SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES ? NUMBER 2 Field and Laboratory Investigations of Meteorites from Victoria Land and the Thiel Mountains Region, Antarctica, 1982-1983 and 1983-1984 Ursula B. Marvin and Glenn J. MacPherson EDITORS SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION PRESS Washington, D.C. 1989 MAR 0 a 1989 ABSTRACT Marvin, Ursula B., and Glenn J. MacPherson, editors. Field and Laboratory Investigations of Meteorites from Victoria Land and the Thiel Mountains Region, Antarctica, 1982-1983 and 1983-1984. Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, number 28, 146 pages, frontispiece, 86 figures, 14 tables, 1989.?This monograph describes the meteorite collecting activities of the United States Antarctic Search for Meteorites (ANSMET) expeditions of the 1982-1983 and 1983-1984 field seasons. Descriptions and classifications are given of most specimens collected during the 1982-1983 season and some of those collected in the 1983-1984 season. Articles are included reviewing topics such as Antarctic achondrites, carbonaceous chondrites, meteorite weathering under polar conditions, trace element contents of Antarctic meteorites in comparison with those found elsewhere, and the meteorite pairing problem. One chapter describes the crystalline fabric of the ice surrounding a meteorite discovered emerging at the surface. The Appendix lists all ANSMET specimens classified as of June 1984, in numerical order for each locality and by meteorite class. The Appendix also includes a tentative list of paired specimens. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION DATE is handstamped in a limited number of initial copies and is recorded in the Institution's annual report, Smithsonian Year. SERIES COVER DESIGN: Aerial view of Ulawun Volcano, New Britain. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Field and laboratory investigations of meteorites from Victoria Land and the Thiel Mountains Region, Antarctica, 1982-1983 and 1983-1984. (Smithsonian contributions to the earth sciences ; no. 28) "This monograph describes the meteorite collecting activities of the United States Antarctic Search for Meteorites (ANSMET) expeditions of the 1982-1983 and 1983-1984 field seasons"?P. Bibliography: p. 1. Meteorites?Antarctic regions?Victoria Land. 2. Meteorites?Antarctic regions?Thiel Mountains Re- gion. I. Marvin, Ursula B. II. MacPherson, Glenn J. III. Series. QE1.S227 no. 28 550s 88-600361 [QB755.5.A6] [523.5'1] Contents Page 1. EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION, by Ursula B. Marvin and Glenn J. MacPherson ... 1 2. THE 1982-1983 ANTARCTIC SEARCH FOR METEORITES (ANSMET) FIELD PROGRAM, by William A. Cassidy 5 3. THE EXPEDITION TO THE THIEL MOUNTAINS AND PECORA ESCARPMENT, 1982-1983, by John W. Schutt 9 4. EXTENSION OF THE ALLAN HILLS TRIANGULATION NETWORK SYSTEM, by John O. Annexstad and Kristine M. Annexstad 17 5. THE FIELD SEASON IN VICTORIA LAND, 1983-1984, by Robert F. Fudali and John W. Schutt 23 6. DESCRIPTIONS OF STONY METEORITES, by Brian Mason, Glenn J. MacPherson, Roberta Score, Carol Schwarz, and Jeremy S. Delaney 29 7. DESCRIPTIONS OF SOME ANTARCTIC IRON METEORITES, by Roy S. Clarke, Jr.. 61 8. OVERVIEW OF SOME ACHONDRTTE GROUPS, by Jeremy S. Delaney and Martin Prinz 65 9. ANTARCTIC CARBONACEOUS CHONDRITES: NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR RESEARCH, by Harry Y. McSween, Jr 81 10. THE EMERGING METEORITE: CRYSTALLINE STRUCTURE OF THE ENCLOSING ICE, by Anthony J. Gow and William A. Cassidy 87 11. SIGNIFICANCE OF TERRESTRIAL WEATHERING EFFECTS IN ANTARCTIC METEORITES, by James L. Gooding 93 12. TRACE ELEMENT VARIATIONS BETWEEN ANTARCTIC (VICTORIA LAND) AND NON-ANTARCTIC METEORITES, by Michael E. Lipschutz 99 13. PAIRING OF METEORITES FROM VICTORIA LAND AND THE THIEL MOUNTAINS, ANTARCTICA, by Edward R.D. Scott 103 14. METEORITE DISTRIBUTIONS AT THE ALLAN HILLS MAIN ICEFIELD AND THE PAIRING PROBLEM, by Ursula B. Marvin 113 APPENDIX: Tables of ANSMET Meteorites 121 HI 2 cm FRONTISPIECE.?The emerging meteorite, ALH82102. Left: The meteorite sitting in its enclosing ice after the block had been sawn in half. Right: A thin section of the enclosing ice shown in cross-polarized light. Flattened, horizontal ice crystals curve upwards toward the mold of the meteorite at top left of the photo. (Both photographs are at the same scale.) Field and Laboratory Investigations of Meteorites from Victoria Land and the Thiel Mountains Region, Antarctica, 1982-1983 and 1983-1984 1. Editors' Introduction Ursula B. Marvin and Glenn J. MacPherson This is the fourth publication in the Smithsonian Con- tributions to the Earth Sciences series to present the results of the yearly United States Antarctic Search for Meteorites (ANSMET) expeditions to Antarctica. This issue describes the 1982-1983 and 1983-1984 field seasons in Victoria Land (at about 76?77/S, 159?E) and in the Thiel Mountains region, which lies nearer the South Pole at about 85?86'S, 90?W (Figure 1-1). It includes chapters describing and classifying the meteorites collected in these two seasons, and giving overviews of topics such as the range and character of Antarctic achondrites and carbonaceous chondrites, studies of meteorite weathering under polar conditions, and discussions of the difficult problem of pairing?identifying which specimens are fragments from the same meteorite fall. The first meteorite caught in the act of emerging at the surface of the ice is described, as is the crystalline fabric of the ice surrounding it. Appendix Table A lists all meteorites classified through June 1984 in numerical order for each locality; Appendix Table B lists specimens in consecutive order by meteorite class; and Appendix Table C lists those groups of paired specimens that are generally agreed upon at the present time. Paired groups should always be regarded as tentative because new analyses may identify specimens that do not belong to a group or additional specimens that do. The numbers and main categories of meteorite specimens collected in the 1982-1983 and 1983-1984 seasons are listed Ursula B. Marvin, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Mail Stop 52, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138. Glenn J. MacPherson, Department of Mineral Sciences, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560. in Table 1-1. Total numbers and aggregate weights of specimens of each meteorite class are given in Appendix Table B. The aggregate weights are of interest because of the inherent intractability of the pairing problem. We are unlikely ever to obtain secure counts of the number of falls of each meteorite class represented on the Antarctic stranding surfaces, and so we cannot compare numbers of Antarctic falls with those in the rest of the world. We can, however, obtain aggregate weights and, allowing for the vagaries of discovery, gain a general idea of how relative proportions of meteorite classes in the Antarctic collections compare with those found elsewhere. The system for naming Antarctic meteorites was changed in 1982 by the dropping of a letter (A, for example) to designate the collecting expedition. When the system was originally adopted, some members of the Nomenclature Committee looked forward optimistically to a time when two or more expeditions, from different countries or organizations, might visit an area such as the Allan Hills during the same season. They foresaw the need for a letter (A, B, C) to identify each one. Hence, letters and numbers in a name such as ALHA76001 were chosen to indicate place, expedition, year, and specimen number: ALH (Allan Hills), A (Expedition A), 76 (1976), 001 (Specimen 1). In practice, however, meteoriticists viewed the expedition letter as incomprehensible and unnecessary. It has been dropped for all meteorites collected after the 1981 season; thus, the first Allan Hills specimen of 1982 was ALH82001. The ANSMET program is governed by an interagency agreement between the National Science Foundation, the Smithsonian Institution, and the National Aeronautics and 1 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE 1-1.?Numbers of classified meteorite specimens collected in the 1982-1983 and 1983-1984 (in parentheses) seasons. Locality Ordinary Carbonaceouschondrites chondrites Achondrites Irons Allan Hills Elephant Moraine Pecora Escarpment Thiel Mountains* Taylor Glacier Inland Forts 39 (77) 16(183) 25 14 1 4(3) (3) 1 2(3) 1(15) 3 2 (3) *Thiel Mountains includes specimens collected at the Davies and Moulton Escarpments. Space Administration. At the request of the scientific community, procedures (based on those used for lunar samples) were adopted for collecting specimens by sterile techniques and keeping them frozen until they are processed in nitrogen-filled cabinets at the Johnson Space Center at Houston. Details of the field and laboratory procedures are outlined in the first publication in this series (Marvin and Mason, 1980). In order to distribute research samples quickly and widely, all newly classified specimens are described in the Antarctic Meteorite Newsletters; these are mailed, on request, to investigators throughout the world. Any scientist wishing to obtain samples may submit a request, describing the proposed research and the numbers, weights, and types of samples required, to the Meteorite Working Group, a committee with a rotating membership responsible for monitoring the program and allocating samples. Requests for the Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter or for research materials should be addressed to the Secretary, Meteorite Working Group, Lunar and Planetary Institute, 3303 NASA Road 1, Houston, Texas 77058. The Antarctic Meteorite Working Group meets twice each year, usually in April and September. Each issue of the newsletter publishes dates of meetings and deadlines for requests. Sample requests are welcome from all qualified scientists and are considered on the basis of their merit regardless of whether a scientist is funded for meteorite research. The allocation of Antarctic meteorite samples does not in any way commit a funding agency to support the proposed research. For references on Antarctic meteorites, see the earlier publications in this series (Marvin and Mason, 1980, 1982, 1984) and the computerized lists of publications from the Antarctic Meteorite Bibliography, which may be obtained on request from the Lunar and Planetary Institute, 3303 NASA Road 1, Houston, Texas 77058. The Antarctic Meteorite Bibliography references articles in Meteoritics, in the annual proceedings of the Lunar and Planetary Science conferences at Houston, the symposia on Antarctic Meteorites held by the National Institute of Polar Research in Tokyo, and numerous other sources. Libraries of polished thin sections are maintained in Washington, D.C., Houston, and Tokyo for the use of visitors who wish to make microscopic examinations. To obtain meteorite samples collected by parties sponsored by the Japanese Antarctic Research Expeditions, or to use the thin section library in Tokyo, contact Dr. Keizo Yanai, Curator, at the National Institute of Polar Research, 9-10 Kaga 1-chome, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo 173, Japan. To use the thin section library at the Johnson Space Center at Houston, contact the Secretary of the Meteorite Working Group at the address given above. To use the thin section library at the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560, contact Roy S. Clarke, Jr., Curator. Literature Cited Marvin, Ursula B., and Brian Mason, editors 1980. Catalog of Antarctic Meteorites, 1977-1978. Smithsonian Con- tributions to the Earth Sciences, 23: 50 pages. 1982. Catalog of Meteorites from Victoria Land, Antarctica, 1978-1980. Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, 24: 97 pages. 1984. Field and Laboratory Investigations of Meteorites from Victoria Land, Antarctica. Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, 26: 138 pages. NUMBER 28 Yamato M_ts Belgica 2 Ellsworth Mts Purgatory Peak (Dry Valleys) t. Baldr Man Hills eckling Peak lephant Moraine McMurdo Station Granite Harbor Antarctica KEY Continental Boundary Ice Shelf Border Major Glaciers Meteorite Find 180 500 km FIGURE 1-1.?Outline map of Antarctica showing sites of meteorite finds. Chance discoveries of four meteorites were made before deliberate searches began in 1973: Adelie Land, 1912, by Douglas Mawson; Lazarev, 1961, by a Soviet Union field party; Thiel Mountains, 1962, and Neptune Mountains, 1964, by U.S. field teams. The first concentration of different types of meteorites was found in 1969 on a blue icefield near the Yamato Mountains by Japanese scientists, who have since found thousands of specimens in the regions of the Yamato and Belgica mountains. ANSMET teams, working out of McMurdo Station, have found about 2000 specimens at the Allan Hills and other sites from Darwin Camp to Elephant Moraine and in the Thiel Mountains region. Individual meteorites have been found near Purgatory Peak, at Inland Forts in the Wright Dry Valley, and on the Taylor Glacier. These last two sites lie a short distance south of Purgatory Peak, too close to be distinguished on this map. 2. The 1982-1983 Antarctic Search for Meteorites (ANSMET) Field Program William A. C as sidy Introduction During December 1982 and January 1983, the ANSMET program fielded three teams. One made reconnaissance searches in the Thiel Mountains (85?15'S, 91?00/W)-Pecora Escarpment (85?38'S, 68?42AW) area to locate previously unknown stranding surfaces (see Chapter 3). The second team carried out systematic searches and made meteorite recoveries at known concentration sites such as the Allan Hills (76?43'S, 159?40'E) and Elephant Moraine (76?11'S, lSJ^O'E). The third team remeasured and extended a previously set triangula- tion grid at the Allan Hills (see Chapter 4). The bilateral collecting effort was designed to insure recoveries this season and in future years. The Allan Hills party collected meteorites, as had been expected, and the reconnaissance party located new stranding surfaces, as had been hoped. The Allan Hills-Elephant Moraine Excursion Members of this group were Vagn F. Buchwald of the Instituttet for Metallaere Danmarks Tekniske Hojskole at Lyngby, Denmark, Tony Meunier of the United States Geological Survey at Reston, Virginia, Carl Thompson, an alpinist from Methuen, New Zealand, and the writer. Three of us set out by helicopter for the Middle Western Icefield (76?50'S, 158?26'E) where the lunar meteorite, ALHA81005, had been found the year before. Because of a lack of surface landmarks, however, we were unable to identify that icefield with certainty and landed, instead, at the Allan Hills Far Western Icefield (16?54'S, lSV^l'E). This site is beyond the permitted limit for helicopter flights, but, at the time, we were unsure of our location. When we landed, the helicopter crewman hopped out and picked up a small meteorite, thereby establishing it as a site where meteorites could be found. (We believe he actually first saw the meteorite from the air and directed the pilot down to a landing alongside the specimen.) We had about half of our camp supplies with us and would William A. Cassidy, Department of Geology and Planetary Science, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260. have been able to stay, but we could not establish radio communications with McMurdo Station, and so we had to return, leaving our equipment and supplies at the site. Two days later we had another opportunity, and this time we succeeded in making radio contact with McMurdo and were allowed to stay. Vagn Buchwald remained in McMurdo temporarily and traveled as a passenger on a helicopter run to the head of the Taylor Glacier. Walking around the landing site, he was both startled and highly pleased to pick up a meteorite he found lying on the glacier ice. Thus, the field season for this group began with two accidental discoveries. Meanwhile, at the Far Western Icefield we were finding that our accidental discovery there had placed us on a very large area of exposed ice with many meteorite specimens scattered on its surface. The Far Western Icefield is a large, roughly W-shaped patch of ice about 75 km west of Allan Hills (Figure 2-1). Satellite photos show no areas of exposed ice farther west than this one. This site has a significant advantage in common with the Near and Middle Western Icefields, in that there is no source of terrestrial rocks upstream of it. Therefore, any rock found on its surface must be a meteorite. It appears to lie generally upstream of the Allan Hills Main Icefield. If so, any meteorites falling onto this surface, or being exposed here by ice ablation, should be transported to the Main Icefield over a period of time that would be measured by the horizontal flow rate of the ice. One would expect specimens recovered here to have younger terrestrial ages than those located closer to the Allan Hills barrier; one would expect also a more sparse distribution of specimens this far from the Allan Hills (cf. Whillans and Cassidy, 1983). In the several weeks available we could not cover the entire surface of this large patch of bare ice, so we concentrated on its southeastern end and the central exposure near our campsite. We recovered 45 specimens in all, establishing the Far Western Icefield as a productive meteorite stranding surface. Among the specimens recovered was a walnut-sized meteorite "caught in the act" of weathering out of the underlying ice: a minor part of the meteorite was already exposed, but most of it was SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES FIGURE 2-1.?Landsat photomap showing our field traverses, all meteorite stranding surfaces mentioned in this article, and the locations of six reference points determined by satellite Doppler positioning. (Illustration taken from 1972 NASA ERTS image E-l 128-28293-7, near infra-red band.) embedded in the ice. The significance of this occurrence and our treatment of the sample are described by Gow and Cassidy (Chapter 10). The Far Western Icefield is so far from the Transantarctic Mountains that the only visible peak is Mt. Brooke in the Convoy Range, and this can be seen only from certain vantage points. Mapping of ice exposures and meteorite specimens is a problem here because reference points cannot be established by triangulation, and fixed points cannot be established because the ice is moving. Fortunately we had arranged the loan of two Magnavox model MX 1502 geoceivers from the U.S. Bureau of Land Management; one was with the Thiel Mountains party and we had the other. With these instruments we were able to locate five points to use as references for mapping our meteorite finds. All of the five will be valuable as reference points for future finds, and three of them are precise enough to be useful in measuring ice flow vectors in this part of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (see Table 2-1). After using all the time we originally planned to devote to systematic searching on the Middle Western Icefield, we traversed eastward to John Annexstad's camp at the Main Icefield. Carl Thompson's snowmobile was running on only one cylinder at that time, so Tony Meunier and I each had to draw three loaded Nansen sledges behind our snowmobiles. We noticed very little difference between pulling two and pulling three sledges, and it is now a routine procedure to draw three sledges behind one snowmobile whenever that arrange- ment seems most convenient. NUMBER 28 TABLE 2-1.?Best determinations of six geoceiver stations used in mapping meteorite finds. Locations and elevations of six stations were determined using satellite Doppler positioning procedures. Raw data determined in the field were refined later, using standardized computer programs for this purpose to arrive at the post-processed data given here. Stations 0100-0104 are located at the Far Western Allan Hills Icefield, and Station 0105 was located at our campsite at Elephant Moraine (Figure 2-1). Station Number 0100 0101 0102 0103* 0104* 0105f Latitude S 76?54'09.520" 76?57'46.861" 76?59'27.417" 77?02'50.954" 77?02'24.614" 76?17'34.910" Longitude E 157?01'26.511" 156?54'40.164" 156?53'46.806" 157? 11'00.270" 157?15'33.896" 157?20'04.944" Elevation (m) 2117.54 2145.01 2190.95 2163.50 2142.87 2022.33 Estimated error (in m) 1.5 2 2 5-10 5-10 10 *Reference oscillator frequency offset was abnormally high but stable; data are good but a larger error is assigned. f Broadcast solution (e.g., field data) not post-processed. Latitude and Longitude are referenced to the Naval Weapons Laboratory 10D system (Jenkins and Leroy, 1979). Carl had a replacement machine waiting for him at John's camp, and we were joined there by Vagn Buchwald. We left for Elephant Moraine two days later, as a party of four. The traverse to a campsite at the far end of Elephant Moraine took exactly 11 hours, including about an hour of searching for the feature once we had arrived within a few miles of where we knew it to be. During a week at Elephant Moraine, we collected 18 specimens and left the site, confident that more fragments will be recovered there in the future. High winds had prevented any but rather random reconnaissance searches, and, in areas where random searches give good recovery rates, systematic search- ing has always yielded many more specimens. During our one day of relatively good weather at Elephant Moraine we accomplished a round trip of 120 km, on which we visited some of the extensive ice exposures due west of Elephant Moraine (see photomap, Figure 2-1), and an isolated exposure to the northwest. Random-path searching at the latter site yielded two meteorites. As our four snowmobiles had covered a cumulative distance of 64 km, this seemed to be a low rate of discovery. Because the weather had been consistently poor, and it was getting late in the season, we decided to return to the Allan Hills at the first opportunity. This came on 19 January. At 3:00 P.M. that day the wind dropped to 15 knots, so we broke camp and left by 7:00 P.M. The return to Annexstad's camp took only seven-and-one-half hours, despite steadily rising winds. These, combined with cold temperatures due to the lower sun angle during the night, stressed us more than I would have preferred, but the trip was made without incident. We were interested to find that we could easily follow our outward tracks made a week earlier, not because they were pressed into the snow but because they were now standing up several centimeters in relief, having offered some resistance to the erosive effects of the wind during the intervening week. Results and Discussion During the 1982-1983 field season unforeseen circum- stances played a larger part in our results than in earlier years. Initially we landed at the wrong ice exposure west of the Allan Hills and discovered a previously unsuspected meteorite stranding surface. We had visited this site briefly by helicopter during the 1977-1978 season but had not found meteorites. We probably never would have returned to it had it not been for this lucky accident. Unforeseen also, however, was the spate of days with high winds, which greatly reduced our operating efficiency and turned our planned days of systematic searching at Elephant Moraine into days of reconnaissance trips, mostly near our field camp. In retrospect, these two circumstances may have offset one another. Finally, by sheer coincidence we were able to borrow geoceivers for the very field season during which a put-in by mistake at an unplanned location left us at a site where we could benefit most from having a geoceiver orientation capability. If the effects of the first two factors offset each other, then this one gave us a distinct advantage. The Whillans and Cassidy (1983) model for forming meteorite concentrations at a barrier such as the Allan Hills describes three mechanisms that may operate simultaneously: the direct fall of meteorites onto an exposed ice ablation surface, weathering out of meteorites that fell upstream and were transported at various depths to the ice ablation surface, and, once they emerged on that surface, ice-flow crowding of both sets of specimens toward the barrier. Given a constant infall rate of meteorites through time, and equal age for all parts of an ablation surface (and, for the moment, disregarding the crowding effect), all parts of the ablation surface should have a constant density of meteorites that fell directly onto that surface. Similarly, if ancient ice is being exposed by ablation close to the barrier at the same rate that less ancient ice is being exposed farther from the barrier, then the contribution of transported meteorites also should be constant. SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES Thus, any gradient in frequency of occurrence of meteorites on different parts of an ablation surface could be attributable only to the crowding effect, and this effect should act to increase the frequency of meteorite occurrences toward the barrier. Is such an increase observed? Because pairing estimates are so uncertain, it is difficult to judge in quantitative terms whether or not a regular increase in numbers of meteorites does occur as one traverses eastward from the Far Western Ice Field, over the Middle Western and Near Western Icefields, to the Main Icefield at the foot of the Allan Hills. Qualitatively, however, I can see no such variation, except within the Main Icefield itself. There, the frequency of meteorite occurrences is much higher on the ultimate downstream section of the ablation surface, below the step feature and closer to the barrier, than it is above the step feature. This suggests the possibility that the three icefields to the west actually are not located on a direct flowline toward the stranding surface at the Main Icefield. Future remeasurements of our geoceiver stations at the Far Western Icefield should help to resolve this question, since the ice will have moved in the interval. Literature Cited Jenkins, R.E., and C.F. Leroy 1979. "Broadcast" versus "Precise" Ephemeris-Apples and Oranges. Proceedings of the Second International Geodetic Symposium on Satellite Doppler Positioning (Austin, Texas, Jan 1979). Austin: University of Texas Press. Whillans, I.M., and W.A. Cassidy 1983. Catch a Falling Star: Meteorites and Old Ice. Science, 222:55-57. 3. The Expedition to the Thiel Mountains and Pecora Escarpment, 1982-1983 John W. Schutt Reconnaissance by C-130 Hercules Two weeks of waiting in McMurdo at the end of the 1981-1982 season for aircraft availability and flying weather were over. William Cassidy and I were aboard a ski-equipped C-130 Hercules approaching the Thiel Mountains for a bird's-eye view of icefields selected as having a good probability of significant meteorite concentrations. Cassidy had looked at hundreds of aerial photographs of the Transantarctic Mountains, searching for expanses of ice with characteristics similar to those with known meteorite concentrations in southern Victoria Land. In West Antarctica, several areas in the Thiel Mountains region and at the Pecora Escarpment, 160 km to the east, appeared favorable (Figure 3-1). Two fragments of a pallasite had been found on blue ice in the Thiel Mountains in 1961 (Ford and Tabor, 1971). Could they signify a large meteorite concentration? As the plane flew low over the Davies Escarpment we could see ice gleaming below. We passed over the precipitous Bermel Escarpment for a look at the icefields along the eastern side of the Thiel Mountains and then on to the Moulton Escarpment. Our excitement grew as we viewed these icefields. They did indeed have features in common with the concentration sites at the Allan Hills, Elephant Moraine, and Reckling Moraine. The aircraft turned from the Thiel Mountains, heading eastward for the Pecora Escarpment. Our excitement peaked as we circled low over these icefields and they, too, looked promising. Before leaving Antarctica we made plans to return to the Thiel Mountains and Pecora Escarpment for a reconnaissance traverse the following field season. The Thiel Mountains-Pecora Escarpment Field Season The field party of 1982-1983 consisted of Richard Crane, of the United States Navy, Urs Krahenbuhl, of the University of Bern, Switzerland, Louis Rancitelli, of Battelle Memorial Institute at Columbus, Ohio, and the writer. Our party spent John W. Schutt, Department of Geology and Planetary Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15260. thirty-five days in the field traveling roughly 1250 km on snowmobiles. On 13 December 1982 we flew over the Thiel Mountains area to locate a landing site and to off-load equipment and drums of snowmobile fuel. We landed at 85?07'S, 88?02'W, approximately 23 km east of the Ford Massif. Two days later we flew a second mission to drop fuel at two points along our intended route and to put our party into the field. Our first objective was a search of the icefields east of Mt. Walcott and Mt. Wrather in the southern Thiel Mountains, where the pallasite had been found (Figure 3-2). We discovered no meteorites there. We then proceeded to the Pecora Escarpment, a traverse of nearly 200 km requiring three days. The Pecora Escarpment is a rocky mountainside, approxi- mately 23 km long. It trends SW-NE and forms an absolute barrier to ice flow. Roughly 125 square km of ice is exposed upstream (Figure 3-3). Several less extensive icefields associ- ated with ice escarpments are present within a radius of about 50 km. Upon arriving at the Pecora Escarpment we found snow from recent storms covering a considerable area of the icefield. Nevertheless, we began finding meteorites there soon after beginning our search. Two days of high katabatic winds interrupted our reconnaissance, but the winds removed much of the snow and allowed us to search more effectively. We found meteorites in greater numbers as we worked our way toward the southwest end of the Pecora Escarpment. Many of the specimens lay upstream of the rock barrier, as would be expected. However, many others were found on ice that appears to be downstream of the absolute barrier to ice flow; this has not yet been explained. From the icefields in the immediate vicinity of the Pecora Escarpment, we recovered 32 meteorite specimens and took one sample of ice to be used for age determination and ice chemistry studies. Because time did not allow for both thorough searching and collection, we left at least 50 meteorites in the field to be picked up in future seasons. We did not explore ice patches outside the immediate vicinity of the Pecora Escarpment, where we hope that additional meteorites will be found. Once we had determined that a significant meteorite 10 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES LOCATION DIAGRAM 30? WEST 0? EAST 30? 60? 60? 90? 120 120? 150? WEST 180? EAST 150? FIGURE 3-1.?Location of the Thiel Mountains-Pecora Escarpment Region, West Antarctica. concentration existed at the Pecora Escarpment and that systematic searching would be required there, we resumed our reconnaissance traverse. Our next objective was the Davies Escarpment, 160 km to the west. We followed our outward trail back for a distance, then broke off and headed for Lewis Nunatak, near the southern end of the Davies Escarpment. Extending southward from the Thiel Mountains nearly 55 km, the Davies Escarpment presents no absolute barrier to ice flow. Ice cliffs and heavily crevassed areas are common along its length with only a couple of small, isolated rock exposures. Blue ice areas are of limited extent there and are present only at the base of the escarpment (Figure 3-4). Upon reaching the Davies Escarpment we found consider- able snow on the icefields; however, there was sufficient exposure to determine the extent of any meteorite concentra- tions. Our search of icefields along the Davies Escarpment yielded seven meteorite specimens. We found no meteorites on the small ice patches near Lewis Nunatak, but we picked up one specimen on the ice approximately 8 km SSW of Lewis Nunatak and six specimens during a thorough search of the largest and northernmost icefield. We concluded that large meteorite concentrations are not present in the vicinity of the Davies Escarpment. Proceeding from the Davies Escarpment, we traversed to the Moulton Escarpment, an isolated nunatak 15 km west of the Ford Massif. This east-west trending escarpment is approxi- mately 20 km in length. A bedrock ridge standing above the ice cap forms an apparent absolute barrier to ice flow along 7 km of the escarpment. At least seven distinct bouldery, ice-cored moraines, with no exposed bedrock, are situated below the escarpment (Figure 3-5). Conventional thought on meteorite concentrations dictates that the icefields upstream of a bedrock barrier should have the greatest potential as stranding surfaces. Our first search upstream at the Moulton Escarpment resulted in no meteorite finds. A search of the second most likely area, 6 km east of Chastain Peak, produced only one specimen. After our successes at the Pecora and Davies escarpments, we had felt confident of success at the Moulton Escarpment as well, and were disappointed by the absence of any concentrations. We expected the ice downstream of the bedrock to lack meteorites, and we probably would not have visited that area except that we had to cross it to reach our air drop of fuel. On the last trip to the drop site, we spotted a small meteorite, distinguished by its anomalous shape, lying amongst the abundant dark-gray and black terrestrial rocks. We returned the next day in better weather and lighting conditions. We found no additional specimens at the easternmost ice-cored moraine, but, as we moved southward past the moraine, we found nine meteorites concentrated in a small area between the moraine and the escarpment (Figure 3-6). We recovered a total of 11 meteorite specimens from the Moulton Escarpment icefields. Our party found three new meteorite concentration sites and recovered a total of 50 specimens as a result of reconnaissance searches of the Pecora, Davies, and Moulton escarpments. Forty-two of the specimens are classified as ordinary chondrites, seven as achondrites, and one as a carbonaceous chondrite (see Table 3-1). The meteorite concentration at the Moulton Escarpment is unusual in that all meteorites, except one, were located on ice that is apparently downstream of an absolute barrier to ice flow. We also found meteorites on what may be downstream ice at the Pecora Escarpment. The discovery of these "unusual" concentrations, which contradict previous experience and TABLE 3-1.?Classification of meteorite specimens recovered from the Thiel Mountains/Pecora Escarpment region, 1982-1983. (See Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 6(2), 7(1), 7(2).) Location Pecora Escarpment Davies Escarpment Moulton Escarpment Total Ordinary chondrite 26 6 10 42 Classification Carbonaceous chondrite 1 0 0 1 Achondrite 5 1 1 7 Total 32 7 11 50 NUMBER 28 11 FIGURE 3-2.?Route of the 1982-1983 reconnaissance traverse in the Thiel Mountains-Pecora Escarpment region. FIGURE 3-3.?Camp near the base of Mount Wrather, Thiel Mountains. 12 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES FIGURE 3-4.?Aerial view looking southward over Pecora Escarpment. The large icefield, covering about 125 square km upstream (south) of the barrier yielded an abundance of meteorite specimens (dots), but specimens were also found on smaller icefields downstream of the Escarpment in the vicinity of Ludlow Rock and west of Damschroder Rock. conventional thought on the concentration mechanism, have increased the prospects for finding concentrations in areas that previously would not have been searched. NOTE: A Magnavox MX-1502 Satellite Surveyor, on loan from the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, was used to determine the geodetic positions of several meteorites (Figure 3-7) at the Pecora Escarpment. Doppler base stations were established on Lulow Rock at the Pecora Escarpment and at Chastain Peak (Figure 3-8) at the Moulton Escarpment. These data have been used by the U.S.G.S. to improve the WGS-72 survey net in Antarctica. Literature Cited Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 6(2), August 1983. Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 7(1), February 1984. Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 7(2), July 1984. Ford, A.B., and R.W. Tabor 1971. The Thiel Mountains Pallasite. United States Geological Survey Professional Paper, 750-D. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office. NUMBER 28 13 FIGURE 3-5.?Aerial view looking southward along the Da vies Escarpment (right center). Dots indicate locations of the seven meteorite specimens found in this area: six on the northernmost icefields at the foot of the Escarpment, and one about 8 km SSW of Lewis Nunatak. 14 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES FIGURE 3-6.?Aerial view looking southward over the Moulton Escarpment with Chastain Peak near the eastern end. NUMBER 28 15 ;,.-?*#***? FIGURE 3-7.?Satellite surveying of meteorite locations at the Pecora Escarpment. FIGURE 3-8.?Satellite surveying at Chastain Peak survey point in the Moulton Escarpment. 4. Extension of the Allan Hills Triangulation Network System John O. Annexstad and Kristine M. Annexstad The Allan Hills Icefield was spanned by a triangulation network of 20 stations in 1978 (Nishio and Annexstad, 1979). Station locations in relation to the Allan Hills and its associated icefields are shown in Figure 4-1. The network crosses the region of highest meteorite concentration represented by the dotted area. The stations were resurveyed in 1979 and 1981 and the results showed that ice movement was generally from west to east, it decreased in velocity as the Allan Hills were approached, and the ice surface ablated at an average rate of about 5 cm per year (Nishio and Annexstad, 1980; Annexstad, 1983; Schultz and Annexstad, 1984). During the 1982/1983 austral summer field season the authors extended the original triangulation network from the Allan Hills Main Icefield to the Near Western Icefield (Figure 4-2) and attempted to locate station positions with an astronomical theodolite. Inclement weather forced an early end to the field season and frustrated attempts to accurately survey the newly established stations. The network as it now appears is shown in Figure 4-3 extending in a westerly direction from the baseline (Stations 1 and 2). Stations 25 to 38 were added to the original line. Station numbers are not sequential because the strain flower (Stations 21-24) was established after the initial survey of the original network (Stations 1-20). Ablation was measured at each station of the original network prior to installing the line extension. This measure- ment consists of obtaining the distance to 0.1 cm from the top of the pole to the surface of the ice. An east side and west side reading is taken at each station and the measurements averaged, because the ice surface can be quite uneven near the base of the poles. Table 4-1 lists the annual rates of ablation from 1978 to 1982 with the four year average and standard deviation (from Annexstad, 1983). From this table it can be seen that the rate of ablation varies from year to year and from station to station. John O. Annexstad, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas 77058. Kristine M. Annexstad, Frank Welch and Associates, Dallas, Texas 75205. Although sublimation plays an important part in the process of ablation, Annexstad (1983) has shown that the abrasive action of blowing ice crystals is also a contributing factor. The network was extended from Station 20 to the visible part of the Near Western Icefield as determined by binocular observations. The eastern portion of the Near Western Icefield, as viewed from Station 20, is a small ice patch about 1 km wide situated below the crest of a rather prominent firn field. Therefore, the extension line was constructed as two legs, one leg from Station 20 and one leg about a kilometer south of Station 20, each of which intercepted one edge of the visible portion of the eastern section of the Near Western Icefield. Stations 20-36 (even numbered) were positioned about 1.5 km apart unless a closer spacing was needed for visual contact. Each station was placed so that a lower numbered and a higher numbered station were visible with binoculars. Stations 25 to 37 were positioned along a line 1 km to the south of the even-numbered leg. Each individual station was placed as close as possible to a point on the perpendicular bisecting the line between two even-numbered stations and visible from a lower and higher numbered station on the same leg. This method of positioning ensures that the surveyor at each station has clear visibility of at least three other stations. Each station consists of a 3 m bamboo pole placed into a 7.5 cm diameter hole drilled 70-100 cm deep in the ice or firn. The base of the pole is wrapped in a layer of fiberglass insulation to decrease ablation effects from conduction and to ease pole removal for the survey. The poles were numbered appropriately and a red trail flag attached 2-3 centimeters below the top. Measurements were taken of the depth of the hole and the height of the pole from the surface. Figure 4-4 shows one of us (KMA) using a fiberglass-bodied drill to establish one of the stations. The drill is operated by hand and the operator is protected from the prevailing winds by a snowmobile-mounted, triangularly shaped windbreak. The fiberglass-bodied drill is considerably easier to use than the steel SIPRE drill, formerly used on this project, but its lack of weight requires some downward pressure by the operator. Numerous attempts were made to establish station positions 17 18 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES -TfX'S EASTERN ANTARCTIC ICE SHEET \ BLUE id, ' '***'' ANTARCTIC METEORITE DISCOVERY AREA FIGURE 4-1.?The original triangulation network across the Allan Hills Main Icefield. and distances from known points by triangulation survey methods. A Wild T-2 theodolite and the triangular windbreak pictured in Figure 4-4 were used in these attempts. Unfortu- nately, the Antarctic weather did not cooperate and only two stations (20 and 19) were successfully occupied. It should be noted that conditions varied between whiteouts and severe blowing snow, which made theodolite observations all but impossible in this area. The network extension is constructed primarily in firn so that even moderate winds will obscure the survey targets with blowing snow. The distances between Stations 20-38, shown in Figure 4-1, are snowmobile odometer readings, because the triangulation NUMBER 28 19 ALLAN HILLS ICEFIELD \ North Battlements Nunatak Main Near Western Middle Western oo , 10 km FIGURE 4-2.?The four icefields lying west of the Allan Hills. survey was not completed. These distances are subject to the errors due to surface undulations of the firn and the notorious inaccuracies of snowmobile odometers. Although a precise determination of position and movement of the stations must await future surveys, some visual observations of surface conditions were noted at the Near Western Icefield. A wave-like step feature at the eastern edge of the Near Western Icefield is the most prominent topographic feature. This step feature resembles the one in the immediate vicinity of the Allan Hills that Yanai et al. (1978) described as a monocline. On the eastern slope of the step the blue ice has reached the surface and the high winds in that area keep it free of snow. The ice surface is interlaced with small crevasses and tensional cracks, which are common features in blue ice areas. The general alignment of the crevasses is with the long axis perpendicular to a northeast ice flow direction. The crevasse patterns indicate that the surface ice in this vicinity will bypass the Allan Hills Main Icefield, which lies to the east. 20 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES FIGURE 4-3.?The triangulation network with recent extensions: the strain flower (Stations 21 to 24) and the southwest extension (Stations 25-38). In a description of the four icefields that are upstream of the Allan Hills, Schutt et al. (1983) suggested that they are all interconnected and part of the main Allan Hills Icefield. The locations of these ice fields are shown in Figure 4-2 relative to the Allan Hills and Battlements Nunatak (Annexstad, 1983). The assumption that the four icefields are interconnected may be a premature guess if the direction of motion indicated by crevasse alignment at the Near Western Icefield is correct. If the icefields are interconnected, it should follow that surface crevasse patterns should indicate an easterly flow direction, toward the Allan Hills. A positive determination of the direction of flow and its velocity must await further survey data. Until those data are available it does appear that the meteorite concentration areas in the main Allan Hills Icefield represent the convergence of a diverse set of flow patterns emanating from a number of widely spaced sources. Literature Cited Annexstad, J. O. 1983. Meteorite Concentrations and Glaciological Parameters in the Allan Hills Icefield, Victoria Land, Antarctica. Doctoral dissertation, Doktor der Naturwissenschaft, Johannes Gutenberg Universitat, Mainz, Federal Republic of Germany. Nishio, F., and J. O. Annexstad 1979. Glaciological Survey in the Bare Ice Area near the Allan Hills in Victoria Land, Antarctica. Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research (Japan), special issue, 15:13-23. 1980. Studies on the Ice Flow in the Bare Ice Area near the Allan Hills in Victoria Land, Antarctica. Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research (Japan), special issue, 17:1?13. Schultz, L., and J. O. Annexstad 1984. Ablation and Ice Movement at the Allan Hills Main Icefield between 1978 and 1981. In U.B. Marvin and B. Mason, editors, Field and Laboratory Investigations of Meteorites from Victoria Land, Antarctica. Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, 26:17-22. Schutt, J.W., W.A. Cassidy, G. Crozaz, R.F. Fudali, and U.B. Marvin 1983. Results of Meteorite Search and Recovery Activities in the Vicinity of the Allan Hills, Antarctica, Dec. 1981-Jan. 1982. In R.L. Oliver, P.R. James, and J.B. Jago, editors, Antarctic Earth Science. Canberra: Australian Academy of Science. Yanai, K., W.A. Cassidy, M. Funaki, and B.P. Glass 1978. Meteorite Recoveries in Antarctica During Field Season 1977-78. Proceedings of the 9th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, pages 977-987. NUMBER 28 21 TABLE 4-1.?Rates of ablation (-) and accumulation (+) measured in centimeters per year at survey stations on the Allan Hills Icefield. Station 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1978-1979 -2.2 -2.3 -1.1 -1.7 -2.6 -3.8 -4.3 -6.6 -5.7 -4.5 -5.7 -7.2 -5.8 -4.3 -5.4 -4.7 -3.2 -1.8 -6.5 -5.8 -6.1 -0.5 1979-1980 + 1.8 -0.9 -2.1 -2.5 -2.8 -1.7 -2.0 -3.7 -2.7 -2.9 -6.5 -2.6 -2.1 -0.1 -3.5 -4.2 -1.1 -1.3 -2.6 -1.4 -3.0 -3.7 1980-1981 -2.0 + 18.1 + 1.4 -2.8 + 2.6 -1.9 -3.3 -5.7 -5.8 -5.1 -6.2 -4.3 -4.9 -1.6 -2.9 -3.5 -2.0 -1.7 -4.9 -2.8 -5.6 -4.8 1981-1982 + 2.8 -2.9 -0.1 -3.2 -0.4 -1.3 -4.7 -0.2 -7.1 -2.4 -5.8 -4.8 -4.2 -1.8 -7.2 -5.7 -2.5 + 0.4 + 5.1 -8.4 -3.3 -5.6 1978-1982 Average ? Std. Dev. + 0.1+2.6 + 3.0?10.1 -0.5 ?1.5 -2.6 + 0.6 -0.8 ?2.5 -2.211.1 -3.6 ?1.2 -4.0 ?2.8 -5.3 ?1.9 -3.7 ?1.3 - 6.0 ? 0.4 -4.7 ?1.9 -4.2 ?1.6 -2.0 ?1.7 -4.8 ?2.0 -4.5 ?0.9 -2.2 ?0.9 -1.1 ?1.0 -2.2 ?5.1 -4.6 ?3.1 -4.5 ?1.6 - 4.8 ? 0.8 22 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES FIGURE 4-4.?Kristine Annexstad drilling a station hole with the fiberglass-bodied drill. The triangular windshield is attached to the snowmobile. 5. The Field Season in Victoria Land, 1983-1984 Robert F. Fudali and John W. Schutt The 1983-1984 season marked the eighth consecutive year of Antarctic Search for Meteorites fieldwork on the South Polar Plateau. This ANSMET team was the largest single field party to date, consisting of eight people equipped with eight steel-cleated snowmobiles and 12 Nansen sleds. The team was led by William A. Cassidy of the University of Pittsburgh. Other participants were A.C. Hitch, of Ferndale, Washington, K. Nishiizumi, of the University of California at San Diego, Paul Pellas, of the Museum of Natural History in Paris, Ludolf Schultz, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz, West Germany, Paul Sipiera, Harper College, Illinois, and the authors. Despite some annoying equipment malfunctions involving the snowmobiles, Nansen sleds, and field radios, and two potentially serious mishaps caused by a parachute that failed to open during a fuel drop at Elephant Moraine, plus a bad tent fire late in the season, our overall accomplishments rank with the best of those of previous seasons. Our provisional field count of meteorites, meteorite fragments, and possible meteorites was 367, and 40 to 50 more small fragments were not bagged individually. One iron meteorite was found in the Wright Valley by a member of George Demon's University of Maine field party and turned over to us at the end of the season. For the first time, many of the meteorite find locations were determined using a theodolite and an electronic distance measuring device. These locations were also determined absolutely, with accuracy on the order of a few meters, by tying them to geoceiver stations positioned at Elephant Moraine and the Far Western Icefield the previous season by satellite doppler tracking. This surveying equipment was also used to emplace a series of survey stations between the Far Western Icefield and the Main Icefield in the Allan Hills region. These stations were tied to the previously established triangulation network on the Main Icefield and to the geoceiver stations on the Far Western Icefield. Gravity measurements were made at Robert F. Fudali, Department of Mineral Sciences, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560. John W. Schutt, Department of Geology and Planetary Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260. all these stations and tied to the previous gravity measurements over the triangulation network (Fudali, 1982). The gravity data are now sufficient to give us a general idea of the depth and configuration of the ice/bedrock interface out to a distance of 70 km WSW of the Allan Hills. Finally, we collected large blocks of ice from five icefields, using a power chain saw, for a number of isotopic studies that we hope will lead to a better understanding of the ice ages and ice dynamics in the collecting areas. Our original plan called for a Hercules C-130 put-in of our party at the Far Western Icefield, 70 km WSW of the Allan Hills, which we would search systematically and then move to the Mid and Near Western Icefields for similar work. The four separate blue icefields WSW of the Allan Hills have been described in some detail by Fudali and Schutt (1984) and are shown in Figure 4-2 (Chapter 4). However, C-130 reconnais- sance flights were unable to find a suitable landing site anywhere in the vicinity of the Far Western Field. The only suitable landing site we found was in the vicinity of Griffin and Outpost Nunataks, which held no promise of meteorites. Under those circumstances, we decided to revise our plans and devote a major effort to systematically searching Elephant Moraine and its adjacent blue ice fields, and then to traverse overland to the ice fields west of Allan Hill (Figure 5-1). To find a suitable landing site for a ski-equipped C-130 on the South Polar Plateau is an interesting task. The preferred test is to drive the C-130 onto the snowfield under flying power and observe the effects of this maneuver, both on the aircraft and on the snow surface. Those of us who participated in such reconnaissance flights can attest to the adrenalin-pumping nature of such maneuvers. We commend C-130 Commander Brian Rich and his crew for their competence and their "cool." On 9 and 10 December, two C-130 flights put in our party, equipment, and supplies, 60 km north of Elephant Moraine (Figure 5-2). Strong katabatic winds made overland travel difficult and, indeed, kept us tentbound at the landing site for two days. We reached the moraine (Figure 5-3) on the morning of 15 December. We spent 13 days at Elephant Moraine, systematically searching the blue ice fields, east, west, and south of the moraine with snowmobile sweeps. We also spent considerable 23 24 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES * > FIGURE 5-1.?Camps and route of the season's snowmobile traverse that logged 1250 km in 45 days. time searching, on foot, within the moraine. Meteorites do occur in the moraine and can be distinguished from the terrestrial rock litter (Figure 5-4), but the bulk of the meteorites were recovered from the blue ice surfaces, and it is questionable whether persistent moraine searches on foot is a time-effective way to recover Antarctic meteorites. We continued to find meteorites on blue ice until the day we left and there are surely additional meteorites on the icefields there. A total of 207 field numbers were issued at Elephant Moraine, with provisional field identifications as shown in Table 5-1. On 26 December, a C-130 air drop at the moraine provided us with a spectacular cratering experiment. One of the three pallets failed to deploy its parachute and four 55-gallon drums of fuel impacted the snow with undiminished velocity. All NUMBER 28 25 FIGURE 5-2.?Unloading a ski-equipped C-130 Hercules near Griffin and Outpost Nunataks. FIGURE 5-3.?The southern part of Elephant Moraine, looking south. four drums were breached by the impact but we managed to salvage three of the four with minimal fuel loss. The fourth drum provided us with 55 gallons of fuel-soaked snow in which to burn our trash before breaking camp. Elephant Moraine is an interesting feature that deserves further study. It is unrelated to any bedrock outcrop and consists of a complexly configured ice ridge littered with a thin surface veneer of rocks of diverse sizes and types. Similar moraines elsewhere in Antarctica have been assumed to signal the presence of bedrock at shallow depth beneath them. The meteorite concentration provides indirect evidence of a subsurface, partial barrier to ice movement, but we have no direct information on this postulated barrier. The weather during the 15-28 December period was almost entirely dominated by temperatures well below freezing and strong katabatic winds. Nevertheless, on several occasions liquid water was observed on the lee and sunny side of rock surfaces in the moraine (Figure 5-5). Almost all Antarctic meteorites show some weathering effects and many are badly oxidized. Meteorite weathering has generally been regarded as an extremely slow process on the Polar Plateau, character- ized by only infrequent contact with liquid water on warm, sunny, windless days. Our observations at Elephant Moraine suggest that liquid water may be a more pervasive weathering agent than previously supposed. We departed Elephant Moraine on 29 December (Figure 5-6) and proceeded to the camp site of the 1982-1983 season on the Far Western Icefield. Aside from the partial disintegra- tion of one Nansen sled, carrying two 55-gallon drums of fuel, this leg was made in two days without significant incident. We did not intend to collect meteorites systematically at the Far Western Icefield, as the field season was drawing to a close and we had much else still to do. We were primarily interested in collecting ice samples for isotopic studies, especially from the site of a meteorite found embedded in the ice last year (see Chapter 10), and in tying together the geoceiver stations emplaced the previous season with a view toward extending ground-surveyed stations from the Far Western Field all the way to the Allan Hills network. At the expense of leaving a number of observed but uncollected meteorites on the ice, we achieved these goals. We could not, however, resist collecting a few meteorites, including 76 individual fragments of a carbonaceous chondrite (Figures 5-7 and 5-8) that Paul Pellas caught sight of as we were proceeding toward the ice- embedded meteorite site. These fragments appeared to be entirely fresh and were scattered on both ice and snow surfaces, leading us to believe we might be collecting a very recent fall. 26A1 measurements have subsequently shown this supposition to be incorrect (W.A. Cassidy, personal communication). On 6 January we broke camp and proceeded to the Middle Western Icefield, putting in survey and gravity stations along the way. We intended to systematically and thoroughly sweep that entire icefield for meteorites but were hampered by high winds during virtually our entire nine-day stay. In fact high winds kept us tentbound for seven straight days. Nevertheless, we did manage to collect a few meteorites and extend the survey and gravity stations half way to the Near Western Icefield before leaving for the Main Icefield. On 14 January a bad tent fire resulted in burns to Paul Sipiera's hands and face. He was evacuated by helicopter within two hours and, upon landing at McMurdo, was put directly on a C-130 flight to New Zealand. The same helicopter returned Paul Pellas and Ludolf Schutz to McMurdo, leaving five of us in the field. On 16 January we moved camp for the last time, extending survey and gravity stations to the Near Western Icefield and then traversing directly to the Main Icefield for our final few days. On the 17th a three-man crew from the British Broadcasting Corporation joined us for several days of filming and thereby severely curtailed our collecting activities. In just a few hours of searching, however, we found 29 meteorites on ice surfaces that have been searched and researched in past 26 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES FIGURE 5-4.?Small iron meteorite (dark and shiny) found among the rocks of Elephant Moraine. :?? FIGURE 5-5.?Liquid water and icicle on the sun-facing side of a boulder in Elephant Moraine. FIGURE 5-7.?Paul Pellas and the first three carbonaceous chondrite fragments found at the northernmost extension of a small strewnfield containing a total of 56 fragments (see also Figure 5-8). seasons. This probably reflects the fact that snow cover was remarkable for its virtual absence on the Main Icefield, in contrast to previous seasons. A few meteorites were also incidentally picked up by a two-person party working to extend the survey stations from the Near Western Field to the triangulation network on the Main Field. On 21 January, meteorites, ice blocks, and three team members were flown to McMurdo. Three days later the last two people were returned safely, bringing to a close what was arguably the most ambitious ANSMET field season to date. Our snowmobile odometers logged over 1250 km during 45 days on the Polar Plateau. In addition to the large number of meteorites returned from five separate locations, an ice sampling program was carried out, and survey and gravity stations now extend from exposed bedrock at Allan Hills to the Far Western Icefield. Literature Cited Fudali, Robert F. 1982. Gravity Measurements across the Allan Hills Main Meteorite Collecting Area. Antarctic Journal of the United States, XVIII, 5:58-60. Fudali, Robert F., and John W. Schutt 1984. The Field Season in Victoria Land, 1981-1982. In U.B. Marvin and B. Mason, editors, Field and Laboratory Investigations of Meteorites from Victoria Land, Antarctica. Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, 26:9-16. FIGURE 5-6.?ANSMET on the move. NUMBER 28 27 Table 5-1.?Tentative classification of meteorite specimens found at Elephant Moraine and the Allan Hills icefields during the 1983-1984 season. Specimens Ordinary chondrites Carbonaceous chondrites Acondrites Stony-Irons Irons Possible meteorites Total Elephant Moraine 179 4 12 1 3 8 207 Allan Hills Far West 7 76 83 Icefield Allan Hills Mid West 31 2 2 35 Allan Hills Near West 13 13 Allan Hills Main 29 29 Total 259 82 14 1 3 8 367 2128 2126-5 through 56 2120 2126-4 I? 2126-1, 2,3 pinnacles FIGURE 5-8.?Sketch map of carbonaceous chondrite strewnfield of 56 fragments (field numbers 2126-1 to 2126-56) on the Allan Hills Far Western Icefield. Numbers 2120 and 2128 are other types of meteorites in the same area. 6. Descriptions of Stony Meteorites Brian Mason, Glenn J. MacPherson, Roberta Score, Carol Schwarz, and Jeremy S. Delaney This chapter provides descriptions of some of the individual meteorite specimens collected during the 1982-1983 and 1983-1984 field seasons. The descriptions are based largely on those published in the Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, with additional information as available. Also included here are previously unpublished data on small specimens of special interest from the 1978-1979 and 1981-1982 field seasons. The Appendix contains a complete list of Antarctic meteorites recovered to date, along with their type, weathering grade, mass, etc. Specimens weighing less than 100 grams that do not show distinctive features are listed in the Appendix, but are not described in the text. Descriptions are arranged according to meteorite classifica- tion. Within the chondrites the specimens are grouped according to the Van Schmus and Wood (1967) classification, and the descriptions follow the order of increasing petrographic type. The letter-number designations concur with guidelines recommended by the Committee on Nomenclature of the Meteoritical Society; each carries the following information: location, e.g., ALH (Allan Hills); expedition and year, e.g., A81 (Expedition A, 1981); sample number, xxx (e.g., 213). After 1981 the "A" preceding the year was dropped. The original weight of the specimen is given to the nearest gram (nearest 0.1 gram for specimens weighing less than 100 grams). Chondrites CLASS C2 FIGURES 6-1,6-2 ALHA81312 (0.7 g).?This small specimen (1.0 x 0.8 x 0.5 cm) was tentatively identified as a carbonaceous chondrite from its exterior features, and this has been confirmed by Brian Mason and Glenn J. MacPherson, Department of Mineral Sciences, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institu- tion, Washington, D.C. 20560. Roberta Score and Carol Schwarz, North?op-Houston, Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, 77058. Jeremy S. Delaney, Department of Mineral Sciences, American Museum of Natural History, New York, N.Y. 10024. examination of the thin section. The section shows several small chondrules (maximum diameter 0.5 mm) and numerous colorless mineral grains in a translucent brown to opaque black matrix. McSween (personal communication) reports the following modal analysis of this section (vol. %): matrix, 60.3; monomineralic grains, 14.1; chondrules and plplymineralic fragments, 22.8; inclusions, 2.8. Microprobe analyses show the following wide ranges in composition for olivine and pyroxene: olivine, Fa135, with a mean of Fa6; pyroxene generally close to clinoenstatite in composition, but individual grains range up to Fs31. Small refractory (spinel-rich) inclusions are present, some of which contain pleochroic (deep blue to colorless) hibonite. ALH82100 (24.3 g).?Patches of fusion crust are preserved mainly on one side of this small stone (3.5 x 3.5 x 2.5 cm). Small submillimeter inclusions are visible on the exposed interior surfaces. The stone is unfractured and one face has a rough texture from weathering. The thin section shows numerous small colorless grains (up to 0.3 mm) and irregular aggregates (up to 0.6 mm, and mainly of olivine), and sparse chondrules, in a black matrix that is translucent brown in thinned areas. A few small spinel- and perovskite-bearing refractory inclusions and spherules are present. Trace amounts of nickel-iron and troilite occur as widely dispersed minute grains. Microprobe analyses show olivine compositions in the range Fa147, but most grains are iron-poor and the mean composition is Fa5; pyroxene is rare, and only two grains of clinoenstatite (Fs^) were analyzed. McSween (personal communication) reports the following modal analysis of this section (vol.%): matrix, 77.1; monomineralic grains, 7.5; chondrules and polymineralic fragments, 13.9; inclusions, 1.5. ALH82131 (1.0 g).?One small patch of blistery fusion crust remains on this tiny specimen (1 x 1 x 0.5 cm). The exposed underlying surface is black with a greenish tinge. The interior is black and contains many submillimeter-size white inclu- sions. A green weathering rind extends approximately 1 mm into the stone. The very small thin section shows a single chondrule in a black (brown on thin edges) opaque matrix. Microprobe analyses show that the matrix has the composition 29 30 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES ALH 83016 ,0 *?*% " FIGURE 6-1.?C2 chondrites; note the blistery fusion crust on ALH83016. characteristic of C2 chondrites. Clasts and inclusions are largely replaced by green to brown phyllosilicate material. Olivine in the chondrule is almost pure forsterite (FeO 0.3%; CaO 0.3%-0.4%). ALH83016 (4.1 g).?A brown to black fusion crust covers part of this small stone (3 x 2 x 0.8 cm). The interior is black with abundant irregular white inclusions and some chondrules. The thin section shows a few poorly defined chondrules up to 1.8 mm across, consisting of granular or barred olivine with minor polysynthetically twinned clinopyroxene. A few small spinel-rich inclusions are present. The bulk of the meteorite consists of translucent brown to opaque black matrix. Scattered through the matrix are colorless, birefringent grains, mostly olivine, up to 0.3 mm but usually less than 0.1 mm across. Trace amounts of nickel-iron and sulfides are dispersed throughout the section as minute grains. Well-preserved fusion crust rims part of the section. Microprobe analyses show that olivine varies widely in composition, ranging from Fa^ to Fa30 (with a mean of Fan); it also has a notable chromium content, 0.1-0.5 weight percent Cr2O3. Pyroxene is generally close to clinoenstatite in composition. McSween (personal communication) reports the following modal analysis of this section (vol.%): matrix, 65.6; monomineralic grains, 7.1; chondrules and polymineralic fragments, 22.6; inclusions, 3.7. ALH83100 (2293 g).?Since the initial description of this stone, many other specimens have been paired with it (e.g., see Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 8(2), and the cumulative weight for 55 pieces is 2293 g. ALH83100 itself is an angular fragment, and is so highly fractured that several pieces fell off during handling. The surface is dull black with a few barely discernible clasts or chondrules. White "evaporite" deposits are present locally; these are apparently weathering products formed in the Antarctic, but they only became visible in the receiving laboratory as water in the interior of the meteorite worked its way to the surface carrying soluble salts along with it. The thin section shows a large number of clasts (up to 1 NUMBER 28 31 FIGURE 6-2.?Photomicrographs of thin sections of C2 chondrites (each field of view is 3 x 2 mm): a, ALHA81312; b, ALH83100; c, EET83226; d, EET83250. Irregular aggregates, grains, and rare chondrules, mainly of olivine (white to gray) in translucent to opaque matrix (black). mm across) and mineral grains, and a few chondrules, in a dark matrix. A little (about 1%) sulfide is present as minute grains, some of which are concentrated at the margins of chondrules. Nickel-iron occurs in trace amounts, some as small spherules. The clasts, inclusions, and most of the mineral grains consist of phyllosilicate and, in many places, calcite, that are probably alteration products of the original phases. Microprobe analyses shows that a few preserved primary grains are forsteritic olivine. ALH83102 (1786 g).?This meteorite consists of 20 or more pieces; only two of the larger pieces have been examined to date. Both pieces are extensively fractured and extremely friable. Small patches of fusion crust are present. White evaporite deposits (see above) are present on both interior and exterior surfaces. Small white inclusions are visible in a greenish black to black matrix that locally shows signs of heavy oxidation. The thin sections show that the two fragments are identical. Both are intensely altered, with the matrix, inclu- sions, and chondrules being almost completely replaced by iron-rich phyllosilicates, calcite, and iron oxides. The matrix is opaque and black except where the sections are unusually thin. Olivine grains are sporadically preserved, with composi- tions that are mostly Fa^, although some range up to Fa42. One small spinel-rich refractory spherule was found, in which the spinel is nearly pure MgAl2O4. No other primary phases were found in this spherule. This meteorite can confidently be paired with ALH83100, because of the identical and unusual petrographic features of both specimens and because of their geographic proximity on the ice field where they were found (see Chapter 5). EET83224 (8.6 g).?A dull and fractured fusion crust covers about one-quarter of this small specimen (2.5 x 2.5 x 1.5 cm). 32 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES Some of the uncrusted surface is jet black, but in places it has weathered to a brown color. Chondrules and small irregular white inclusions are visible in the jet black interior. The thin section shows a few chondrules (up to 0.8 mm in diameter), small (0.1 mm or less), colorless, and birefringent grains (mostly olivine), and what appear to be chondrule or clast fragments, all in a transparent brown to opaque black matrix. Chondrules consist mostly of granular olivine, but a few have minor polysynthetically twinned clinopyroxene as well. A few small spinel-bearing refractory inclusions are present. Acces- sory nickel-iron and trace amounts of sulfide are dispersed throughout the section as minute grains. Microprobe analyses gave the following compositions: olivine ranges from Fa0 2 to Fa41, with a mean of Fag; pyroxene is generally near enstatite in composition (FeO 0.4%-1.0%). McSween (personal commu- nication) reports the following modal analysis of this section (vol.%): matrix, 63.8; monomineralic grains, 12.4; chondrules and polymineralic fragments, 21.3; inclusions, 2.5. EET83226 (33.1 g).?No fusion crust remains on this angular fragment (4 x 2.5 x 3 cm). The exposed surface is jet black with a granular texture and shows abundant chondrules and inclusions. The thin section shows abundant small chondrules, averaging about 0.3 mm in diameter, and numerous mineral aggregates and mineral grains, set in a moderate amount of dark brown to black opaque matrix. Chondrule types include granular and barred olivine, some of which contain pale brown and partly devitrified glass. Accessory amounts of finely dispersed nickel-iron and sulfide are present. Microprobe analyses show that much of the olivine is near forsterite in composition, but occasional iron-rich grains are present (the overall range is Fao5.69, with a mean of Fa12). Pyroxene grains are rare; their composition range is Fs0 ^Q. McSween (personal communication) reports the following modal analysis of this section (vol.%): matrix, 39.6; monomineralic grains, 14.5; chondrules and polymineralic fragments, 36.1; inclusions, 9.8. EET83250 (11.5 g).?This specimen broke into many fragments during transport from Antarctica. Both fusion crust and white evaporite deposits cover much of the exterior surface. Interior surfaces are black and speckled with white inclusions. In thin section only a few chondrules and chondrule fragments are seen; the bulk of the meteorite consists of brown to black semi-opaque matrix, enclosing numerous small (0.1 mm and less), colorless, birefringent grains, mostly olivine. A few small spinel-rich inclusions are present. The matrix also contains trace amounts of finely dispersed nickel-iron and sulfides. Well-preserved fusion crust rims part of the section. Microprobe analyses show most of the olivine is close to forsterite in composition, with a few iron-rich grains (the range is FaQ 3_22, with a mean of Fa4). Pyroxene grains are rare; their composition range is Fs2.14. McSween (personal communica- tion) reports the following modal analysis of this section (vol.%): matrix, 71.2; monomineralic grains, 14.5; chondrules and polymineralic fragments, 12.1; inclusions, 2.2. CLASS C3 FIGURES 6-3,6-4 ALHA81258 (1.1 g).?This small stone (1 x 1 x 0.5 cm) is mostly covered by vesicular black fusion crust; chondrules are visible on interior surfaces. The thin section shows numerous chondrules up to 2 mm across and irregular crystalline aggregates up to 3 mm in maximum dimension, set in a minor amount of dark brown to black semi-opaque matrix. The chondrules and aggregates consist mainly of granular olivine with minor amounts of polysynthetically twinned pyroxene. Trace amounts of nickel-iron are present as minute grains. Sulfide is present in small amounts, finely dispersed through- out the matrix and sometimes concentrated in chondrule rims. Microprobe analyses of chondrule olivines show a wide composition range: Fa^g, mean Fan; the matrix appears to consist largely of fine-grained iron-rich olivine, Fa40.60. Pyroxene in the chondrules is clinoenstatite, mostly near Fs15 but with occasional Fe-rich grains. The meteorite is a C3V chondrite, very similar to ALHA81003; the possibility of pairing should be considered. ALH82101 (29.1 g).?The exterior surfaces of this stone (3 x 2.7 x 2.7 cm) are mostly covered with a shiny, blistery fusion crust. Broken surfaces reveal a gray-beige interior with an outer, 1 mm thick, discontinuous weathering rind. The matrix is fine-grained, with metal and a few white to gray inclusions being visible. The thin section shows an aggregate of small chondrules (average diameter -0.5 mm), chondrule fragments, and mineral grains set in an extremely fine-grained, translucent tan to yellow-brown matrix. The chondrules show a wide variety of textures; in barred olivine chondrules the material interstitial to the bars is pale brown isotropic glass. Minor amounts of nickel-iron and sulfide are present, as small grains FIGURE 6-3.?C3 chondrite ALH82101. NUMBER 28 33 FIGURE 6-4.?Photomicrographs of thin sections of C3 chondrites (each field of view is 3 x 2 mm), a, ALHA81258; b, ALH82101. Note the textural differences between ALHA81258 (C3V) and ALH82101 (C3O). within some chondrules and also concentrated around their margins. Numerous small refractory inclusions are present; identified phases include melilite, deep pink spinel, and colorless hibonite. Microprobe analyses of olivine show a wide composition range: Fa^Q, with a mean of Fa22; only a few grains of pyroxene were found, having a composition range of FsM0. The meteorite is classified as a C3 chondrite of the Ornans subtype; it is possibly paired with ALHA77003. Wieler et al. (1985) have reported abundances and isotopic compositions of He, Ne, and Ar in ALH82101. CLASS H3 FIGURE 6-5 ALH82110 (39.3 g).?Fusion crust totally covers this small stone (4.5 x 2.5 x 2.0 cm). Chipping has exposed a weathered interior with some obvious inclusions. The thin section shows a close-packed aggregate of chondrules and chondrule fragments in a minor amount of opaque matrix. Nickel-iron grains are abundant in the matrix, sometimes concentrated in chondrule rims; troilite is present in lesser amount. A wide variety of chondrules is present, ranging up to 2 mm in diameter; the most common types are porphyritic and granular olivine and olivine-pyroxene. Microprobe analyses show the following wide composition ranges in olivine and pyroxene: olivine, Fa^.^, with a mean of Fa14 (% mean deviation of FeO is 52; see Dodd et al., 1967, for definition of % mean deviation); pyroxene, Fs3_2g, with a mean of Fs13 (% mean deviation of FeO is 48). PCA82520 (22.7 g).?Dull black fusion crust covers 80% of the surface of this pyramidal stone (3 x 2 x 1.5 cm), the remainder being covered with a shiny reddish brown crust. Extensive weathering has given the matrix a yellowish to reddish brown color, but some metal is nonetheless preserved. The thin section shows a close-packed aggregate of chondrules (up to 1.5 mm in diameter), chondrule fragments, and a few clasts, with interstitial nickel-iron and troilite and a relatively small amount of dark matrix. A considerable variety of chondrules is present, the majority being granular or porphyri- tic olivine types with transparent to turbid interstitial glass; other types include fine-grained pyroxene, medium-grained olivine plus polysynthetically twinned clinopyroxene, and barred olivine. Brown limonitic staining pervades the section. FIGURE 6-5.?Photomicrograph of thin section of H3 chondrite ALH82110 (field of view is 3 x 2 mm). A closely packed aggregate of chondrules, irregular fragments, and mineral grains is set in a minor amount of dark matrix. 34 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES Microprobe analyses show olivine mainly in the range Fa15.22, but one clast has olivine Fa6; the mean composition is Fa17 (% mean deviation of FeO is 27). Pyroxene ranges in composition from Fs2 to Fs19 with a mean of Fs 14 (% mean deviation of FeO is 24). CLASS L3 FIGURES 6-6,6-7 ALHA78013 (4.1 g), 78186 (3.1 g), 78236 (14.4 g), 78238 (9.8 g), 78243 (1.9 g), 81145 (21.1 g), 81156 (19.7 g), 81162 (59.4 g), 81190 (48.3 g), 81191 (30.4 g), 81214 (4.4 g), 81229 (40.0 g), 81243 (15.0 g), 81259 (9.9 g), 81272 (22.9 g), 81280 (54.9 g), 81292 (12.9 g), 81299 (0.5 g).?Examination of thin sections and microprobe analyses of the minerals in these meteorites show that they are essentially identical to ALHA77011, and can confidently be paired with it E.R.D. Scott (personal communication) has also examined the sections and supports this interpretation. ALHA78046 (70.0 g).?Thin section examination shows that this stone consists almost entirely of a close-packed aggregate of chondrules and chondrule fragments; most of the interstitial material consists of nickel-iron and troilite grains, in places forming rims on the chondrules. Weathering is extensive, with limonitic staining and small areas of brown limonite throughout the section. Chondrules range from 0.3 to 3.6 mm in diameter; a variety of types is present, the most common being granular and porphyritic olivine and olivine- pyroxene. Microprobe analyses show considerable variability in mineral compositions. Olivine compositions range from Fa8 to Fa^, with a mean of Fa19 (% mean deviation of FeO is 20). Pyroxene compositions range from Fs8 to Fs20, with a mean of Fs16. The % mean deviation of FeO in olivine is much lower than that for olivine in the ALHA77011 group, suggesting that this meteorite is more equilibrated and hence different from the 77011 group. ALHA78133 (59.9 g).?Thin section examination shows that this stone is largely made up of chondrules and chondrule fragments set in a minor amount of dark matrix. Nickel-iron and troilite are present in subequal amounts, dispersed through the matrix as small grains and sometimes forming rims on the chondrules. A moderate amount of weathering is indicated by brown limonitic staining throughout the matrix. Chondrules range in diameter from 0.3 to 1.5 mm; types seen include porphyritic olivine and olivine-pyroxene, granular olivine and olivine-pyroxene, devitrified glass, and radiating pyroxene. Microprobe analyses show olivine ranging in composition from Fat to FaM with a mean of Fa16 (% mean deviation of FeO is 52); pyroxene ranges in composition from FSj to Fs16 with a mean of Fs8 (% mean deviation of FeO is 69). In mineral composition this meteorite is similar to those in the ALHA 77011 group, but E.R.D. Scott (personal communication) states FlGURE 6-6.?L3 chondrites. that it appears to lack the graphite-magnetite intergrowths characteristic of that group. ALH83010 (395 g).?A black iridescent fusion crust is present on one side of this meteorite fragment (10.5 x 8 x 2 cm). The other surfaces are dark greenish gray with iridescent reddish brown areas. Numerous chondrules (1-4 mm in diameter) and large clasts (the largest is 1.0 x 0.5 cm) are visible on the exposed interior surfaces. The stone is extremely coherent. The interior consists of dark matrix with numerous millimeter-sized, gray to yellowish colored chondrules. Nickel- iron is clearly visible. The thin section shows sharply defined chondrules up to 2.5 mm in diameter, many of which contain clear brown isotropic glass. Pyroxene is mostly monoclinic and has a composition range of Fs2_2g. Olivine compositions are in the range Fa4.31. Metal (two phases present) is subequal with troilite in abundance. There are well-defined sulfide rims around many chondrules. Chromite is accessory and is NUMBER 28 35 FIGURE 6-7.?Photomicrographs of thin section of L3 chondrites (each field of view is 3 x 2 mm): a, ALHA78046; b, ALHA78133; c, EET82601; d, EET83213. A closely packed aggregate of chondrules, irregular fragments, and mineral grains set in dark matrix. generally very fine-grained. EET82601 (149 g).?This angular to subrounded specimen is covered with patchy remnants of fusion crust. Chondrules 1-4 mm in diameter are visible on the surfaces where fusion crust is missing. The interior is very dark with weathered, millimeter-sized chondrules visible. The thin section shows a close-packed aggregate of chondrules, ranging up to 1.5 mm in maximum dimension. A variety of types is present, the most common being granular olivine and olivine-pyroxene, porphyritic olivine and olivine-pyroxene, and cryptocrystalline pyroxene. The small amount of matrix is fine-grained and opaque, and contains a few grains of nickel-iron and troilite. The meteorite is considerably weathered, with brown limonitic staining throughout the section. Olivine and pyroxene show the following wide ranges of compositions: olivine, Fa2 to Fa39, with a mean of Fa^ (% mean deviation of FeO is 36); pyroxene, Fst to Fs35, with a mean of Fs13 (% mean deviation of FeO is 45). EET83213 (2727 g).?A dull, fractured fusion crust covers most of this stone (16 x 15 x 7 cm); evaporite deposits are present on several surfaces. The interior is greenish gray with numerous white, cream, and darker gray inclusions or chondrules. Some metal is present. The thin section shows sharply defined chondrules up to 3 mm in diameter set in a brown matrix. Isotropic clear brown glass is preserved in some chondrules. Moderate limonitic staining is locally present, indicating mild to moderate weathering. Monoclinic pyroxene is very common, with a composition range of Fs3.26. Olivine 36 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES ranges in composition from Fa13 to FajQ. Minor metal and troilite are present in subequal amounts; two metal phases are present, locally in plessitic intergrowths. This meteorite is very similar in texture and mineral compositions to EET82601, and the possibility of pairing should be considered. CLASS LL3 FIGURE 6-8 TIL82408 (80.1 g).?A polygonally fractured, black fusion crust coats much of this stone (4.5 x 4 x 2.5 cm). Areas without fusion crust are somewhat friable. The meteorite is clast-rich, with a very dark gray to black matrix. Oxidation is evenly distributed throughout the interior. The thin section shows a close-packed aggregate of chondrules and chondrule frag- ments, up to 4 mm across. The matrix is black and opaque, much of it forming rims to the chondrules; the matrix contains much sulfide and a little nickel-iron (largely weathered to limonite). A wide variety of chondrule types is present, including porphyritic olivine and olivine-pyroxene, granular olivine and olivine-pyroxene, barred olivine, and fine-grained pyroxene. Some of the chondrules preserve clear, isotropic, interstitial glass. Microprobe analyses show the following wide ranges of compositions for olivine and pyroxene: olivine, Faj_29, with a mean of Fa15 (% mean deviation of FeO is 41); pyroxene, Fs2_21, with a mean of Fs9. The highly variable compositions of olivine and pyroxene and the presence of isotropic glass indicate type 3, and the small amount of nickel-iron suggests the LL group; the meteorite is thus tentatively classified as an LL3 chondrite. Wieler et al. (1985) have reported abundances and isotopic compositions of He, Ne, and Ar in TIL82408. CLASS C4 FIGURES 6-9, 6-10 ALH82135 (12.1 g).?Black fusion crust covers most of this triangular-shaped stone (3 x 2.5 x 1 cm). Freshly broken surfaces expose a dark bluish gray matrix with signs of some oxidation. In thin section the meteorite consists largely of finely granular olivine (grains ranging up to 0.1 mm), minor pyroxene, plagioclase, and opaques. A few relatively coarse- grained olivine chondrules are present. Microprobe analyses give the following compositions: olivine, Fa27 (a few grains are more iron-rich); pyroxene, Fs25; plagioclase, An20_75. This meteorite is similiar to Karoonda and PC A82500 in texture and mineral compositions. Wieler et al. (1985) have reported abundances and isotopic compositions of He, Ne, and Ar in ALH82135. Scott (1985) has discussed its petrology. PCA82500 (90.9 g).?This specimen (7 x 5 x 2.8 cm) has a very unusual external appearance. It is extremely fragmented and has numerous rounded cavities, some of which extend through the thickness of the specimen to give it a "swiss cheese" appearance. The cavities were filled with ice and snow when the meteorite was found. Several patches of fusion crust are present. The exterior surfaces vary in color from dark gray to lighter gray and yellowish gray, the lighter colors being characteristic of the less weathered areas. Inclusions (chon- drules?) are exposed on those portions of the exterior surface that lack fusion crust. White evaporite deposits and yellow- colored weathering residues are abundant on interior surfaces; the white material is an unusual nickel-rich magnesium sulfate (J. Gooding, personal communication, 1986). In spite of the weathering and evaporite deposits, the interior surfaces reveal a fine-grained matrix with minute metal flecks and a few FIGURE 6-8.?Photomicrograph of thin section of LL3 chondrite TIL82408 (field of view is 3 x 2 mm). Chondrules, chondrule fragments, irregular fragments, and mineral grains are set in a dark matrix. FIGURE 6-9.?C4 chondrite PCA82500. NUMBER 28 37 FIGURE 6-10.?Photomicrographs of thin section of C4 chondrites (each field of view is 3 x 2 mm): a, ALH82135; b, PCA82500. In ALH82135, sparse chondrules are set in a matrix consisting largely of fine-grained olivine. In PCA82500, the lower left area shows a segment of a large (3.6 mm diameter) chondrule. yellowish dots of oxidation. The thin section contains a single porphyritic olivine chondrule, diameter 3.6 mm, in an aggregate of turbid anhedral olivine grains averaging 0.1 mm. Small amounts of troilite and nickel-iron are present, the metal being largely weathered to brown limonite. Microprobe analyses show a uniform olivine composition of Fa31, and variable plagioclase in the range An^ to An^. No pyroxene was found. This meteorite was classified in the Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 6(2), as an LL6 chondrite, but has since been recognized as a C4 chondrite that is very similar to Karoonda (Scott, 1985). Wieler efal. (1985) have reported abundances and isotopic compositions of He, Ne, and Ar in PCA 82500. Scott (1985) concludes that Karoonda, PCA 82500, Yamato 6903, and Mulga (West) are very similar and may have come from the same body. CLASS E4 FIGURE 6-11 ALHA81189 (2.6 g).?No fusion crust remains on this fractured reddish brown stone (2 x 1.5 x 0.5 cm). The thin section shows an aggregate of chondrules, chondrule frag- ments, and mineral grains set in an opaque matrix. The chondrules range up to 0.9 mm in diameter; most of them consist of granular pyroxene (sometimes with a little olivine), but a few are made up of nickel-iron and troilite. The matrix consists largely of nickel-iron and troilite, with a considerable amount of secondary limonite. Microprobe analyses show that the pyroxene is close to MgSiO3 in composition (FeO 0.5%-4.5%, with a mean of 1.9%; A12O3 0.02%-2.4%, mean 0.7%; CaO 0.1%-0.7%, mean 0.3%; TiO2 0%-0.13%, mean 0.08%; MnO 0.07%-0.22%, mean 0.15%). Most of the olivine grains are close to Mg2Si04 in composition (FeO 0.7%-6.4%). One grain of a silica polymorph was analyzed. The metal contains approximately 2.5% Si. Because some of the pyroxene is polysynthetically twinned clinoenstatite, the meteorite is tentatively classified as an E4 chondrite. ALH82132 (5.9 g).?No fusion crust remains on this iridescent, reddish brown, highly oxidized stone (2x2x1 cm). A thin coating of evaporite deposits are present on some of the extensively weathered interior surfaces. Thin section examination shows that chondrules are relatively abundant but small, ranging up to 0.6 mm in diameter. Most of them consist of pyroxene, but some are made up almost entirely of nickel-iron and troilite. The matrix consists largely of granular pyroxene, with lesser amounts of nickel-iron and sulfides, a little plagioclase and a silica polymorph. The meteorite is considerably weathered, with brown limonitic staining through- out the section. Microprobe analyses show that the pyroxene is almost pure MgSiO3 (FeO 0.06%-0.7%, mean 0.3%; A12O3 0-0.3%, mean 0.04%; CaO 0.02%-0.6%, mean 0.16%; TiO2 and MnO each less than 0.05%). Plagioclase is almost pure albite (CaO 0.2%, K2O 0.11%). The meteorite is an enstatite chondrite and, since some of the pyroxene is polysynthetically twinned clinoenstatite, it is classified as an E4 chondrite. E.R.D. Scott (personal communication) has examined the thin sections of the E4 chondrites from the Allan Hills, and comments that 81189 and 82132 are definitely not paired, 82132 appearing more equilibrated than 81189; 81189 does resemble 77156 and 77295, and may tentatively be paired with them. PCA82518 (21.9 g).?The fusion crust coating this stone (3 x 2.5 x 2 cm) is shiny, iridescent, and ranges in color from orange-red to brown to black. The exterior is dotted with numerous vugs that are lined with fusion crust. Exposed interior surfaces reveal a dark brown matrix with abundant chondrules (as large as 3 mm in diameter) and metal. Thin 38 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES FIGURE 6-11.?Photomicrographs of thin sections of E4 chondrites (each field of view is 3 x 2 mm): a, ALHA81189; b, ALH82132; c, PCA82518. All three sections show chondrules, chondrule fragments, and mineral grains (mainly clinoenstatite) in an opaque matrix consisting largely of nichel-iron and troilite. section examination shows that the chondrules are abundant but generally small, ranging from 0.3 to 0.9 mm in diameter; they consist of granular or fine-grained pyroxene. The matrix consists largely of granular pyroxene, with lesser amounts of nickel-iron and sulfides, and a little plagioclase. The meteorite is considerably weathered, with brown limonitic staining throughout the section. Microprobe analyses show that the pyroxene is almost pure MgSiO3 (FeO 0.2%-0.8%, mean 0.5%; A12O3 0.07%-0.7%, mean 0.5%; CaO 0.04%-0.7%, mean 0.2%; TiO2 and MnO each less than 0.1%). Plagioclase is almost pure albite (K2O 0.6%, CaO less than 0.1%). One grain of forsteritic olivine was analyzed. The meteorite is an enstatite chondrite and, since part of the pyroxene is polysynthetically twinned clinoenstatite, it is classified as E4. CLASS H4 FIGURES 6-12,6-13 ALHA78051 (119 g).?In thin section this stone is seen to consist of numerous chondrules, up to 1.5 mm in diameter, set in finely granular matrix of olivine, pyroxene, nickel-iron, and troilite. Moderate weathering is indicated by brown limonitic staining concentrated around metal grains. Well-preserved fusion crust borders one edge of the section. Microprobe analyses show olivine to be uniformly Fa18 in composition; the pyroxene composition is somewhat variable, Fs15.lg. ALH82126 (139 g).?This stone (7 x 4 x 2.5 cm) was completely covered with dull brown fusion crust. Chipping revealed some inclusions in the heavily weathered interior. The thin section shows numerous chondrules, up to 2 mm in diameter, in a granular groundmass of olivine and pyroxene, with minor nickel-iron and lesser amounts of troilite. Brown limonitic staining pervades the section. Remnants of fusion crust are present on one edge. Microprobe analyses give the following compositions: olivine, Fa18; pyroxene is somewhat variable, Fs14.18. EET82602 (1824 g).? An extremely thin, black fusion crust completely covers the regmaglypted surface of this meteorite NUMBER 28 39 (10 x 14 x 8 cm). The stone broke along a pre-existing fracture, exposing both weathered and unweathered material. The material exposed is orange-brown with abundant visible metal (this may not be representative of the entire specimen). Chondritic structure is well developed in thin section, with chondrules ranging up to 1.5 mm in diameter. A variety of chondrule types is present, including porphyritic and barred olivine (with turbid, devitrified glass between the olivine crystals), granular olivine, olivine-pyroxene, and fine-grained pyroxene. Some of the pyroxene is polysynthetically twinned clinobronzite. The chondrules are set in a fine-grained granular groundmass of olivine and pyroxene, with minor amounts of nickel-iron and troilite. Brown limonitic staining pervades the section, and veinlets of red-brown limonite are present. Microprobe analyses give the following compositions: olivine, Fa19; pyroxene, Fs16. EET82609 (325 g).?This stone (7.5 x 5 x 3.5 cm) is angular with rounded corners. Brownish black fusion crust or remnant fusion crust covers the entire specimen. The interior has a dark matrix with reddish brown oxidation disseminated throughout. The thin section shows a close-packed aggregate of small chondrules, ranging up to 0.6 mm in diameter, set in a granular groundmass consisting largely of olivine and pyroxene, with minor amounts of nickel-iron and troilite. Some of the pyroxene is polysynthetically twinned clinobronzite. Brown limonitic staining pervades the section. Microprobe analyses give the following compositions: olivine, Fa18; pyroxene Fs17 (the pyroxene is somewhat variable in composition). EET83207 (1238 g).?A black to reddish brown fusion crust covers this oblong meteorite (15 x 7.5 x 6 cm ). Several deep fractures penetrate the interior, one splitting the stone almost in half. The interior is mostly dark reddish brown, although small areas of less-weathered yellowish matrix are still present. The thin section shows well-defined chondrules up to 2 mm in diameter. Microcrystalline structure is preserved in some chondrules , but glass is devitrified. Olivine is uniformly Fa18 in composition. Monoclinic pyroxene (Fs16_18) is common. Two metal phases are present, and tetrataenite (Ni 55%) is also present locally. Troilite is subordinate to metal in abundance. Chromite is accessory. This meteorite was originally classified as H4-5 in the Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 8(1). EET83211 (542 g).?A weathered, polygonally fractured fusion crust covers 75% of this meteorite fragment (10 x 7 3.5 cm). The surface is iridescent in places, and a minor amount of evaporite deposit is present. The interior of the stone is also very fractured; broken surfaces are reddish brown and quite smooth. The interior is extremely weathered, but some metal is nonetheless visible. The thin section shows sharply defined chondrules up to approximately 0.6 mm in diameter in a microcrystalline groundmass. Metal is abundant and exceeds troilite in amount. Intense limonitic staining, together with hematite veins, indicate heavy weathering. The olivine composition is relatively uniform, Fa18.20. Pyroxene is commonly monoclinic, with a narrow composition range of FIGURE 6-12.?H4 chondrites. Fs1620. Some very fine-grained plagioclase (An12Or5) was found. PCA82511 (149 g).?Flow marks are apparent in the iridescent brown to black fusion crust on the top surface (as oriented on the ice) of this stone (5.5 x 6 x 3.5 cm). The bottom surface shows several fractures and the fusion crust is extensively weathered, having an orange tinge. The interior that was exposed by chipping may not be representative of the entire stone; it is heavily weathered with only small areas of unweathered light gray material. In thin section, chondrules are abundant and well-developed. A variety of types is present, the commonest being porphyritic olivine, porphyritic olivine- pyroxene, and radiating pyroxene. Much of the pyroxene is polysynthetically-twinned clinobronzite. The matrix consists of fine-grained olivine and pyroxene, with minor amounts of nickel-iron and troilite; it is heavily stained with limonite. Well-preserved fusion crust is present along one edge of the section. Microprobe analyses give the following compositions: 40 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES FIGURE 6-13.?Photomicrographs of thin sections of H4 chondrites (each field of view is 3 x 2 mm): a, PCA82524; b, PCA82511. Although both contain numerous well-defined chondrules, some chondrule margins tend to merge with the granular matrix. olivine, Fa17; pyroxene, Fs15. PCA82524 (113 g).?A black fusion crust covers most of this cuboidal stone (5 x 4 x 3.5 mm). Chipping exposed a continuous weathering rind, light gray matrix and numerous small light and dark inclusions. In thin section chondrules are abundant and well-developed, ranging up to 1.2 mm in diameter; a variety of types is present, including barred olivine, granular and porphyritic olivine-pyroxene, and fine-grained pyroxene. Some of the pyroxene is polysynthetically twinned clinobronzite. The groundmass consists largely of fine-grained olivine and pyroxene, with minor amounts of nickel-iron and troilite. A minor degree of weathering is indicated by brown limonitic staining around metal grains. Microprobe analyses give the following compositions: olivine, Falg; pyroxene, Fs16. CLASS L4 FIGURES 6-14,6-15 ALH83001 (1568 g).?Shallow regmaglypts are present on this fusion-crusted stone (17.5 x 9 x 6.5 cm). Most of the interior that has been exposed by chipping is weathered, but it may not be representative of the entire stone. The less weathered material is medium gray and contains chondrules. The thin section shows sharply defined chondrules up to 2.5 mm in diameter, in which original brown glass is now turbid and birefringent. Metal (mostly one-phase) and troilite are subequal in amount. Light to moderate limonitic staining indicates mild weathering. Olivine composition is somewhat variable, Fa23.28. Monoclinic pyroxene is abundant, and has a composition range of Fs20_32. PCA82514 (129 g).?A dull black fusion crust is present on one surface of this stone (6 x 3 x 3 cm), the other surfaces having weathered to reddish brown. The interior is medium gray and shows dark and light inclusions. A partial weathering rind was exposed when the stone was chipped. In thin section chondrules are abundant and well-developed, ranging up to 2 mm in diameter; a variety of types is present, including porphyritic olivine, porphyritic olivine-pyroxene, barred oli- vine, and fine-grained olivine and pyroxene. Much of the pyroxene is polysynthetically-twinned clinobronzite. The matrix consists of fine-grained olivine and pyroxene, with coarser grains of nickel-iron and troilite. Brown limonitic staining surrounds the metal grains. Microprobe analyses give the following compositions: olivine, Fa23; pyroxene somewhat variable, Fs^^, mean Fs18. The following four specimens are L4 chondrites from the Thiel Mountains that are possibly paired. All are very similar in their textures, mineral compositions, and degree of weathering. The thin sections all show a close-packed aggregate of chondrules, up to 3 mm in diameter, in a minor amount of granular groundmass that consists of olivine, pyroxene and minor amounts of nickel-iron and troilite. Brown limonitic staining pervades the sections. Microprobe analyses give the following compositions: olivine Fa^.^; pyroxene is somewhat variable, with a mean of Fs20_21. TIL82404 (321 g).?This stone (7 x 7.5 x 3 cm) is partly covered with brownish black fusion crust; many inclusions are visible in areas devoid of crust. Chipping has exposed a dark gray matrix that is inclusion- and metal-rich, with evenly distributed oxidation. TIL82406 (152 g).?This stone (5.5 x 5.0 x 3.5 cm) is angular with subrounded edges, and most of it is covered with dull black fusion crust. The dark gray interior shows numerous inclusions, and oxidation is evenly scattered throughout. NUMBER 28 41 TIL82407 (220 g).?This is an angular oblong stone (9.5 x 4.5 x 3 cm) with three flat sides, completely covered with brownish black fusion crust. Abundant oxidation haloes are obvious on the surface. Most of the interior has weathered to a deep reddish brown, but fresh material is dark gray. TIL82411 (179 g).?This meteorite (6.5 x 4.5 x 3 cm) is covered with slightly weathered fusion crust. No fractures are present. The interior is dark and slightly weathered, and contains abundant chondrules 1-2 mm in diameter. FIGURE 6-14.?L4 chondrites. TYR82700 (892 g).?Black to brown fusion crust covers 60% of this stone (10 x 8.5 x 7 cm). Other surfaces are brown with light inclusions. A white evaporite deposit dots the surface. The interior is extensively oxidized. The thin section shows a close-packed aggregate of chondrules and chondrule fragments, set in a minor amount of granular matrix. A variety of chondrule types is present, including granular olivine, porphyritic olivine, porphyritic olivine-pyroxene, barred oli- vine, and radiating fibrous pyroxene. Much of the pyroxene is polysynthetically twinned clinobronzite. Minor amounts of nickel-iron and troilite are present, interstitial to the chondrules. Minor weathering is indicated by brown limonitic staining around metal grains. Microprobe analyses give the following compositions: olivine, Fa^; pyroxene somewhat variable, Fs15_23, mean Fs18. CLASS H5 FIGURES 6-16,6-17 ALHA81161 (122 g).?This stone (6.5 x 4 x 2.8 cm) has thin fusion crust on one side. It is extremely fractured and brown to iridescent brown. Chipping exposed a totally weathered interior. ALHA81183 (104 g).?Dull fusion crust covers most of this stone (6 x 3.5 x 3 cm); areas without fusion crust have an iridescent red-brown color. Several fractures penetrate the interior, which has a deep reddish brown color. ALHA81295 (105 g).?Some very thin fusion crust is preserved on one surface of this meteorite (7 x 4.5 x 2 cm). The surface color is iridescent reddish brown. Many fractures penetrate the interior, which is extensively weathered. ALH82102 (48 g).?This stone was found weathering out of the ice in the Far Western Icefield. It was collected in situ inside of a large block of encasing ice (see Frontispiece). The ice block was sent to an ice coring lab in New Hampshire and determined to be original (not refrozen) ice; see Chapter 10. The dull black, polygonally fractured fusion crust of the meteorite contains many centimeter-size oxidation haloes that are orange-red. One fracture surface is reddish brown. The interior of the meteorite is uniformly very weathered. ALH82103 (2529 g).?A slightly weathered fusion crust covers nearly all of this meteorite (14 x 11 x 9 cm). Regmaglypts occur on several faces. Surfaces without fusion 42 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES FIGURE 6-15.?Photomicrographs of thin sections of L4 chondrites (each field of view is 3 x 2 mm): a, TIL82406; b, PCA82514. Chondritic structure is prominent, but some chondrules show partial integration with the granular matrix. crust show a 1-2 mm thick weathering rind, but a few small clasts are visible. The interior consists of gray matrix dotted with oxidation. ALH82122 (142 g).?A thin fusion crust covers this rectangular meteorite (4.5 x 4 x 2.5 cm). The interior is light to dark gray with oxidation haloes around metal grains. EET82603 (8210 g).?This large stone (18 x 19 x 14 cm) is almost completely covered with a black, polygonally fractured fusion crust. White evaporite deposits occur on four of the six sides of the meteorite and are quite thick in some places. As in the cases of other Antarctic meteorites having evaporite deposits (see description for ALH83100), the deposits on EET82603 formed while the sample was drying in the gaseous nitrogen atmosphere of the storage cabinets in Houston. Chipping of the meteorite revealed that a weathering rind is also present. The interior matrix is gray with large areas having a dark gray to deep reddish brown color. Extensive weathering has occurred along internal cracks. EET82604 (1570 g).?A thin black fusion crust coats most of this blocky meteorite (11 x 11x8.5c m). The stone broke along a pre-existing fracture, exposing mostly weathered material, though metal is still obvious, as is a small amount of less-weathered material. EET83200 (778 g).?This angular chondrite (10 x 8 x 5 cm) is covered with weathered black fusion crust that is pitted with oxidation. Row lines are present on part of one surface. The stone is broken, and the exposed surface is weathered to a shiny dark brown. The interior is a dark reddish brown with a small band of relatively unweathered material. This meteorite was originally classified H4-5 in the Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 8(1). EET83203 (545 g).?No fusion crust remains on this smooth reddish brown chondrite (6.5 x 7.5 x 6 cm). Several deep parallel fractures penetrate the interior, which is reddish brown with some areas less weathered than others. Metal flecks are visible. EET83208 (263 g).?This meteorite (11 x 5.5 x 3 cm) is totally covered by a smooth black fusion crust. Several penetrating fractures and a number of regmaglypts are present. The stone broke in half along a fracture, and the interior is extensively weathered. Further chipping has revealed a less-weathered dark interior. TIL82409 (230 g).?A black to slightly weathered fusion crust covers nearly all the meteorite (6.5 x 4.5 x 4.5 cm). The interior has a yellowish tinge and large dark haloes from weathering. In thin section, all of the H5 chondrites show a generally well-developed chondritic structure with a variety of chondrule types, including granular olivine, porphyritic olivine, porphyri- tic olivine-pyroxene, barred olivine, and fine-grained pyroxene. Chondrule margins may be somewhat diffuse, tending to merge with the granular groundmass. The latter consists largely of olivine and pyroxene, with minor amounts of 2-phase nickel-iron, troilite, and chromite; minute grains of sodic plagioclase can sometimes be detected. The compositions of the olivine (Fa1649) and pyroxene (Fs14.17) are uniform within the individual specimens. CLASS L5 FIGURES 6-18,6-19 ALH82104 (398 g).?This stone (6 x 6 x 6 cm) is mostly covered with a thin black fusion crust. The exposed underlying FIGURE 6-16.?H5 chondrites. Note the flow lines on the fusion crust of EET83200. FIGURE 6-17.?Photomicrographs of thin sections of H5 chondrites (each field of view is 3 x 2 mm): a, EET82603; b, TTL82409. Chondritic structure is well-developed, but chondrule margins tend to merge with the granular groundmass. 44 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES surfaces are brown and rough in texture. The interior is made up of light gray matrix with rounded and irregular inclusions. A few oxidation haloes and a continuous weathering rind are present. PCA82504 (3093 g).?Fusion crust covers 80% of the surface of this meteorite (18x 12x9cm), and is dotted with oxidation. Areas not covered with fusion crust are somewhat weathered but still reveal a grayish matrix. The interior is gray, contains small inclusions, and is dotted with oxidation haloes. PCA82505 (3085 g).?Patches of fusion crust remain on this meteorite (16 x 11 x 11 cm). Exposed underlying surfaces are generally reddish brown, with lighter colored inclusions evident. A major fracture divides the stone in half. The interior is dark with reddish oxidation. PCA82510 (254 g).?Some of the blackish brown fusion crust has been plucked off, exposing the clast-rich interior of this stone (6.5 x 4.5 x 4 cm). The matrix is medium gray and loaded with inclusions, both rounded and irregular. The stone is amazingly fresh; minor pockets of oxidation are present, but they are the exception. PCA82513 (239 g).?One face of this stone (6 x 5 x 4 cm) is rounded and smooth, with a shiny black to weathered fusion crust. The other faces have a dull fractured fusion crust that is slightly blistery in places. Flow lines are present. The interior is light gray with occasional dark gray inclusions or chondrules. Metal flecks are visible, and are commonly surrounded by oxidation haloes. A discontinuous weathering rind is present. PCA82519 (125 g).?A dull brownish black fusion crust covers 80% of this meteorite fragment (4x6x3 cm). Oxidation is evenly disseminated throughout the interior. Unweathered matrix is dark gray and inclusion-rich. TIL82400 (220 g).?This meteorite (8 x 5 x 5 cm) has only a few remnant patches of fusion crust. The exposed underlying meteorite is friable, has a rough texture and reddish brown color, and shows numerous gray-green chondrules (1-3 mm 1 cm FIGURE 6-18.?L5 chondrites. NUMBER 28 45 FIGURE 6-19.?Photomicrographs of thin section of L5 chondrites (each field of view is 3 x 2 mm): a, PCA82505; b, TIL82400. Chondrules are prominent, but show some integration with the granular groundmass. diameter). The interior is light gray with some oxidation. In thin section the L5 chondrites show a generally well-developed chondritic structure, with a variety of chon- drule types, including porphyritic olivine, granular olivine, granular olivine-pyroxene, and radiating pyroxene. Chondrule margins are commonly diffuse, tending to merge with the granular groundmass. The latter consists largely of olivine and pyroxene with minor subequal amounts of nickel-iron and troilite. The compositions of the olivine (Fa23,25) and largely-orthorhombic pyroxene (Fs1921) are essentially uni- form within individual specimens. CLASS E6 FIGURE 6-20 ALHA81260 (124.1 g).?A weathered fusion crust covers about 80% of this stone (4.5 x 5 x 3 cm). The one fracture surface has weathered to a deep reddish brown. A minute amount of evaporite deposit is present and is most abundant immediately underneath the fusion crust. The stone is extremely hard to break. The interior matrix is bluish black, with black and white crystal faces being obvious under a binocular microscope. Only vague traces of chondritic structure are visible in the thin section, which shows the meteorite to consist largely of granular enstatite, a considerable amount of nickel-iron (-20%) and minor amounts of sulfides and plagioclase. Remnants of fusion crust are present in the section. Weathering is minor, with a little limonitic staining around some metal grains. Microprobe analyses show the enstatite is almost pure MgSiO3 (CaO 0.8%; FeO 0.2%; A12O3, TiO2, and MnO each <0.1%); plagioclase is somewhat variable in composition, An13 19. The meteorite is an E6 chondrite; the only other E6 chondrite from the Allan Hills, ALHA 81021, FIGURE 6-20.?Micrograph of thin section of the E6 chondrite ALHA81260 (Field of view is 3 x 2 mm). Chondritic structure is barely perceptible, the section showing a granular aggregate consisting largely of enstatite (white to gray) and nickel-iron and troilite (black). is similar but appears to be more weathered. The possibility of pairing should be considered. CLASS H6 FIGURES 6-21,6-22 EET83201 (1059 g).?No fusion crust remains on this polished and rounded stone (10 x 8 x 7 cm). It was chipped along a crack, exposing a reddish brown interior with metal flecks. Thin section examination shows well-preserved chon- drules up to 2 mm in diameter, enclosed in a matrix that is intensely recrystallized to a coarse polygonal-granular texture. 46 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES 1 cm FIGURE 6-21.?H6 chondrites. Note the oxidation haloes on the surface of TIL82405. Plagioclase (An1314Ab80.glOr6) is well-developed and abun- dant. Orthorhombic pyroxene (Fs 18) and olivine (Fa18.20) are uniform in composition. Metal and troilite are subequal in abundance. Chromite is an accessory phase. EET83215 (510 g).?This meteorite (9 x 7 x 6 cm) consists of three pieces (one large and two small) that fit together perfectly. The exterior is shiny, smooth, and reddish brown with some remnants of fusion crust. Fracturing is extensive. The interior surfaces are heavily weathered; some metal was noted. In thin section, chondrules up to 2 mm in diameter are fairly well-preserved; some retain microcrystalline structure. Plagioclase is abundant and coarse but is highly maskely- netized. Olivine and mostly-orthorhombic pyroxene are very uniform in composition, Fa18 and Fs19 respectively. Metal is more abundant than troilite; at least two metal phases are present, including some tetrataenite (approximately 52% Ni). This meteorite was originally classified as H5-6 in the Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 8(1). TIL82405 (1001 g).?Three perfectly fitting pieces make up this specimen (15 x 10 x 14 cm). The fusion crust is polygonally fractured and shows oxidation haloes. The interior is gray with small specks of oxidation. A 1-4 mm thick weathering rind is present. In thin section chondrules are sparse and poorly defined, tending to merge with the granular groundmass. The latter consists largely of olivine and pyroxene, with minor amounts of nickel-iron, plagioclase, and troilite. Brown limonitic staining surrounds the metal grains. Microprobe analyses give the following compositions: olivine, Fa19; pyroxene, Fs17; plagioclase, An13. FIGURE 6-22 (Below).?Photomicrographs of thin sections of H6 chondrites (each field of view is 3 x 2 mm), a, TIL82405; b, EET83201. Chondrules are present, but tend to merge with the granular groundmass. NUMBER 28 47 CLASS L6 FIGURES 6-23,6-24 ALH81247 (104 g).?This stone (5.5 x 4 x 3 cm) is covered with a dull, blistery fusion crust. Numerous fractures criss-cross the surface but do not extend far into the interior. A minute amount of evaporite deposit is present. The interior is light gray with numerous inclusions, some more than 1 mm in largest dimension. A weathering rind 1-9 mm thick is present. ALH82105 (363 g).?This stone (8 x 7.5 x 3 cm) is flat with well-rounded edges and is totally covered with a brown to black, polygonally fractured fusion crust showing many oxidation haloes. A continuous weathering rind, 1-5 mm thick, was exposed on chipping. The interior is whitish gray with a few areas of oxidation. Abundant metal is obvious. ALH82118 (110 g).?Remnants of black fusion crust are present on this meteorite (5 x 4.5 x 3 cm). Elsewhere the surface is rough and friable, with a light gray matrix dotted with oxidation haloes around metal grains. One deep fracture penetrates the stone. ALH82123 (110 g).?Fusion crust covers most of this stone (6 x 4 x 3 cm). Chondrules up to 5 mm in diameter are visible on a fracture surface. A 5 mm thick weathering rind was exposed when the meteorite was chipped. ALH82125 (178 g).?A dull to lustrous fusion crust covers this dumbbell-shaped meteorite (8 x 3.5 x 2.5 cm). The interior is highly weathered. ALH83101 (639 g).?This smooth rounded stone (9 x 8 x 5.5 cm) is covered with a black, polygonally fractured fusion crust. One surface is flat and iridescent. Areas where fusion crust has weathered away reveal a rough reddish surface with areas of gray matrix. The interior is light gray and sparsely dotted with oxidation. Metal flecks are numerous. 1 cm FIGURE 6-23.?L6 chondrites. 48 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES FIGURE 6-24.?Micrographs of thin sections of L6 chondrites (each field of view is 3 x 2 mm): a, EET83214; b, EET83206. Chondritic structure is barely discernible in these samples, the chondrules merging with granular groundmass. Note the dark glassy shock veining in EET83206. EET82605 (624 g).?This angular stone (9 x 7.5 x 5.5 cm) is mostly covered with a black fusion crust. Chipping has revealed a discontinuous weathering rind 1.7-2 mm thick. The fresher interior is light in color with oxidation scattered throughout. Several inclusions were noted. EET82606 (981 g).?This angular meteorite (11.5 x 9 x 7 cm) is smooth and dark reddish brown with remnants of fusion crust. Several fractures penetrate the stone. Light grayish yellow matrix with numerous inclusions and oxidation haloes make up the interior. EET82607 (165 g).?This stone (5.5 x 4 x 4 cm) appears to be one-half of what was formerly a thin oblong-shaped specimen. Fusion crust is present on all but one face; this face has a rough texture and a reddish brown color, with lighter-colored inclusions or chondrules and some tiny metal grains being visible. EET83202 (1213 g).?This meteorite (12 x 7 x 7.5 cm) is roughly rectangular, with about 50% of its surface covered with fusion crust. Where the fusion crust has weathered away, the surface is smooth and reddish brown. Fractures are numerous. The interior is light and dark gray with abundant millimeter-sized light inclusions. This meteorite was originally classified as L5-6 in the Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 8(1). EET83205 (470 g).?This chondrite (8x7x4 cm) has patches of shiny fusion crust scattered over its otherwise reddish brown surface. Several fractures penetrate the interior, which is white to yellow-gray. A gray to reddish brown weathering rind is present. EET83206 (461 g).?This rectangular stone (10 x 5 x 4.5 cm) is covered with a black to reddish brown fusion crust. The interior is grayish with a discontinuous weathering rind and some large oxidation haloes. Glassy veins crisscross the interior. EET83209 (520 g).?This stone (8 x 7 x 6 cm) is rounded and smooth with scattered remnants of fusion crust; surfaces that lack fusion crust are reddish brown and slightly polished. The interior is reddish to yellowish, heavily weathered but with some visible metal flecks. Plagioclase is locally maskelyni- tized. EET83210 (425 g).?Patches of fusion crust remain on approximately 30% of this meteorite fragment (9.5 x 6 x 6 cm); the other surfaces are smooth and reddish brown. The interior is gray with some oxidation staining; metal flecks are present. A discontinuous weathering rind is present. EET83214 (1397 g).?This stone is 75% covered with fractured and weathered black fusion crust; the rest of the surface is reddish brown, has a rough texture, and shows some yellowish matrix. A 5 mm thick reddish brown weathering rind was exposed by chipping. The interior is gray with some oxidation; metal is abundant. EET83237 (882 g).?A few small patches of fusion crust remain on this rounded reddish brown stone (10 x 7 x 5.5 cm). A small area was chipped off, exposing a fracture (possibly annealed) that is preferentially weathered and a yellowish matrix. Metal flecks and a few inclusions are visible. PCA82503 (8308 g ).?This large stone (27 x 17 x 12 cm) consists of two pieces that fit together perfectly, each covered with a thin black fusion crust except for the fracture surface. The bottom (as oriented on the ice) is smooth and has some deep regmaglypts. The fracture surface has weathered to a yellowish brown color and has a rough texture. The interior is light gray with some oxidation haloes. A discontinuous weathering rind, 1-2 mm thick, is present. PCA82508 (389 g).?This is a well-rounded oblong meteorite (9 x 5 x 4 cm) with a black fusion crust coating all but one corner. This exposed area is somewhat weathered to a NUMBER 28 49 reddish brown color. The interior is light gray with light and dark inclusions (chondrules?), and shows some oxidation haloes. PCA82509 (285 g).?A brownish black fusion crust completely covers this cuboidal meteorite (5x5x4 cm). Chipping has exposed an area that is mostly oxidized but probably not representative of the entire specimen. Fresh material is light gray with abundant fresh metal visible. TIL82401 (281 g).?A thin, dull black fusion crust coats parts of three surfaces of this fragment (6.5 x 6 x 5.5 cm). The other surfaces are smooth and reddish brown. Chondrules (1-6 mm diameter) are visible. A wide discontinuous weathering rind was exposed on chipping, as was fresh gray matrix with a minor amount of oxidation. The L6 chondrites are all very similiar in their petrographic characteristics. The thin sections show sparse, poorly defined chondrules that tend to merge with the granular groundmass. Principal minerals are olivine and pyroxene in subequal amounts, together with minor quantities of plagioclase (or maskelynite), nickel-iron, troilite, diopside, and accessory chromite and merrillite. Microprobe analyses (see Appendix, Table A) show essentially uniform compositions for the principal minerals: olivine, Fa^.^; orthopyroxene, Fs19.21; plagioclase, An1(M2. The following meteorites contain maske- lynite: EET82605, EET82606, PCA82503, PCA82509, EET83209. CLASS LL6 FIGURES 6-25,6-26 EET83204 (376 g).?A polygonally fractured fusion crust has spalled off large areas of this stone (8x6x5 cm). Areas devoid of fusion crust have a rough texture. The interior is gray without visible weathering, except for a discontinuous darker gray rind and several reddish haloes. Metal flecks are present. A thin section shows poorly defined chondrules up to 2 mm in diameter. The matrix is intensely recrystallized to a well-developed polygonal granular texture. Metal (two-phase, mostly as coarse patchy intergrowths) and troilite are both very low in abundance. Minor local limonitic staining suggests mild weathering. Olivine and orthopyroxene are essentially uniform in composition, Fa29_31 and Fs27, respectively. Plagioclase (Anu0r5.13) is coarse and abundant; the reason for the variation in the orthoclase content is not known. PCA82507 (479 g).?A black fusion crust covers most of this stone (6 x 6 x 6.5 cm). Areas not covered by fusion crust have a brownish color. Many chondrules are visible, the largest being 5 mm in diameter. The interior consists of a bluish gray matrix with white and dark gray inclusions up to 1 mm in size. There is little obvious metal. Chondritic structure is not prominent in the thin section examined for this description: only a few fragments of individual chondrules are present. This section thus may not be representative of the meteorite FIGURE 6-25.?LL6 chondrites. as a whole. The section shows mostly a granular aggregate of olivine and pyroxene, with minor amounts of plagioclase, troilite, and a little (-1%) nickel-iron. The thin section reveals no evidence of weathering. Fusion crust (0.4 mm thick) rims part of the section. Microprobe analyses give the following compositions: olivine, Fa30; pyroxene, Fs^; plagioclase, Ann. TIL82402 (476 g).?Black fusion crust covers all but the edges of this cuboidal meteorite (7x6x6 cm). The interior consists of light gray matrix with dark and light inclusions. In thin section the chondrules are sparse and poorly developed, tending to merge with the granular groundmass, which consists largely of olivine and pyroxene, with minor amounts of plagioclase, troilite, and a little (-2%) nickel-iron. The section shows a brecciated structure, with medium- to fine-grained clasts. Weathering is minor, being limited to a little brown limonitic staining around metal grains. Microprobe analyses give the following compositions: olivine, Fa^; pyroxene, plagioclase, An10. 50 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES FIGURE 6-26.?Photomicrographs of thin sections of LL6 chondrites (each field of view is 3 x 2 mm): a, PCA82607; b, TIL82402. The chondritic structure is almost completely erased by extensive brecciation and integration with the granular matrix. CLASS "H?" ACAPULCO-LIKE FIGURE 6-27 ALHA81261 (11.8 g).?A brown and black fusion crust encloses about 50% of this small stone (2 x 1.5 x 1.5 cm). The interior is light to medium gray, with abundant metal grains being visible. A weathering rind is present. The thin section shows that this meteorite is an equigranular (grains 0.1-0.4 mm across) aggregate of approximately equal amounts of FIGURE 6-27.?Photomicrograph of thin section of the "H?" Acapulco-like chondrite ALHA81261 (field of view is 3 x 2 mm). This meteorite is an equigranular aggregate consisting mainly of olivine, orthopyroxene, and plagioclase (white to gray), with minor amounts of nickel-iron, troilite, and chromite. olivine and orthopyroxene, with minor amounts of nickel-iron, plagioclase, troilite, diopside, and accessory chromite. A little limonitic staining is present around metal grains. Microprobe analyses show that the mineral are uniform in composition: olivine, Fan; orthopyroxene, Wo2En87Fsn; plagioclase, An14Or4. This specimen is identical in all respects with ALHA 77081, classed as an H? meteorite, and the two are almost certainly paired. The mineral analyses are indistinguishable from those of Acapulco (Palme et al., 1981). ALHA81315 (2.5 g) is identical with ALHA 81261 in all respects. In the future we will refer to these meteorites, and ALHA77081, as Class "H?" Acapulco-like. Achondrites EUCRTTES FIGURES 6-28, 6-29 ALHA81313 (0.5 g).?The classification of this very small (0.8 x 0.7 x 0.4 cm) and completely crusted stone as a eucrite is tentative as of this writing. It is either an unusual eucrite or, alternatively, it could be related to the shergottites. Unfortu- nately, most of the specimen was consumed in producing a thin section. The section shows a granular aggregate (grains 1-3 mm in maximum dimension) of colorless plagioclase (maskelynite) and pale gray, weakly pleochroic pyroxene with trace amounts of nickel-iron, troilite, and chromite. A vague impression of pyroxene-rich and plagioclase-rich layers is present, possibly suggesting a cumulate. The pyroxene appears to be an inverted pigeonite: orthopyroxene with small blebs of exsolved augite. Point counting gives the following volume NUMBER 28 51 1 cm FIGURE 6-28.?Eucrites. percentages: pyroxene, 54; plagioclase, 46. Microprobe analy- ses show the maskelynite to be essentially stoichiometric and fairly uniform in composition, averaging An93 (Na^ 0.6%- 1.4%, K20 <0.4%). The orthopyroxene composition is also fairly uniform, averaging Wo3En59Fs38; A12O3 0.4%, MnO 0.9%, TiO2 0.2%, Cr2O3 0.3%. The composition of a single augite bleb is Wo38En42Fs20. In texture and mineral chemistry this meteorite closely resembles the Moama monomict eucrite (Lovering, 1975). For this reason, and because its mineral chemistry is different from that of the shergotites, Delaney and Prinz (Chapter 8) conclude that 81313 is a eucrite and not a shergotite as originally suggested. TIL82403 (49.8 g).?A shiny black fusion crust encloses 70% of this achondrite (4.7 x 4 x 2 cm). The exposed underlying surface is gray with some white and black-and- white clasts being visible. The top surface (as oriented on the ice) contains numerous vugs, some as large as 5 mm in diameter. The interior matrix is light gray with small white and darker gray clasts. One large, coarse-grained, black-and-white clast was exposed when the meteorite was chipped. The thin section shows a microbreccia of angular fragments (grains up to 1.2 mm across) of pyroxene (orthopyroxene and pigeonite) and plagioclase, in a matrix of comminuted pyroxene and plagioclase. Plagioclase and pigeonite locally form coarse to fine-grained ophitic intergrowths. Trace amounts of troilite and nickel-iron are present as minute grains. Microprobe analyses show a considerable range of pyroxene compositions, over- lapping both the orthopyroxene and pigeonite fields: W03.22En3Q40FS43.5g. Plagioclase shows a considerable range of composition, An7793. PCA82501 (54.4 g).? This achondrite (4.5 x 3 x 3 cm) has areas of shiny fusion crust remaining on all surfaces. Some sides are smooth, while others are rough and contain numerous vugs. Areas lacking fusion crust reveal the specimen to be coarse grained, white to dark gray in color, and with some yellowish oxidation. No individual clasts are visible. A very 52 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES FIGURE 6-29.?Micrographs of thin sections of eucrites (each field of view is 3 x 2 mm): a, PCA81313 (white is maskelynite, the gray is pyroxene); b, PCA82502. Note the fine-grained unbrecciated texture; c, TIL82403. This is a microbreccia of angular fragments of pyroxene and plagioclase, in a matrix of comminuted matrix of the same phases; note the ophitic clast; d, EET 83234. This is a microbreccia of angular fragments of pyroxene (pale gray) and plagioclase (white); note the dark glassy clasts. small amount of oxidation is present in the interior. The thin section shows an ophitic intergrowth of plagioclase and pigeonite; the plagioclase laths average about 1 mm long. Trace amounts of troilite and nickel-iron are present as minute grains, the metal grains commonly being surrounded by rusty limonitic haloes. Microprobe analyses show pyroxene compositions ranging fairly continuously from Wo4Fs57 (orthopyroxene) to Wo21Fs41 (pigeonite), the range in En content being quite limited. Plagioclase compositions are in the range An80_92. The meteorite is unbrecciated in the thin section. PCA82502 (890 g).?This meteorite consists of 3 pieces (6 x 4.5 x 2.8 cm; 4.5 x 4.3 x 3 cm; 11 x 8.5 x 8 cm) that have areas of extremely shiny fusion crust. These 3 pieces do not fit together, but their field relationships and their megascopic appearances suggest they may be paired. The interiors of the fragments have a light gray matrix with darker gray inclusions up to several mm across. No weathering is evident, except that the exterior surfaces are darker gray than the interior surfaces. The thin section shows a fine-grained ophitic intergrowth of pigeonite and plagioclase (average length of plagioclase laths is about 0.1 mm). Small areas of somewhat coarser material may be partly resorbed clasts of similar composition. Trace amounts of nickel-iron and troilite are present, as minute grains. Microprobe analyses show pyroxene compositions ranging fairly continuously from Wo5Fs61 to Wo34Fs36, the range in En content being quite limited. The plagioclase composition is An7792. The meteorite is a eucrite and is unbrecciated in thin section; it is possibly a fine-grained variant NUMBER 28 53 ofPCA80501. EET83229 (312 g).?This meteorite (8 x 6 x 4 cm) is macroscopically similar to other 1983 Elephant Moraine eucrites, with the exception of one large (4 x 3 x 0.2 cm) brown crystalline clast. The thin section shows a typical polymict eucrite breccia with many pyroxene, plagioclase, and opaque mineral clasts, and a few small lithic clasts. One lithic clast has a feldspar phenocryst, an unusual feature for a eucritic clast. Pyroxene clasts show various degrees of exsolution, clouding, and compositional dispersion. Feldspar clasts show variable amounts of shock modification. Many cracks filled with dark weathering material crosscut the section. Micro- probe analyses give the following compositions: pyroxene WO4.39En2g.goFS3j.55; plagioclase An74.93. EET83231 (66.4 g).?This stone (5.5 x 4 x 4.5 cm) is very angular and contains numerous vesicles; no fusion crust is present. The thin section shows a polymict achondritic breccia containing several fine- and very fine-grained mafic clasts. Numerous orthopyroxene crystal fragments similar to diogeni- tic pyroxene are present; however, microprobe analyses showed no pyroxenes of diogenitic composition. Mafic clasts vary from coarse-grained subophitic basalts, with and without optically-zoned pyroxene and feldspar, to uncommon glassy clasts with fine crystallites. Microprobe analyses give the following compositions: pyroxene Wo1_20En40.49Fs37.51; pla- gioclase An80_92. EET83232 (211 g).?This meteorite (7 x 8 x 4.5 cm) is macroscopically similar to the other 1983 Elephant Moraine eucrites. In thin section it is a typical polymict eucrite breccia with a variety of lithic clasts. Pyroxene clasts include pigeonites with jim scale exsolution lamellae, and both clouded and unclouded grains are present. Some pyroxene clasts have clear zoning that mimics the irregular clast outlines, suggesting that they were metamorphosed after brecciation. Feldspar clasts have shock features, and some may be recrystallized. A few feldspar clasts have abundant inclusions of clinopyroxene up to 20 fim in size. Mafic clasts vary from coarse to very fine-grained, and contain cloudy exsolved pyroxene. Silica minerals in these clasts appear both as interstitial space fillings and as coarse lath-shaped crystals that appear to crosscut the earlier texture. No orthopyroxene was recognized. Micro- probe analyses give the following compositions: pyroxene WOj.25En424gFS43.52; plagioclase An86.93. This meteorite is a polymict eucrite similar to EETA79004 and 79011. EET83234 (180 g).?This specimen (7.5 x 7.5 x 3 cm) is a fragment similar to other 1983 Elephant Moraine eucrites. It contains a corner of a brown crystalline clast similar to that in EET 83229, and may be a piece of that stone. The thin section shows a typical polymict eucrite with a variety of small mafic clasts, including extremely fine-grained and glassy ones. Most pyroxene clasts are pigeonitic. Microprobe analyses give the following compositions: pyroxene Wo1.33En3g.^Fs^.^; pla- gioclase An78_96. An unusual feature of this stone is the presence of pyroxene clasts with blebby rather than lamellar exsolution. These clasts (Wo6En58_62) may be similar to pyroxene in Binda and are rare in Elephant Moraine eucrites. EET83236 (6.4 g).?A shiny black fusion crust with flow marks covers 60% of this stone (2x2x1 cm). The interior is bluish gray with numerous white and dark clasts. Several oxidation haloes were noted. The thin section shows a lightly brecciated medium-grained eucrite containing pyroxene in an ophitic to subradiate texture with generally lath-like feldspar. The pyroxene is generally inverted pigeonite, with herringbone textures preserved locally. Both pyroxene and plagioclase crystals are generally clouded, although a few pyroxene grains are quite clear. The feldspar is commonly clouded in patches and has a mottled extinction. In places it is nearly isotropic; it therefore has been substantially shocked. Interstitial silica minerals, troilite, chromite, and ilmenite are accessory phases. Microprobe analyses give the following compositions: py- roxene, Woj.42En3j.39Fs25.59; plagioclase, An89.93. EET83283 (57.3 g).?This stone (6 x 2.5 x 3 cm) is typical of the other 1983 Elephant Moraine eucrites. The thin section shows a typical polymict achondrite with lithic and mineral clasts similar to the other Elephant Moraine polymict eucrites. Lithic clasts are generally fine-grained basalts and breccia fragments. The matrix is very dark and full of holes and cracks, suggesting that it has been severely weathered. Micro- probe analyses give the following compositions: pyroxene Wo2_16En41.6jFs33.4g; plagioclase An8295. Some pyroxene clasts are shocked orthopyroxene (En5565), but most are pigeonitic with fine exsolution lamellae; none are as magnesian as diogenetic pyroxene. This meteorite is generally similar to EETA79004 and 79011. HOWARDITES FIGURES 6-30,6-31 EET82600 (247 g).?Some black pitted fusion crust is present on one surface of this stone (7x5x5 cm). The other surfaces are smooth and gray with small white and dark gray inclusions. Chipping has revealed a gray interior with an indistinct whitish weathering rind. Inclusions are small and not very obvious. The thin section shows a microbreccia of angular fragments (grains up to 2 mm across) of pyroxene (orthopyroxene and pigeonite) and plagioclase, and rare plagioclase-pigeonite clasts up to 1.5 mm across, in a matrix of comminuted pyroxene and plagioclase. Trace amounts of troilite and nickel-iron are present. Microprobe analyses show a wide range in pyroxene compositions: WOi_24En33.77Fs22.53; the grains with En >70 indicate the presence of a diogenitic component. Plagioclase shows a considerable range of compositions, An7993. The meteorite is possibly paired with EETA79006. EET83212 (402 g).?The exterior color of this achondrite (7 x 6 x 7 cm) ranges from medium gray to brown-gray, except for a thin, dull-black fusion crust on two surfaces. The interior 54 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES FIGURE 6-30.?Howardites. is gray and rich in clasts; the latter include black fine-grained varieties and possibly some eucritic ones. A 1 cm thick weathering rind was exposed when the stone was chipped. The thin section is dominated by a single, very fine-grained mafic clast of the type common in both Allan Hills and Elephant Moraine polymict eucrites. Numerous smaller mineral clasts are enclosed within this large clast. Several outer parts of this fine-grained clast that border the coarser-grained matrix are darker than the clast interior, either because the border region is finer-grained or because of the presence of iron oxide weathering products. Some mineral clasts have dark fine- grained "chill zones" around them. Pyroxene grains within this dark clast have a variety of fine- and coarse-scale exsolution lamellae. Feldspar grains are partly maskelynitized. One feldspar clast has a glassy core with a feldspar rim that mimics the shape of the clast. Heating by the mafic melt that quenched to form the dark clast apparently caused devitrification of the previously-shocked feldspar grains. The "normal" breccia of 83212 contains breccia clasts, basaltic clasts with clouded pyroxenes and intergranular textures, granular mafic clasts with recrystallized pyroxene, and some glassy material. One clast of diogenetic orthopyroxene was observed. Micro- probe analyses give the following compositions: pyroxene Wo1.35En33.80Fs18.53; plagioclase An84_96. EET83227 (1973 g).?This meteorite (13 x 10 x 9 cm) has a rounded shape, and the outer surfaces contain numerous deep vugs. A few millimeter-sized patches of fusion crust remain on the gray exterior. Several different kinds of clasts are visible, the largest being 2 cm in length; they include eucritic clasts, black fine-grained clasts, pinkish brown fine-grained clasts, and black and white clasts. Both interior and exterior surfaces show numerous oxidation haloes up to 1 cm in diameter. Interior surfaces are lighter gray than the exterior ones. The thin section reveals a typical polymict achondrite, with one large medium-grained mafic clast containing ophitic to radial pyroxene/plagioclase intergrowths. The pyroxene and plagio- clase in this clast are zoned and show little clouding. Other clasts include breccia, shocked pyroxene, and twinned feldspar. No maskelynite was observed. Coarse-grained lithic fragments, fine-grained granular mafic clasts and rare glassy fragments are also present. Microprobe analyses give the following compositions: pyroxene, Woj.39En3Q.73FS23.54*, plagioclase, An7898. The occurrence of pyroxene grains with En >70 indicates the presence of a diogenitic component in this meteorite. EET83228 (1206 g).?One small patch of black fusion crust remains on this moderately fractured meteorite (12.5 x 11.5 x 8.5 cm). Exterior surfaces are darker gray than interior ones; many areas are heavily oxidized. Numerous deep vugs are present on all of the exterior surfaces. Abundant clasts of various types are readily apparent. The thin section shows a polymict eucrite with a variety of generally small lithic clasts. These latter include types seen in both howardites and polymict eucrites, ranging from medium- and coarse-granular clasts to interstitial basalts. Microprobe analyses give the following compositions: pyroxene, Wo1_25En32_80Fs18_54; plagioclase, An8294. A few large orthopyroxene clasts have concentric zoning (cores are En70_75), suggesting exchange reactions with the surrounding breccia. These modified clasts are similar to clasts in EETA 79004, with which this meteorite may be paired. EET83235 (254 g).?This meteorite (7 x 6 x 4 cm) looks similar to the other 1983 Elephant Moraine eucrites except that it appears to be more heavily weathered, as indicated by the presence of a thick dark gray weathering rind. The thin section shows a very dark gray matrix that appears to have been modified by this weathering, as sulfate is present. One pyroxenite clast contains two large (-1 mm) pyroxene crystals showing no exsolution; this may be a fragment of an orthopyroxenite, but shock modification has produced inclined extinction in the pyroxene. Feldspar clasts also show abundant evidence of shock. Pigeonite clasts are abundant, in which the NUMBER 28 55 FIGURE 6-31.?Photomicrographs of thin sections of howardites (each field of view is 3 x 2 mm): a, EET82600. This is a microbreccia of orthopyroxene, pigeonite, and plagioclase in a comminuted matrix of pyroxene and plagioclase. Note the small gabbroic clast. b, EET83228. This is similar to 82600; note the dark glassy clasts. pyroxene shows [im-scale exsolution. One mafic clast has a gabbroic texture and contains lath-shaped tridymite (?) crystals over 1 mm in length. Other clasts are extremely fine-grained or glassy. Microprobe analyses give the following composi- tions: pyroxene, Wo1_3gEn22_72Fs26_54; plagioclase, An8696. One large diogenitic clast was analyzed in which the pyroxene is Wo2, En72, Fs26. EET83251 (261 g).?This stone (7 x 5.5 x 4 cm) is another typical example of the 1983 Elephant Moraine polymict achondrites. The thin section shows a wide variety of clast types, including medium- to coarse-grained gabbroic clasts with zoned pyroxene and plagioclase crystals, fine-grained basaltic clasts, glassy (or devitrified) clasts, breccia and recrystallized breccia clasts, pyroxene-rich mafic and breccia clasts, and orthopyroxene clasts (some containing orthopy- roxene as magnesium-rich as Eng5). One coarse-grained mafic clast contains anhedral feldspar crystals (>200 Jim in size) with 1-10 jim-sized inclusions of clinopyroxene, a feature generally seen only in monomineralic feldspar clasts in Victoria Land achondrites. Microprobe analyses give the following compositions: pyroxene, Wo1.28En37.85Fs14,58; pla- gioclase, An80.95. UREILITES FIGURES 6-32,6-33 ALH82106 (35.1 g), 82130 (44.6 g).?Patches of black fusion crust cover much of the surfaces of these two specimens. Exposed interior surfaces are black with moderate to heavy oxidation. Well-developed crystal faces are obvious. The thin sections show an aggregate of anhedral to subhedral grains (0.3-1.8 mm across) of olivine (about 60%) and pyroxene (about 30%), with about 10% of opaque material that is in part disseminated throughout and in part concentrated along grain boundaries. Both olivine and pyroxene show undulose extinction, suggesting that the specimens have been shocked. Olivine grains are gray from submicroscopic opaque inclu- sions, whereas pyroxene grains are clear but are extremely fractured. The opaque material along grain boundaries consists of graphite and secondary iron oxides. Microprobe analyses give the following compositions: olivine is somewhat variable, with a range of Fa^g and a mean of Fa3; pyroxene is essentially uniform, Wo5En91Fs4, although one grain of sub-calcic augite was analyzed that has the composition Wo36En62Fs2. The mineralogy and textures of these two stones are typical of ureilites, but the minerals have higher Mg/Fe ratios than those in any ureilite so far described. ALH82130 is essentially identical to ALH82106 in all respects and can confidently be paired with it. Goodrich and Berkley (1985) have reported precise determi- nations for Ti, Al, Cr, Mn, Ca, P, and Ni in the cores of olivine crystals from this meteorite. ALH83014 (1.3 g).?Weathered fusion crust covers part of this small ureilite (1 x 0.5 x 0.5 cm). Well-developed crystal faces are apparent on other surfaces. The overall color is reddish brown. The thin section shows an aggregate of rounded to subhedral grains (0.6-3 mm across) of olivine with minor pyroxene. Small platy crystals of graphite are present in carbonaceous rims around the silicate grains. Trace amounts of troilite and nickel-iron are present, the latter being largely altered to translucent brown limonite. Microprobe analyses show olivine of uniform composition (Fa18) with notably high CaO (0.4%) and Cr2O3 (0.7%) contents; the pyroxene is a pigeonite of composition WOgEn^Fs^. This meteorite appears 56 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES EET 83225 ,0 FIGURE 6-32.?Ureilites. to be relatively unshocked compared to most ureilites. PCA82506 (5316 g).?Patches of fusion crust cover 75% of the surface of this large achondrite (22 x 16 x 9 cm); in places this fusion crust has a blistery texture. Areas with little fusion crust are greenish to brown; the interior is grayish green to brown. The matrix has a blocky texture and many crystal faces are evident. The thin section shows an aggregate of anhedral to subhedral grains (0.6-3 mm across) of olivine and pyroxene. Individual grains are rimmed by carbonaceous material, included within which are thin stringers of troilite. Trace amounts of nickel-iron have been largely weathered to limonite. Microprobe analyses show olivine of uniform composition (Fa21) with notably high CaO content (0.3%); the pyroxene is pigeonite with composition Wo6En76Fs18. Some grains show undulose extinction but this meteorite is otherwise relatively unshocked compared to most ureilities. Goodrich and Berkley (1985) have reported precise determi- nations of Ti, Al, Cr, Mn, Ca, P, and Ni in the cores of olivine crystals from this meteorite. Berkley and Goodrich (1985) described cohenite-bearing metallic spherules. Miyamoto et al. (1985) have estimated a cooling rate of 10?/hour from an initial temperature of 1200? ? 50? C down to a final temperature of 800? C. EET83225 (44.0 g).?The surface of this meteorite (5 x 2.5 x 2.5 cm) is covered with a very thin and smooth fusion crust, which is brownish black with a dull sheen. Well-developed crystals make up the interior, which is heavily oxidized to a reddish brown color. The thin section reveals a medium- to coarse-grained ureilite composed of generally clear crystals of olivine (Fan) and pyroxene (Wo10En77Fs13), with the pyroxene predominant in abundance. Grain boundaries are coated with dark material containing vein-like metal, graphite, and a yellow/red cathodoluminescent phase that is probably dia- mond. Tiny metallic inclusions occur in some olivine and pyroxene grains. The section shows a distinct, dimensionally- dependent, preferred orientation of both pyroxene and olivine, suggesting cumulus structure. AUBRITES FIGURE 6-34 ALH83009 (1.7 g), 83015 (3.1 g).?These two small white specimens appear visually to be identical, and this is confirmed by petrographic examination. Both consist almost entirely of orthopyroxene clasts up to 5 mm in size set in a comminuted groundmass of the same mineral. One grain was found that has inclined extinction and appears to be clinoenstatite. Accessory minerals include olivine, plagioclase, nickel-iron, troilite, daubreelite, and alabandite. Rusty haloes surround the metal grains. Microprobe analyses show that the olivine and pyroxene are essentially pure magnesium silicates: olivine FeO ~0%-0.06%; pyroxene FeO ~0%-0.17%; CaO ~0.05%-0.46% with a mean of 0.26%. Plagioclase is An90Or3. Silicon was not detected in the metal. ALH83009 differs from ALHA78113 in not having the dark clasts observed in the latter meteorite. DlOGENITES FIGURES 6-35,6-36 ALHA81208 (1.6 g).?An evaporite deposit coats the oxidized fusion crust that totally covered this small stone (2.1 x 1 x 0.5 cm). The stone crumbled when it was chipped, revealing the interior to be completely weathered. The thin section consists almost entirely of orthopyroxene clasts, ranging up to 3 mm in maximum dimension, with accessory chromite. The individual clasts are rimmed by dark brown to black material, which consists in part of limonite. Remnants of fusion crust are present in the thin section, and have an outer crust of brown limonite. Microprobe analyses show that the NUMBER 28 57 FIGURE 6-33.?Photomicrographs of thin sections of ureilites (each field of view is 3 x 2 mm): a, ALH82106; b, PCA82506; c, ALH83014; d, EET83225. Note the distinctly different textures in these four ureilites. pyroxene is essentially uniform in composition, except for some variation in calcium content (CaO 1.2%-2.5%); the mean composition is Wo3En72Fs25, with 0.7% A12O3, 0.14% TiO2, and 0.6% MnO. The meteorite is classified as a diogenite, although the amount of limonite suggests that it may be a silicate fragment from a mesosiderite. It is therefore listed in the Appendices to this volume as a diogenite/mesosiderite. TIL82410 (18.8 g).?A dull, blistery fusion crust covers one surface and is present in patches on other surfaces of this stone (3x2.5xl.5cm). Areas without fusion crust have a pinkish tinge. Mineral clasts up to 5 mm in longest dimension are abundant, as are gray veins (1-5 mm wide), which stand out FIGURE 6-34 {Left).?Photomicrograph of thin section of the aubrite ALH83015 (field of view is 3 x 2 mm). This is a microbreccia consisting almost entirely of enstatite crystals. 58 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES in relief relative to the surrounding material. A single green crystal and several reddish brown grains are present. The thin section shows angular clasts of pyroxene, up to 3 mm in greatest dimension, in a groundmass of comminuted pyroxene. The only other minerals noted were rare grains of plagioclase and trace amounts (less than 1%) of nickel-iron. Remnants of fusion crust are present along one edge. The section is stained brown with limonite. Microprobe analyses show the pyroxene to be uniform in composition: Wo2En74Fs24, with 0.47% A12O3, 0.64% MnO, and 0.07% TiO2. EET83246 (48.3 g).?Shiny patches of fusion crust cover one surface and dull pitted fusion crust covers the opposite surface of this meteorite (4 x 3.5 x 2 cm). A highly polished FIGURE 6-35 (Right).?Diogenite. Areas of black fusion crust have flaked off, revealing coarsely crystalline orthopyroxene. EET 83246 FIGURE 6-36.?Photomicrographs of thin sections of diogenites (each field of view is 3 x 2 mm): a, ALHA81208; b, TIL82410; c, EET83246; d, EET83247. Note the distinctly different textures in these four diogenites. NUMBER 28 59 fracture surface exposes the greenish gray crystalline interior. Many clasts are visible, the largest of which is 1 cm long. The thin section shows clasts of orthopyroxene up to 9 mm long, in a groundmass of comminuted pyroxene and accessory chromite, troilite, and nickel-iron. The pyroxene is very uniform in composition, Wo2 6En73 ^s^, with 0.7% A12O3 and 0.5% MnO. EET83247 (22.5 g).?Shiny black fusion crust covers about one quarter of the surface of this specimen (4 x 2.5 x 1.5 cm). About half of the exterior surface has weathered to a reddish brown, and the remainder is medium gray with large cream-colored clasts. One fine-grained black clast was also noted. Most of the exposed interior has been heavily oxidized. The thin section shows a cataclastic texture, and there is a continuous range in clast size from less than 0.1 mm to 2 mm. The meteorite consists almost entirely of orthopyroxene, with accessory amounts of chromite, troilite, and nickel-iron. Brown limonitic staining pervades the section. The pyroxene is uniform in composition, Wo2En75Fs23, with 0.6% A12O3 and 0.5% MnO. These two EET diogenites are not paired, and appear to be different from the other Elephant Moraine diogenite, EETA79002. ACHONDRTTE, UNCLASSIFIED FIGURE 6-37 ALHA81187 (40.0 g).?Several cracks penetrate the mostly weathered interior of this stone (4.5 x 2.5 x 2 cm). Fusion crust covers two surfaces, one of which shows remnants of flow features. The thin section shows an aggregate of anhedral to subhedral grains, 0.05-0.6 mm across, of pyroxene to olivine, with about 20% of disseminated nickel-iron and minor amounts of plagioclase, troilite, and schreibersite. The proportion of pyroxene to olivine is estimated at 4:1. Weathering is extensive, with veinlets and small areas of brown limonite throughout the section. Microprobe analyses give the following compositions: olivine, Fa4; pyroxene, Wo3En90 5Fs6 5; plagio- clase, Anlg. The meteorite is tentatively considered to be an achondrite (unclassified), but it may belong to the small group of forsterite chondrites (Graham et al., 1977). Literature Cited Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 6(2). Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 8(1). Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 8(2). Berkley, J.L., and C.A. Goodrich 1985. Cohenite-bearing Metallic Spherules in Ureilites: Petrology and Implications. In Lunar and Planetary Science XVI, pages 49-50. Houston: The Lunar and Planetary Institute. FIGURE 6-37.?Photomicrograph of thin section of the unclassified achondrite ALHA81187 (field of view is 3 x 2 mm). It consists mainly of olivine and orthopyroxene, with minor plagioclase (white to gray), some nickel-iron and troilite. Dodd, R.T, Jr., W.R. Van Schumus, and D.M. Koffman 1985. A Survey of the Unequilibrated Ordinary Chondrites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 31:921-951. Goodrich, C.A., and J.L. Berkley 1985. Minor Elements in Ureilites: Evidence for Reverse Fractionation and Interstatial Silicate Liquids. In Lunar and Planetary Science XVI, pages 280-281. Houston: The Lunar Planetary Institute. Graham, A.L., A.J. Easton, and R. Hutchison 1977. Forsterite Chondrites; the Meteorites Kakangari, Mount Morris (Wisconsin), Pontlyfini, and Winona. Mineralogical Magazine, 41:201-210. Lovering, J.F. 1975. The Moama Eucrite?A Pyroxene-Plagioclase Adcumulate. Meteo- ritics, 10:101-114. Miyamoto, M., H. Toyoda, and H. Takeda 1985. Thermal History of Ureilite as Inferred from Mineralogy of Pecora Escarpment 82506. In Lunar and Planetary Science XVI, pages 567-568. Houston: The Lunar and Planetary Institute. Palme, H., L. Schultz, B. Spettel, H.W. Weber, H. Wanke, M. Christophe Michael-Levy, and J.C. Lorin 1981. The Acapulco Meteorite: Chemistry, Mineralogy and Irradiation Effects. Geochimica et Cosmoshimica Acta, 45:727-752. Scott, E.R.D. 1985. Further Petrologic Studies of Metamorphosed Carbonaceous Chon- drites. In Lunar and Planetary Science XVI, page 748. Houston: The Lunar and Planetary Institute. Van Schumus, W.R., and J.A. Wood 1967. A Chemical-Petrographic Classification System for the Chondritic Meteorites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 31:747?765. Wieler, R., H. Baur, Th. Graf, and P. Signer 1985. He, Ne, and Ar in Antarctic Meteorites: Solar Noble Gasses in an Enstatite Chondrite. In Lunar and Planetary Science XVI, pages 902-903. Houston: The Lunar Planetary Institute. 7. Descriptions of Some Antarctic Iron Meteorites Roy S. Clarke, Jr. This chapter provides brief descriptions of three octahedrites and two ataxites that were collected during the 1983 field season. The descriptions are preliminary and are based on material prepared for publication in the Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter. Previously unpublished chemical values by Eugene Jarosewich are included for three of the specimens. Octahedrites EET83245 (59 g).?This specimen (5.5 x 2.5 x 1.3 cm) from Elephant Moraine has a smoothly curved top surface that meets a flat bottom surface at one side, and an irregular narrow surface that is perpendicular to the bottom surface on the opposite side. The shield-shaped specimen is completely covered with a reddish brown coating of terrestrial iron oxides. No remnant fusion crust was visible. The curved surface appears to have been an exposed surface during weathering: wind ablated, polished, and slightly pitted. The other two surfaces are more deeply corroded. A slice from near one end of the specimen yielded a 1.4 cm2 metallographic section of mainly kamacite. The wind-ablated surface was also an ablation surface during atmospheric passage, as it has a heat-altered zone extending at least 1 mm into the interior. Fusion crust, however, has been removed by weathering. The bottom surface appears to consist of either weathered fusion crust or, more likely, weathered melt material that filled a crack during atmospheric heating. Some interior material along this bottom surface is also heat altered. Microrhabdites occur in abundance throughout, with occa- sional rhabdites and very thin lamellar schreibersites along subgrain boundaries. One grain boundary contains schreiber- site and heat-altered taenite. The presence of taenite in what appears to be a relatively large mass of kamacite suggests that this specimen is a fragment of a coarsest octahedrite. A bulk value of 6.1 weight percent Ni is consistent with a I IB chemical classification. EET83333 (188 g).?This specimen (5 x 4 x 2.5 cm) from Elephant Moraine is irregularly shaped, weathered and pitted, Roy S. Clarke, Jr., Department of Mineral Sciences, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. 20560. and mostly covered with a reddish brown coating of secondary oxides. Tiny areas of remnant fusion crust have been preserved in several depressions. Silicates are exposed at the bottoms of other depressions, the largest silicate area measuring 10 x 5 mm. Ablative melting of inclusions appears to have caused other surface depressions. A median section through the specimen provided an area of approximately 8 cm2 for examination (Figure 7-1). The surface is silicate-rich, containing a number of millimeter-sized silicate regions as well as numerous smaller individual crystals unevenly distributed in the metal. Silicate associations comprise 5%-10% of the surface area, two clusters having maximum dimensions of 5 mm. The metal is polycrystalline kamacite with individual crystals in the millimeter-size range. Longest dimensions are normally less than 5 mm, and the shortest normally more than 1 mm. Taenite and pearlitic plessite areas are distributed along grain boundaries and at junctions of three or more kamacite grains. A striking feature of this meteorite, readily visible on the etched surface shown in Figure 7-1, is a continuous and unusually thick circumferen- tial heat-altered zone. The thickness of the a2 structure averages about 5 mm and ranges from 2 to 7 mm. About half of the area of the slice is heat altered. Although small areas of fusion crust were tentatively identified in surface depressions, none was recognized in polished section. Weathering is most obvious near the surface and has penetrated into the interior along grain boundaries. Interior kamacite areas contain numerous straight Neumann bands and numerous curved subboundaries. Subboundaries are populated with occasional schreibersites, some of which have distinct rhabdite morphologies. Kamacite areas tend to be mottled, suggesting the presence of unresolvable microrhab- dites. Large schreibersites occur along crystal boundaries, and several areas of massive schreibersite occur in association with silicate-graphite-troilite areas. Schreibersite also occurs at taenite borders. The plessite has a well-developed pearlitic structure and is present in abundance, consistent with a medium or coarse octahedrite. A distinct Widmanstatten pattern is not sufficiently well developed to obtain reliable band widths. Silicate areas contain coarse (0.1 to 0.5 mm), colorless, and transparent crystals associated with abundant troilite and traces 61 62 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES FIGURE 7-1.?Polished and etched surface of EET83333. The mottled gray rim zone is atmospherically heat-altered to a depth of 7 mm at one point. The dark gray inclusions are silicate-graphite-troilite areas. Kamacite grain boundaries and areas of Widmantatten pattern may also be seen. The maximum width of the slice is 4 cm. of included kamacite and taenite. Graphite occurs in some of the silicate areas, generally at silicate/metal interfaces, and it is coarse-grained where present. All the troilite in this section occurs with silicates. Survey electron microprobe examination of the silicates identified plagioclase (An9), olivine (Fa5), and pyroxene (Fs7). This individual is a silicate-rich octahedrite, probably a Group I iron. The unusually thick heat-altered zone suggests an atypical passage through the atmosphere. EET83390 (15.1 g).?This specimen (2 x 1.8 x 1 cm) from Elephant Moraine is irregular in shape and deeply weathered. The surface is covered with reddish brown secondary oxides, and contains several small depressions that may have resulted from atmospheric melting. A median section provided an area of 1 cm2 for examination. The structure revealed is that of a heat-affected octahedrite, either a medium or coarse octahedrite. The few structures available for band width measurements indicate a 1 to 1.5 mm range. Throughout the section kamacite has been transformed to a 2 by atmospheric heating. Most of the rim of the section is coated with layered secondary oxides from 0.1 to 1 mm thick. Taenite and comb plessite areas also appear to have been somewhat heat-affected. Microrhabdites are present, and several remant Neumann bands are suggested by linear arrays of microrhabdites. Major grain boundaries are populated over much of their lengths by either grain boundary schreibersite or secondary iron oxides that have invaded the interior. Some schreibersite is associated with taenite-plessite areas. This specimen appears to be a small individual that was severely heated upon passage through the atmosphere. It is an octahedrite and may prove on further study to be a Group III iron. Ataxites EET83230 (530 g).?This specimen (5.5 x 5 x 5 cm) from Elephant Moraine is a rounded, and roughly equidimensional individual, reminiscent of a small cobble. It is completely covered with a secondary reddish brown coating of iron oxides, and no traces of fusion crust remain. The surface that has been recently exposed to wind ablation in our atmosphere is slightly smoother than the other surfaces, having rounded edges and a slightly distorted rectangular outline. A slice through one side of the specimen produced a 15 cm2 surface for examination. The matrix is martensitic, containing a few widely dispersed kamacite spindles. An occasional spindle will contain a very small schreibersite. The section's most interesting feature is a concentration, in one half of the slice, of about a dozen mm-sized iron phosphate crystals (Figure 7-2), some with euhedral outline and/or enclosed troilite. These inclusions are partially bordered by thin kamacites. This individual is an unusual phosphate-rich ataxite with a bulk value of 16.1 weight percent Ni. ILD835OO (2523 g).?This specimen (13.5 x 12 x 4 cm) was found near Inland Forts by Bob Ackert of the University of Maine at Orono. It was found "imbedded in loose sandy till with abundant pebbles and cobbles of the Beacon Sandstone and dolorite. The glacial deposit overlies the Beacon Sand- stone. The top of the white evaporite deposit marks the depth at which the iron was buried" (Figure 7-3). The specimen is flat with an outline similar to that of a policeman's badge. It has three distinct surface types. The exposed surface as found is slightly irregular and covered with a scaley reddish brown to dark reddish brown iron oxide coating. This surface is bordered on the sides by a <1 cm thick band of cream-colored soil and clay. The sides and bottom of the specimen below this band have a much different appearance. These surfaces are rough, range in color from black to reddish brown, and have numerous adhering soil particles and sand grains. A metallographic surface of 9 cm2 was prepared for examination. The most prominant features in the martensitic matrix are centimeter-long lamellar inclusions that appear to be oriented according to parent taenite crystallography. They have thin kamacite borders that occasionally enclose schreiber- site. Most appear to have contained very thin cores that have been replaced by oxides due to weathering. The best preserved of these lamellae contain cores of chromite a few microns thick. The matrix contains a high concentration of -50 jim-sized schreibersite grains surrounded by kamacite. The orientation of the kamacite seems to have been controlled by schreibersite precipitation. Several troilites are present in association with lamellar and/or equidimensional chromite. A very small crystal tentatively identified as tridymite was found within troilite, at its border with kamacite. This specimen is an unusual ataxite with a bulk value of 18.9 weight percent Ni. NUMBER 28 63 FIGURE 7-2.?A large crystal of FejtPO^ in EET83230 photographed in reflected light. A martensitic matrix surrounds the phosphate, as does a thin rim of kamacite. Troilite intrudes into the center of the crystal. The maximum length between crystal edges is 0.7 mm. FIGURE 7-3.?ILD835OO was found partially within soil near Inland Forts. The dark surface area is typical of weathered meteoritic iron that has been exposed to the atmosphere, developing a thin coating of pitted, reddish brown iron oxides. The light-colored areas along the left side and bottom of the photograph were in soil. Weathering was more severe and soil particles still adhere. Maximum length is 15 cm. 8. Overview of Some Achondrite Groups Jeremy S. Delaney and Martin Prinz Introduction Many meteorites have been collected in Antarctica during every field season between 1976 and 1984 (Table 8-1). Prior to 1969, only four meteorites from Antarctica were known (Hey, 1966; Hutchison et al., 1977), but since then nearly 6700 samples have been collected from several sites all over the Antarctic continent. Most of the samples collected are ordinary chondrites, but numerous achondritic samples have also been collected (Table 8-2). Achondritic meteorites have been collected at localities near the Transantarctic Mountains from latitudes 76?S in Victoria Land to 80?30/S in the Thiel Mountains-Pecora Escarpment region. For brevity, all the meteorites collected by American expeditions to Antarctica are described as "Victoria Land" achondrites since most of the meteorite deposits (away from the Yamato Mountains area) are in Victoria Land. Studies of meteorite suites are reviewed and some emphasis is given to new samples from the 1983 season that have not yet been widely studied. The Victoria Land achondrites sample all the known achondritic meteorite suites and include several unique meteorite types. (Note that the terms "sample" and "meteorite" are not used interchangeably in this study. A sample is taken to mean one individual fragment that has been or can be assigned a sample number such as those in Table 8-3. A meteorite, however, is taken to consist of one sample or several samples that are parts of the same original fall. The number of samples available is, therefore, larger than the number of meteorites that are represented by these samples.) The most common achondrite samples are the basaltic achondrites (44 samples). Of these, the polymict achondrites are the most abundant (31 samples). There are only seven eucrites and five diogenites. Ureilites are the next most abundant type (11 samples) and other achondrite groups are represented by smaller numbers of samples. Specimens of the shergottite-nakhlite-chassingite group have been collected in Victoria Land but are omitted from this review. Table 8-3 includes the mesosiderite sample numbers, since these stony Jeremy S. Delaney and Martin Prinz, Department of Mineral Sciences, American Museum of Natural History, New York, New York 10024. irons have a basaltic achondrite silicate fraction. The 70 achondrite samples in Table 8-3 do not represent 70 meteorites. Many samples may be grouped as a single meteorite. In particular, the polymict basaltic achondrites appear to be samples of four to six meteorite showers, each represented by one to many samples (Delaney, O'Neil, et al., 1984). The problem of determining the number of meteorite falls has been addressed using several different techniques: field relations (Marvin, 1984), petrography (Delaney, Takeda, Prinz, et al., 1983; Delaney, O'Neil, et al., 1984a; Delaney, Prinz, et al., 1984), chemical composition (Reid and Le Roex, 1984; Fukuoka, 1984), terrestrial ages (Webster et al., 1982; Schultz and Freundel, 1984). The total number of samples associated with each fall is presently unknown, but the achondrite specimens from the Victoria Land sites (Table 8-3) are probably samples of fewer than 30 meteorites, distributed among eight achondrite types. More than half of the specimens are polymict eucrites. Basaltic Achondrites The number of basaltic achondrite samples (eucrites, polymict eucrites, howardites, diogenites) from Victoria Land continues to grow rapidly. The number of well-distinguished meteorites is, however, fairly small as most samples may almost certainly be grouped as members of showers or as fragments of broken meteorites. The Victoria Land basaltic achondrites are generally similar to the non-Antarctic meteorites. The most abundant non- Antarctic suites are eucrites and polymict achondrites and these are also the most important Victoria Land suites. Diogenites, members of a closely related achondrite group, are also represented in both suites. Statistical analyses comparing the number of non-Antarctic falls with Victoria Land finds for each achondrite group suggest that the Antarctic samples are derived from a similar population to the present day meteorite influx. In general, similarities between the Antarctic meteorite collections and the non-Antarctic collection seem to be increasing as the number of Antarctic meteorites increases. 65 66 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE 8-1.?Number of meteorite specimens collected at Antarctic localities. Year 1969 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Total Van-Year 1969 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Total Allan Hills - - - 9 307 262 54 32 315 145 102 17 + 1243 Outpost Nun. _ - - - - - - - 1 - - - - 1 Bates Nun. - - - - - 4 - - - - - - 4 Pecora Esc. _ - - - - - - - - - 29 - - 29 Belgica Mtn - - - - - - 5 - - - - - 5 Purgatory Peak _ _ - - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 Derrick Peak - - - - - 9 - - - - _ - 9 Reckling Peak - - - - - 4 15 68 - - - - 87 Inland Forts - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 Taylor Glac. - - - - - - - - - 1 - - 1 Elephant Moraine - - - - - - 10 - - 17 84 - Ill Thiel Mtn - - - - - - - - - 16 - - 16 Meteorite Hills _ - - - - - 28 - - - - _ - 28 Yamato Mtn 9 12 663 307 _ - - 3676 13 133 211 42 58 5124 Mount Baldr - - - 2 - - - - - - _ - 2 NOTES.?Achondrite classes not represented in Antarctica: 1, nakhlites; 2, angrites; 3, chassignites. Nun. = Nunatak; Glac. = Glacier, Esc. = Escarpment; Mtn = Mountains. Meteorites found before 1969: Adelie Land; Lazarev; Thiel Mtn; Neptune Mtn. TABLE 8-2.?Number of achondritic meteorites from Victoria Land. Type Lunar Shergottites Aubrites Ureilites Winonaites Eucrites Diogenites Polymict eucrites Allan Hills 1 1 3 - 1 1 1 2-3 Elephant Moraine _ 1 - 1 - 1 3 2-3 Reckling Peak _ - - 1 - 2 - - Pecora Escarp. _ - - 1 - 2 - - Thiel Mtn _ - - - - 1 1 - NUMBER 28 67 Type TABLE 8-3.?Victoria Land achondrites sample numbers. Numbers Lunar A81005 Winonaites A81187 Aubrites A78113, A83OO9, A83015 Shergottites A77005, E79001 Diogenites A77256, E79002, T82410, E83246, E83247 Eucrites R80204, R80224, A81011(?), A81313(?), T82403, P82501, P82506, E83236 Ureilites A77257, A78019, A78262, R80239, A81101, P82506, A82106, A82130, A83014, E83225 Mesoside- A77219, R79015, R80229, R80246, R80258, R80263, rites R81059,R81098(?), A81028 Polymict A76005, A77302, A78006(?), A78040, A78132, A78158, eucrites A78165, A79017, A80102, A81001(?), A81006, A81007, A81008, A81OO9(?), A81010, A81012, E79004, E79005, E79006, E79011, E82600(?), E83212, E83227, E83228, E83229, E83231, E83232, E83234, E83235, E83251, E83283 NOTES.?Numbers followed by (?) have been given different classifications in Antarctic Meteorite Newsletters. A, E, P, R, T, are Allan Hills, Elephant Moraine, Pecora Escarpment, Reckling Peak, Thiel Mountains, respectively. COMPARISON OF ANTARCTIC AND NON-ANTARCTIC BASALTIC ACHONDRITES Although there are overall similarities, there are some differences in detail, between the Antarctic and non-Antarctic samples. The most important of these are between the suites of polymict achondrites. These meteorites sample a continuum of breccias that represent the crust and regolith of at least one basaltic achondrite parent body, and are dominated by two lithological components that are present in varying proportions: orthopyroxenites and mafic rocks. Minor amounts of other rock types are also present. The presence and amount of these two main components is used as a basis for classifying the polymict basaltic achondrites and, therefore, a brief description of each is given. ORTHOPYROXENITES.?This component is represented by mineral clasts of orthopyroxene with compositions similar to diogenetic pyroxene (En70_75) and very rare lithic clasts of orthopyroxenite containing variable but minor amounts of olivine, chromite, troilite, and metal. The range of pyroxene compositions (En70.86) sampled by the polymict achondrites is, however, greater than that of the diogenites. The orthopyroxe- nite component of these meteorites, therefore, cannot be simply equated with the diogenites as they are represented by the present meteorite collections. Study of pyroxene-rich achon- drites from the Yamato collections of Antarctic achondrites has extended the range of compositions in pyroxenitic meteorites toward more iron rich pigeonitic compositions (En6070) (Takeda and Mori, 1984). Some of these Yamato samples are comparable with the Binda pyroxene-rich cumulate and appear to represent a transitional facies between the orthopyroxenite and mafic components of polymict achon- drites (Takeda and Mori, 1984). There are no unbrecciated or monomict achondrites as magnesian as the most magnesian orthopyroxenes (En80+) found in polymict achondrites. MAFIC CLASTS.?The most common type of mafic clast in polymict achondrites is eucritic and has approximately equal volumes of pigeonite and plagioclase with compositions similar to the eucrites (En30.40Wo4.15 and An80_92, respectively). There is, however, a great variety of mafic clast types present in these meteorites. This variability is not as well documented as the typical eucritic meteorites. Numerous studies have recognized, however, that these clasts represent an additional important suite of mafic rocks from the basaltic achondrite parent body (Bunch, 1976; Delaney et al., 1981; Dymek et al., 1976; Simon and Papike, 1983; Treiman and Drake, 1984). These clasts extend the compositional ranges for the major minerals beyond the limited range of clasts in the eucrites, and provide greater insight into the nature of the solid-liquid fractionation on the basaltic achondrite parent body than is available by studying the eucrites alone. Prior to the discovery of polymict achondrite breccias in Antarctica, the non-Antarctic polymict breccias were generally referred to as howardites, and all the non-Antarctic examples contain clasts of both orthopyroxenitic and mafic material. Some of the first polymict achondrites found at both Yamato Mountains and Allan Hills in Antarctica differ from those previously known, however, as they contain a variety of mafic, or eucritic, clast types but no orthopyroxenite component (Miyamoto et al., 1978; Takeda et al., 1978; Olsen et al., 1978). For this reason, they were called polymict eucritic breccias or, more commonly, polymict eucrites. Further study revealed rare orthopyroxene grains in some of the Yamato samples, and when the first Elephant Moraine samples were studied a small orthopyroxenite component was recognized in EET79005 and 79006 (Simon and Papike, 1983; Delaney et al., 1982). As more Antarctic samples become available, it is clear that these polymict basaltic achondrites have continu- ously variable amounts of the two main components. The most orthopyroxene-rich meteorite appears to be Yamato 7308 (with 76% vol. opx.) and the most mafic clast-rich meteorite is the Allan Hills I meteorite represented by ALHA 76005, 77302, 78040, and numerous other specimens. This Allan Hills meteorite contains no orthopyroxenite component. Delaney, Takeda, and Prinz (1983a) suggest that those meteorites containing more than 90% (vol.) of eucritic, or mafic, material be called polymict eucrites and those with less than 90% be called howardites. Mason (1983b) suggests, alternatively, that meteorites containing any orthopyroxenite component should be called howardites. As a group, the non-Antarctic polymict achondrites all contain an orthopyroxenite component and most have more than 10% (vol). The Victoria Land polymict achondrites, in contrast, contain either no orthopyroxene or less than 10% (vol.). Polymict achondrites with abundant orthopyroxene are, however, found in Antarctica at Yamato Mountains, especially 68 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES in the 1979 collections (Takeda et al., 1984; Delaney, Prinz, et al., 1984). Indeed, the Victoria Land and Yamato collections together sample a greater variety of polymict basaltic achondrites than do the non-Antarctic collection. A number of clast types in the Antarctic samples has been described by Delaney, O'Neil, et al. (1984). All of these clast types have been recognized in both non-Antarctic howardites and polymict eucrites. At present, no clast type is known that occurs only in meteorites from one part of the world. The Victoria Land, Yamato, and non-Antarctic polymict basaltic achondrites are, therefore, believed to be a part of a continuum of breccias that sample a significant part of the regolith of their parent body or bodies. NEW SAMPLES.?Samples of all the basaltic achondrite types are represented in the Victoria Land collections but the polymict eucrites are by far the most abundant. In the 1983 season, 13 basaltic achondrites were collected at the Elephant Moraine meteorite deposit. Two diogenites (EET83246; 83247), one eucrite (83236), and 10 polymict basaltic achondrites were collected (Table 8-1). Preliminary descrip- tions of these samples are given in Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 8(1), 1985. Diogenites The two new Elephant Moraine diogenites increased the number of Victoria Land samples to five (Table 8-3). This is a small number of samples compared with the 35, or more, diogenite samples recovered at Yamato Mountains (Takeda et al., 1981). Because the total number of meteorites represented both at Yamato Mountains and Victoria Land is either four or five, there is a similar number of meteorites available from each site. Unlike the Yamato diogenites, however, the Victoria Land samples are similar to most non-Antarctic diogenites as they are brecciated orthopyroxenites dominated by En70.75 pyroxene. Eucrites The eucrite EET 83236 is the eighth recovered from Victoria Land and Thiel Mountains localities. It is a typical eucrite containing lithic fragments with ophitic to radiate textures. It is mineralogically similar to the other Antarctic and the non-Antarctic eucrites (Tables 8-3 and 8-4, Figure 8-1, cf. Delaney, Takeda, and Prinz, 1984). The Victoria Land eucrites appear to represent eight different meteorite falls as all have distinctive textures or mineral compositions, or are separated by long distances from similar meteorites. The eucrites, therefore, differ significantly from the polymict achondrites as they are not found as groups of samples at a single locality. Each of the Antarctic eucrites has uniform Fe/(Fe+Mg) in its pyroxene and thus has been thermally processed in the same way as most non-Antarctic eucrites. Allan Hills 81011 is unique as it appears to be a genomict breccia (Mason, 1983a). Treiman (1984) describes 81011 as a polymict eucrite having equilibrated basaltic clasts in a vesicular glass matrix, and as representing a major impact on the parent body. Allan Hills 81313, which contains maskelynite and was described as a shergottite, is also significantly different. Other eucrites (e.g. Padvarninkai; Reckling Peak 80204) contain variable amounts of maskelynite and, because mineral compositions in ALH81313 are identical to those in typical eucrites and quite different from any shergottite, it is suggested that this sample be classified as an eucrite. Allan Hills 81001 was classified as an anomalous eucrite as it differs from most eucrites in several ways (Mason, 1983a). This sample closely resembles the fine-grained eucritic clasts typically found in Allan Hills polymict eucrites. It may be a large clast that separated from the Allan Hills I polymict eucrite shower during atmospheric descent and landed on the Antarctic ice as a separate object (Delaney, 1984). Whether this sample should be treated as a separate meteorite fall or grouped with the Allan Hills I polymict eucrite is not clear. Both approaches to classifying this sample have disadvantages. Perhaps further study can demonstrate that Allan Hills 81001 should be treated as a unique meteorite, but we assume here that it is a member of the Allan Hills polymict eucrites. There are eight Victoria Land eucrites, represented by eight samples. In contrast, there are four to six Victoria Land polymict eucrites represented by at least 32 samples. Similar sample/meteorite ratios are calculated for the Yamato achon- drites. Delaney (1984) has suggested that the eucrites were strong meteorites that are represented by individual falls whereas the polymict eucrites were friable and fell as showers. Statistics for known eucrite falls support this suggestion as showers are uncommon among the known eucritic falls. Polymict Achondrites Polymict basaltic achondrites are the most abundant Victoria Land achondrites. Of the 40 or more samples known, 16 are from Allan Hills and 16 from Elephant Moraine (Table 8-3). The Allan Hills and Elephant Moraine suites together appear to represent four or five meteorites that have been called Allan Hills I, Allan Hills II, Elephant Moraine I, and Elephant Moraine II by Delaney, O'Neil, et al. (1984). The samples collected at Elephant Moraine during the 1983 field season represent both Elephant Moraine I and II meteorites on the basis of their textures and mineral composition. Feldspar Na/) contents and pyroxene compositions, generated by electron microprobe modal analysis, for the Elephant Moraine 1983 series are given in Figures 8-2 and 8-3. These data were generated under the same conditions as the data presented by Delaney, O'Neil, et al. (1984) for all the polymict eucrite suites previously identified and may be compared directly with those results (Figures 8-4 and 8-5). Most polymict eucrites have pyroxene and feldspar of NUMBER 28 69 TABLE 8-4.?Modes of Victoria Land 83-series achondrites (A = aubrite, alab = alabandite, D = diogenite, db = daubreelite, E = eucrite, gyps = gypsum or anhydrite, nd = not detected, PA = polymict basaltic achondrite, tr = trace, unrep = unrepresentative sample). Number 83009 A 83015 A 83212 PA 83227 PA 83228 PA 83229 PA 83231 PA 83232 PA 83235 PA 83236 E 83237 PA 83246 D 83247 D 83251 PA 83283 PA Number 83009 A 83015 A 83212 PA 83227 PA 83228 PA 83229 PA 83231 PA 83232 PA 83235 PA 83236 E 83237 PA 83246 D 83247 D 83251 PA 83283 PA Oliv 0.4 2.96 0.3 nd 0.10 nd nd 0.25 nd nd nd 0.43 nd Kam 0.2 0.3 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Opx 99.0 95.1 15.2 19.2 19.7 13.1 26.8 24.6 24.6 98.2 98.7 22.6 22.7 Taen nd nd nd nd nd nd Pig 0.2 0.4 43.8 28.5 33.3 33.7 16.1 14.2 12.0 0.63 nd 29.6 30.4 Others db, alab db, alab unrep gyps Aug nd nd 4.7 6.2 7.3 8.3 11.8 12.8 14.0 0.21 nd 8.2 7.9 Feld 0.2 1.04 33.5 41.7 36.0 38.1 40.0 39.3 40.9 nd 0.1 34.3 35.5 Area (mm2) 92 103 48 107 91 117 118 136 150 86.7 SiO2 nd nd 2.0 3.7 3.0 4.9 4.0 6.6 7.4 0.8 1.0 3.2 2.9 Em nd nd 0.17 0.31 0.57 1.3 1.1 1.05 0.69 nd nd 0.37 0.24 Chr nd nd 0.26 0.50 0.05 0.30 0.05 tr 0.05 0.21 0.2 0.11 0.06 Phos nd nd nd 0.05 0.05 nd 0.11 nd 0.05 nd nd 0.05 nd Trail tr tr tr 0.3 tr 0.4 0.27 nd nd nd EET 83236 = 276 FIGURE 8-1.?Modal distribution of pyroxene composition in the eucrite EET83236, shown in a standard pyroxene quadrilateral. Dotted contour includes 95% of modal analyses; solid line includes 50% of analyses. 70 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES 83236 n = 312 83231 n = 220 83251 n= 165 83232 n = 189 J] 83283 n = 185 0.4 1.0 1.6 2.2 2.8 %Na2O 0.4 1.0 1.6 2.2 2.8 3.4 %Na2O FIGURE 8-2.?Modal distribution of Na2O in basaltic achondrite feldspar. Data are generated by a rapid electron microprobe modal technique and are of low precision. Area of each histogram totals 100%. variable composition (Delaney, O'Neil, et al., 1984). The feldspar usually varies between An80 and An95 with most having compositions near An90 (Nap -1.0-1.2% wt.). The pattern of feldspar composition distribution can be used to distinguish between the more sodic Yamato and the more calcic Victoria Land polymict eucrites (Delaney, O'Neil, et al., 1984), but among the Victoria Land suites only Allan Hills I and Allan Hills II may be distinguished on the basis of feldspar composition alone (Figure 8-5). The two Elephant Moraine groups recognized by Delaney, O'Neil, et al. (1984) have indistinguishable feldspar distributions (Figures 8-2 and 8-5). The pyroxene distributions in these meteorites are distinct, however, and are used to assign the samples to the appropriate suites. Delaney, O'Neil, et al. (1984) described pyroxene from the Allan Hills I suite as dominated by homogeneous, eucritic pyroxene (i.e., lying on tie lines, between orthopyroxene and pigeonites (Ery^Wo^) and augites (~Wo4(M5) (Figure 8-4), with compositions appropriate for equilibration at 800?-900? C (Lindsley and Andersen, 1983). In addition, Allan Hills I contains minor zoned pigeonite of the "Pasamonte-type" (Takeda, 1979). Allan Hills II (78006) differs in having almost no zoned pigeonite. Instead, it contains about 2%-4% of homogeneous magnesian orthopyroxene (plus olivine), similar to diogenitic pyroxene, and small amounts of pyroxene with compositions between the eucritic and diogenitic ranges (Figure 8-4). The two Elephant Moraine suites have different pyroxene distribution patterns (Figure 8-4). Elephant Moraine I is dominated by compositionally homogeneous pyroxene (En40_45) with minor amounts of the other pyroxene compo- nents described by Takeda (1979) and Delaney, O'Neil, et al. (1984). This suite has a variety of pyroxene textural types in its mineral and Iithic clasts. All but a few clasts appear to contain homogenized (with respect to Fe and Mg) pyroxene that reflects the influence of a late metamorphic overprint (Delaney et al., 1982). The Elephant Moraine II suite has much more variable pyroxene compositions. This suite has the textural and compositional variability of the most abundant non-Antarctic polymict achondrites, the howardites. All the textural types described by Takeda (1979) and Delaney, O'Neil, et al. (1984) occur in Elephant Moraine II, and the entire pyroxene compositional range from En^WOj to En20Wo40 is present. This suite differs from the howardites, however, as it contains in excess of 90% of eucritic components and only 2%-7% of diogenitic pyroxene. It, therefore, falls within the modal composition range of polymict eucrites as defined by Delaney, Takeda, and Prinz, 1983b, and Delaney, Takeda, Prinz, et al., 1983. The 10 new polymict achondrites from the 1983 Elephant Moraine collections appear to fit into the two previously described suites from this locality. Three samples have distribution patterns for their pyroxene compositions that are similar to Elephant Moraine I. The modal pyroxene data for these samples are given in Figure 8-3. (EET83212 is omitted, as the original thin section studied is dominated by a single mafic clast and is, therefore, unrepresentative). The Elephant Moraine I suite is dominated by pyroxene compositions scattered about tie lines based at En4(M5 Wo^ with a sparsely populated tail toward more magnesian compositions (Figure 8-4) (Delaney, Takeda, and Prinz, 1984). This distribution is seen in EET83235, 83237, and 83283 (Figure 8-3). The modal compositions of many polymict eucrite samples are given by Delaney, Takeda, and Prinz (1984) and modes of the Elephant Moraine-83 series are given for comparison NUMBER 28 71 EET 83228 N=32I \ \\ \ \ \\EET 83237 \ \ N = 300 EET 83231 N=3I3 ) \ EET 83283 .' N=379 FIGURE 8-3.?Modal distribution of pyroxene compositions in the 1983 Elephant Moraine polymict eucrites. (Low precision data from automated modal program.) Contours as in Figure 8-1. (Table 8-4). No major differences exist between the 83-series samples and the previously described samples (Delaney, Takeda, and Prinz, 1984). It is difficult to distinguish Elephant Moraine I and II on the basis of the modal abundance of the minerals alone (Table 8-4) although the distribution of pyroxene compositions is distinct in the two suites (Figures 8-3 and 8-4). The new samples extend the modal ranges of the two Elephant Moraine suites and confirm the indications that modal heterogeneity exists within each suite as seen previously within the Allan Hills I suite of polymict eucrites (Delaney, Takeda, and Prinz, 1984). On the scale of a thin section there are detectable modal differences between different samples in all the Victoria Land suites, but when the distribution of mineral compositions within individual thin sections are compared, each suite has a coherent signature from sample to sample. The data presented for the Elephant Moraine 1983 samples, however, seem to lessen the differences between Elephant Moraine I and II. All of these samples may, therefore, be fragments of a single heterogeneous meteorite, with variable degrees of metamor- phism detectable in different samples rather than two distinct meteorites, as previously suggested (Delaney et al., 1984c). 72 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES FIGURE 8-4.?Modal distribution of pyroxene compositions in suites of Antarctic polymict eucrites. Figure includes three non-Antarctic polymict achondrites for comparison. Contours as in Figure 8-1. In general, all the Victoria Land samples are heterogenous when compared on the scale of a thin section (2.5 cm diameter), but comparison of chemical analyses of larger samples (e.g., Reid and Le Roex, 1984) may indicate that they are chemically uniform at the "hand sample" scale. Because the polymict basaltic achondrites sample a contin- uum of breccias made up of several lithic components, the assignment of a rigidly constrained rock name is difficult. Two names are presently in common use: polymict eucrite and howardite. No consensus presently exists with regard to the usage of these terms, but polymict eucrites are dominated by clasts of various eucritic components while howardites contain additional pyroxenitic (or diogenitic) components. Using the nomenclature scheme of Delaney, Takeda, Prinz, et al. (1983) all the Elephant Moraine 83-series samples are "polymict eucrites." Using the Mason (1983b) scheme, the samples of Elephant Moraine II are "howarditic." Similar ambiguities (caused by the different nomenclature schemes) occur when the various nomenclatures are applied to other Victoria Land, Yamato, and non-Antarctic polymict basaltic achondrites. Comparison of the Victoria Land polymict achondrites with the Yamato Mountains collection and the non-Antarctic specimens reveals several differences from suite to suite. All three collections of meteorites contain polymict achondrites containing a variety of clast rock types. In both of the major Antarctic collections (Yamato Mountains and Victoria Land) the vast majority of lithic clasts may be descibed as eucritic. Pyroxenitic material is rare or uncommon. The non-Antarctic collection, on the other hand, contains many meteorites with a large proportion of pyroxenitic clasts (10%-50% of the NUMBER 28 73 original meteorite) while those dominated by eucritic material are less common. Only about 25% of all non-Antarctic polymict basaltic achondrites are dominated by eucritic clasts (i.e., contain more than 90% of eucritic material). The most characteristic lithic clast type in the Antarctic meteorites is unequilibrated eucritic, described by Takeda et al. (1978) as "Pasamonte-type." These clasts, which are usually less than 1 cm in diameter, are found in all the Antarctic suites but are not as common in the non-Antarctic collections. The non-Antarctic polymict breccias generally have not been characterized as well as the Antarctic samples. Small lithic clasts of unequili- brated eucritic material have been recognized in many non-Antarctic polymict achondrites but they do not appear to be as abundant or as large as in the Antarctic collections. Ureilites Two new ureilites (ALH83014 and EET83225) were collected in the 1983 field season. There are now 10 ureilites from Victoria Land (with a total mass of 7.6 kg). Modes of nine Victoria Land samples are given in Table 8-5 along with the mean mode and standard deviation of the non-Antarctic ureilites described by Berkley et al. (1980). The range of modal composition in the Victoria Land ureilites is essentially identical to that of non-Antarctic ureilites. EET83225 is one of the most pyroxene-rich, having similar olivine/pyroxene ratios to Dingo Pup Donga and the paired ureilite samples ALHA82106 and 82130. ALH83014 is a ureilite having a generally unshocked texture with euhedral to subhedral graphite crystals present in veins between the silicates (Figure 8-6). Texturally and modally (Table 8-5) ALH83014 is similar to ALHA78019. It has less metal + sulfide + graphite, however, and the cores of silicate mineral grains are more magnesian than in 78019. ALH83014 may be the second relatively unshocked ureilite found with euhedral graphite blades but pairing with ALH78019 may be demonstrated by further work. Detailed chemical and petrographic study of these two samples should provide useful constraints on the origin of the intensely shocked ureilites. Olivine cores in 83014 are generally Fo81_83 with forsterite rims (Fo90_98) while pigeonite cores are En76-78W?8-9- EET83225 has a well-developed preferred orientation of its olivine and pigeonite grains with carbonaceous material, including diamond, limited to the grain boundaries. Unlike other pyroxene-rich ureilites (e.g., ALHA82106 and 82130) EET83225 does not contain any augitic pyroxene. None of the Victoria Land ureilites resembles the augitic ureilite Yamato 74130 described by Takeda et al. (1979). Some of the Victoria Land ureilites contain only pigeonitic pyroxene whereas others have more variable pyroxene compositions indicating that some exsolution'and possibly some inversion to orthopyroxene occurred. (Note that the assignment of pyroxene "polymorphs" in Table 8-4 is based only on composition and does not imply that three polymorphs have been identified crystallographi- cally. Indeed some of the "pigeonite" identified by this program may represent analyses of overlapping orthopyroxene and augite. See Delaney, O'Neil, et al. (1984) for more detail of methods applied.) Compositional variation of the olivine in the Victoria Land ureilites is summarized in Figure 8-7. These data are of low precision as they are generated by electron microprobe modal analysis but they are consistent with published analyses and provide an unbiased estimate of the modal olivine composi- tional range. Only two of the analyzed ureilites have the same olivine distribution pattern (ALHA82106, 82130) suggesting that these are the only paired samples in this group (Mason, 1984). Study of the distribution of pyroxene compositions is in progress. Ureilites generally have olivine in the Fo80 to Fo90 range with a few more magnesian compositions present. These patterns reflect the variable reduction of iron-bearing olivine to forsterite plus metal that is typical of these meteorites. Reckling Peak 80239 has a distinctive bimodal distribution with about 25% of its olivine analyses more magnesian than Fo95. This distribution suggests that evidence of reduction reactions is particularly well preserved in this sample. The paired samples, Allan Hills 82106 and 82130, have more magnesian olivine but it is not clear if these compositions were formed by the late redox processes that are typical of ureilites rather than early magmatic reduction processes. The high augite content of these samples (Table 8-4) is, however, consistent with their position on the reverse fractionation trend described by Goodrich and Berkley (1985). They defined Fe-depletion in later formed silicates as a result of reduction by magmatic graphite. Subhedral-euhedral graphite grains have been described in only two ureilites (ALHA78019 and ALH83014) although all ureilites have interstitial graphite, often containing diamond or lonsdaleite (Berkley and Jones, 1982). The presence of euhedral graphite grains in ALHA78019 has been interpreted as representing crystallization of magmatic carbon. Similarly the presence of round inclusions in olivine, containing kamacite, troilite, and cohenite (Fe3C), in at least four Victoria Land ureilites (ALHA78019, 77257, 78262, and RKPA 82506) is also believed to support crystallization from a carbon saturated silicate melt (Berkley and Goodrich, 1985). Study of these and other minor phases in ureilites (e.g. Berkley and Goodrich, 1985; Goodrich and Berkley, 1985) should provide useful insight into these meteorites. Aubrites The one aubrite found between 1976 and 1982, Allan Hills 78113, is a polymict breccia showing similarities to Cumber- land Falls and containing chondritic inclusions that have been described as F-chondritic (Verkouteren and Lipschutz, 1983), as unequilibrated enstatite chondrites (Prinz et al., 1984), and as reduced LL chondrites (Kallemeyn and Wasson, 1985). The 74 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES a) b) c) d) 0.4 1.2 Allan Hills I 76005 N = I38 78040,61 N=259 81006,19 N = 2I5 81007,6 N = IO3 81009,17 N=I73 f) ?' Allan Hills81010,8 N = 2I8 I g) h) i) 2.0 Na20% 2.8 3.6 81012,5 N = 263 Allan Hillsl 78006,10 N=253 Bialystok AMNH 4007 NMNH 382 N=426 Macibini 4560-1 = 357 FIGURE 8-5.?Modal distribution of feldspar composition in suites of Antarctic polymict eucrites. Area of histogram is 100%. (Scale bars are the same for all figures, with the left margin at 0.4 in all cases.) aubritic host was described by Score et al. (1982) and Watters and Prinz (1979). Volatile trace elements were analyzed by Biswas et al. (1981) and Verkouteren and Lipschutz (1983). The mineralogy of the ALHA 78113 host is typical of aubrites. Two new aubritic samples from Allan Hills were identified in the 1983 collection. These samples (ALHA83009 and 83015) are quite similar to each other but appear to be distinct fromALHA78113. NUMBER 28 75 k) Elephant Moraine79004,32 N=II9 Yamato 74I59.7IA N=IO6 79005,37 N=I46 r) m) 82600,10 790020,81 FC = 85 N=I65 n) JodzieFMNH 1371 t) N = 23I 791186,81-3 N=2I4 0) Petersburg 2251-1 U) N=I23 791960,91- N=295 FIGURE 8-5.?Continued. 0.4 1.2 Na2O2.0Vo 2.8 Summary The Victoria Land achondrites have provided impetus to research on achondritic meteorites in general, by providing sufficient samples of uncommon meteorite types that detailed study is now easier. Initially, many Antarctic achondrites appeared to be different from the non-Antarctic collections but, as more research is published and more Antarctic meteorites are found, it is clear that the Antarctic and non-Antarctic collections are sampling similar populations of meteorites. The basaltic achondrite samples increase the known diversity of these meteorites. These meteorites contain clasts of many rock types ranging from magnesian orthopyroxenites (En^gsWO}) with minor olivine (as magnesian as Fo90) to very iron rich mafic clasts dominated by En30Wo15_30 pigeonites and 76 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE 8-5.?Modes of Victoria Land ureilites (nd = not detected, tr = trace. Non-Antarctic data from Berkley et al., 1980.) Number 83225 83014 82506 82130 82106 81101 80239 78019 77257 Oliv 52.1 85.2 67.1 46.1 47.9 58.9 59.0 76.0 81.5 Non-Antarctic ureilites: Mean S.D. 65.9 10.4 Opx 2.9 1.5 3.6 29.2 31.8 17.1 7.1 4.6 7.6 Pig 40.8 11.3 24.3 11.9 8.9 13.8 29.0 8.8 5.8 31.9 10.6 Aug nd nd nd 7.6 6.4 0.24 nd 0.3 0.1 Feld nd nd nd nd 0.1? nd tr? nd 0.1? - - SiO2 0.1 0.1 0.5 nd nd 0.5 nd nd nd 0.1 - Sulf Metal Other Combined 4.1 1.9 4.5 5.1 5.0 8.9 4.9 10.6 4.9 0.9 1.2 0.6 1.1 Area mm2 60 64 180 154 109 162 74 54 36 - - Number points 725 879 641 860 990 847 888 828 717 - - P.t.s LIB ,25 ,10 ,6 ,11 ,6 ,15 ,42 - - 'Catalogue number of polished thin section examined in this study; LIB = Library section. FIGURE 8-6.?Euhedral to subhedral graphite crystals in ALH83014: a, transmitted light; b, reflected light. Long dimension of photographs is ~2 mm. augites. The chsts described in numerous studies document continuous trends of Fe/Mg increase with increasing modal abundance of pigeonite, augite, feldspar, and silica. These trends appear to reflect general trends of solid-liquid fractiona- tion on the basaltic achondrite parent body that are independent of the present state of brecciation and mixing of the known samples. Metamorphism is known to have modified the compositions of lithic clasts in many polymict samples from Victoria Land and in most eucrites, but no systematic studies have yet tried to distinguish between unmodified igneous clasts and metamorphosed clasts. Detailed study of the original trends of igneous fractionation from clast to clast requires that metamorphosed clasts be eliminated from this type of study. Similarly, impact-melt clasts in these meteorites have received little attention and definitive tests to distinguish between impact-generated clasts and original igneous clasts are not available. The small samples of the polymict basaltic achondrites in the non-Antarctic collections were generally insufficient for these types of studies to be completed, but the large number of Victoria Land samples presently available makes more complete and detailed study possible. In particular, the identification of large unbrecciated lithic clasts in these breccias is of great importance for the study of rock types that differ from the typical eucrites and diogenites. The Antarctic ureilite collections have more than doubled the number of samples available and have provided examples of previously unknown types that constrain models of ureilite origin more closely. In general, the popular model of a cumulus origin (Berkley et al., 1980) is supported by evidence from the Victoria Land samples, but controversy about the relationships between the silicate and carbonaceous fractions continues. The Antarctic aubrites do not differ greatly from the non-Antarctic collection but study of the dark inclusions in these meteorites is revealing chondritic material unlike the previously known chondrite groups. Further study should distinguish between the competing hypotheses that these NUMBER 28 77 30 20 10 0 70 r 50 30 10 0L 20 10 0 50r 40 30 20 10 0L EET 83225 NS434 N=338 ALHA 81101 N=426 70 ALHA 78019,15 70 80 90 100 ALHA 82130 80 90 100 80 90 100 70 80 90 100 PCA 82506,25 80 90 100 ALHA 82106,6 N=436 80 90 100 RKPA 80239,6 VJl 20 10 ALHA 77257,42 N=262 70 80 90 100 FIGURE 8-7.?Modal distribution of olivine compositions (mole % forsterite) in Victoria Land ureilites. Data are of low precision but provide a consistent criterion of comparison for these meteorites. Area of histogram is 100%. 78 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES inclusions represent a new type of chondrite, or that they are actually inclusions of ordinary chondritic material that was subjected to metamorphism and metasomatism after incorpora- tion in an aubritic host. The discovery of unusual material in the Antarctic achondrites is prompting increasing study of non-Antarctic collections with the result that previously unrecognized material is being identified. With the assured supply of carefully sampled achondrites from Antarctica, the next decades of research on achondritic meteorites should prove very rewarding and fruitful. Literature Cited Berkley, J.L., and C.A. Goodrich 1985. Cohenite-bearing Metallic Spherules in Ureilites: Petrology and Implications. In Lunar and Planetary Sciences XVI, pages 49?50. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. Berkley, J.L., and J.H. Jones 1982. Primary Igneous Carbon in Ureilites: Petrological Implications. 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Yanai 1978. Yamato Achondrite Polymict Breccias. Memoirs of the National Institute of Research (Japan), special issue, 8:185-197. Olsen, E.J., A. Noonan, K. Fredriksson, E. Jarosewich, and G. Moreland 1978. Eleven New Meteorites from Antarctica, 1976-1977. Meteoritics, 13:209-225. Prinz, M., C.E. Nehru, M.K. Weisberg, and J.S. Delaney 1984. Type 3 Enstatite Chondrites: A Newly Recognized Group of Unequilibrated Enstatite Chondrites (UEC's). In Lunar and Planetary Science XV, pages 653-654. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. Reid, A.M., and A.P. Le Roex 1984. Compositions of 7 Allan Hills Polymict Eucrites and One Diogenite. Meteoritics, 19:299. Schultz, L., and M. Freundel 1984. Terrestrial Ages of Antarctic Meteorites. Meteoritics, 19:310. Score, R., T.V.V. King, CM. Schwarz, A.M. Reid, and B. Mason 1982. Descriptions of Stony Meteorites. In U.B. Marvin and B. Mason, editors, Catalogue of Meteorites from Victoria Land, Antarctica, 1978-1980. Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, 24:19-48. Scott, E.R.D. 1984. Pairing of Meteorites Found in Victoria Land, Antarctica. Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research (Japan), special issue, 35:102-125. Simon, S.B., and JJ. Papike 1983. Petrology of Igneous Lithic Clasts from Polymict Eucrites ALHA 76005 and ALHA 77302. Meteoritics, 18:35-50. Takeda, H. 1979. A Layered Crust Model of a Howardite Parent Body. Icarus, NUMBER 28 79 40:445-470. Takeda, H., M.B. Duke, T. Ishii, H. Haramura, and K. Yanai 1979. Some Unique Meteorites Found in Antarctica and Their Relation to Asteroids. Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research (Japan), special issue, 15:54?76. Takeda, H., M. Miyamoto, K. Yanai, and H. Haramura 1978. A Preliminary Examination of the Yamato-74 Achondrites. Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research (Japan), special issue, 8:170-184. Takeda, H. and H. Mori 1984. The Diogenite-Eucrite Links and the Crystallization History of a Crust of Their Parent Body. Journal of Geophysical Research, supplement, 90:C636-C648. Takeda, H., H. Mori, and K. Yanai 1981. Mineralogy of the Yamato Diogenites As Possible Pieces of a Single Fall. Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research (Japan), special issue, 20:81-99. Treiman, A.H. 1984. Polymict Eucrite ALHA 81011: Equilibrated Clasts in a Glassy Matrix. Meteoritics, 19:323-324. Treiman, A.H., and M.J. Drake 1984. Basaltic Volcanism on the Eucrite Parent Body: Petrology and Phase Equilibria of ALHA 80102 and the Discovery of Ferroan Troctolite. In Lunar and Planetary Science XV, pages 862-863. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. Verkouteren, R.M., and M.E. Lipschutz 1983. Cumberland Falls Achondritic Inclusions?II: Trace Elements of Forsterite Chondrites and Meteorites of Similar Redox State. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 47:1625-1633. Watters, T.R., and M. Prinz 1979. Aubrites: Their Origins and Relationship to Enstatite Chondrites. In Proceedings of the Tenth Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, pages 1073-1093. Weber, H.W. O. Braun, L. Schultz, and F. Begemann 1982. The Noble Gases in Antarctic and Other Meteorites. Zeitschritt fur Naturforsch, 38A:267-272. 9. Antarctic Carbonaceous Chondrites: New Opportunities for Research Harry Y. McSween, Jr. Introduction Milestones in the understanding of carbonaceous chondrites reached previously can be traced in a series of reviews on the subject (Mason, 1963; Hayes, 1967; Mason, 1971; Nagy, 1975; McSween, 1979a). One might logically expect that this paper on Antarctic carbonaceous chondrites, most of which have been found since the last review article was published, should provide an updated account of new discoveries and insights. This, unfortunately, is not true, because this subset of carbonaceous chondrites has not yet been thoroughly studied. The Antarctic meteorite bonanza is just too vast to be assimilated quickly, and other classes of meteorites (especially the achondrites) - have received more attention. Those major contributions that have been made during the last few years are derived mainly from studies of non-Antarctic carbonaceous chondrites. The intent of this paper is to describe what kinds of carbonaceous meteorites are available in the Antarctic collec- tions of the United States and Japan, and to summarize briefly what research has been done. Some new data that bear on the question of pairings among Antarctic carbonaceous chondrites will also be presented. The importance of this paper really lies in what it does not say?the still available research opportuni- ties that these meteorites offer. Classification of Carbonaceous Chondrites The classification used for carbonaceous chondrites is somewhat unwieldy and has evolved in a number of steps. Van Schmus and Wood (1967) distinguished Cl, C2, and C3 chondrites based on petrographic and chemical characteristics. This sequence supposedly reflected a sort of decreasing "primitiveness," distinct from the grade of thermal metamor- phism described by petrologic types 4 to 6. Van Schmus and Hayes (1974) recognized two groups of C3 chondrites, which they called the Ornans (now abbreviated CO3) and Vigarano Harry Y. McSween, Jr., Department of Geological Sciences, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 37996. (CV3) subtypes. Wasson (1974) stressed that Cl, C2, and C3 chondrites were not an isochemical group and devised the names Cl (Ivuna type, formerly Cl) and CM (Mighei type, formerly C2) to parallel the classification of C3 chondrites into CV and CO groups. McSween (1979a) accepted Wasson's chemical distinctions and added another: CR (Renazzo group). He also suggested a reinterpretation of petrologic types 3 to 1 to reflect increasing degrees of aqueous alteration. A few carbonaceous chondrites have been thermally recrystallized and are assigned to petrologic type 4. In Table 9-1 are listed carbonaceous chondrites recognized in the Antarctic collections of the Unites States (Victoria Land) and Japan (Queen Maud Land) through 1984. Included are classification, original weights, and the best descriptive references for each. In many cases no descriptive references are available, except in the original newsletter announcements, which are not referenced here. Classifications are the generally accepted assignments published in the newsletters of the Antarctic Meteorite Working Group and the National Institute of Polar Research. Recrystallized chondrites classified as C4 are difficult to assign to a specific group, even if adequate chemical data are available. Petrologic, Chemical, and Isotopic Studies of Antarctic Carbonaceous Chondrites CM2 CHONDRITES Most of the work on CM chondrites has been done on Yamato samples; the Allan Hills samples are almost un- touched. Brief petrographic descriptions are available for Y-74641, Y-74642, Y-74662 (Mason and Yanai, 1983), Y-75293, Y-790123 (Dceda, 1983a), and Y-793321, Y-790003, Y-791198, Y-791824, B-7904 (Kojimaetal., 1984). McSween (1979b) also provided some petrographic data on ALHA77306, and Steele et al. (1985) studied cathodoluminescence zoning of olivines in B-7904. Although some petrographic differences are apparent, these meteorites do not expand the limits of primary petrographic variation already known from non- 81 82 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE 9-1.?Antarctic carbonaceous chondrites. TABLE 9-1.?Continued. Sample Classification Meteorites from Victoria Land ALHA77306 ALHA78261 ALHA81002 ALHA81004 ALHA81312 ALH82100 ALH82131 ALH83016 ALH831OO ALH83102 EET83224 EET83226 EET83250 ALH84029 ALH84030 ALH84031 ALH84032 ALH84033 ALH84034 ALH84042 ALH84044 ALHA77003 ALHA77029 ALHA77307 ALH82101 RKPA 80241 ALHA81OO3 ALHA81258 ALHA84028 ALH82135 PCA82500 CM2 CM2 CM2 CM2 CM2 CM2 CM2 CM2 CM2 CM2 CM2 CM2 CM2 CM2 CM2 CM2 CM2 CM2 CM2 CM2 CM2 C03 C03 C03 C03 CV3 CV3 CV3 CV3 C4 C4 Weight (g) 19.9 5.1 14.0 4.7 0.7 24.3 1.0 4.1 434.6 1240.8 8.6 33.1 11.5 119.8 6.2 12.5 7.9 60.4 44.1 51.2 147.4 779.6 1.4 181.3 29.1 0.1 10.1 1.1 735.9 12.1 90.9 Best descriptive references McSween (1979b) Ikeda(1982) McKinley and Keil (1984) Nagahara and Kushiro (1982) Scott (1984) Scott (1985) Scott and Taylor (1985) Sample Classifi cation Meteorites from Queen Maud Lana Y-74641 Y-74642 Y-74662 Y-75260 Y-75293 B-7904 Y-790003 Y-790032 Y-790112 Y-790123 Y-791198 Y-791824 Y-793331 Y-793332 Y-74135 Y-790992 Y-791717 Y-75260 Y-6903 Y-790112 Y-793495 CM2 CM2 CM2 CM2 CM2 CM2 CM2 CM2 CM2 CM2 CM2 CM2 CM2 CM2 C03 C03* C03 CV3 CV4 CR2 CR2 * Y-790992 is listed only as a C3; Weight (g) I 4.5 10.6 151 4.0 8.1 1234 4.3 6.1 24.0 6.8 179.8 23.3 379.3 7.7 25,3332 4.0 150 24.0 45.0 Best descriptive references Mason and Yanai (1983) Mason and Yanai (1983) Ikeda(1983a) Ikeda (1983a) Kojima et al. (1984) Ikeda (1983) Kojima et al. (1984) Kojima et al. (1984) Kojima et al. (1984) Kojima et al. (1984) Okada and Shima (1979); Scott (1985) , but I have assigned it to C03 based on inspection of a thin section in the collection of the National Institute of Polar Research. Ikeda ALHA77003. (1983a) also noted that this meteorite was similar to Antarctic CM chondrites. High-resolution electron microscope studies of the matrices of ALHA77306 (McKee and Moore, 1980) Y-74662 (Akai, 1982), Y-793321, B-7904 (Akai, 1984) and Y-791198 (Akai and Kanno, 1985) have been reported. These studies have identified a bewildering variety of phyllosilicates with platy, tubular, and poorly crystalline structures, much like those found in non-Antarctic CM chondrites. Ikeda (1983a) reported the chemical compositions of matrix phyllosilicates in Y-790123, Y-75293, and Y-74662 to be similar to other published analyses. Fujimura et al. (1982) documented preferred orientations of phyllosilicates in Y-74642 and Y-74662 by x-ray pole figure goniometry, indicating anisotro- pic deformation of these meteorites. Bulk chemical data are available for Y-74642, Y-74662, Y-790032, and Y-791198 (Haramura et al., 1983). Trace element data for Y-74662 were determined by Knab and Hintenberger (1978). Carbon and sulfur determinations have been reported for Y-76442 and ALHA77306 (Gibson and Yanai, 1979) and B-7904, Y-791824, Y-793321 (Gibson et al., 1984). Carbon and nitrogen abundances in Y-791198 were published by Shimoyana et al. (1985). Major element concentrations, including sulfur, are near normal CM levels, but depletions of carbon in some meteorites may reflect exposure to liquid water in the Antarctic environment. The apparent leaching of carbon in some CM chondrites is a disturbing finding, especially for what it portends for studies of organic compounds. ALHA77306 has significantly lower amino acid concentrations than non-Antarctic CM chondrites (Cronin et al., 1979), and Y-7891824, Y-793321, and B-7904 contain practically none of these compounds (Gibson et al., 1984; Shimoyama and Harada, 1984). However, amino acids in Y-74662 and Y-79118 are at higher concentrations (Shimoyama et al., 1979, 1985). Aspartic acid, serine, glycine, alanine, theonine, glutamic acid, valine, norvaline, and leucine have been identified, as well as aromatic compounds from pyrolysis experiments (Holzer and Oro, 1979; Murae et al., 1983, 1984). NUMBER 28 83 Stable light isotope (N, C, H) compositions reported for Y-790003 and Y-790032 (Grady et al., 1983) indicate that Y-790003 is highly unusual. It is characterized by enrichment of heavy carbon and nitrogen, but not deuterium, and falls outside the known ranges for CM chondrites. Isotopic abundances of noble gases (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe) in B-7904, Y-74662, and Y-791198 are similar to other non-Antarctic CM chondrites (Nagao et al., 1984; 1985); however, a new component of Kr and Xe has been reported in B-7904. No data are available on cosmogenic nuclides. Magnetic studies of Y-74662 (Nagata, 1980; Brecher, 1980) confirmed its CM2 classification. The magnetic properties of ALHA77306 have been used to estimate its magnetite content at less than 0.8 weight percent (Hyman and Rowe, 1979). CR2 CHONDRITES From inspection of thin sections in the collection at the National Institute of Polar Research in 1982, the author tentatively classified Y-790112 and Y-793495 as CR chon- drites, as subsequently reported in the National Institute of Polar Research special issue of 1982. Oxygen isotopic analysis of Y-790112 (Clayton et al., 1984) has confirmed this classification. A bulk chemical analysis of this meteorite was given by Haramura et al. (1983). Light element stable isotope analysis is also consistent with the CR assignment (Grady et al., 1983), though data from Y-790112 indicate the CR group is highly variable in its isotopic character. Nothing is known about Y-793495. This is a particularly important pair of meteorites, because so little is known about the CR group with only two non-Antarctic members. CO3 CHONDRITES The two large CO chondrites in the Allan Hills collections (ALHA77003 and 77307) have understandably received most of the attention accorded to this group, although massive Y-791717 offers an exciting opportunity. Petrographic descrip- tions of ALHA77003 (Ikeda, 1982), ALHA77307 (Nagahara and Kushiro, 1982), and ALHA77029 (McKinley and Keil, 1984) have been published. The latter was found in a collection of pebble-sized meteorites. Scott et al. (1981) and Scott (1984) provided some additional petrographic data on all three meteorites. ALHA77307 appears to be the least metamor- phosed of the three chondrites. Brief petrographic descriptions and studies of the alteration of Y-791717 and Y-74135 were presented by Kojima et al. (1984). Bulk chemical analyses have been performed for ALHA77003 (Rhodes and Fulton, 1980; Jarosewich, 1980; Kallemeyn and Wasson, 1982a), ALHA77029 (Kallemeyn and Wasson, 1982a), ALHA77307 (Biswas et al., 1981; Kallemeyn and Wasson, 1982a), and Y-791717 (Haramura et al., 1983). The chemical composition of ALHA77307 has resulted in some uncertainty about its classification. Biswas et al. (1981) assigned this meteorite to the CV group, based on its high Cd concentration, but Kallemeyn and Wasson (1982b) concluded that its composition was similar in most respects to CO and CM chondrites. They also suggested that weathering may have been a factor in altering its composition. Its thermolumines- cence properties are consistent with the CO classification, although it is not a normal member of that group (Sears and Ross, 1983). Petrographic data (Scott et al., 1981) also suggest ALHA77307 is an unusual member of this class, although Kainsaz, which it most resembles, is also unusual. Organic constituents have been analyzed only in ALHA77307 (Moore et al., 1981; Murae et al., 1983). It contains only traces of amino acids, and pyrolysis experiments indicate highly volatile products. Wieler et al. (1985) reported isotopic measurements of noble gases in ALHA77307 and ALHA82101. The only cosmogenic nuclide data available for these meteorites is for ALHA77003. Nishiizumi (1984) summarized 53Mn, 26A1, 36C1, and 14C activities and calculated a cosmic ray exposure age of 20 million years. CV3 CHONDRITES Virtually nothing is known about any of these chondrites, but most are very small, and representative samples may be difficult to obtain. Scott (1984) briefly mentions RKPA80241. C4 CHONDRITES Petrographic descriptions of Y-6903 (Okada and Shima, 1979; Scott, 1985), PCA82500 (Scott et al., 1984), and ALH82135 (Scott, 1985) indicate that these meteorites are recrystallized and resemble Karoonda, though each is distinc- tive in some ways. The oxygen isotopic composition of Y-6903 is identical to that of Karoonda, and 18O fractionation between plagioclase and magnetite corresponds to an equilibration temperature of 600? C (Clayton et al., 1979). Bulk chemical analyses of Y-6903 and PCA82500 were reported by Kallemeyn (1985). Y-6903 may be a metamor- phosed CVF chondrite, but compositional data for PCA82500 suggest affinities with both the CO and CV groups, as already noted for Karoonda (Kallemeyn and Wasson, 1982b). An analysis for carbon and sulfur in Y-6903 was reported by Gibson and Yanai (1979). Noble gas isotopic abundances for ALH82135 and PCA82500 were determined by Wieler et al. (1985). Pairing of Antarctic Carbonaceous Chondrites Very little information exists on which to make pairing assignments for these meteorites. Of both Antarctic collections, the only carbonaceous chondrite for which a terrestrial age has been determined is ALHA77003. Its reported 14C age is 35,600?500 years (Fireman, 1983), and its 36C1 age is 84 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES 110,000170,000 years (Nishiizumi, 1984). Four CM2 chon- drites from the Allan Hills (77306, 78261, 81002, and 81004), and two Allan Hills CO3 chondrites (77003, and 82101) have been previously paired, based on petrographic similarities (Antarctic Meteorite Working Group, 1984). However, marked differences in olivine compositions (Scott et al., 1981) and noble gas abundances (Wieler et al., 1985) between ALHA77003 and ALH82101 suggest that these specimens are not paired. To assist in this thorny problem of pairing assignments, provided below are partial modal analyses of the Victoria Land CM and CO chondrites (except ALH84033), obtained using optical point-counting methods outlined by McSween (1979b). It must be noted that no accurate determination of modal variability within any one meteorite has ever been made; however, point counts by the author on two thin sections for each of two different CO chondrites agreed within about 10 percent. An additional problem hampering accurate modal analyses is brecciation. Both of these meteorite classes are now known to contain clasts with different petrographic properties (McSween, 1979b; Rubin et al., 1984), and these could introduce substantial variations on a thin-section scale within one meteorite. In order to minimize these effects, I have relied only on matrix/chondrule ratios (rather than differences in the relative proportions of inclusions, chondrules, monomineralic fragments, etc.), where chondrules refer to everything that is not fine-grained, opaque matrix. This gross parameter, when combined with subjective assessment of degrees of hydrous alteration in CMs, and oxidation or textural blurring due to thermal metamorphism in COs, provides the basis for the pairings suggested in Table 9-2. Three possible groupings of CM chondrites are proposed. The relatively unaltered chondrites are subdivided into two groups from the Allan Hills and two unpaired samples from Elephant Moraine based on matrix/chondrule ratios. However, petrographic variability within a large CM chondrite might permit these groupings to overlap. Microprobe defocused beam analyses of matrix would certainly help define these two groups. None of the altered CM chondrites from the Allan Hills are paired because of large differences in matrix/chondrule ratios. None of the Elephant Moraine specimens are paired for the same reason. No modal data are presented for the large group of highly altered CM chondrites from the Allan Hills, but they are paired because of their exceptional petrography. Chondrules and inclusions are so heavily altered that it is difficult to distinguish these from matrix in many cases. This alteration is so distinctive that these meteorites can probably be paired with confidence. No obvious pairings exist among CO3 chondrites. Based on matrix/chondrule ratios, ALHA77129 and ALHA77307 could be paired, but differences in textural blurring, equilibra- tion seen in olivine histograms (Scott et al., 1981), and bulk compositions (Kallemeyn and Wasson, 1982a) preclude pairing of any of these CO3 chondrites. TABLE 9-2.?Pairing information. Meteorite CM2 j?ALHA81002 I ALHA810O4 1? ALH82100 1?ALHA78261 II ALH82131 1?ALH83016 ALHA77306 ALHA81312 EET83224 EET83226 EET83250 ??ALH831OO III ALH83102 ALH84029 ALH84030 ALH84031 ALH84032 ALH84034 ALH84042 ? ALH84044 C03 ALHA77003 ALHA77029 ALHA77307 Matrix/Chondrule volume ratio 3.70 2.78 3.33 2.27 low* 1.96 4.17 1.52 1.75 0.65 2.50 t t t t t t t t t 0.43 0.79 0.76 Subjective observations relatively unaltered relatively unaltered relatively unaltered relatively unaltered relatively unaltered relatively unaltered altered altered relatively unaltered relatively unaltered altered with clasts highly altered highly altered highly altered highly altered highly altered highly altered highly altered highly altered highly altered metamorphosed, reduced metamorphosed, reduced unmetamorphosed, oxidized I, II, III Tentatively paired groups ?Sample too small for modal analysis f Sample too highly altered for modal analysis Conclusions The Antarctic meteorite collections from Victoria Land and Queen Maud Land contain all of the known classes of carbonaceous chondrites except CI (Cl). These specimens greatly enlarge the limited quantities of carbonaceous chon- drites in museum collections. Moreover, available pairing information, though limited, suggests that they represent many different falls. Unfortunately, many of these meteorites are small, and work has understandably focused on the larger specimens. Studies of even large Antarctic carbonaceous chondrites are very limited, however, and should be pursued more vigorously. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.?This work was partly supported by NASA grant NAG 9-58. Literature Cited Akai, J. 1982. High Resolution Electron Microscopic Characterization of Phyllo- silicates and Finding of a New Type with'llA Structure in Yamato-74662. fiiemoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research (Japan), special issue, 25:131-144. NUMBER 28 85 1984. Mineralogical Characterization of Matrix Materials in Carbonaceous Chondrite Yamato-793321 and Belgica-7904 by HREM. [Abstract.] In Ninth Symposium on Antarctic Meteorites, pages 59-61. Tokyo: National Institute of Polar Research (Japan). Akai, J., and J. Kanno 1985. 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Rhodes, J.M., and C.R. Fulton 1980. Chemistry of Some Antarctic Meteorites. In Lunar and Planetary Science XII, pages 880-882. Houston, Texas: Lunar and Planetary Institute. Rubin, A.E., J.A. James, B.D. Keck, K.S. Weeks, D.W.G. Sears, and E. Jarosewich 1984. The Colony Meteorite and Variations in CO3 Chondrite Properties. Meteoritics, 20:175-196. Scott, E.R.D. 1984. Classification, Metamorphism, and Brecciation of Type 3 Chon- drites from Antarctica. In U.B. Marvin and B. Mason, editors, Field and Laboratory Investigations of Meteorites from Victoria Land, Antarctica. Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, 26:73-94. 1985. Further Petrologic Studies of Metamorphosed Carbonaceous Chon- drites. In Lunar and Planetary Science XVI, page 748. Houston, Texas: Lunar and Planetary Institute. Scott, E.R.D., and G.J. Taylor 1985. Petrology of Types 4-6 Carbonaceous Chondrites. In Proceedings of the Fifteenth Lunar Planetary Science Conference. Journal of Geophysical Research, 90(supplement):C699-C709. Scott, E.R.D., G.J. Taylor, P. Maggiore, K. Keil, S.G. McKinley, and H.Y. McSween, Jr. 1981. Three CO3 Chondrites from Antarctica?Comparison of Carbona- ceous and Ordinary Type 3 Chondrites. Meteoritics, 16:385. Sears, D.W.G., and M. Ross 1983. Classification of the Allan Hills A77307 Meteorite. Meteoritics, 18:1-7. Shimoyama, A., and K. Harada 1984. Search for Amino Acids Indigenous to the Yamato-793321 and Belgica-7904 Carbonaceous Chondrites. [Abstract.] JnNinth Sympo- sium on Antarctic Meteorites, page 81. Tokyo: National Institute of Polar Research (Japan). Shimoyama, A., K. Harada, and K. Yanai 1985. Indigenous Amino Acids from the Yamato-791198 Carbonaceous Chondrite. [Abstract.] In Tenth Symposium on Antarctic Meteorites, pages 52-54. Tokyo: National Institute of Polar Research (Japan). Shimoyama, A., C. Ponnamperuma, and K. Yanai 1979. Amino Acids in the Yamato Carbonaceous Chondrites from Antarctica. Nature, 282:394-396. Steele, I., J.V. Smith, and C. Skirius 1985. Cathodoluminescence Zoning and Minor Elements in Forsterites from the Murchison (C2) and Allende (C3V) Carbonaceous Chondrites. Nature, 313:294-297. Van Schmus, W.R., and J.M. Hayes 1974. Chemical and Petrographic Correlations among Carbonaceous Chondrites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Ada, 38:47-64. Van Schmus, W.R., and J.A. Wood 1967. A Chemical-Petrologic Classification for the Chondritic Meteorites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 31:737-765. Wasson, J.T. 1974. Meteorites. 316 pages. New York: Springer. Wieler, R., H. Baur, Th. Graf, and P. Signer 1985. He, Ne and Ar in Antarctic Meteorites: Solar Noble Gases in an Enstatite Chondrite. In Lunar and Planetary Science XVI, pages 902-903. Houston, Texas: Lunar and Planetary Institute. 10. The Emerging Meteorite: Crystalline Structure of the Enclosing Ice Anthony J. Gow and William A. C as sidy Introduction While searching for meteorites in the Far Western Icefield of the Allan Hills region during the austral summer of 1982-1983, Carl Thompson discovered a small, walnut-sized meteorite with just its tip protruding above the ice surface (Cassidy et al., 1983). Closer inspection showed that this meteorite was not surrounded by a zone of clear ice as would have been expected if melting and refreezing had occurred around the stone. The meteorite appeared to be still embedded in the original ice and becoming exposed for the first time at the ablation surface. If this interpretation were proved correct, this would be the first example observed in Antarctica of an emerging stone, a discovery of special importance because the terrestrial age of the meteorite would be the same as that of the enclosing ice. Since the terrestrial age of the stone can be determined by measurement of several different nuclides (e.g., 26A1, 10Be, ^Cl, 81Kr, 58Mn, and 14C), such dating would furnish, for the first time, a good measure of the time that has elapsed since the meteorite embedded itself in the Antarctic ice sheet. This, in turn, would provide an independent check on age determination methods currently being developed for dating ancient ice. Because of the potentially unique nature of this meteorite it was left untouched and collected within a block of ice measuring approximately 36 cm long by 30 cm wide and 10 to 20 cm deep. This sample was shipped frozen to the U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory in Hanover, New Hampshire, where the meteorite was removed by sterile procedures and the crystalline structure of the ice in contact with the meteorite was examined in a series of orthogonal thin sections. This study was undertaken to determine if the crystalline properties of the ice were consistent with the notion that the ice enclosing the meteorite is coeval with the terrestrial age of the meteorite. Anthony J. Gow, US. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, 72 Lyme Road, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755-1290. William A. Cassidy, Department of Geology and Planetary Science, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260. Sample Processing Prior to processing, the ice block was remeasured and photographed from several different directions. Figure 10-1 shows the disposition of the meteorite in the ice prior to cutting the block with a band saw. A narrow sublimation cavity around the meteorite (Figure 10-2) was rimmed by sublimation crystals and contained sparse grains of a fine, reddish dust which could have been derived from the meteorite, but might be windblown terrestrial contamination. The ice block displayed three mutually perpendicular sets of parallel cracks, which were features observed at the find site. Saw cuts were made on either side of the meteorite and the block was then split apart by wedging, as illustrated in Figure 10-3. A close-up view of the meteorite still embedded in one wall of the cleaved ice is shown in the Frontispiece. Inspection of the ice in contact with the meteorite showed no trace of melting anywhere along the contact margin. The meteorite was removed with a pair of pre-cleaned tongs (Figure 10-4) and transferred to a polyethylene bag. This bag was then enclosed in a second bag (as is done in the field) and placed in a thick-walled styrofoam container, which was then filled with dry ice and air-shipped to the curatorial facility of the NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas. The 9.9 kilogram piece of ice (Figure 10-5), from which the meteorite was extracted, was shipped to Dr. K. Nishiizumi at the University of California at San Diego for further processing and dating. As a member of the meteorite-collecting expedition of 1983-1984, Dr. Nishiizumi returned to the site, marked by a flag, where the block had been removed and collected additional ice for his analyses. Crystal structure studies were performed on thin sections cut from slabs VI, V2, and HI in the region of the mold of the meteorite in the other half of the sawn block (Figure 10-5). Ice from piece V2 was also used to prepare samples for conventional chemical analysis by J. Cragin at CRREL and for stable isotope measurements by S. Epstein at the California Institute of Technology. Results of these investigations together with those of terrestrial age dating of the meteorite are not yet available. The meteorite, ALH82102, 87 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES FIGURE 10-1.?Block of ice with enclosed meteorite, collected from the Allan Hills Far Western Icefield and shipped frozen (T = -12? C) to the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory in New Hampshire. Traces of a dominant fracture plane cross the ice from left to right. (Scale in cm). a 48 g H5 chondrite with an almost complete fusion crust, is described in the chapter on stony meteorites by Mason et al., Chapter 6. Ice Structure Analysis Three thin sections were cut in mutually perpendicular directions. This was done in order to evaluate the three- dimensional picture of the crystal/bubble structure of the ice. Figure 10-6a shows a picture of Section VI, a thick (3 mm) slice that was photographed in reflected light to show the extremely bubbly nature of the ice. On average, bubble abundances occur in excess of 100 per cubic centimeter of ice. Bubble sizes seldom exceed 1 mm in diameter though elongated bubbles in some sections of the ice may measure 2 mm or more in length. The generally irregular (non-spherical) shapes of bubbles would suggest that they have been formed by "exsolution," that is, were re-formed from air previously dissolved under pressure in buried ice. Such a process was first documented in deep ice cores from Byrd Station, Antarctica, where bubbles in concentrations exceeding 200 per cm3 of ice in the top 800 m had completely disappeared by 1100 m depth (Gow et al., 1968; Gow and Williamson, 1975). Such a process is believed to be pressure-induced since "exsolution" or reappearance of non-spherical and generally irregularly shaped bubbles began to occur some days after cores were pulled to the surface. In contrast to exsolved bubbles, original bubbles derived from air trapped between grains of snow in the upper layers of the Antarctic Ice Sheet tend to retain rounded, substantially spherical outlines up to the time they become absorbed in deeper ice. Considering probable ice temperatures upstream of the find site (the depth at which bubbles are absorbed by the ice depends on temperature as well as pressure), we surmise that the ice NUMBER 28 89 FIGURE 10-2.?Closeup of the meteorite in situ, rimmed by a narrow sublimation cavity in which feathery ice crystals protrude from the ice walls. The cavity and its crystals, observed in the field survived transport to CRREL. containing the meteorite must have been buried to a depth of at least 700 m in order for complete dissolution of original air bubbles to have occurred (Miller, 1969, and Gow and Williamson, 1975). Based on our estimate of its burial depth and the time needed for it to have reached the surface by upward flow and ablation, assuming an ablation rate of 5 cm of ice per year (see Nishio et al., 1982), the meteorite is believed to have impacted the surface at least 30,000 years ago. This is somewhat older than the 20,000 years that Nishio et al. (1982) estimate for the age of ice samples located close to Allan Hills. However, our estimate is not in disagreement with minimum ages given by Whillans and Cassidy (1983) for ice reaching the surface in the region of the Far Western Icefield where the meteorite was discovered. A photograph of the vertical section, taken in cross-polarized light to reveal the outlines of individual crystals, is shown in the Frontispiece of this volume. It shows a general flattening of grains in the horizontal plane with respect to the top surface of the ice block. The only exception is in the immediate vicinity of the meteorite mold where crystals curve upwards. We would attribute this curving upwards of the crystals to reaction between the meteorite and the enclosing ice, most likely as a result of differential deformation of ice due to the presence of the non-deformable meteorite. In the horizontal section (Figure 10-66, Section HI) taken from near the bottom of the ice block the crystals have become more equidimensional. Also, the c-axes of crystals tend to be clustered together in a very broad maximum about the vertical axis, which would be compatible with effects due to horizontal shearing of the ice. Coarser- grained ice in immediate contact with the meteorite exhibited no structural characteristics consistent with melting and refreezing or annealing. On the basis of the above observations, we conclude that the meteorite was just beginning to emerge at the ablation surface when discovered on 2 January 1983, and that the ice enclosing the meteorite is coeval with the impact age of the meteorite. The terrestrial age measurement of the meteorite therefore will determine the age of the enclosing ice. 36 cm SAW CUTS 10 em FIGURE 10-3.?Splitting the ice block without touching the meteorite: a, Bill Cassidy making the first saw cut from one edge toward the stone. A second cut was made from the opposite edge, a wedge inserted in the cut, and the block split open. Spectators are Ursula Marvin and Tony Gow. b, diagram of the sawing and splitting process. NUMBER 28 91 Literature Cited Cassidy, W.A., T. Meunier, V. Buchwald, and C. Thompson 1983. Search for Meteorites in the Allan Hills/Elephant Moraine Area, 1982-1983. Antarctic Journal of the United Sttates, 18(5):81-82. Gow, A.J., H.T. Ueda, and D.E. Garfield 1968. The Antarctic Ice Sheet: Preliminary Results of Drilling to Bedrock. Science, 161:1011-1013. Gow, A.J., and T. Williamson 1975. Gas Inclusions in the Antarctic Ice Sheet and Their Glaciological Significance. Journal of Geophysical Research, 80(36):5101-5108. Miller, S.L. 1969. Clathrate Hydrates of Air in Antarctic Ice. Science, 165:489-490. Nishio, F., N. Azuma, A. Higashi, and J.O. Annexstad 1982. Structural Studies of Bare Ice near the Allan Hills, Victoria Land, Antarctica: A Mechanism of Meteorite Concentration. Annals of Glaciology, 3:222-226. Whillans, LA., and W.A. Cassidy 1983. Catch a Falling Star: Meteorites and Old Ice. Science, 222:55-57. NISHIIZUMI EPSTEIN > (1b) 2.260 kg \\ (1a) 1.660 kg FIGURE 10-4.?Extraction of the meteorite at CRREL, using precleaned stainless steel tongs and a polyethylene bag. FIGURE 10-5.?Subsamples of the ice block. Portions of samples la, lb, VI, and part of V2 remain at CRREL and are available for further study. FIGURE 10-6.?Orthogonal sections through the ice: a, a vertical thick section (VI), taken in reflected light (scale in cm), showing the very bubbly nature of the ice. The cavity that held the stone is at upper left. A photograph of this same section after thinning, taken in cross-polarized light, is shown in the Frontispiece, b, horizontal thin section (HI) in cross-polarized light. The grains are more equidimensional in this section. The small gray inclusions are air bubbles (scale in cm). 11. Significance of Terrestrial Weathering Effects in Antarctic Meteorites James L. Gooding Introduction Terrestrial weathering of Antarctic meteorites represents a mixed blessing for planetary geoscience but may be a potential bonanza for Earth science. With respect to cosmochemistry, weathering can produce undesirable physical, chemical, and isotopic changes that might confuse or obscure the records of pre-terrestrial origin and evolution that are sought in meteor- ites. At the same time, as an analog in comparative planetology, the ultra-low-temperature weathering of meteorites in an icy "regolith" represents a window into the processes of mineral and rock alteration that have probably operated on icy planetary bodies such as Mars, comets, asteroids, and satellites of Jupiter and Saturn. For Earth science, terrestrial weathering effects in Antarctic meteorites represent distinctive "marker horizons" which, if they can be quantitatively calibrated and correlated with other measurable properties, might yield important information about histories of Antarctic ice sheets. Major issues surrounding the terrestrial weathering of Antarctic meteorites include the following questions: 1. How can weathering effects be recognized and quantified? 2. Are degrees of weathering correlated with terrestrial ages? 3. How are cosmochemical studies affected by weathering? To date, answers to these questions have been incomplete and unsatisfying and it is time to apply greater research emphasis to the problem. Recognition and Quantification of Weathering Effects In the broadest sense, "weathering" is the collection of processes which, through surface/atmosphere interactions, leads to the decomposition or alteration of rocks, minerals, or mineraloids, and the possible formation of new phases. Even casual observations of Antarctic meteorites reveal that most specimens are rusty and cracked and that outer surfaces are partially eroded and discolored relative to interior surfaces that are exposed upon chipping. Therefore, it is clear that both James L. Gooding, Code SN2, Planetary Materials Branch, NASA/ Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas 77058. physical and chemical weathering have affected Antarctic meteorites. Products of chemical weathering include carbon- ates, sulfates, and hydrous iron oxides (Marvin, 1980; Gooding, 1981) as well as clay mineraloids (Gooding, 1984a,b; 1986b). Aluminosilicate weathering products, in particular, are easily overlooked because of their small grain sizes and their resemblance to primary felsic minerals (Figures 11-1, 11-2). Because rust is so common and conspicuous, however, degree of rustiness has been adopted as the conventional means for expressing the "degree of weathering" of a given specimen. Under the current curatorial practices that apply to the American collection, preliminary examination and classifica- tion of each Antarctic meteorite specimen includes assignment to an A, B, or C weathering type according to the following, generalized definitions: A: Minor rustiness; rust haloes on metal particles and rust stains along fractures are minor. B: Moderate rustiness; large rust haloes occur on metal particles and rust stains on internal fractures are extensive. C: Severe rustiness; metal particles have been mostly, if not totally, converted to rust and the specimen is stained by rust throughout. Unfortunately, the A-B-C system is only qualitative and its application is largely subjective. In addition, its dependence on meteoritic metal as an index phase makes it difficult, if not impossible, to apply uniformly to all types of meteorites. Not only is it difficult to compare achondrites with chondrites by the A-B-C system, but comparisons within either group can be just as problematical, as exemplified by the case of aubrites vs. eucrites or the case of H-chondrites vs. C-chondrites, respectively. In practice,the A-B-C assignment for a meteorite that contains little or no metal is based mostly on overall rustiness that has developed by weathering of iron sulfides or mafic silicates. Reflectance spectrophotometry might offer a means of more objectively and quantitatively ranking meteorite specimens according to their degrees of rustiness. As shown in Figure 11-3, there appears to be an inverse correlation between 93 94 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES FIGURE 11-1.?Scanning electron image of Antarctic weathering products that fill cavities in the fusion crust of the "emerging stone," ALH82102 (H5 chondrite). The etched appearance of portions of the fusion crust suggests aqueous leaching whereas the vug fillings clearly suggest aqueous precipitation. Points A and B correspond to elemental analyses that are depicted in Figure 11-2. Scale bar is 10 |lm. measurable "redness" and measurable degree of iron oxidation for ordinary chondrites. The trend is most clear for samples of the Holbrook, Arizona chondrite that were recovered at different times after its fall to Earth in 1912. As previously noted (Gibson and Bogard, 1978), the 1931 Holbrook specimen appears to be more weathered than the 1968 specimen even though the same climate prevailed during weathering of both specimens. Therefore, variations among microenvironments (depth of burial in soil, quality of drainage, etc.) that apparently affected weathering of Holbrook specimens must be considered in deducing the weathering histories of Antarctic meteorites. Not only are differences in Antarctic weathering to be expected between meteorites found in moraines and those found on open ice sheets, but differences in degrees of weathering among finds on ice sheets might exist as a function of the time that each specimen spent encased in ice relative to the time that it spent exposed at the ice/atmosphere surface (Gooding, 1986a). Results for the Antarctic L6 chondrites in Figure 11-3 underscore one of the deficiencies of the A-B-C system. Even though all three L6-chondrite specimens were categorized as transitional A/B in terms of degree of weathering, they yield substantially different values for the spectrophotometric index and possibly also for the rust index (note that a relatively small change in the ratio total-Fe/(FeO + FeS) corresponds to a significant change in oxidation state). Therefore, at least in its present form, the A-B-C system of categorizing degree of weathering should not be considered quantitative and should not be overinterpreted. Indeed, a reliable and quantitative index flLH82182,S flLUMINOSILICflTE/S flLH82182,Sfl-88HD/lSKV 1888 COUNTS ENERGY (KEY) 18.8 HLH82182.5 GLflSSY FUSION CRUST flLH82182,Sfl-88HB/15KV 1888 COUNTS ENERGY IKEVJ 18.8 FIGURE 11-2.?Energy-dispersive x-ray emission spectra for areas on the fusion crust of ALH82102 as depicted in Figure 11-1. (A) complex weathering-product assemblage, possibly consisting of silica and/or an aluminosilicate mixed with a sulfate, that fills a cavity. (B) fusion crust, representing approximately the pre-terrestrial bulk major-element composition of the meteorite. Note the elemental fractionations that have occurred during weathering of the fusion crust (i.e., A vs. B). 96 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES 0.9 - 0.8 - 0.7 - 0.6 - 0.5 - 0.4 1 1 1 WEATHERED CHONDRITES: SPECTROPHOTOMETRY VS. RUST INDEX O ALHA77296 1912 ? (A/B) ALHA77270 ? (A/B) H6 ALHA77155 (A/B) A O1968 ? ALHA76008 (B/C) I I o ? L6 HOLBROOK, ARIZONA (L6) ALLAN HILLS, ANTARCTICA - O1931 I 2 3 WEIGHT RATIO TOTAL Fe/(Fe? + FeS) FIGURE 11-3.?Ratio of diffuse spectral reflectance at 0.5 Jim wavelength to that at 0.6 \im, as a function of an independently determined "rust index" that is based on the oxidation of meteoritic metal and troilite. Decrease in the value of the spectrophotometric ratio corresponds to an increase in the visually perceptible degree of reddish coloration. Increase in the rust index corresponds to increase in degree of terrestrial oxidation. Each reflectance target was prepared by pulverizing and homogenizing a visually representative sample from the outer 1 cm of the specimen. Spectrophotometric data are from Gooding (1981) whereas chemical data are from Gibson and Bogard (1978) and Jarosewich (1984). for degree of weathering remains a major need in research on Antarctic meteorites. Attention must be paid to the fact that oxidation of iron is only one of several processes that occur during Antarctic weathering and that, because of the wide variation of metal and total iron contents among meteorites, a simple rust index might not be the best measure of degree of weathering. Correlations between Weathering and Terrestrial Age The situation can be stated succinctly: no correlation between degree of weathering and terrestrial residence age has yet been demonstrated for Antarctic meteorites. It is intuitively reasonable to suspect that, at least for a given meteorite type (e.g., L6 chondrite), degrees of weathering among Antarctic specimens might be correlatable with the lengths of time that the specimens have spent on Earth. Either the presence or absence of such a correlation would be of great significance in efforts to identify the mechanisms that are responsible for transportation and concentration of meteorite specimens by Antarctic ice. Previous conclusions regarding the absence of a correlation between degree of weathering and terrestrial residence age have relied on the fact that no systematic increase in terrestrial age occurs with alphabetic letter among specimens that have been categorized by A-B-C designations (e.g., Nishiizumi, 1986). As discussed above, though, weathering types defined by the A-B-C system cannot be treated as quantitative classifications. Consequently, the apparent lack of correlation between terrestrial age and degree of weathering might only reflect the irreconcilable mixture of quantitative measurements with qualitative estimates. Further progress on this problem cannot be expected until a quantitative index for degree of weathering is developed. As shown in Figure 11-4, there may exist sensible inverse correlations between the spectrophotometric rust index and terrestrial age. Chondrites from Allan Hills, Antarctica, appear to have rusted much more slowly than did the Holbrook samples, based on the observation that the slopes of their respective trendlines differ by a factor of 10. Not surprisingly, the metal-rich H-chondrites seem to be systematically more rusty than the L6 chondrites among the Antarctic specimens. For the few data that are available, the trends in Figure 11-4 are not impressive but suggest that further work along these lines might produce a much better test of weathering/age correlations than has been made to date. Possible Consequences for Cosmochemistry Ultrasensitive analytical techniques and interpretive models that comprise current wisdom in cosmochemistry were developed mostly from experience with lunar samples and freshly fallen meteorites (Allende, Murchison, etc.). However, none of the meteorites recovered from Antarctica can be considered "pristine." Elemental fractionations occur during weathering (Jarosewich, 1984) although the degree to which a particular chemical study is likely to be affected might be determined largely by the samples and methods that are employed. Although untreated aliquots that are isochemically weathered at the scale of sampling may appear undisturbed in bulk analyses, disturbances may become apparent in analyses that sample a meteorite at less than the scale of weathering (e.g., aliquots of a few milligrams) or that depend upon mineralogical or ion-exchange separations or gas extractions. Phase locations and solubilities of analyte species are subject to change by chemical weathering. Textural relationships between weathering products and their hosts clearly show that aqueous transportation has played a key role during weathering of Antarctic meteorites (Gooding, 1981, 1986b; Figure 11-1). In at least some cases, aqueous leaching and precipitation have produced significant elemental fractionations between the progenitors and products of chemical weathering (Figure 11-2). The same aqueous geochemical processes might be responsible for the uptake or loss, as well as the internal redistribution, of other elements. Pre-terrestrial gases can be lost by solution weathering of their host phases, whereas terrestrial gases can be incorporated during growth of secondary minerals and mineraloids. NUMBER 28 97 WEATHERED CHONDRITES: SPECTROPHOTOMETRY VS. TERRESTRIAL AGE 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 o L6 H6 E (O d -^ ? a. d cr 1912 ALHA77296 (A/B) \ 1968\ o Y ALLAN HILLS, ANTARCTICA (SLOPE =-0.016) 'HOLBROOK, ARIZONA (SLOPE = -0.16) 1931 ALHA77270 ???__?_ (A/B) m ALHA77272 W (B/C) 9 ALHA77155 " (A/B) ALHA76008 (B/C) o ALHA76006 (C) 3 4 5 LOG t (TERR) (Y) FIGURE 11-4.?Spectrophotometric index (defined in Figure 11-3) as a function of terrestrial residence age. Terrestrial ages of Antarctic specimens are from the compilation by Nishiizumi (1984). Trendlines represent linear least-squares fits through the respective data points. The "Allan Hills" trendline is defined by ALHA77270, ALHA77272, and ALHA77296, assuming Holbrook-1912 as the control point for an unweathered L6 chondrite. No terrestrial age has been published for ALHA77155. Lipschutz (1982) briefly reviewed published trace-element data for Antarctic meteorites in the context of the weathering problem and concluded that loss of elements by natural leaching is the most serious problem but that, by restriction of work to samples from >1 cm depth in type A specimens, bulk trace-element analyses can be obtained for Antarctic meteorites without interference from weathering effects. Unfortunately, many of the most interesting Antarctic specimens are small (e.g., lunar meteorite ALHA81005: 3 cm maximum dimension) and the 1 cm depth criterion has not been applied during sampling. Furthermore, at least some type A specimens contain non-rusty weathering products (salt minerals, clay mineraloids) that might constitute important sources of interference in other types of analyses, especially isotopic and gas analyses. For example, the shergottites EETA79001 and ALHA77005 were both categorized as type A even though they contain aluminosilicate weathering products of the types that can be expected to be strong and fractionating sorbents of gases (Gooding, 1984b). Clayton et al. (1984) reported effects of Antarctic weathering in some of their oxygen isotopic analyses and Kaneoka (1984) and Spangler and Warasila (1985) presented clear evidence for disturbance by weathering of K-Ar systematics in both chondrites and achondrites from Antarctica. Disturbance of noble gas abundances occurred during weathering of the Holbrook chondrite (Gibson and Bogard, 1978) but, unfortu- nately, comparison of results for Holbrook with results for Antarctic specimens might be less straightforward than expected. Although rust in Antarctic L-chondrites is very similar to that in Holbrook (Gooding, 1981), Antarctic specimens also contain non-rusty aluminosilicates and salt minerals (Figures 11-1, 11-2) that are rare to absent in Holbrook. Therefore, effects of Antarctic weathering on cosmochemical properties of meteorites might be significantly different from effects of temperate-latitude weathering. Ideally, every Antarctic meteorite sample that is destined for a critical cosmochemical analysis should first be mineralogi- cally examined for overall evidence of weathering (not just rustiness) so that problems (and possible data corrections) can be assessed in advance of sample consumption. Such precautions are especially important for studies that attempt to define new meteorite groups or sub-divide previously recognized meteorite groups using elemental or isotopic parameters that might be sensitive to disturbance by weather- ing. Summary The current inadequate understanding of weathering histo- ries of Antarctic meteorites, and their possible effects on 98 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES measurable properties of the specimens, stems from a general lack of attention to the problem. A first major element of progress would be to augment or replace the currently used A-B-C system of categorizing degree of weathering with a system that is more objective and quantitative. Reflectance spectrophotometry might be a useful method for quantifying degree of rustiness although other methods may be required to quantify abundances of non-rusty weathering products. Literature Cited Clayton, R.N., T.K. Mayeda, and K. Yanai 1984. Oxygen Isotopic Compositions of Some Yamato Meteorites. In Proceedings of the Ninth Symposium on Antarctic Meteorites. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research (Japan), special issue, 35:267-271. Gibson, E.K., Jr., and D.D. Bogard 1978. Chemical Alterations of the Holbrook Chondrite Resulting from Terrestrial Weathering. Meteoritics, 13:277-289. Gooding, J.L. 1981. Mineralogical Aspects of Terrestrial Weathering Effects in Chon- drites from Allan Hills, Antarctica. In Proceedings of the Twelth Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, pages 1105-1122. New York: Pergamon Press. 1984a. Low-Temperature Aqueous Alteration in the Early Solar System: Possible Clues from Meteorites Weathered in Antarctica. In Lunar and Planetary Science XV, pages 308-309. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. 1984b. Search for "Martian(?) Weathering" Effects in Achondrites EETA79001 and ALHA77005: Complications from Antarctic Weathering. In Lunar and Planetary Science XV, pages 310-311. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. 1986a. Weathering of Stony Meteorites in Antarctica. In J.O. Annexstad, L. Schultz, and H. Wanke, editors. Workshop on Antarctic Meteorites. LPI Technical Report, 86-01:48-54. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. 1986b. Clay-mineraloid Weathering Products in Antarctic Meteorites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 50:2215?2223. Jarosewich, E. 1984. Bulk Chemical Analyses of Antarctic Meteorites, with Notes on Weathering Effects on FeO, Fe-metal, FeS, H2O, and C. In U.B. Marvin and B. Mason, editors, Field and Laboratory Investigations of Meteorites from Victoria Land, Antarctica. Smithsonian Contri- butions to the Earth Sciences, 26:111-114. Kaneoka, I. 1984. Characterization of Ar-Degassing from Antarctic Meteorites. In Proceedings of the Ninth Symposium on Antarctic Meteorites. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research (Japan), special issue, 35:272-284. Lipschutz, M.E. 1982. Weathering Effects in Antarctic Meteorites. In U.B. Marvin and B. Mason, editors, Catalog of Meteorites from Victoria Land, Antarctica, 1978-1980. Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, 24:67-69. Marvin, U.B. 1980. Magnesium Carbonate and Magnesium Sulfate Deposits on Antarctic Meteorites. Antarctic Journal of the United States, XV(5):54-55. Nishiizumi, K. 1984. Cosmic-Ray-Produced Nuclides in Victoria Land Meteorites. In U.B. Marvin and B. Mason, editors, Field and Laboratory Investigations of Meteorites from Victoria Land, Antarctica. Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, 26:105-109. 1986. Terrestrial and Exposure Histories of Antarctic Meteorites. In J.O. Annexstad, L. Schultz, and H. Wanke, editors. Workshop on Antarctic Meteorites. LPI Technical Report, 86-01:48-54. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. Spangler, R.R. and R.L. Warasila 1985. 39Ar-40Ar Ages of ALHA77302, 77256, and 77219. In Lunar and Planetary Science XVI, pages 805-806. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. 12. Trace Element Variations between Antarctic (Victoria Land) and Non-Antarctic Meteorites Michael E. Lipschutz Studies, mainly of contemporary meteorite falls, reveal that the Earth is today sampling 70-80 parent bodies (Dodd, 1981) and/or source regions. These are far fewer than the 3330 numbered asteroids (Marsden, 1985), let alone the 15,000 discovered by the Infrared Astronomy Satellite (Tedesco, 1984). Even if non-Antarctic finds are considered to be heavily biased toward irons because of their recognition factor and greater resistance to weathering, the number of extraterrestrial sources is not increased markedly. Has the Earth always sampled the same few sources, or has the meteoroid complex varied in time or space? Until the Antarctic meteorite discoveries, this question could not be addressed, since most witnessed falls have occurred during the most recent 200 years before present (B.P.). Non-Antarctic finds extend this to 1000-10,000 years B.P. but their utility is limited because many meteorites are degraded and contaminated during weathering in warmer latitudes. This is too short an interval in which to expect a detectable temporal source variation. Antarctic meteorites allow a farther look backward since their terrestrial ages generally are 0.1-0.7 Myr B.P. (Bull and Lipschutz, 1982) and, with some caveats, weathering has not reduced their scientific value (Lipschutz, 1982; Dennison and Lipschutz, in prep. a). While terrestrial age distributions for meteorites from Victoria Land and Queen Maud Land overlap, these two major Antarctic sample populations have different mean ages?0.3 and 0.1 Myr B.P., respectively?and mass distributions that differ from each other and from those of non-Antarctic falls (Bull and Lipschutz, 1982). In view of these differences, these three sample populations are treated here as different ones?referring to each by name: the adjective "Antarctic" will be applied when specific sample population designation is unnecessary. Because relatively few Antarctic meteorite fragments recovered to date (over 1900 by the United States-led Antarctic Search for Meteorites and over 5100 by the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition teams) can be paired with confidence, the Michael E. Lipschutz, Department of Chemistry, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, Indiana 47907. number of distinct meteorite events represented by the Antarctic finds is somewhat uncertain. Many Antarctic specimens are unpaired but a very few have numerous well-established siblings, numbering up to 148 (Mason and Yanai, 1983). Taking an overall average of 5 fragments per fall (estimated as 2-6 per fall by Scott, 1984), the Antarctic population represents about 1400 distinct events. This number is comparable (within a factor of 2) to the 2611 known, distinct non-Antarctic meteorites currently cataloged (Graham et al., 1985). From the first, it was recognized that the Antarctic population includes a substantial number of meteorites of rare or unique type compared with the non-Antarctic ones (Kusunoki, 1975). Subsequently, recovery and study of such exciting specimens has proven to be very nearly an annual event as, for example, in the cases of lunar and putative Martian meteorites (Marvin, 1983; Yanai and Kojima, 1984). Represen- tatives of some rare types resemble their non-Antarctic congeners but, curiously, often show subtle differerences from them in composition. This seems to reflect preterrestrial processes rather than terrestrial weathering (Biswas et al., 1980, 1981; Lipschutz, 1982). Antarctic and non-Antarctic meteorites differ in other ways. For example, general differences occur in the distribution of iron meteorite chemical groups (Clarke, 1986) and in the textures and mineral compositions of Antarctic and non-Antarctic diogenites and eucrites (Mason and Yanai, 1983). Of course, these comparisons are based on poor statistics since we are dealing with representatives of rare meteorite types. Subject to inevitable uncertainty because of pairing prob- lems, Antarctic and non-Antarctic populations differ in their constituent meteorite proportions. Considering just the most general classification (Table 12-1), the Victoria Land popula- tion (corrected for known pairing) contains fewer irons, LL chondrites, and perhaps stony-irons than do non-Antarctic falls. Furthermore, the high iron to low iron (H/L) chondrite ratio is over 3 in the Victoria Land population and 1 in non-Antarctic falls (and finds). In the only comprehensive study of a single year's (1974) collection in Queen Maud Land, Mason and 99 100 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES Yanai's (1983) data yield an HA- chondrite ratio (corrected for paired samples) of 155/54, or nearly 3. These differences cannot reasonably be ascribed to Antarctic weathering; they hint at some major difference in the nature of meteorites landing in Antarctica and those landing elsewhere. Possibly the parent bodies of Antarctic meteorites followed more highly inclined orbits, or, more likely, a temporal change has taken place in the meteorite flux (Dennison et al., 1986). Indications for differences between meteorite types in Antarctic and non-Antarctic sample populations do not necessarily mean that any given meteorite type will differ in the two sample populations. To identify the significant differences, one must compare parameters known to vary widely and be indicative of meteoritic genetic processes. Volatile and/or mobile trace element contents (Ag, Au, Bi, Cd, Co, Cs, Ga, In, Rb, Sb, Se, Te, Tl, and Zn) provide such a parameter for comparison between non-Antarctic ordinary chondrite falls and Victoria Land chondrites. Data for a given volatile/mobile trace element in a sample population distribute either normally or lognormally and may be treated as Gaussian in either case (Dennison et al., 1986). Generally, distributions for a given element in two sample populations overlap and one must use standard statistical tests to examine the likelihood that the sample populations derive from the same parent population. If, statistically, this is unlikely for a number of different elements, it may be concluded that the sample populations derive from different parent populations. As part of a series of systematic studies of equilibrated ordinary chondrites, Dennison et al. (1986) compared volatile/ mobile trace element data for 23 Antarctic finds and 20 non-Antarctic H5 chondrite falls. Taking >95% confidence level as significant and 90%-94% as possibly so, Dennison et al. (1986) found differences for 8 of 13 elements tested (Table 12-2). This greatly exceeds the proportion expected to arise by chance (1-2 of 13 elements at the >90% confidence level). Dennison et al. (1986) and Dennison and Lipschutz (in prep. a,b) extended the comparison to H4-6 chondrites. They considered a variety of more or less plausible explanations for the differences, especially weathering, and concluded that the difference was a real one reflecting preterrestrial genetic differences. More recently, Kaczaral and Lipschutz (in prep.) found that L4-6 chondrites from Victoria Land also differ compositionally from non-Antarctic falls: we take this as additional support for the unimportance of a weathering effect on trace element contents of Antarctic meteorites. For L6 chondrites, the trace element data suggest, on average, more severe thermal processing (perhaps by shock) for the Victoria Land samples than for non-Antarctic falls (Kaczaral and Lipschutz, in prep.). This suggestion is currently being tested by petrographic and thermoluminescence studies. For H5 chondrites, genetic processes responsible for the compositional differences are less obvious (Dennison and Lipschutz, in prep. b). TABLE 12-1.?Comparative numbers of selected meteorite types found in Victoria Land and falling in non-Antarctic regions (numbers cited for H, L, and LL chondrites count as part of the total for chondrites). Meteorite type Chondrites H L LL Achondrites [rons Stony Irons Total Victoria Land* No. 756 542 167 24 45 14 3 818 % 92.4 66.3 20.4 2.9 5.5 1.7 0.4 100.0 Non-Antarcticf No. 784 276 319 66 69 42 10 905 % 86.6 30.5 35.2 7.3 7.6 4.6 1.1 100.0 *J. Gooding (personal communication, 1985). Data do not include 281 samples paired with ones already classified. tGraham et al. (1985). Major and trace element distributions for ordinary chondrites from Victoria Land are more coherent than those for non-Antarctic falls (Fulton and Rhodes, 1984; Dennison et al., 1986; Dennison and Lipschutz, in prep. a,b; Kaczaral and Lipschutz, in prep.), hinting again at preterrestrial composi- tional differences between Antarctic and non-Antarctic meteor- ites. Dennison et al. (1986) illustrate one in which meteorite sample populations falling on Earth at specific times in the past could differ in the proportions of constituent types. Such distributions preserved, for example, in the Antarctic ice sheet would constitute "snap-shots in time" of the meteoroid distribution. As yet, we do not know whether the Antarctic sample population is a single one or if the Victoria Land and Queen Maud Land (and others) constitute differing sample populations separated in time, having average ages of 0.3 Myr B.P. (Victoria Land) and 0.1 Myr B.R (Queen Maud Land) (Bull and Lipschutz, 1982). Another possibility is that Antarctic meteorites preferentially derive from parent bodies in highly inclined orbits. It seems too optimistic to expect that the Victoria Land population is a "pure" sample of a single parent region (or body) "unsullied" by earlier and later events, and it would be premature to attempt resolution of the near-Earth meteorite flux with only 2 distributions, Victoria Land and non-Antarctic falls. Indeed, it is astonishing that any differences are detectable in chondrite sample populations separated by only 0.2 Myr, when typical cosmic ray exposure ages had been taken to imply an averaging of the chondritic flux over the past 1-10 Myr (Wetherill, 1974). Nevertheless, the trace element evidence seems compelling that meteorites from Victoria Land sample a population different from that falling today in non-Antarctic regions. Hence, Antarctic meteorites are a more valuable scientific resource than hitherto suspected. Antarctic meteorites may include collision debris from disrupted parent asteroids that was long since swept up and no longer exists among NUMBER 28 101 TABLE 12-2.?Comparison of statistically significant differences in H5 and L6 chondrites from Victoria Land, Antarctica, with contemporary non-Antarctic falls. (Ant. = Chondrites from Victoria Land; Non = non-Antarctic chondrite falls; Sig. = significance level at which it may be concluded that the respective sample populations do not derive from the same parent population. Numbers in parentheses are number of samples analyzed in that population.) Element Co (ppm)* Au (ppb)* Sb (ppb) Se (ppm)* Rb (ppm) Cs (ppb) Te (ppb) Bi (ppb) Ag (ppb) In (ppb) Tl (ppb) Zn (ppm)* Cd (ppb) Ant. (23) 83 9.0 2.0 2.8 0.21 0.81 43 0.72 H5 Non (20) 69 8.2 2.5 1.1 0.49 0.24 53 3.7 Sig. 97 99 97 98 96 96 96 99 Ant. (13) 480 140 2.6 4.02 340 0.58 45 1.6 L6 Non (25) 600 160 2.2 12.4 380 2.7 71 14.2 Sig. 97 90 95 99 90 99 97 99 *Arithmetric means, all others are geometric means: the specific choice is determined by the data distribution in the populations tested. Further information (e.g., standard deviation, etc.) is in Dennison et al. (1986) and Kaczaral and Lipschutz (in prep.). contemporary falls elsewhere on Earth. From the standpoint of studies of extraterrestrial materials and processes, Antarctic meteorites offer the potential of an enhanced understanding of planetary surfaces, the genesis, evolution, and composition of meteorite planet bodies, and temporal variations in meteorite and cosmic ray fluxes. Furthermore, since the fall of Antarctic meteorites can be dated, they provide a potential source of information on the ice sheet region with which they are associated. Ancillary measurements, in concert with meteoritic terrestrial ages, could provide information on the ancient trapped atmosphere, ice sheet dynamics, and oxygen isotopic variations, leading to a predictive model for discovering new meteorite concentrations. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.?This research would not have been possible except for the aid of the staff of the University of Missouri Research Reactor, irradiation support through DOE grant DEFG 0280 ERR 10725 and research support by NASA grant NAG 9-48 and NSF grants DPP-8111513 and 8415061. Literature Cited Biswas, S., H.T. Ngo, and M.E. Lipschutz 1980. Trace Element Contents of Selected Antarctic Meteorites, I: Weathering Effects and ALH A77005, A77257 and A77299. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung, 35a: 190-196. Biswas, S., T.M. Walsh, H.T. Ngo, and M.E. Lipschutz 1981. Trace Element Contents of Selected Antarctic Meteorites, II: Comparison with Non-Antarctic Specimens. Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research (Japan), special issue 20:221-228. Bull, C.B.B., and M.E. Lipschutz 1982. Workshop on Antarctic Glaciology and Meteorites. Lunar and Planetary Institute Technical Report, 82-03:22. Clarke, R.S., Jr. 1986. Antarctic Iron Meteorites: An Unexpectedly High Proportion of Falls of Unusual Interest. In J.O. Annexstad, L. Schultz, and H. Wanke, editors, Workshop on Antarctic Meteorites. Lunar and Planetary Institute Technical Report, 86-01:28-29. Dennison, J.E., and M.E. Lipschutz In prep. a. Chemical Studies of H Chondrites?II: Weathering of Antarctic Samples. In prep. b. Chemical Studies of H Chondrites?III: Antarctic H4-6 Samples. Dennison, J.E., D.W. Lingner, and M.E. Lipschutz 1986. Antarctic and Non-Antarctic Meteorites for Different Populations. Nature, 319:390-393. Dodd, R.T. 1981. Meteorites, A P etrologic-Chemical Synthesis. 368 pages. Cambr- idge, England: Cambridge University Press. Fulton, C.R., and J.M. Rhodes 1984. The Chemistry and Origin of the Ordinary Chondrites: Implications from Refractory-Lithophile and Siderophile Elements. In Proceed- ings of the Fourteenth Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Journal of Geophysical Research, 89(supplement): B543-B558. Graham, A.L., A.W.R. Bevan, and R. Hutchison 1985. The Catalogue of Meteorites. 4th edition, 460 pages. London: British Museum. Kaczaral, P.W., and M.E. Lipschutz In prep. Chemical Studies of L Chondrites, IV: Antarctic L4-6 Chondrites and Their Origin. Kusunoki, K. 1975. A Note on the Yamato Meteorites Collected in December 1969. Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research (Japan), special issue, 5:1-8. 102 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES Lipschutz, M.E. 1982. Weathering Effects in Antarctic Meteorites. In U.B. Marvin and B. Mason, editors, Catalog of Meteorites from Victoria Land, Antarctica, 1978-1980. Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, 24:67-69. Marsden, B.G. 1985. Minor Planet Circular, 10063. Marvin, U.B. 1983. The Discovery and Initial Characterization of Allan Hills 81005: The First Lunar Meteorite. Geophysical Research Letters, 10:775- 778. Mason, B., and K. Yanai 1983. A Review of the Yamato-74 Meteorite Collection. Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research (Japan), special issue, 30:7-28. Scott, E.R.D. 1984. Pairing of Meteorites Found in Victoria Land, Antarctica. Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research (Japan), special issue, 35:102-125. Tedesco, E.F. 1984. IRAS Asteroid Workshop No. 3. Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Pasadena) Report, D-1617. Wetherill, G.W. 1974. Solar System Sources of Meteorites and Large Meteoroids. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Science, 2:303-331. Yanai, K., and H. Kojima 1984. Lunar Meteorites in Japanese Collection of the Yamato Meteorites. Meteoritics, 19:342-343. 13. Pairing of Meteorites from Victoria Land and the Thiel Mountains, Antarctica Edward R.D. Scott Introduction The identification of meteorite specimens that belong to the same fall is useful for a variety of reasons: it minimizes unnecessary duplication of research, waste of specimens, and conserves curatorial resources. It can also improve our understanding of the mechanisms that preserve and transport meteorites in Antarctica. This article reviews what is known about possible pairings among Victoria Land and Thiel Mountains specimens and is based largely on lists of paired specimens in the Antarctic Meteorite Newsletters and a previous review (Scott, 1984b). The Newsletter lists were compiled largely by R.A. Score, B. Mason, and C. M. Schwarz from their own petrologic studies of thin sections and specimen exteriors. Estimates of the reliability of these pairings are included here, as well as an assessment of the number of unidentified pairings. Coordinates of the discovery locations of -76 to -78 specimens have been published by Yanai (1982, 1984). Discovery locations have not been published for other specimens, except for 18 Reckling Peak samples found during the 1979-1980 season (Cassidy and Rancitelli, 1982). How- ever, geographic propinquity is only one guide to pairing as Antarctic specimens found less than a meter apart may belong to different falls, whereas specimens recovered 20 km apart may be paired. In addition, it is likely that strong winds can transport even 200-gram specimens over distances of many kilometers (Scott, 1984b). Table 13-1 lists all proposed pairings among Victoria Land and Thiel Mountains specimens (excluding typographical errors in the Antarctic Meteorite Newsletters). Estimates of the reliability of these pairings were made by evaluating the criteria used for pairing, and by comparing studies of paired specimens using different techniques (Scott, 1984b). For type 3 ordinary chondrites, irons, most achondrites, and carbonaceous chon- drites, which are all relatively uncommon, there is general Edward R.D. Scott, Department of Geology and Institute of Meteoritics, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131. agreement between different investigators. However, for many type 4 to type 6 ordinary chondrites, and some polymict eucrites, mesosiderites, and CM2 chondrites, there are dis- agreements among petrologists and noble gas and cosmogenic nuclide analysts. In most cases, proposed pairings have not been tested by other investigators, so that there are considerable uncertainties in many of the confidence levels listed in Table 13-1. With the exception of cosmogenic nuclide studies, there have been few investigations of chemical and mineralogical variations in large (multikilogram) meteorites. This enhances the difficulties in pairing Antarctic specimens, especially for brecciated meteorites such as the polymict eucrites. We do not know whether, for example, a 15% difference in the plagioclase content of then sections of two polymict eucrites or a 40% difference in the Cr concentrations of 2-gram samples of two ordinary chondrites provides good evidence against pairing. Table 13-1 also includes one to four references for each group of paired specimens; additional references are given in Scott (1984b). Where possible, references are placed opposite the specimens to which they refer, but in some cases a paper may also refer to specimens on different lines of the same pairing group. A numerical list of the specimens in Table 13-1 is given in Table 13-2 together with the pair number and confidence level given in Table 13-1. These tables show that the proportion of specimens with suggested pairings from a given field season has decreased from 1977 to 1981: 75% of the 102 ALHA77- samples classified by Score et al. (1982b) are listed in the pairing tables, but only 22% of the 313 characterized ALHA81- specimens. This is partly because field investigators since Cassidy (1980) have not published sug- gested pairings, but also because the preliminary examination teams have begun to concentrate their efforts on identifying pairs of the rarer meteorites. This change is reasonable as few researchers study type 4-6 ordinary chondrites, and pairings among rarer meteorites are easier to identify. The proportion of types 4-6 ordinary chondrites among lists of paired specimens is 75% for pairing lists published in 1982 and 1983 {Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 5(1) and 6(2)), close to the 103 104 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE 13-1.?Meteorite specimens that have been paired and the confidence levels of these pairings (confidence level: a = high (>95%); b = medium (80% - 90%; c = low (50% -75%); x = unpaired or highly uncertain pairing). Pair number Specimens Confidence level References UNGROUPED METEORITES 1.1 ALHA77081, 81261, 81315 EUCRITES AND HOWARDITES 2.1 ALHA76005, 77302,78040,78132, 78158, 78165,79017,81009 80102, 81006-81008, 81010, 81012 81001 2.2a EETA79004, 79011, 83228, 83229, 83231, 83232, 83234, 83251, 83283 2.2b EETA79005, 79006, 82600, 83227, 83235 Alternative view 2.2a EET83231,83232 79004 2.2b EETA79011,83229, 83234, 83283 2.2c EETA79005, 79006, 82600, 83212, 83227, 83228, 83235, 83251 AUB RITES 3.1 3.2 3.3 UREILITES 3.4 3.5 ALH83009, 83015 ALH84007, 84008, 84011 EET83246, 83247 ALHA78019, 78262 ALH82106, 82130 MESOSIDERTTES IRONS, GROUP IIB 5.2 DRPA78001-78016 CM2 CHONDRITES 6.1 ALHA81002, 81004, 82100 78261,82131,83016 77306 6.2 ALH83100, 83102, 84029 - 84032, 84034, 84042, 84044 CO3 CHONDRITES 6.3 ALHA77003,82101 CV3 CHONDRITES 9.10 ALHA81OO3,81258 EH3/4 CHONDRITES 7.1 ALHA77156,77295 81189 E6 CHONDRITES 7.2 ALHA81021,81260 4.1 4.2 IRONS, 5.1 ALHA77219, 81059, 81098 RKPA79015, 80229, 80246, 80258, 80263 GROUPIA ALHA76002, 77250, 77263, 77289, 77290, 77283 b b a X Mason, 1985 Score, King, et al., 1982; Schultz, 1985 Delaney et al., 1984 Delaney and Prinz, Chapter 8 Delaney et al., 1984; Delaney and Prinz, Chapter 8 Delaney et al., 1984; Delaney and Prinz, Chapter 8 Mason et al., Chapter 6 Mason et al., Chapter 6 Mason et al., Chapter 6 Mason et al., Chapter 6 Delaney, 1985; Mason et al., Chapter 6 MacPherson, 1985b; Mason et al., Chapter 6 B. Mason, pers. communication Score et al., 1981; Score, King, et al., 1982; Berkley and Jones, 1982 Mason, 1984b Mason, 1983a,b; Hewins, 1984 Clarke and Mason, 1982 Clarke et al., 1980 Malvinetal., 1984 Clarke, 1982 McSween, Chapter 9 Mason, 1983a; McSween, Chapter 9 Score, King, et al., 1982 MacPherson, 1985a,b Scott, 1984b; Wieler et al., 1985 Mason, 1985 McKinley and Keil, 1984; Wieler et al., 1985; this work Mason, 1985 NUMBER 28 105 TABLE 13-1.?Continued. Pair number Specimens Confidence level References H4 CHONDRITES 8.1 ALHA77004, 77190-77192, 77208, 77223- b 77226,77232, 77233 77221 c 8.2 ALHA77009, 81022 c 78084 x 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 ALHA78193, 78196, 78223 ALHA80106, 80121, 80128, 80131 ALHA81041, 81043-81052 RKPA80237, 80267 80232 H5 CHONDRITES 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 9.11 ALHA77014, 77264 ALHA77021, 77025, 77061, 77062, 77064, 77071, 77074, 77086, 77088, 77102 ALHA77118, 77119, 77124 ALHA78209, 78221, 78225, 78227, 78233 ALHA79031,79032 ALHA80111, 80124, 80127, 80129, 80132 RKPA80217, 80218 RKPA 80220, 80223 RKPA 80250, 80251 TIL82412, 82413 TIL82414, 82415 H6 CHONDRITES 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 11.1 11.2 11.3 ALHA77144, 77148 ALHA77271,77288 ALHA78211, 78213, 78215, 78229, 78231 ALHA80122, 80126, 80130 ALHA81035, 81038, 81103, 81112 MBRA76001,76002 RKPA80203, 80206, 80208, 80211, 80213, 80214, 80221, 80254, 80255, 80265, 80266 80231, 80262 EET82610,82615 PCA 82526, 82527 ALHA77011, 77015, 77031, 77033, 77034, 77036, 77043, 77047, 77049, 77050, 77052, 77115, 77140, 77160, 77163- 77167, 77170, 77175, 77178, 77185 77211, 77214, 77241, 77244, 77249, 77260, 77303, 78013, 78015, 78017, 78037, 78038, 78041, 78162, 78170, 78176, 78180, 78186, 78188, 78235, 78236, 78238, 78239, 78243, 79001, 79045, 80133, 81025, 81030-81032, 81053, 81060, 81061, 81065, 81066, 81069, 81085,81087, 81121, 81145, 81156, 81162, 81190, 81191, 81214, 81229, 81243, 81259, 81272, 81280, 81292, 81299 ALHA77215-77217, 77252 RKPA79OO8, 80207 b c c b X c c X c b b c c c c c c c a b c c a b c c c a a X Cassidy, 1980 Scott, 1984b Score et al., 1984; Mason, 1983a Scott, 1984b; Sarafin et al., 1985 Anonymous, 1981 Mason and Clarke, 1982 Score, 1983; Mason, 1983b Mason and Clarke, 1982 Scott, 1984b Cassidy, 1980 Cassidy, 1980; Score etal., 1981 Cassidy, 1980 Anonymous, 1981 Score etal., 1981 Mason and Clarke, 1982; Vogt et al., 1985 Score, Schwarz, et al., 1982 Score, Schwarz, et al., 1982 Score, Schwarz, et al., 1982 Mason, 1984b Mason, 1984b Cassidy, 1980 Cassidy, 1980; Scott, 1984b Anonymous, 1981 Mason and Clarke, 1982 Mason, 1983a,b; Anonymous, 1984 Weber and Schultz, 1980 Mason and Clarke, 1982 Scott, 1984b Mason, 1984b Mason, 1984b McKinley et al., 1981; Scott, 1984b, this work; Nishiizumi et al., 1983; Wieler et al., 1985 L4 CHONDRITES 12.1 RKPA80216, 80242 Score, 1980; Nautiyal et al, 1982 Wieler et al., 1985; this work Score, Schwarz, et al., 1982 106 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE 13-1.?Continued. Pair number Specimens L5 CHONDRITES 13.1 13.2 13.3 ALHA81018, 81023 81017 PCA82504, 82505 RKPA80209, 80228, 80268 L6 CHONDRITES 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 14.9 14.10 14.11 14.12 ALHA76003, 76007 ALHA77001, 77292, 77293, 77296, 77297 77150,77180,77305 ALHA77272, 77273 77280, 77282 77231, 77269, 77270, 77277, 77281, 77284 ALHA78043, 78045 ALHA78103, 78105 78104, 78251 ALHA78112, 78114 ALHA78126, 78130, 78131 ALHA80101, 80103, 80105, 80107, 80108, 80110, 80112-80117, 80119, 80120, 80125,81017,81107,81262 ALHA81027-81029 BTNA78001, 78002 EET82605, 82606 RKPA78001, 78003 79001, 79002, 80202, 80219, 80225, 80252, 80261, 80264 LL3 CHONDRITES 15.1 ALHA76004, 81251 LL6 CHONDRITES 16.1 RKPA 80238, 80248 80222 Confidence level c X c c X b X a b X b b X X X a b b a c b c b a b References Mason, 1983a Marvin, Chapter 14 Mason, 1984a Mason and Clarke, 1982 Weber and Schultz, 1980 Cassidy, 1980 Anonymous, 1984; Scott 1984b Cassidy, 1980 Goswami and Nishiizumi, 1983 Anonymous, 1984; Scott, 1984b Score et al., 1981 Anonymous, 1984 Scott, 1984a Score et al., 1981; Nishiizumi et al., 1983 Score et al., 1981; Scott, 1984b Score, Schwarz, et al., 1982; Mason and Clarke, 1982 Marvin, Chapter 14 Mason, 1983a,b Score et al., 1981; R. Score, pers. communication Mason, 1984a Score etal., 1981 Mason and Clarke, 1982; Scott, 1984b Scott, 1984b; Wieler et al., 1985 Mason and Clarke, 1982 Sarafin and Herpers, 1983; Signer et al., 1983 proportion among falls, 68% (Wasson, 1974). However, in two recent lists (Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 7(2) and 8(1)), the proportion is only 25%. Another measure of the concentration of effort on the rarer meteorites is the number of proposed pairings of specimens collected in different years. For the types 4-6 ordinary chondrites in Table 13-1, only three of 43 pairing groups contain specimens found in different years. However, for the remaining meteorites, the corresponding figure is 13 out of 23 pairing groups. It is likely that most of the paired specimens among type 3 chondrites (Scott, 1984a), polymict eucrites (Delaney and Prinz, 1984), and other rarer meteorite types have been identified. By contrast, it is certain that for types 4-6 ordinary chondrites, most of the paired specimens have not been recognized. Justifiably, no attempts have been made to identify paired specimens among the 120 ALHA77- and 21 ALHA78- small specimens of types 4-6 ordinary chondrites that were classified by McKinley and Keil (1984) and by SJ.B. Reed and S.O. Agrell (Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter 7(1), 1984). To illustrate the importance of identifying paired specimens, it is noted that petrologic descriptions of what are very probably a set of paired L3 chondrites have been published under various meteorite names: ALH-77015 (Nagahara, 1981; Fujimake et al., 1981), ALH-77294 (Kimura, 1983), and ALHA77011 (McKinley et al., 1981). The Nomenclature Committee of the Meteoriu'cal Society recommends that the lowest specimen number be adopted as the meteorite name (Graham, 1980). However, in some cases the number of the largest or best-distributed specimen may be a more appropriate meteorite name. To distinguish specimen and meteorite names, it may be useful to italicize the latter. Since no two Antarctic specimens can be paired with complete certainty unless they fit together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, it is important that specimen numbers of analyzed paired samples should be published, in addition to the meteorite name. NUMBER 28 107 TABLE 13-2.?Numerical list of meteorite specimens that have been paired and the confidence level of these pairings (confidence level: a = high; b = medium, c = low; x = unpaired or highly uncertain pairing). Specimen number ALHA 76002 76003 76004 76005 76007 77001 77003 77004 77009 77011 77014 77015 77021 77025 77031 77033 77034 77036 77043 77047 77049 77050 77052 77061 77062 77064 77071 77074 77081 77086 77088 77102 77115 77118 77119 77124 77140 77144 77148 77150 77156 77160 77163-77167 77170 77175 77178 77180 77185 77190-77192 77208 77211 77214 77215-77217 77219 77221 77223-77226 77231 Pair number 5.1 14.1 15.1 2.1 14.1 14.2 6.3 8.1 8.2 11.1 9.1 11.1 9.2 9.2 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 1.1 9.2 9.2 9.2 11.1 9.3 9.3 9.3 11.1 10.1 10.1 14.2 7.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 14.2 11.1 8.1 8.1 11.1 11.1 11.2 4.1 8.1 8.1 14.3 Confidence level a X b a X b X b c a c a c c a a a a a a a a a c c c c c a c c X a c c c a c c X a a a a a a X a b b a a a b c b X Specimen number ALHA (continued) 77232 77233 77241 77244 77249 77250 77252 77260 77263 77264 77269 77270 1121 \ 11212 77273 77277 77280 77281 77282 77283 77284 77288 77289 77290 77292 77293 77295 77296 77297 77302 77303 77305 77306 78013 78015 78017 78019 78037 78038 78040 78041 78043 78045 78084 78103 78104 78105 78112 78114 78126 78130 78131 78132 78158 78162 78165 78170 Pair number 8.1 8.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 5.1 11.2 11.1 5.1 9.1 14.3 14.3 10.2 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.3 5.1 14.3 10.2 5.1 5.1 14.2 14.2 7.1 14.2 14.2 2.1 11.1 14.2 6.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 3.4 11.1 11.1 2.1 11.1 14.4 14.4 8.2 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.6 14.6 14.7 14.7 14.7 2.1 2.1 11.1 2.1 11.1 Confidence level b b a a a a a a a c X X a a a X b X b X X a a a b b a b b a a X X a a a c a a a a b b X b X b X X X X X a a a a a 108 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE 13-2.?Continued. Specimen number ALHA (continued) 78176 78180 78186 78188 78193 78196 78209 78211 78213 78215 78221 78223 78225 78227 78229 78231 78233 78235 78236 78238 78239 78243 78251 78261 78262 79001 79017 79031 79032 79045 80101 80102 80103 80105 80106 80107 80108 80110 80111 80112-80117 80119 80120 80121 80122 80124 80125 80126 80127 80128 80129 80130 80131 80132 80133 81001 81002 81003 Pair number 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 8.3 8.3 9.4 10.3 10.3 10.3 9.4 8.3 9.4 9.4 10.3 10.3 9.4 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 14.5 6.1 3.4 11.1 2.1 9.5 9.5 11.1 14.8 2.1 14.8 14.8 8.4 14.8 14.8 14.8 9.6 14.8 14.8 14.8 8.4 10.4 9.6 14.8 10.4 9.6 8.4 9.6 10.4 8.4 9.6 11.1 2.1 6.1 6.4 Confidence level a a a a b b b b b b b b b b b b b a a a a a X c c a a b b a b b b b c b b b c b b b c c c b c c c c c c c a b b c Specimen number ALHA (continued) 81004 81006-81008 81009 81010 81012 81017 81018 81021 81022 81023 81025 81027-81029 81030-81032 81035 81038 81041 81043-81052 81053 81059 81060 81061 81065 81066 81069 81085 81087 81098 81103 81107 81112 81121 81145 81156 81162 81189 81190 81191 81214 81229 81243 81251 81258 81259 81260 81261 81262 81272 81280 81292 81299 81315 82100 82101 82106 82130 82131 83009 Pair number 6.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 13.1 14.8 13.1 7.2 8.2 13.1 11.1 14.9 11.1 10.5 10.5 8.5 8.5 11.1 4.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 4.1 10.5 14.8 10.5 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 7.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 15.1 6.4 11.1 7.2 1.1 14.8 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 1.1 6.1 6.3 3.5 3.5 6.1 3.1 Confidence level b b a b b X b c c c c a b a c c c c a b a a a a a a a b c b c a a a a X a a a a a b c a c a b a a a a a b X a a c a NUMBER 28 109 TABLE 13-2.?Continued. Specimen number ALHA (continued) 83015 83016 83100 83102 84007 84008 84011 84029-84032 84034 84042 84044 BTNA 78001 78002 DRPA A78001-78016 EETA 79004-79006 79011 82600 82605 82606 82610 82615 83227-83229 83231 83232 83234 83235 83246 83247 83251 83283 MBRA 76001 76002 PCA 82504 82505 82526 82527 RKPA 78001 78003 Pair number 3.1 6.1 6.2 6.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 14.10 14.10 5.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 14.11 14.11 10.8 10.8 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 3.3 3.3 2.2 2.2 10.6 10.6 13.2 13.2 10.9 10.9 14.12 14.12 Confidence level a c b b b b b b b b b a a a b b b c c c c b b b b b X X b b a a c c c c b b Specimen number RKPA (continued) 79001 79002 79008 79015 80202 80203 80206 80207 80208 80209 80211 80213 80214 80216 80217 80218 80219 80220 80221 80222 80223 80225 80228 80229 80231 80232 80237 80238 80242 80246 80248 80250 80251 80252 80254 80255 80258 80261 80262 80263 80264 80265 80266 80267 80268 TIL 82412 82413 82414 82415 Pair number 14.12 14.12 11.3 4.2 14.12 10.7 10.7 11.3 10.7 13.3 10.7 10.7 10.7 12.1 9.7 9.7 14.12 9.8 10.7 16.1 9.8 14.12 13.3 4.2 10.7 8.6 8.6 16.1 12.1 4.2 16.1 9.9 9.9 14.12 10.7 10.7 4.2 14.12 10.7 4.2 14.12 10.7 10.7 8.6 13.3 9.10 9.10 9.11 9.11 Confidence level c c X b c b b X b c b b b b c c c c b b c c c b c X b a b b a c c c b b b c c b c b b b c c c c c 110 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES Pairing Notes Pair Number 2.2 There is some disagreement on the classification and pairing of the 16 eucrites, polymict eucrites and howardites that have been recovered from Elephant Moraine. On the basis of pyroxene analyses, Mason et al. (this volume) believe that 15 specimens come from three different falls; EET83236 may be unpaired. Delaney and Prinz (this volume) argue instead, from their petrographic studies, that 14 of these 15 specimens belong to two falls; they exclude EET83212 because the section studied appeared atypical. Both pairing schemes are listed in Table 13-1. EETA79005, 79006 and 82600, which are paired by both groups, have similar terrestrial and cosmic-ray exposure ages of 0.17-0.19 and 26-28 million years, confirming their pairing (Schultz, 1985). Schultz believes, as do Delaney and Prinz, and Mason et al. that EETA79004 is not paired with these three; its terrestrial and exposure ages are 0.25 and 22 million years. Pair Number 7.1 Concentrations of spallogenic noble gases in two EH3/4 chondrites, ALHA77156 and ALHA77295, are very similar (Weiler et al., 1985), confirming their pairing on petrographic grounds by McKinley and Keil (1984). Since they were found 18 km apart, this additional evidence for pairing is valuable. Petrologic studies by Prinz et al. (1985) show that ALHA81189 is a highly unequilibrated enstatite chondrite like 77156. However, their modal analyses suggest that 81189 has a much higher abundance of olivine (8% cf. 2% in 77156) and is not paired. Pair Number 11.1 Confirmation that ALHA77047, 78015, 81030-81032, and 81121 are paired with many other L3 specimens that contain abundant graphite-magnetite aggregates is provided by their concentrations of spallogenic and trapped noble gases (Weiler et al., 1985). These authors also confirm that ALHA81024 is not part of this meteorite shower, even though it also contains abundant graphite-magnetite aggregates (Scott, 1984b). There are seven other unpaired L3 specimens from Allan Hills in United States collections: 77013, 77176, 77197, 78046, 78119, 78133, and 83010. Wieler et al. (1985) have analyzed all but 78046, 78119, and 83010, and their data support this conclusion. Pair Number 11.3 RKPA79008 and 80207, which were originally classified as L3 chondrites (Score et al., 1982b, 1984), contain similar concentrations of spallogenic 21Ne, and concentrations of solar wind noble gases that are within a factor of two. Since only two other Antarctic and six non-Antarctic L chondrites are known to contain solar wind gases, the suggestion of Wieler et al. (1985) that these two Reckling Peak specimens are paired would appear very likely. However, RKPA80207 is probably an H3 chondrite, as the great majority of its olivine grains have compositions appropriate to equilibrated H chondrites (Scott, 1984a). In RKPA79008, by contrast, most olivines have compositions like those of equilbrated L chondrites. Since chondrites having materials with the compositions of both equilibrated H and L chondrites are not known, it is more likely that these two specimens are not paired. Pair Number 15.1 The presence of rather similar concentrations of spallogenic and trapped noble gases in the LL3 chondrites, ALHA76004 and 81251, supports their pairing (Wieler et al., 1985). Although petrographically similar, they have very different degrees of weathering, unlike other paired specimens (Scott, 1984b). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.?I thank B. Mason, H.Y. McSween, Jr., R.A. Score, P. Signer, R. Wieler, and other members of the Meteorite Working Group for their helpful assistance. This work was partly supported by NASA grant NAG-9-30 to K. Keil. Literature Cited Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 4(2):9-10. Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 5(1). Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 6(2). Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 7(l):27-29. Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 7(2). Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 8(1). Berkley, J.L., and J.H. Jones 1982. Primary Igneous Carbon in Ureilites: Petrological Implications. Journal of Geophysical Research, 87(supplement):A353-A364. Cassidy, W.A. 1980. Discussion. In U.B. Marvin and B. Mason, editors, Catalog of Antarctic Meteorites, 1977-1978. Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, 23:42-44. Cassidy, W.A., and L.A. Rancitelli 1982. The Traverse to Reckling Peak, 1979-1980. In U.B. Marvin and B. Mason, editors, Catalog of Meteorites from Victoria Land, Antarctica, 1978-1980. Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, 24:9-11. Clarke, R.S., Jr. 1982. The Derrick Peak, Antarctica, Iron Meteorites. Meteoritics, 17:129- 134. Clarke, R.S., Jr., and B. Mason 1982. A New Metal-Rich Mesosiderite from Antarctica, RKPA79015. Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research (Japan), special issue, 25:78-85. Clarke, R.S., Jr., E. Jarosewich, J.I. Goldstein, and P.A. Baedecker 1980. Antarctic Iron Meteorites from Allan Hills and Purgatory Peak. Meteoritics, 15:273-274. Delaney, J.S. 1985. [Catalog description.] Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 8 (1). Delaney, J.S., M. Prinz, and H. Takeda 1984. The Polymict Eucrites. Journal of Geophysical Research, 89(supple- ment):C251-C288. Fujimaki, H., M. Matsu-ura, I. Sunagawa, and K. Aoki 1981. Chemical Compositions of Chondrules and Matrices in the NUMBER 28 111 ALH-77015 Chondrite. Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research (Japan), special issue, 20:161-174. Goswami, J.N., and K. Nishiizumi 1983. Cosmogenic Records in Antarctic Meteorites. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 64:1-8. Graham, A.L. 1980. Procedures for Naming Antarctic Meteorites. Meteoritics, 15:93-94. Hewins, R.H. 1984. Pairing in Antarctic Mesosiderites. Meteoritics, 19:238. Kimura, M. 1983. Chemical and Petrologic Relations of the Constituent Units in the ALH-77249 Meteorite (L3). Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research (Japan), special issue, 30:146-167. MacPherson, G.J. 1985a. [Catalog description.] Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 8(1). 1985b. [Catalog description.] Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 8(2). Malvin, D.J., D. Wang, and J.T. Wasson 1984. Chemical Classification of Iron Meteorites?X: Multielement Studies of 43 Irons, Resolution of Group HIE from IIIAB, and Evaluation of Cu as a Taxonomic Parameter. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Ada, 48:785-804. Mason, B. 1983a. [Catalog description.] Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 6(1). 1983b. [Catalog description.] Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 6(2). 1984a. [Catalog description.] Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 7(1). 1984b. [Catalog description.] Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 7(2). 1985. [Catalog description.] Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 8(1). Mason, B., and R.S. Clarke, Jr. 1982. Characterization of the 1980-81 Victoria Land Meteorite Col- lections. Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research (Japan), special issue, 25:17-33. McKinley, S.G., and K. Keil 1984. Petrology and Classification of 145 Small Meteorites from the 1977 Allan Hills Collection. In U.B. Marvin and B. Mason, editors, Field and Laboratory Investigations of Meteorites from Victoria Land, Antarctica. Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, 26:55-71. McKinley, S.G., E.R.D. Scott, G.J. Taylor, and K. Keil 1981. A Unique Type 3 Ordinary Chondrite Containing Graphite- Magnetite Aggregates?Allan Hills A77011. In Proceedings of the Twelfth Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, pages 1039-1048. New York: Pergamon Press. Nagahara, H. 1981. Petrology of Chondrules in the ALH-77015 (L3) Chondrite. Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research (Japan), special issue, 20:145-160. Nautiyal, CM., J.T. Padia, M.N. Rao, T.R. Venkatesan, and J.N. Goswami 1982. Irradiation History of Antarctic Gas-Rich Meteorites. In Lunar and Planetary Science XIII, pages 578-579. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. Nishiizumi, K., J.R. Arnold, D. Elmore, X. Ma, D. Newman, and H.E. Gove 1983. ^Q and 53Mn in Antarctic Meteorites and 10Be-36Cl Dating of Antarctic Ice. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 62:407-417. Prinz, M., M.K. Weisberg, C.E. Nehru, and J.S. Delaney 1985. ALHA81189, A Highly Unequilibrated Enstatite Chondrite: Evi- dence for a Multistage History. Meteoritics, 20:731-732. Sarafin R., and U. Herpers 1983. Spallogenic ^Al and 53Mn in Antarctic Meteorites and Determina- tion of Exposure and Terrestrial Ages. Meteoritics, 18:392. Sarafin, R., M. Bourot-Denise, G. Crozaz, U. Herpers, P. Pellas, L. Schultz, and H.W. Weber 1985. Cosmic Ray Effects in the Antarctic Meteorite Allan Hills A78084. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 73:171-182. Schultz, L. 1985. Terrestrial Ages of Antarctic Meteorites: Implications for Concen- tration Mechanisms. In Abstracts for Workshop on Antarctic Meteorites, pages 41?43. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. Score, R. 1980. Allan Hills 77216: A Petrologic and Mineralogic Description. Meteoritics, 15:363. 1983. [Catalog description.] Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 6(2). Score, R., T.V.V. King, CM. Schwarz, A.M. Reid, and B. Mason 1982. Descriptions of Stony Meteorites. In U.B. Marvin and B. Mason, editors, Catalog of Meteorites from Victoria Land, Antarctica, 1978?1980. Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, 24:19-48. Score, R., CM. Schwarz, T.V.V. King, B. Mason, D.D. Bogard, and E.M. Gabel 1981. Antarctic Meteorite Descriptions 1976-1977-1978-1979. Curato- rial Branch Publication 54, JSC 17076. 144 pages. Houston: Johnson Space Center. Score, R., CM. Schwarz, and B. Mason 1984. Descriptions of Stony Meteorites. In U.B. Marvin and B. Mason, editors, Field and Laboratory Investigations of Meteorites from Victoria Land, Antarctica. Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, 26:23^17. Score, R., CM. Schwarz, B. Mason, and D.D. Bogard 1982. Antarctic Meteorite Descriptions 1980. Curatorial Branch Publica- tion 60, JSC 18170. 55 pages. Houston: Johnson Space Center. Scott, E.R.D. 1984a. Classification, Metamorphism, and Brecciation of Type 3 Chon- drites from Antarctica. In U.B. Marvin and B. Mason, editors. Field and Laboratory Investigations of Meteorites from Victoria Land, Antarctica. Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, 26:73-94. 1984b. Pairing of Meteorites Found in Victoria Land, Antarctica. Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research (Japan), special issue, 35:102-125. Signer, P., H. Baur, Ph. Etique, and R. Wieler 1983. Light Noble Gases in 15 Meteorites. Meteoritics, 18:399. Vogt, St., U. Herpers, R. Sarafin, P. Signer, R. Wieler, M. Suter, and W. Wolfli 1985. Cosmic Ray Records in Antarctic Meteorites. In Abstracts for Workshop on Antarctic Meteorites, pages 55-57. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. Wasson, J.T. 1974. Meteorites?Classification and Properties. 316 pages. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. Weber, H.W, and L. Schultz 1980. Noble Gases in Ten Stone Meteorites from Antarctica. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung, 35a:44?49. Wieler, R., H. Baur, Th. Graf, and P. Signer 1985. He, Ne, and Ar in Antarctic Meteorites: Solar Noble Gases in an Enstatite Chondrite. In Lunar and Planetary Science XVI, pages 902-903. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. Yanai, K. 1982. Antarctic Meteorite Distribution Map of Allan Hills Victoria Land, Antarctica?Allan Hills-76, -77 and -78 Meteorites. Tokyo: National Institute of Polar Research. 1984. Locality Map Series of Antarctic Meteorites, Sheet 1, Allan Hills: Explanatory Text of Local Map of Allan Hills-76, Allan Hills-77 and Allan Hills-78 Meteorites. Tokyo: National Institute of Polar Research. 14. Meteorite Distributions at the Allan Hills Main Icefield and the Pairing Problem Ursula B. Marvin Paired meteorite specimens are fragments of a single body that exploded during flight through the atmosphere and fell to Earth as two or more pieces. All fragments, which may number in the thousands, of the same body are cataloged as a single meteorite. Observations in many parts of the world have shown that fragments from a given meteorite shower fall over an elliptical area in which the largest and heaviest specimens travel farthest along the line of flight to the outer limit of a so-called strewnfield. Outside Antarctica, specimens belonging to the same class of meteorite found in a well-defined strewnfield can be paired with confidence. On the Antarctic stranding surfaces, however, strewnfields emerged from depth will be compressed and deformed to some degree and their specimens mixed with those from other falls. The extent to which distribution patterns can aid in pairing specimens of a given meteorite class on the Antarctic icefields has not previously been investigated. My approach to this problem was to plot the locations of meteorite fragments on a composite map representing six seasons of collecting on the Allan Hills Main Icefield. I also examined thin sections of tentatively paired specimens and combed the literature on pairing. I found that only on rare occasions is pairing easy in Antarctica. When two or more fragments fit together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, as was the case with the pieces in Figure 14-1, they are paired in the field and assigned the same specimen number. Specimens are sometimes paired in the field if they look similar and lie within a few meters of one another without actually fitting together. In general, however, the pairing of Antarctic specimens is fraught with uncertainty. Distribution patterns facilitate pairing mainly by indicating which groups of specimens should be scrutinized for similarities in petrography, trace element compositions, solar flare tracks, or other diagnostic features. Frequently, such scrutiny indicates that specimens found lying side by side are not members of the same shower. In at least one case, however, the opposite proved true: the location of a Ursula B. Marvin, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138. specimen led to its reclassification as a member of a paired group. Field Maps Perhaps the main difficulty in mapping specimen distribu- tion patterns on the Allan Hills Main Icefield, is the lack of a single, accurate base map. For the present study, I compiled distributions from two maps. The first map was published by Yanai (1982) with an explanatory text by Yanai (1984). Yanai plotted approximate specimen locations, from field notes made during the 1976-1977, 1977-1978, and 1978-1979 seasons, on a base prepared from an enlarged satellite photograph of the Allan Hills region. The second base map was an unpublished chart, 1.6 meters long with a scale of about 1:8000, prepared by John O. Annexstad and John W. Schutt to show specimen locations of the 1979-1980, 1980-1981, and 1981-1982 seasons. They measured angular directions from each specimen to flags in the geodetic network described by Annexstad and Annexstad (Chapter 4), and measured distances on snowmobile odometers. Together, the maps of Yanai and of Annexstad and Schutt show the locations of about 900 meteorites on the Main Icefield, a number fully adequate for testing the usefulness of distribution patterns. Unfortunately, the two maps have no common reference point that can be used to superimpose them precisely. Yanai marked latitudes and longitudes on his map but Annexstad and Schutt did not. The latter authors based their map on a coordinate system measured in meters from geodetic network Stations 1 and 2, which were anchored in bedrock and tied by triangulation to peaks in the Allan Hills. They used a satellite photograph, different from Yanai's, to draw in the outlines of the Allan Hills. Both maps show distortion due to the obliqueness of the satellite photographs. After photocopying the two maps to the same scale, I tested several methods of superimposing them and selected the one that produced the least distortion in the southern and central part of the Main Icefield. These regions are shown in Figures 14-2 to 14-6. In those figures on which all specimens are plotted from either 113 114 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES FIGURE 14-1.?Meteorite fragments paired in the field. The two pieces of Allan Hills 81029, a 153 gram L6 chondrite, fitted tightly together along a fractured surface. Yanai's map or the one by Annexstad and Schutt, the location of each specimen is probably accurate to within a radius of about 100 meters. On those with specimen locations taken from both maps the uncertainty may well involve a radius of up to 2 kilometers. Even with errors of that magnitude, however, it is possible in most cases to see which meteorite fragments occur in clusters and which lie far apart. Figures 14-2 to 14-6 illustrate the distribution patterns of eucrites, ureilites, irons, L3, and L6 chondrites on the Main Icefield, and Figure 14-7 shows that of three mesosiderites found on the Near Western Icefield. Various proposed pairing schemes are indicated and referenced. Meteorite Distributions EUCRITES Beginning in the 1976-1977 season with the discovery of ALHA76005, a 1.4 kg polymict eucrite, a total of 16 eucrite specimens were collected within an area of only about 3.5 x 4.5 kilometers on the Main Icefield (Figure 14-2). Their distribution suggests that all of these fragments belong to the same fall. Some petrologic studies tend to support this interpretation. Delaney, Takeda, and Prinz (1983) tentatively paired 12 of the 16 specimens as polymict eucrites (containing 90% or more of eucritic components) belonging to a group they designated as Allan Hills I. Their second group, Allan Hills II, consisted solely of 78006, a howardite in which no single component makes up 90% j)f the breccia. Further petrographic analyses led Delaney, Prinz, and Stokes (1984) to designate a third group, Allan Hills III, made up of 81006, 81007, and 81008, specimens they found to contain less feldspar and more pyroxene than they observed in the other members of Group I, and lithic clasts of an apparent pigeonite cumulate not observed in any other eucrites. Score, Schwarz, and Mason (1984) listed 12 of the 16 specimens as polymict eucrites and paired them on the basis of external appearance and thin section petrography. They tentatively designated 81009 and 81012 as a separate pair because they differ from the other 12 specimens in the range NUMBER 28 115 EUCRITES \ 78006 u \ A \ 'S ? 78158 pljs 96 other 178165** Meteorites \ at this site \ \ \ .--#-\ 76?42 81010 \ i?\8IOO7.-i- V __b 81008 j?V ..8OIO2'?eioO6 o 78132 79017?O N \ 's \ eiooi^ \ 0.5 I kn J_J | KEY; O Meteorites collected 1976-1978 (from YANAI MAP) ? Meteorites collected 1979-1981 (from ANNEXSTAD-SCHUTT MAP) ICE- FIRN BOUNDARY (from YANAI MAP) ICE-FIRN BOUNDARY (from ANNEXSTAD-SCHUTT MAP) XJ-" EAST-FACING SLOPE OF MONOCLINE (ANNEXSTAD-SCHUTT MAP) :".'...'.'.'? PROPOSED PAIRINGS ? ? METEORITES SINGLED OUT AS UNPAIRED FIGURE 14-2.?The distribution of 16 eucrite specimens and one howardite (78006) on the Main Icefield. Areas outlined by dots include tentatively paired specimens; the shapes of the areas are of no other significance. Pair "a" was proposed by Score, Schwarz, and Mason (1984); pair "b" was proposed by Delaney, Prinz, and Stokes (1984), but later incorporated by Delaney, Prinz, and Takeda (1984) into Allan Hills Group I, which includes all specimens on this map except 81001, the felty glass, and 78006, the howardite. Many specimens belonging to other meteorite classes were also found in this area. For example, the arrow at upper right indicates a site where two eucrites and 96 other stones were collected. and distribution of their pyroxene compositions. The same authors listed 81001 as anomalous, and 81011 (the location of which was not mapped) as a eucritic breccia. They described the anomalous stone, 81001, as consisting of smoky gray glass crowded with felty pyroxene prisms (Score, Schwarz, and Mason, 1984:44, and their figure 49a). The bulk composition resembles that of an average eucrite, but no other eucrite has such a texture. However, small clasts of similar material are found within some polymict eucrites. The other unusual stone, 81011, has eucritic clasts up to 1 cm long embedded in a matrix of dark glass and finely crushed plagioclase and pyroxene. The stone looks polymict, but uniform compositions of the plagioclase and pyroxene suggest that it is monomict. After reviewing the evidence, Delaney, Prinz, and Takeda (1984) concluded that all but two of the eucrites at the Allan Hills probably belong to Group I, a heterogeneous suite in which they included 81009 and 81012 and to which they reassigned 81006, 81007, and 81008. They excluded only the 78019 ICE \?''. / i \ \ ? ? ? * * 77257Q i > 11 ii i 1 km LJ CO 0 m FIRN \^\ \ \ \ * UREILITES \ \ 76?42 \ \ \ \ \ ) 78262\O * \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 81101^ \ s \ FIGURE 14-3.?Locations of four Allan Hills ureilites. The two closest stones, 77257 and 78262, have not been paired, but 78019 and 78262 were paired by Score et al. (1981). This pairing is disputed by Berkley and Jones (1982). If it is invalid, all four specimens represent separate falls. glassy stone, 81001, and the breccia, 81011. Possibly even 81001 should be paired with the main group; its glassy texture may simply represent the chilled margin of a flow or layered body from which the other eucrites originally crystallized. UREILITES Four ureilite specimens were found on the Main Icefield by the end of the 1981-1982 season. Without knowledge of their field occurrence, Score et al. (1981) designated 77257 and 78262 as separate falls and paired 78262 with 78019 on the basis of similar external appearance, textures, and olivine and 116 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES RONS O77250 ICE / FIRN/ :O 77289 77263 :O 77283 77290 o \ "*?? ?>6002 \ 76?45/S \ \ \ \ O78252 0.5 I I i.i.l I N FIGURE 14-4.?Locations of seven iron meteorite specimens. All except 78252 were paired in the field by Cassidy (1980) and later proved to be coarse octahedrites of group IA. Clarke et al. (1980) paired the five irons within the dotted area but separated out 77283 because, although it belongs to the same chemical group, it contains clumps of shock-produced diamond and lonsdaleite. ALHA78252 is a group IVA iron. pyroxene compositions. Figure 14-3 shows that the first two were found only 1.5 kilometers apart, although in different seasons, and the paired stones were found nearly 5.8 kilometers apart in the same season. Pair 78262 and 78019 is listed in Appendix C, but Berkley and Jones (1982) disputed its validity, arguing that the olivines and pyroxenes in the two stones differ slightly but consistently, and that diamond occurs in 78262 but not in 78019. Petrographic differences between the other stones indicate that, if these two are not paired, then all four ureilites represent individual falls?a surprising situation for such unusual meteorites on a small area of the Icefield, when only about 20 other ureilites have been found throughout the world. Field distribution was of no aid in this case where, if any stones are paired, they are not the two found closest together. / ? o77'7^ X(g)77l76 X ?77I78 X \ r\ ^ Vi>8IO24 \ \ X ICE /| FIRN (i 77197? \ f ?77031 \j78015 /. , - 7 71-17/1, A L3 CHONDRITES 78015 ,, 77I7O>"'^77034 |\ f-* 77043O o I \ / / 77033 \ V.S I \78I88 I O+X ?V \ \\ 77036 N ? 96 other Meteorites at this site O 77115 A / 2# 81145* Q'77140 \ ' .81069 \ 80133 \v._8IO87 77047OO 77049 XI8I085 a77050 8I065/66* ? ? 81053 76?42'S ^8 ? 81156 ?7705277214 O 77241 ^78038'i\ \ 77I66O 79022^ *79045 \ 7400.? 8f2|\? 77165? ?,? 77160V 772I\ 77274798O5"? ^ 77260?\... 77QII ~ (9J\ /0 O O 7721177303-77244* 77215 ?/-...9=77252 / 77216 / ?77015 / FIGURE 14-5.?The distribution of L3 chondrites on the central and southern portion of the Main Icefield. Other L3 specimens lay farther north, off this map. Unpaired specimens are indicated by extra rings; all others are paired (and designated as the 77011 shower) except for the four specimens lying within the dotted area at lower right, which differ from the others petrographically (Score, 1980; Score et al., 1981) and in containing solar flare tracks (Nautiyal et al., 1982). octahedrites belonging to chemical group IA, but Clarke et al. (1980), paired only the five specimens outlined in Figure 14-5, on the basis of identical textures and compositions. The adjacent unpaired specimen, 77283, contains masses of minute shock-produced diamonds admixed with lonsdaleite. The only other iron meteorite known to contain diamonds is Canyon Diablo, a huge body that impacted northern Arizona with sufficient energy to excavate a crater 1.4 kilometers in diameter. The Allan Hills iron, in contrast, is a 10-gram specimen with a thin surficial, heat-altered zone, which shows that it entered the atmosphere as a small body that would have made a soft landing. The diamonds must have formed during a preterrestrial collision in space. The seventh specimen, 78252, is a group IVA iron. The distribution of these iron meteorites suggested a pairing scheme close to, but not identical with, the one indicated by compositions and textures. IRONS Seven specimens of irons were found within the 1.5 x 4.5 km area shown in Figure 14-4. Cassidy (1980) tentatively paired six of them (all except 78252, which lay farthest south) on the basis of their field locations. All of the six are coarse L3 CHONDRITES Seventy-five L3 chondrite specimens (56 mapped finds and 19 unmapped pebbles) were collected within a 6 x 3 km ellipse on the Main Icefield. The larger fragments were clustered near the southern end of the ellipse and smaller pieces lay at the NUMBER 28 L6 CHONDRITES O76003 O76007 O78I30 ^ O76009 / / / / / 1V \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 78105 v. ???9.-' ^ 78103 0.5 1 km 1 i i i i 1 1 78050 / 78043-. / 77 d ?-;?-:/ 780459-;" ?x? ICE / FIRN / 1 284 QO77270 781271 X77269 i 78042Q 78104- 77277 o ? o ?? 76001 '? - ? UJ ~bCM I59C 78II4O 77155 0???..?7728! c??'?. 78106 o''". '' ( \ \ ?^ ?""" ICE "\ FIRN 18 SPECIMENS ??? INS'ET A \ \ \ \ \ \ \76O45/S \ \ \ '??. :'77280"-. '?-. O-. ': b ^41.'.:Q: :' 77272Vp-o'i; 7723'f"'\77273 \ \ \ \ / V / L6 INSET A 1 80107* *8OIO8 .80125 ? 80119 #80ll4 ? 80113 80110 ^80120 8I262# *8OII6 ?81107 ?^ 81017* ?SO"7 ? 80115 80112 ?? 80103 8OIOI##8OIO5 100 M 117 FIGURE 14-6.?The distribution of 44 L6 chondrite specimens that were collected on the central and southern portion of the Main Icefield. Several (but not all) of the proposed pairing schemes are shown. Pair "a" consists of four specimens, 77231, 77273, 77272, and 77280, tentatively paired in the field by Cassidy. All were rather large specimens lying near one another. Pair "b" was separated out on the basis of similar petrography and concentrations of cosmogenic nuclides by Nishiizumi (1984). Specimens 77231 and 77280 differ in nuclide concentrations and cannot be paired with 77272 and 77273; however, Goswami and Nishiizumi (1983) proposed pair "c," 77280 and 77282. Pair "d" was proposed by Score et al. (1981) on petrographic similarities. Pair "e," 78103 and 78105, were found close together in a remote location and they have similar concentrations of ^Al (Evans, Reeves, and Rancitelli, 1982). Inset A shows the location of 18 specimens collected in 1980 and 1981 beyond the southern edge of the Main Icefield. All were classified on petrographic evidence as L6 chondrites, except 81017 (arrow), which was first classed as an L5 and later reclassified as an L6. ice-firn border at the northern end. This size distribution suggested a strewnfield created by a southbound fireball; however, as noted by Scott (1984) it is more likely that the small fragments were blown to the northern edge of the Icefield by the powerful katabatic winds that course down the surface of the ice sheet from the southern reaches of the polar plateau. The great majority of these L3 chondrites, large and small, contain distinctive graphite-magnetite aggregates and so were paired by McKinley et al. (1981). However, within a group of nine relatively large specimens lying within an area only 500 meters across, four were shown to belong to a separate fall on the basis of petrography (Score, 1980), and the presence of solar flare tracks (Nautiyal, et al., 1982). Specimen distribu- tions would never suggest the existence of this separate fall (Figure 14-5). Several distinctive, unpaired L3 specimens lie scattered amid the large group. L6 CHONDRITES Eighty-five L6 chondrites were collected during the first six seasons on the Main Icefield. Numerous pairing schemes have been proposed and almost all of them are disputed. The map 118 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES / / / / ''? .^.81059 I i i i i I 500 M 81098 \ \ \ UJ "in S MESOSIDERITES Near Western Icefield \ ^ 76?44'S \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 77219 (^"\ FIGURE 14-7.?The only mesosiderites found in the Allan Hills region lay within 2.25 kilometers of each other on the Near Western Icefield. 81098 consisted of two adjacent pieces that were paired in the field; 81059 was added to the pair after laboratory examination. Although mesosiderites tend to be markedly inhomogeneous, 77219 is regarded as a separate fall. in Figure l4-6a, which includes only the area toward the southern end of the field, shows find locations of 44 specimens and five of the proposed pairings. The four specimens (77272, 77273, 77231, and 77280) at the southeastern part of the field were tentatively paired in the field by Cassidy (1980). Six others (77282, 77269, 77270, 77277, 77281, and 77284) were paired with these four in the Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 7(1) (1984). Two specimens (77272 and 77273) of Cassidy's original four are still accepted as a pair, but differences in 53Mn concentrations and cosmic-ray track densities, measured by Goswami and Nishiizumi (1983), indicate that 77273 and 77280 cannot be paired with each other even though they were found only 200 meters apart. Without being aware of the field distribution, the same authors using the same criteria paired 77280 with 77282, which were separated by a distance of nearly three kilometers. This leaves one of Cassidy's original four, 77231, unpaired. Two other specimens, 78043 and 78045, were paired on petrographic evidence by Score et al. (1981), and 78103 and 78105, which were were found only about 100 meters apart in a remote part of the field, were paired in the Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter (1984). For evaluations of other proposed pairings, see Scott (1984, and Chapter 13). At the southern extremity of the map, separated from the Main Icefield by a wide band of snow, a group of specimens occupied an area about 500 meters long and 200 meters wide (see Inset A, Figure 14-6). Fifteen specimens were collected there in 1980 and identified as L6 chondrites by Score et al. (1982), who, with no knowledge of their field occurrence, paired them on the basis of identical textures, mineralogy, and degrees of weathering. Three more specimens were picked up in 1981. When thin sections of these were studied, again without knowledge of their field locations, 81107 and 81262 were classed as L6, but 81017 was classed as an L5 chondrite. The anomalous presence of an L5 in this tight cluster of L6 specimens, prompted me to request a reexamination of the thin section of 81017. Mason (personal communication) complied, and shortly afterward reported that he had originally classed the specimen as an L5 because he had noted no plagioclase in the section. On the second examination he found traces of plagioclase and, as the difference between classes 5 and 6 is often very uncertain, he reclassified 81017 as an L6 chondrite belonging with the rest of the group. L6 chondrites are actually so much alike that a case might be made for pairing these 18 specimens with the main group lying farther north. However, the tightly clustered field distribution provides strong evidence of a separate fall of L6 fragments. MESOSIDERITES Three mesosiderite specimens have been found in the Allan Hills region, all of them on the Near Western Icefield (Figure 14-7), which lies about 15 kilometers from the Main Icefield. Specimen 77219 was found during a brief helicopter reconais- sance in the 1977 season; the other two, 81059 and 81098, were collected on snowmobile traverses in the 1981 season. Specimen 81098 actually consisted of two fragments that were paired in the field. Clarke (1984) suggested pairing 81059 and 81098 on the basis of their mineralogy, texture, and degree of weathering, but he regarded 77219 as a separate fall. Inasmuch as mesosiderites are among the rarest of meteorites (stony-irons of all types make up only 1.5% of falls), the occurrence of these three specimens within 2.5 kilometers of each other at one end of the small Near Western Icefield would suggest a common source. Their distribution alone would not be sufficient for pairing them, but analyses of their isotopic or trace element content or particle track densities might yield conclusive evidence for or against pairing. Conclusions This study shows that distribution patterns of specimens on the Antarctic ice sheet can be a helpful guide to meteorite pairings, but one that always must be used in conjunction with other types of evidence. Laboratory examinations confirmed the main outlines of field pairings for some of the seven meteorite classes discussed herein, but produced numerous surprises when adjacent specimens proved not to belong to the same fall and widely separated ones showed strong evidence that they did belong together. Meteorites that fall close together are, in general, expected to remain close together while being transported within a large ice sheet. Confusion begins when they emerge from the ice and and are mixed with other meteorites on stranding surfaces that are compressed against mountain barriers by the persistent push of the oncoming sheet. Furthermore, the powerful storm winds of Antarctica can send specimens up to cobble size?and probably boulder size? skittering across the ice to new locations, and drifts of snow NUMBER 28 119 cover and uncover different groups of specimens from season to season. Despite all the factors that disturb the orderly patterns of strewnfields, specimen distributions are of sufficient aid in pairing to make mapping worth the effort. Since the 1982-1983 season, mapping techniques have been speeded up and made more accurate by use of an infrared distance measuring device to determine geodetic positions of meteorite specimens relative to known points. There will be no further need for painstaking attempts like this one to superimpose maps in order to locate find sites. However, the first six seasons at the Allan Hills Main Icefield yielded a unique body of data that demanded analysis. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.?I wish to thank John Annexstad and John Schutt for kindly furnishing me with their map of meteorite distributions on the Allan Hills Main Ice Field, and Robbie Score and Ed Scott for critical readings of this manuscript. This work was supported in part by NASA Grant NAG 9-29 and in part by SAO allocation 86400040-P12P11- 4P50. Literature Cited Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, 7(1), 1984. Berkley, J.L., and J.H. Jones 1982. Primary Igneous Carbon in Ureilites: Petrological Implications. Journal of Geophysical Research, 87 (supplement):A353-A364. Cassidy, William A. 1980. list of Possible Pairings of ALHA77 Meteorites. In U.B. Marvin and B. Mason, editors, Catalog of Antarctic Meteorites, 1977-1978. Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, 23:44-46. Clarke, Roy S., Jr., 1984. Descriptions of Iron Meteorites and Mesosiderites. In U.B. Marvin and B. Mason, editors, Field and Laboratory Investigations of Meteorites from Victoria Land, Antarctica. Smithsonian Contribu- tions to the Earth Sciences, 26:49-53. Clarke, R.S., Jr., E. Jarosewich, J.I. Goldstein, and P.A. Baedecker 1980. Antarctic Iron Meteorites from Allan Hills and Purgatory Peak. Meteor itics, 15:273-274. Delaney, J.S., M. Prinz, and C.P. Stokes 1984. The Allan Hills 81-series of Polymict Eucrites. In Lunar and Planetary Science XV, pages 214-215. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. Delaney, J.S., M. Prinz, and H. Takeda 1984. The Polymict Eucrites. Journal of Geophysical Research, 89 (supplement):C251-C288. Delaney, J.S., H. Takeda, and M. Prinz 1983. Modal Comparison of Yamato and Allan Hills Polymict Eucrites. Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research (Japan), special issue, 30:206-223. Evans, J.C., J.H. Reeves, and L.A. Rancitelli 1982. Aluminum-26 Survey of Victoria Land Meteorites. In U.B. Marvin and B. Mason, editors, Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, 24:70-74. Goswami, N.N., and K. Nishiizumi 1983. Cosmogenic Records in Antarctic Meteorites. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 64:1-8. McKinley, S.G., E.R.D. Scott, GJ. Taylor, and K. Keil 1981. A Unique Type 3 Ordinary Chondrite Containing Graphite- Magnetite Aggregates?Allan Hills A77011. In Proceedings of the Twelfth Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, pages 1039-1048. New York: Pergamon Press. Nautiyal, CM., J.T. Padia, M.N. Rao, T.R. Venkatesan, and J.N. Goswami 1982. Irradiation History of Antarctic Gas-Rich Meteorites. In Lunar and Planetary Science XIII, pages 578-579. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute. Nishiizumi, K. 1984. Cosmic-ray Produced Nuclides in Victoria Land Meteorites. In U.B. Marvin and B. Mason, editors, Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, 26:105-109. Score, R. 1980. Allan Hills 77216: A Petrologic and Mineralogic Description. [Abstract.] Meteoritics, 15:363. Score, R., CM. Schwarz, T.V.V. King, B. Mason, D.D. Bogard, and E. M. Gabel 1981. Antarctic Meteorite Descriptions 1976-1977-1978-1979. Curato- rial Branch Publication, 54, JSC 17076. 144 pages. Houston: Johnson Space Center. Score, R., T.V.V. King, CM. Schwarz, A.M. Reid, and B. Mason 1982. Descriptions of Stony Meteorites. In U.B. Marvin and B. Mason, editors, Catalog of Meteorites from Victoria Land, Antarctica, 1978-1980. Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, 24:19^8. Score, R., CM. Schwarz, and B. Mason 1984. Descriptions of Stony Meteorites. In U.B. Marvin and B. Mason, editors, Field and Laboratory Investigations of Meteorites from Victoria Land, Antarctica. Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, 26:23-47. Scott, E.R.D. 1984. Pairing of Meteorites Found in Victoria Land, Antarctica. Proceed- ings of the Ninth Symposium on Antarctic Meteorites. Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research, special issue, 35:102-125. Yanai, K. 1982. Antarctic Meteorite Distribution Map of Allan Hills, Victoria Land, Antarctica?Allan Hills-76, -77, -78 Meteorites. Tokyo: National Institute of Polar Research. 1984. Locality Map Series of Antarctic Meteorites, Sheet 1 Allan Hills: Explanatory Text of Locality Map of Allan Hills-76, Allan Hills-77, and Allan Hills-78 Meteorites. Tokyo: National Institute of Polar Research. Appendix Tables of ANSMET Meteorites Terminology Class and type: A = achondrite, unique; Au = aubrite; C = carbonaceous chondrite; Di = diogenite; E = enstatite chondrite; EH = enstatite high-iron chondrite; Eu = eucrite; Ho = howardite; H = high-iron chondrite; I = iron (IA, IIA, I IB, IVA = iron groups); L = low-iron chondrite; LL = low-iron low-metal chondrite; M = mesosiderite; Sh = shergottite; Ur = ureilite. Chondrite petrologic type is indicated by digit following the abbreviation. Olivine composition in mole percent Fe2Si04 (Fa). Pyroxene (orthopyroxene or low-Ca clinopyroxene) composition in mole percent FeSiO3 (Fs). Degree of weathering: A = minor; metal flecks have inconspicuous rust haloes, oxide stain along cracks is minor. B = moderate; metal flecks show large rust haloes, internal cracks show extensive oxide stain. C = severe; specimen is uniformly stained brown, no metal survives. Degree of fracturing: A = slight; specimen has few or no cracks and none penetrate the entire specimen. B = moderate; several cracks extend across the specimen, which can be readily broken along the fractures. C = severe; specimen has many extensive cracks and readily crumbles. Locations: ALH = Allan Hills; BTN = Bates Nunatak; DRP = Derrick Peak; EET = Elephant Moraine; ILD = Inland Forts; MBR = Mount Baldr; MET = Meteorite Hills; OTT = Outpost Nunatak; PCA = Pecora Escarpment; PGP = Purgatory Peak; RKP = Reckling Peak; TIL = Thiel Mountains; TYR = Taylor Glacier. Classification by S.J.B. Reed and S.O. Agrell (*); by S.G. McKinley and K. Kiel (f); by C.B. Moore (+). Abbreviations: n.d. = no data. NOTE: The following meteorites were characterized after the manuscript had been submitted: H5 META78009,010,011,012,018 H6 META78006,007, 013,014,016, 017,019, 020,022, 023, 024,025,026, 027 L6 META78002, 003, 004, 005, 021, 028 The possibility of pairings within each group should be considered. Classifications by Brian Mason. 121 122 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE A.?Meteorites listed by source area in numerical sequence (fractions of grams in weight dropped unless total weight is less than 1 gram). Specimen number ALH 76001 76003 76004 76002 76005 76006 76007 76008 76009 77001 77002 77003 77004 77005 77007f 77008t 77009 77010 77011 77012 77013f 77014 77015 77016f 77017f 77018f 77019t 77021 77022f 77023t 77025 77026f 77027f 77029f 7703If 77033 77034f 77036f 77038f 770391 7704If 77042f 77043f 77045f 770461 77047f 77049f 77050f 7705If 77052t 77054t 77056t 77058t 77060t Weight (g) 20151 10495 53 307 317 271 79 281 3950 252 235 780 2230 483 99 93 236 296 292 180 23 309 411 78 78 52 60 17 16 21 19 20 4 1 0.5 9 2 8 19 8 17 20 11 18 8 20 7 84 15 112 10 12 4 64 Class and type L6 L6 LL3 I Eu H6 L6 H6 L6 L6 L5 C3O H4 Sh H5 L6 H4 H4 L3 H5 L3 H5 L3 H5 H5 H5 L6 H5 H5 H5 H5 L6 L6 C3O L3 L3 L3 L3 H5 H5 LL6 H5 L3 H5 H6 L3 L3 L3 H5 L3 H5 H4 H5 LL5 %Fain olivine 25 25 0-34 37-57 18 24 19 24 25 25 4-48 17-20 28 19.1 24.6 18 18 4-36 18 9-28 18 1-21 18.6 18.8 19.0 24.9 18 19.1 19.1 18 24.3 25.0 23.0 n.d. 8-38 n.d. n.d. 19.0 18.5 30.7 19.0 1-37 18.7 19.0 n.d. n.d. n.d. 18.8 n.d. 18.5 18.8 18.8 28.1 % Fs in pyroxene 21 21 0-53 16 21 17 21 21 22 2-25 15-27 23 16.7 20.6 16 15-18 1-33 16 1-35 17 4-24 17.1 16.3 17.0 21.4 17 17.0 16.8 17 20.7 21.5 2.6 n.d. 8-9 n.d. n.d. 17.1 16.3 25.1 16.6 1-28 17.0 16.7 n.d. n.d. n.d. 16.5 n.d. 16.9 16.3 16.1 23.2 Degree of weathering A A A A C B B/C B B B A C A B A C C C C B C C B B B/C B/C C A B C B/C B/C A/B B/C C B/C B A/B A/B A A/B B/C A A/B C B/C B/C A B/C B A/B B A Specimen number 77061 77062 77063t 77064 77066t 77069t 77070t 77071 77073t 77074 77076t 77078t 77079t 77081 77082t 77084t 77085t 77086 77087t 77088 77089t 7709It 77092t 77094t 77096f 77098t 77100t 771011 77102 77104t 77106t 77108t 771111 77112t 77113t 77114t 77115t 77117f 77118 77119 77120t 77122t 77124 77125t 77126t 77127t 77129t 77130t 77131t 77132t 77133t 77134t 77136t 77138t 77140 Weight (g) 13 17 3 6 5 0.8 18 11 10 12 2 24 8 9 12 44 46 19 31 51 8 4 45 7 2 8 18 4 12 6 8 0.7 52 22 2 45 154 21 8 6 4 5 4 19 25 4 2 25 26 115 19 19 4 2 79 Class and type H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 L6 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 "H(?)"< %Fain olivine 18 18 18.0 18 19.0 25.4 18.4 18 18.8 18 19.5 19.5 18.2 ? 11 * (Acapulco-like) H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 L6 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H6 H5 H5 H5 L3 L5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 L5 H5 H5 H6 H5 H6 H6 H5 H5 L3 19.3 18.8 18.8 19 19.0 19 25.5 18.9 18.5 18.5 18.7 18.7 19.2 18.6 19 18.9 18.8 18.5 19.0 18.7 18.7 19.6 n.d. 24.4 19 18 18.5 19.1 19 17.2 18.3 25.0 18.9 18.9 19.2 19.0 19.0 18.9 19.1 19.2 8^4 %Fsin pyroxene 17 17 16.8 17 17.4 21.4 16.8 17 17.7 17 16.1 16.7 15.8 11 16.5 16.8 17.6 17 16.7 17 21.4 16.1 16.5 16.2 17.1 16.7 16.4 17.0 15 16.9 16.5 15.9 16.6 16.7 17.2 17.2 n.d. 21.0 17 17 16.0 16.8 17 15.5 16.2 21.1 16.6 16.5 16.8 16.9 17.0 16.7 16.4 17.0 2-17 Degree of weathering B B B B A B/C B B A/B B B B A B A/B A/B B C B C B B/C A B A B A/B B B A A/B A/B A/B A B B B/C A/B C C A/B B C A/B A/B B B A A/B A/B A A A/B A B NUMBER 28 123 TABLE A.?Continued. Specimen number 77142f 77143f 77144 77146f 77147f 77148" 77149f 77150 77151f 77152t 77153f 77155 77156f 77157f 77158f 77159f 77160 77161f 77162f 77163f 77164 77165 77166f 77167 77168f 77170f 77171f 77173f 77174f 77175f 77176f 77177 77178f 77180 77181f 77182 77183 77184f 77185f 77186f 77187f 77188f 77190 77191 77192 77193f 77195f 77197f 77198f 77200f 77201f 77202f 77205f 77207f 77208 Weight (g) 3 39 8 18 19 13 26 58 17 18 12 305 18 88 20 17 70 6 29 24 38 31 139 611 25 12 24 26 32 23 55 368 6 191 33 1135 288 128 28 122 52 109 387 642 845 7 5 20 7 0.9 15 3 3 5 1733 Class and type H5 H5 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 L6 H5 H5 H5 L6 EH4 H6 H5 L6 L3 H5 L6 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 H5 L3 H5 H5 H5 L3 L3 H5 L3 L6 H5 H5 H6 H5 L3 H5 H5 H5 H4 H4 H4 H5 H5 L3 L6 H6 H5 H5 H5 H5 H4 %Fain olivine 18.9 18.7 19 18.9 19.0 18 19.1 25 18.9 18.7 19.2 24 0.8 18.6 18.9 24.4 3^16 19.3 25.3 n.d. 6-39 8-33 n.d. 2-41 19.0 n.d. 18.9 19.1 18.3 n.d. 0.3-34 18 1-36 24 20.0 19 19 17.8 n.d. 18.8 18.1 18.1 17-19 16-18 16-18 19.0 18.9 10-27 24.4 19.7 18.8 18.6 18.8 17.8 17 %Fsin pyroxene 17.1 16.2 17 16.9 16.6 16 16.9 22 16.4 16.9 16.7 20 1.5 15.7 16.9 20.8 6-40 17.1 20.9 n.d. 3?41 6-35 n.d. 3-17 16.5 n.d. 17.0 17.0 16.0 n.d. 1-37 16 2^0 20 17.3 17 16 15.9 n.d. 16.0 16.3 16.1 15-22 14-16 15-21 15.7 16.4 4-21 20.6 17.6 15.3 16.6 16.7 16.7 14 Degree of weathering A/B A/B B A/B A/B C A/B C A A A A/B B A/B B A/B C B A B/C C cc cB B/C A/B B A B/C B C B/C C B C C B A/B A/B A/B A/B C C c A A A/B B C A B B A/B C Specimen number 77209f 7721If 77212t 77213t 77214 77215 77216 77217 77218t 77219 77220t 77221 77222t 77223 77224 77225 77226 77227t 77228t 77230 77231 77232 77233 77235t 77237t 77239t 77240t 77241t 77242t 77244t 77245t 77246t 77247t 77248t 77249 77250 77251t 77252 77253t 77254 77255 77256 77257 77258 77259 77260 77261 77262 77263 77264 77265t 77266t 77267t 77268 77269 Weight (g) 32 27 17 8 2111 820 1470 413 45 637 69 229 125 208 787 5878 15323 16 19 2473 9270 6494 4087 5 4 19 25 144 56 40 33 42 44 96 504 10555 69 343 24 246 765 676 1996 597 294 744 412 862 1669 11 18 108 104 272 1045 Class and type H6 L3 H6 H5 L3 L3 L3 L3 L5 M H5 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H5 H5 L4 L6 H4 H4 H5 H5 H6 H5 L3 H5 L3 H5 H6 H5 H6 L3 I L6 L3 H5 L5 I Di Ur H6 H5 L3 L6 H4 I H5 H5 H5 L5 H5 L6 %Fain olivine 18.8 n.d. 18.9 18.6 1-49 22-26 15-35 17-25 23.4 26 17.7 15 18.0 17 19 17 18 18.9 18.5 22-25 24 17 14-21 18.9 18.5 18.7 18.8 n.d. 18.8 n.d. 19.2 19.2 18.8 18.7 7-35 25.0 22-28 19.2 23 13 18 18 7-23 24 15-19 19 17.6 19.6 24.7 18 24 %Fsin pyroxene 16.4 n.d. 17.0 16.5 4-23 9-21 14-23 9-26 19.1 24-28 16.0 13-15 15.3 15-23 17 16 16 16.6 16.3 18-29 21 15 15-17 16.7 15.8 15.9 16.0 n.d. 16.2 n.d. 17.2 16.5 16.4 16.7 2-25 21.3 2-22 16.9 20 23 12 16 15 1-28 21 13-16 16 15.9 17.7 20.9 16 22 Degree of weathering B B/C A/B A C B A/B B A B B C A/B C C cc A B C A/B C C A/B A B A C B B/C A/B B A/B B/C C B B A/B A/B A/B A B/C C C B B/C A/B B B A C B 124 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE A.?Continued. Specimen number 77270 11211 77272 77273 77274 77275f 77277 1121% 77279f 77280 77281 77282 77283 77284 77285 77286 77287 77288 77289 77290 7729It 77292 77293f 77294 77295f 77296 77297 77299 77300 7730If 77302 77303t 77304 77305 77306 77307 78001+ 78002+ 78003 78004* 78005+ 78006 78008 78010+ 78012 78013 78015* 78017+ 78018+ 78019 78021 78023 78025+ 78027* Weight (g) 589 610 674 492 288 25 143 313 175 3226 1231 4127 10510 376 271 246 230 1880 2186 3784 6 200 110 1351 141 963 952 261 235 55 236 79 650 6444 20 181 85 11 125 36 28 8 7 1 38 4 35 3 18 30 17 10 8 29 Class and type L6 H6 L6 L6 H5 H5 L6 LL3 H5 L6 L6 L6 I L6 H6 H4 H5 H6 I I H5 L6 L6 H5 EH4 L6 L6 H3 H5 L6 Eu L3 L4 L6 C2 C3 H5 H6 L6 H5 H5 Ho H5 H5 H5 L3 LL(?L)3 L3 H5 Ur H5 H5 H5 H5 % Fa in olivine 24 18 24 24 18 18.3 24 11-29 18.8 24 24 24 25 18 17 18 19 18.9 24 24.7 17 0.8 24 24 11-21 18 24.9 n.d. 18-27 24 1-45 1-30 18.6 19.0 24 19.2 19.3 18 19.4 18 11-45 8-35 3-43 19.2 22 18 18 18.9 19.3 % Fs in pyroxene 21 16 20 20 16 15.6 20 9-21 17.1 21 20 20 21 16 12-16 16 17 15.9 20 20.9 15 1.7 21 20 15-20 16 20.9 37-64 n.d. 13-19 21 1 1-12 20 25-61 16 16 1-31 18 16 16 Degree of weathering A/B C B/C B C A A/B A A B B B A/B C C cc A B B A B A/B A A C A A B/C B B/C A A B A C B A B B F B/C A Specimen number 78028 78029+ 78031 78033+ 78035 78037+ 78038 78039 78040 78041+ 78042 78043 78044 78045 78046 78047* 78048 78049+ 78050 78051 78052* 78053 78055+ 78057 78059+ 78062 78063+ 78065+ 78067 78069+ 78070 78074 78075 78076 78077 78078 78079 78080 78081* 78082+ 78084 78085 78086* 78088* 78090* 78092* 78094* 78096* 78098* 78100 78101 78102 78103 78104 78105 Weight (g) 4 4 5 5 2 0.5 363 299 212 118 214 680 164 397 70 130 191 96 1045 120 97 179 14 9 9 11 77 7 8 4 10 200 281 276 331 290 5 25 18 24 14280 219 9 5 8 16 4 7 2 85 121 337 590 672 942 Class and type H5 H4 H5 H4 H6 L3 L3 L6 Eu L3 L6 L6 L4 L6 L3 H5 L6 H5 L6 H4 H5 H4 L6 H4 L6 LL6 LL6 H6 H6 H6 L4 L6 H5 H6 H4 L6 H5 H5 H5 LL6 H4 H5 H6 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 I L6 H5 L6 L6 L6 % Fa in olivine 18 19.2 18 19.2 18 7-38 4-42 24 0-41 24 25 23-25 25 8-25 18.8 24 19.4 23 18 17.9 17 25.5 18 21.5 29 29.1 18.0 18 19.1 23 24 18 18 19 24 18 18 19.1 27.7 18 18 19.0 18.8 18.7 19.0 19.1 18.9 18.9 24 18 24 24 23 % Fs in pyroxene 16 16 16 2-19 21 33-52 20 21 19-24 21 8-20 21 20 15-18 16 16 24 16 13-25 21 16 16 15-18 20 16 16 8-24 16 21 17 20 20 20 Degree of weathering B B B C B A B B B B/C B/C B A/B B B C C B B A B B B B/C B C A/B A B/C B B/C B B B NUMBER 28 125 TABLE A.?Continued. Specimen number 78106 78107 78108 78109 78110 78111 78112 78113 78114 78115 78116* 78117+ 78119+ 78120 78121* 78122 78123+ 78124 78125* 78126 78127 78128 78129+ 78130 78131 78132 78133 78134 78135* 78136+ 78137 78138+ 78139* 78140+ 78141 78142* 78145+ 78146 78147* 78149+ 78150 78152 78153 78154+ 78156 78157+ 78158 78159 78160* 78162+ 78163+ 78164 78165 78168+ 78169+ Weight (8) 465 198 173 233 161 127 2485 299 808 848 128 4 103 44 30 5 18 28 19 607 195 155 128 2733 269 656 60 458 131 52 70 11 17 17 24 32 34 17 31 23 16 5 152 12 9 63 15 23 16 33 10 25 21 34 22 Class and type L6 H5 H5 LL5 H5 H5 L6 Au L6 H6 H5 H5 L3 H4 H5 H6 H5 H6 L6 L6 L6 H5 H5 L6 L6 Eu L3 H4 H6 H5 H6 LL3 H5 H4 H5 L5 H6 H5 H5.6 L3 H5 H6 LL6 H5 L6 H4 Eu H5 H5 L3 H5 H5 Eu H4 H6 % Fa in olivine 24 18 18 28 18 18 25 25 18 18.7 18.5 0-28 18 19.2 19 19.3 17 25.0 25 24 19 19.4 25 25 1-34 18 19.0 19.1 17 0-35 19.3 18.4 18 24.2 19.6 18 19.4 18-31 18 18 29 19.3 24 19.0 18 19.3 2-30 18.7 18 19.2 19.2 % Fs in, pyroxene 20 17 16 23 16 16 20 20 16 16 17 15 21 20 17 21 21 40-458 1-16 15-20 15 16 16 16 16 24 21 40-68 16 16 37-61 Degree of weathering A/B C B A/B B/C B/C B A/B B/C B B A A B B B B/C C B B/C B/C A B/C B A B B A B B/C B B A B B A B B Specimen number 78170+ 78171+ 78172+ 78173+ 78174+ 78176+ 78178+ 78180+ 78182 78184 78186 78188 78189 78190 78191 78193 78194 78196 78197 78199 78201 78203 78205 78207 78209 78211 78213 78215 78217+ 78219+ 78221 78223 78225 78227 78229 78231 78233 78235+ 78236 78238 78239+ 78241 78243 78245 78247 78249 78251 78252 78253+ 78255+ 78257+ 78259+ 78261 78262 Weight (g) 21 23 29 20 13 8 7 8 10 8 3 0.9 23 20 20 13 25 11 20 13 10 11 9 8 12 11 10 6 8 8 5 6 5 2 2 2 1 19 14 10 16 7 2 4 3 4 1312 2789 7 3 2 6 5 26 Class and type H3 L6 H4 H5 H5 L3 H5 L3 H5 H6 L3 L3 H6 H5 H6 H4 H5 H4 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H6 H5 H6 H6 H6 H5 H5 H5 H4 H5 H5 H6 H6 H5 L3 L3 L3 L3 H5 L3 H5 H5 H6 L6 I H5 H5 H5 H5 C2 Ur %Fain olivine 3-36 25.4 19.7 19.7 18.2 8-26 19.0 2-33 18 18 3-36 1-34 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 18 18 18 18 18.8 19.4 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8-28 2-37 2-34 1-34 18 1-36 18 18 18 23 18.9 19.4 19.2 19.7 0-50 22 % Fs in pyroxene 16 16 3-24 5-29 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 15 16 15 16 16 16 16 16 15 16 16 3-26 3-21 16 3-30 16 16 16 20 1-8 19 Degree of weathering B B B B B B B B C B/C B/C B/C B B B/C B B B B B B/C B B/C B/C B B B B A B A A B/C 126 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE A.?Continued. Specimen number 79001 79002 79003 79004 79005 79006 79007 79008 79009 79010 79011 79012 79013 79014 79015 79016 79017 79018 79019 79020 79021 79022 79023 79024 79025 79026 79027 79028 79029 79031 79032 79033 79034 79035 79036 79037 79038 79039 79040 79041 79042 79043 79045 79046 79047 79048 79049 79050 79051 79052 79053 79054 79055 80101 Weight (g) 32 223 5 35 60 41 142 12 76 25 14 192 28 11 64 1146 310 121 12 4 29 31 68 22 1208 572 133 16 506 3 3 281 13 38 20 15 50 108 13 20 11 62 115 90 19 37 54 27 24 23 86 36 15 8725 Class and type L3 H6 LL3 H5 H6 H5 L6 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H6 Eu L6 H6 H6 H5 L3.4 H4 H6 H5 H5 L6 H6 H5 H5 H5 L6 H6 H4 H5 H6 H5 H4 H5 H5 H5 L6 L3 H5 H5 H5 H6 H5 H5 L6 H5 H5 H6 L6 % Fa in olivine 6-39 16 10-38 16 18 18 23 17 18 17 18 17 18 18 17 17 28-53 23 17 17 18 1-28 17 17 17 18 24 18 18 16 16 24 18 17 18 18 17 16 18 18 18 23 2-38 18 18 18 18 18 18 23 17 18 18 24 %Fsin pyroxene 2-31 18 5-26 14 16 15 19 15 15 15 16 15 16 16 15 15 20 15 15 17 9-22 14-17 15 15 16 20 16 16 14 14 20 16 14-18 16 16 15 15 15 16 16 20 2-29 15 15 16 16 15 15 20 15 16 16 20 Degree of weathering C C B B/C B B/C A/B B C B/C B/C C c B B B/C A B/C B B/C B A/B B/C C C B B B C C C B B B B B C B B B B C C B B B C C C B/C B/C B B/C B Specimen number 80102 80103 80104 80105 80106 80107 80108 80110 80111 80112 80113 80114 80115 80116 80117 80118 80119 80120 80121 80122 80123 80124 80125 80126 80127 80128 80129 80130 80131 80132 80133 81001 81002 81003 81004 81005 81006 81007 81008 81009 81010 81011 81012 81013 81014 81015 81016 81017 81018 81019 81020 81021 81022 81023 Weight (g) 471 536 882 445 432 178 125 168 42 331 313 233 306 191 89 2 34 60 39 50 28 12 139 35 47 138 93 5 20 153 4 53 14 10 5 31 255 164 44 229 219 406 37 Mill 188 5489 3850 1434 2237 1051 1353 695 913 418 Class and type Eu L6 I L6 H4 L6 L6 L6 H5 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 H6 L6 L6 H4 H6 H5 H5 L6 H6 H5 H4 H5 H6 H4 H5 L3 Eu C2 C3V C2 A Eu Eu Eu Eu Eu Eu Eu I I H5 L6 L5 L5 H5 H5 E6 H4 L5 %Fain olivine 24 24 19 24 24 24 18 24 24 24 24 24 24 17 24 24 19 18 18 18 24 19 18 18 18 18 19 18 1-35 0-52 0-60 0-52 11-40 19 25 25 24 19 19 19 25 % Fs in pyroxene 34-52 20 20 16-19 20 20 20 16 20 20 20 20 20 20 15 20 20 17 16 16 16 20 17 16 15-20 15 16 16-22 16 5-30 59 0-2 1 0-2 7-47 35-60 38-55 32-59 30-63 31-57 33-60 33-62 16 21 21 21 16 16 0-1 17 21 Degree of weathering A B B C B B B B B B B B B/C B B B B B/C B/C C B B/C A/B B B B B/C B B B A A A/B A/B A/B A A/B A/B A A A/B A/B B B B B B/C B A B/C B NUMBER 28 127 TABLE A.?Continued. Specimen number 81024 81025 81026 81027 81028 81029 81030 81031 81032 81033 81034 81035 81036 81037 81038 81039 81040 81041 81042 81043 81044 81045 81046 81047 81048 81049 81050 81051 81052 81053 81054 81055 81056 81057 81058 81059 81060 81061 81062 81063 81064 81065 81066 81067 81068 81069 81070 81071 81072 81073 81074 81075 81076 81077 81078 Weight (g) 798 379 516 3835 80 153 1852 1595 111 252 255 256 252 320 229 206 195 729 534 106 387 90 17 82 191 9 26 43 29 3 2 5 1 8 66 540 28 24 0.5 5 191 13 9 228 24 7 4 2 3 3 8 16 10 4 6 Class and type L3 L3 L6 L6 L6 L6 L3 L3 L3 H5 H5 H6 H5 H6 H6 H5 L4 H4 H5 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 L3 H6 H6 H4 H4 H4 M L3 L3 H5 H5 H5 L3 L3 H5 H4 L3 H5 H5 H5 H4 H4 H5 H6 H5 H6 % Fa in olivine 3-28 1-41 25 25 25 25 1-49 1-43 0-42 18 19 19 19 20 19 19 25 18 19 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 1-29 19 19 19 19 18 28 2-28 3-33 18 18 18 10-41 1-44 19 19 4-38 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 %Fsin pyroxene 2-24 3-40 21 21 21 21 5-33 3-35 2-14 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 21 15-23 17 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 I^t2 17 16 17 13-21 15 25-32 5-27 5-27 16 16 15 5-24 1-25 17 16 1-31 17 17 17 8-18 16 17 16 17 16 Degree of weathering C C B C B C B/C C cc B C C B C A/B B/C C C B/C C cc B/C B/C B/C C B/C C C B B B B C C C B/C C B/C C B/C C C B B/C B/C B B/C B/C B B B B B/C Specimen number 81079 81080 81081 81082 81083 81084 81085 81086 81087 81088 81089 81090 81091 81092 81093 81094 81095 81096 81097 81098 81099 81100 81101 81102 81103 81104 81105 81106 81107 81108 81109 81110 81111 81112 81113 81114 81115 81116 81117 81118 81119 81120 81121 81122 81123 81124 81125 81126 81127 81128 81129 81130 81131 81132 81133 Weight (g) 7 17 5 6 7 16 16 6 8 4 11 10 12 16 271 152 59 83 80 71 152 155 119 196 136 184 93 48 140 69 1 3 210 150 111 79 155 2 33 85 107 14 88 21 2 9 10 22 15 16 32 30 13 5 21 Class and type H6 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 L3 H6 L3 H5 H5 H5 H5 H4 H6 H6 H4 H6 H4 M L6 H5 Ur H6 H6 H4 H4 L6 L6 H5 H4 H5 H6 H6 H5 H4 H5 H5 H4 H5 L4 H5 L3 L6 LL6 H5 H5 H5 H6 H5 H5 H5 L6 H5 H5 %Fain olivine 19 19 19 19 19 19 1-39 19 2-29 19 19 19 19 19 20 19 18 19 18 25 19 10-22 19 19 19 18 24 24 18 19 19 19 19 18 18 19 19 18 19 24 18 8-40 25 30 19 19 19 19 19 18 18 25 18 18 % Fs in pyroxene 16 17 17 17 16 16 2-25 16 3-31 17 17 16 16 17 17 16 16 17 16 28 21 17 17 17 17 16 20 21 16 17 17 17 17 16 16 17 17 14-21 16 21 16 1-24 21 25 17 17 16 17 17 16 16 22 16 16 Degree of weathering C A/B B B B B C B B/C B B B B B A/B C B/C B B C A/B B A/B B/C B/C C cB B B B B/C B/C B/C B/C B/C C B B B/C B B/C B B B B B B B/C B/C A/B B A/B B B 128 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE A.?Continued. Specimen number 81134 81135 81136 81137 81138 81139 81140 81141 81142 81143 81144 81145 81146 81147 81148 81149 81150 81151 81152 81153 81154 81155 81156 81157 81158 81159 81160 81161 81162 81163 81164 81165 81166 81167 81168 81169 81170 81171 81172 81173 81174 81175 81176 81177 81178 81179 81180 81181 81182 81183 81184 81185 81186 81187 81188 Weight (g) 15 10 1 9 4 7 14 1 1 13 3 21 24 2 13 9 2 5 10 4 1 5 20 12 2 10 12 122 59 82 20 6 26 59 8 6 59 24 33 26 33 13 95 17 30 14 17 15 5 104 17 65 23 40 9 Class and type H6 H5 H5 H6 H5 H5 H4 H5 H4 H5 H5 L3 H6 H4 H5 H4 L6 LL5 H5 L5 H6 H5 L3 H4 H5 L6 H6 H5 L3 H5 H5 H5 H5 L6 H5 H5 H5 H5 L6 H5 H5 H5 H5 H4 H5 H5 H6 L6 H5 H5 L4 LL6 H5 A H5 % Fa in olivine 18 19 20 19 19 19 19 19 18 18 19 5-40 18 19 19 19 25 28 18 24 19 19 4-42 19 19 25 19 19 1-40 19 18 19 19 25 19 18 19 19 24 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 18 25 18 17 24 30 18 4 19 %Fsin pyroxene 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 16 16 16 3-23 16 16 17 16 22 23 16 21 17 17 1-30 17 17 21 17 16 4-20 17 16 16 16 22 17 16 17 17 21 16 17 17 17 16 17 17 16 22 16 15 20 25 16 6.5 17 Degree of weathering B/C B B B/C B B/C B/C B/C B/C B/C B B C B B B C B/C B B B A/B B/C B/C B/C B/C C C C C B B B B/C C B B B/C C A/B B A/B B B/C B/C B C B B C A/B A/B B B/C A/B Specimen number 81189 81190 81191 81192 81193 81194 81195 81196 81197 81198 81199 81200 81201 81202 81203 81204 81205 81206 81207 81208 81209 81210 81211 81212 81213 81214 81215 81216 81217 81218 81219 81220 81221 81223 81224 81225 81226 81227 81228 81229 81230 81231 81232 81233 81234 81235 81236 81237 81238 81239 81240 81241 81242 81243 81244 Weight (g) 3 48 30 9 13 17 5 9 68 0.9 16 9 7 5 4 7 3 4 14 2 14 0.6 7 11 3 4 11 2 5 6 24 3 9 10 14 14 3 11 8 40 13 9 5 25 5 7 41 27 24 32 41 34 20 15 5 Class and type E4 L3 L3 H5 H6 H5 H5 H6 H5 L5 H4 H4 H5 H5 L6 H6 L6 H4 H5 Di/M H5 H6 H5 H4 H5 L3 H5 H5 L6 H5 H5 H5 L6 H6 H6 H6 H5 H5 H5 L3 H5 H4 H5 H5 H4 L6 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 L3 H5 % Fa in olivine 2 0.3-32 2-29 19 18 19 18 18 17 24 19 19 18 19 25 18 25 18 18 18 19 18 18 19 0.2-38 18 18 24 19 19 18 25 18 19 19 19 19 18 7-32 18 19 18 19 18 25 18 18 19 19 19 17 18 5-44 19 %Fs in pyroxene 3 4-28 1-30 16 16 16 16 16 15 21 16 17 16 17 21 16 23 15-21 16 25 16 17 16 16 17 0.1-45 16 17 20 16 17 16 21 16 17 17 17 17 16 2-30 16 16 16 17 16 21 16 16 16 17 18 14 17 6-31 17 Degree of weathering C C cA/B B B B B B/C B/C C B/C B/C C C B B B/C C C B/C B B B/C B/C B/C A C C C B B/C C A/B B/C B C B B/C C B B/C B C C C A/B B C B C B B/C C B NUMBER 28 129 TABLE A.?Continued. Specimen number 81245 81246 81247 81248 81249 81250 81251 81252 81253 81254 81255 81256 81257 81258 81259 81260 81261 81262 81263 81265 81266 81267 81268 81269 81270 81271 81272 81273 81274 81275 81276 81277 81278 81279 81280 81281 81282 81283 81284 81285 81286 81287 81288 81289 81290 81291 81292 81293 81294 81295 81296 81297 81298 81299 Weight (g) 4 3 104 5 10 17 158 2 10 9 12 28 29 1 10 124 12 55 6 8 12 27 18 5 4 28 23 43 19 11 42 7 1 27 55 46 31 0.6 10 20 28 78 20 4 2 4 13 2 9 105 13 20 16 0.5 Class and type H5 H5 L6 H6 H5 H6 LL3 H5 H6 H6 H5 H5 L6 C3V L3 E6 -H(?r %Fain olivine 19 19 25 18 18 18 1-29 18 18 18 18 18 24 0-28 0-22 * 11 * (Acapulco-like) L6 H5 H5 L6 H4 H6 H5 H5 H6 L3 H6 H5 H5 H5 H5 L6 H4 L3 H5 L6 H5 H5 LL6 H5 H5 H6 L6 H4 H6 L3 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H6 L3 25 18 19 24 18 18 18 18 18 2-36 19 18 18 18 18 24 17 1-32 18 24 18 19 27 19 17 18 24 18 18 11-34 18 18 19 17 18 19 1-37 %Fsin pyroxene 17 17 21 16 17 16 2-28 16 16 16 16 15 21 0-1 0-29 0.3 11 21 16 17 21 15-22 16 16 16 16 3-22 17 16 16 16 16 21 16 2-24 16 21 16 17 23 17 15 16 21 17 16 2-31 16 16 16 15 16 17 2-16 Degree of weathering B/C C A/B C B/C B B/C B A/B C B C B B C A/B A/B A/B B B/C A/B C C B/C C B C C A/B B C B B C C B A/B B/C B/C C B C B A B B C B B C B/C B B C Specimen number 81300 81301 81302 81303 81304 81305 81306 81307 81308 81309 81310 81311 81312 81313 81314 81315 82100 82101 82102 82103 82104 82105 82106 82107 82108 82109 82110 82111 82112 82113 82114 82115 82116 82117 82118 82119 82120 82121 82122 82123 82124 82125 82126 82127 82128 82129 82130 82131 82132 82133 82134 82135 82136 Weight (g) 10 12 4 4 42 1 7 57 19 0.6 0.7 0.9 0.7 0.5 3 2 24 29 48 2529 399 363 35 9 14 47 39 63 28 61 41 48 18 4 111 24 7 2 142 111 26 178 140 5 15 14 45 1 6 20 28 12 4 Class and type H5 H5 H5 H6 L6 H5 H5 L6 H5 H4 H6 L6 C2 Eu(?) H5 "H(?r %Fain olivine 19 19 18 18 24 18 19 24 18 18 19 24 1-35 18 * 11 * (Acapulco-like) C2 C30 H5 H5 L5 L6 Ur L5 H5 H5 H3 US H5 H6 H5 H5 H6 L5 US H5 H5 L6 H5 L6 H6 L6 H4 H6 H4 H5 Ur C2 E4 H4 H5 C4 H4 1-47 1-50 18 17 25 24 3 22 18 18 1-24 24 17 18 17 18 18 25 24 18 19 24 18 25 18 24 18 18 18 18 3 0.3 18 16 27 18 % Fs in pyroxene 16 16 16 16 21 16 17 21 16 16 17 21 1-31 38 16 11 1-2 1-10 16 16 21 21 4 19 16 16 4-27 21 16 16 15 16 16 22 20 16 17 20 16 20 16 20 15 16 16 17 4 0.4 16 15 24 5-20 Degree of weathering A/B B/C B/C B/C A/B B/C B B B/C C B B A B A/B A A B/C B A A/B B B/C B/C B/C B/C A/B C A/B A/B A/B B B A/B B/C B A B B C C B/C A/B B/C B/C B A C B/C B/C A B 130 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE A.?Continued. Specimen number 82137 82138 82139 82140 82141 82142 82143 82144 83001 83009 83010 83014 83015 83016 83100 83101 83102 84001 84004 84006 84007 84008 84011 84025 84027 84028 84029 84030 84031 84032 84033 84034 84042 84044 BTNA 78001 78002 78004 DRPA 78001 78002 78003 78004 78005 78006 78007 78008 78009 EETA 79001 79002 Weight (g) 11 5 0.2 0.3 0.6 20 3 7 1569 2 395 1 3 4 863 639 1241 1931 9000 16000 706 302 138 5 8 736 120 6 12 8 60 44 51 147 161 4301 1079 15200 7188 144 134 18600 389 11800 59400 138100 7942 2843 Class and type L5 H6 L6 L6 H5 L6 H6 H5 L4 Au L3 Ur Au C2 C2 L6 C2 Di H4 H4.5 Au Au Au A LL7(?) C3V C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 L6 L6 LL6 I I I I I I I I I Sh Di % Fa in olivine 23 19 24 25 19 25 18 19 23-28 4-31 18 0.3-30 25 0-2 17-18 18 32-33 27 0-50 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-1 0-2 0-2 0-2 24 24 30 23-27 24-25 % Fs in pyroxene 20 17 20 20 17 21 16 17 20-32 2-28 15 0-1 23 27 16-19 17-18 11 23 2 2 2 21 20 24 16-67 22 Degree of weathering B B B C C C C B B A/B B B A/B A/B B A B/C A/B B B/C A A/B A A/B B A A A A A A A A A B B B A B Specimen number 79003 79004 79005 79006 79007 79009 79010 79011 EET 82600 82601 82602 82603 82604 82605 82606 82607 82608 82609 82610 82611 82612 82613 82614 82615 82616 83200 83201 83202 83203 83204 83205 83206 83207 83208 83209 83210 83211 83212 83213 83214 83215 83224 83225 83226 83227 83228 83229 83230 83231 83232 83234 83235 83236 Weight (g) 436 390 451 716 200 140 287 86 247 150 1824 8210 1571 625 982 165 95 326 42 13 32 4 8 29 2 779 1060 1213 546 377 471 462 1238 263 520 426 543 402 2727 1398 510 9 44 33 1973 1206 313 530 66 211 181 255 6 Class and type L6 Eu Eu Ho H5 L5 L6 Eu Ho L3 H4 H5 H5 L6 L6 L6 LL6 H4 H6 L4 L6 L4 H5 H6 H4 H5 H6 L6 H5 LL6 L6 L6 H4 H5 L6 L6 H4 Eu L3 L6 H6 C2 Ur C2 Eu Eu Eu I Eu Eu Eu Eu Eu %Fain olivine 24 18 24 24 2-39 19 19 19 25 25 23 28 18 19 24 25 24 18 19 18 17-18 18-20 24-25 20 29-31 25 24 18 17-19 25 24-25 18-20 13-30 24-25 18 0.2-41 0.5-69 % Fs in pyroxene 20 30-61 30-61 19-57 16 20 20 30-61 22-53 1-35 16 17 16 21 21 20 23 17 17 21 21 20 16 17 16 17-19 18 22-23 18-21 27 22 22 16-18 16-17 22-23 22 16-20 3-26 22-24 19 0-1 0.6-10 Degree of weathering B B A B B B B B A B/C B B B/C B B B/C A/B B/C B B A B A/B B B/C B/C B/C A/B B/C A A/B B B B/C B/C A/B B/C B B B B/C A/B B/C A/B B B B B B B B B NUMBER 28 131 TABLE A.?Continued. Specimen number 83237 83245 83246 83247 83250 83251 83283 ILD 83500 MBRA 76001 76002 META 78001 78002 78003 78005 78006 78007 78010 78028 OTTA 80301 PCA 82500 82501 82502 82503 82504 82505 82506 82507 82508 82509 82510 82511 82512 82513 82514 82515 82516 82517 82518 82519 82520 82521 82522 82523 82524 82525 Weight (g) 883 59 48 22 11 261 57 2523 1096 13773 624 542 1726 172 410 175 234 20657 36 91 54 890 8308 3094 3086 5316 480 389 286 254 149 55 239 130 7 16 41 22 125 23 1 46 11 114 40 Class and type L6 I Di Di C2 Eu Eu I H6 H6 H4 L6 L6 L6 H6 H6 H5 L6 H3 C4 Eu Eu L6 L5 L5 Ur LL6 L6 L6 L5 H4 H6 L5 L4 H4 H6 H5 E4 L5 H3 H5 H5 H6 H4 L6 %Fain olivine 25-26 0.3-22 18 18 17 23 24 24 18 19 19 25 17-19 31 24 23 23 21 30 23 25 24 17 18 24 23 17 18 19 0.8 24 15-22 18 18 19 18 24 % Fs in pyroxene 23-25 2-14 16 16 14-21 20 21 20 15 17 17 21 4-19 41-57 36-61 20 20 20 18 25 20 21 20 14 16 20 11-22 14 16 17 21 2-19 16 16 16 16 20 Degree of weathering B A/B B/C B B B B B B/C B B B C B/C B B B/C B A A A A/B B A/B A A/B B A B B A/B B B B/C B/C B B B/C C B/C A A/B B Specimen number 82526 82527 82528 PGPA 77006 RKPA 78001 78002 78003 78004 79001 79002 79003 79004 79008 79009 79012 79013 79014 79015 80201 80202 80203 80204 80205 80206 80207 80208 80209 80210 80211 80213 80214 80215 80216 80217 80218 80219 80220 80221 80222 80223 80224 80225 80226 80227 80228 80229 80230 80231 80232 Weight (g) 25 3 51 19068 235 8483 1276 167 3006 204 182 371 73 55 13 11 78 10022 813 545 4 15 54 47 18 10 10 11 2 19 5 9 44 8 7 21 124 52 7 25 8 8 160 8 11 14 58 238 80 Class and type H6 H6 L6 I L6 H4 L6 H4 L6 L6 H6 H5 L3 H6 H6 L5 H5 M H6 US H6 Eu H3 H6 L3 H6 L5 H5 H6 H6 H6 L6 L4 H5 H5 L6 H5 H6 LL6 H5 Eu L6 I H5 L5 M H5 H6 H4 %Fain olivine 18 18 25 23 18 23 17 23 24 18 18 1-29 18 18 23 18 19 24 19 17-20 19 15-29 19 25 19 19 19 19 24 23 18 18 25 18 19 28 18 54 25 19 23 18 18 18 % Fs in pyroxene 16 16 21 20 15 20 14-21 20 20 16 16 2-28 16 16 20 16 24 16 20 17 52-57 5-13 17 6-28 17 21 16 17 17 17 20 20 15 15 21 16 17 23 16 21 16 19 24 16 16 16 Degree of weathering B A B/C C B C A B B B B/C B C B B/C B/C A/B B B C A B C C B C B/C C B/C C C B C C B B/C C B C A/B C B/C C C B C B 132 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE A.?Continued. Specimen number 80233 80234 80235 80236 80237 80238 80239 80240 80241 80242 80243 80244 80245 80246 80247 80248 80249 80250 80251 80252 80253 80254 80255 80256 80257 80258 80259 80260 80261 Weight (g) 414 136 261 16 22 18 6 61 0.6 7 3 14 37 6 1 11 10 4 29 11 5 68 7 153 9 4 20 8 62 Class and type H5 LL5 LL6 H5 H4 LL6 Ur H5 C3V L4 H5 H5 H5 M H5 LL6 H5 H5 H5 L6 LL5 H6 H6 L3 H5 M E5 H5 L6 % Fa in olivine 18 26 30 18 18 28 16 18 1-6 22 18 18 18 18 27 17 17 17 24 27 19 19 20-25 17 18 24 % Fs in pyroxene 16 22 24 16 16 23 15 16 1-8 19 16 16 16 24 16 23 15 15 15 20 22 17 17 10-26 15 17-21 0-1 16 20 Degree of weathering B/C B A/B B/C C A/B B C B B/C C C B/C C c A/B B/C B/C B A/B A/B C C B B/C B/C B/C C B Specimen number 80262 80263 80264 80265 80266 80267 80268 TIL 82400 82401 82402 82403 82404 82405 82406 82407 82408 82409 82410 82411 82412 82413 82414 82415 TYR 82700 Weight (g) 32 17 24 8 10 24 3 221 282 476 50 322 1116 152 221 80 231 19 180 35 18 15 70 892 Class and type H6 M L6 H6 H6 H4 L5 L5 L6 LL6 Eu L4 H6 L4 L4 LL3 H5 Di L4 H5 H5 H5 H5 L4 %Fain olivine 19 24 19 19 19 24 25 25 29 23 19 23 23 1-29 18 24 17 17 17 17 24 % Fs in pyroxene 17 24 20 17 17 16 20 21 21 24 43-58 20 17 19 20 2-21 16 24 21 16 16 15 15 15-23 Degree of weathering C C B C B/C C B/C A/B A/B A/B A B B B B/C B B A A/B C C B A/B B NUMBER 28 133 TABLE B.?Meteorites listed by class and source area in numerical sequence (fractions of grams in weight dropped unless total weight is less than 1 gram). Specimen number ALHA77306 ALHA78261 ALHA81002 ALHA81004 ALHA81312 ALH 82100 ALH 82131 ALH 83016 ALH 83100 ALH 83102 ALH 84029 ALH 84030 ALH 84031 ALH 84032 ALH 84033 ALH 84034 ALH 84042 ALH 84044 EET 83224 EET 83226 EET 83250 ALHA77307 ALHA77003 ALHA77029f ALH 82101 ALHA81OO3 ALHA81258 ALH 84028 RKPA 80241 ALH 82135 PCA 82500 ALHA81189 ALH 82132 PCA 82518 ALHA77156f ALHA77295f RKPA80259 ALH A81021 ALHA81260 ALHA77299 ALHA78170+ ALH 82110 OTTA80301 PCA 82520 RKPA80205 ALHA77004 ALHA77009 ALHA77010 Weight (g) 20 5 14 5 0.7 24 1 4 863 1241 120 6 12 8 60 44 51 147 9 33 11 181 780 1 29 10 1 736 0.6 12 91 3 6 22 18 141 20 695 124 261 21 39 36 23 54 2230 236 296 Class and type C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C3 C3O C3O C3O C3V C3V C3V C3V C4 C4 E4 E4 E4 EH4 EH4 E5 E6 E6 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H4 H4 H4 Degree of weathering A A A A/B A A A A/B B B/C A A A A A A A A A/B A/B B A A A/B A A/B B A B A B C C B B/C A A/B A B B/C B/C B/C B C C C fracturing CHOIN A A B A A A B B/C B/C C B B/C B A B A B B B B C A A A/B A/B A/B A B A C B B/C A B B B B A/B A B B A/B B C A A Specimen number rDRITES ALHA77056f ALHA77190 ALHA77191 ALHA77192 ALHA77208 ALHA77221 ALHA77222f ALHA77223 ALHA77224 ALHA77225 ALHA77226 ALHA77232 ALHA77233 ALHA77262 ALHA77286 ALHA78029+ ALHA78033+ ALHA78051 ALHA78053 ALHA78057 ALHA78077 ALHA78084 ALHA78120 ALHA78134 ALHA78140+ ALHA78157+ ALHA78168+ ALHA78172+ ALHA78193 ALHA78196 ALHA78223 ALHA79023 ALHA79035 ALHA79039 ALHA80106 ALHA80121 ALHA80128 ALHA80131 ALHA81022 ALHA81041 ALHA81043 ALHA81044 ALH A81045 ALHA81046 ALHA81047 ALHA81048 ALHA81049 ALHA81050 ALHA81051 ALHA81052 ALHA81056 ALHA81057 ALHA81058 ALHA81068 ALHA81073 ALHA81074 ALHA81092 ALHA81095 Weight (g) 12 387 642 845 1733 229 125 208 787 5878 15323 6494 4087 862 246 4 5 120 179 9 331 14280 44 458 17 63 34 29 13 11 6 68 38 108 432 39 138 20 913 729 106 387 90 17 82 191 9 26 43 29 1 8 66 24 3 8 16 59 Class and type H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 Degree of weathering A/B C C cc c A/B cc cc cc B/C C B B C C B/C B/C B B B B B/C B/C B B/C B B C B/C B B B/C C B/C C C C B/C B/C B/C C B/C C B B C B B/C B B B/C fracturing C B/C C cA C C C C C B B B B B B B/C A B B C B B B C B/C B A C C C B/C B/C B/C B/C B C B B A A C A A B A C 134 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE B.?Continued. Specimen number ALHA81097 ALHA81104 ALHA81105 ALHA81109 ALHA81114 ALHA81117 ALHA81140 ALHA81142 ALHA81147 ALHA81149 ALHA81157 ALHA81177 ALHA81199 ALHA81200 ALHA81206 ALHA81212 ALHA81231 ALHA81234 ALHA81267 ALHA81279 ALHA81290 ALHA813O9 ALH 82126 ALH 82128 ALH 82133 ALH 82136 ALH 84004 EET 82602 EET 82609 EET 82616 EET 83207 EET 83211 META78001 PCA 82511 PCA 82515 PCA 82524 RKPA78002 RKPA78004 RKPA80232 RKPA80237 RKPA 80267 ALH 84006 ALHA77007f ALHA77012 ALHA77014 ALHA77016f ALHA77017f ALHA77018f ALHA77021 ALHA77022f ALHA77023f ALHA77025 ALHA77038f ALHA77039t ALHA77042f ALHA77045f ALHA77051t Weight (g) 80 184 93 1 79 33 14 1 2 9 12 17 16 9 4 11 9 5 27 27 2 0.6 140 15 20 4 9000 1824 326 2 1238 543 624 149 7 114 8483 167 80 22 24 16000 99 180 309 78 78 52 17 16 21 19 19 8 20 18 15 Class and type H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4.5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 weathering B C C B B/C B B/C B/C B B B/C B/C C B/C B/C B/C B/C C C C B C B/C B/C B/C B B B/C B/C B B/C B/C B B A/B B A B C C B/C B C C B B B/C C A B C A/B A/B A/B A A ?ree of fracturing A C B/C A B/C B/C A B/C A B B B B A A B B A B/C B/C A A A A A/B B B B A/B A B B/C B B A/B B A/B A A B A B A B/C A B Specimen number ALHA77054f ALHA77058f ALHA77061 ALHA77062 ALHA77063f ALHA77064 ALHA77066f ALHA77070f ALHA77071 ALHA77073f ALHA77074 ALHA77076f ALHA77078f ALHA77079t ALHA77082f ALHA77084f ALHA77085f ALHA77086 ALHA77087f ALHA77088 ALHA77091f ALHA77092t ALHA77094f ALHA77096f ALHA77098f ALH A77100t ALHA77101f ALHA77102 ALHA77104f ALHA77106f ALHA77108f ALHA77112f ALHA77113f ALHA77114f ALHA77118 ALHA77119 ALHA77120f ALHA77122f ALHA77124 ALHA77125f ALHA77126f ALHA77129f ALHA77130f ALHA77132f ALHA77136f ALHA77138f ALHA77139f ALHA77142f ALHA77143f ALHA77151f ALHA77152t ALHA77153f ALHA77158f ALHA77161f ALHA77168f ALHA77171f ALHA77173f ALHA77174f ALHA77177 Weight (8) 10 4 13 17 3 6 5 18 11 10 12 2 24 8 12 44 46 19 31 51 4 45 7 2 8 18 4 12 6 8 0.7 22 2 45 8 6 4 5 4 19 25 2 25 115 4 2 66 3 39 17 18 12 20 6 25 24 26 32 368 Class and type H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 Degree of weathering B B B B B B A B B A/B B B B A A/B A/B B C B C B/C A B A B A/B B B A A/B A/B A B B C C A/B B C A/B A/B B A A/B A/B A A/B A/B A/B A A A B B B A/B B A C fracturing A B B B B B B B B B A A NUMBER 28 135 TABLE B.?Continued. Specimen number ALHA77181f ALHA77182 ALHA77184f ALHA77186f ALHA77187f ALHA77188f ALHA77193f ALHA77195t ALHA77201f ALHA77202f ALHA77205f ALHA77207f ALHA77213f ALHA77220f ALHA77227f ALHA77228f ALHA77235f ALHA77237f ALHA77240f ALHA77242I ALHA77245f ALHA77247f ALHA77253f ALHA77259 ALHA77264 ALHA77265f ALHA77266f ALHA77268 ALHA77274 ALHA77275f ALHA77279f ALHA77287 ALHA77291f ALHA77294 ALHA77300 ALHA78001+ ALHA78004* ALHA78005+ ALHA78008 ALHA78010+ ALHA78012 ALHA78018+ ALHA78021 ALHA78023 ALHA78025+ ALHA78027* ALHA78028 ALHA78031 ALHA78047* ALHA78049+ ALHA78052* ALHA78075 ALHA78079 ALHA78080 ALHA78081* ALHA78085 ALHA78088* ALHA78090* ALHA78092* Weight (g) 33 1135 128 122 52 109 7 5 15 3 3 5 8 69 16 19 5 4 25 56 33 44 24 294 11 18 108 272 288 25 175 230 6 1351 235 85 36 28 7 1 38 18 17 10 8 29 4 5 130 96 97 281 5 25 18 219 5 8 16 Class and type H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 Degree of weathering B C B A/B A/B A/B A A A B B A/B A B A B A/B A A B A/B A/B A/B C A/B B B C C A A C A A C B B B B A B B C B/C B fracturing B B A C A A A B B B B B Specimen number ALHA78094* ALHA78096* ALHA78098* ALHA78102 ALHA78107 ALHA78108 ALHA78110 ALHA78111 ALHA78116* ALHA78117+ ALHA78121* ALHA78123+ ALHA78128 ALHA78129+ ALHA78136+ ALHA78139* ALHA78141 ALHA78146 ALHA78150 ALHA78154+ ALHA78159 ALHA78160* ALHA78163+ ALHA78164 ALHA78173+ ALHA78174+ ALHA78178+ ALHA78182 ALHA78190 ALHA78194 ALHA78197 ALHA78199 ALHA78201 ALHA78203 ALHA78205 ALHA78209 ALHA78217+ ALHA78219+ ALHA78221 ALHA78225 ALHA78227 ALHA78233 ALHA78241 ALHA78245 ALHA78247 ALHA78253+ ALHA78255+ ALHA78257+ ALHA78259+ ALHA79004 ALHA79006 ALHA79OO8 ALHA79009 ALHA79010 ALHA79011 ALHA79012 ALHA79013 ALHA79014 ALHA79015 Weight (g) 4 7 2 337 198 173 161 127 128 4 30 18 155 128 52 17 24 17 16 12 23 16 10 25 20 13 7 10 20 25 20 13 10 11 9 12 8 8 5 5 2 1 7 4 3 7 3 2 6 35 41 12 76 25 14 192 28 11 64 Class and type H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 Degree of weathering B/C C B B/C B/C B A B C B A B B B B B B/C B B B B B/C B/C B A B A B/C B/C B C B/C B/C C cB B fracturing B A B B A B B/C B A A B B B B B A B A B B A B 136 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE B.?Continued. Specimen number ALHA79021 ALHA79025 ALHA79026 ALHA79029 ALHA79031 ALHA79032 ALHA79036 ALHA79O38 ALHA79040 ALHA79041 ALHA79042 ALHA79046 ALHA79047 ALHA79048 ALHA79050 ALHA79051 ALHA79053 ALHA79054 ALHA80111 ALHA80123 ALHA80124 ALHA80127 ALHA80129 ALHA80132 ALHA81015 ALHA81019 ALHA81020 ALHA81033 ALHA81034 ALHA81036 ALHA81039 ALHA81042 ALHA81062 ALHA81063 ALHA81064 ALHA81067 ALHA81070 ALHA81071 ALHA81072 ALHA81075 ALHA81077 ALHA81080 ALHA81O81 ALHA81082 ALHA81083 ALHA81084 ALHA81088 ALHA81089 ALHA81090 ALHA81091 ALHA81100 ALHA81108 ALHA81110 ALHA81113 ALHA81115 ALHA81116 ALHA81118 ALHA81120 ALHA81124 Weight (g) 29 1208 572 506 3 3 20 50 13 20 11 90 19 37 27 24 86 36 42 28 12 47 93 153 5489 1051 1353 252 255 252 206 534 0.5 5 191 228 4 2 3 16 4 17 5 6 7 16 4 11 10 12 155 69 3 111 155 2 85 14 9 Class and type H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 De$ weathering B C B C C C B C B B B B B B C C B/C B B C B B B B B B/C B C B C A/B C C B/C C cB/C B B/C B B A/B B B B B B B B B B B B/C B/C C B B/C B/C B ?ree of fracturing A A B B/C B B B B A B A B B B B A B A A A B A A B B B A C B A B C A B A/B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A B A B A C A/B A A B A Specimen number ALHA81125 ALHA81126 ALHA81128 ALHA81129 ALHA8113O ALHA81132 ALHA81133 ALHA81135 ALHA81136 ALHA81138 ALHA81139 ALHA81141 ALHA81143 ALHA81144 ALHA81148 ALHA81152 ALHA81155 ALHA81158 ALHA81161 ALHA81163 ALHA81164 ALHA81165 ALHA81166 ALHA81168 ALHA81169 ALHA81170 ALHA81171 ALHA81173 ALHA81175 ALHA81176 ALHA81178 ALHA81179 ALHA81182 ALHA81183 ALHA81186 ALHA81188 ALHA81192 ALHA81194 ALHA81195 ALHA81197 ALHA81201 ALHA81202 ALHA81207 ALHA81209 ALHA81211 ALHA81213 ALHA81215 ALHA81216 ALHA81218 ALHA81219 ALHA81220 ALHA81226 ALHA81227 ALHA81228 ALHA81230 ALHA81232 ALHA81233 ALHA81236 ALHA81237 Weight (g) 10 22 16 32 30 5 21 10 1 4 7 1 13 3 13 10 5 2 122 82 20 6 26 8 6 59 24 26 13 95 30 14 5 104 23 9 9 17 5 68 7 5 14 14 7 3 11 2 6 24 3 3 11 8 13 5 25 41 27 Class and type H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 Degree of weathering B B B/C A/B B B B B B B B/C B/C B/C B B B A/B B/C C C B B B C B B B/C A/B A/B B B/C B B C B A/B A/B B B B/C B/C C C B/C B B/C A C C B B/C C B B/C B B C A/B B fracturing A A A A B A A A A/B A B B A A A A A A C B/C A A A B B A/B B A B A B/C A A/B B/C A/B A A B A/B B/C A A B A A A A A B A A/B A B A B A/B B/C A/B B NUMBER 28 137 TABLE B.?Continued. Specimen number ALHA81238 ALHA81239 ALHA81240 ALHA81241 ALHA81242 ALHA81244 ALHA81245 ALHA81246 ALHA81249 ALHA81252 ALHA81255 ALHA81256 ALHA81263 ALHA81265 ALHA81269 ALHA81270 ALHA81274 ALHA81275 ALHA81276 ALHA81277 ALHA81281 ALHA81283 ALHA81284 ALHA81286 ALHA81287 ALHA81293 ALHA81294 ALHA81295 ALHA81296 ALH A81297 ALHA813OO ALHA813O1 ALHA81302 ALHA81305 ALHA81306 ALHA81308 ALHA81314 ALH 82102 ALH 82103 ALH 82108 ALH 82109 ALH 82112 ALH 82114 ALH 82115 ALH 82119 ALH 82120 ALH 82122 ALH 82129 ALH 82134 ALH 82141 ALH 82144 EETA79OO7 EET 82603 EET 82604 EET 82614 EET 83200 EET 83203 EET 83208 META78010 Weight (g) 24 32 41 34 20 5 4 3 10 2 12 28 6 8 5 4 19 11 42 7 46 0.6 10 28 78 2 9 105 13 20 10 12 4 1 7 19 3 48 2529 14 47 28 41 48 24 7 142 14 28 0.6 7 200 8210 1571 8 779 546 263 234 Class and type H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 Degree of weathering C B C B B/C B B/C C B/C B B C B B/C B/C C A/B B C B B B/C B/C B C B B C B/C B A/B B/C B/C B/C B B/C B B/C B B/C B/C C A/B A/B B/C B B B/C B/C C B B B B/C A/B B/C B/C B/C B fracturing B B C A/B A A A/B A A A B A B A A A/B A A B A B A A B B/C A/B A B/C B A A A A A A B A A B A A/B A A A B A A A A A A B A B A B B/C B A Specimen number PCA 82517 PC A 82521 PCA 82522 RKPA79004 RKPA79014 RKPA80210 RKPA80217 RKPA80218 RKPA80220 RKPA 80223 RKPA 80227 RKPA 80230 RKPA 80233 RKPA80236 RKPA 80240 RKPA 80243 RKPA 80244 RKPA80245 RKPA 80247 RKPA80249 RKPA 80250 RKPA 80251 RKPA 80257 RKPA80260 TIL 82409 TIL 82412 TIL 82413 TIL 82414 TIL 82415 ALHA78147* ALHA76006 ALHA76008 ALHA77046f ALHA77111t ALHA77131t ALHA77133f ALHA77134f ALHA77144 ALHA77146f ALHA77147f ALHA77148 ALHA77149f ALHA77157f ALHA77183 ALHA77200f ALHA77209t ALHA77212f ALHA77239t ALHA77246f ALHA77248f ALHA77258 ALHA77271 ALHA77285 ALHA77288 ALHA78002+ ALHA78035 ALHA78065+ Weight (g) 41 1 46 371 78 11 8 7 124 25 8 58 414 16 61 3 14 37 1 10 4 29 9 8 231 35 18 15 70 31 271 281 8 52 26 19 19 8 18 19 13 26 88 288 0.9 32 17 19 42 96 597 610 271 1880 11 2 7 Class and type H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5 H5.6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 Degree of weathering B/C C B/C B/C B/C B/C C cB/C c B/C B B/C B/C C cc B/C C B/C B/C B B/C C B C C B A/B C B/C A/B A/B A/B A A B A/B A/B C A/B A/B C C B A/B B B B/C B/C C cc A B fracturing B A B B B B A A B/C B A B B B A A B B B A A B B B A B B A A B B A B A A/B A B B 138 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE B.?Continued. Specimen number ALHA78067 ALHA78069+ ALHA78076 ALHA78086* ALHA78115 ALHA78122 ALHA78124 ALHA78135* ALHA78137 ALHA78145+ ALHA78152 ALHA78169+ ALHA78184 ALHA78189 ALHA78191 ALHA78207 ALHA78211 ALHA78213 ALHA78215 ALHA78229 ALHA78231 ALHA78249 ALHA79002 ALHA79005 ALHA79016 ALHA79019 ALHA79020 ALHA79024 ALHA79028 ALHA79034 ALHA79037 ALHA79049 ALHA79055 ALHA8O118 ALHA80122 ALHA80126 ALHA8O13O ALHA81035 ALHA81037 ALHA81O38 ALHA81054 ALHA81055 ALHA81076 ALHA81078 ALHA81079 ALHA81086 ALHA81093 ALHA81094 ALHA81096 ALHA81102 ALHA81103 ALHA81111 ALHA81112 ALHA81127 ALHA81134 ALHA81137 ALHA81146 ALHA81154 Weight (g) 8 4 276 9 848 5 28 131 70 34 5 22 8 23 20 8 11 10 6 2 2 4 223 60 1146 12 4 22 16 13 15 54 15 2 50 35 5 256 320 229 2 5 10 6 7 6 271 152 83 196 136 210 150 15 15 9 24 1 Class and type H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 Degree of weathering B B B B A B B B B/C B B/C C B B/C B B/C C B B B C B/C B B/C A/B B/C C B C B B B B/C C B A/B C B B/C B/C B/C B/C B/C B/C B/C C B fracturing B A B B B B B B B B B A B B B A B B B A B A A A/B A B B A A B A B A/B B B A/B B/C B A B B A/B B B Specimen number ALHA81160 ALHA81180 ALHA81193 ALHA81196 ALHA81204 ALHA81210 ALHA81223 ALHA81224 ALHA81225 ALHA81248 ALHA81250 ALHA81253 ALHA81254 ALHA81268 ALHA81271 ALHA81273 ALHA81288 ALHA81291 ALHA81298 ALHA81303 ALHA81310 ALH 82113 ALH 82116 ALH 82124 ALH 82127 ALH 82138 ALH 82143 EET 82610 EET 82615 EET 83201 EET 83215 MBRA76001 MBRA76002 META78006 META78007 PCA 82512 PCA 82516 PCA 82523 PCA 82526 PCA 82527 RKPA79003 RKPA79009 RKPA79012 RKPA 80201 RKPA80203 RKPA80206 RKPA80208 RKPA 80211 RKPA 80213 RKPA 80214 RKPA80221 RKPA 80231 RKPA 80254 RKPA80255 RKPA80262 RKPA80265 RKPA80266 TIL 82405 Weight (g) 12 17 13 9 7 0.6 10 14 14 5 17 10 9 18 28 43 20 4 16 4 0.7 61 18 26 5 5 3 42 29 1060 510 1096 13773 410 .175 55 16 11 25 3 182 55 13 813 4 47 10 2 19 5 52 238 68 7 32 8 10 1116 Class and type H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 H6 Degree of weathering C C B B B B A/B B/C B C B A/B C C B C B B B B/C B A/B B C A/B B C B B B/C B/C B B C B/C B B/C A B A B C B B C C B C B/C C cc cc cc B/C B fracturing B B A A A A A A A A/B B B A B/C B B/C A A B A A A B A/B A A/B A/B A A A C B B B B A B B A A A B B A A B A B B B B/C B/C B/C B B B B A NUMBER 28 139 TABLE B.?Continued. Specimen number ALHA81174 ALHA77081 ALHA81261 ALHA81315 ALHA77011 ALHA77013f ALHA77015 ALHA77031f ALHA77033 ALHA77034f ALHA77036f ALHA77043f ALHA77047f ALHA77049f ALHA77050f ALHA77052f ALHA77115f ALHA77140 ALHA77160 ALHA77163I ALHA77164 ALHA77165 ALHA77166f ALHA77167 ALHA77170f ALHA77175f ALHA77176f ALHA77178f ALHA77185f ALHA77197J ALHA77211t ALHA77214 ALHA77215 ALHA77216 ALHA77217 ALHA77241t ALHA77244f ALHA77249 ALHA77252 ALHA77260 ALHA77303f ALHA78013 ALHA78017+ ALHA78037+ ALHA78038 ALHA78041+ ALHA78046 ALHA78119+ ALHA78133 ALHA78149+ ALHA78162+ ALHA78176+ ALHA7818O+ ALHA78186 ALHA78188 ALHA78235+ ALHA78236 ALHA78238 Weight (g) 33 U 292 23 411 0.5 9 2 8 11 20 7 84 112 154 79 70 24 38 31 139 611 12 23 55 6 28 20 27 2111 820 1470 413 144 40 504 343 744 79 4 3 0.5 363 118 70 103 60 23 33 8 8 3 0.9 19 14 10 Class and type H "H(?)" (Acapulco- like) L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 Degree of weathering B B A/B A/B C B C B/C C B/C B B/C C B/C B/C B/C B/C C C B/C C C C c B/C B/C B B/C A/B A/B B/C C B A/B B C B/C C B C B/C B B C B A B B B B C B fracturing B/C A A A A B B B B C C B/C C B/C B/C B/C C C c c B Specimen number ALHA78239+ ALHA78243 ALHA79001 ALHA79045 ALHA80133 ALHA81024 ALHA81025 ALHA81O3O ALHA81031 ALHA81032 ALHA81053 ALHA81060 ALHA81061 ALHA81065 ALHA81066 ALHA81069 ALHA81085 ALHA81087 ALHA81121 ALHA81145 ALHA81156 ALHA81162 ALHA81190 ALHA81191 ALHA81214 ALHA81229 ALHA81243 ALHA81259 ALHA81272 ALHA81280 ALHA81292 ALHA81299 ALH83010 EET 82601 EET 83213 RKPA79008 RKPA80207 RKPA80256 ALHA79022 ALHA77230 ALHA77304 ALHA78044 ALHA78070 ALHA81040 ALHA81119 ALHA81184 ALH 83001 EET 82611 EET 82613 PCA 82514 RKPA80216 RKPA80242 TIL 82404 TIL 82406 TIL 82407 TIL 82411 TYR 82700 Weight (8) 16 2 32 115 4 798 379 1852 1595 111 3 28 24 13 9 7 16 8 88 21 20 59 48 30 4 40 15 10 23 55 13 0.5 395 150 2727 73 18 153 31 2473 650 164 10 195 107 17 1569 13 4 130 44 7 322 152 221 180 892 Class and type L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3.4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 Degree of weathering B C C B C C B/C C C C C B/C B/C C B/C C B/C B B B/C C cc B/C cc cc cc cB B/C B B C B A/B C B B/C B/C B A/B B B B B B B/C B B B/C A/B B fracturing A B B B B B/C B/C A B B A B B A B B B B B/C C A/B B/C A B/C B B B B A/B A/B A A A B B A B B B B A B A A B A A B B B A A A A 140 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE B.?Continued. Specimen number ALHA77002 ALHA77117f ALHA77127f ALHA77218f ALHA77254 ALHA77267f ALHA78142* ALHA81017 ALHA81018 ALHA81023 ALHA81153 ALHA81198 ALH 82104 ALH 82107 ALH 82117 ALH 82137 EETA79009 PCA 82504 PCA 82505 PCA 82510 PCA 82513 PCA 82519 RKPA79013 RKPA 80209 RKPA 80228 RKPA80268 TIL 82400 ALHA76001 ALHA76003 ALHA76007 ALHA76009 ALHA77001 ALHA77008f ALHA77019t ALHA77026f ALHA77027f ALHA77089t ALHA77150 ALHA77155 ALHA77l59f ALHA77162f ALHA77180 ALHA77198f ALHA77231 ALHA77251f ALHA77261 ALHA77269 ALHA77270 ALHA77272 ALHA77273 ALHA77277 ALHA77280 ALHA77281 ALHA77282 ALHA77284 ALHA77292 ALHA77293t Weight (g) 235 21 4 45 246 104 32 1434 2237 418 4 0.9 399 9 4 11 140 3094 3086 254 239 125 11 10 11 3 221 20151 10495 79 3950 252 93 60 20 4 8 58 305 17 29 191 7 9270 69 412 1045 589 674 492 143 3226 1231 4127 376 200 110 Class and type L5 L5 L5 L5 L5 L5 L5 L5 L5 L5 L5 L5 L5 L5 L5 L5 L5 L5 L5 L5 L5 L5 L5 L5 L5 L5 L5 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 Degree of weathering B A/B B A A/B A B B B B B/C A B/C B B B A/B B A A/B B B/C C cB/C A/B A A B B B A B/C B/C B/C B C A/B A/B A C B A/B B B B A/B B/C B A/B B B B A/B B B fracturing A/B A A B A/B A A A/B A B A B B B A A A B B B B B A A A B B B A A A/B B A B B B A B/C B B B A Specimen number ALHA77296 ALHA77297 ALHA77301f ALHA77305 ALHA78003 ALHA78039 ALHA78042 ALHA78043 ALHA78045 ALHA78048 ALHA78050 ALHA78055+ ALHA78059+ ALHA78074 ALHA78078 ALHA78101 ALHA781O3 ALHA78104 ALHA78105 ALHA78106 ALHA78112 ALHA78114 ALHA78125* ALHA78126 ALHA78127 ALHA78130 ALHA78131 ALHA78156 ALHA78171+ ALHA78251 ALHA79007 ALHA79018 ALHA79027 ALHA79033 ALHA79043 ALHA79052 ALHA80101 ALHA8O1O3 ALHA80105 ALHA80107 ALHA8O1O8 ALHA80110 ALHA80112 ALHA8O113 ALHA80114 ALHA80115 ALHA80116 ALHA80117 ALHA80119 ALHA80120 ALHA80125 ALHA81016 ALHA81026 ALHA81027 ALHA81028 ALHA81029 ALHA81099 ALHA81106 ALHA81107 Weight (g) 963 952 55 6444 125 299 214 680 39 191 1045 14 9 200 290 121 590 672 942 465 2485 808 19 607 195 2733 269 9 23 1312 142 121 133 281 62 23 8725 536 445 178 125 168 331 313 233 306 191 89 34 60 139 3850 516 3835 80 153 152 48 140 Class and type L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 Degree of weathering A/B A A B/C C B B B B/C A/B B B B B A/B B B B A/B B B/C B B B/C B/C B/C B B A/B B/C B B C B/C B B B B B B B B B B B/C B B B B/C B B C B C A/B B B fracturing A B B B B A B B B B B A B A A A B B B B B B A A B A/B A A B B B A B B B B B B/C B A B A B B B A A A/B B A A B A NUMBER 28 141 TABLE B.?Continued. Specimen number ALHA81122 ALHA81131 ALHA81150 ALHA81159 ALHA81167 ALHA81172 ALHA81181 ALHA81203 ALHA81205 ALHA81217 ALHA81221 ALHA81235 ALHA81247 ALHA81257 ALHA81262 ALHA81266 ALHA81278 ALHA81282 ALHA81289 ALHA81304 ALHA81307 ALHA81311 ALH 82105 ALH 82111 ALH 82118 ALH 82121 ALH 82123 ALH 82125 ALH 82139 ALH 82140 ALH 82142 ALH 83101 BTNA78001 BTNA78002 EETA79003 EETA79010 EET 82605 EET 82606 EET 82607 EET 82612 EET 83202 EET 83205 EET 83206 EET 83209 EET 83210 EET 83214 EET 83237 META78002 META78003 META78005 META78028 PCA 82503 Weight (g) 21 13 2 10 59 33 15 4 3 5 9 7 104 29 55 12 1 31 4 42 57 0.9 363 63 111 2 111 178 0.2 0.3 20 639 161 4301 436 287 625 982 165 32 1213 471 462 520 426 1398 883 542 1726 172 20657 8308 Class and type L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 US L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 L6 US US US US US US US US usus usus usus usus us Degree of weathering B A/B C B/C B/C C B C B C C C A/B B A/B A/B B A/B A A/B B B A/B A/B A/B A B C B C C A B B B B B B B/C A A/B A/B B B/C A/B B B B B B B A fracturing B B A A B B A A A B/C A/B B B A B B A A A B B/C A A A B B A B A A B/C A B A B C A B A A B B A A B A A/B A B B B B Specimen number PCA 82508 PCA 82509 PCA 82525 PCA 82528 RKPA78001 RKPA78003 RKPA79001 RKPA79002 RKPA80202 RKPA80215 RKPA80219 RKPA 80225 RKPA80252 RKPA80261 RKPA 80264 TIL 82401 ALHA78015* ALHA76004 ALHA77278 ALHA78138+ ALHA79003 ALHA81251 TIL 82408 ALHA77060f ALHA78109 ALHA81151 RKPA80234 RKPA 80253 ALHA77041f ALHA78062 ALHA78063+ ALHA78082+ ALHA78153 ALHA81123 ALHA81185 ALHA81285 BTNA78004 EET 82608 EET 83204 PCA 82507 RKPA80222 RKPA80235 RKPA8O238 RKPA80248 TIL 82402 ALH 84027 Weight (g) 389 286 40 51 235 1276 3006 204 545 9 21 8 11 62 24 282 35 53 313 11 5 158 80 64 233 5 136 5 17 11 77 24 152 2 65 20 1079 95 377 480 7 261 18 11 476 8 Class and type L6 L6 L6 L6 US US US US US US US L6 US US US L6 LL(?L)3 LL3 LL3 LL3 LL3 LL3 LL3 LL5 LL5 LL5 LL5 LL5 LL6 LL6 LL6 LL6 LL6 LL6 LL6 LL6 LL6 LL6 LL6 LL6 LL6 LL6 LL6 LL6 LL6 LL7(?) Degree of weathering A/B B B B/C C C B B B C B C A/B B B A/B A A B B B/C B A A/B B/C B A/B A A A B/C B A/B C B A/B A A B A/B A/B A/B A/B B fracturing B A B B B B C B A B A A A A B A A A B B A/B A A B A B A A/B A A A A A/B B B A A A B 142 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE B.?Continued. CHONDRITE subtotals: Class and type C2 C3 C30 C3V C4 E4 EH4 E5 E6 H3 H4 H4,5 H5 H5.6 H6 H L3 L3.4 L4 L5 L6 LL(?L)3 LL3 LL5 LL6 LL7(?) Total: Class weight (g) 2680 181 810 748 103 31 159 20 819 433 83289 16000 42892 31 30305 33 23 19377 31 7149 12397 154434 35 619 443 3170 8 376220 Specimen ? number ALHA81187 ALH 84025 ALHA81005 ALHA78113 ALH 83009 ALH 83015 ALH 84007 ALH 84008 ALH 84011 EET 83235 ALHA77256 ALH 84001 EETA79002 EET 83246 EET 83247 TIL 82410 ALH A81208 ALHA76005 ALHA77302 ALHA78040 ALHA78132 Weight (g) 40 5 31 299 2 3 706 302 138 255 676 1931 2843 48 22 19 2 317 236 212 656 Class and type A (unique) A (unique) Anorthositic breccia Au Au Au Au Au Au Basaltic achon. Di Di Di Di Di Di Di/M Eu (polymict) Eu (polymict) Eu (polymict) Eu (polymict) Degree of weathering B/C A/B A/B A/B A/B A/B A A/B A B A/B A/B B A/B B/C A C A A A A fracturing ACHC B A A A A A A/B A A/B B A B B A/B B B A A A A )N Specimen number T3RITES ALHA78158 ALHA78165 ALHA79017 ALHA80102 ALHA81001 ALHA81006 ALHA81007 ALHA81008 ALHA81OO9 ALHA81010 ALHA81011 ALHA81012 ALHA81313 EETA79004 EETA79005 EETA79011 EET 83212 EET 83227 EET 83228 EET 83229 EET 83231 EET 83232 EET 83234 EET 83236 EET 83251 EET 83283 PC A 82501 PCA 82502 RKPA80204 RKPA 80224 Weight (g) 15 21 310 471 53 255 164 44 229 219 406 37 0.5 390 451 86 402 1973 1206 313 66 211 181 6 261 57 54 890 15 8 Class and type Eu (polymict) Eu (polymict) Eu (polymict) Eu (polymict) Eu (anomalous) Eu (polymict) Eu (polymict) Eu (polymict) Eu Eu (polymict) Eucritic breccia Eu Eu(?) Eu Eu (polymict) Eu (polymict) Eu (polymict) Eu (polymict) Eu (polymict) Eu (polymict) Eu (polymict) Eu (polymict) Eu (polymict) Eu Eu (polymict) Eu (polymict) Eu (unbrecciated) Eu (unbrecciated) Eu Eu (unbrecciated) Degree of weathering A A A A A A A/B A/B A A A/B A/B B A B B B B B B B B B B B A A A A/B fracturing A A A B B A/B A A/B A A A A B B B B B B B A/C A/B B A A/B B A A A A NUMBER 28 143 TABLE B.?Continued. Specimen number RKPA 80224 TIL 82403 ALHA78006 EETA79006 EET 82600 ALHA77005 EETA79001 Weight (8) 8 50 8 716 247 483 7942 Class and type Eu (unbrecciated) Eu (brecciated) Ho Ho Ho Sh Sh Degree of weathering A/B A A B A A A fracturing A A A B B A A Specimen number ALHA77257 ALHA78019 ALHA78262 ALHA81101 ALH 82106 ALH 82130 ALH 83014 EET 83225 PCA 82506 RKPA 80239 Weight (8) 1996 30 26 119 35 45 1 44 5316 6 Class and type Ur Ur Ur Ur Ur Ur Ur Ur Ur Ur Degree of weathering A B/C B/C A/B B B B B/C A/B B fracturing B C A B A A A B A B ACHONDRITE subtotals: Class and type A (unique) Anorthositic breccia Aubrite Basaltic breccia Diogenite Diogenite/Mesos. Eucrite Howardite Shergottite Ureilite Total: Class weight (g) 45 31 1449 255 5540 2 10266 971 8425 7618 34602 Total weight (g): 324743 Specimen number ALHA77255 ALHA80104 EET 83230 ILD 83500 ALHA81013 ALHA81014 EET 83245 RKPA80226 ALHA76002 ALHA77250 ALHA77263 ALHA77283 ALHA77289 Weight (8) 765 882 530 2523 17727 188 59 160 307 10555 1669 10510 2186 Class and type Ataxite (anom) Ataxite Ataxite Ataxite Hexahedrite Octahedrite Octahedrite Octahedrite IA IA IA IA IA Degree of weathering fracturing I Specimen number )NS ALHA77290 PGPA77006 ALHA78100 DRPA78001 DRPA78002 DRPA78003 DRPA78OO4 DRPA78005 DRPA78006 DRPA78007 DRPA78008 DRPA78009 ALHA78252 Weight (8) 3784 19068 85 15200 7188 144 134 18600 389 11800 59400 138100 2789 Class and type IA IA IIA IIB IIB IIB IIB IIB IIB IIB IIB IIB IVA Degree of weathering fracturing Specimen number ALHA77219 ALHA81O59 ALHA81098 RKPA79015 Weight (8) 637 540 71 10022 Class and type M M M M Degree of weathering B C C A/B fracturing STOI B B/C B/C A Specimen number r-lRON RKPA 80229 RKPA80246 RKPA80258 RKPA80263 Total weight (g): 11311 Weight (8) 14 6 4 17 Class and type M M M M Degree of weathering C C B/C C fracturing B/C C B B 144 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE C.?Meteorites tentatively identified as paired specimens from common falls. Pairing criteria are field relations (t), megascopic physical similarities (v), petrographic and mineral chemical similarities (w), metallography (x), bulk chemistry (y), and trace element chemistry (z). This list is restricted to paired groups listed in the Antarctic Meteorite Newsletters and which are assigned pairing confidence levels of over 50% by Scott (Chapter 13). For a more comprehensive discussion of the pairing problem, and a more inclusive list of pairings, see Scott (Chapter 13) and Scat (1984)*. Pair no. Paired specimens Criteria 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ALH83009, 83015 AUB RITES EUCRITES ALHA81009, 81012 ALHA76005, 77302, 78040, 78132, 78158, 78165, 79017, 80102 ALHA81006, 81007, 81008, 81010 EETA79004, 83228 v,w v,w v,w v,w w EETA79006, 82600 ALHA78019, 78262 ALH82106, 82130 ALHA81002, 81004 ALH83100, 83102 ALHA77003, 82101 HOWARDITES UREILITES C2 CHONDRITES C30 CHONDRITES V,W w C3V CHONDRITES ALHA81OO3, 81258 w EH4 CHONDRITES ALHA77156,77295 w E6 CHONDRITES ALHA81021, 81260 w "H?" CHONDRITES (Acapulco-like) ALHA77081,81261,81315 w H4 CHONDRITES ALHA77004, 77190, 77191, 77192, 77208, 77223, 77224, 77225, 77226, 77232, t.w 77233 ALHA78193, 78196, 78223 t,x ALHA81041, 81043, 81044, 81045, 81046, 81047, 81048, 81049, 81050, 81051, w 81052 ?Scott, E.R.D. 1984. Pairing of Meteorites Found in Victoria Land, Antarctica. Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research (Japan), special issue, 35:102-125. Tokyo. NUMBER 28 145 TABLE C.?Continued. Pair no. Paired specimens Criteria H5 CHONDRITES ALHA77014, 77264 ALHA77021,77025,77061,77062,77064,77071, 77074,77086,77088 ALHA77118, 77119,77124 ALHA78209, 78221, 78225, 78227, 78233 ALHA79031,79032 ALHA80127, 80129, 80132 RKPA80217, 80218 RKPA80220, 80223 RKPA 80250, 80251 TIL82412, 82413 TIL82414, 82415 H6 CHONDRITES MBRA76001,76002 ALHA77144, 77148 ALHA77271, 77288 ALHA78211, 78213, 78215, 78229, 78231 ALHA80122, 80126, 80130 ALHA81O35, 81038, 81103, 81112 RKPA80203, 80206, 80208, 80211, 80213, 80214, 80221, 80231, 80254, 80255, 80265, 80266 EET82610, 82615 PCA82526, 82527 L3 CHONDRITES ALHA77011, 77015, 77031, 77033, 77034, 77036, 77043, 77047, 77049, 77050, 77052,77115,77140,77160,77163,77164,77165, 77166,77167,77170, 77175, 77178,77185, 77211,77214,77241, 77244,77249, 77260,77303,78013, 78038, 78186, 78188, 78236, 78238,78243, 79001, 79045, 80133, 81025, 81030, 81031, 81032, 81053, 81060, 81061, 81065, 81066, 81069, 81085, 81087, 81121, 81145, 81156, 81162, 81190, 81191, 81214 ALHA77215, 77216, 77217, 77252 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 RKPA80216, 80242 ALHA81017, 81018, 81023 PCA82504, 82505 L4 CHONDRITES L5 CHONDRITES L6 CHONDRITES ALHA77001, 77292, 77293, 77296, 77297 ALHA78043,78045 ALHA78103, 78105 ALHA80101, 80103, 80105, 80107, 80108, 80110, 80112, 80113, 80114, 80115, 80116, 80117, 80119, 80120, 80125 ALHA81027, 81028, 81029 BTNA78001, 78002 RKPA78001, 78003 RKPA79001, 79002, 80202, 80219, 80225, 80252, 80261, 80264 EET82605, 82606 t t,w t t,x w w w w w w w w t t t,x w t.v.w t,v,w w t,w v,w w v,w 146 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO TH E EARTH SCIENCES TABLE C.?Continued. Pair no. Paired specimens Criteria LL3 CHONDRITES 53 ALHA76004,81251 w LL6 CHONDRITES 54 RKPA80222,80238,80248 w MESOSIDERITES 55 RKPA79015,80229, 80246,80263 w 56 ALHA81059,81098 w IRONS 57 ALHA76002,77250,77263,77289,77290 t,x,y,z 58 DRPA78001,78002, 78003, 78004, 78005, 78006, 78007, 78008,78009t t,v,x,y tSeven additional specimens (DRPA78010-78016), collected at the same time from the same small area, are believed by all workers to be included in this pairing even though they have not been studied in detail. See Scott (Chapter 13) and Clarke, R.S., Jr. 1982. The Derrick Peak, Antarctica, Iron Meteorites. Meteoritics, 17:129-134. . GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1989-181-717/60033