and Meteorites. Lunar and 1982. Antarctische Meteorite. Die Naturwissenschaf- Planetary Institute Technical Report, 82-03:35. ten, 69:220-225. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. Descriptions of Stony Meteorites Roberta Score, Carol M. Schwarz, and Brian Mason This section provides descriptions of the indi- vidual specimens, arranged by class. Within the chondrites, the specimens are grouped according to the Van Schmus-Wood (1967) classification, and the descriptions follow the order of increas- ing petrographic type. The descriptions are based largely on those published in the Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, with additional information as available. The letter-number designation con- curs with guidelines recommended by the Com- mittee on Nomenclature of the Meteoritical So- ciety; it carries the following information: ALH (Allan Hills); A80 (Expedition A, 1980); xxx (digits indicating the number of the specimen). The original weight of the specimen is given to the nearest gram (nearest 0.1 gram for specimens weighing less than 100 grams). This section comprises material on all charac- terized meteorites collected during the 1980- 1981 and 1981-1982 field seasons. Specimens weighing less than 100 grams are listed without descriptions, unless they show distinctive fea- tures. A summary account of the petrography of the 1980-1981 collections has been published by Mason and Clarke (1982). Roberta Score and Carol M. Schicarz, Northrop-Houston, Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, 77058. Brian Mason, Department of Mineral Sciences, National Museum of Natural History, Smith- sonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560. Chondrites CLASS C2 FIGURES 17, 18 ALHA81002 (14.0 g).?This is a friable jet black stone (2.5 X 2.5 X 2.5 cm) of pyramidal form, without fusion crust. Chondrules and in- clusions can be distinguished on the surface; a minute amount of salt deposit was present on one surface. ALHA81004 (4.7 g).?Dull black fusion crust, blistery along one edge, covers most of this stone (3 X 1.5 X 1 cm). Small white irregular and rounded inclusions are apparent in the black matrix; several small oxidation halos were noted. Thin sections of these specimens are very sim- ilar to each other and to those of ALHA77306 and 78261, the previously described C2 chon- drites from the Allan Hills; these four meteorites may be paired. The sections show numerous small colorless grains (up to 0.1 mm) and irreg- ular aggregates (up to 0.6 mm) mainly of olivine, and a few small chondrules (up to 0.6 mm) in an opaque to translucent brown isotropic matrix. Trace amounts of nickel-iron and troilite are present as widely dispersed minute grains. Micro- probe analyses of the olivine show a composition range of Fao to Fa52, mean Fan, with a strong peak at Fa0 to Fai characteristic for chondrule 24 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES FIGURE 18.?ALHA81004, C2 chondrite. Photomicro- graph of thin section (area of field is 3 X 2 mm), irregular grains and rare chondrules, mainly of olivine (white to gray) in translucent to opaque matrix (black). FIGURE 17.?C2 chondrites. Note blistery fusion crust around edge of ALHA81004. olivine (isolated olivine grains show a wide com- position range). A few grains of clinoenstatite and one grain of diopside were analyzed. FIGURE 19.?ALHA81003, C3 chondrite. Note pitted sur- face, and white inclusions in black matrix. CLASS C3 FIGURES 19, 20 ALHA81003(10.1 g).?This stone (2.5X2.0 X 1.5 cm) from the Allan Hills has only one small area of fusion crust. The exposed surfaces are black and are dotted with abundant irregular white inclusions, some of which are rusty. Sparse metal grains are scattered through the matrix. The section shows numerous chondrules up to NUMBER 26 25 FIGURE 20.?ALHA81003, C3 chondrite. Photomicro- graph of thin section (area of field is 3 X 2 mm); note large olivine-rich chondrules in brown to black semi-opaque ma- trix. 3 mm across and irregular crystalline aggregates up to 2 mm in maximum dimension, set in a minor amount of dark brown to black semi- opaque matrix. The chondrules and aggregates consist mainly of olivine with some polysyntheti- cally twinned pyroxene. Trace amounts of nickel- iron are present as minute grains. Sulfide is pres- ent in minor amount, finely dispersed through- out the section. Microprobe analyses of chon- drule olivine show a wide compositional range: Fa0 to Fa40, mean Fa8; the matrix consists largely of fine-grained iron-rich olivine, Fa40 to Fa60. Pyroxene in the chondrules is clinoenstatite, mostly near Fsi, but with occasional Fe-rich grains. The meteorite is a C3V chondrite; pre- viously described C3 chondrites from the Allan Hills are C3O (Scott et al., 1981). RKPA80241 (0.6 g).?This small specimen (1.5 X 0.5 X 0.5 cm) from Reckling Peak has a little fusion crust. The thin section shows a close- packed aggregate of chondrules (up to 2.5 mm across) and irregular granular aggregates, set in a small amount of black (probably carbonaceous) matrix. A minor amount of nickel-iron is present, in several forms: as small grains dispersed through some chondrules, concentrated around the margins of some chondrules, and as rare globules up to 0.8 mm across in the matrix. The silicate material consists largely of olivine and polysynthetically twinned clinopyroxene. Well- preserved fusion crust, up to 1.2 mm thick, rims part of the section. Weathering is extensive, with brown limonitic staining pervasive throughout the section. Microprobe analyses show olivine and pyroxene with variable composition; for 30 olivine analyses the Fa range is 0.7-5.5 (except for one of Fa36), and the mean is Fa3; for 15 pyroxene analyses the range is Wo 0.3-1.5, En 90-98, Fs 1-8, with mean of Wo0.7En95Fs4. The meteorite is tentatively classified as a C3V chon- drite. CLASS H3 FIGURES 21, 22 OTTA80301 (35.5 g).?This rounded stone (3.5x3x2 cm) from Outpost Nunatak is almost competely covered with brown to black fusion crust, pitted in places. A broken corner reveals abundant chondrules and irregular inclusions. The thin section shows a close-packed aggregate of chondrules and some irregular granular en- claves; the matrix consists of fine-grained silicates with a moderate amount of nickel-iron and a lesser amount of troilite. Chondrules range up FIGURE 21.?OTTA80301, H3 chondrite, a rounded stone almost completely covered with brown to black fusion crust. 26 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES FIGURE 22.?Photomicrographs of thin sections of H3 chondrites (area of each field is 3 X 2 mm): a, RKPA80205; b, OTTA80301. (Closely packed aggregates of chondrules, irregular enclaves, and mineral grains set in a minor amount of dark matrix.) to 1.1 mm across, and show a close-packed ag- gregate of chondrules and some irregular gran- ular enclaves; the matrix consists of fine-grained silicates with a moderate amount of nickel-iron and a lesser amount of troilite. Chondrules range up to 1.1 mm across, and show a variety of types, the commonest being granular olivine and oli- vine-pyroxene (polysynthetically twinned clino- bronzite), porphyritic olivine, and fine-grained pyroxene. Some intergranular glass in the chon- drules is clear and transparent, but much of it is turbid and partly devitrified. Minor brown li- monitic staining is present around nickel-iron grains. Microprobe analyses show olivine and pyroxene with variable composition: olivine, Fan to Fa 19, average Fai8; pyroxene, Fs4 to Fsn, av- erage Fsio. RKPA80205 (53.8 g).?This stone (4 X 3 X 2.5 cm) is partly covered by dull brownish black fusion crust; a weathering rind, 1 mm thick, is present, but the interior is only moderately weathered. The thin section shows a closely packed mass of chondrules (0.2-2.4 mm diame- ter), chondrule fragments, and irregular crystal- line aggregates, with interstitial nickel-iron and troilite and a small amount of dark fine-grained matrix. A considerable variety of chondrules is present; many are granular to porphyritic olivine with transparent to turbid intergranular glass; others consist of granular polysynthetically twinned clinopyroxene with or without olivine, fine-grained pyroxene, or barred olivine. Minor brown limonitic staining is present throughout the section. Microprobe analyses show olivine ranging in composition from Fa 17 to Fa2o, with a mean of Fai8; the pyroxene is low-calcium (CaO 0.1-0.2%) clinobronzite, ranging in composition from Fs5 to FS13, with a mean of Fsi8. RKPA80207 (17.7 g).?Dull black fusion crust covers one surface of this specimen (3 X 2.5 X 1.5 cm); other surfaces are deeply weath- ered. In thin section, chondrules are abundant, ranging from 0.3 to 1.5 mm in diameter; a wide variety is present, the commonest being granular olivine and olivine-pyroxene, and fine-grained pyroxene. The granular chondrules have inter- granular glass, sometimes pale brown and trans- parent but commonly turbid and partly devitri- fied. Irregular granular clasts and chondrule fragments are also present. Most of the pyroxene is polysynthetically twinned. The matrix consists of fine-grained olivine and pyroxene, with minor subequal amounts of nickel-iron and troilite. Veinlets of limonite and brown limonitic staining NUMBER 26 27 pervade the section. Microprobe analyses show olivine ranging in composition from Fa 15 to Fa29, with a mean of Fa2o (% mean deviation of FeO is 32). Pyroxene composition range from Fs0 to Fs28, with a mean of Fsi3. [This meteorite is reclassified H3 from L3 by Scott (p. 76)]. CLASS L3 FIGURES 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 ALHA80133 (3.6 g).?This small stone (2.5 X 1.5 X 1 cm) has no fusion crust but has a reddish brown weathered surface showing rounded inclusions. The thin section shows a close-packed mass of chondrules and chondrule fragments with a small amount of dark fine- grained matrix. Chondrules range from 0.3 to 1.5 mm in diameter and show a diversity of type, the commonest being granular olivine and oli- vine-pyroxene, barred olivine, and fine-grained pyroxene. Transparent pale brown glass is pres- ent in some of the granular chondrules. Much of the pyroxene is polysynthetically twinned clino- bronzite. Weathering is extensive, with brown limonitic staining throughout the section. Micro- probe analyses show that olivine and pyroxene have highly variable composition: olivine, Fao.5 FIGURE 23.?ALHA81024, L3 chondrite, a rounded angu- lar stone with several deep fractures, with a reddish brown weathered surface. FIGURE 24.?RKPA80256, L3 chondrite, a fractured stone partly covered with brownish black fusion crust; the fracture surface shows a closely packed aggregate of chondrules and enclaves in dark fine-grained matrix. to Fa35, mean Fai4; pyroxene, Fs5 to Fs3o, mean Fsi4. This specimen was originally classified as a C3 chondrite, but Dr. E.R.D. Scott (personal communication) has identified it as an L3 chon- drite, paired with ALHA77011 and many other L3 chondrites from the Allan Hills. ALHA81024 (797 g).?This angular speci- men (10 X 8 X 6.5 cm) is covered with reddish brown to black fusion crust on all sides except where eroded away, mainly along fractures. The interior is reddish brown and appears to be ex- tremely weathered. The thin section shows a close-packed aggregate of chondrules, up to 1.5 mm across; a variety of types is present, including porphyritic olivine, barred olivine, granular oli- vine and olivine-pyroxene, and fine-grained py- roxene. Much of the pyroxene is polysyntheti- cally twinned clinobronzite. Some intergranular glass within the chondrules is pale brown and transparent, but commonly is turbid and partly devitrified. Minor amounts of nickel-iron (largely altered to brown limonite) and troilite are pres- ent in the matrix. Olivine and pyroxene have variable composition. Olivine composition ranges from Fa3 to Fa28, with a mean of Fai9 (% mean deviation FeO is 34). Pyroxene composi- tion ranges from Fs2 to FS24, with a mean of Fsi0 (% mean deviation FeO is 79). Transparent chon- drule glass has the following mean composition (weight percent): SiO2 63.3, A12O3 22.5, FeO 0.9, MgO 0.2, CaO 0.2, K2O 3.3, Na2O, 8.8, 28 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES FIGURE 25.?Photomicrographs of thin sections of L3 chon- drites (area of each field is 3 X 2 mm): a, ALHA80133; b, ALHA81024; c, RKPA80256. (Closely packed aggregates of chondrules, irregular enclaves, and mineral grains set in a minor amount of dark matrix). FIGURE 26.?ALHA81031, L3 chondrite, a fractured and weathered stone showing some light-colored angular clasts on the surface. TiO2 0.8, MnO 0.03; this composition is close to anorthoclase. ALHA81025 (379 g).?This stone (9.5 X 8 X 4.5 cm) is extremely weathered; rounded and' irregular inclusions (one 7x5 mm) are visible on the weathered surfaces. ALHA81030 (1851 g).?Patchy black fusion crust is present on all surfaces of this angular stone (18 X 9 X 7.5 cm). Several large fractures penetrate the interior. Inclusions can be seen on the exterior and on chipped surfaces. ALHA81031 (1594 g).?This is an angular specimen (73 X 9 X 9 cm) with small areas of thin lustrous black fusion crust. The surface is weathered dark reddish brown and is penetrated by numerous fractures. NUMBER 26 29 FIGURE 27.?ALHA81031, L3 chondrite, an angular weath- ered stone partly covered with lustrous black fusion crust; photographed as found. ALHA81032 (726 g).?Lustrous black fusion crust is present on small areas of this angular stone (9x9x6 cm). Light colored clasts or chondrules up to 0.5 cm across are visible on weathered surfaces. The thin section of ALHA81025 shows a close-packed aggregate of chondrules and chon- drule fragments up to 3.5 mm across, in a fine- grained matrix of olivine, pyroxene, troilite, and a little nickel-iron. Chondrule types include por- phyritic olivine, granular olivine and olivine-py- roxene, barred olivine, and radiating pyroxene. Much of the pyroxene is polysynthetically twinned clinobronzite. Intergranular glass is present in the chondrules, usually turbid but sometimes transparent and purple-brown. Weathering is extensive, with small areas of brown limonite throughout the section. Micro- probe analyses show that olivine and pyroxene have variable composition. Olivine composition ranges from Fai to Fa4i, with a mean of Fai8 (percent mean deviation FeO is 76). Pyroxene composition ranges from Fs3 to Fs40, with a mean of Fsi5 (percent mean deviation FeO is 75). Pur- ple glass in a chondrule has the following mean composition (weight percent): SiO2 56.8, A12O3 24.1, FeO 3.7, MgO 2.4, CaO 0.4, K2O 4.1, Na2O 8.8, TiO2 1.2, MnO 0.09. Thin sections of ALHA81025,81030,81031, and 81032 are so similar in texture, range of mineral composition, and degree of weathering that these meterorites can be paired, together with ALHA77011 (Scott, personal communica- tion). RKPA80256 (153 g).?This meteorite (7 X 5.5x3 cm) is almost totally covered with brown- ish black fusion crust. Chondrules and white and gray clasts up to 5 mm across are visible on exposed surfaces. The thin section shows a closely packed mass of chondrules (0.3-1.8 mm diameter) and irregular crystalline aggregates. Some of the chondrules have prominent dark rims. The sparse matrix is dark and fine-grained, with a small amount of coarser nickel-iron and troilite scattered throughout. A notable variety of chondrules is present; many are granular or porphyritic olivine and olivine-pyroxene with transparent to turbid interstitial glass. The py- roxene is polysynthetically twinned clinobron- zite. There is a little limonitic staining in associ- ation with metal grains. Microprobe analyses show olivine ranging in composition from Fa2o to Fa25, with a mean of Fa22 (% mean deviation of FeO is 8.3). The pyroxene is low-calcium (CaO = 0.1-0.8%), with a composition range of Fsio to Fs26 and a mean of Fsi8. CLASS LL3 FIGURE 28 ALHA81251 (158 g).?This meteorite (6.5 X 6 X 2.5 cm) is partly covered with thin lustrous black fusion crust. Broken surfaces show abun- dant chondrules up to 5 mm in diameter. The interior is weathered a deep reddish brown color. The thin section of ALHA81251 shows a close-packed aggregate of chondrules and chon- 30 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES FIGURE 28.?Photomicrograph of a thin section of ALHA81251, an LL3 chondrite (area of the field is 3 X 2 mm). Numerous chondrules, with some angular enclaves and mineral grains, set in a minor amount of dark matrix. drule fragments, up to 3 mm in maximum di- mension. Most of the matrix is black and opaque, with small grains of olivine and pyroxene; the black matrix appears to be carbonaceous, with small amounts of troilite and nickel-iron (largely weathered to limonite). A wide variety of chon- drule types is present, including barred olivine, granular olivine and olivine-pyroxene, and fine- grained pyroxene. Clear glass is present in barred olivine chondrules. Microprobe analyses show olivine and pyroxene with variable compositions: olivine, Fai to Fa29, mean Fa14 (percent mean deviation FeO is 64); pyroxene, Fs2 to Fs28, mean Fsi3 (percent mean deviation FeO is 72). Clear glass in a barred olivine chondrule has the follow- ing composition (weight percent): SiO2 61.4, A12O3 23.5, FeO 1.7, MgO 2.0, CaO 0.4, Na2O 4.8, K2O 1.6, TiO2 1.1, MnO 0.01. ALHA81251 is tentatively paired with ALHA76004 (Scott, personal communication). CLASS H4 FIGURES 29, 30 Four H4 chondrites (ALHA80106, 432 g; 80121, 39.1 g; 80128, 138 g; 80131, 19.8 g) were collected at the Allan Hills in 1980-1981, and three (ALHA81022, 912 g; 81044, 386 g; 81048, 190 g) have been identified in the 1981- 1982 collection. Three small specimens were collected near Reckling Peak in 1980-1981: RKPA80232, 80.1 g; 80237, 22.2 g; 80267, 24.2 g. ALHA80106 consists of five fragments, four of which can be fitted together. Areas of shiny black fusion crust are present, but areas devoid of fusion crust are weathered reddish brown, and weathering appears pervasive throughout the fragments. ALHA80128 has dull black fusion crust on all but one surface; several large frac- tures penetrate the specimen, and the interior is medium gray speckled with white and dark gray inclusions. ALHA81022 has thin black fusion crust over much of the surface; where the inte- rior is exposed many chondrules are visible. ALHA81044 and 81048 are severly weathered and fractured specimens with little or no fusion crust. In thin sections these specimens show the typ- ical features of Class H4 chondrites: well-devel- oped chondrules, the commonest being granular and porphyritic olivine and olivine-pyroxene, barred olivine, and fine-grained radiating pyrox- ene (much of the pyroxene is polysynthetically twinned clinobronzite); the groundmass consists FIGURE 29.?ALHA81022, H4 chondrite, a fractured stone with thin black fusion crust on the original surface; numer- ous mm-sized chondrules are visible on the fracture surface. NUMBER 26 31 FIGURE 30.?Photomicrographs of thin sections of H4 chondrites (area of each field is 3 X 2 mm): a, RKPA80237; b, ALHA81044. (Numerous well-defined chondrules are present, but some chondrule margins tend to merge with the granular matrix). of fine-grained olivine and pyroxene, with minor amounts of nickel-iron and troilite. The Allan Hills specimens have olivine of essentially uni- form composition (Fai8 to Fai9) and somewhat variable pyroxene (Fsi5 to FS22). The ALHA80xxx specimens are possibly paired; ALHA81044 and 81048 are probably pieces of a single meteorite; and ALHA81022 is tenta- tively paired with ALHA78084 and 77009. The Reckling Peak specimens have olivine (Fai8 to Fa 19) and pyroxene (Fsi6) of essentially uniform composition and are possibly paired. CLASS L4 FIGURES 31, 32 Two L4 chondrites (RKPA80216, 44.3 g; 80242, 7.3 g) were collected near Reckling Peak in the 1980-1981 season, and one (ALHA81040, 194 g) has been identified in the 1981-1982 collection from the Allan Hills. ALHA81040 is a round stone (5.5 X 5 X 5 cm) with about 75% of its surface covered with dull black fusion crust; where fusion crust is lacking the surface is weathered to a deep reddish brown. The Reckling Peak specimens are small weath- ered stones completely or almost completely cov- ered with fusion crust. FIGURE 31.?ALHA81040, L4 chondrite, a rounded stone with much of the surface covered with dull black fusion crust. Thin sections of these meteorites show the typical features of L4 chondrites. Chondritic structure is well developed, with a variety of chondrule types; irregular granular aggregates, possibly chondrule fragments, are also present. The chondrules are set in a fine-grained matrix consisting largely of olivine and pyroxene, with minor subequal amounts of nickel-iron and troil- ite. Some of the pyroxene, especially in the chon- drules, is polysynthetically twinned clinobron- 32 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES .> FIGURE 32.?Photomicrographs of thin sections of L4 chondrites (area of each field is 3 X 2 mm): a, RKPA80216; b, ALHA81040. (Chondritic structure is prominent, but some chondrules show partial integration with the granular matrix; note barred chondrule within barred chondrule in RKPA80216). zite. Olivine and pyroxene are essentially uni- form in composition: olivine, Fa23 to Fa25; pyrox- ene, Fsi9 to Fs2i. The Reckling Peak specimens resemble each other closely in mineralogical compositions, texture, and degree of weathering, and are possibly paired. CLASS H5 FIGURES 33, 34 Six H5 chondrites were collected at the Allan Hills in the 1980-1981 season, but only one (ALHA80132, 152 g) weighs more than 100 g. ALHA80132 (8 X 4.5 X 3 cm) is a flat stone largely covered with dull brownish black fusion crust with prominent flow bands on one surface: it is considerably fractured and has a thick weath- ering rind. Nine have been identified in the 1981-1982 collection, all weighing more than 100 g. Nineteen were collected near Reckling Peak in 1980-1981, but most were small speci- mens; the only ones larger than 100 g are RKPA80220 (124 g) and 80233 (413 g). RKPA80220 is a complete stone (5.4 X 4 X 3 cm) entirely covered with thin patchy fusion crust; several fractures penetrate the interior, which is considerably weathered. RKPA80233 FIGURE 33.?ALHA81015,an H5 chondrite, photographed as found. (8.5 X 6.5 X 5 cm) has one planar fracture surface, and the rest of the surface is covered with patches of fusion crust; the fracture surface contains numerous chondrules, which can easily be plucked out. Most of the 1981-1982 H5 chondrites from Allan Hills (ALHA81015, 81019, 81020, 81033, 81034, 81036, 81039, NUMBER 26 33 FIGURE 34.?ALHA81033, H5 chondrite, photomicro- graph of thin section (area of field is 3 X 2 mm); chondritic structure is well developed, but margins of chondrules tend to merge with the granular groundmass. 81042, 81067) are individual stones partly cov- ered with fusion crust. ALHA81033 consists of six weathered fragments. ALHA81039 (10 X 4.5 X 4 cm) consists of two pieces, which fit together, and a small additional piece; black fusion crust is present on most of the original surface, and a weathering rind is present on fracture surfaces, but the interior is light gray and only slightly weathered. ALHA81067 (7 X 5.5 X 4 cm) was collected as two pieces, which fit together per- fectly but do not form a complete stone; some patchy fusion crust is present on original sur- faces, and fracture surfaces are deeply weathered to an iridescent red-brown color. In thin sections all the H5 chondrites show a generally well-developed chondritic structure with a variety of chondrule types, including gran- ular and porphyritic olivine and olivine-pyrox- ene, barred olivine, and fine-grained pyroxene. Chondrule margins may be somewhat diffuse, tending to merge with the granular groundmass, which consists largely of olivine and pyroxene, with minor amounts of nickel-iron and troilite; minute grains of sodic plagioclase can sometimes be detected. The compositions of the olivine (Fai6 to Fa i9) and orthopyroxene (Fsi4 to Fsi7) are uniform within the individual specimens. The Reckling Peak H5 chondrites resemble each other in texture, mineral compositions, and degree of weathering; RKPA80220 and 80223 have been tentatively paired, as have RKPA 80250 and 80251, and further research will probably extend these pairings. The Allan Hills 1980-1981 H5 chondrites, except ALHA 80123, are also very similar in texture, mineral compositions, and degree of weathering, and are tentatively paired; ALHA80123 is more severely weathered and may be a different fall. Possible pairings among the Allan Hills 1981-1982 H5 chondrites remain to be studied. CLASS L5 FIGURES 35, 36, 37 Three small L5 chondrites were collected near Reckling Peak in the 1980-1981 season: RKPA 80209 (9.7 g), 80228 (11.1 g), 80268 (3.4 g); they are individual stones partly or completely covered with fusion crust. Three L5 chondrites have been identified in the 1981-1982 Allan Hills collection: ALHA81017 (1434 g), 81018 (2236 g), 81023 (418 g). ALHA81017 consists of two pieces (13.5 X 8 X 7 cm and 10 X 9 X 5.5 cm), which do not fit together but are clearly parts of a single stone. Each piece has small areas of dark fusion crust and are somewhat weath- FIGURE35.?ALHA81018, L5 chondrite, an angular weathered stone partly covered with dull black fusion crust. 34 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES FIGURE 36.?ALHA81023, L5 chondrite, found as fragments with remnants of black fusion crust. FIGURE 37.?Photomicrographs of thin sections of L5 chondrites (area of fields is 3 X 2 mm): a, RKPA80209; b, ALHA81023. (Chondrules are prominent, but show some integration with the granular groundmass; note well-preserved fusion crust on RKPA80209). ered, with oxidation halos around metal grains. ALHA81018 is an angular stone (13.5 X 11 X 10 cm) partly covered with dull black fusion crust; several fractures penetrate the stone, and a weathering rind approximately 10 mm thick is present. ALHA81023 was found as two large pieces, two small pieces, and many tiny chips; none of the pieces fit together, but they are NUMBER 26 35 clearly related. Remnants of fusion crust are present. The interior is light gray and shows many dark colored chondrules and irregular in- clusions. In thin sections the L5 chondrites show a gen- erally well-developed chondritic structure, with a variety of chondrule types, including porphyr- itic olivine, granular olivine and olivine-pyrox- ene, and radiating fine-grained pyroxene. Chon- drule margins are often diffuse, tending to merge with the granular groundmass, which consists largely of olivine and pyroxene with minor sub- equal amounts of nickel-iron and troilite. The compositions of the olivine (Fa23 to Fa25) and orthopyroxene (Fs]9 to Fs2i) are essentially uni- form within the individual specimens. ALHA81017, 81018, and 81023 are very sim- ilar in all respects, and the possibility of their being paired should be considered. CLASS LL5 FIGURE 38 Two LL5 chondrites were collected near Rec- kling Peak during the 1980-1981 field season RKPA80234 (136 g) and RKPA80253 (4.6 g). Although they show some similarities, there are sufficient differences to indicate that they are probably not paired: 80253 is practically un- weathered, whereas 80234 is considerably weath- ered, with extensive brown limonitic staining. RKPA80234 is a flat stone, 6 X 5 X 2 cm, with fusion crust on one surface; the other surfaces have weathered to a reddish brown color. In thin sections chondritic structure is barely discernible, the sparse chondrules being largely obscured by extensive brecciation. The section shows an ag- gregate of olivine and pyroxene, with a little troilite and nickel-iron. Microprobe analyses gave the following compositions: olivine, Fa26; orthopyroxene, Fs22. RKPA80253 is a small flat stone, 2X2X1 cm, almost totally covered with black fusion crust, blistery in places; the interior has a whitish gray color and contains many dark angular inclu- sions. In thin section chondrules are fairly abun- dant, and are relatively large, ranging up to 3 mm in diameter. Brecciation is prominent, and many of the chondrules are fractured and de- formed. Only a little nickel-iron is present. Mi- croprobe analyses gave the following composi- tions: olivine, Fa27; orthopyroxene, Fs22 with a few more Mg-rich grains; plagioclase, Ani0. This FIGURE 38.?Photomicrographs of thin sections of LL5 chondrites (area of fields is 3 X 2 mm): a, RKPA80234; b, RKPA80253. (Chondritic structure is somewhat obscured by the extensive brecciation these meteorites have experienced). 36 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES meteorite is classified as an LL5 chondrite, but different areas of the brecciated structure show features of higher and lower type. CLASS E5 FIGURE 39 RKPA80259 (20.2 g).?Thin iridescent fusion crust covers most of this small stone (2.5 X 1.5 X 1.5 cm). The interior is dark colored and weathered, and shows a small amount of a white evaporite deposit. In thin section chondrules are rare and barely discernible, the meteorite con- sisting largely of fine-grained enstatite (mean grain size approximately 0.05 mm), with some nickel-iron and troilite. Weathering is very ex- tensive, with much red-brown limonite through- out the section. The silicate material is blackened by the presence of finely dispersed troilite, prob- ably the result of an episode of severe shock. Microprobe analyses showed that the enstatite is almost pure MgSiOg, with minor amounts of A12O3 (0.1-0.3%), FeO (0.1-0.5%), and CaO (0.5-0.8%.). CLASS H6 FIGURES 40, 41 Four H6 chondrites were collected at the Allan Hills in the 1980-1981 season: ALHA80118, 80122, 80126, 80130. Each weighs less than 100 g; 81022, 80126, 80130 are very similar and are probably pieces of a single meteorite, but 80118 is less weathered and is probably a different fall. Six H6 chondrites have been identified in the 1981-1982 collection: ALHA81035 (256 g), 81037 (320 g), 81038 (229 g), 81093 (271 g), 81102 (196 g), 81111 (210 g). ALHA81035 is a complete stone, 7.5 X 5.5 X 3 cm, entirely cov- ered with patchy fusion crust; it is extensively weathered. ALHA81037 is an angular specimen, 7.5 X 6 X 4 cm, with fusion crust on all but two sides; it is polygonally fractured, and the interior shows moderate weathering with rusty halos around metal grains. ALHA81038 is a rounded oblong stone, 7x4x4 cm, with remnants of fusion crust; several fractures penetrate the in- terior, which is extensively weathered. ALHA 81093 is an equidimensional stone, 6 X 5.5 X 4 cm, completely covered with dull black fusion crust. ALHA81102 is a weathered stone, 7.5 X FIGURE 39.?RKPA80259, E5 chondrite, photomicrograph of thin section (area of field is 3 X 2 mm); an enstatite chondrule (center) in a matrix consisting largely of enstatite grains (white) with nickel-iron and sulfide (black). FIGURE 40.?ALHA81035, H6 chondrite, photomicro- graph of thin section (area of field is 3 X 2 mm); chondritic structure is barely discernible, the chondrules merging with the granular groundmass. NUMBER 26 37 FIGURE 41.?H6 chondrites. 5x3 cm, with thin remnant fusion crust; most of the surface is oxidized to a dark red-brown color. ALHA81111 is a rounded stone, 8 X 6 X 4 cm; the upper half is covered with frothy black fusion crust, the lower half is weathered to an iridescent brown color. Nineteen H6 chondrites were collected near Reckling Peak in the 1980-1981 season; they all weigh less than 100 g except RKPA80201 (813 g) and 80231 (238 g). RKPA80201 is a rectan- gular stone, 12 X 6 X 5.5 cm, almost completely covered with black fusion crust showing polygo- nal fractures; minute amounts of white evaporite deposits are present in some of the fractures. RKPA80231 is a weathered and fractured stone, 7x5x3 cm, with remnants of dull black fusion crust. All the Reckling Peak specimens except RKPA80201 are paired because of their similar and characteristic texture. Specifically they ap- pear to have been considerably fractured and the minerals partly granulated; this feature has been made more prominent by extensive weathering, which has developed numerous thin limonite veinlets throughout the specimens. All the H6 chondrites show very similar petro- graphic features. Chondrules are sparse and poorly defined, tending to merge with the gran- ular groundmass, which consists mainly of olivine and pyroxene, with minor amounts of nickel- iron, troilite, and sodic plagioclase. Compositions 38 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES of the olivine (Fan to Fa2o) orthopyroxene (Fsi5 to Fsi7), and plagioclase (Ani2 to Ani3) are uni- form within the individual specimens. CLASS L6 FIGURES 42, 43 Fifteen L6 chondrites were collected at the Allan Hills in the 1980-1981 season, 12 weigh- ing more than 100 g each. Macroscopic exami- nation indicated that they might be paired as pieces of a single meteorite, and this has been supported by evidence from thin sections, which shows that they are identical in texture, mineral compositions, and degree of weathering. Three L6 chondrites have been identified in the 1981 ? 1982 Allan Hills collection: ALHA81016 (3850 g), 81026 (515 g), 81027 (3835 g). ALHA81016 is a rounded stone, 15X12X11 cm, with remnants of fusion crust; most of the surface is smooth and weathered to a dark reddish brown color; the interior is a lighter brown-green color. Mineral grains with cleavage faces and distinct chondrules up to 4 mm across are visible on both FIGURE 42.?ALHA81016, an L6 chondrite, photographedas found. FIGURE 43.?Photomicrographs of thin sections of L6 chondrites (area of each field is 3 X 2 mm): a, RKPA80202, b, RKPA80252. (Chondritic structure is barely discernible, the chon- drules merging with the granular groundmass; the dark glassy veinlet in RKPA80202 contains clear isotropic material tentatively identified as ringwoodite and majorite). NUMBER 26 39 exterior and interior surfaces. ALHA81026 is a knobby stone, 11 X 6 X 5.5 cm, partly covered with dull black fusion crust; the interior is pale gray, with brown limonitic halos around metal grains. ALHA80127 consists of two pieces that fit together as an incomplete rounded stone, 17 X 11.5 X 10 cm; patchy fusion crust covers much of the surface, and the interior is extensively weathered. This meteorite has been shocked and plagioclase converted to maskelynite, with CaO content equivalent to Ani0 but with Na2O low and variable, 4.0-5.2%. Seven L6 chondrites were collected in the Reckling Peak area during the 1980-1981 field season; only one, RKPA80202 (544 g) weighs more than 100 g. All the Reckling Peak speci- mens except RKPA80215 are identical in tex- ture, mineral compositions, and degree of weath- ering, and most of them have dark glassy veinlets containing clear isotropic grains tentatively iden- tified as ringwoodite and majorite; these speci- mens are probably all pieces of a single meteorite and can be paired with RKPA78001, 78003, 79001, and 79002. RKPA80215 is much more weathered than the other Reckling Peak L6 chondrites, and appears to be more heavily shocked, the mineral grains being comminuted and traversed by shock veinlets of troilite. CLASS LL6 FIGURE 44 Four LL6 chondrites were collected from the Reckling Peak area in the 1980-1981 field sea- son: RKPA80222 (6.9 g), 80235 (261 g), 80238 (18.4 g), 80248 (11.3 g). RKPA80222, 80238, and 80248 were paired on the basis of macro- scopic examination, and this has been confirmed by the evidence from the thin sections. They show the brecciated structure characteristic of many LL chondrites. Chondritic structure is barely discernible, the specimens consisting of a granular aggregate of olivine and pyroxene, with minor amounts of plagioclase and troilite, and a little nickel-iron; some of the nickel-iron is pres- ent as unusually large grains, up to 3 mm. A small amount of limonitic staining is present around the metal grains. RKPA80235 differs in being unbrecciated, having less troilite and nickel-iron (without limonitic staining), and hav- ing somewhat higher Fa and Fs contents in oli- vine and pyroxene (Fa30 vs. Fa28, FS24 vs. FS23). FIGURE 44.?Photomicrographs of thin sections of LL6 chondrites (area of each field is 3 X 2 mm): a, RKPA80222; b, RKPA80238. (Chondritic structure is barely discernible, being obscured by extenisve brecciation and integration with the granular matrix). 40 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES FIGURE 45.?ALHA81021, E6 chondrite, photographed as found; a rounded stone covered with thin black fusion crust showing flow lines. CLASS E6 FIGURES 45, 46 ALHA81021 (695 g).?This stone (12 X 9 X 3 cm) is smooth and flat, with thin black fusion crust with flow lines on the upper surface; the lower surface is considerably weathered and some of the fusion crust removed, leaving a smooth red-brown surface. Only traces of chon- dritic structure are visible in a thin section, which consists largely of granular enstatite, with consid- erable nickel-iron (~20%), minor troilite and plagioclase, and accessory sinoite (Si2N2O, iden- tified by its high birefringence). Weathering is extensive, with brown limonitic staining through- out the section. Remnants of fusion crust are present. Microprobe analyses show the enstatite is almost pure MgSiO3 (CaO 0.8%, FeO 0.2%, FIGURE 46.?ALHA81021, E6 chondrite, photomicrograph of thin section (area of field is 3 X 2 mm); a radiating enstatite chondrule is enclosed in a field of granular enstatite (white to gray), nickel-iron and sulfides (black). NUMBER 26 41 A12O3 0.2%); plagioclase is Ani5Or4; the metal contains about 2% Si. Achondrites EUCRITES FIGURES 47, 48, 49 At the Allan Hills in 1980-1981 one eucrite (ALHA80102, 471 g) was collected, and in 1981-1982 several more (ALHA81001, 52.9 g; 81006, 254 g; 81007, 163 g; 81008, 43.8 g; 81009, 229 g; 81010, 219 g; 81011, 405 g; 81012, 36.6 g). ALHA80102 (12.5 X 8 X 5. cm) has areas of shiny black fusion crust, except on a fracture surface; many vugs, ranging in size from less than 1 mm to greater than 1 cm, are present, typical of Allan Hills polymict eucrites. The interior is medium gray with mm-sized and larger white, yellow, and black clasts throughout. ALHA 81001 is a small stone (4.5 X 4.5 X 4.0 cm) with lustrous black fusion crust on two surfaces; the interior is highly fractured and is quite unlike other eucrites in being glassy and smoky gray in FIGURE 47.?ALHA81006, a polymict eucrite, photo- graphed as found. color. ALHA81006 (11 X 4.5 X 3.5 cm) is an elongated stone covered with shiny black fusion crust except on a fracture surface; this surface has mm-size patches of fusion crust, indicating a late breakup in the atmosphere. It is a typical polymict eucrite and has two notably large clasts (7 X 11 mm and 15 X 13 mm). ALHA81007 (8.5 X 6 X 2.5 cm) and 81008 (5 X 3.5 X 3 cm) are similar. ALHA81009 (7 X 5.5 X 3.5 cm) is a hemispherical stone almost completely covered with lustrous black fusion crust. ALHA81010(8 X 55.5 cm) is similar. ALHA81011 (8 X 65 cm) is a rounded stone with scattered remnants of black fusion crust; it is unusual in containing numerous large clasts up to 2 cm across. Several different types are present?typical eucritic clasts, recrystallized pinkish white clasts, massive gray clasts?and they range in shape from rounded to rectangular to lens-shaped. ALHA81012 (5 X 2 X 3 cm) is a lens-shaped stone typical of the Allan Hills polymict eucrites. ALHA80102, 81006, 81007, 81008, and 81010 are very similar in all respects and are probably paired with previously described Allan Hills polymict eucrites. The following descrip- tion of the thin section of ALH A81010 is typical of all of them. The meteorite is a microbreccia, consisting largely of angular monomineralic py- roxene and plagioclase clasts up to 4 mm in maximum dimension, and a few lithic clasts, in a matrix of comminuted pyroxene and plagioclase. Transparent brown fusion crust rims part of the section. The pyroxene is light to dark brown pigeonite; a few grains show exsolution lamellae. The lithic clasts have a maximum dimension of 3 mm, and consist of pigeonite and plagioclase with ophitic and gabbroic textures; one clast consists of angular pigeonite and plagioclase grains in a semi-opaque glassy matrix. Micro- probe analyses show pigeonite and augite with a wide range of compositions: Wo5 to Wo36, En2e to En6i, Fs3i to FS57; plagioclase composition range is An78 to An93, mean An8g. ALHA81009 and 81012 resemble each other closely and are tentatively paired. Thin sections consist largely of brown grains of pigeonite up to 1 mm and colorless grains of plagioclase up to 42 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES FIGURE 48.?Eucrites. NUMBER 26 43 A\;.' '3 ..' *?-7T ? ^^^ FIGURE 49.?Photomicrographs of thin sections of eucrites (area of each field is 3 X 2 mm): a, ALHA81001; b, ALHA81006; c, ALHA81011; d, ALHA81012; e, RKPA80204; /, RKPA80224. 44 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES 2 mm in a comminuted groundmass of these minerals. Some lithic clasts, up to 3 mm across, are present; most show fine-grained ophitic tex- tures, but a few have coarse gabbroic textures. Microprobe analyses show pyroxene compo- sitions ranging fairly continuously from Wo3En35Fs62 to Wo4oEn26Fs3o, with the En con- tent showing a limited range (26-40). Plagioclase composition range is An75 to An93, mean An86. These eucrites differ from previously described polymict eucrites from the Allan Hills in the range and distribution of pyroxene compositions. ALHA81011 is a breccia of eucritic clasts up to 10 mm in maximum dimension, the clasts sitting in a minor amount of dark glass filled with comminuted grains of pyroxene and plagioclase. The clasts consist of pyroxene and plagioclase and show a variety of textures: finely granular, subophitic, and gabbroic. Microprobe analyses show pyroxene compositions corresponding to pigeonite and augite and clustering around two mean compositions, Wo4En36Fs6o and Wo35En32Fs33, with a few intermediate values. Plagioclase has fairly uniform composition, An87 to An9i, mean An88. The meteorite is a eucritic breccia; although it appears to be polymict, the uniformity of mineral compositions suggests a considerable degree of equilibration, and it may be a genomict breccia. ALHA81001 appears to be a new type of eucrite. The thin section is translucent in pale brown-gray, with some darker areas, giving a patchy appearance. With crossed polars the ma- terial is seen to consist of pyroxene prisms up to 0.5 mm long, mostly with straight extinction, in a glassy groundmass. No opaque minerals are present. Microprobe analyses show the pyroxene has rather uniform composition, averaging Wo16En4oFs59, with 0.4% A12O3, 0.2% TiO2, 0.9% MnO, and 0.6% Cr2O3. Broad-beam anal- yses give an approximate bulk composition (weight percent) as follows: SiO2 (49), A12O3 (14), FeO (18), MgO (6.7), CaO (10), Na2O (0.2), K2O (0.1), TiO2 (0.9), Cr2O3 (0.6), MnO (0.7). This composition agrees with that of an average eu- crite except that Na2O is lower (in most eucrites Na2O is about 0.5%); however, the texture is quite different from any described eucrite. The overall impression from the texture is that the material represents a rapidly quenched melt. Two eucrites were collected in 1980-1981 near Reckling Peak: RKPA80204 (15.4 g) and 80224 (8.0 g). RKPA80204 (3X2X2 cm) is partly covered with black fusion crust. Two texturally distinct lithologies were noted on the surface: one is massive and fine-grained with rounded yellow clasts, the other appears to be coarser-grained, with abundant light and dark grains. Thin (1 mm) black veins extend into both textures. Abundant vugs give the exterior a rough surface. The thin section shows clasts (up to 6 mm in maximum dimension) of subophitic intergrowths of pigeonite and plagioclase, separated by veins of coarser grained pigeonite and plagioclase. The plagioclase laths in the clasts range up to 0.5 mm in length. The pigeonite and plagioclase grains in the veins average about 0.3 mm in maximum dimensions. Microprobe analyses show pigeonite with a limited range of composition (Wo4Fs57En39 to Woi3Fs52En35). Plagioclase ranges in composi- tion from An85 to An94, with a mean of An92. Accessory ilmenite and titanian chromite (TiO2 10-13%) are present. The relative uniformity of composition of pyroxene and plagioclase indi- cates that this specimen may be classified as a monomict eucrite. RKPA80224 is a small specimen (3.5 X 1.5 X 1.0 cm) partly coated with shiny black fusion crust. The thin section shows an ophitic inter- growth of pigeonite and plagioclase, with acces- sory amounts of tridymite and opaque minerals; the average grain size of pyroxene and plagio- clase is about 1 mm. The pyroxene and plagio- clase crystals are somewhat granulated and show undulose extinction. A little limonitic staining is present in one area. Microprobe analyses show pigeonite with an average composition of WoioFs54En36; some grains show exsolution la- mellae of augite with composition Wo44Fs25En30. Plagioclase ranges in composition from An85 to An9i, with a mean of An89. The opaque minerals are troilite, ilmenite and titanian chromite (TiO2 13-15%). The meteorite is a monomict eucrite. NUMBER 26 45 UREILITES FIGURES 50, 51 The only ureilite in the 1980-1981 collection (and the first from the Reckling Peak area) is RKPA80239, a 5.6 g specimen. Thin patchy fusion crust is present on all surfaces; areas de- void of fusion crust are crystalline, reddish brown A 4 FIGURE 50.?RKPA80239, ureilite, photomicrograph of thin section (area of field is 3 X 2 mm); olivine (white, without cleavage cracks) and pyroxene (light gray, with cleavage cracks), bordered by black material consisting largely of carbon. FIGURE 51.?ALHA81101, ureilite, photomicrograph of thin section (area of field is 3 X 2 mm); olivine (white to gray, showing mosaic structure), bordered by black material consisting largely of carbon. in color, and rough in texture. The thin section shows an aggregate of subhedral to anhedral grains (0.3-1.5 mm across) of olivine with minor amounts of pyroxene. The grains are rimmed with black carbonaceous material. Trace amounts of troilite and nickel-iron are present, the latter largely altered to translucent brown limonite concentrated along grain boundaries. Microprobe analyses show olivine of uniform composition (Fai6) with notably high CaO con- tent (0.3-0.4%); the pyroxene is a pigeonite of composition \V05Fs15En80. This meteorite ap- pears to be relatively lightly shocked compared to most ureilites. ALHA81101 is a 119 g specimen, 7.2 X 4.5 X 3 cm, with thick black fusion crust on two sides. The section shows an aggregate of subhedral to anhedral crystals of olivine, 1-3 mm across; they are rimmed with dark carbonaceous material. Pyroxene, if present, is in small amount. Acces- sory nickel-iron is present, as minute grains along crystal boundaries and fractures; it is partly al- tered to brown limonite. Under crossed polars the olivine crystals are seen as a mosaic of tiny grains averaging 0.05 mm across, evidently a shock effect. Microprobe analyses show olivine of variable composition, Faio to Fa22, mean Fai9. This urelite differs from previously described ureilites from the Allan Hills in the mosaic tex- ture of the olivine. ACHONDRITE, UNIQUE FIGURES 52, 53, 54 ALHA81005 (31.4 g).?At the time of collec- tion this specimen was noted as unusual, because of the greenish glassy fusion crust and the pres- ence of prominent clasts. The stone is rounded, equidimensional (3 X 3 X 2.5 cm) and the crust shows flow markings; the interior consists of abundant angular white clasts up to 8 mm across, set in a dark glassy matrix. In thin sections the matrix is a translucent to semi-opaque dark brown glass and shows flow structure in places; clast: matrix ratio is approximately 40:60. The larger clasts are polymineralic, the smaller (less than 0.3 mm) may be individual mineral grains. 46 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES FIGURE 52.?ALHA81005, anorthositic breccia, showing fusion crust and brecciated nature of interior. The clasts consist largely of plagioclase, together with some pyroxene and occasional olivine; most of the mineral grains are plagioclase. The clasts show a variety of textures, including gabbroic, diabasic, and basaltic; many have been shocked and partly granulated. Some of the clasts resem- ble eucrites, but many appear to be more feld- spathic than most eucrites. The section is notable for the complete absence of opaque minerals, except for a 1 mm metal grain. Microprobe FIGURE 53.?ALHA81005, anorthositic breccia, after lab- oratory splitting, showing white anorthositic clasts in dark glossy matrix. analyses show that the plagioclase is very Ca-rich, averaging An97 (range An95 to An98); pyroxene is variable in composition, Wo 1-41, En 44-79, Fs 7-47 (richer is En than most eucrite pyrox- enes); several grains of olivine, Fa 11-40, were analyzed. The MnO/FeO ratio in pyroxene grains differs from that in eucrite pyroxenes and agrees with that in lunar pyroxenes. The mete- orite closely resembles many of the Apollo 16 lunar breccias. FIGURE 54.?ALHA81005, anorthositic breccia, photomicrograph of thin section (area of field is 3 X 2 mm): a, section showing remnants of fusion crust and clasts in dark glassy matrix; b, section showing clasts and small clear glass bead. NUMBER 26 47 This specimen has been the object of intensive investigation, the preliminary results of which were presented at the Fourteenth Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in Houston in March 1983. Twenty-two papers were given (the abstracts have been published as LPI Contribu- tion 501 and are available from the Lunar and Planetary Institute, 3303 NASA Road One, Houston, Texas 77058). The results confirmed and extended the preliminary results recorded above, and confirmed a lunar origin for this meteorite. For additional information see Marvin (p. 95). Literature Cited Mason, B., and R.S. Clarke, Jr. 1982. Characterization of the 1980-81 Victoria Land Meteorite Collections. Memoirs of the National In- stitute of Polar Research (Japan), special issue, 25:17-33. Scott, E.R.D., GJ. Taylor, P. Maggiore, K. Keil, S.G. McKinley, and H.Y. McSween 1981. Three CO3 Chondrites from Antarctica?Com- parison of Carbonaceous and Ordinary Type 3 Chondrites. Meteoritics, 16:385. Van Schmus, W.R., and J.A. Wood 1967. A Chemical-Petrographic Classification for the Chondritic Meteorites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Ada, 31:747-765. Descriptions of Iron Meteorites and Mesosiderites RoyS. Clarke, Jr This section provides brief descriptions of two octahedrites, a hexahedrite, an ataxite, and a mesosiderite collected during the 1980 and the 1981 field seasons. The descriptions are prelim- inary and based largely on material prepared for publication in the Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter. Also included is a well-studied mesosiderite, RKP A79015, from the 1979 season that was not included in the previous publication in this series. Octahedrites RKPA80226 (160 g).?This dark reddish brown specimen (4.3 X 3.2 X 2.8 cm) from the Reckling Peak area is slightly smaller than a hen's egg and is more irregularly shaped. The top surface is covered with pits 2 to 3 mm in length, and it is gently and uniformly convex. Distribu- tion of pits seems to have been controlled in part by the internal Widmanstatten structure. This surface, and the bottom surface, have been strongly affected by terrestrial weathering. The bottom surface is less uniform in shape and more convex. Part of it has a pattern of pits similar to that on the top. However, much of the bottom surface is dominated by a pattern of parallel ridges approximately 1 mm apart standing out in relief, an expression of the Widmanstatten structure of the material. A median slice of approximately 6 cm2 was Roy S. Clarke, Jr., Department of Mineral Sciences, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560. polished and microetched. This revealed a heat- altered zone surrounding the edge of the slice as deep as 3.5 mm in one area. A well-developed Widmanstatten pattern is present with a kamacite band width in the 1.2 mm range. The length/ width ratio for these lamellae is about 7. Some Neumann bands are present in the kamacite, as are rhabdites, grain-boundary schreibersites and subgrain boundaries. No epsilon structure or troilite was observed. Taenite bands occupy much of the kamacite grain boundaries, and tae- nite-kamacite and plessite fields are present. The plessite areas are mainly pearlitic, suggesting the possibility that the entire specimen is heat-al- tered. It is a medium octahedrite containing 8.5 wt.% Ni. ALHA81014 (188 g).?This specimen (6.5 X 3X2 cm) from the Allan Hills is an irregularly shaped individual somewhat resembling a fish. It is covered with a uniformly pitted, dark reddish brown, iridescent, secondary iron oxide coating. A surface area of approximately 4.5 cm3 was microetched. The section was taken perpendic- ular to the long axis of the specimen near the more massive end. The edge of the section con- tains a thin, intermittent border of oxide. Below this is a heat-altered zone up to 1 mm thick that is present, with the exception of a few small gaps, around the complete section. Remnant fusion crust was not observed. Kamacite has a rather uniform matte surface at low magnification that can be resolved with higher magnification to a fine epsilon-decomposition structure. A system of wider than average kamacite lamellae, con- 49 50 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES taining frequent centered schreibersites in the 100 X 200 ixm size range, is a prominent feature. Kamacite lamellae, free of centered schreiber- sites, have widths in the 0.3 mm range. Plessite fields occupy approximately two-thirds of the surface. Interiors of larger fields contain cellular plessite framed in martensite with taenite bor- ders. Narrow plessite fields have only martensitic areas with taenite borders. Schreibersite is also occasionally present at taenite borders, and as grain boundary schreibersite bridging adjoining plessite areas. Occasional 5 to 10 nm schreiber- sites are present within plessite fields. Other in- clusions were not observed. The specimen is a fine octahedrite distinct from ALHA78252, the previously identified fine octahedrite from the Allan Hills. Hexahedrite ALH A81013(17.75 kg).?The highly distinc- tive external appearance of this specimen (16 X 16X11 cm) from the Allan Hills suggests that it is a fragment that separated during atmospheric breakup from a larger mass with cubic cleavage (Figure 55). Its shape is that of a cube that has been shortened along one axis by severe and irregular ablation-sculpturing of one face. This face is the only one that is deeply sculptured with thumb-size regmaglypts, giving the impression that it was part of the exterior surface prior to fragmentation (Figure 55a). Its opposite face is approximately square, with slightly rounded edges, and appears to have been the leading surface during late stage ablation (Figure 55b). All surfaces are covered with a thin reddish brown coating of secondary oxides, which are somewhat thicker within the deeper depressions of regmaglypts. Thin cracks several centimeters long are present on all surfaces and tend to parallel the cubic planes of the specimen. A median slice was removed perpendicular to the square section of the specimen and parallel to opposite sides. One side of the slice was pol- ished and macroetched, resulting in an area of approximately 140 cm2 available for examination at low magnification. The matrix appears to be single-crystal kamacite that etches to a dull finish, atypical for hexahedrites. Several small troilite- daubreelite inclusions are present, as are a few small schreibersites. Slight variations in kamacite reflectivity appear to be due to tiny schreibersites that are unresolvable at low magnification. The most prominent surface feature is the system of orthogonal cracks mentioned above. They pen- etrate into the interior of the specimen. Neu- mann bands are absent. This cursory examina- tion suggests that the meteorite is a hexahedrite of somewhat unusual metallography. It probably represents a separate fall, distinct from the typi- cal hexahedrite ALHA78100. Ataxite ALHA80104 (882 g).?This specimen (11 X 7x4 cm) from the Allan Hills is an irregularly shaped individual. One prominently rounded surface appears to have been ablation-shaped, and a second fairly large and comparatively smooth surface appears to have been the under- side while the specimen was exposed at the sur- face of the ice. The meteorite is covered with a fairly uniform dark reddish brown iron oxide, and no fusion crust seems to remain. There are several deep linear incisions into the body of the meteorite that are possibly due to either prefer- ential ablation or weathering of schreibersite in- clusions exposed at the surface. A microetched surface area of approximately 7 cm2 shows a heat-altered zone over part of the external surface of the specimen. The metallo- graphic matrix is a martensitic plessite. Kamacite spindles less than 0.1 mm wide, and generally less than ten times their width in length, are FIGURE 55.?ALHA81013 is a hexahedrite that appears to have broken out of a larger mass during passage through the atmosphere, (a) This view looks straight down on the top surface of the specimen (as it lay on the ice sheet). This single deeply sculptured face was probably ablated prior to separation from a larger mass. The square outline of the specimen is 16 cm on an edge, (b) A tilted view of the bottom surface; a somewhat modified cube face is still evident, as is ablation rounding of edges. Cracks following cube directions may be seen in both photographs. NUMBER 26 51 52 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES moderately uniformly distributed in a vague Widmanstatten pattern orientation. The kama- cite spindles frequently enclose small schreiber- sites. Three large schreibersite areas are enclosed in swathing kamacite as wide as 0.2 mm. The largest such area is 8 mm long. Weathering has penetrated 0.5 cm into the mass in one area. The specimen is an ataxite containing 15.9 wt. % Ni, and it is distinct from ALHA77255, the previ- ously known ataxite from the Allan Hills. Mesosiderites RKPA79015 (10.0 kg).?This specimen (26 X 18X13 cm) from the Reckling Peak area is a dense mass that has undergone severe external weathering, resulting in an appearance similar to that of many weathered iron meteorites. It is covered with reddish brown iron oxide that is layered in places and thick enough to flake off in centimeter-size pieces. No fusion crust remains, and the original shape of the specimen has un- doubtedly been somewhat modified. Occasional cleavage faces of large pyroxene crystals are ex- posed. It has been described as a mesosiderite by Prinz et al. (1982) and Clarke and Mason (1982). The specimen has been divided into two pieces under clean conditions in a controlled atmos- phere at the Antarctic Meteorite Curatorial Lab- FIGURE 56.?RKPA79015, a median slice 15.5 cm wide revealing heterogeneous distribution of minerals and a brecciated structure. The etched surface reveals large areas of metal and sulfide, large areas of orthopyroxene that contain material that grades from very coarse to finely crystalline, and areas rich in troilite that also contain some metal and pyroxene. NUMBER 26 53 oratory, Lyndon B.Johnson Space Center, Hous- ton. One piece remains in the protective environ- ment in Houston. The other piece weighing 5.52 kg was sent to the Smithsonian Institution for preliminary characterization and distribution to interested scientists. The brecciated and heterogeneous character of RKPA79015 is shown in Figure 56, a photo- graph of the polished and etched surface of the slice. The meteorite is composed of major amounts of metal, orthopyroxene, and troilite, each with associated minor or trace minerals. The three major minerals tend to be in close association with each other, even though in given areas one mineral may predominate over the other two. The silicate minerals present are orthopyrox- ene of uniform composition (Wo2En74Fs24) and calcium-rich plagioclase of somewhat variable composition (An86 to An94). Pigeonite and olivine have been looked for and not found. Chromite containing A12O3 7.0%, MgO 1.8%, MnO 1.6%, and TiO2 0.5% is present, as is merrillite (Ca9MgNa(PO4)7). The bulk metal composition is 9.87% Ni, 0.52% Co, 0.15% P, and 2.14% FeS. Metallic areas consist of polycrystalline kam- acite with grain boundaries containing cloudy taenite and schreibersite. Cloudy taenite areas have thick borders of tetrataenite. These metal- lographic associations indicate a low temperature cooling history identical to that of other well- known mesosiderites. RKPA79015 is apparently paired with four other silicate-rich fragments from the same area: RKPA80229, 80246, 80258, and 80263. ALHA81059 (539 g).?The exterior of this specimen (9.5 X 5 X 5.5 cm) from the Allan Hills is severely weathered. Close examination re- vealed cleavage surfaces of large silicate crystals within the secondary oxidation products, sug- gesting that the specimen is a mesosiderite. A polished thin section consists largely of or- thopyroxene clasts ranging up to 10 mm in max- imum dimensions, together with about 30% of nickel-iron in grains up to 0.6 mm; a little troilite is present. The meteorite is extremely weathered and seamed with brown limonite. Microprobe analyses shows that the orthopyroxene is some- what variable in composition, ranging from Fs25 to Fs32, with mean of Fs28; mean weight percent CaO is 1.2, MnO 0.7, A12O3 0.6, TiO2 0.2. Small amounts of olivine (Fa28), plagioclase (An93), mer- rillite, and an SiO2 phase (probably tridymite) were detected with the microprobe. The metal consists largely of kamacite. Tetrataenite-cloudy taenite associations are concentrated mainly at kamacite-silicate boundries. Schreibersite is either enclosed in the tetrataenite-cloudy taenite areas or in contact with them. The meteorite is a mesosiderite, the second from the Allan Hills; it appears to be different from the previous one, ALHA77219 (Agosto et al., 1980; Prinz et al. 1980). ALHA81098 (60.9 g).?This sample consists of two fragments (4 X 4 X 1.5; 4 X 3.4 X 1 cm) that are similar to ALHA81059 in mineralogy, texture, and weathering, and probably should be paired with it. Literature Cited Agosto, W.N., R.H. Hewins, and R.S. Clarke, Jr. 1980. Allan Hills A77219, the First Antarctic Mesosi- derite. In Proceedings of the Eleventh Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, pages 1027-1045. New York: Pergamon Press. Clarke, R.S., Jr., and B. Mason 1982. A New Metal-Rich Mesosiderite from Antarctica, RKPA79015. Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research (Japan), special issue, 25:78-85. Prinz, M., C.E. Nehru, and J.S. Delaney 1982. Reckling Peak A79015: An Unusual Mesosiderite. In Lunar and Planetary Science XIII, page 631. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. Prinz, M., C.E. Nehru, J.S. Delaney, G.E. Harlow, R.L. Bedell 1980. Modal Studies of Mesosiderites and Related Achondrites, Including the New Mesosiderite ALHA 77219. In Proceedings of the Eleventh Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, pages 1055-1071. New York: Pergamon Press. Petrology and Classification of 145 Small Meteorites from the 1977 Allan Hills Collection Susan G. McKinley and Klaus Keil Introduction We have studied 145 previously undescribed, small meteorites weighing <150 g from the 1977 Allan Hills Antarctica collection. These meteor- ites are part of the 350 samples collected by scientists from the United States and Japan dur- ing the 1977-1978 field season (Cassidy, 1980). Because of their small sizes, these and other specimens in the 1977 collection weighing <150 g were initially set aside and only later allocated to us as a suite of 145 samples. The allocation strategy was as follows: Except for a few mete- orites that appeared unusual to the field party and were allocated for preliminary description and classification to B. Mason, each specimen weighing <150>15g (although the largest spec- imen weighed 174.5 g) was equally split between the U.S. Antarctic Meteorite collection curated at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, Hous- ton, Texas, and the Japanese Antarctic Meteorite Collection at the National Institute of Polar Re- search, Tokyo, Japan. Of each of these speci- mens, we were allocated a few grams for our studies. Meteorites weighing <15 grams were not split but were divided in equal numbers between the U.S. and Japanese collections. Each of those meteorites remaining in the U.S. collection was allocated to us in total for study and further distribution to interested investigators. Susan G. McKinley and Klaus Keil, Department of Geology and Institute of Meteoritics, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131. We carried out mineralogic and petrographic studies of all 145 meteorites. In addition, we initiated studies by others on selected specimens from this suite. P. Signer and co-workers are carrying out noble-gas measurements on four type 3 ordinary chondrites, ALHA77011, 77013, 77176, and 77197, and the enstatite chondrite ALHA77156. Thermoluminescence sensitivity measurements were made by Sears and Weeks (1983) on the same five meteorites. The carbonaceous chondrite (C3O), ALHA77029, was analyzed by INAA (Kallemeyn and Wasson, 1982) and a specimen of ALHA77011 (namely ALHA77050) will be analyzed by J.T. Wasson and co-workers. Several specimens of ALHA 77011 and a pyroxene-rich chondrule from the same meteorite are being analyzed by R.N. Clay- ton for oxygen isotopic compositions, and 23 equilibrated ordinary chondrites are being stud- ied by J.R. Arnold and co-workers for tracks, radionuclides (53Mn, 36C1, 10Be, 26A1), and rare gases in a search for objects that may have been in space as small meteoroids. Neon and xenon isotopic compositions of graphite-magne- tite inclusions in ALHA77011 (specimen ALHA 77050) were measured by Caffee et al. (1982). We have also loaned polished thin sections of various specimens to several investigators for op- tical microscopy and electron microprobe stud- ies. Our mineralogic and petrographic studies show that all 145 meteorites in our suite are chondrites (Table 3). Of those, 120 are equili- 55 56 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES brated (i.e., petrologic types 4 to 6) ordinary chondrites, with two belonging to the LL group, 16 to the L group, and 102 to the H group. The remaining 25 specimens include 19 that are paired with ALHA77011, an unusual L3 chon- drite containing a graphite-magnetite matrix in addition to the common silicate ("Huss") matrix (Huss et al., 1981). Three specimens are un- paired L3 chondrites (Table 4), two are paired enstatite chondrites (EH4), and another is a car- bonaceous chondrite (C3O). Here we summarize the classification of all meteorites in our suite and report in more detail on the less common types, namely the carbona- ceous chondrite, the four type 3 ordinary chon- drites, and the enstatite chondrite. We conclude that study of large suites of small Antarctic me- teorites is exceedingly worthwhile and reward- ing. Most specimens are relatively fresh and un- weathered, and their large numbers increase the likelihood of discovering new, unusual, and rare meteorite types, such as the unique graphite- magnetite bearing L3 ordinary chondrite and the enstatite chondrite (the first from the Allan Hills and only the fourth from Antarctica). Fur- thermore, these small meteorites may be attrac- tive for special studies, such as the search for objects that travelled in space as small meteo- roids. We therefore urge continued collection and study of large suites of small Antarctic me- teorites. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.?We thank the Antarc- tic Meteorite Working Group for allocating to us the 145 meteorites studied here; Robbie Score (JSC) for valuable aid in preparing the specimens for us; G. Gomez and Jackie Allen for preparing polished thin sections; and E.R.D. Scott and GJ. Taylor for valuable collaboration, assistance, and discussions throughout the course of this project. This work was supported in part by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Grants NGL32-004-064 and NAG-9-30 to K.K. Method of Study Each specimen weighing <15 g, which was allocated to us in its entirety, was macroscopically described before cutting. This description in- cludes a sketch of the external shape of the specimen and notes the external appearance of the meteorite, including preservation of the fu- sion crust, color, degree of weathering, veining, etc. After cutting for preparation of polished thin sections, detailed sketches of the cuts were made and their weights were recorded. A similar brief macroscopic description was also made of the small aliquots we received of meteorites weighing >15 g. Detailed information on their main masses is not available from us but is available from the Curatorial Office at the Johnson Space Center. At least one polished thin section was prepared of each specimen, using special proce- dures (i.e., no water) in the preparation of sec- tions of meteorites containing water-soluble phases (e.g., the enstatite chondrite). Polished thin sections were studied in the optical micro- scope in transmitted and reflected light, and olivine and pyroxene compositions of equili- brated ordinary chondrites were determined with an automated ARL EMX-SM electron mi- croprobe. Electron microprobe analyses of these and other phases were carried out using the procedures of Bence and Albee (1968) and Keil (1967), and standards and analytical conditions employed were essentially those listed in Fodor and Keil (1976). Analyzed olivine and pyroxene grains were chosen at random, and ordinary chondrites were then classified on the basis of their ranges and mean olivine and pyroxene Com- positions and their textural characteristics, using a modified version of the Van Schmus and Wood (1967) scheme (Gomes and Keil, 1980:31-32). More detailed microscopic and electron micro- probe studies were made on the carbonaceous chondrite, the type 3 ordinary chondrites, and the enstatite chondrite. Chondrites CLASS C3O ALHA77029 (1.4 g).?This small stone meas- ured 15x7x4 mm and was covered (except on one flat side) by dark gray, frothy fusion crust. No chondrules were visible on the surface, and NUMBER 26 57 the only external weathering noted was in a small pit in the fusion crust. Microscopic and electron microprobe studies (Scott, Taylor, et al., 1981) indicate that this meteorite is an unpaired Ornans-type carbona- ceous chondrite (C3O). It has the typical texture of C3O meteorites and contains (in the termi- nology of McSween, 1977) abundant chondrules <0.5 mm in apparent diameter and lithic frag- ments and inclusions embedded in a dark matrix (Figure 57). These constituents occur in propor- tions typical for C3O chondrites, except that the matrix to chondrule ratio is the highest (0.79) yet reported (Scott, Taylor, et al., 1981). Matrix and mineral compositions are typical of C3O chondrites. The matrix is high in FeO and NiO, and olivine and pyroxene composi- tional histograms obtained on randomly selected grains have the characteristic means and broad ranges of C3O chondrites (Scott, Taylor, et al., 1981). The olivine histogram has no pronounced peak and is similar to that of Ornans (Van Schmus, 1969). Based on compositional evidence (Scott, Tay- lor, et al., 1981), we have classified this meteorite as a moderately metamorphosed C3O chondrite of stage II (McSween, 1977). The mean fayalite composition (Fa2.s) is intermediate between the least and most equilibrated C3O chondrites. Sim- ilarly, kamacite has intermediate Cr, Co, and Ni contents, resembling those of the C3O chon- drites Felix and Lance (McSween, 1977). CLASS EH4 ALHA77156 (17.7 g); ALHA77295 (141 g), total weight 158.7 g. ALHA77156 is the first enstatite chondrite recovered from the Allan Hills; the second, ALHA81021, an EL6, was found in 1981 (Schwartz and Mason, 1983). Two others from Antarctica are Yamato 69001, an EH4-5 (Okada, 1975) and RKPA80259, an EH5 (Score et al., 1982). We have paired ALHA- 77156 with ALHA77295, based on mineral abundances and compositions. Following the rec- ommendations of the Committee on Meteorite Nomenclature of the Meteoritical Society (Gra- ham, 1980), this chondrite should be referred to as ALHA 77156. ALHA77156 contains well-defined chon- drules typical of type 4 chondrites (Figure 58). Silicate phases include clinoenstatite and minor olivine, albite, and silica. Kamacite, niningerite, and zincian daubreelite are present in abun- dances typical of EH4 chondrites. Troilite, per- ryite, schreibersite, and oldhamite are more abundant than in other EH4 chondrites. Acces- sory djerfisherite, sphalerite, and weathered caswellsilverite are also present. Total Fe concentration (313 mg/g), calculated from mineral compositions and modal abun- dances, falls within the EH range (Sears, Kalle- meyn, et al., 1982). Mineral compositions typi- cally lie within the ranges of EH4 chondrites. Those mineral compositions that are outside of the range are usually close to the mineral com- positions in Kota-Kota (EH4) (Keil, 1968). For example, in both ALHA77156 and Kota-Kota, the Ni content is higher in schreibersite and lower in kamacite than the range for these min- erals in other EH4 chondrites. Using the ninin- gerite-oldhamite-troilite geothermometer of Skinner and Luce (1971), the calculated equili- bration temperatures for niningerite in ALHA77156 and Kota-Kota agree well (475?C and 485?C, respectively). These are the lowest temperatures determined for EH4 chondrites. Clinoenstatite luminesces in various shades and intensities of red and blue under electron bom- bardment. Random analyses of enstatite within and outside of chondrules show that the bright blue grains usually have very low (<0.1%) MnO and Cr2C>3, whereas dull blue and red grains have a broad range of MnO and Cr2O3 contents. Our work on minor-element distributions in enstatite of ALHA77156 and other enstatite chondrites (McKinley et al., 1982, 1983) provides convinc- ing evidence against the model of Leitch and Smith (1980, 1981, 1982), in which enstatite chondrites formed by collision of two planetesi- mals, one consisting of red and the other of blue luminescing enstatites, and mechanical aggrega- tion of the debris. 58 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES FIGURE 57.?Photomicrograph of the C3O chondrite, ALHA77029, showing chondrules and irregular inclusions in a dark matrix. Transmitted plane-polarized light. Scale =1.5 mm. FIGURE 58.?Photomicrograph of the EH4 chondrite, ALHA77156 (paired specimen ALHA77295,8), showing fine-grained opaque phases (light gray and white) and Fe.Ni metal- sulfide aggregates. Reflected light. Scale = 2.7 mm. NUMBER 26 59 CLASS L3 ALHA77011 (total weight 6338 g).?We have paired 19 of the 145 small meteorites studied here with 15 larger specimens from the 1977- 1978-1979 Allan Hills collection, based on the presence of unique graphite-magnetite aggre- gates (McKinley et al., 1981). Cassidy (1980) had previously suggested that, on the basis of field relationships, nine of the larger specimens may be paired. ALHA77011 is one of the larger specimens and is the lowest-numbered object of the paired specimens. Thus, according to the recommendation of the Committee on Meteorite Nomenclature of the Meteoritical Society (Gra- ham, 1980), this chondrite shower should gener- ically be referred to as ALHA77011, although this specimen is not part of the collection of small meteorites described here. ALHA77011 is a unique chondrite, character- ized by the presence of abundant matrix and inclusions (3.2 vol. %), consisting of aggregates of micron-to-submicron-sized graphite and mag- netite, in addition to the typical "Huss" silicate matrix (Huss et al., 1981). This meteorite con- tains graphite-magnetite in higher amounts than most type 3 ordinary chondrites (which normally have <0.1 vol. %) but in much lower proportions than the type 3 ordinary chondrite clasts with graphite-magnetite matrices (14-36 vol. %) found in some regolith breccias (Scott, Rubin, et al., 1981). In all other respects, ALHA77011 is typical of type 3 ordinary chondrites. It has sharply defined chondrules embedded into a ma- trix consisting of about equal amounts of fine- grained opaque and recrystallized silicate matrix (Figure 59). Olivine compositions range from Fai to Fa37 (percent mean deviation is 39) and low- Ca pyroxene ranges from Fsi to Fs40 (percent mean deviation is 56). The percent mean devia- tion was calculated from FeO weight concentra- tions in olivine and pyroxene. Metallic Fe,Ni has significant amounts of Cr and Si and widely varying Co contents, indicating that the meteor- ite is one of the least-metamorphosed type 3 ordinary chondrites (Afiattalab and Wasson, 1980). Using the criteria of Sears, Grossman, et al. (1982), we have classified ALHA77011 as a petrologic type 3.2?0.2 (McKinley et al., 1981), whereas Sears, Grossman et al. (1982) classified it as a petrologic type 3.5? 0.1. Additional mineralogic-petrographic studies of the meteor- ite have been carried out by Ikeda et al. (1981), Fujimaki et al. (1981), and Nagahara (1981). Classification of ALHA77011 as an L-group chondrite was originally proposed by King et al. (1980), based on petrographic studies. This clas- sification was confirmed by the bulk analysis of Jarosewich (1980), which yielded total Fe of 20.77 wt.% and an Fe/SiO2 weight ratio of 0.55, well within the L-group range. The Ni/Mg (0.086), S/Mg (0.15), and Fe/Mg (1.52) ratios also fall within the L fields of Jarosewich and Dodd(1981). ALHA77013 (23.0 g).?This meteorite con- tains very well-defined, densely packed chon- drules in a matrix of recrystallized Huss silicate matrix and fine-grained silicates (Figure 60). Typical chondrule types are present, including a barred olivine chondrule with interstitial glass. Olivine composition ranges from Fa9.o to Fa27.e (mean Fai8.7), with a standard deviation of the analyses (mole % Fa) of 3.8 and a percent mean deviation of 16.6. Pyroxene ranges from Fs22to Fs35 (mean FS13.1), with a standard deviation of the analyses (mole % Fs) of 7.9 and a percent mean deviation of 47.3. We classify ALHA77013 as an L3 chondrite, based on its low metallic Fe,Ni content of 3 vol. % and its texture. The olivine and pyroxene compositions (Figure 61) are less conclusive and trend more towards the H group. However, these data suggest that the meteorite is not paired with any other from Victoria Land. ALHA77013 has been classified as a petrol- ogic type 3.5, based on thermoluminescence sen- sitivity (Sears and Weeks, 1983). The coefficient of variation of Fa is 20.5, which is within the range for type 3.7 (Sears, Grossman, etal., 1982). ALHA77176 (54.4 g).?This unpaired mete- orite contains very well-defined chondrules in a matrix of opaque and recrystallized Huss silicate matrix (Figure 62). A few large lithic inclusions FIGURE 59.?Photomicrograph of the L3 chondrite, ALHA77O11 (paired specimen ALHA77052) showing abundant, well-defined chondrules. Transmitted plane polarized light. Scale = 2.5 mm. :%,.. '?**- '-.;,:' ' "? v? ?* -??- ?.- FIGURE 60.?Photomicrograph of the L3 chondrite, ALHA77013, showing abundant, well- defined chondrules. Transmitted plane-polarized light. Scale = 3.0 mm. NUMBER 26 61 are present and the chondrules are commonly irregular in shape. Typical chondrule types are present and clear glass is common in some. Troil- ite occurs as shock-melted, "fizzed" intergrowths with metallic Fe,Ni and as individual polycrystal- line grains. Olivine and pyroxene in this meteorite are more variable in composition (Figure 61) than in any other Antarctic ordinary chondrite, with the possible exception of ALHA76004 (Scott, this volume), indicating that it is less equilibrated. Olivine ranges from Fao.3 to Fa33.5 (mean Fa 12.4), with a standard deviation of the analyses (mole % Fa) of 8.3 and a percent mean deviation of 54.3. Pyroxene ranges from Fsi.8 to Fs36.7 (mean Fsi2.2)> with a standard deviation of the analyses (mole % Fs) of 8.9 and a percent mean deviation of 61.2. We have classified the meteorite as an L 0 OLIVINE ALHA770I3 H L LOW-Ca PYROXENE ALHA770I3 H L LL 10 20 Mole% Fa 20 Mole% Fs FIGURE 61.?Histograms of electron microprobe analyses of randomly selected olivines (in mole % fayalite), and low-Ca pyroxenes (in mole % ferrosilite), in three L3 chondrites from the Allan Hills. Also given are the number of analyses (N) and their standard deviation (a). Compositional ranges for equilibrated H, L, and LL group chondrites are from Gomes and Keil(1980). FIGURE 62.?Photomicrograph of the L3 chondrite, ALHA77176, showing well-defined chondrules, a large broken chondrule, and an inclusion. Transmitted plane-polarized light. Scale = 2.0 mm. FIGURE 63.?Photomicrograph of the L3 chondrite, ALHA77197, showing abundant, well- defined chondrules. Transmitted plane-polarized light. Scale = 3.0 mm. NUMBER 26 63 group chondrite, based on its low metallic Fe,Ni content (5 vol. %), and as a petrologic type 3, based on its texture and variable olivine compo- sitions. Olivine and low-Ca pyroxene have sig- nificantly higher mean MgO and CaO contents than ALHA76004 (see Scott, this volume), indi- cating less equilibration. ALHA77176 has been classified as a petrologic type 3.2, based on ther- moluminescence sensitivity (Sears and Weeks, 1983). The coefficient of variation for Fa in olivine is 67, which indicates a petrologic type <3.4 (Sears, Grossman, et al., 1982). ALHA77197 (20.3 g).?This meteorite con- tains very well-defined chondrules in a matrix of fine-grained silicates and recrystallized Huss sili- cate matrix (Figure 63). Typical chondrule types are present, including two with pinkish brown glass. Olivine composition ranges from Fai0.4 to Fa27.4 (mean Fa24.4), with a standard deviation of the analyses (mole % Fa) of 3.0 and a percent mean deviation of 6.2. Only four of 67 olivine analyses fall outside the range for olivine of L group chondrites (Figure 61); two of these are from the same grain. Pyroxene ranges from Fs40 to Fs2i.o, with a standard deviation of the analyses (mole % Fs) of 5.1 and a percent mean deviation of 30.7. We therefore classify ALHA77197 as an L3 chondrite based on low metallic Fe,Ni content, olivine and pyroxene composition, and texture. The meteorite was classified as a petrol- ogic type 3.6, based on thermoluminescence sen- sitivity (Sears and Weeks, 1983). This classifica- tion may be somewhat too low in petrologic grade; the coefficient of variation of Fa is 12.3 %, which falls within the range (10-20%) for petrologic type 3.8 (Sears, Grossman, et al., 1982). ALHA77197 is not paired with the other eight L3 chondrites from Victoria Land. It is closest in composition to ALHA79022 and RKPA80256. However, the olivine in ALHA77197 is more magnesian than that in ALHA79022 and pyroxene is less variable in composition than that in RKPA80256 (Scott, this volume). Although there are no mineral compo- sitional data available on ALHA77215, the brec- ciated texture of this regolith breccia (Score, personal communication, 1983) rules out pairing with ALHA77197. Equilibrated Ordinary Chondrites (Petrologic Types 4 to 6) The classifications of 120 equilibrated ordi- nary chondrites (petrologic types 4 to 6) are given in Table 3, together with those of the 22 type 3 ordinary chondrites. The criteria we used in classifying these chondrites are those proposed by Van Schmus and Wood (1967), as modified by Gomes and Keil (1980:31-32). The petrologic characteristics of ordinary chondrites form a con- tinuum from types 3 to 6; thus pigeonholing chondrites into petrologic types is always some- what arbitrary, particularly for the higher petro- logic types. The main diagnostic criteria we used in classifying ordinary chondrites into petrologic types are as follows: type 3, >5 percent mean deviation in the FeO content of olivine; type 4, <5 percent mean deviation in the FeO content of olivine and >20 percent of the total pyroxene is clinopyroxene; type 5, <20 percent of the total pyroxene is clinopyroxene, and plagioclase is common, with grains <50 /im across; and type 6, plagioclase is abundant and grains are >50 pm across. Discussion The main motivation for studying this large collection of small meteorites stems from our previous experience with large suites of ran- domly collected, small rake samples of lunar rocks (e.g., Dowty, Prinz, et al., 1973; Dowty, Conrad et al., 1973; Warner et al., 1975). Our experience is that systematic study of such suites increases the probability of discovering new and rare rock types and that it facilitates comparison of rocks via large data bases obtained in one laboratory. Our optimism was justified. We iden- tified a new meteorite type, ALHA77011, a type 3 ordinary chondrite with a graphite-magnetite 64 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES matrix, in addition to the common Huss silicate matrix. Comparison of specimens in this suite enabled us to pair 19 specimens of ALHA77011 from among the 145 meteorites studied here with 15 larger specimens from the 1977-1978- 1979 Allan Hills collections. We further discov- ered a number of rare meteorites, such as the C3O carbonaceous chondrite (ALHA77029), two paired specimens of an EH4 enstatite chon- drite (ALHA77156, ALHA77295), and three unpaired petrologic type 3 ordinary chondrites (ALHA77013, ALHA77176, ALHA77197). Concerns that these small meteorites would be too weathered for scientific study proved to be largely unfounded. Comparison of paired small and large members of a fall indicates that the small objects are not significantly more weath- ered than the larger ones, at least not in case of the meteorites we studied. Thus, the success in discovering new and rare meteorites in this suite strongly argues for the need to continue to col- lect very small meteorites in Antarctica, to care- fully document their field relationships, and to make them available for study. In Table 4 we summarize the classification of all 142 ordinary chondrites (petrologic types 3 to 6) studied here. We compare this suite with the classifications of mostly larger types 3 to 6 ordinary chondrites from the 1976-1979 collec- tions from the Allan Hills, Antarctica (Score et al., 1981), the ordinary chondrite falls and finds (Motylewski, 1978), and falls only (Wasson, 1974) from the rest of the world. The purpose of this comparison is to see if there are any similarities or differences in classifications of small ordinary chondrites in the 1977 Allan Hills collection when compared to mostly larger me- teorites from the same location in Antarctica and from locations around the world, both for falls and finds together and for observed falls only. Such a comparison may allow us to make infer- ences as to the arrival and collection of generally rather recent arrivals of meteorites to Earth (e.g., as represented among falls and finds from the rest of the world), with the generally older me- teorites (in terms of terrestrial residence time), Nomenclature for Shock Facies (from Dodd and Jarosewich, 1979:340) a = Olivine fractured; plagioclase at least 50% un- deformed; melt pockets not present. b = Olivine fractured and with undulose extinc- tion; plagioclase at least 50% undeformed; melt pock- ets not present. c = Olivine fractured and with undulose extinction; plagioclase at least 50% deformed, but maskelynite and melt pockets absent. d = Olivine fractured and with mosaic extinction; plagioclase entirely deformed and/or maskelynite; melt pockets present. preserved in the deep-freeze of the Antarctic ice (Evans et al., 1982). It should be noted at the outset that such comparisons are considerably affected by many uncertainties due to serious sampling errors and statistical biases. Uncertain- ties result from biases in the removal of meteor- ites from their parent bodies, orbital considera- tions, possible selection effects during atmos- pheric entry and survival on the ground, pairing of Antarctic finds, and relatively small numbers of meteorites available for comparison. It would appear, however, that the falls summarized by Wasson (1974) would most closely represent the distribution of more recent arrivals to Earth of ordinary chondrites. Furthermore, the ordinary chondrite types represented among the Allan Hills collections (Score et al., 1981) might be expected to be similar to those in the suite of 142 ordinary chondrites studied here. However, as pointed out above, extreme caution must be exercised in such comparisons. Nevertheless, some useful information appears to emerge from the comparison, which is summarized here. First, the percentage of H5 chondrites in our suite (83%) is much larger than that among the observed falls (47%; Wasson, 1974). Since there are at least 17 paired specimens among the H5 chondrites {Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 1981) of Score et al. (1981), we conclude that probably many of our H5 chondrites are also paired, thus explaining their preponderance over those among observed falls. NUMBER 26 65 TABLE 3.?Characterization of small meteorites from the 1977-1978 Allan Hills collection (n.d. = no data; A = minor; B = moderate; C = severe). ALHA 77007 77008 77013 77016 77017 77018 77019 77022 77023 77026 77027 77029 77031* 77034* 77036* 77038 77039 77041 77042 77043* 77045 77046 77047* 77049* 77050* 77051 77052* 77054 77056 77058 77060 77063 77066 77069 77070 77073 77076 77078 77079 77082 77084 77085 77087 77089 77091 77092 77094 77096 Weight (g) 99.3 93.0 23.0 78.3 77.9 51.8 59.8 16.0 21.4 20.3 3.7 1.4 0.5 1.8 8.5 18.8 8.2 16.6 20.4 11.4 17.9 7.6 20.4 7.3 84.2 15.0 112 10.4 12.3 3.7 64.4 2.9 4.9 0.8 18.4 10.1 1.7 7.8 7.8 12.0 44.1 45.9 30.7 7.8 4.2 45.0 6.6 2.5 Class and type H5 L6 L3 H5 H5 H5 L6 H5 H5 L6 L6 C3O L3 L3 L3 H5 H5 LL6 H5 L3 H5 H6 L3 L3 L3 H5 L3 H5 H4 H5 LL5 H5 H5 L6 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 L6 H5 H5 H5 H5 Olivine (mole % Fa) 19.1 24.6 9-28 18.6 18.8 19.0 24.9 19.1 19.1 24.3 25.0 23 n.d. n.d. n.d. 19.0 18.5 30.7 19.0 1-37 18.7 19.0 n.d. n.d. n.d. 18.8 n.d. 18.5 18.8 18.8 28.1 18.0 19.0 25.4 18.4 18.8 19.5 19.5 18.2 19.3 18.8 18.8 19.0 25.5 18.9 18.5 18.5 18.7 Pyroxene (mole % Fs) 16.7 20.6 1-35 17.1 16.3 17.0 21.4 17.0 16.8 20.7 21.5 2.6 n.d. n.d. n.d. 17.1 16.3 25.1 16.0 1-28 17.0 16.7 n.d. n.d. n.d. 16.5 n.d. 16.9 16.3 16.1 23.2 16.8 17.4 21.4 16.8 17.7 16.1 16.7 15.8 16.5 16.8 17.6 16.7 21.4 16.1 16.5 16.2 17.1 Degree of weathering B A B B B B/C B/C A B B/C B/C A/B B/C B/C B A/B A/B A A/B B/C A A/B C B/C B/C A B/C B A/B B A B A B/C B A/B B B A A/B A/B B B B B/C A B A Shock faciesf a c b c c b d c c b d a b b b c c b b b b c b b b b b c b b b c c d b b b b b c b b b b a b b b ?f Nomenclature following Dodd and Jarosewich (1979:340); see accompanying box on p. 64. 66 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE 3.?Continued. ALHA 77098 77100 77101 77104 77106 77108 77111 77112 77113 77114 77115* 77117 77120 77122 77125 77126 77127 77129 77130 77131 77132 77133 77134 77136 77138 77139 77142 77143 77146 77147 77149 77151 77152 77153 77156 77157 77158 77159 77161 77162 77163* 77166* 77168 77170* 77171 77173 77174 77175* 77176 Weight (g) 8.0 8.5 3.8 6.3 7.8 0.7 52.3 21.7 2.0 44.5 154 20.8 3.9 4.6 18.7 25.2 3.8 1.7 24.8 25.9 115 18.7 19.1 3.6 2.1 65.9 3.1 39.0 18.2 18.7 25.6 16.9 17.8 12.0 17.7 88.3 19.9 17.0 6.1 29.0 24.3 140 24.7 12.2 23.8 25.8 32.4 23.3 54.4 Class and type H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H6 H5 H5 H5 L3 L5 H5 H5 H5 H5 L5 H5 H5 H6 H5 H6 H6 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H6 H6 H6 H5 H5 H5 EH4 H6 H5 L6 H5 L6 L3 L3 H5 L3 H5 H5 H5 L3 L3 Olivine (mole % Fa) 18.7 19.2 18.6 18.9 18.8 18.5 19.0 18.7 18.7 19.6 n.d. 24.4 18.5 19.1 17.2 18.3 25.0 18.9 18.9 19.2 19.0 19.0 18.9 19.1 19.2 18.6 18.9 18.7 18.9 19.0 19.1 18.9 18.7 19.2 0.8 18.6 18.9 24.4 19.3 25.3 n.d. n.d. 19.0 n.d. 18.9 19.1 18.3 n.d. 0.3-34 Pyroxene (mole % Fs) 16.7 16.4 17.0 16.9 16.5 15.9 16.6 16.7 17.2 17.2 n.d. 21.0 16.0 16.8 15.5 16.2 21.1 16.6 16.5 16.8 16.9 17.0 16.7 16.4 17.0 16.4 17.1 16.2 16.9 16.6 16.9 16.4 16.9 16.7 1.5 15.7 16.9 20.8 17.1 20.9 n.d. n.d. 16.5 n.d. 17.0 17.0 16.0 n.d. 1-37 Degree of weathering B A/B B A A/B A/B A/B A B B B/C A/B A/B B A/B A/B B B A A/B A/B A A A/B A A/B A/B A/B A/B A/B A/B A A A A B A/B A/B B A B/C C B B/C A/B B A B/C B Shock facies b b b b c a a a a b b c a b a a d a a b a a c a a b b b a b a a b b b b b c b d b b b b a a b b b TABLE 3.?Continued. ALHA 77178* 77181 77184 77185* 77186 77187 77188 77193 77195 77197 77198 77200 77201 77202 77205 77207 77209 77211* 77212 77213 77218 77220 77222 77227 77228 77235 77237 77239 77240 77241* 77242 77244* 77245 77246 77247 77248 77251 77253 77265 77266 77267 77275 77279 77291 77293 77295** 77301 77303* Weight (g) 5.7 33.0 128 28.0 122 52.2 109 6.7 4.7 20.3 7.3 0.9 15.0 2.7 3.1 4.9 31.8 26.7 16.8 8.4 45.1 69.1 125 16.0 19.3 4.9 4.1 19.0 25.1 144 56.5 39.5 33.4 41.6 44.2 96.1 68.8 23.6 18.3 108 103 24.9 174 5.8 110 141 55.0 78.6 Class and type L3 H5 H5 L3 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 L3 L6 H6 H5 H5 H5 H5 H6 L3 H6 H5 L5 H5 H4 H5 H5 H5 H5 H6 H5 L3 H5 L3 H5 H6 H5 H6 L6 H5 H5 H5 L5 H5 H5 H5 L6 EH4 L6 L3 Olivine (mole % Fa) 1-36 20.0 17.8 n.d. 18.8 18.1 18.1 19.0 18.9 10-27 24.4 19.7 18.8 18.6 18.8 17.8 18.8 n.d. 18.9 18.6 23.4 17.7 18.0 18.9 18.5 18.9 18.5 18.7 18.8 n.d. 18.8 n.d. 19.2 19.2 18.8 18.7 25.0 19.2 17.6 19.6 24.7 18.3 18.8 18.9 24.7 0.8 24.9 n.d. Pyroxene (mole % Fs) 2-40 17.3 15.9 n.d. 16.0 16.3 16.1 15.7 16.4 4-21 20.6 17.6 15.3 16.6 16.7 16.7 16.4 n.d. 17.0 16.5 19.1 16.0 15.3 16.6 16.3 16.7 15.8 15.9 16.0 n.d. 16.2 n.d. 17.2 16.5 16.4 16.7 21.3 16.9 15.9 17.7 20.9 15.6 17.1 15.9 20.9 1.7 20.9 n.d. Degree of weathering B/C B B A/B A/B A/B A/B A A A/B B C A B B A/B B B/C A/B A A B A/B A B A/B A B A C B B/C A/B B A/B B/C B A/B B B A A A A B A A B/C Shock facies b a b b b b b b b c d a b b b b b b a a c c b a a b b a b b a b b a b a d c b a c a b b c b d b * Paired with A77011. ** Paired with A77156. 68 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE 4.?Classification of 142 small ordinary chondrites from the Allan Hills collection compared to classifications of mostly larger specimens recovered from the Allan Hills in 1976, 1977, 1978, and 1979 (Score et al., 1981) as well as meteorite falls and finds (Motylewski, 1978) and falls only (Wasson, 1974) in the rest of the world. Class H3 H4 H5 H6 Total H L3 L4 L5 L6 Total L LL3 LL4 LL5 LL6 Total LL Total H Total L Total LL Total ordinary chondrites This paper No. 0 2 85 15 102 22 0 4 12 38 0 0 1 1 2 102 38 2 142 % 0 2 83 15 100 58 0 10 32 100 0 0 50 50 100 72 27 1 100 Score et al. No. 4 28 68 30 130 19 1 3 54 77 4 0 3 2 9 130 77 9 216 (1981) % 3 22 52 23 100 25 1 4 70 100 45 0 33 22 100 60 36 4 100 Motylewski* No. 11 86 174 86 357 12 30 78 262 382 6 1 12 30 49 357 382 49 788 (1978) % 3 24 49 24 100 3 8 20 69 100 12 2 25 61 100 45 49 6 100 Wasson (1974) No. 6 23 53 32 114 9 11 28 117 165 6 1 7 20 34 114 165 34 313 % 5 20 47 28 100 5 7 17 71 100 18 3 20 59 100 36 53 11 100 * Approximately 2% of these chondrites are from Antarctica. Second, the percentage of H4 chondrites in our collection (2%) is much lower than in the collection of Score et al. (1981). At least ten of the latter appear to be paired (Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 1981), but this is still considerably higher than the proportion in our suite. It should be noted that the paired specimens of Score et al. (1981) all weigh more than 1 kg, whereas ours weigh less than 150 g. One is tempted to specu- late that the shower of the paired H4 chondrites in the Score et al. (1981) suite yielded predomi- nately large specimens, whereas we studied only small objects. However, Cassidy (1980) states that some of their paired H4 specimens were taken from an area where the smaller objects were removed by wind on the ground. Third, the proportion of L3 chondrites in our and the Score et al. (1981) suite (58% and 25% of L chondrites, respectively) is biased by the large ALHA77011 shower when compared to falls (5%; Wasson, 1974) and falls and finds (3%; Motylewski, 1978). Our suite contains 19 and the Score et al. (1981) 15 paired specimens of the ALHA77011 L3 shower. Hence, the per- centage of L6 chondrites in our L suite (32%) is artificially low when compared to observed falls (71%). The percentage of L6 chondrites in the Score et al. (1981) L suite (70%) is high in spite of the large number of paired L3 chondrites because at least 20 of the L6 chondrites are also paired (Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 1981). Re- calculation, taking into account pairings, would result in approximately 60% L6 chondrites in our L suite and 80% in that of Score et al. (1981), NUMBER 26 69 more in keeping with observed falls (Wasson, 1974). Fourth, when considering the percentage of H, L, and LL group chondrites, it is apparent that H chondrites dominate over L and LL chon- drites in our and the Score et al. (1981) suite. This dominance remains even when taking into account the pairings discussed above. This is contrasted by a domination of L over H chon- drites and a higher proportion of LL chondrites among falls (Wasson, 1974) and less so, falls and finds (Motylewski, 1978) in the rest of the world. We conclude that among the generally recent arrivals to the Earth, as represented by observed falls and finds from the rest of the world, L and LL chondrites occur in much greater proportion than among the generally earlier arrivals repre- sented by the Antarctic chondrites. Summary Mineralogic and petrographic study of 145 previously undescribed, small meteorites weigh- ing <150 g from the 1977 Allan Hills, Antarc- tica, collection, indicates that 120 are equili- brated (petrologic types 4 to 6) H(102), L(16), and LL(2) group chondrites. The remaining 25 specimens include 19 that are paired with the graphite-magnetite-bearing L3 chondrite ALHA77011; three unpaired L3 ordinary chon- drites; two paired specimens of an enstatite chon- drite (EH4); and one carbonaceous chondrite (C3O). The discovery of new and rare meteorites that are generally no more severely weathered than large meteorites strongly argues for contin- ued collection of small meteorites in Antarctica. 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McSween, H.Y.Jr. 1977. Carbonaceous Chondrites of the Ornans Type: A Metamorphic Sequence. Geochimica et Cosmochimka Ada, 41:477-491. Motylewski, K. 1978. The Revised Cambridge Chondrite Compendium. Cam- bridge, Mass.: Smithsonian Astrophysical Observ- atory. Nagahara, H. 1981. Petrology of Chondrules in ALH-77015 (L3) Chondrite. Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research (Japan), special issue, 20:145-161. Okada, A. 1975. Petrological Studies of the Yamato Meteorites, Part 1: Mineralogy of the Yamato Meteorites. Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research (Japan), special issue, 5:14-66. Schwarz, C, and B. Mason 1983. Antarctic Meteorite Descriptions 1981. Antarctic Meteorite Neivsletter, 6:1-26. Score, R., CM. Schwarz, T.V.V. King, B. Mason, D.D. Bogard, and E.M. Gabel 1981. Antarctic Meteorite Descriptions 1976-1977? 1978-1979. Antarctic Meteorite Neivsletter, 4:1-144. Score, R., CM. Schwarz, B. Mason, and D.E. Bogard 1982. Antarctic Meteorite Descriptions 1980. Antarctic Meteorite Nezvsletter, 5:1-55. Scott, E.R.D., A.E. Rubin, GJ. Taylor, and K. Keil 1981. New Type of Type 3 Chondrite with a Graphite- Magnetite Matrix. Earth and Planetary Science Let- ters, 56:19-31. Scott, E.R.D., GJ. Taylor, P. Maggiore, K. Keil, S.G. McKinley, and H.Y. McSween, Jr. 1981. Three CO3 Chondrites from Antarctica?Com- parison of Carbonaceous and Ordinary Type 3 Chondrites. Meteoritics, 16:385. Sears, D.W., J.N. Grossman, and C.L. Melcher 1982. Chemical and Physical Studies of Type 3 Chon- drites?I: Metamorphism Related Studies of Ant- arctic and Other Type 3 Ordinary Chondrites. Geochimica et Cosmochimka Ada, 46:2471-2481. Sears, D.W., G.W. Kallemeyn, and J.T. Wasson 1982. The Compositional Classification of Chondrites, II: The Enstatite Chondrite Groups. Geochimica et Cosmochimka Ada, 46:597-608. Sears, D.W.G., and K.S. Weeks 1983. Thermoluminescence Sensitivity of Sixteen Type 3 Ordinary Chondrites. 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Classification, Metamorphism, and Brecciation of Type 3 Chondrites from Antarctica Edward R.D. Scott Introduction Japanese and United States expeditions to Ant- arctica are known to have recovered 60 speci- mens, which probably represent about 21 differ- ent type 3 chondrites. About 59 type 3 chon- drites have been recovered from outside Antarc- tica and over two-thirds of these are poorly de- scribed or inaccessible. Thus the Antarctic spec- imens represent a substantial addition to our supply of type 3 chondrites?the least metamor- phosed or altered samples of early solar system materials. Interestingly, the ratio of ordinary to carbonaceous type 3 chondrites (Table 5) is much higher for Antarctic (4.2) than non-Antarctic meteorites (2.8) and for meteorite falls (2.1). Reid (1982) has observed similar disparities be- tween Antarctic and non-Antarctic achondrites and speculates that the flux of meteorites reach- ing the earth may have changed with time, as the Antarctic samples have longer mean terrestrial ages (Evans et al., 1982). This paper describes the 21 type 3 chondrites that have been identified to date among the 1969-1980 collections, and reviews chemical and petrologic studies relevant to their classifi- cation into groups and subtypes. I present new electron-probe analyses of silicates in 11 type 3 and 4 ordinary chondrites, which suggest that several should be reclassified. Seven of these Edward R.D. Scott, Department of Geology and Institute of Meteoritics, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico ?7131. chondrites contain both equilibrated and une- quilibrated chondrules, indicating that meta- morphism must have preceded lithification of these rocks. I conclude that most type 3 chon- drites are probably breccias of materials with differing metamorphic histories. TABLE 5.?Approximate numbers of Antarctic and non- Antarctic type 3 chondrites described before 1983. Class ORDINARY H3 L3 LL3 CARBONACEOUS C3O C3V OTHER Total Antarctic 5 9 3 2 1 1 21 Non-Antarctic 17 13 11 6 9 3 59 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.?I thank A. Bischoff, A.E. Rubin, and C. Williams for technical assist- ance, K. Keil, S.G. McKinley, D.W. Sears, and GJ. Taylor for useful advice and data, and the Antarctic Meteorite Working Group (USA) and the National Institute of Polar Research (Japan) for the loan of samples. This work was supported in part by NASA grant NGL 32-004-064 to K. Keil. Techniques Randomly chosen olivine and low-Ca pyroxene grains in 11 type 3 and 4 chondrites were ana- 73 74 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES lyzed in the electron probe for Fe, Mg, Si, and Ca using crystal spectrometers (Fodor and Keil, 1976). In addition 4 to 10 olivine grains and, where possible, an equal number of pyroxene grains were analyzed in each of 109 chondrules in 8 of these chondrites. Chondrules with heter- ogeneous silicates were analyzed more thor- oughly. These analyses were not made randomly; cores and rims of grains of various sizes both near the center and rim of chondrules were analyzed. Bulk chemical data for major and minor ele- ments are available for only 7 of the 24 meteor- ites listed in Table 6. Thus, classifications are based very largely on abundances of metallic Fe, Ni and olivine compositions. Dodd et al. (1967) showed that the most unequilibrated ordinary chondrites do not have peaks in histograms of their olivine compositions. However, in cases where 50% of the analyses lie in a narrow peak, the olivine composition seems to be as accurate a guide for classification as it is for types 4 to 6 chondrites. Jarosewich and Dodd (1981) identify one such chondrite, Carraweena, for which chemical and mineralogical data suggest differ- ent classifications (LL and L, respectively). Type 3 Carbonaceous Chondrites Four type 3 carbonaceous chondrites are known to have been recovered from Allan Hills (ALH) and Reckling Peak (RKP), Antarctica: ALHA77003, ALHA77029, ALHA77307, and RKPA80241. Yamato 6903 is also discussed be- low as it has been classified as a C3 chondrite (Okada, 1975), although it is probably a type 4. Data for these chondrites are summarized with those for type 3 ordinary chondrites in Table 6. Classifications, sample weights, and degrees of weathering are taken from the catalogs of Yanai (1979), King et al. (1980), and Score, Schwarz, et al., (1982) and Score, King, et al. (1982), except where noted. (The terms C3O and C3V are used instead of CO3 and CV3 at the request of the volume editors.) ALHA77003.?This meteorite was described as an H3 chondrite by King et al. (1980), but reclassified as a C3 by Rhodes and Fulton (1981) in accordance with their chemical data. Scott, Taylor, et al. (1981) classified ALHA77003 as a C3O chondrite on the basis of petrologic studies and published chemical data. Ratios of Al/Si, Mg/Si and Ca/Si from Jarosewich's (1980) anal- ysis are appropriate for a CO chondrite, a classi- fication with which Kallemeyn and Wasson (1982a) concur. Its olivines vary widely in com- position, 2-45 mole% fayalite, with about half the analyses in the range Fa34 to Fa40. Thus it has been metamorphosed more than Ornans but less than Warrenton (Van Schmus, 1969) and is a type II or III on McSween's (1977) metamorphic classification. Analyses of the matrix in ALHA77003 are reported by Ikeda et al. (1981) and of microchondrules by Rubin et al. (1982). ALHA77029.?This 1.4 g meteorite is one of a suite of small samples described by McKinley and Keil (herein, p. 56). It was classified by Scott, Taylor, et al. (1981) as a C3O chondrite on the basis of its mineralogy. Kallemeyn and Wasson (1982b) analyzed a 72 mg sample by neutron activation and agreed with its classficiation as a CO chondrite. Its olivine compositions vary from 0.2 to 63% Fa with no prominent peak in a histogram of 50 analyses, like those of Ornans (Van Schmus, 1969). It is a metamorphic type II on McSween's (1977) scale and is definitely not paired with any other Antarctic chondrite so far described. ALHA77307.?This meteorite was classified as a C3 chondrite by King et al. (1980). Scott, Taylor, et al. (1981) likened 77307 to Kainsaz, a very unmetamorphosed C3O, from petrologic studies. Biswas et al. (1981) listed 77307 as a C3V chondrite, as its Cd concentration is typical of C3V chondrites but 30 times higher than any C3O (Takahashi et al., 1978). Kallemeyn and Wasson (1982a) conclude that the bulk chemistry of 77307 partly resembles that of CM and CO chondrites, but they classify it as a unique car- bonaceous chondrite. Nagahara and Kushiro (1982) studied the relationships between chon- drules, inclusions, and isolated olivines in this NUMBER 26 75 meteorite. They identified a sequence of aggre- gates and chondrules that increased in grain size and attribute their textural changes to heating below the liquidus. Moore et al. (1981) also ana- lyzed 77307 and identified traces of amino acids. RKPA8024L?This 0.6 g meteorite is, sur- prisingly, the only known C3V chondrite from Antarctica. (ALHA80133 was tentatively classi- fied as a C3V chondrite by Score, Schwarz, et al. (1982), but is here paired with ALHA77011 (L3); see Table 8.) Yamato 6903.?Okada (1975) and Okada et al. (1975) have provided extensive petrologic and chemical data for this meteorite under the name "Yamato (c)," and classified it as a type III car- bonaceous chondrite. McSween (1979) lists it as a C3V chondrite, although the published silicate analyses and textural descriptions suggest it may be a type 4 or 5 chondrite. Additional evidence for a higher petrologic grade is provided by Clayton et al. (1979), who found some equilibra- tion of oxygen isotopes between minerals, like that in Karoonda, which is a type 5 (McSween, 1979). The bulk Al/Si, Mg/Si, and Ca/Si ratios TABLE 6.?Type 3 chondrites from Antarctica and their properties (anom. = anomalous; br = breccia containing more equilibrated clasts or regions; rbr = regolith breccia containing solar- wind noble gases and equilibrated clasts). Name ALHA76004 ALHA77003 ALHA77011 ALHA77O13 ALHA77029 ALHA77176 ALHA77197 ALHA772151 ALHA77278 ALHA77299 ALHA77304 ALHA773O7 ALHA78084 ALHA79003 ALHA79022 OTTA80301 RKPA79008 RKPA80205 RKPA80207 RKPA80241 RKPA80256 Yamato 6903 Yamato 74191 Yamato 75028 Class and type LL3a C3Ob L3C L3d C3Ob L3d L3d L3-rbrc LL3f H3-br L4n C3 anom. H4n LL3h L3-brn H3 L3 H3 H3n C3V L3 C4??n L3 H3-rbr Subtype1" 3.3 3.4-3.5 3.5 3.2 3.6 3.8 3.6 3.7 3.7? 3.9 3.4h 3.7? 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.2? 3.6? 3.6 Original weight (g) 305a 779.6 6338C 23.0 1.4 54.4 20.3 3046 312.9 260.7 650.4 181.3 14280 5.1 31.4 35.5 73.0 53.8 17.7 0.6 153.2 150 1091.6 6100 Degree of weathering A A C Bd A/Bd Bd A/Bd B A A B A B/C B A/B B/C B B C B B An Olivine composition Mean %Fa 17n 25b 17C 19d 23b 12d 24d 24e 22R l7n 25.5n 13b 18.7n 26h 23.6n 18.2" 23n 16n 19n 3j 23.8" 301 21n 19.4k a/mean % 56n 52b 48C 20d 83b 67d 12d 44g 33" 4" 130b 1.7" 43h 4n 6n 18n 20n 22" 5n lj 23n ' ALHA77216, 77217, and 77252 are paired with ALHA77215. REFERENCES (for sources of unreferenced data, see p. 73):a Olsen et al., 1978; b Scott,Taylor, et al., 1981; ' McKinley et al., 1981, and Table 8 herein; d McKinley and Keil, herein; e Score, 1980; ' McSween and Wilkening, 1980; g A. Okada, personal communication; h Scott, Taylor, Maggiore, 1982; ' Score, Schwarz, et al., 1982;j Okada, 1975, and Okada et al., 1975; k Yanai et al., 1978;'" Sears et al., 1980, 1982, and Sears and Weeks, 1983; n this work. 76 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES for Yamato 6903 (Shima and Shima, 1975) are all in the range of carbonaceous chondrites (Was- son, 1974). Ca/Si and Ca/Mn ratios are consist- ent with those of CV chondrites (Kallemeyn and Wasson, 1981), but Al/Si and Al/Mn appear to be too low. Further studies are obviously needed to establish its classification. Type 3 Ordinary Chondrites Seventeen Antarctic type 3 ordinary chon- drites and 2 that are reclassified in this paper from type 3 to type 4 are listed in Table 6 with some of their properties. Data for paired speci- mens are listed under the name of the specimen with the lowest number (Graham, 1980). Histo- grams of olivine and low-Ca pyroxene analyses in 11 of these chondrites are shown in Figures 64 and 65 (less and more metamorphosed chon- drites, respectively). Table 7 lists the number of analyses, mean fayalite and ferrosilite concentra- tions, and coefficient of variation, which is the standard deviation of the analyses (mole% fayal- ite or ferrosilite) expressed as a percentage of the mean. Also listed for the olivine analyses is the percent mean deviation (PMD) of the FeO weight concentrations in olivine. This parameter, which was first used by Dodd et al. (1967), is not as convenient as the standard deviation, but it is listed because Van Schmus and Wood (1967) used it to define the boundary between type 3 and 4 chondrites; type 3 chondrites have a PMD that exceeds 5. For a normal distribution, the mean deviation is (TT/2)~1/2 or 0.80 times the standard deviation. Since mole% Fa and wt.% FeO are not linearly related, this relationship will not hold exactly for PMD (calculated from wt.% FeO) and CV (from mole% Fa or Fs), even neglecting deviations from normal distributions. For eight of the chondrites in Figures 64 and 65, the PMD/CV ratios for low-Ca pyroxene analyses are close to 0.80 (0.76 to 0.82), but for olivine analyses, which are gen- erally far from normally distributed, the PMD/ CV ratios average 0.63 ? 0.14. Of the eight other ordinary chondrites that are listed in Table 6 but not in Table 7, three have already been described in some detail: ALHA77O11 (McKinley et al., 1981), ALHA 77278 (McSween and Wilkening, 1980) and ALHA79003 (Scott, Taylor, and Maggiore, 1982). Another three are described for the first time by McKinley and Keil (herein, p. 59). The other two type 3 ordinary chondrites are regolith breccias: ALHA77215 and Yamato 75028; they are the only ones for which thin sections were TABLE 7.?Electron microprobe analyses of olivines and low-Ca pyroxenes in 11 Antarctic type 3 and 4 ordinary chondrites (br = breccia; PMD = percent mean deviation calculated from FeO wt.% (see Dodd et al., 1967)). Specimen number, Section ALHA76004, 8 ALHA77299, 40 ALHA77304, 35,36 ALHA78084, 135 ALHA79022, 14 OTTA80301, 13 RKPA79008, 7 RKPA80205, 12 RKPA80207, 11 RKPA80256, 17 Yamato 74191, 92 Class LL3 H3-br L4 H4 L3-br H3 L3 H3 H3 L3 L3 Anal. No. 53 38 29 64 49 28 35 36 36 35 74 Olivine Mean % Fa 17.3 17.1 25.5 18.7 23.6 18.2 22.6 16.0 18.7 23.8 21.4 o-/mean % 56 33 3.6 1.7 4.3 6.1 18.1 19.6 22.1 4.7 23 PMD 40 24 2.1 1.6 2.5 2.5 9.0 10.5 12.8 2.8 17.3 Low-Ca pyroxene Anal. No. 39 38 22 71 40 35 35 36 37 35 76 Mean % Fs 12.1 13.7 16.7 16.7 17.7 11.0 15.5 13.0 15.3 15.6 11.8 0.05% CaO, and chondrules with uniform Fa and CaO concentrations and <0.05% CaO in olivine. Chondrules were metamorphosed to different extents before final lithification into chondrites. The boxes showing the compositions of equilibrated chondrules are defined by ranges in type 4-6 H and L chondrites (Gomes and Keil, 1980; Busche, 1975). appear to be any systematic differences in the mineral textures of unequilibrated and equili- brated chondrules except perhaps in their me- sostases, which are generally, but not always, more crystalline in the latter. The most plausible explanation for the juxta- position of equilibrated and unequilibrated chon- drules in many of the Antarctic type 3.6 to 4 chondrites is that equilibrated chondrules were metamorphosed prior to lithification of the chon- NUMBER 26 87 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 Allan Hills A76004 chondrules 10 15 20 Fayalite (mole %) 30 0.08 0.07 0.06 ? 0.04 D ? 0.03 0.02- 0.01 Richardton (H5) chondrules Bjurbdle(L4) chondrules C" EQUILIBRATED CHONDRULES L_s 16 20 22 24 Fayalite (mole %) 0.08 ^ 0.06p O 0.04o o 0.02 Reckling Peak A80256 chondrules b. ?1 t_ ' H T T 1T 1 X x x > EQUILIBRATEDCHONDRULES 20 22 24 26 28 30 Fayalite (mole%) FIGURE 72.?Plots of mean CaO concentration in olivine against mean fayalite concentration: a, 15 chondrules in ALHA76004 (LL3.3); b, 16 chondrules in RKPA80256 (L3.6); r, 9 chondrules in Richardton (H5) and 10 in Bjur- bole (L4). Unlike the chondrites in Figure 71, ALHA76004 contains no equilibrated chondrules, whereas in RKPA80256 chondrules are nearly all equilibrated with mean analyses plotting within the box defined by mean olivine compositions in L4-6 chondrites. The ranges of CaO and Fa concentrations in olivine and the CaO concentration itself within and among chondrules decrease from type 3 to type 5 chondrites. Most type 3 chondrites, including RKPA80256, appear to be mixtures of type 3 and 4 chon- drites. (The upper limit of Fa concentrations in L4-6 chon- drites from Gomes and Keil (1980) should be extended slightly to include the Bjurbole data). drites. These chondrites are, therefore, breccias composed of materials metamorphosed in di- verse locations. The argument is strongest for the chondrites shown in Figure 71. But even for RKPA80256 (Figure 12b), it seems probable that some or all of the equilibration between chon- drules and matrix occurred before compaction of the chondrite. The two chondrules plotting outside the equilibrated chondrule box in Figure 12b are smaller and have smaller grain sizes than many of the equilibrated chondrules. Thus, much of the material in this chondrite may have been metamorphosed to type 4 levels prior to final lithification. However, metamorphism to type 3.6-3.8 levels after compaction cannot be excluded. Chondrules in RKPA80207 and OTTA 80301, in which olivines are largely equilibrated (Figures 64c, 65d), were not analyzed in such detail. However, in each chondrite a porphyritic- olivine chondrule with heterogeneous olivine (Fa 13 to Fa 19 and Fa 12 to Fa 15, respectively) with appreciable CaO concentrations (0.03-0.21 wt.%) was discovered. Since these chondrules are not especially large or coarse-grained, it is con- cluded that these two chondrites are also breccias of previously metamorphosed materials. Figure 64 shows that the proportion of equil- ibrated chondrules in each of the four chondrites shown in Figure 71 varies considerably. Further- more, the nature of the equilibrated chon- drules in these four chondrites also varies. In 88 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES FIGURE 73.?Photomicrographs of six porphyritic-olivine chondrules in type 3.7 ordinary chondrites in transmitted light: a and b, ALHA77299; c and d, RKPA79008; e and /, RKPA80205. Olivine in the three chondrules on the left is heterogeneous (a, Faio to Fa2o; c, Fa4 to Fai.5; e, Faio to Fai4) and contains high CaO concentrations (0.03-0.31 wt.% CaO), whereas olivine in the three chondrules on the right is more homogeneous (Fa]8 to Fa2o in b and/, Fa23 in d) with low CaO concentrations (0.01-0.06 wt.%). Data for these and other chondrules are plotted in Figure 71. Some of the unequilibrated chondrules like c have rims of fine-grained, FeO-rich, silicate material ("Huss matrix"), but none of the equilibrated chon- drules have such rims. These chondrites and many other type 3 ordinary chondrites are breccias of materials with diverse metamorphic histories. NUMBER 26 89 ALHA77299, many of the equilibrated chon- drules have low-Ca pyroxene with compositions appropriate to H4-6 chondrites (Fsi6 to Fai8). Their presence accounts for the peak at Fsi6 to Fsi8 in the histogram of randomly chosen pyrox- ene grains (Figure 64d). For Yamato 74191, however, the low-Ca pyroxene histogram shows no such peak in the equilibrated L range (Fsi9 to Fs23), and the equilibrated chondrules lack py- roxenes with this composition. In fact, equili- brated chondrules in ALHA77299 seem to be more equilibrated than those in some types 3 and 4 chondrites shown in Figure 65, which overall have much more homogeneous olivines. ALHA77304 and RKPA80256, for example, lack equilibrated low-Ca pyroxenes even though their olivines, in general, appear to be more equilibrated than those of ALHA77299. Thus, various degrees of mixing between materials that have been metamorphosed to various extents can account for the strange lack of coherence be- tween the compositions of olivine and low-Ca pyroxene in the histograms shown in Figures 64 and 65. Virtually all of the type 3 ordinary chondrites in which mineral compositions have been studied in individual chondrules appear to contain chon- drules with diverse metamorphic histories. These include Sharps and Hallingeberg (Dodd, 1971, 1974), Mezo-Madaras (Van Schmus, 1967), Ngawi, ALHA77278, and Bremervorde studied by Scott, Taylor, and Keil (1982) and the seven Allan Hills chondrites discussed above. Van Schmus (1969) argues that components in C3O chondrites also experienced metamorphism prior to compaction of the meteorites. If all type 3 chondrites are mixtures of material with dif- ferent metamorphic histories, why can they be considered to a good approximation as a se- quence of rocks that were metamorphosed to various degrees after lithification? Why are their chemical and textural properties that are con- trolled by metamorphism so well correlated? Presumably, the answer to these questions is that, in general, the materials mixed do not have very diverse metamorphic histories. Ngawi seems to have the most extreme components; un- equilibrated chondrules rimmed with abundant opaque matrix and equilibrated chondrules with homogenous olivine and low-Ca pyroxene (Scott, Taylor, and Keil, 1982). However, in other type 3 chondrites, the range of metamorphic histories represented is much smaller, or else the propor- tion of material with an unusual thermal history is very small. Brecciation does explain why the properties of type 3 ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites are not better correlated. Ngawi, for example, would be classified as a type 3.3 from the composition of its opaque matrix, but type 3.7 from its bulk C concentration (Sears et al., 1982). Some "measures of metamorphism" are controlled solely by the properties of the least unequilibrated chondrules, whereas others are controlled more by the proportion or nature of the most equilibrated chondrules. Bulk thermo- luminescence sensitivity, which varies by a factor of 104 in type 3 chondrites, is very sensitive to the amount of equilibrated (type 4) material. Variable degrees of metamorphism may be re- sponsible for some of the spread in the TL sen- sitivities of individual chondrules in Dhajala found by Sparks et al. (1983). Some of the results in this paper might be used to argue against the thesis that metamorphism caused equilibration and recrystallization. Kurat (1969) and Fredriksson et al. (1975) suggest that uniform olivine and pyroxene compositions are a result of crystallization, and not metamorph- ism. However, like Dodd et al. (1967), Huss et al. (1981), and most other workers, I believe that all ordinary chondrites were formed by meta- morphism (and brecciation) of materials very similar to the most primitive type 3 ordinary chondrites. Although Fredriksson, Kurat, and coworkers are correct in arguing that constant olivine compositions were not established in situ in these breccias, there is very strong evidence that metamorphism in precursor rocks was re- sponsible (Dodd, 1969). Type 3 chondrites con- tain suites of chondrules that have virtually iden- tical textures (except in their mesostases and rims) but vary widely in silicate heterogeneity. Chondrules may contain heterogeneous olivine and low-Ca pyroxene, homogeneous olivine and 90 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES heterogeneous pyroxene or olivine and low-Ca pyroxene that are entirely homogenous. This is consistent with the much higher cation diffusion rates in olivine compared to those in pyroxene; Jones (1983) estimates that olivine diffusion rates are 103 times higher. The presence of some proportion of equili- brated chondrules in many type 3.5-4 chondrites means that it is possible to classify chondrites on the basis of the olivine composition in these chon- drules, even when much of the olivine is hetero- geneous. Although Dodd (1968) believed he had identified three equilibrated LL chondrules in the H chondrite, Sharps, no such aberrant chon- drules were encountered in this study. Mixing of material from different ordinary chondrite groups seems to be very limited, even on parent- body surfaces (Keil, 1982; Rubin et al., 1983). Of the seven Antarctic type 3 chondrites that have been identified above as breccias, only one, ALHA77299, is known to contain chondritic clasts. Brecciation in type 4-6 chondrites is easier to identify than in type 3 chondrites as more metamorphosed materials are generally better lithified and thus form clasts rather than chon- drules when broken. 'Metamorphosed' chon- drites that contain a small fraction of minerals with aberrant compositions or textures, e.g., Bhola (Noonan et al., 1978) and Pulsora (Fred- eriksson et al., 1975), are generally recognizable as breccias of previously metamorphosed mate- rial. However, all others, e.g., Morro do Rocio (Wlotzka and Fredriksson, 1980), must be brec- cias also, unless the aberrant minerals have been isolated from diffusive equilibration by barriers such as large grain size. Summary Four carbonaceous type 3 chondrites from Antarctica are known: one C3V, RKPA80241; two C3O, ALHA77003 and 77029, and a unique C3, ALHA77307. Yamato 6903 may be a C4V. ALHA80133 is an L3 chondrite paired with ALHA77011,notaC3V. Seventeen different ordinary type 3 chondrites from Antarctica are recognized. ALHA77304 is reclassified from LL3 to L4, ALHA78084 from H3 to H4, and RPKA80207 from L3 to H3. Analyses of sections of ALHA79022, OTTA 80301, and RPKA80256 suggest that they are type 4 meteorites, but because of the difficulty of determining PMD olivine when a small per- centage of chondrules are heterogeneous, they have not been reclassified from type 3 to type 4. ALHA77299 (H3) contains an H4 clast but is not rich in solar-wind noble gases (Weber et al., 1983). Two type 3 chondrites are regolith breccias, ALHA77215 and Yamato 75028. In general, silicate analyses are consistent with the subtype classification from thermolumines- cence sensitivity data by Sears and coworkers. However, RKPA80207 appears to be a type -3.6 not a 3.2. ALHA79022, ALHA77304 and RKPA80256 have olivine compositions indica- tive of type 3.9 or 4, rather than 3.6 to 3.7, as Sears and Weeks (1983) suggest. The mean concentration of CaO in olivine is another parameter like olivine heterogeneity that is inversely correlated with subtype, decreas- ing from 0.15 to 0.2 wt.% for type 3.0-3.3 to =?0.05 wt.% for type 3.7-4. Seven type 3.5-4 ordinary chondrites contain equilibrated chondrules with CaO and FeO con- centrations in their olivines like those of type 4 chondrites, even though some of their chon- drules have heterogeneous olivines like those in type 3.0-3.5 chondrites. Metamorphic equilibra- tion must have occurred before lithification of the chondrites. Probably all type 3 chondrites are breccias composed of chondrules with diverse metamorphic histories. Literature Cited Biswas, S., H.T. Ngo, and M.E. Lipschutz 1980. Trace Element Contents of Selected Antarctic Meteorites, I: Weathering Effects and ALH A77OO5, A77257, A77278 and A77299. Zeit- schriftfur Naturforschung, 35a:191-196. Biswas, S., T.M. Walsh, H.T. Ngo, and M.E. Lipschutz 1981. 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Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research (Japan), special issue, 15:54-76. 94 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES Taylor, G.J., A. Okada, E.R.D. Scott, A.E. Rubin, G.R. Huss, and K. Keil 1981. The Occurrence and Implications of Carbide- Magnetite Assemblages in Unequilibrated Ordi- nary Chondrites. In Lunar and Planetary Science XII, pages 1076-1078. Houston: Lunar and Plan- etary Institute. Van Schmus, W.R. 1967. Polymict Structure of the Mezo-Madaras Chon- drite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Ada, 31:2027- 2042. 1969. Mineralogy, Petrology and Classification of Types 3 and 4 Carbonaceous Chondrites. In P.M. Mill- man, Meteorite Research, pages 480-491. Dor- drecht, Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company. Van Schmus, W.R., and J.A. Wood 1967. A Chemical-Petrologic Classification for the Chondritic Meteorites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Ada, 31:747-765. Wasson, J.T. 1974. Meteorites?Classification and Properties. 316 pages. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. Weber, H.W., O. Braun, L. Schultz, and F. Begemann 1983. The Noble Gas Record in Antarctic and Other Meteorites. Zeitschriftfur Naturforschung, 38a:267- 272. Weber, H.W., and L. Schultz 1980. Noble Gases in Ten Stone Meteorites from Ant- arctica. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung, 35a:44-49. Wlotzka, F., and K. Fredriksson 1980. Morro do Rocio, an Unequilibrated H5 Chon- drite. Meteoritics, 15:387-388. Yanai, K. 1979. Catalog ofYamato Meteorites in the Collection of Na- tional Institute of Polar Research, 188 pages. Tokyo: National Institute of Polar Research. Yanai, K., M. Miyamoto, and H. Takeda 1978. A Classification for the Yamato-74 Chondrites Based on the Chemical Compositions of Their Olivines and Pyroxenes. Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research (Japan), special issue, 8:110-120. A Meteorite from the Moon Ursula B. Marvin On 18 January 1982, John Schutt spotted a small meteorite with a frothy greenish tan fusion crust lying near the edge of the Middle Western Icefield of the Allan Hills region (Figure 74). Large white clasts lying in a dark matrix were clearly visible beneath patches of crust and on a broken surface. After two seasons of collecting Antarctic meteorites, Schutt, who had led the United States search party for the first half of that season, immediately recognized the speci- men as unique. Laboratory studies have since shown that the specimen is a meteorite from the Moon; the first one ever found on Earth. Schutt was not out that day primarily to search for meteorites. He was guiding a visitor, Ian Whillans of Ohio State University, on a recon- naissance trip to examine the regional configu- ration of the ice sheet. After a 31 km snowmobile ride over long stretches of rough snowdrifts they decided to turn back. A steady wind and blowing snow made visibility poor, so it was by sheerest chance that Schutt saw the plum-sized specimen as they cruised near the edge of the icefield. Schutt photographed the meteorite in situ (Figure 75) and collected it by the customary sterile procedures. That evening the weather deteriorated so rapidly that further field work became impossible. The lunar rock was the final addition to that season's trove of 373 specimens. Months later, at the NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston, Roberta Score unpackaged Ursula B. Marvin, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138. the meteorite in a nitrogen-filled processing cab- inet (Frontispiece). She described it as an unusual looking sample with an abundance of angular gray to white clasts, from about 1 to 8 mm in size, set in a black matrix (Score, 1982). It weighed 31.4 grams and measured 3 X 2.5 X 3 centimeters. It was assigned the name Allan Hills 81005 (ALHA81005). From a thin section, made at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, Brian Mason classified the rock as an anorthositic breccia. He found the white clasts to consist mainly of Ca-rich plagio- clase, making the meteorite much more feld- spathic than the eucrites. Mason wrote in the Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter that "some of the clasts resemble the anorthositic clasts described from lunar rocks" (Mason, 1982). News spread quickly of the Antarctic meteor- ite that looked like a lunar rock, but the story broke too late for sample requests to be submit- ted in time for the September 1982 meeting of the Meteorite Working Group. Unwilling to wait until the following April, the MWG issued a special Newsletter in November announcing the availability of samples for initial characterization. The intent was to obtain sufficient general infor- mation from thin sections and matrix chips to guide the formation of a multidisciplinary con- sortium to study individual clasts. The deadline for submitting sample requests was 1 December 1982. In order to give investigators an equal chance to report their findings, all were asked to delay public announcement of their results until the 14th annual meeting of the Lunar and Plan- 95 96 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES i- i ! ?S J! bo QJ -a x u <-> u cx o *?> - 2 rt O ? 2 S ooh en ?*s Q ca .2 ?5 <-" qj i/3X ? ? O <^ X5-5 S o v 'bbpC S I '? .5 2 ch be s ^ ,U NUMBER 26 97 FIGURE 75?An in situ photograph of the meteorite ALHA81005 as it lay on the ice. It is a rounded individual with an angular notch where a piece was broken off. White clasts are visible beneath a thin, frothy fusion crust. etary Science Conference to be held in Houston in March 1983. On 4 December, the Meteorite Working Group held a special session at which three- fourths of the participants were conscripts sub- stituting for regular members who had submitted proposals. Twenty-five requests were received and twenty-two were approved. The remaining three were postponed for integration into the consortium. The types of studies authorized for the initial round were electron microprobe anal- yses of thin sections (with five sections being shared by eight investigators), instrumental and radiochemical neutron activation analyses of bulk and matrix samples, measurements of re- flectance spectra, ferromagnetic resonance, no- ble gas abundances, nuclear particle tracks, oxy- gen isotopes, and cosmogenic isotopes. At the special session on Allan Hills 81005, held at the Houston Conference on St. Patrick's Day, a wholly unprecedented degree of unan- imity prevailed. All participants agreed that the specimen probably came from the Moon; most said it positively came from the Moon; none said it did not come from the Moon. The fragmental fabric of the breccia is illus- trated in Figure 76, a photomosaic of thin section ALHA81005,22. A heterogeneous array of min- eral and rock clasts and masses of devitrified glass are embedded in a dark brown, glassy matrix. The matrix, defined as material with a grain size less than 25 /xm, occupies about 60%, and the clasts about 40% of the area. Some clasts show shock effects, such as crushing and partial optical randomization of crystals, but others, including several delicately twinned feldspars, are un- shocked. As first suggested by Mason, the white clasts do indeed resemble those of lunar highlands anorthositic rocks. Plagioclase (An94 to An98) is the most abundant component in the clasts and glasses, including the dark brown matrix glass. Colorless, pale yellow, and light orange glass spherules are scattered throughout the breccia, and patches of highly vesicular, swirly glass, formed by the remelting of glass-bonded agglu- tinates, occur in the matrix (Figure 77). The spherules and reworked agglutinates identify the rock as a soil breccia. The most common clasts are recrystallized breccias, melt rocks, and devitrified glasses, but the breccia also contains a few clasts of cataclastic ferroan anorthosites, anorthositic gabbros, and troctolites, some of which are probably pristine. The largest clast in thin section ALHA81005,22 is a cataclastic ferroan anorthositic gabbro (Fig- ure 78A) consisting of 87% plagioclase (An96- An98) and 13% pigeonite (En64Fs34Wo2) and fer- roaugite (En25Fs32Wo42). This rock clearly be- longs to the well-established pristine ferroan an- orthosites, but it is more Fe-rich than previously analyzed samples. A different type of anorthositic gabbro consists of chains of pyroxenes and olivines lying in a matrix of granulitic plagioclase (Figure 78B). The plagioclase is An97; the finely exsolved pyroxenes 98 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES 5 mm FIGURE 76.?A photomosaic of thin section ALHA81005,22 showing the heterogeneous array of clasts and glasses in the dark glassy matrix. Clasts 1-4 are shown at higher magnifications in Figures 77 and 78. FIGURE 78.?Three types of lithic clasts in section ALHA81005,22. A, Cataclastic anorthositic gabbro in which the plagioclase is partially optically randomized by shock pressure (clast 2 in Figure 76). B, Anorthositic gabbro with a quasi-cumulate texture. Chains of olivines and pyroxenes lie amid granulitic plagioclase, but large clasts of twinned plagioclase are also present indicating that the rock is a recrystallized breccia (clast 3 in Figure 76). c, Clast consisting of a 430-jum plagioclase lath attached to a mass of black glass. The gray-patterned areas in the lath are patches of glass of the same composition as the plagioclase (clast 4 in Figure 76). (All three clasts photographed in transmitted light). D, Photomicrograph in reflected light of the black glass, showing five phases: rows of opaque crystallites of armalcolite and one larger crystallite of ulvospinel on edge of glass (lower left), brighter and duller bands of glass, and two minute spherules of metallic Fe (bright dots amid crys- tallites in lower half of picture). This coarse clast may be a fragment of mare basalt. FIGURE 77.?Clasts and matrix textures in thin section ALHA81005,22. A, Lopsided spherule of colorless glass lies adjacent to a swirly mass of tawny-brown glass full of minute vesicles, which appear as black dots. The vesicular glass is a remelted glass-bonded agglutinate, a type of particle that is abundant in lunar soils. B, Small clast (a) of possible low-K mare basalt (Clast 1 in Figure 76) lies between a light-colored granulite (b) formed by the recrystallization of an impact breccia, and a rounded mass of light brown, devitrified glass (c). (Both photomicrographs taken in transmitted light). NUMBER 26 99 100 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES are En38_45Fs3o-44Woi1_32; the olivine is Fo40, by far the most iron-rich mafic mineral reported to date in ALHA81005. Three large crystals of twinned plagioclase (An97) are also present, in- dicating that the clast is a recrystallized breccia despite the appearance of a cumulate texture. Several clasts of mare basalts have been found mixed with the predominantly highlands ma- terials in the breccia. Fragments of Very Low Titanium (VLT) mare basalt were discovered in thin sections by Tremaine and Drake (1983) and Ryder and Ostertag (1983). In section ALHA81005,22 a clast consisting of a single 430 lim lath of plagioclase (An97) attached to a mass of black Ti-rich glass may be a fragment of high- titanium mare basalt (Figure 78C,D). The glass is studded with rows of opaque crystallites, chiefly armalcolite, (Fe,Mg)Ti2O5, and one larger crys- tallite of ulvospinel (FeTi2O4). The black glass contains about 0.22 wt.% K2O, more than twice the amount measured in the plagioclases of the breccia. The glass appears to be a sample of mesostasis from a medium-grained basalt (Mar- vin, 1983). A small diabasic clast (Figure 77B) consisting of 86% bytownite (An85_89Abio-i40r0.8-i.i), au- gite, and glassy mesostases containing silica glass, K-feldspar, apatite, and ilmenite may represent a low-potassium mare basalt (Marvin, 1983). A strong indication of lunar origin is provided by the ratios of manganese to iron oxides in the pyroxene minerals of the clasts. Systematic dif- ferences in FeO/MnO partitioning in rocks from different sources were first demonstrated by Laul and Schmitt (1973), and subsequent studies have established separate fields for lunar rocks and the various classes of achondritic meteorites. Values for the pyroxenes in ALHA81005 plot in the lunar field as shown in Figure 79. The major-element composition of the bulk sample closely resembles highland materials from the Apollo 16 and Luna 20 missions. However, the contents of minor and trace elements, partic- ularly potassium, rare earth elements, and phos- phorus (KREEP) are markedly lower than those found in the highlands samples previously ana- lyzed. Remote sensing analyses of the lunar sur- face, by orbiting spacecraft and ground-based telescopes, indicate that areas of KREEP-poor anorthositic crust occur along the far eastern limb of the Earth-facing side, and on the farside of the Moon. Some investigators (e.g., Pieters, 1983) are searching these regions for a youthful impact crater large enough to have been the source of ALHA81005. The site should lie within 100 km or so of mare surfaces of appro- priate compositions to account for the basalt clasts that were present in the regolith. Other lines of evidence for a lunar origin include the oxygen isotopic ratios that bear a distinctly lunar signature (Mayeda et al., 1983), the presence in the matrix of solar wind-im- planted noble gases (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe) in concentrations and relative abundances similar to those in gas-rich lunar soils and breccias (Bo- gard and Johnson, 1983b), and the absence of galactic particle tracks in the mineral grains, consistent with a short flight time in space (Sutton and Crozaz, 1983). These and additional inves- tigations are reported in a special issue of Geo- physical Research Letters (1983) devoted to ALHA81005. This sample was clearly spalled off the Moon into an Earth-crossing orbit from a site not visited by either the United States Apollo missions or the Soviet Union's Luna missions. Thus, that end-of-season snowmobile trip to the Middle Western Icefield of the Allan Hills region has been nicknamed "the Apollo 18 mission" (Koro- tev, Haskin, and Lindstrom, 1983). Our examination of ALHA81005 has taught us, once again, that natural events frequently confound the results of all our calculations. Pre- dictions from experimental impacts and com- puter modeling told us that the only material that could escape the Moon would come from deep below the target area of an impacting pro- jectile and be shock-melted to glass or crushed and dispersed as glassy droplets. But, contrary to these predictions, ALHA81005 is not a rock derived from deep in the lunar crust; it is a welded surface soil, no more highly shocked and glassy than many a sample that the astronauts lifted off the lunar surface with tongs. A new NUMBER 26 101 model is now being constructed (Melosh, 1983), which involves the spalling off of blocks of sur- face materials at low pressures in front of oblique impacts. Most of the meteorites collected in the past are believed to have come from asteroids, with a few possibly derived from comets. During the past two centuries nearly 700 meteorite falls have been witnessed and some of the fireballs have been photographed. All of the well-documented trajectories show that the meteorites were follow- ing elliptical orbits that originated in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Lunar ejecta must also fall on Earth whenever huge meteorites impact the Moon with sufficient energy to accel- erate target materials above the lunar escape velocity of 2.4 km per second. Statistical studies have suggested that such impacts happen very infrequently, and it is likely that none has oc- curred in historic time. We now know, however, that such an event did occur sometime within the past few million years while the great ice sheet has covered Antarctica. Perhaps the fall occurred less than a million years ago. The first attempt to measure the terrestrial age (time since the fall to Earth) of ALHA81005 gave ambiguous results (Evans and Reeves, 1983). However, as shown by Nishiizumi (herein, p. 105), the oldest terres- trial ages yet measured on Antarctic meteorites are in the order of 700,000 years. If meteorite concentrations occur on older patches of ice they have not yet been discovered. We await with much interest age determinations on the other meteorites and, if possible, on ice itself at the Middle Western Icefield. Systematic searches of the Middle Western Icefield have not yet been made, but that area appears promising not only because of the lunar meteorite but because eight specimens (including a rare enstatite achondrite) were discovered there during two brief helicopter visits in the 1978-1979 season. Present plans call for a camp to be set up nearby and a careful search made in the 1983-1984 season. Meanwhile, the discovery of ALHA81005 has raised many questions. Did this specimen fall on Earth as a single stone, or did it fall as one piece of a great mass of lunar wt.% FeO FIGURE 79.?The partitioning of FeO and MnO in lunar samples and achondritic meteorites. The black dots, which represent values measured in pyroxenes of ALHA81005, plot in the lunar field although some of them extend the previously determined range toward achondrite values. The pyroxene ratios plot on and above the lunar whole rock trendline while the olivine ratios (triangles) plot on and below it, thus demonstrating a lunar bulk composition. (The fields for achondrites are taken from Stolper et al., 1979). debris that was scattered broadcast over our ro- tating planet? Or did ALHA81005 break off from a larger incoming mass that exploded in the atmosphere and showered fragments over Antarctica? The possibility that this specimen is a shower fragment will inspire the field party to search the area with high hopes of discovering additional pieces of this meteorite from the Moon. Would we have recognized this unique mete- orite as a lunar rock if we had never examined samples from the Moon? Perhaps not, if we had found it much more than a decade ago, because the anorthositic character of the lunar crust came to us as a complete surprise at the time of the Apollo 11 mission. Even then, however, one of the Surveyor modules had sent back analyses indicating a Ca-Al-rich type of crustal rock, and orbital missions have since produced compo- sitional maps of much of the lunar surface. It seems likely that the anorthositic character of ALHA81005 and its marked chemical, mineral- ogical, and isotopic differences from the basaltic achondrites would have persuaded some scien- tists to propose a lunar origin for it. 102 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES The discovery of a lunar meteorite has given new credibility to the hypothesis, first proposed about five years ago, that the shergottites, a rare class of achondrites represented by nine speci- mens (two from Antarctica and seven from other continents) may have come from Mars. Origi- nally, this hypothesis was based on isotopic age determinations, which showed that the shergot- tites crystallized only about 1.3 X 109 years ago. Age determinations on other meteorites show us that the asteroids were already cold and solid about 4.5 X 109 years ago, soon after the solar system formed. Even Earth's moon ceased flood- ing its basins with basaltic lava flows about 3.1 X 109 years ago. Only a larger body, such as Mars, would be well-insulated enough to retain heat and remain volcanically active to comparatively recent times. Mars has huge volcanic cones on its surface, and crater counts on the surrounding lava flows show them to be young in comparison to the ancient, more heavily cratered terranes. Can the shergottites be samples of these flows? Recent measurements show that nitrogen, ar- gon, krypton, and xenon trapped in glassy lenses in one of the Antarctic shergottites (EETA 79001) are similar in relative abundances and isotopic ratios to those of the gases in the Martian atmosphere, measured by the Viking Landers (Bogard and Johnson, 1983a; Becker and Pepin, 1983). The case for Martian shergottites is still highly speculative. The escape velocity from Mars is about 5 km per second, an acceleration that seems prohibitive to many investigators. In the past, many have argued that we could not expect to find Martian rocks on Earth unless we also find samples from our closer neighbor, the Moon. That objection, at least, has now been removed. Antarctica has proved to be a rich source of meteorites, which lie on certain patches of bare ice awaiting discovery. To journey to Antarctica is an elegant way to add to our collections of planetary samples while we await future missions into space. The discovery of a lunar sample on that windy January day in the Allan Hills has opened an awesome new potential and enhanced immeasurably the excitement of the Antarctic meteorite program. This work was supported in part by NASA grant NAG 9-29. Additional papers on this meteorite may be found in a special issue of Geophysical Research Letters, 10 (September, 1983). Literature Cited Becker, R.H., and R.O. Pepin 1983. Heavy Nitrogen in Glass from Antarctica Mete- orite EETA79001 [Abstract]. EOS, 64:253. Bogard, D.D., and P.Johnson 1983a. Martian Atmospheric Gases Trapped in the EETA79001 Shergottite? In Lunar and Planetary Science XIV: Session on Meteorites from Earth's Moon, pages 53-54. Houston: Lunar and Planetary In- stitute. 1983b. Trapped Solar Gases in the ALHA81005 Lunar (?) Meteorite. In Lunar and Planetary Science XIV: Session on Meteorites from Earth's Moon, pages 1-2. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. Evans, J.C., andJ.H. Reeves 1983. Aluminum-26 Content of ALHA81005. In Lunar and Planetary Science XIV: Session on Meteorites from Earth's Moon, pages 6-7. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. Korotev, R.L., L.A. Haskin, M.M. Lindstrom 1983. Lunar Highlands Breccia 81005 (ALHA): So Apollo 18 Flew, but Where Did It Sample? In Lunar and Planetary Science XIV: Session on Meteorites front Earth's Moon, pages 12-13. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. Laul,J.C., and R. Schmitt 1973. Chemical Composition of Apollo 15, 16, and 17 Samples. In Proceedings of the Fourth Lunar Science Conference. Geochimica et Cosmochemica Ada, supplement 4, 2:1349-1367. Marvin, Ursula B. 1983. The Discovery and Initial Characterization of Al- lan Hills 81005: The First Lunar Meteorite. Geo- physical Research Letters, 10:775-778. Mason, Brian 1982. In Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 5 (4). Mayeda, T.K., R.N. Clayton, and C.A. Molini-Velsko 1983. Oxygen and Silicon Isotopes in ALHA 81005. Geophysical Research Letters, 10:799-800. Melosh, H.J. 1983. Impact Ejection, Spallation and the Origin of Cer- NUMBER 26 103 tain Meteorites. Lunar and Planetary Science XIV: Session on Meteorites from Earth's Moon, pages 21- 22. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. Pieters, Carle 1983. If ALHA81005 Came from the Moon, Can We Tell from Where? In Lunar and Planetary Science XIV: Session on Meteorites from Earth's Moon, pages 27-28. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. Ryder, G., and R. Ostertag 1983. ALHA 81005: Petrographic Components of the Target. In Lunar and Planetary Science XIV: Session on Meteorites from Earth's Moon, pages 29-30. Hous- ton: Lunar and Planetary Institute. Score, Roberta 1982. In Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter 5 (4). Stolper, E., H.Y. McSween, Jr., andJ.F. Hays 1979. A Petrogenetic Model of the Relationship be- tween Achondritic Meteorites. Geochimica et Cos- mochimica Acta, 43:589-592. Sutton, S.R., and G. Crozaz 1983. Thermoluminescence and Tracks: Constraints on the History of This Unusual Meteorite. In Lunar and Planetary Science XIV: Sessions on Meteorites from Earth's Moon, pages 33-34. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. Tremaine, A.H., and M.J. Drake 1983. Meteorite from the Moon: Petrology of Terrae Clasts and One Mare Clast in ALHA 81005,9. In Lunar and Planetary Science XIV: Session on Meteorites from Earth's Moon, pages 35-36. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. Cosmic-Ray-Produced Nuclides in Victoria Land Meteorites Kunihiko Nishiizumi In the last few years measurements of cosmic- ray-produced nuclides in Antarctic meteorites have been carried out by several groups. At the present time, we have measured 53Mn (ti/2= 3.7 X 106 y) in 153 meteorites (62 Victoria Land meteorites and 91 Yamato meteorites) by the destructive neutron-activation method (Nishi- izumi, Imamura, et al., 1979; Nishiizumi et al., 1981; Nishiizumi, Arnold, Imamura, etal., 1982; Nishiizumi, Arnold, Elmore, et al., 1983; Ima- mura et al., 1979, Goswami and Nishiizumi, 1983) and 36C1 (t1/2= 3.0 X 105 y) in 62 Antarctic meteorites by Accelerator Mass Spectroscopy (Nishiizumi, Arnold, et al., 1979, Nishiizumi et al., 1981, 1983, and Nishiizumi, unpublished). 26Al (t 1/2 = 7.2 X 10.5 y) has been measured in 129 Victoria Land meteorites by the Battelle group using nondestructive gamma-ray analysis (Evans et al., 1979, 1982). In addition to the above data, nine 10Be (ti/2 = 1.6 X 106 y), and eighteen 14C (5730 y) measurements, and twenty- six sets of noble gas data are also available for our study. Cosmogenic nuclide concentrations in a me- teorite give us the cosmic-ray exposure age in space and terrestrial age on the earth, if we know the expected equilibrium concentrations and half-lives. It is important to measure two or more cosmogenic nuclides in the same meteorite. Table 9 is a compilation of published and Kunihiko Nishiizumi, Department of Chemistry, B-017, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093. unpublished data for Victoria Land meteorites for which measurements of more than one nu- clide are available. This table also includes the exposure age and terrestrial age of these mete- orites. The exposure age was calculated from the cosmogenic 21Ne content; the shielding condition was corrected by the 22Ne/21Ne ratio or from cosmogenic 40K content. The terrestrial age of the meteorite was calculated from 36C1 or 14C content, comparing it with the saturated activity level that was expected at the time of fall on Antarctica. The details are discussed in a recent paper (Reedy et al., 1983). The measurement of terrestrial age is an im- portant subject for Antarctic meteorites. The terrestrial ages of non-Antarctic stone meteorites are less than 3 X 104 years, usually much less. However the terrestrial ages of Allan Hills me- teorites range from 1 X 104 (ALHA77256) to 7 X 105 years (ALHA77002). This age not only gives us information on the accumulation mech- anism of meteorites and the history of the Ant- arctic ice sheet, but also about ancient meteorite influx rates. Our interest was focused on Allan Hills meteorites for terrestrial age measure- ments. So far, several features have appeared. Meteorites found on the northwest part of the Allan Hills blue ice region have shorter terres- trial ages than meteorites found on the southeast part. Probably this feature gives key information for the accumulation mechanism of Allan Hills meteorites and glaciology. On the other hand there is no clear correlation between the terres- 105 TABLE 9.?Activity (dpm/kg), exposure age, and terrestrial age of meteorites in which more than one nuclide has been measured (numbers in parentheses indicate half-life of each nuclide).1 Specimen number ALLAN HILLS ALHA76001 ALHA76002 ALHA76003 ALHA76004 ALHA76005 ALHA76006 ALHA76007 ALHA76008 ALHA76009 ALHA77001 ALHA77OO2 ALHA77003 ALHA77004 ALHA77009 ALHA77015 ALHA77081 ALHA77167 ALHA77214 ALHA77216 ALHA77230 ALHA77249 ALHA77250 ALHA77255 ALHA77256 ALHA77257 ALHA77258 ALHA77260 ALHA77261 ALHA77262 ALHA77270 ALHA77272 ALHA77273 ALHA77278 ALHA77280 ALHA77282 ALHA77283 ALHA77285 ALHA77289 ALHA77290 ALHA77294 ALHA77297 ALHA77299 ALHA77304 ALHA78043 Class L6 IA L6 LL3 Eu H6 L6 H6 L6 L6 L5 C3 H4 H4 L3 H? L3 L3 L3 L4 L3 IA Anom Di Ur H6 L3 L6 H4 L6 L6 L6 LL3 L6 L6 IA H6 IA IA H5 L6 H3 L4 L6 53Mn (3.7xl06y) 443?33 556?21 431?25 390?36 453?33 332?26 22?3 477?34 422?13 255?8 317?13 326?13 162?8 137?7 151?6 348?14 362?15 181?9 565?22 385?15 400?21 181?8 434?18 150?8 302?13 327?13 494?20 213?11 224?11 264?11 325?16 384?17 437?17 394?16 534?21 504?20 433?17 428?17 317?19 211?9 457?22 Activity2 10Be 26A1 (1.6Xl06y) (7.2X105y) 58?2 89?9 51?1 45?4 3.9?0.5 11?1 52?5 30?3 19?2 45?5 52?5 32?2 36?4 42?4 37?2 15?1 56?6 40?3 51?3 37?2 29?2 37?2 36?4 47?5 40?3 18?2 35?4 31?2 28?3 49?3 38?4 67?4 70?7 43?4 50?3 33?3 36C1 (3.0X105y) 14.1?0.5 9.4?1.0 20.1?1.2 4.6?1.1 18.4?1.2 15.2?0.5 10.7?0.2 17.O?O.8 14.9?0.5 15.6?0.2 19.2?0.2 9.8?0.8 12.2?0.4 ll.l?0.6 6.7?0.1 6.6?0.3 6.2?0.3 10.9?0.7 12.2?0.3 12.1?0.4 17.5?O.3 13.6?0.5 15.3?0.3 15.1?0.3 20.8?0.6 19.6?0.2 18.9?0.8 7.3?0.3 14C (5730y) <1.0 <1.7 <1.2 <1.7 0.62?0.06 0.65?0.02 0.35?0.03 16.0?1.5 <0.5 1.07?0.24 1.6?0.3 <0.60 Exposure age 10?y 45 410 53 26 10 28 33 (1.5) 20 20 3.1 5.6 2.4 3.3 30 10 1.8 4.6 21 36 Terrestrial age 103y 200?80 >34 >32 >34 100?70 <120 700?160 110?70 l70?70 320?70 120?80 180?70 160?70 <130 11?1 360?90 270?70 310?80 530?70 530?80 560?80 320?90 270?70 270?70 110?70 220?70 170?70 17O?7O 30?2 80?40 80?80 490?80 1 Average saturated activity: "Mn: 414?50; 10Be: 20?2; 26A1: 60?7(L), 56?7(H); 36C1: 22.8?3.1; 2 Activity: 5:1Mn: dpm/kg (Fe+'A Ni); 10Be, 26A1, I4C: dpm/kg meteorite; 36C1: dpm/kg metal. 4C: 60. TABLE 9.?Continued. Specimen number ALHA78076 ALHA78084 ALHA78102 ALHA78105 ALHA78109 ALHA78112 ALHA78114 ALHA78115 ALHA78128 ALHA78130 ALHA78131 ALHA78132 ALHA78232 ALHA81005 BATES NUNATAK BTNA78002 DERRICK PEAK DRPA78008 DRPA78009 METEORITE HILLS META78001 META78002 META78005 META78006 META78010 META78028 MOUNT BALDR MBRA76001 MBRA76002 PURGATORY PEAK PGPA77006 RECKLING PEAK RKPA78003 Class H6 H4 H5 L6 LL5 L6 L6 H6 H5 L6 L6 Eu IVA A L6 IIB IIB H4 L6 L6 H6 H5 L6 H6 H6 IA L6 53Mn (3.7xi06y) 427?18 318?13 462?21 444?28 347?16 360?14 334?14 380?15 402?19 376?14 424?18 2.7?0.2 65?3 429?17 394?34 355?26 569?23 363?16 1(>Be (1.6xl06y) 18?2 21?2 14?2 16?2 18?2 4.1?0.5 Activity2 26 Al (7.2X105y) 52?4 35?3 61?7 46?3 42?3 38?2 43?3 34?2 51?4 40?3 68?4 46?3 0 53?3 47?3 44?3 60?4 56?3 56?3 50?3 36C1 (3.0X105y) 16.9?0.5 16.4?0.5 14.0?0.6 12.5?0.3 12.4?0.5 13.4?0.5 7.8?0.3 21.6?0.6 15.2?0.4 20.7?0.5 9.3?0.4 9.9?0.2 19.5?0.4 .032?0.004 0.20?0.01 20.5?0.8 21.0?0.5 20.0?0.4 20.9?0.5 21.8?0.5 21.3?0.6 18.4?0.5 19.8?0.4 Exposure MC age (5730y) 1Oby 1.41?0.24 37 11 1.01?0.03 1.19?0.30 6 7 Terrestrial age lO^y 130?70 140?70 210?80 260?70 260?70 230?70 460?80 <90 17O?7O <110 380?80 360?70 <130 <120 <100 <120 <100 <90 32?1 31?3 90?70 <130 References: Column 1: Imamura et al., 1979; Nishiizumi et al., 1979, 1981, 1983; Nishiizumi, Arnold, Imamura, et al., 1982; Goswami and Nishiizumi, 1983. Column 2: Moniot et al., 1982; Nishiizumi, Arnold, Imamura, et al., 1982; Nishiizumi, Arnold, Klein, et al., 1982; Tunizetal., 1983. Column 3: Evans et al., 1979, 1982; Evans, personal communication; Tuniz et al., 1983. Column 4: Nishiizumi, Arnold, et al., 1979; Nishiizumi et al., 1981, 1983. Column 5: Fireman, 1979, 1980, 1983; Fireman and Norris, 1981; Andrews et al., 1982, Nishiizumi, unpublished data. Column 6: Nagao and Takaoka, 1979; Nitoh et al., 1980; Schultz et al., 1980; Weber and Schultz, 1980; Takaoka et al., 1981; Nautiyal et al., 1982; Nagao et al., 1983; Weber et al., 1983. Column 7: Nishiizumi, herein. 108 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES trial age of a meteorite and its weathering fea- tures. This indicates that many meteorites stayed in the ice for a long time and weathering only began when the specimen was exposed at the ice surface. Allan Hills meteorites have a wide range of terrestrial ages and are generally older than other Victoria Land meteorites and Yamato me- teorites. Although the cosmogenic noble-gas data are important for meteorite bombardment history in space, relatively small amounts of data are avail- able for Allan Hills meteorites compared to Ya- mato meteorites. Based on both cosmogenic sta- ble (noble gas) and radioactive nuclide data, at least four Antarctic meteorites showed clearly multistage irradiation records. They are ALHA76008, Yamato 7301, 74028, and 74116 (Nishiizumi et al., 1978, 1979, Nishiizumi, Ar- nold, Imamura, et al., 1982; Imamura et al., 1979). The multistage irradiation model asserts that the meteorite was irradiated in a heavily shielded position in the parent body for a long time. During this period most of the cosmogenic stable nuclides (noble gas and 40K) were pro- duced. The parent body was then fragmented, initiating the second-stage irradiation by expos- ing the small preatmospheric bodies to cosmic rays for a short time so that the long-lived radio- active nuclides were not saturated. Except for Antarctic meteorites, Jilin (Kirin) is the only stony meteorite definitely known to have had a multistage irradiation record. An iron meteorite, Derrick Peak A78008, con- tains the lowest concentration of cosmogenic ra- dionuclides yet measured among Antarctic me- teorites. This object is known to be a shower fragment of DRPA78001-78009 (Clarke, 1982). Based on a low 53Mn result of (2.7?0.2 dpm/ kg), the preatmospheric size of this group of Derrick Peak meteorites was more than 3.3 m in diameter, or more than 150 tons in weight. Combined analysis of cosmogenic nuclides and cosmic-ray track data in an aliquot sample pro- vides information on size and location of a me- teorite in the preatmospheric body. Such analysis is extremely useful to check on pairing of Ant- arctic meteorites. For example, L3 chondrites ALHA77015, 77167, and 77260 could be frag- ments from a single meteorite with radius ~25 cm (Goswami and Nishiizumi, 1983). On the other hand L6 chondrites ALHA77273 and 77280, which were previously suggested to be a single fall of a meteorite, could not be fragments from a single meteorite (Goswami and Nishi- izumi, 1983). This research was supported in part by NASA Grant NGL 005-009-148. Literature Cited Andrews, H.R., R.M. Brown, G.C. Ball, N. Burn, Y. Ima- hori, J.C.D. Milton, WJ. Workman, and E.L. Fireman 1982. 14C Content of Antarctic Meteorites Measured with the Chalk River MP Tandem Accelerator. In Abstracts, Fifth International Conference on Geo- chronology, Cosmochronology, and Isotope Geology, Nikko, Japan, pages 8-9. Clarke, R.S.,Jr. 1982. The Derrick Peak, Antarctica, Iron Meteorites. Meteoritics, 17:129-134. Evans, J.C., L.A. Rancitelli, and J.H. Reeves 1979. 2hAl Content of Antarctic Meteorites: Implications for Terrestrial Ages and Bombardment History. In Proceedings of the Tenth Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, pages 1061?1072. New York: Pergamon Press. Evans, J.C., J.H. Reeves, and L.A. Rancitelli 1982. Aluminum-26: Survey of Victoria Land Meteor- ites. In U. B. Marvin and B. Mason, editors, Cat- alog of Meteorites from Victoria Land, Antarc- tica, 1978-1980. Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, 24:70-74. Fireman, E.L. 1979. I4C and 39Ar Abundances in Allan Hills Meteor- ites. In Proceedings of the Tenth Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, pages 1053-1060. New York: Pergamon Press. 1980. Carbon-14 and Argon-39 in ALHA Meteorites. In Proceedings of the Eleventh Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, pages 1215-1221. New York: Pergamon Press. 1983. Carbon-14 Ages of Antarctic Meteorites. In Lunar and Planetary Science XTV, pages 195-196. Hous- ton: Lunar and Planetary Institute. Fireman, E.L., and T. Norris 1981. Carbon-14 Ages of Allan Hills Meteorites and Ice. In Proceedings of the Twelfth Lunar and Planetary NUMBER 26 109 Science Conference,, pages 1019-1025. New York: Pergamon Press. Goswami, J.N., and K. Nishiizumi 1983. Cosmogenic Records in Antarctic Meteorites. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 64:1-8. Imamura, M., K. Nishiizumi, and M. Honda 1979. Cosmogenic 53Mn in Antarctic Meteorites and Their Exposure History, Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research (Japan), special issue, 15:227-242. Moniot, R.K., T.H. Kruse, W. Savin, C. Tuniz, T. Milazzo, G.S. Hall, D. Pal, and G.F. Herzog 1982. Beryllium-10 Contents of Stony Meteorites and the Neon-21 Production Rate. Lunar and Plane- tary Science XIII, pages 536-537. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. Nagao, K., and N. Takaoka 1979. Rare Gas Studies of Antarctic Meteorites. Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research (Japan), special issue, 12:207-222. Nagao, K., N. Takaoka, and K. Saito 1983. Rare Gas Studies of the Antarctic Meteorites. In Eighth Symposium on Antarctic Meteorites, pages 83-84. Tokyo: National Institute of Polar Re- search. Nautiyal, CM., J.T. Padia, M.N. Rao, T.R. Venkatesan, and J.N. Goswami 1982. Irradiation History of Antarctic Gas-Rich Mete- orites. In Lunar and Planetary Science XIII, pages 578-579. Houston: Lunar and Plantary Institute. Nishiizumi, K. 1978. Cosmic-Ray-Produced 53Mn in Thirty-one Mete- orites. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 41:91- 100. Nishiizumi, K.,J.R. Arnold, D. Elmore, R.D. Ferraro, H.E. Gove, R.C. Finkel, R.P. Beukens, K.H. Chung, and L.R. Kilius 1979. Measurements of 36C1 in Antarctic Meteorites and Antarctic Ice using a Van de Graaff Accelerator. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 45:285-292. Nishiizumi, K.,J.R. Arnold, D. Elmore, X. Ma, D. Newman, and H.E. Gove 1983. 36C1 and 53Mn in Antarctic Meteorites and 10Be- 36C1 Dating of Antarctic Ice. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 62:407-417. Nishiizumi, K., J.R. Arnold, M. Imamura, T. Inoue, and M. Honda 1982. Cosmogenic Radionuclides in Antarctic Meteor- ites. In Seventh Symposium on Antarctic Meteorites, pages 52-54. Tokyo: National Institute of Polar Research. Nishiizumi, K., J.R. Arnold, J. Klein, and R. Middleton 1982. 10Be and Other Radionuclides in Antarctic Mete- orites and in Associated Ice. Meteoritics, 17:260- 261. Nishiizumi, K., M. Imamura, and M. Honda 1978. Cosmic Ray Induced 53Mn in Yamato-7301(j), -7305(k) and -7304(m) Meteorites. Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research (Japan) special issue, 8:209-219. 1979. Cosmic Ray Produced Radionuclides in Antarctic Meteorites. Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research (Japan), special issue, 12:161-177. Nishiizumi, K., M.T. Murrell, J.R. Arnold, D. Elmore, R.D. Ferraro, H.E. Gove, and R.C. Finkel 1981. Cosmic-Ray-Produced 36C1 and 53Mn in Allan Hills-77 Meteorites. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 52:31-38. Nitoh, O., M. Honda, and M. Imamura 1980. Cosmogenic K-40 in Antarctic Meteorites. Mem- oirs of the National Institute of Polar Research (Japan), special issue, 17:189-201. Reedy, R.C, J.R. Arnold, and D. Lai 1983. Cosmic-Ray Record in Solar System Matter. Sci- ence, 219:127-135. Schultz, L., H. Palme, B. Spettel, H. Wanke, and H.W. Weber 1980. Chemistry and Noble Gases of the Unusual Stony Meteorite Allan Hills A77081. In Lunar and Plan- etary Science XI, pages 1003-1005. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. Takaoka, N., K. Saito, Y. Ohba, and K. Nagao 1981. Rare Gas Studies of Twenty-Four Antarctic Chon- drites. Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research (Japan), special issue, 20:264-275. Tuniz, C, D.K. Pal, R.K. Moniot, W. Savin, T.H. Kruse, G.F. Herzog, and J.C. Evans 1983. Recent Cosmic Ray Exposure History of ALHA 81005. Geophysical Research Letters, 10:804- 806. Weber, H.W., O. Braun, L. Schultz, and F. Begemann 1983. The Noble Gas Record in Antarctic and Other Meteorites. Zeitschriftfur Naturforschung, 38a:267- 272. Weber, H.W., and L. Schultz 1980. Noble Gases in Ten Stone Meteorites from Ant- arctica. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung, 35a:44-49. Bulk Chemical Analyses of Antarctic Meteorites, with Notes on Weathering Effects on FeO, Fe-metal, FeS, H2O, and C Eugen e Ja rosewich In addition to a large number of ordinary chondrites, the discovery and subsequent collec- tion of a large number of the Antarctic meteor- ites has yielded a considerable selection of rare types. Among these rare types are achondrites, carbonaceous chondrites, a unique "moon mete- orite," and several type 3 chondrites, to name a few. Since these meteorites are rare, they are the object of extensive studies by researchers from various disciplines, and their data are compared with the data from existing specimens in our collections. The bulk chemical analysis of some of these rare meteorites was undertaken as a part of a broader study of Antarctic meteorites; particu- larly, the type 3 chondrites, because of the im- portance of the chemical data in their classifica- tion. The bulk chemical analyses of these meteorites were performed using a modified chemical method published by Jarosewich (1966). Be- tween 2 and 20 g of sample were made available for the analyses of these Antarctic meteorites, but for actual analysis only between 1.5 and 3.5 g was used. Most of the samples were prepared in a clean environment with a special automatic Eugene Jarosewich, Department of Mineral Sciences, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560. agate mortar, where the whole sample was ground, homogenized, and then split for other studies, including those for trace elements. As a convenient summary of bulk analyses, Table 10 gives the data for 17 newly analyzed chondrites and for 8 meteorites published earlier by Marvin and Mason (1980). The data in this table give primarily basic geochemical informa- tion and indicate the degree of weathering. Six of the L3 type severely weathered chondrites (indicated by an asterisk in Table 10) are paired and their chemical data are given. The chemical analyses of these L3 types were undertaken be- fore they were identified as paired. The agree- ment of the data, considering that they were obtained on different specimens, is remarkable, although it is somewhat disappointing that these rare meteorites are paired rather than separate specimens. All the data of these meteorites for FeO, Fe-metal, FeS, H2O and C do not give true values for these components; nevertheless, with some corrections, the nature of chemical com- position of the meteorites can be approximated. The weathering of the Antarctic meteorites was described in a general manner by Lipschutz (1982). Gibson and Andrawes (1980) described specifics of C and S content and possible condi- tion of weathering processes, and Marvin and Motylewski (1980) described the mineralogy of weathered meteorites. Ill 112 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE 10.?Chemical composition of Antarctic meteorites (nd = not determined; * = paired L3 meteorites; H2O = H2O total; Fe,M = Fe-metal; Fe,T = Fe total) Name and type ALHA77003 ALHA77005 *ALHA77O11 *ALHA77015 ALHA77155 *ALHA77167 *ALHA77214 ALHA77216 ALHA77219 ALHA77231 *ALHA77249 ALHA77256 ALHA77257 ?ALHA77260 ALHA77270 ALHA77271 ALHA77278 ALHA77284 ALHA77294 ALHA77296 ALHA77297 ALHA77299 ALHA77304 ALHA77078 ALHA78106 C3 Sh L3 L3 L6 L3 L3 L3 M L6 L3 Di Ur L3 L6 H6 LL3 L6 H5 L6 L6 H3 L4 L6 L6 SiO2 34.19 42.40 38.21 38.23 39.99 37.94 37.73 39.43 32.27 39.43 36.96 52.15 41.12 37.53 40.15 36.88 41.03 40.43 37.75 40.21 40.13 35.94 40.49 38.64 39.70 TiO2 0.14 0.46 0.14 0.14 0.13 0.13 0.11 0.10 0.16 0.11 0.12 0.16 0.04 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.11 0.14 0.13 0.13 A12O3 2.89 3.14 2.29 2.29 2.21 2.18 2.30 2.25 3.93 2.18 2.21 1.56 <0.1 2.15 2.49 1.97 2.26 2.30 2.31 2.36 2.41 2.27 2.35 2.34 2.36 Cr2O3 0.49 1.05 0.57 0.57 0.54 0.58 0.49 0.49 0.63 0.49 0.53 1.06 0.70 0.56 0.53 0.50 0.50 0.48 0.57 0.57 0.52 0.41 0.57 0.58 0.51 FeO 21.78 19.85 20.07 19.63 16.33 19.64 19.63 15.85 15.84 16.07 21.28 16.07 13.57 21.45 15.46 13.43 16.79 14.50 8.76 15.53 15.43 13.15 16.36 15.57 14.31 MnO 0.31 0.46 0.27 0.26 0.32 0.26 0.33 0.32 0.41 0.31 0.26 0.47 0.38 0.24 0.32 0.28 0.34 0.32 0.33 0.35 0.36 0.30 0.28 0.35 0.36 MgO 23.53 28.16 23.89 23.97 24.70 23.85 22.69 24.57 12.56 24.47 22.91 26.48 39.66 23.82 24.92 23.36 24.08 25.17 23.66 25.00 25.02 22.50 25.10 24.49 25.13 CaO 2.22 3.39 1.78 1.71 1.79 1.64 1.70 1.67 3.14 1.75 1.60 1.50 1.07 1.75 1.79 1.60 1.90 1.78 1.83 1.96 1.93 1.81 1.81 1.86 1.96 Na2O 0.56 0.48 0.92 0.74 0.95 0.91 0.82 0.90 0.15 0.91 0.86 0.04 0.03 0.83 0.96 0.83 0.82 0.91 0.72 0.80 0.80 1.08 1.01 0.74 0.75 K2O 0.06 0.04 0.12 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.07 0.12 0.03 0.12 0.11 0.01 0.01 0.11 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.07 0.09 0.08 0.12 0.13 0.07 0.07 The degree of weathering in the Antarctic meteorites is accurately reflected in the prelimi- nary petrographic description of the meteorites in the NASA Newsletters. Severely weathered me- teorites denoted as "C" condition and two "A" (minor weathering) were selected from Table 10 and are listed in Table 11; in this table the degree of weathering is quantitatively expressed for FeO, H2O, FeS, Fe-metal, and C. It can be seen that the values for H2O, C, and FeO (which includes weathered metal) are higher and Fe- metal and FeS are lower than the averages for their class of meteorites. There are some excep- tions to this general trend; FeS in ALHA77214 and C in ALHA77271 are very close to the average amounts of these two components for their type, and two meteorites in Table 10, ALHA77278 and ALHA77299, classified as "A" (minor weathering) show considerable amounts of H2O and a slight increase in C, and ALHA77299 shows high FeO and low Fe-metal. These few variations in an otherwise definite trend in weathering of different constituents in meteorites, high FeO, H2O, C, and low Fe-metal and FeS, would indicate that the weathering is a very selective process, one dependent on variety of conditions, the processes of which are little understood. The contamination of the Antarctic meteor- ites, especially those of "A" condition, at this point, is not a serious problem for most elements that have been studied (Lipschutz, 1982). How- ever, it is evident that the carbon contamination in "C" condition meteorites is significant and its source is of importance. The suggestion of the presence of CO2 in secondary minerals was veri- fied, using classical CO2 determination in "C condition meteorite, ALHA77214 (for which NUMBER 26 113 TABLE 10.?Continued. P2O5 0.23 0.41 0.25 0.25 0.20 0.24 0.21 0.20 0.30 0.23 0.24 0.01 0.06 0.27 0.26 0.22 0.20 0.18 0.25 0.22 0.24 0.22 0.22 0.25 0.22 H2O 1.89 0.02 2.74 2.55 0.49 2.74 3.29 0.75 1.63 0.75 3.34 0.02 0.18 2.99 0.31 1.25 1.58 0.79 0.23 0.20 0.14 1.71 0.99 0.71 0.11 Fe,M 4.50 ND 1.94 2.30 6.09 2.44 2.02 6.40 23.63 6.37 2.25 nd nd 1.53 5.99 12.90 2.23 5.90 16.00 6.00 6.39 12.26 4.36 6.48 6.78 Ni 1.37 0.01 1.02 1.12 1.34 1.13 1.18 1.13 2.86 1.20 1.17 0.01 0.08 1.11 1.12 1.69 1.03 1.20 1.84 1.26 1.11 1.67 1.16 1.32 1.29 Co 0.07 <0.01 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.10 0.06 0.07 <0.01 <0.01 0.06 0.07 0.09 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.07 FeS 4.85 <0.1 4.47 4.69 4.32 4.55 5.73 5.75 1.10 4.88 4.41 0.15 <0.01 3.43 5.34 4.42 6.17 5.16 5.62 4.80 5.24 5.23 4.80 6.03 5.87 C 0.28 0.02 0.97 0.98 0.04 0.99 1.08 0.04 0.15 0.03 1.08 0.03 3.34 1.07 0.01 0.04 0.16 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.38 0.01 0.02 0.01 Total 99.36 99.89 99.71 99.59 99.61 99.36 99.44 100.03 98.89 99.36 99.40 99.72 100.24 99.03 99.95 99.67 99.36 99.41 100.16 99.56 100.02 99.24 99.85 99.65 99.63 Fe,T 24.51 15.43 20.38 20.54 21.53 20.60 20.77 22.37 36.64 21.96 21.59 12.49 10.55 20.39 21.40 26.15 19.20 20.45 26.38 21.12 21.72 25.80 20.13 22.41 21.64 Ref 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Degree ofweathering 2 A A C C A/B C cA/B B A/B C A/B A C A/B C A A/B A A/B A A B A/B A/B 1 References: 1 = herein; 2 = Marvin and Mason, 1980, appendix 2. 2 Degree of weathering: A = minor; B = moderate; C = severe. TABLE 11.?Amounts of most weathered components of weathered meteorites (A = minor, C = severe). Name and type ALHA77011 L3 ALHA77015 L3 ALHA77167 L3 ALHA77214 L3 ALHA77249 L3 ALHA77260 L3 ALHA77271 H6 ALHA77278 LL3 ALHA77299 H3 FeO 20.07 19.63 19.64 19.63 21.28 21.45 13.43 16.79 13.15 H2O 2.74 2.55 2.74 3.29 3.34 2.99 1.25 1.58 1.71 Fe,M 1.94 2.30 2.44 2.02 2.25 1.53 12.9 2.23 12.26 FeS 4.47 4.69 4.55 5.73 4.41 3.43 4.42 6.17 5.23 C 0.97 0.98 0.99 1.08 1.08 1.07 0.04 0.16 0.39 Degreeof weathering C C cc cc c A A 114 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES sufficient sample was available), giving 0.19% CO2, clearly within the range estimated by Gib- son and Andrawes (1980) from 5% to 10% of total carbon but still not accounting for the re- mainder of carbon. Weathering is not a major concern in the study of these meteorites; however, the contamination or depletion of elements is. The relationship between weathering, which can be readily ob- served, and contamination is an area to be ex- plored. This work establishes for a group of Antarctic meteorites that the presence of H2O and low Fe-metal with resulting high FeO and depletion of FeS is accompanied by an increase of C, which is clearly a contaminant. The analyses of weathered Antarctic meteor- ites, especially those of rare types, will be the source of important additional data, provided the necessary precautions are exercized in the acquisitions of these data. The analyses of carbon in the Antarctic Me- teorite samples was done by J. Nelen. Literature Cited Gibson, E.K., Jr., and F.F. Andrawes 1980. The Antarctic Environment and Its Effect upon the Total Carbon and Sulfur Abundances in Re- covered Meteorites. In Proceedings of the Eleventh Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, pages 1223-1234. New York: Pergamon Press. Jarosewich, E. 1966. Chemical Analyses of Ten Stony Meteorites. Geo- chimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 30:1261-1265. Lipschutz, M.E. 1982. Weathering Effects in Antarctic Meteorites. In U.B. Marvin and B. Mason, editors, Catalog of Meteorites from Victoria Land, 1978-1980. Smithsonian Contributions to the Mineral Sciences, 24:67-69. Marvin, U.B., and B. Mason, editors 1980. Catalog of Antarctic Meteorites, 1977-1978. Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, 23: 50 pages. Marvin, U.B., and K. Motylewski 1980. Mg-Carbonates and Sulfates on Antarctic Mete- orites. Lunar and Planetary Science XI, pages 669- 670. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. Appendix Tables of Victoria Land Meteorites Terminology Class and type: A = achondrite, unique; Au = aubrite; C = carbonaceous chondrite; Di = diogenite; E = enstatite chondrite; Eu = eucrite; H = high-iron chondrite; Ho = howardite; I = iron (IA, IIA, IIB, IVA = iron groups); L = low-iron chondrite; LL = low-iron low-metal chondrite; M = mesosiderite; Sh = shergottite; Ur = ureilite. Chondrite type is indicated by the digit following the letter. Olivine composition in mole percent Fe2SiO4(Fa). Pyroxene (orthopyroxene or low-Ca clinopyroxene) composition in mole percent FeSiO3(Fs). Degree of weathering: A = minor; metal flecks have inconspicuous rust halos, oxide stain along cracks is minor. B = moderate; metal flecks show large rust halos, internal cracks show extensive oxide stain. C = severe; specimen is uniformly stained brown, no metal survives. Degree of fracturing: A = slight; specimen has few or no cracks and none penetrate the entire specimen. B = moderate; several cracks extend across the specimen, which can be readily broken along the fractures. C = severe; specimen has many extensive cracks and readily crumbles. Locations: ALH = Allan Hills; BTN = Bates Nunatak; DRP = Derrick Peak; EET = Elephant Moraine; MBR = Mount Baldr; MET = Meteorite Hills; OTT = Outpost Nunatak; PCA = Pecora Escarpment; PGP = Purgatory Peak; RKP = Reckling Peak; TIL = Thiel Mountains. Classification: by SJ.B. Reed and S.O. Agrell (*); by S.G. McKinley and K. Keil (**). Abbreviations: n.d. = no data. NOTE: While this monograph was in press PCA82500 was reclassified from LL6 to C4. 115 116 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE A.?Meteorites listed by source area in numerical sequence (fractions of grams in weight dropped unless total weight is less than 1 gram). Specimen 11 LJ.111 UC1 ALHA 76001 76002 76003 76004 76005 76006 76007 76008 76009 77001 77002 77003 77004 77005 77007** 77008** 77009 77010 77011 77012 77013** 77014 77015 77016** 77017** 77018** 77019** 77021 77022** 77023** 77025 77026** 77027** 77029** 77031** 77033 77034** 77036** 77038** 77039** 77041** 77042** 77043** 77045** 77046** 77047** Weight (g) 20151 1510 10495 305 1425 1137 410 1150 407000 252 235 779 2230 482 99 93 235 295 291 180 23 308 411 78 77 51 .59 16 16 21 19 20 3 1 0.5 9 1 8 18 8 16 20 11 17 7 20 Class and type L6 I L6 LL3 Eu H6 L6 H6 L6 L6 L5 C3 H4 Sh H5 L6 H4 H4 L3 H5 L3 H5 L3 H5 H5 H5 L6 H5 H5 H5 H5 L6 L6 C3 L3 L3 L3 L3 H5 H5 LL6 H5 L3 H5 H6 L3 %Fain olivine 25 25 0-34 18 24 19 24 25 25 4-48 17-20 28 19.1 24.6 18 18 4-36 18 9-28 18 1-21 18.6 18.8 19.0 24.9 18 19.1 19.1 18 24.3 25.0 23.0 n.d. 8-38 n.d. n.d. 19.0 18.5 30.7 19.0 1-37 18.7 19.0 n.d. %Fsin pyroxene 21 21 0-53 37-57 16 21 17 21 21 22 2-25 15-27 23 16.7 20.6 16 15-18 1-33 16 1-35 17 4-24 17.1 16.3 17.0 21.4 17 17.0 16.8 17 20.7 21.5 2.6 n.d. 8-9 n.d. n.d. 17.1 16.3 25.1 16.6 1-28 17.0 16.7 n.d. Degree of weathering A A A A C B B/C B B B A C A B A C C C C B C C B B B/C B/C C A B C B/C B/C A/B B/C cB/C B A/B A/B A A/B B/C A A/B C Specimen ni inn rif*T*HUH lUv 1 77049** 77050** 77051** 77052** 77054** 77056** 77058** 77060** 77061 77062 77063** 77064 77066** 77069** 77070** 77071 77073** 77074 77076** 77078** 77079** 77081 77082** 77084** 77085** 77086 77087** 77088 77089** 77091** 77092** 77094**77096** 77098** 77100** 77101** 77102 77104**77106** 77108** 77111** 77112** 77113**77114** 77115** 77117**77118 Weight (g) 7 84 15 112 10 12 3 64 12 16 2 6 4 0.8 18 10 10 12 1 7 7 8 12 44 45 19 30 51 7 4 45 6 2 8 8 3 12 67 0.7 52 21 2 44 154 20 7 Class and type L3 L3 H5 L3 H5 H4 H5 LL5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 L6 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H? H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 L6 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H6 H5 H5 H5 L3 L5 H5 %Fain olivine n.d. n.d. 18.8 n.d. 18.5 18.8 18.8 28.1 18 18 18.0 18 19.0 25.4 18.4 18 18.8 18 19.5 19.5 18.2 11 19.3 18.8 18.8 19 19.0 19 25.5 18.9 18.5 18.518.7 18.7 19.2 18.6 19 18.918.8 18.5 19.0 18.7 18.719.6 n.d. 24.4 19 %Fsin pyroxene n.d. n.d. 16.5 n.d. 16.9 16.3 16.1 23.2 17 17 16.8 17 17.4 21.4 16.8 17 17.7 17 16.1 16.7 15.8 11 16.5 16.8 17.6 17 16.7 17 21.4 16.1 16.5 16.217.1 16.7 16.4 17.0 15 16.916.5 15.9 16.6 16.7 18.417.2 n.d. 21.017 Degree of weathering B/C B/C A B/C B A/B B A B B B B A B/C B B A/B B B B A B A/B A/B B C B C B B/C A BA B A/B B B AA/B A/B A/B A B B B/C A/B C NUMBER 26 117 TABLE A.?Continued. Specimen nil tn h/^T" 11 U 111 U\Z1 77119 77120** 77122** 77124 77125** 77126** 77127** 77129** 77130** 77131** 77132** 77133** 77134** 77136** 77138** 77139** 77140 77142** 77143** 77144 77146** 77147** 77148 77149** 77150 77151** 77152** 77153** 77155 77156** 77157** 77158** 77159** 77160 77161** 77162** 77163** 77164 77165 77166** 77167 77168** 77170** 77171** 77173** 77174** 77175** 77176** 77177 Weight (g) 6 3 4 4 18 25 3 1 24 25 115 18 19 3 2 65 78 3 39 7 18 18 13 25 58 16 17 12 305 17 88 19 17 70 6 29 24 38 30 138 611 24 12 23 25 32 23 54 368 Class and type H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 L5 H5 H5 H6 H5 H6 H6 H5 H5 H5 L3 H5 H5 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 L6 H5 H5 H5 L6 E4 H6 H5 L6 L3 H5 L6 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 H5 L3 H5 H5 H5 L3 L3 H5 %Fa in olivine 18 18.5 19.1 19 17.2 18.3 25.0 18.9 18.9 19.2 19.0 19.0 18.9 19.1 19.2 18.6 8-44 18.9 18.7 19 18.9 19.0 18 19.1 25 18.9 18.7 19.2 24 0.8 18.6 18.9 24.4 3-46 19.3 25.3 n.d. 6-39 8-33 n.d. 2-41 19.0 n.d. 18.9 19.1 18.3 n.d. 0.3-34 18 %Fs in pyroxene 17 16.0 16.8 16 15.5 16.2 21.1 16.6 16.5 16.8 16.9 17.0 16.7 16.4 17.0 16.4 2-17 17.1 16.2 17 16.9 16.6 16 16.9 22 16.4 16.9 16.7 20 1.5 15.7 16.9 20.8 6-40 17.1 20.9 n.d. 3-41 6-35 n.d. 3-17 16.5 n.d. 17.0 17.0 16.0 n.d. 1-37 16 Degree of weathering C A/B B C A/B A/B B B A A/B A/B A A A/B A A/B C A/B A/B B A/B A/B C A/B C A A A A/B A A/B B A/B C B A B/C C C C C B B/C A/B B A B/C B C Specimen n u m oer 77178** 77180 77181** 77182 77183 77184** 77185** 77186** 77187** 77188** 77190 77191 77192 77193** 77195** 77197** 77198** 77200** 77201** 77202** 77205** 77207** 77208 77209** 77211** 77212** 77213** 77214 77215 77216 77217 77218** 77219 77220** 77221 77222** 77223 77224 77225 77226 77227** 77228** 77230 77231 77232 77233 77235** 77237** 77239** Weight (g) 5 190 33 1134 288 127 28 122 52 109 387 642 845 6 4 20 7 0.9 15 2 3 4 1733 31 26 16 8 2111 819 1470 413 45 637 69 229 125 207 786 5878 15323 16 19 2473 9270 6494 4087 4 4 19 Class and type L3 L6 H5 H5 H6 H5 L3 H5 H5 H5 H4 H4 H4 H5 H5 L3 L6 H6 H5 H5 H5 H5 H4 H6 L3 H6 H5 L3 L3 L3 L3 L5 M H5 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H5 H5 L4 L6 H4 H4 H5 H5 H6 %Fa in olivine 1-36 24 20.0 19 19 17.8 n.d. 18.8 18.1 18.1 17-19 16-18 16-18 19.0 18.9 10-27 24.4 19.7 18.8 18.6 18.8 17.8 17 18.8 n.d. 18.9 18.6 1-49 22-26 15-35 17-25 23.4 26 17.7 15 18.0 17 19 17 18 18.9 18.5 22-25 24 17 14-21 18.9 18.5 18.7 %Fs in pyroxene 2-40 20 17.3 17 16 15.9 n.d. 16.0 16.3 16.1 15-22 14-16 15-21 15.7 16.4 4-21 20.6 17.6 15.3 16.6 16.7 16.7 14 16.4 n.d. 17.0 16.5 4-23 9-21 14-23 9-26 19.1 24-28 16.0 13-15 15.3 15-23 17 16 16 16.6 16.3 18-29 21 15 15-17 16.7 15.8 15.9 Degree of weathering B/C C B C C B A/B A/B A/B A/B C C C A A A/B B C A B B A/B C B B/C A/B A C B A/B B A B B C A/B C C C C A B C A/B C C A/B A B 118 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE A.?Continued. Specimen number 77240** 77241** 77242** 77244** 77245** 77246** 77247** 77248** 77249 77250 77251** 77252 77253** 77254 77255 77256 77257 77258 77259 77260 77261 77262 77263 77264 77265** 77266** 77267** 77268 77269 77270 77271 77272 77273 77274 77275** 77277 77278 77279** 77280 77281 77282 77283 77284 77285 77286 77287 77288 77289 77290 Weight (g) 25 144 56 39 33 41 44 96 503 10555 68 343 23 245 765 676 1995 597 294 744 411 861 1669 11 18 108 103 272 1045 588 609 674 492 288 24 142 312 174 3226 1231 4127 10510 376 271 245 230 1880 2186 3784 Class and type H5 L3 H5 L3 H5 J6 H5 H6 L3 I L6 L3 H5 L5 I Di Ur H6 H5 L3 L6 H4 I H5 H5 H5 L5 H5 L6 L6 H6 L6 L6 H5 H5 L6 LL3 H5 L6 L6 L6 1 L6 H6 H4 H5 H6 I 1 %Fa in olivine 18.8 n.d. 18.8 n.d. 19.2 19.2 18.8 18.7 7-35 25.0 22-28 19.2 23 13 18 18 7-23 24 15-19 19 17.6 19.6 24.7 18 24 24 18 24 24 18 18.3 24 11-29 18.8 24 24 24 25 18 17 18 19 %Fsin pyroxene 16.0 n.d. 16.2 n.d. 17.2 16.5 16.4 16.7 2-25 21.3 2-22 16.9 20 23 12 16 15 1-28 21 13-16 16 15.9 17.7 20.9 16 22 21 16 20 20 16 15.6 20 9-21 17.1 21 20 20 21 16 12-16 16 17 Degree of weathering A C B B/C A/B B A/B B/C C B B A/B A/B A/B A B/C C C B B/C A/B B B A C B A/B C B/C B C A A/B A A B B B A/B C C C C Specimen nil nvrM^T*11 It 111 L/C 1 77291** 77292 77293** 77294 77295** 77296 77297 77299 77300 77301** 77302 77303** 77304 77305 77306 77307 78004* 78006 78015* 78019 78027* 78038 78039 78040 78042 78043 78044 78045 78047* 78048 78050 78052* 78053 78074 78075 78076 78077 78078 78081* 78084 78085 78086* 78088* 78090* 78092* 78094* 78096* 78098* Weight (g) 5 199 109 1351 141 963 951 260 234 55 235 78 650 6444 19 181 35 8 34 30 29 363 299 211 214 680 164 396 130 190 1045 97 179 200 280 275 330 290 17 14280 219 9 5 7 16 4 7 2 Class and type H5 L6 L6 H5 E4 L6 L6 H3 H5 L6 Eu L3 L4 L6 C2 C3 H5 Ho LL(?L)3 Ur H5 L3 L6 Eu L6 L6 L4 L6 H5 L6 L6 H5 H4 L6 H5 H6 H4 L6 H5 H4 H5 H6 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 %Fa in olivine 18.9 24 24.7 17 0.8 24 24 11-21 18 24.9 n.d. 18-27 24 1-45 1-30 19.2 8-35 22 19.3 4-42 24 24 25 23-25 25 18.8 24 23 17.9 17 24 18 18 19 24 19.1 18 18 19.0 18.8 18.7 19.0 19.1 18.9 18.9 %Fsin Degree of pyroxene weathering 15.9 20 20.9 15 1.7 21 20 15-20 16 20.9 37-64 n.d. 13-19 21 1 1-12 25-61 18 2-19 21 33-52 20 21 19-24 21 21 20 16 21 16 16 15-18 20 8-24 16 A B B A B A/B A A C A A B/C B B/C A A A B/C C B A B B B/C B/C B A/B B C C B B/C B C A/B B/C B NUMBER 26 119 TABLE A.?Continued. Specimen number 78100 78102 78103 78104 78105 78106 78107 78108 78109 78110 78111 78112 78113 78114 78115 78116* 78121* 78125* 78126 78127 78128 78130 78131 78132 78134 78135* 78139* 78142* 78147* 78153 78158 78160* 78165 78188 78193 78196 78209 78211 78213 78215 78221 78223 78225 78227 78229 78231 78233 78251 78252 Weight (g) 85 336 589 672 941 464 198 172 233 160 126 2485 298 808 847 127 30 18 606 194 154 2733 268 656 458 130 17 31 30 151 15 16 20 0.9 13 11 12 11 9 6 5 6 4 2 1 1 1 1312 2789 Class and type I H5 L6 L6 L6 L6 H5 H5 LL5 H5 H5 L6 Au L6 H6 H5 H5 L6 L6 L6 H5 L6 L6 Eu H4 H6 H5 L5 H5,6 LL6 Eu H5 Eu L3 H4 H4 H5 H6 H6 H6 H5 H4 H5 H5 H6 H6 H5 L6 I %Fain olivine 18 24 24 23 24 18 18 28 18 18 25 0 25 18 18.7 19.2 25.0 25 24 19 25 25 18 19.0 19.3 24.2 19.4 29 19.3 1-34 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 23 %Fs in pyroxene 17 20 20 20 20 17 16 23 16 16 20 0 20 16 21 20 17 21 21 40-68 15-20 24 40-68 37-61 5-29 16 16 15 16 15 16 16 16 16 16 15 16 16 20 Degree of weathering B/C B B B A/B C B A/B B/C B/C B A/B B/C B B B B B/C C B/C B/C A B/C B B/C A A C B/C B/C B/C B B B/C B B B B/C B B/C B/C B Specimen m irnHpri luinu\~ i 78261 78262 79001 79002 79003 79004 79005 79006 79007 79008 79009 79010 79011 79012 79013 79014 79015 79016 79017 79018 79019 79020 79021 79022 79023 79024 79025 79026 79027 79028 79029 79031 79032 79033 79034 79035 79036 79037 79038 79039 79040 79041 79042 79043 79045 79046 79047 79048 Weight (g) 5 26 32 222 5 34 60 40 142 12 75 25 14 191 28 10 64 1146 310 120 12 4 29 31 68 21 1208 572 133 16 505 2 2 208 12 37 20 14 49 108 13 20 11 62 115 89 19 36 Class and type C2 Ur L3 H6 LL3 H5 H6 H5 L6 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H6 Eu L6 H6 H6 H5 L3,4 H4 H6 H5 H5 L6 H6 H5 H5 H5 L6 H6 H4 H5 H6 H5 H4 H5 H5 H5 L6 L3 H5 H5 H5 %Fa in olivine 0-50 22 6-39 16 10-38 16 18 18 23 17 18 17 18 17 18 18 17 17 23 17 17 18 1-28 17 17 17 18 24 18 18 16 16 24 18 17 18 18 17 16 18 18 18 23 2-38 18 18 18 %Fs in pyroxene 1-8 19 2-31 18 5-26 14 16 15 19 15 15 15 16 15 16 16 15 15 28-53 20 15 15 17 9-22 14-17 15 15 16 20 16 16 14 14 20 16 14-18 16 16 15 15 15 16 16 20 2-29 15 15 16 Degree of weathering A B/C C C B B/C B B/C A/B B C B/C B/C C C B B B/C A B/C B B/C B A/B B/C C C B B B C C C B B B B B C B B B B C C B B B 120 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE A.?Continued. Specimen number 79049 79050 79051 79052 79053 79054 79055 80101 80102 80103 80104 80105 80106 80107 80108 80110 80111 80112 80113 80114 80115 80116 80117 80118 80119 80120 80121 80122 80123 80124 80125 80126 80127 80128 80129 80130 80131 80132 80133 81001 81002 81003 81004 81005 81006 81007 81008 81009 Weight (g) 54 27 24 22 86 36 15 8725 471 535 882 445 432 177 124 167 42 330 312 232 306 191 89 2 33 60 39 49 27 11 139 34 47 138 93 5 19 152 3 52 14 10 4 31 254 163 43 229 Class and type H6 H5 H5 L6 H5 H5 H6 L6 Eu L6 I L6 H4 L6 L6 L6 H5 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 H6 L6 L6 H4 H6 H5 H5 L6 H6 H5 H4 H5 H6 H4 H5 L3 Eu C2 C3 C2 A Eu Eu Eu Eu %Fa in olivine 18 18 18 23 17 18 18 24 24 24 19 24 24 24 18 24 24 24 24 24 24 17 24 24 19 18 18 18 24 19 18 18 18 18 19 18 1-35 0-52 0-60 0-52 11-40 %Fsin pyroxene 16 15 15 20 15 16 16 20 34-52 20 20 16-19 20 20 20 16 20 20 20 20 20 20 15 20 20 17 16 16 16 20 17 16 15-20 15 16 16-22 16 5-30 59 0-2 1 0-2 7-47 35-60 38-55 32-59 30-63 Degree of weathering C C c B/C B/C B B/C B A B B C B B B B B B B B/C B u MJ B B B/C B/Cc B/C A/B B B B B/C B B B A A A/B A/B A/B A A/B A/B A Specimen n I i m r^f*T1 IUI1I U\~. 1 81010 81011 81012 81013 81014 81015 81016 81017 81018 81019 81020 81021 81022 81023 81024 81025 81026 81027 81028 81029 81030 81031 81032 81033 81034 81035 81036 81037 81038 81039 81040 81041 81042 81043 81044 81045 81046 81047 81048 81049 81050 81051 81052 81053 81054 81055 81056 81057 81058 Weight (g) 219 405 36 17727 188 5489 3850 1434 2236 1051 1352 695 912 418 797 379 515 3835 80 153 1851 1594 726 252 254 256 252 320 229 205 194 728 534 106 386 90 16 81 190 8 25 43 28 2 2 4 1 8 66 Class and type Eu Eu Eu I I H5 L6 L5 L5 H5 H5 E6 H4 L5 L3 L3 L6 L6 L6 L6 L3 L3 L3 H5 H5 H6 H5 H6 H6 H5 L4 H4 H5 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 L3 H6 H6 H4 H4 H4 %Fain olivine 19 25 25 24 19 19 19 25 3-28 1-41 25 25 25 25 1-49 1-43 0-42 18 19 19 19 20 19 19 25 18 19 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 1-29 19 19 19 19 18 %Fs in pyroxene 31-57 33-60 33-62 16 21 21 21 16 16 0-1 17 21 2-24 3-40 21 21 21 21 5-33 3-35 2-14 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 21 15-23 17 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 1-42 17 16 17 13-21 15 Degree of weathering A A/B A/B B B B B B/C B A B/C B C C B C B C B/C C C C B C C B C A/B B/C C C B/C C C C B/C B/C B/C C B/C C C B B B B C NUMBER 26 121 TABLE A.?Continued. Specimen number 81059 81060 81061 81062 81063 81064 81065 81066 81067 81068 81069 81070 81071 81072 81073 81074 81075 81076 81077 81078 81079 81080 81081 81082 81083 81084 81085 81086 81087 81088 81089 81090 81091 81092 81093 81094 81095 81096 81097 81098 81099 81100 81101 81102 81103 81104 81105 81106 81107 Weight (g) 539 28 23 0.5 4 191 13 8 227 23 7 3 2 3 3 7 15 10 4 5 7 16 5 5 6 15 16 5 8 3 11 9 12 15 271 152 58 83 79 70 151 154 119 196 136 183 92 48 139 Class and type M L3 L3 H5 H5 H5 L3 L3 H5 H4 L3 H5 H5 H5 H4 H4 H5 H6 H5 H6 H6 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 L3 H6 L3 H5 H5 H5 H5 H4 H6 H6 H4 H6 H4 M L6 H5 Ur H6 H6 H4 H4 L6 L6 %Fain olivine 28 2-28 3-33 18 18 18 10-41 1-44 19 19 4-38 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 1-39 19 2-29 19 19 19 19 19 20 19 18 19 18 25 19 10-22 19 19 19 18 24 24 %Fsin pyroxene 25-32 5-27 5-27 16 16 15 5-24 1-25 17 16 1-31 17 17 17 8-18 16 17 16 17 16 16 17 17 17 16 16 2-25 16 3-31 17 17 16 16 17 17 16 16 17 16 28 21 17 17 17 17 16 20 21 Degree of weathering C C B/C C B/C C B/C C C B B/C B/C B B/C B/C B B B B B/C C A/B B B B B C BB/C B B B B B A/B C B/C B B C A/B B A/B B/C B/C C C B B Specimen number 81108 81109 81110 81111 81112 81113 81114 81115 81116 81117 81118 81119 81120 81121 81122 81123 81124 81125 81126 81127 81136 81153 81154 81158 81251 82100 82101 BTNA 78001 78002 78004 DRPA 78001 78002 78003 78004 78005 78006 78007 78008 78009 EETA 79001 79002 79003 79004 79005 Weight (g) 69 1 3 210 150 111 79 154 1 32 84 107 13 88 20 2 9 10 21 15 1 4 1 2 158 24 29 160 4301 1079 15200 7188 144 133 18600 389 11800 59400 138100 7942 2843 435 390 450 Class and type H5 H4 H5 H6 H6 H5 H4 H5 H5 H4 H5 L4 H5 L3 L6 LL6 H5 H5 H5 H6 H5 L5 H6 H5 LL3 C2 C3 L6 L6 LL6 I I I I I I I I I Sh Di L6 Eu Eu %Fain olivine 18 19 19 19 19 18 18 19 19 18 19 24 18 8-40 25 30 19 19 19 19 20 24 19 19 1-29 1-47 1-50 24 24 30 23-27 24-25 24 %Fsin pyroxene 16 17 17 17 17 16 16 17 17 14-21 16 21 16 1-24 21 25 17 17 16 17 17 21 17 17 2-28 1-2 1-10 21 20 24 16-67 22 20 30-61 30-61 Degree of weathering B B B/C B/C B/C B/C B/C C B B B/C B B/C B B B B B B B/C B B B B/C B/C A A B B B A B B B A 122 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE A.?Continued. Specimen number 79006 79007 79009 79010 79011 82600 MBRA 76001 76002 META 78001 78002 78003 78005 78006 78007 78010 78028 OTTA 80301 PCA 82500 82501 82502 PGPA 77006 RKPA 78001 78002 78003 78004 79001 79002 79003 79004 79008 79009 79012 79013 79014 79015 80201 80202 80203 Weight (g) 716 199 140 287 86 247 4108 13773 624 542 1726 172 409 174 233 20657 35 90 54 890 19068 234 8483 1276 166 3006 203 182 370 73 55 12 11 77 10022 813 544 3 Class and type Ho H5 L5 L6 Eu Ho H6 H6 H4 L6 L6 L6 H6 H6 H5 L6 H3 LL6 Eu Eu I L6 H4 L6 H4 L6 L6 H6 H5 L3 H6 H6 L5 H5 M H6 L6 H6 %Fa in olivine 18 24 24 18 18 17 23 24 24 18 19 19 25 17-19 31 23 18 23 17 23 24 18 18 1-29 18 18 23 18 19 24 19 %Fsin pyroxene 19-57 16 20 20 30-61 22-53 16 16 14-21 20 21 20 15 17 17 21 4-19 41-57 36-61 20 15 20 14-21 20 20 16 16 2-28 16 16 20 16 24 16 20 17 Degree of weathering B B B B B A B B B/C B B B C B/C B B B B A A C B C A B B B B/C B C B B/C B/C A/B B B C Specimen number 80204 80205 80206 80207 80208 80209 80210 80211 80213 80214 80215 80216 80217 80218 80219 80220 80221 80222 80223 80224 80225 80226 80227 80228 80229 80230 80231 80232 80233 80234 80235 80236 80237 80238 80239 80240 80241 80242 80243 80244 80245 80246 80247 80248 80249 80250 80251 80252 80253 Weight (g) 15 53 46 17 10 9 10 2 19 4 9 44 7 6 21 124 51 6 25 8 8 160 7 11 14 58 238 80 413 136 261 15 22 18 5 61 0.6 7 3 14 36 5 1 11 9 3 29 11 4 Class and type Eu H3 H6 H3 H6 L5 H5 H6 H6 H6 L6 L4 H5 H5 L6 H5 H6 LL6 H5 Eu L6 I H5 L5 M H5 H6 H4 H5 LL5 LL6 H5 H4 LL6 Ur H5 C3 L4 H5 H5 H5 M H5 LL6 H5 H5 H5 L6 LL5 %Fa in olivine 17-20 19 15-29 19 25 19 19 19 19 24 23 18 18 25 18 19 28 18 25 19 23 18 18 18 18 26 30 18 18 28 16 18 1-6 22 18 18 18 18 27 17 17 17 24 27 %Fs in pyroxene 52-57 5-13 17 6-28 17 21 16 17 17 17 20 20 15 15 21 16 17 23 16 54 21 16 19 24 16 16 16 16 22 24 16 16 23 15 16 1-8 19 16 16 16 24 16 23 15 15 15 20 22 Degree of weathering A B C C B C B/C C B/C C C Bc c B B/C cB cA/B C B/C C C B C B B/C B A/B B/C C A/B B C B B/C C C B/C C C A/B B/C B/C B A/B A/B NUMBER 26 123 TABLE A.?Continued. Specimen number 80254 80255 80256 80257 80258 80259 80260 80261 80262 Weight (g) 68 6 153 8 4 20 7 61 32 Class and type H6 H6 L3 H5 M E5 H5 L6 H6 %Fain olivine 19 19 20-25 17 18 24 19 %Fsin pyroxene 17 17 10-26 15 17-21 0-1 16 20 17 Degree of weathering C C B B/C B/C B/C C B C Specimen nil m Y^f* T*11U111 U\Z 1 80263 80264 80265 80266 80267 80268 TIL 82403 Weight (g) 16 23 7 9 24 3 49 Class and type M L6 H6 H6 H4 L5 Eu %Fain olivine 24 19 19 19 24 %Fsin Degree of pyroxene weathering 24 20 17 17 16 20 43-58 C B C B/C C B/C A 124 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE B.?Meteorites listed by class and source area in numerical sequence (fractions of grams weight dropped unless total weight is less than 1 gram). Specimennumber ALHA77306 ALHA78261 ALHA81002 ALHA81004 ALHA82100 ALHA77307 ALHA77003 ALHA77029** ALHA82101 ALHA81003 RKPA80241 ALHA77156** ALHA77295 RKPA80259 ALHA81021 ALHA77299 OTTA80301 RKPA80205 ALHA77004 ALHA77009 ALHA77O1O ALHA77056** ALHA77190 ALHA77191 ALHA77192 ALHA77208 ALHA77221 ALHA77222** ALHA77223 ALHA77224 ALHA77225 ALHA77226 ALHA77232 ALHA77233 ALHA77262 ALHA77286 ALHA78053 ALHA78077 ALHA78084 ALHA78134 ALHA78193 ALHA78196 , ALHA78223 Weight (g) 19 5 14 4 24 181 779 1 29 10 0.6 17 141 20 695 260 35 53 2230 235 295 12 387 642 845 1733 229 125 207 786 5878 15323 6494 4087 861 245 179 330 14280 458 13 11 6 Classand type C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 E4 E4 E5 E6 H3 H3 H3 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 Degree of weathering A A A A/B A A A A/B A A/B B B B B/C A A B/C B C C C A/B C C cc c A/B C cc cc c B/C cc c B/C B/C B/C B/C B Degree of fracturing CHON A A B A A A A A/B A/B B B B A B B C A A C B/C C C A C C cc c B B B B B B B/C A B B Specimennumber DRrTES ALHA79023 ALHA79035 ALHA79039 ALHA80106 ALHA80121 ALHA80128 ALHA80131 ALHA81022 ALHA81041 ALHA81043 ALHA81044 ALHA81045ALHA81046 ALHA81047 ALHA81048 ALHA81049 ALHA81050ALHA81051 ALHA81052 ALHA81056 ALHA81057 ALHA81058 ALHA81068 ALHA81073 ALHA81074 ALHA81092 ALHA81095 ALHA81097 ALHA81104 ALHA81105 ALHA81109 ALHA81114 ALHA81117 META78001 RKPA78002 RKPA78004 RKPA80232 RKPA80237 RKPA80267 ALHA79004 ALHA77OO7** ALHA77012 ALHA77014 ALHA77016** ALHA77017** Weight (g) 68 37 108 432 39 138 19 912 728 106 386 90 16 81 190 8 25 43 28 1 8 66 23 3 7 15 58 79 183 92 1 79 32 624 8483 166 80 22 24 34 99 180 308 78 77 Classand type H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 Degree of weathering B/C B B C B/C B B B/C C B/C C C C B/C B/C B/C C B/C C B B C B B/C B B B/C B C C B B/C B B/C B A B C C B/C B C C B B Degree of fracturing C B B B C B/C B A C C C B/C B/C B/C B/C B C B B A A C A A B A C A C B/C A B/C B/C B A/B A A B A B A B/C NUMBER 26 125 TABLE B.?Continued Specimennumber ALHA77018** ALHA77021 ALHA77022** ALHA77O23** ALHA77025 ALHA77038** ALHA77039** ALHA77042** ALHA77045** ALHA77051** ALHA77054** ALHA77058** ALHA77061 ALHA77062 ALHA77063** ALHA77064 ALHA77066** ALHA77070** ALHA77071 ALHA77073** ALHA77074 ALHA77076** ALHA77078** ALHA77079** ALHA77082** ALHA77084** ALHA77085** ALHA77086 ALHA77087** ALHA77088 ALHA77091** ALHA77092** ALHA77094** ALHA77096** ALHA77098** ALHA77100** ALHA771O1** ALHA77102 ALHA77104** ALHA77106** ALHA77108** ALHA77112** ALHA77113** ALHA77114** ALHA77118 ALHA77119 ALHA77120** ALHA77122** Weight (g) 51 16 16 21 19 18 8 20 17 15 10 3 12 16 2 6 4 18 10 10 12 1 7 7 12 44 45 19 30 51 4 45 6 2 8 8 3 12 6 7 0.7 21 2 44 7 6 3 4 Classand type H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 i*- be Degree o weatherin B/C C A B C A/B A/B A/B A A B B B B B B A B B A/B B B B A A/B A/B B C B C B/C A B A B A/B B B A A/B A/B A B B C C A/B B Degree o fracturinj A B A B B B B B B B B B Specimennumber ALHA77124 ALHA77125** ALHA77126** ALHA77129** ALHA77130** ALHA77132** ALHA77136** ALHA77138** ALHA77139** ALHA77142** ALHA77143** ALHA77151** ALHA77152** ALHA77153** ALHA77158** ALHA77161** ALHA77168** ALHA77171** ALHA77173** ALHA77174** ALHA77177 ALHA77181** ALHA77182 ALHA77184** ALHA77186** ALHA77187** ALHA77188** ALHA77193** ALHA77195** ALHA77201** ALHA77202** ALHA772O5** ALHA77207** ALHA77213** ALHA77220** ALHA77227**1 ALHA77228** ALHA77235** ALHA77237** ALHA77240** ALHA77242** ALHA77245** ALHA77247** ALHA77253** ALHA77259 ALHA77264 ALHA77265** ALHA77266** Weight (g) 4 18 25 1 24 115 3 2 65 3 39 16 17 12 19 6 24 23 25 32 368 33 1134 127 122 52 109 6 4 15 2 3 4 8 69 16 19 4 4 25 56 33 44 23 294 11 18 108 Classand type H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 i*- bo Degree o weatherin C A/B A/B B A A/B A/B A A/B A/B A/B A A A B B B A/B B A C B C B A/B A/B A/B A A A B B A/B A B A B A/B A A B A/B A/B A/B C A/B B B Degree o fracturinj A A B B A 126 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE B.?Continued Specimennumber ALHA77268 ALHA77274 ALHA77275** ALHA77279** ALHA77287 ALHA77291** ALHA77294 ALHA773OO ALHA78004* ALHA78027* ALHA78047* ALHA78052* ALHA78075 ALHA78081* ALHA78085 ALHA78088* ALHA78090* ALHA78092* ALHA78094* ALHA78096* ALHA78098* ALHA78102 ALHA78107 ALHA78108 ALHA78110 ALHA78111 ALHA78116* ALHA78121* ALHA78128 ALHA78139* ALHA78160* ALHA78209 ALHA78221 ALHA78225 ALHA78227 ALHA78233 ALHA79006 ALHA79008 ALHA79009 ALHA79010 ALHA79011 ALHA79012 ALHA79013 ALHA79014 ALHA79015 ALHA79021 ALHA79025 ALHA79026 Weight (g) 272 288 24 174 230 5 1351 234 35 29 130 97 280 17 219 5 7 16 4 7 2 336 198 172 160 126 127 30 154 17 16 12 5 4 2 1 40 12 75 25 14 191 28 10 64 29 1208 572 Classand type H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 t4_, be gree o itheriri Q % C C A A C A A C B C B/C B B/C C B B/C B/C B C B/C B B B/C B/C B/C B C B/C B/C C C B B B C B <*- bo0 g E 3 be