SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES ? NUMBER 15 Sands in the Alboran Sea: A Model of Input in a Deep Marine Basin Daniel Jean Stanley, Gilbert Kelling, Juan-Antonio Vera, and Harrison Sheng SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION PRESS City of Washington 1975 ABSTRACT Stanley, Daniel Jean, Gilbert Kelling, Juan-Antonio Vera, and Harrison Sheng. Sands in the Alboran Sea: A Model of Input in a Deep Marine Basin. Smith- sonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, number 15, 51 pages, 23 figures, 8 tables, 1975.?The Alboran Sea, an almost totally land-enclosed, mountain- bounded (Rif, Betic ranges) basin, lies east of Gilbraltar in the westernmost Mediterranean. A petrologic study of the sand fraction in river, river mouth, and beach samples collected on the coast of the Alboran Sea defines the compo- sition and distribution of the principal light and heavy mineral groups along its margins. The investigation details 20 mineralogical provinces on the southern Iberian and northern Moroccan margins and the Strait of Gibraltar sector and identifies the major source terrains and fluvial and marine point sources of terrigenous sediment entering the basin. Significant sample-to-sample changes in the proportion of mineralogical com- ponents are attributed to marine processes, particularly nearshore currents, which move sands laterally along the coast and, while so doing, modify the proportions of light and heavy mineral components. Lateral trends observed within Moroccan and Spanish mineralogical provinces provide evidence on the actual sense of nearshore sediment dispersal. Marine transport agents have a more pronounced effect on the light mineral fraction, while even unstable heavy mineral species appear to suffer less modification as a result of the transport in the marine environment. The paths followed by the sands between source ter- rain and final depositional site in deepwater environments are complex ones. A comparison of mineral assemblages in coastal sands and in sands in deep-sea cores shows a provenance from the Serrania de Ronda complex in the Betic range west of Malaga. After initial deposition on the coast, these river-borne sediments are transported in a southwestward direction toward Gibraltar and then eventually are funneled downslope in a southeastward direction toward the Western Alboran Basin through the Gibraltar Canyon and submarine valley. In geological terms, the Alboran Sea study can serve as a model for sedimen- tation in one type of elongate enclosed basin bounded by regions of high relief. Although the geographic and geologic configuration of the Alboran Sea and contiguous land conforms to a multisource basin model, the transport paths of sediment since the late Quaternary have been essentially longitudinal. This longitudinal input, with filling as a result of currents primarily from the Strait of Gibraltar sector, is independent of a major delta source and is thus unlike many elongate, deep-sea basins examined in present oceans and troughs (includ- ing fiysch) mapped in the ancient rock record. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION DATE is handstamped in a limited number of initial copies and is recorded in the Institution's annual report, Smithsonian Year. SI PRESS NUMBER 5251. SERIES COVER DESIGN:Aerial view of Ulawun Volcano, New Britain. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Stanley, Daniel J.Sands in the Alboran Sea. (Smithsonian contributions to the earth sciences, no. 15) Supt. of Docs, no.: SI 1.26:15 1. Sand?Alboran Sea. 2. Sedimentation and deposition. I. Kelling, Gilbert, joint author.II. Vera, Juan-Antonio, joint author. III. Title. IV. Series: Smithsonian Institution. Smith- sonian contributions to the earth sciences, no. 15. QE1.S227 no. 15 [GC389] 550'.8s [551.4'62'1] 74-20880 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 Price $1.20 Contents Page Introduction 1 General Considerations 2 Sampling and Methodology 3 Definition of Mineralogic Provinces 9 General 9 Spanish River Samples 12 Iberian Coast 13 Moroccan Margin 19 Strait of Gibraltar Region 23 Alboran Sea 26 Provenance of Sediments on Alboran Sea Margins 27 General 27 Origin of Selected Spanish River Sediments 28 Origin of Spanish Margin Sediments?Light Minerals 28 Origin of Spanish Margin Sediments?Heavy Minerals 29 Origin of Moroccan Margin Sediments?Light Minerals 30 Origin of Moroccan Margin Sediments?Heavy Minerals 31 Mineralogical Modification by Coastal Processes 32 Dispersal of Marginal Sands to the Western Alboran Basin 38 Summary 46 Appendix: Brief Summary of the Betic Cordillera Source Terrains 47 Literature Cited 49 Sands in the Alboran Sea: A Model of Input in a Deep Marine Basin Daniel Jean Stanley, Gilbert Kelling, Juan-Antonio Vera, and Harrison Sheng Introduction This investigation, an outgrowth of sedimento- logical and oceanographic surveys of the Alboran Sea between Morocco and Spain, summarizes the results of a mineralogic analysis of coastal samples collected along the southern Spanish margin and the northern coast of Morocco in the westernmost Mediterranean Sea. The primary purpose of the study was to identify the principal source terrains of the sediments derived from the adjacent moun- tainous sectors into this almost totally enclosed sea (Figure 1). To date, little is known concerning the mineralogy and distribution of sediments along the margins of the Alboran Sea. This study is in- tended to define the major point sources of terrige- nous sands entering the Western Alboran Sea from the Strait of Gibraltar and the Moroccan and Span- ish sectors. In turn, this involves both determina- tion of the predominant direction of sediment movement along the coast and the identification of the major transport paths from the coast seaward into the deeper regions of the Western Alboran Sea. The relative efficacy of heavy and light min- Daniel Jean Stanley and Harrison Sheng, Division of Sedi- mentology, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560. Gilbert Kelling, Department of Geology and Oceanography, University of Wales, Swansea, Great Britain. Juan-Antonio Vera, Departamento de Estratigrafia, Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain. erals in the context of provenance and dispersal is also investigated. Another purpose of this study was to better evaluate the factors influencing provenance and dispersal in analogous ancient marine basins whose sediments are preserved in the fossil record. The similarity between the sediments in the Western Alboran Basin plain, a flat, deep (just over 1500 m) oval (24 by 37 km) basin, and some ancient flysch deposits has been noted elsewhere (Stanley et al., 1970; Stanley and Unrug, 1972). The min- eralogical study in the Alboran Sea is of potential value geologically because it enables the sand-sized sediments, materials initially transported by rivers to the coast and subsequently modified by marine coastal agents, to be traced downslope to deeper environments in an almost completely enclosed system. Thus, the Alboran case can serve as a model for a type of multisource dispersal system possibly applicable to some ancient basins, includ- ing flysch troughs (Stanley and Unrug, 1972, figs. 37-40). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.?We are indebted to Mr. N. Cano and Mr. F. de Castillejo, both of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography, Malaga, and to Profes- sor D. V. Ager and Dr. N. Fry, University of Wales, Swansea, for their help in the collection of samples along the Spanish margin. Particular thanks are expressed to Mr. A. Giiven, University of Wales, Swansea, for assistance with the mineralogic analy- 30' SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES 4* 30' 3* ALBORAN BE CORE LOCATIONS FIGURE 1.?Chart showing core localities and major geographic features in the Alboran Sea and Strait of Gibraltar region. Details on cores available in Huang and Stanley (1972). (Geographic names cited in the text are shown here and on Figures 2 and 3.) sis, and to Professor J. F. Fontbote, University of Granada, for providing us with valuable regional data, maps, and references, and for his review of the text. The 3.5 kHz subbottom records were col- lected on 1972 cruises of the USNS Lynch, and aerial photographs were supplied by the Defense Intelligence Agency, Washington, D. C. Dr. A. Maldonado, University of Barcelona, also reviewed the manuscript. Funds for this study, part of the Mediterranean Basin Project, including travel to Spain and Mo- rocco and the collecting and processing of samples, were provided to one of us (D. J. S.) by Smithso- nian Research Foundation grants (FY 1971) 472350 and (FY 1972) 430035. Support was also provided (G. K.) by the United Kingdom Natural Eviron- ment Research Council and the Royal Society of London. General Considerations The southern flank of the Betic Cordillera bor- dering the southern Spanish margin (elevations to over 3000 m) and the northern flank of the Rif (maximum elevations in excess of 2000 m) are cut by numerous seasonally active rivers (or oueds) NUMBER 15 and torrents capable of carrying material of mud to boulder size directly to the coast. The study was planned so that sand-size material collected in these rivers and along the coast of both margins eventually could be compared to sand collected offshore in cores from the deeper Alboran Sea. A review of the major geologic units that pro- vide sedimentary material is necessary to properly interpret the provenance of coastal samples. The major stratigraphic-structural units mapped in the Betic Cordillera and the Rif chains are depicted in Figures 2 and 3. Each of these units can be distin- guished on the basis of gross lithology and miner- alogy, which permits the composition of river mouth and coastal sands to be identified with out- crops of specific units. The major stratotectonic units comprising the Betic Cordillera source terrains (Figure 2) are defined on the basis of investigations of many workers. Among the more recently published re- gional studies pertinent to the Iberian margin, we can cite the following: Kockel (1963), Mollat (1965), Diirr (1967), Hernandez-Pacheco (1967), Boulin (1968), Durand-Delga (1968), Hoppe (1968), Aldaya (1969), Egeler and Simon (1969), Jacquin (1970), Aldaya and Vera (1971), Font- bote (1971), Gonzalez-Donoso et al. (1971), Orozco (1971), Puga (1971), and Loomis (1972). A sum- mary of the major units providing sediments to the Spanish coast is presented in the Appendix. The general geology of the Moroccan margin illustrated in Figure 3 is based on the published maps of the Service G^ologique du Maroc, together with more detailed discussions by Fallot (1937), Fallot and Marin (1952), Milliard (1959), and Durand-Delga and Kornprobst (1963). Sampling and Methodology Samples on the Iberian margin were collected at the mouths of major rivers and on beaches be- tween the Strait of Gibraltar and Adra (i.e., from 3? to 5?37'W longitude) in the region popularly called the Costa del Sol. Sampling here is facili- tated by the presence of a major coastal road (Spanish highway no. 340) that follows the shore- line along much of this area. The spacing between Spanish coastal samples ranges from 2 to 6 km; the average distance between stations is 3 to 4 km (position given in Table 1; see also Figure 2). The major rivers, principal fluvial drainage basins, and sample localities are shown in Figures 2 and 4. The name of each drainage basin is derived from the principal river. Several of the smaller morpho- logical basins without major rivers bear no name. It is useful to compare the mineralogy of river- borne material and that of sediment at the same river mouths along the coast. In this respect, six sample stations were occupied between the Calena (near Marbella) and the Genal-Guadiaro rivers west of Marbella. The rivers sampled include, from east to west, the Calena, Guadaiza, Guadalmansa, Padron, Enmedia, and Genal-Guadiaro (rivers be- tween 7 and 4 on Figure 4); sampling stations were made close to where Highway 340 crosses the rivers. Two samples were collected about 100 m apart at each of the six stations. The results are listed in Tables 4 and 5 and illustrated in Figures 5 and 6. In similar fashion, samples were collected in the major rivers and river mouths and along the coast on the Moroccan margin between Cap Spartel and Al Hoceima (also known as Al Hucemas) from 4? 10' to 5?50'W longitude (Figure 3, Table 2). However, the coastal area of northern Morocco remains considerably less accessible than that of Spain, and as a consequence the sampling is neither as regular or as complete, although we believe that it provides representative data. The grain size of the 113 Spanish and 38 Moroc- can river and littoral samples examined varies from muddy sand to granule grade. Consequently, only the 0.062 to 0.25 mm fraction (very fine to fine sand) was selected for petrologic study in order to minimize size-sorting problems and thus to provide a better evaluation of regional changes in mineralogy. It is in this fraction that the heavy minerals, sensitive indicators of provenance, are generally concentrated. The granules and pebbles, common in most of the samples, include a wide variety of metamorphic as well as carbonate rock types; the petrology of these coarse fractions is not examined in the present study. Heavy minerals were separated by the standard heavy liquid method and their percent (by weight) calculated. Light minerals were mounted on glass slides, ground and stained according to the method of Hayes and Klugman (1959), in order to identify SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES NUMBER 15 FIGURE 2.?Geological map of the southern coast of Spain between Adra and the Strait of Gibraltar showing the major tectonic-stratigraphic (including lithologic) units in the Betic Cordillera. The map is based on geologic maps pub- lished by the Instituto Geol6gico y Minero de Espana at a scale of 1:200,000 and modified by J. M. Fontbote and J.-A. Vera. Lithology of the different units are described in the Appendix. Coastal and river sample localities are also shown (see Table 1). [Broken line = Boundary between the major Atlantic and Mediterranean drainage systems. Dotted line = Boundary delineating the principal Mediterranean fluvial basins in the study area; the basins are named after the major rivers flowing southward toward the Mediterranean Sea; those basins with rivers and torrents of only minor im- portance remain unnamed. Internal Zones: 1, Peridotite (ultrabasic) Complex; 2, Nevado-Filabride Complex, meta- morphic rocks; (3-7, Alpujarride Complex, eastern sector); 3, Paleozoic, with prevailing dolomite and marble; 4, Paleo- zoic, with prevailing micaschist and quartzite; 5, Permian- Werfenian, phyllite and quartzite; 6, Middle and Upper Triassic, limestone and/or dolomite; 7, Permo-Trias, undif- ferentiated (5) and (6); 8, Malaguide Complex, Pre-Cambrian (?), miscaschist and gneiss; 9, Sierra Blanca Unit; 10, Casares Unit (Alpujarride Complex, western sector); 11, Las Nieves Unit; 12, Malaguide Complex, Paleozoic (also includes, locally, a thin Mesozoic-Tertiary cover). External Zones: 13, Triassic ("Germanic fades"); 14, Jurassic, limestone and marly limestone; 15, Cretaceous-Paleogene-lower Miocene, mainly marl and marly limestone; also sandstone and lime- stone. Posl-Orogenic Sequences: 16, Neogene-Quaternary, mainly detrital sedimentary rocks and sediments.] SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE 1.?Sediment sample localities on the southern Mediterranean coast of Spain and vicinity of the Strait of Gibraltar, from west to east (see Figure 2) Sample Number (On Fig. 2) Dir ctio General Description of Sample Locality on Southern Spanish Coast and Gibraltar (October 1970) Dominant Beach Lithology Pebble Sandy Pebbly Sand Pebble Pebbly Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Pebbly Pebbly Pebbly Pebbly Pebbly Pebbly Pebbly Sandy Pebbly Pebbly s and larger pebbly s and larger sand sand sand sand sand sand sand cobble (>10 cm) sand sand Pebbly sand Pebbly Pebbly Pebbly Pebbly Pebbly Sand Sand Sand Shelly Shelly Shelly Sand Pebbly Shelly Sand Sand Pebbly Pebbly Pebbly Pebbly Sandy Pebbly Pebbly Pebbly Pebbly Pebbly Sandy Sand Sandy Pebble Pebbly Pebbly sand sand sand sand sand pebbly sand pebbly sand sand sand pebbly sand sand sand sand sand pebbly sand sand sand sand sand pebbly pebbly s and larger Pebbly and coarser Pebbly Pebbly Pebbly Sandy Pebbly Pebbly Pebbly Pebbly Pebbly Pebbly Pebbly Pebbly Sandy Sandy Sandy ; Pebbly sand and coarser and coarser pebbly and coarser and coarser and coarser and coarser and coarser and coarser pebbly pebbly pebbly sand Pebbly sand S 1 S 2 S 7 S 8 S 9 S10 Sll SI 2 SI 3 SI 4 S15 S16 G 4 G 2 G 5 S19 S20 S21 S22 S23 S24 S25 S26 S27 S28 S29 S30 S31 S32 S33 S34 S35 S36 S37 S38 S39 S40 S41 S42 S43 S44 S45 S46 S47 S48 S49 S50 S51 S52 S53 S54 S55 S56 S57 S58 S59 S60 S61 S62 S63 S64 S65 S66 S67 S68 S69 S70 S71 S72 S73 S74 S76 S78 S79 S80 S81 S82 S83 S84 Rocky beach east of Tarifa along rugged coastline; rocky offshore Beach at base of mountainous coast near Arroyo Vifias about 4 km east o Tarifa; rocky offshore Coast near Punta del Carnero (a mountainous cape), near old destroyed jetty Ensenada de Getares, near mouth of Arroyo del Lobo, small delta Just north of Punta de San Garcia, Algeciras Bay, same latitude as Europa Point Algeciras, south of jettys Beach at base of hill, just north of Algeciras Mouth of Palmones River, Algeciras Bay Beach between Palmones and Guadarranque rivers, Algeciras Bay Mouth of Guadarranque River, Algeciras Bay Northern Algeciras Bay, near large petroleum refinery; near Arroyo de los Lecheros Northern Algeciras Bay near El Campamento; low coastal plain Northeast Algeciras Bay near La Lfnea; low coastal plain Camp Bay, southwest side of Gibraltar, northwest of Europa Point Beach from Sandy Bay, east side of Gibraltar Dune sand (Pleistocene?), just south of Catalan Bay, east side of Gibraltar Beach at southern end of Catalan Village Bay, east side of Gibraltar Eastern Beach, east side of Gibraltar, south of La Lfnea North of La Llnea, near Torre de Senales; dunes along coast Beach at base of hills, Punta Carbonera Dunes along coast just south, Guadiaro River Mouth of Guadiaro River Beach north of Guadiaro River; low deltaic coastal plain Playa del Negro, north of Punta Chullera Beach near mouth of Rio de Manilva; coastal plain below hills West of Estepona, near Arroyo de Guadalobon Estepona, near port Narrow rocky beach west of Rfo del Padr6n Mouth of Rfo del Padron; small water bodies present Near Rfo del Castor; semi-desert physiography San Pedro de Alcantara, east of Rio Guadalmansa Arroyo de Dos Hermanas, west of Rio Guadalmina Mouth of Rfo Guadalmina; river sediments form delta Beach near Arroyo del Chopo Beach near mouth of Rfo Verde, west of Marbella On Ensenada de Marbella, west of Marbella; near Arroyo de Nagueles Beach east of Marbella, near Rfo Real Beach near Chalets Costa Bella Beach near Punta Ladrones Beach near Torre de Calahonda Beach at Ensenada de Cala del Moral Cabo de Calaburra, west of Rfo de Fuengirola Beach at Fuengirola, west of Arroyo Real Beach near Arroyo de Presas, Torre Blanca del Sol Beach near Torre Benalmadena Arroyo de la Miel, west of Torremolinos Beach at Torremolinos, Playa de la Carihuela Beach west of Guadalhorce River, on delta Beach east of Guadalhorce River, on delta; west of Malaga (industrial zone) Beach west of Malaga, west of Guadalmedina River Mouth of Guadalmedina River, Malaga East of Malaga, Malaga Bay Near El Palo, Malaga Bay, at mouth of dry torrent Beach west of La Victoria, Malaga Bay Beach near Cala del Moral, Malaga Bay Beach at La Victoria, Malaga Bay Beach near Estacion Benagalbin Beach off plain, east of Torre Moya Beach, west of Rio Velez Mouth of Rfo Velez, on small delta west of Torre del Mar Torre del Mar, east of Rfo Velez Beach east of Torre del Mar and west of La Caleta Narrow beach east of Rfo de Algarrobo Beach west of Morche Beach on delta, west of Rio de Torrox Mouth of Rfo de Torrox, on small delta Beach east of Rfo de Torrox Beach east of Punta de Torrox Mouth of Rfo Higuerdn, on small delta Beach east of Nerja, south of Maro Beach off rocky high terrain, east of Maro Beach on rocky point west of La Herradura Beach at La Herradura Beach east of Punta de la Mona and west of Rio Verde Beach east of Rfo Verde and Almunecar Small river south of Taramay Beach west of Salobrena and La Caleta Beach on delta of Rio Guadalfeo, south of Salobrena Beach at mouth of Rio Guadalfeo Beach at mouth of Rio Guadalfeo, on delta Beach on eastern part of Rfo Guadalfeo delta 130? 105? 125 95? 115? 130? 160? 150? 85? 110? 180? 180? 180? 170? 170? 175? 175? 130? 130? 130? 130? 160? 140? 130? 120? 140? 140? 150? 150? 125? 180? 190? 160? 175? 170? 170? 175? 120? 120? 110? 115? 150? 210? 190? 180? 170? 165? 190? 190? 200? 190? 190? 200? 220? 250? 230? 220? 220? 200? 210? 220? 240? 250? 150? 140? 140? 160? 155? 170? 165? 170? NUMBER 15 TABLE 1.? (Continued) Sample Locality Spanish Coast and Gibraltar Direction (October 1970) Lithology S 85 S 86 S 87 S 88 S 89 S 90 S 91 S 93 S 94 S 95 S 96 S 97 S 98 S 99 SI 00 S101 S102 ?103 S104 H at the Port of Motril on Cabo Sacratif, near light house on Cabo Sacratif, off flat plain at Calahonda, at mouth of small river east of Calahonda along rough coastlin at Castell de Ferro, near Rambla Gualc east of Castell de Ferro, along rough i beach east of La Hamola at La Rabita, at mouth of small river beach east of El Pozuelo ;jes t of La Alcazaba at Cainos Bajos rfest of Adra, near small port east of Adra on delta, west of Rio Chico (R. Adra) outh of Rfo Chico (R. Adra), on delta 145 155? 160? 180? 140? 125? 170? 120? 150? 120? 115? 150? 140? 130? 135? 160? 145? 140? 130? Sandy pebblv Sand Sandy pebbly Pebbly sand Sandy pebbly Pebbly and c Pebbly and c Pebbly and c Sandy pebbly Pebbly sand Pebbly and c Pebbly sand Pebbly sand Pebbly sand Sandy pebbly Pebbly and c Pebbly sand Pebbly sand Sandy pebbly STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR TANGER 8 KILOMETERS FIGURE 3.?Geological map of the northern margin of Morocco showing major stratigraphic sequences (based on maps by Fallot, 1937; Fallot and Marin, 1952; and others). Coastal and river sample localities also shown (see Table 2). Note that for clarity, the submarine outcrops of basic/ultrabasic rocks around Cabo Negro deduced by Milliard (1959) and others are also shown as occupying the peninsula. GUADALQUIVIR BASIN MEDITERRANEAN SEA ALGECIRAS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. R. de las Canas R. Guadarranque R. Hozgarganta R. Guadiaro R. Genal R. Guadalevin R. Verde 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. R. Fuengirola R. Grande R. Turon R. Guadalhorce R. de las Campanillas R. Guadalmedina R. Velez 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. R. Algarrobo R. Torrox R. Verde R. Guadalfeo R. Izbor R. de Lanjaron R. Poqeria 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. Yator Ujijar Bayarcal Adra Chi co Andarax Nacimento FIGURE 4.?Map showing distribution of rivers on the southern Iberian margin. (Black triangles denote stations occupied by the Centro de Estudios Hidrograficos (1966); river flow data listed in Table 3.) and distinguish different types of feldspar grains. A total of about 300 light mineral grains and 200 transparent, heavy mineral grains were counted and relative percentages calculated. Opaque min- erals were also counted. Mica flakes occur in both heavy and light mineral concentrations; in this study, the micas have been assigned for quantita- tive purposes to the light mineral fraction. A total of 23 mineral species were identified in the heavy fractions, many of them occurring in trace amounts or in only a few samples. Only the dozen or so nonopaque mineral species which ap- pear with reasonable consistency in a large number of samples have been distinguished and plotted in Figures 7 and 9. Moreover, for purposes of quan- titative comparison the related mineral species have been grouped together in a manner reflect- ing their provenance characteristics and assigned to 10 categories (including opaque minerals and "others"). Similarly, light minerals were assigned to eight groups, together with two ratios (total quartz to total feldspar, and igneous quartz to metamorphic quartz). Certain categories of light minerals, notable rock fragments and glauconite, although locally common, are not sufficiently wide- spread in their occurrence to justify the erection of additional compositional groups. Inspection of the compositional data from indi- vidual samples (Figures 7 to 10) revealed signifi- cant geographic variations, which enabled the Spanish and Moroccan samples to be assigned to provinces (i.e., regions characterized by sands of comparable composition). In most cases, the prov- ince boundaries can be drawn solely on the basis of marked changes in the relative abundance of sev- eral of the heavy or light mineral groups. How- ever, in a few instances, there is a more gradual change in composition, and the province boundary is then more arbitrarily defined, usually on the basis of some geographic feature such as a major river or prominent cape. This original compositional data was subse- quently compared with data previously obtained from deep-sea samples in the Strait of Gibraltar NUMBER 15 TABLE 2.?Sediment sample localities on the north- ern Mediterranean coast of Morocco, from west to east (see Figure 3) SAMPLE NUMBER MOROCCAN SAMPLE LOCALITY M 8 Mouth of Oued el Herradou, approx. 4 km west of Tangier town M 1 Beach at mouth of Oued Chall, just east of Tangier M 2 Oued approx. 4 km south of Cap Malabata on Route S7O4, about 2 km from coast M 3 Beach at mouth of Oued Sfisifa, near Pointe Kankouch M 4 Oued el Lgam, along Route S704, near Pointe Bou Maaza M 5 Oued el Razor, at Ksar-es-Seghir, along Route S704 M 6 Beach at Benzou, about 10 km west of Ceuta M 7 Beach about 6 km southwest of Ceuta, near junction of Routes P28 and 8303 M 20 Small oued at Riffien, north of Oued Negron, Route P28 M 21 Mouth of Oued Negron, north of Restinga, Route P28 M 22 Dune sand in Restinga-Smir area, 16 km south of Ceuta, Route P28 M 19 Near mouth of Oued Smir, along Route P28, 3 km north of M'Diq M 23 Oued ed Siador, along Route P28, 3 km south of Cabo Negro M 9 Rio Martin, just south of Tetouan M 18 Oued just north of Cap Mazari, approx. 13 km southeast of Tetouan, Route S608 M 17 Oued Emsa, south of Cap Mazari and west of Cap Timousourga, Route S608 M 16 Oued on southeast flank of Cap Akaili, Route S608 M 15 Oued northwest (approx. 4 km) of Cap Menkal, Route S608 M 14 Oued Laou, near Es Sebt, Route S608 M 13 Oued Akheron, near El Arba, Route S608 M 12 Mouth of Oued Targa, at Targa, Route S608 M 11 Oued, near Asenli, approx. 5 km southeast of Targa, Route S608 M 10 Junction of Oued el Had and Oued Bouchia at town of Bou-Hamed, Route S608 M 24 Mouth of Oued Ouringa, approx. 1 km west of Pointe des Pecheurs M 25 Mouth of small Oued, Pointe des Pecheurs M 28 Junction of Oued Mestasa and Oued Bi Chetouan, near village of Mastassa M 27 Mouth of Oued 0.5 km east of Cala Iris beach M 26 Mouth of Oued Bou Frah, near Torres-de-Alcala M 29 Oued Bades, north of Arba-Snada, on Route S610 M 30 Oued approx. 4 km east of El Hader Rouadi, on Route S610 M 31 Oued Merelia, west of Ait-Kamara, on Route S610 M 35 Mouth of Oued Boussikour, approx. 12 km west of Al Hoceima M 36 Oued east of Pointe Boussikour, approx. 7 km west of Al Hoceima M 37 Small Oued approx. 3 km west of Al Hoceima, on Piste 8506 M 38 Beach below Mohammed V Hotel, Al Hoceima (no Oued) M 34 Beach at Plage Espalmadero, 4.5 km southeast of Al Hoceima on Route P39A M 33 Oued Rhis, approx. 12 km southeast of Al Hoceima, on Route P39 M 32 Oued Nekor, approx. 6 km south of Al Hoceima Bay, on Piste S604 TABLE 3.?River flow data collected on the south- ern Iberian margin (see Figure 4); sample stations occupied by the Centro de Estudios Hidrogrdficos (1966) RIVER Guadarranque Guadiaro Guadalhorce Guadalmina Velez Algarrobo Guadalfeo Adra SAMPLE STATION CODE (FIG. 4) A B C D E F G H,I,J,K LITERS/SECOND 17.2 19.4 4.73 8.17 5.65 5.49 3.47 2.13 (average) MONTHS DRY July, August July, August None July, August July, August (almost dry) June, July, August August July, August (almost dry) region and the western Alboran Basin (Kelling and Stanley, 1972; Huang and Stanley, 1972), reas- signed as far as possible to the same mineralogic groupings (Table 8). A survey of selected aerial photographs, collected at altitudes of from 5,000 to 14,000 m, was made in order to provide information on short- and long-term coastal sedimentation and littoral drift patterns on both the Moroccan and Spanish mar- gins. Predominant near-shore current drift paths (cf., Figures 12 to 14) are defined on the basis of beach-groin patterns, delta shapes and river out- flow, and suspended sediment lobe distribution. Particular attention has also been paid to pub- lished data of river flow and rain data (cf., Figures 4 and 20) on the Spanish margin (Centro de Estudios Hidrograficos, 1966, 1970) and to offshore surface drift data in the Alboran Sea (Gaibar- Puertas, 1967; Lanoix, 1974). Definition of Mineralogic Provinces GENERAL Both heavy and light minerals are utilized in denning the various mineralogic provinces in the study area. The light mineral fraction in the very fine to fine sand-size range accounts for the bulk (usually 90 to 95% or more) of the total material present. In most instances, approximately 2 to 11 samples comprise the regional mean. Thirteen zones have been established on the southern Iberian margin between Tarifa and Adra and seven on the Moroccan coast from Cap Spartel to the mouth of the Oued Nekor. In addition, assemblages already established for the sublittoral portions of the Strait of Gibraltar Submarine Valley and the Western Alboran Basin (Kelling and Stanley, 1972a, b; Huang and Stanley, 1972) were reexamined in the light of this new data. The abundance of individual light and heavy mineral species may differ appreciably from sample to sample (see Figures 7 to 10), but it is seldom feasible to utilize the presence or absence of specific minerals to define geographic associations. We have found it more useful to assign the dominant heavy mineral species to ten groups (cf., Tables 5, 7, and 8), which are defined primarily on the basis of prob- able provenance. Seven light mineral groups are recognized in this study. In addition, two compo- sitional ratios (igneous quartz/metamorphic quartz and total quartz /feldspar) help define mineralogic provinces. 10 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES ?S H f * si i-43 O O "rait C or; ?5 _c data T3C 3o u pro ?. c ao oc S lin ashedQ a i a? NUMBER 15 11 c irizea a3 ;ionpo JT s-> C3h ? rt rtP ies, -aa 3o o e s aa 'ight| wa: DO en a) diagr OH O fori 5-8 12 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES TABLE 4.?Mineral provinces for Spanish coastal and river samples (see Figures 5 to 8) Province Designation Geographic Limits of Province Sample Numbers COASTAL SAMPLES larifa to Punta San Garcfa (Algeciras Bay) Punta San Garcfa (north side) to Rfo Guadarranque mouth Rfo Guadarranque mouth to Europa Point, Gibraltar Europa Point, Gibraltar (east side) to La Lfnea (eastern beach) La Lfnea to Guadiaro River mouth Guadiaro River mouth to Rfo Verde mouth (Marbella) Rfo Verde mouth to Torrente Calaburra Torrente Calaburra to Rio Guadalhorce mouth (Malaga) Rfo Guadalhorce mouth to Rfo Velez mouth Rfo Velez mouth to Rfo Higueron mouth (Nerja) Rfo Higuer6n mouth to Rfo Guadalfeo delta Rfo Guadalfeo delta to Calahonda Calahonda to Adra SI,2,6, S9-13 S14-16, Gl,2,3, S20-23 S24-36 S37-43 S44-50 S51-60 S61-70 S71-74, S82-91, S94-104 7,8 G4 5; S19 76,78-81 93 No heavy mineral from sample S6 No heavy mineral from samples S25, No heavy mineral from samples S62, No heavy mineral from samples S82, No heavy mineral from samples S96. fractions fractions 28, 30 fractions 67 fractions 90-93 fractions 101,104 RIVER SAMPLES I II III IV/V VI Rfo de Calena Rfo Guadaiza Rfo Guadalmansa Rfo Padron and Rio Enmedia Rfo Guadiaro-Genal IA, IB IIA, IIB IIIA, IIIB IVA, IVB, VA, VB VIA, VIB Province boundaries were established primarily on the basis of marked changes in either qualita- tive or quantitative character of the mineral con- tent of the samples, and were further denned in light of geographic factors (presence of major rivers, promontories and capes, etc.). SPANISH RIVER SAMPLES The river samples constitute five associations which are distinguishable on both heavy and light mineral components (Figures 5 and 6). These will be discussed in sequence from west to east. GUADIARO-GENAL ASSEMBLAGE (VI).?This heavy mineral suite is characterized by moderate amounts of orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene, together with a relatively high proportion of metamorphic group minerals (mainly andalusite) and opaque grains. The content of ZTR (zircon, tourmaline, rutile) is higher than in any other Spanish rivers. The total quartz abundance also attains its highest value in this river, while total feldspar is present in minimal quantities. ENMEDIA-PADRON ASSEMBLAGE (IV-V).?These two rivers furnish closely similar, heavy mineral assemblages which display the highest values of orthopyroxenes, clinopyroxenes, and amphiboles encountered in the Spanish rivers and exceeded by only two coastal samples. Opaque grains and the ZTR group are deficient. There is a more con- spicuous difference between the two rivers in terms of light minerals, the Enmedia being substantially richer in quartz and poorer in feldspar content than the Padron. GUADALMANSA ASSEMBLAGE (III).?This assem- blage is distinguished from the neighboring rivers on the basis of its greatly enhanced garnet and olivine plus spinel. The light mineral assemblage NUMBER 15 13 is broadly similar to that of the Padron River. GUADAIZA ASSEMBLAGE (II).?The heavy mineral assemblage is distinguished by the highest propor- tions of metamorphic group minerals (mainly staurolite), olivine and spinel, and contains the lowest proportions of garnet. The light mineral assemblage is characterized by a high quartz to feldspar ratio, together with a greatly increased content of mica. Rio DE CALENA ASSEMBLAGE (I).?This assem- blage is notably deficient in pyroxenes and amphi- boles but relatively enriched in opaque minerals and garnet. Carbonate minerals predominate in the light mineral assemblage, but quartz substan- tially exceeds feldspars in abundance. IBERIAN COAST PROVINCE A.?This province extends from Tarifa to Punta San Garcia, in the southwest part of Algeciras Bay (Figures 7 and 8). No major rivers traverse this rocky coast. The heavy assemblage is dominated by the opaque minerals, although the proportion of ZTR minerals reaches its maximum for the Iberian coastal samples. The percentage of opaque and ZTR minerals increases eastward, whereas that of garnet, epidote, and olivine actu- ally decreases. All other heavy mineral groups are equally deficient. The total content of quartz is comparable to values obtained in other samples from the southern Iberian margin but considerably lower than the immediately adjacent provinces. However, the ratio of igneous to metamorphic quartz is comparable to that measured in the neigh- boring regions. The total feldspar percentage for this province readies a maximum for these Iberian samples, and as a consequence the quartz/felds- par ratio is minimal. PROVINCE B.?This province includes samples on the west side of Algeciras Bay, from Algeciras to the mouth of the Rio Guadarranque. The major rivers are the Palmones and Guadarranque. The heavy assemblage is characterized by a reduced proportion of opaque minerals and a greatly en- hanced content of pyroxenes. The opaque minerals TABLE 5.?Mineralogic composition of Spanish coastal and river samples- province means (see Figures 5 and 6) PROVINCE Opaque Minerals Zircon + Tourmaline + Rutile (ZTK) Orthopyroxenes Clinopyroxenes Amphi boles Metamorphic Group" Garnets Olivine + Spinel Epidote Croup Others' Igneous Quartz5 Metamorphic Quartz4 Total Quartz Quartz Ratio Potash Feldspar Plagioclase Total Feldspar Quartz/Feldspar Ratio Micas + Chlorite Carbonates Others6 NO. OF SAMPLES 79 2 2 0 1 1 5 0 3 2 12 19 31 0 1 56 57 0 0 4 5 A .9 .3 .5 .5 .9 .0 .0 . 7 . 6 .6 . 1 .7 .8 .61 . 4 .0 .4 .55 .8 .4 .3 /37 B 25.6 1.3 34.2 4.8 5.0 5.1 4.7 3.7 12.5 3. 1 25.2 45.7 70.9 0.55 - 10.0 10.0 7.09 3.9 5. 7 9.2 5/1 C 21.6 1.5 27.8 8. 3 3.2 4.4 12.6 2.3 15.1 3.2 20.6 31.5 52.1 0.65 8.1 22.6 30.7 1.69 0.8 10.7 5.7 4/2 D 19.0 tr.5 38.6 6.5 2.4 4.8 15.6 1.5 9.7 1.6 29.6 33.3 62.9 0.88 0.6 21.2 21.8 2.88 2.7 7.0 5.6 5/4 E 33.9 tr. 18.4 8.9 8.7 5.1 7.3 2.6 11.4 3.3 8.1 41.5 49.6 0.19 1.4 30.1 31.5 1.57 1.1 4.5 13.0 4/1 F 17.1 0.5 26.9 10.3 3.9 2.7 9.7 7.5 16.7 4.7 2.8 31.7 34.5 0.08 2.6 34.1 36.7 0.94 1.3 9.6 17.6 10/2 G 27.0 1.4 20.0 3.2 7.4 3.2 11.5 5.6 14.9 5.8 2.4 28.5 30.9 0.08 1.2 37.9 38.1 0.81 0.8 12.2 17.7 111 H 30. 1. 12. 3. 7. 3. 22. 3. 12. 2. 4. 22. 27. 0. tr 37. 37. 0. - 14. 20. 3 3 7 8 5 0 8 1 8 7 2 8 0 18 0 3 72 6 0 7/1 I 42.6 0.6 10.5 0.6 9.4 5.0 9.9 1.2 17.4 2.8 10.9 21.3 32.2 0.51 1.0 43.0 44.0 0.73 1.5 6.9 14.6 10/5 J 30.0 1.0 9.1 5.6 8.3 9.0 11.5 1.1 22.6 1.8 7.8 25.4 33.2 0.30 0.8 28.8 29.6 1.12 5.5 8.1 24.0 8/2 K 29.9 0.9 8.9 1.6 18.0 7.9 6.4 1.0 22.5 1.9 14.2 15.0 29.2 0.94 1.1 38.2 39.3 0.74 11.8 3.5 16.1 9/1 L 39.7 1.1 1.1 0.6 4.1 1.0 40.6 2.0 8.9 0.9 10.8 20.0 30.8 0.54 1.5 29.2 30.7 1.00 1.7 18.5 18.0 7/2 M 43.4 0.8 0.7 0.5 3.2 0.9 38.6 1.0 8.1 2.8 9.7 30.3 40.0 0.32 tr. 28.0 28.4 1.40 1.5 7.9 22.0 8/2 I 46.5 1.7 10.9 5.8 5.8 3.2 13.8 8.7 1.8 1.8 24.5 8.5 2.88 3.0 64.0 2/2 II 20.4 tr. 33.4 4.5 7.1 7.7 0.8 10.1 4.7 0.9 62.0 9.5 6.53 26.5 2.0 2/2 III 11. 0. 32. 13. 7. 2. 16. 12. 2. 1. 60. 15. 4. 12. 3. 0 7 5 6 2 2 1 4 8 5 5 3 54 1 1 2/2 7 0 44 21 13 1 2 6 2 54 24 2 10 11 IV .5 .7 .2 .1 .6 .1 .8 .7 .3 - .6 .6 .22 .5 .0 2/2 10 45 19 12 2 2 4 1 1 79 8 9 8 4 V .8 _ .5 .2 .8 .2 .8 .8 .4 .9 .5 .4 .46 .0 .0 111 VI 28. 2. 30. 5 3 0 12.8 5. 6. 7. 3. 1. 2. 85. 3. 24. 6. 4. 2 9 3 2 1 7 7 5 5 3 1 2/2 2. Mainly Apatite, 3. Simple, unstra: 4. Composite and f te, Staurolite, Slllimanite, Andalusite and Chiastolite Sphene, Anatase, Monazite, Corundum and Topaz 5.6. 7. tr.Mai Fir sec = trace (< 0.5: nly rock-fragmei st digit refers ond digit refers V) its, to n ; to carb umbe numb onaceo r of s er of us debris amp les ave samples av and rag era glau ed fo ged f light 1111111111111 ?ilieiI@QQQBD 16 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES NUMBER 15 17 t1 ( 1 \\ 1^ iI / ** / ti I \\ \ \\ \i \ ;i /i ii--. i ? ? : / / \ \ "" ^i 1 101w 96 97 V \> \ \ ) V '??- I sB.? , Jya ^^ ^ ^^^ ^E> /ft (*? / /r'E^ / // v //f}// r / ///'""?? ^y /// / i? /// ;/ 1/? -,...^ 20 KM mm:mmm;mm mmm.:: mmmm mnmmrmmmm i a a C3 ! 18 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES decrease northward paralleling the increase of py- roxenes. The light assemblage comprises the high- est total quartz, the lowest amounts of feldspar, and one of the higher proportions of micas encoun- tered in the southern Iberian coastal samples. PROVINCE C.?This province extends from north- ern Algeciras Bay near Arroyo de los Lecheros to Europa Point on the southern tip of Gibraltar. There are no major rivers in this region. The heavy assemblage includes enhanced proportions of garnet and clinopyroxene and slightly higher epidote. The southernmost sample (G4) is some- what anomalous in this group, displaying a con- siderably increased quantity of opaque and ZTR minerals and a deficiency of ferromagnesian minerals. There is a slight decrease in clinopyrox- enes toward the south, whereas the orthopyroxenes increase as far as La Linea. The light assemblage is characterized by the highest proportion of potash feldspar sampled anywhere on the Iberian coast. The proportion of total quartz, although less than adjacent provinces, is still relatively high, and the igneous to metamorphic quartz ratio is similar to that of provinces A and B. Mica content is diminished. PROVINCE D.?This province lies on the eastern flank of Gibraltar from Sandy Bay to La Linea. There are no rivers in this region. The heavy frac- tion is distinguished by the highest mean value of orthopyroxene encountered in the coastal samples. Epidotes show a regular decrease northward as far as La Linea, and garnet increases northward to a maximum near the Gibraltar airfield and then de- clines. Quartz dominates the light mineral assem- blage with the second highest mean value of Iberi- an coastal samples measured. Metamorphic quartz exceeds igneous quartz. The total amount of quartz decreases rather steadily from this province east- ward as far as Province H, while the total feldspar content displays a corresponding increase. PROVINCE E.?This province extends from north of La Linea to the mouth of the Guadiaro River, the only major river in this sector. The heavy fraction in this province contains somewhat en- riched opaque minerals, amphiboles, and meta- morphics, together with diminished amounts of orthopyroxenes. There is a notable increase in the proportion of opaques northward, accompanied by a decrease in clinopyroxenes. The proportion of quartz with respect to feldspar is diminished, and the igneous to metamorphic quartz ratio is sub- stantially reduced compared to the previously described provinces. PROVINCE F.?This province extends from north of the mouth of the Guadiaro River to near the mouth of the Rio Verde west of Marbella. This sector includes numerous other rivers, such as the Manilva, Padron, Guadalmansa, Guadalmina, and Guadaiza. The heavy assemblage is distinguished by the highest mean values of clinopyroxene and olivine with spinel and the lowest values of opaque minerals. Amphiboles and metamorphic minerals are somewhat diminished with respect to the ad- jacent provinces. There is a general increase in opaque minerals toward the northeast. The high- est value of olivine in the Iberian coastal samples occurs at the mouth of Arroyo dos Hermanas (sample 33). There is an irregular decrease north- ward in proportion of clinopyroxenes. The decline in the total quartz content observed in Province E is continued into Province F and is accompanied by a corresponding increase in the total amount of feldspar (largely plagioclase), which in fact slightly predominates. Curiously, the ratio of igneous to metamorphic quartz reaches a minimum value in Provinces F and G. PROVINCE G.?This province extends from 3 km west of Marbella to the Torrente Calaburra. Rivers include the Arroyo de Calena, Rio Real, Arroyo de Siete Revueltas, and Arroyo de Cala del Moral. The heavy fraction is distinguished by a slightly enhanced proportion of opaque and ZTR min- erals and a decreased amount of pyroxenes. There is an irregular increase in garnet toward the east. The light fraction is broadly similar to that in Province F, but it has a slightly higher proportion of feldspar to quartz and a higher proportion of detrital carbonate. PROVINCE H.?This province extends from the Rio Fuengirola to the Guadalhorce River, west of Malaga, the major river in this sector. The heavy fraction is distinguished by an enhanced propor- tion of garnet and diminished pyroxene and oli- vine content. There is an irregular decrease in metamorphic minerals toward the northeast. The total quartz reaches a minimal value for the coastal samples, whereas the total feldspar content is com- parable to that of Province G. The proportion of detrital carbonate is again increased. PROVINCE I.?This province extends from west of NUMBER 15 19 Malaga to west of the Rio Velez. The Guadalme- dina is the most important river in this sector. The heavy fraction is distinguished by high mean proportions of opaque minerals and epidotes and decreased amounts of pyroxene (especially clino- pyroxene) and garnet. Very high values of amphi- boles are localized at the mouth of the Guadal- medina River and beach to the southwest (samples 52 and 51). There is an increase in epidote east- ward toward Estacion Benagalbon. The light as- semblage has the second highest total feldspar con- tent and a somewhat enhanced proportion of igneous quartz. PROVINCE J.?This province extends from the mouth of the Rio V^lez to the mouth of the Rio Higueron. Important rivers include the V?lez, Algarrobo, Torrox, and Chillar. The heavy frac- tion includes somewhat enhanced proportions of clinopyroxene, metamorphic group minerals, and epidote. There is a slight but regular decrease in the opaque minerals eastward. There is also a marked and regular decrease in amphiboles east- ward from east of the Rio Velez delta, but a not- able increase in amphibole is observed at the mouth of the Rio Chillar. The total quartz content and the ratio of igneous to metamorphic quartz are similar to values encountered in Province I, but the total feldspar content is substantially re- duced. The percentage of micas and chlorite also increases significantly with respect to Province I. PROVINCE K.?This province extends from east of Nerja to west of the mouth of the Rio Guadalfeo. The Rio Verde is the most important river in this sector. The heavies are characterized by a marked increase in the amphibole content and decrease in the clinopyroxene and garnet. The proportions of amphiboles are substantially higher in the samples west of the Rio Verde (nos. 72-76), whereas the proportions of opaque minerals and epidotes are substantially greater to the east of the Rio Verde. In the light fraction, the total quartz content remains relatively low, although it is note- worthy that the proportions of igneous and meta- morphic quartz are nearly identical in sharp con- trast to adjacent provinces. The highest values of micas and chlorite in the Iberian coastal samples occur in this province. PROVINCE L.?This province extends from the delta of the Rio Guadalfeo to west of Calahonda. The Guadalfeo is the only major river in this sec- tor. The heavy fraction is dominated by garnet, and there is a decrease in almost all other mineral groups except the opaques. The major break in trend of proportion of garnet occurs on both sides of the mouth of the Guadalfeo. The proportion of epidote also decreases noticeably east of the mouth of the Guadalfeo. It is noteworthy that in the region of El Varadero (sample 86), there is a dramatic change in the amphibole and epidote content and a corresponding decrease in garnet. The light assemblage is essentially similar to Prov- ince K except that the proportion of metamorphic quartz is again higher, while the micas and chlorite revert to a low value. The carbonate content is also substantially higher than in the neighboring provinces. PROVINCE M.?This province extends from Castell de Ferro to east of Adra. The major river is the Chico (Rio Adra). The heavy assemblage is dis- tinguished by garnet and opaques and a slightly diminished olivine content. Garnet content in- creases toward the east from Punta Negra, and the epidote decreases eastward from this point as well. The major break in mineral trends is localized at the delta of the Rio Chico, just west of its mouth, where proportion of amphiboles and opaque min- erals increase substantially, accompanied by a very marked decrease in garnet content. The light frac- tion is marked by a substantial increase in total quartz content and a slight decrease in total feld- spar and micas. The proportion of detrital car- bonates is also significantly reduced compared with Province L. MOROCCAN MARGIN PROVINCE N.?The area included in this province extends from Cap Spartel west of Tangier to west of Ceuta along the south flank of the Strait of Gibraltar (Figures 9 and 10). As in all seven Mo- roccan provinces, opaque grains comprise the most abundant single group of the heavy minerals. The ZTR group is dominant among the nonopaque minerals, closely followed by garnet and the meta- morphic group. The proportion of garnet in- creases toward the east, while zircon tends to de- crease in the same direction. Significantly, ortho- pyroxene and olivine occur only in the beach sam- ples from the western sector of the Strait. Andalu- site is the dominant metamorphic mineral, but 20 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES NUMBER 15 21 *o "5b 5? a & IS W) 22 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES staurolite also occurs in all samples. Dolomite rhombs are abundant in samples M8 (west of Tangier) and M6 (below Djebel Moussa near Ceuta). Quartz dominates the light mineral assem- blage with the igneous variety generally in excess of metamorphic quartz. The average total feld- spar content is the lowest observed in the Moroc- can samples. PROVINCE O.?This province extends from the south side of Ceuta peninsula to Cap Mazari. The major river in this sector is the Rio Martin. This association contains substantially higher propor- TABLE 6.?Mineral provinces for Moroccan coastal and river samples (see Figures 5, 6, 9, 10) Province Designation a 0 P Q R S T Geographic Limits of Province Cap Spartel to Ceuta (north side) Ceuta (south side) to Cap Mazari Cap Mazari (south side) to Targa Targa to Bou Haned (Oued El Had) Oued Ouringa mouth to Pointe des Pecheurs Oued Mestasa to Al Hoceima (western side) Al Hoceima (eastern side) to Oued Nekor Sample Ml-6,8 M7,9,1 Ml 2-17 M10.11 M2U,25 M26-31 Numbe rs 8-23 , 35-37 , 38 Romarks M1,3,6,8 are coastal samples. M7,19,20-22 are coastal samples M2U is a coastal sample M35 is a coastal sample M38 is a coastal sample TABLE 7.?Mineralogic composition of Moroccan samples-province means (see Figures 5 and 6) PROVINCE Opaque Minerals Zircon + Tourmaline + Rutile (ZTR) Orthopyroxenes Clinopyroxenes Amphiboles Metamorphic Group Garnets Olivine + Spinel Epidote Group Others2 Igneous Quart z-^ Metamorphic Quartz Total Quartz Igneous/Metam. Quartz Ratio Potash Feldspar Plagioclase Total Feldspar Quartz/Feldspar Ratio Micas + Chlorite Carbonates Others6 NO. OF SAMPLES N 41.3 18.4 0.6 tr.5 tr. 13.8 17.2 tr. 3.9 3.9 43.4 22.6 66.1 1.92 1.8 23.2 25.0 2.64 tr.5 8.0 tr. 7 0 29.1 5.8 15.1 5.8 2.3 15.1 13.9 8.1 2.2 2.6 32.2 19.5 51.8 1.65 2.7 37.1 39.8 1.30 0.9 6.2 1.3 8 P 70.2 8.1 1.3 tr. tr. 4.0 6.7 2.7 1.8 4.9 3.7 13.8 17.5 0.26 0.6 65.8 66.4 0.26 1.-2 4.4 9.5 6 Q 22.9 5.7 9.2 8.0 4.6 12.6 18.4 9.2 6.1 4.3 7.8 11.7 19.5 0.67 4.7 71.2 75.0 0.26 tr. tr. 5.0 2 R 80.0 3.6 tr. 4.9 - 8.3 1.5 - 3.1 - 0.5 29.3 29.8 0.01 1.7 43.3 45.0 0.66 0.5 4.7 19.9 2 S 63.1 20.8 tr. 1.0 2.0 10.9 1.1 0.6 1.7 - 37.9 13.6 51.5 2.79 1.9 41.2 42.1 1.22 tr. 4.5 1.7 9 T 63.6 4.5 - 3.0 15.2 4.5 1.5 - 6.2 1.5 14.1 6.1 20.2 2.31 2.1 54.1 56.3 0.36 0.5 22.0 1.0 4 1. Comprises Kyanite, Staurolite, Sillimanite, Andalusite and Chiastolite 2. Mainly Apatite, Sphene, Anatase, Monazite, Corundum, Topaz 3. Simple, unstrained quartz 4. Composite and strained quartz 5. tr. = trace (< 0.5%) 6. Mainly rock-fragments and carbonaceous debris NUMBER 15 tions of orthopyroxenes, clinopyroxenes, olivine, spinel and amphibole, and diminished ZTR and garnet. Amphiboles increase toward the south, while the metamorphic species decrease toward the south. A high proportion of dolomite rhombs oc- curs in sample M9 from the Rio Martin. Feldspar increases in relation to quartz, and there is a slightly higher proportion of metamorphic quartz. PROVINCE P.?This province extends from the south side of Cap Mazari to Targa. Important rivers in this region include Oued Emsa and Oued Laou. This region is characterized by an abun- dance of opaque and ZTR minerals. Both olivines and pyroxenes increase in the southern samples. High proportions of dolomite rhombs occur in sample M16 (near Cap Akaili) and M14 (Oued Laou). The total quartz content is minimal in samples taken north of the Oued Laou, while feldspar reaches a maximum value in the same samples. The ratio of igneous to metamorphic quartz increases substantially to the south of the Oued Laou. PROVINCE Q.?This province extends from Targa to Bou Hamed and includes the Oued el Had. The heavy mineral assemblage here is similar to that of Province O, but it includes a slightly de- creased proportion of orthopyroxene and increased amount of garnet. Olivines and both pyroxenes tend to increase northward. There is a dominance of the metamorphic quartz variety, and the ratio of quartz to feldspar is similar to that in Province P. PROVINCE R.?This province includes the region adjacent to Pointe des Pecheurs and includes the Oued Ouringa. The heavy mineral assemblage con- tains the highest proportion of opaque grains in the Moroccan samples. The metamorphic minerals (especially andalusite and kyanite) represent the most abundant nonopaque group. Orthopyroxenes, garnets, and olivines are notably deficient. Samples 24 and 25 contain high proportions of rhombic dolomite. The ratio of igneous to metamorphic quartz decreases considerably from that of Province Q, and the ratio of quartz to feldspar increases as a result of a significant diminution in the total feldspar content as compared with Province Q. PROVINCE S.?This province extends from Oued Mastasa to just west of Al Hoceima (Al Hucemas). The most important rivers include the Oued Mas- tasa, Oued Bou Frah, Oued Bades, and Oued Boussikour. The dominant nonopaque heavy min- eral group is the ZTR suite, which here attains its maximum abundance for Moroccan samples, especially in the Bou Frah-Mestasa drainage basin. The metamorphic minerals are also important, especially andalusite. Amphiboles are also present and increase conspicuously in the eastern samples. Dolomite rhombs are locally important, particu- larly in the Oued Bou Frah. The proportion of igneous to metamorphic quartz in this region reaches its highest level in the Moroccan samples, and the proportion of quartz to feldspar continues to increase. PROVINCE T.?This province includes the west side of Al Hoceima Bay and extends to the Oued Nekor. The Rhis and Nekor comprise the two main drainage systems. Amphiboles are the domi- nant, nonopaque mineral group and include sub- stantial proportions of actinolite, rare elsewhere in the Moroccan assemblages. The amphibole per- centages decrease toward the west of Oued Nekor. An increase in the proportion of epidote is accom- panied by a decrease in metamorphic minerals. Epidotes decrease eastward from Al Hoceima. Dol- omite proportions are universally high and reach a maximum value in sample M33 (Oued Rhis). There is a notable decrease in the quartz to feld- spar ratio as compared to Province S and R and a slight decline in the ratio of igneous to metamor- phic quartz. STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR REGION STRAIT CHANNEL, NORTH PROVINCE.?The mate- rial examined lies in the northern of the two deep channels, passing through the Strait of Gibraltar (Kelling and Stanley, 1972a, b). The heavy frac- tion is distinguished by relatively high values of pyroxenes and garnet and low values of ZTR and amphibole. The mean total quartz and potash feldspar values are the highest noted in the Strait region. There is a considerable excess of igneous over metamorphic quartz, as in all the Strait prov- inces. Mica content is minimal. STRAIT CHANNEL, SOUTH PROVINCE.?These sam- ples were obtained in the South Channel sector of the Strait proper. The heavy mineral assem- blage is characterized by high values of opaque minerals and the maximum ZTR and clinopyrox- enes. Garnet, metamorphic minerals, and ortho- cu a ?3 8 26 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES pyroxenes are minimal. Garnets and orthopyroxenes increase from west to east, while the clinopyroxenes, epidotes, and amphiboles show a broad reverse trend. The light fraction is distinguished by mini- mal values of total quartz and feldspar, together with a low proportion of mica and chlorite. Car- bonates (mainly shell debris) are the dominant light component. GIBRALTAR CANYON PROVINCE.?The samples were obtained from the Gibraltar Canyon, both in the axial region and on the adjacent flanks between the northern portion of Algeciras Bay and the zone of confluence at the eastern end of the Strait (see Kelling and Stanley, 1972b, fig. 14). The heavy fraction comprises the highest mean values of metamorphic minerals and amphiboles, together with a considerable amount of orthopyroxenes. Opaque minerals occur in amounts similar to those in the North Channel, while the mean clino- pyroxene value is the lowest encountered in the Strait region samples. The proportion of amphi- boles broadly decreases down-canyon until the flat east sector of the Strait and then increases slightly. The light fraction is characterized by the highest proportion of igneous to metamorphic quartz, total feldspar and plagioclase, and mica in the Strait region; the lowest values of carbonate (shell de- bris) are noted here. CEUTA CANYON PROVINCE.?The samples were col- lected from the axial region of the Ceuta Canyon to the southern flat region of confluence at the eastern end of the Strait (Kelling and Stanley, 1972b, fig. 14). Heavy minerals in this region are characterized by the highest mean value of garnet, epidote, and olivine in the Strait region. Garnet increases down-canyon, while orthopyroxenes de- crease in the same direction. The light fraction is distinguished by the highest quartz to feldspar ratio in the Strait region. ALBORAN SEA GIBRALTAR VALLEY-MALAGA LOW PROVINCE.? Samples in this province were derived from core TABLE 8.?Mineralogic composition of Alboran deep-sea samples-province and core means (see Figures 5 and 6) PROVINCE OR CORE Opaque Minerals Zircon + Tourmaline + Rutile (ZTR) Orthopyroxenes Clinopyroxenes Amphiboles Metamorphic Group1 Garnets Olivine + Spinel Epidote Group Others2 Igneous Quartz Metamorphic Quartz Total Quartz Igneous/Metamorphic Quartz Ratio Potash Feldspar Plagioclase Total Feldspar Quartz/Feldspar Ratio Micas + Chlorite Carbonates Others5 NO. OF SAMPLES GC 11.4 7.0 28.4 3.4 6.7 18.6 16.7 3.2 2.2 2.4 34.0 10.6 44.6 3.21 0.8 7.0 7.8 6.56 5.4 25.4 16.8 5 CC 20.0 6.8 17.4 6.5 4.7 12.9 22.1 3.9 3.6 2.1 30.0 12.9 42.9 2.33 1.6 3.6 5.2 8.20 4.5 28.2 19.2 3 SS 27.8 7.3 15.9 12.3 5.6 10.1 11.6 3.8 3.5 2.1 21.1 8.3 29.4 2.54 2.6 1.5 4.1 7.17 1.6 57.8 7.1 4 SN 10.9 2.0 35.1 8.1 2.7 14.4 21.9 2.0 1.4 1.5 41.3 13.8 55.1 2.99 3.4 3.8 7.2 7.65 1.0 29.7 7.0 . 2 91 17.7 5.1 35.86 2.5 5.1 9.4 tr.7 20.8 3.2 17.8 0.8 44.5 20.5 51.4 9.5 2 92 22.5 5.4 35.1 3.6 6.4 16.3 - 9.9 0.8 52.2 2.0 26.1 18.2 26.9 0.7 3 93 20.9 3.7 40.6 2.5 4.8 10.8 tr. 15.8 - 35.0 0.5 70.0 14.8 51.8 - 2 97 27.0 2.9 41.3 2.2 3.6 4.4 tr. 12.9 5.7 24.9 tr. - 18.4 48.9 7.8 2 98 28.0 1.8 43.3 4.3 4.9 4.9 - 10.4 2.4 31.3 1.9 15.6 14.1 40.6 12.1 2 101 28.8 2.2 39.3 2.6 3.3 4.0 - 15.7 4.1 28.8 1.4 20.6 11.5 54.3 4.0 3 107 15.6 6.2 38.5 7.5 4.2 11.7 - 13.8 2.5 44.0 2.2 20.0 9.7 39.1 5.0 5 108 12.9 5.2 42.0 4.6 9.7 9.3 - 12.7 3.6 51.3 2.2 23.3 10.4 33.0 3.1 3 1-4. (as on other tables) 5. Mainly rock-fragments and carbonac 6. Total pyroxenes, undifferentiated 7. tr. = trace (< 0.5%) GC = Gibraltar Canyon; CC = Ceu SS = Strait of Gibraltar, southe SN = Strait of Gibraltar, northe NUMBER 15 27 108 in the Gibraltar Submarine Valley and core 107 from the Malaga Low, north of the Western Alboran Basin (Figures 1, 5, and 6). One graded sand layer in core 108 and two in core 107 were analyzed (Huang and Stanley, 1972). The heavy mineral assemblage is characterized by substantial amounts of pyroxenes, amphiboles, and ZTR and relatively low values of opaque minerals and garnet. Olivine was not encountered. The light fraction has a very low proportion of feldspar, and quartz accounts for approximately half of the light assemblage. The high carbonate values are largely attributable to concentrations of foraminifera. WESTERN ALBORAN BASIN PROVINCE.?Samples were collected from the same sand layer (Lower sand-and-silt layer) from six cores in cores 91, 92, 93, 97, 98, and 101 (Huang and Stanley, 1972, figs. 7, 8) in the flat plain of the Western Alboran Basin. An average grouping of all sample data examined shows a heavy mineral assemblage, which is dominated by pyroxenes and epidote with high values of ZTR. Quartz accounts for about one- third of the light fraction, and the carbonates (mainly planktonic foraminifera) constitute about the same proportion. Feldspars are notably defi- cient. A subtle regional trend can be discovered on both sides of an east-west line bisecting the basin plain. Samples to the south (cores 91, 92, 93) contain somewhat higher values of ZTR, garnet, epidote, total quartz, and mica, whereas those to the north (cores 97, 98, 101) contain slightly en- hanced amounts of opaque minerals, pyroxenes, and carbonates. Provenance of Sediments on Alboran Sea Margins GENERAL The regional distribution of mineral groups on the southern Iberian and Moroccan margins is de- fined in terms of 20 light and heavy mineral prov- inces as described in the previous sections. The position of these mineral provinces (Figures 5 and 6) is broadly concordant with the seaward limits of the major drainage basins (Figures 2 and 3). This emphasizes the close relationship which exists between the varied lithology of the mountainous margins of the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa and the mineralogical composition of sediments along the adjacent coast. The following section details the manner in which the composition of coastal and fluvial samples can be related to specific source terrains in the Betic Cordillera and the Rif. Essentially, two major mineralogical sectors are recognized on the Spanish margin: one to the east, extending from Velez-Malaga toward Adra, influ- enced by the Nevado-Filabride and Alpujarride complexes, and the other, west of Malaga, draining the ultrabasic rocks of the Peridotite Complex. In the former region, the Adra and Guadalfeo rivers, as well as smaller intervening rivers, carry, among others, the following minerals: sodic pla- gioclase (albite, oligoclase), quartz, carbonates, mica, garnet (very abundant), epidote, amphibole, orthopyroxene, and opaque minerals. In the western region, peridotites are among the significant lithologies that crop out in basins of the Guadalhorce, Fuengirola, and Verde rivers and smaller basins between Malaga and Estepona. These rivers carry the following: calcic plagioclase (or calco-sodic varieties), mica, olivine, amphibole, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, garnet, epidote, and opaque minerals. On the Moroccan margin, two major minera- logical sectors are also recognized: one to the east, extending from the Beni Bouchera ultrabasic com- plex, influenced essentially by Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Tertiary sediments, and the other, north and west of the ultrabasic complex, draining Paleozoic sediments, metamorphic rocks, and basic or ultra- basic intrusives. In the former, rivers such as the Nekor and Ouringa convey sodic plagioclase, both igneous and metamorphic quartz, carbonates, and opaque heavy minerals (very abundant). In the north- western region, rivers such as the Oued Laou and Martin carry more calcic plagioclase and a high proportion of metamorphic quartz, together with garnet, orthopyroxene, and olivine. A study of minerals in coastal sediments from the Spanish margin east of Malaga by P?rez- Mateos et al. (1973) provides results which differ in some major respects from those of this investi- gation. These authors show substantially higher values of minerals such as andalusite, staurolite, and quartz and much lower values of pyroxene, epidote, and feldspar than analyzed here. Further- more, they recognize three provinces (I, II, III) between Malaga and the Cabo de Gata as com- pared to five defined by us along the same sector 28 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES (Provinces I to M). A point of resemblance, how- ever, is that the dramatic increase in the propor- tion of garnet to the east of Motril (Rio Guadal- feo) (Figure 7) is also recorded by Perez-Mateos and others (1973). ORIGIN OF SELECTED SPANISH RIVER SEDIMENTS Two samples from each of six rivers in the western sector of the Iberian margin (west of Mar- bella) were examined: Calena (I), Guadaiza (II), Guadalmansa (III), Padron (IV), Enmedia (V), and the Genal-Guadiaro (VI). These rivers fall within the coastal mineral provinces G, F, and E, from east to west respectively. At each of the river localities the sample pairs show similar heavy mineral associations, and con- sequently an average value is supplied for each river (Table 5). Each river sample closely reflects the lithology of the terrain traversed. Thus, the main variations from river to river are most readily ascribed to differences in lithology of the terrains cut by the six rivers (cf., Figure 2). The notable increase in quartz and mica and orthopyroxene, amphibole, olivine, and metamorphic minerals and the concurrent decrease of carbonate, garnet and opaque minerals, from the Calena to the neighbor- ing Guadaiza river, are explained by the fact that the first river cuts carbonate-rich rocks, while the second (Guadaiza) cuts across peridotites as well as metamorphic terrains. The westernmost river, the Genal-Guadiaro, carries an assemblage that is more similar to that of the Guadaiza River than the intervening rivers. The headwaters of the Genal-Guadiaro also erode peridotites and meta- morphic lithologies. The percentage of total quartz increases sub- stantially to the west, reflecting the westward pre- dominance of source terrains of Cretaceous, Paleo- gene, and Miocene sediments. Samples collected from these rivers are broadly comparable in composition to the samples col- lected on the coast adjacent to the appropriate river mouth. However, with the exception of epi- dote, which appears to be consistently more com- mon in the coastal samples, there is little change downstream. As a general rule, coastal samples con- tain higher values of opaque minerals and lower values of orthopyroxenes. Moreover, the river samples in aggregate generally contain more quartz and mica and less feldspar than most of the coastal sands (Table 5, Figure 6). These differences in composition between fluvial and coastal samples may be partly a function of the relative efficacy of the differing hydraulic proc- esses affecting these two environments, but the in- fluence of grain-size factor cannot be excluded (despite the restrictions of analyses to the same grades, as indicated earlier, page 3). ORIGIN OF SPANISH MARGIN SEDIMENTS? LIGHT MINERALS Quartz is marginally the most abundant min- eral, ranging from 29% to 71% of the total light mineral fraction (the average content approxi- mates 40%). Metamorphic quartz is more abun- dant than quartz of igneous origin. The former originates in metamorphic terrains that abound in the study area. Quartz of igneous origin is de- rived from several sources: the acid volcanics of the Cabo de Gata region, hydrothermal veins in the different complexes, and reworked older sands and sandstones, particularly those in the External Zone. Plagioclase generally constitutes between 10% and 56% of the light mineral fraction, aver- aging about 35%. Both sodic and calcic plagio- clases display distinct regional distributions. Sodic plagioclase (albite and oligoclase) is predominant east of Malaga; calcic species abound between Estepona and Malaga. As would be expected, the relation between plagioclase assemblages and river supply is a direct one. For instance, sodic plagio- clases are common in the rocks of the Nevado- Filabride and Alpujarride complexes, i.e., sequences that crop out in the fluvial basins east of Malaga. An important source of calcic feldspars, on the other hand, is the Peridotite Complex that crops out in basins between Malaga and Estepona. Be- tween Estepona and Tarifa, farther to the west, both sodic and calcic varieties occur. The lower relative percentages of potassic feld- spars (generally less than 2%) in all coastal sam- ples examined can be related to their generally low abundance in most rock types of the different stratigraphic-tectonic units cropping out in the various drainage basins. An exception is Province C, on the eastern side of Algeciras Bay, where the increased quantity (to 8%) may reflect the im- portance of sedimentary sources conveyed into NUMBER 15 29 the northern part of the Bay from the Rio Guadarranque. Carbonate, including dolomite rhombs, and lithic fragments are commonly present and in many cases can be related to specific carbonate rock types cropping out in the drainage basins. The highest percentages occur in Province L, which is bounded by cliffs of Middle to Upper Triassic shaly limestones and dolomites. High values are also encountered in Provinces G and H and appear to represent fluvial supply from the Sierra Blanca unit, which includes marbles and gneisses. Glauconite, essentially of detrital origin, is ob- served in some samples. Most of the detrital glau- conite originates in the sandstones of Cretaceous, Paleogene, and lower Miocene age in the External Zone and in sands and sandstones of postorogenic sequences (especially the Miocene). The percentage of mica is variable, but is gener- ally quite low (less than 2%). Muscovite and par- ticularly biotite abound in most of the metamor- phic sequences of the Internal Zone. The highest mica values (12%) occur in Province K east of Nerja, west of Motril, where Paleozoic micaschists and quartzites crop out in the coastal ranges. Cer- tain other coastal samples contain a notably high percentage of mica. An example in point are those in the Bay of Algeciras which, interestingly enough, are fed by rivers that cut metamorphic units not particularly rich in mica. This suggests that en- riched mica content may also be related to factors other than provenance (see following section). ORIGIN OF SPANISH MARGIN SEDIMENTS? HEAVY MINERALS Garnets occur at all sample stations along the Spanish margin (Figure 7), and a large fraction of these undoubtedly are derived from the Nevado- Filabride Complex. In addition, garnets are sup- plied from certain Alpujarride Complex sequences, from basal units of the Malaguide Complex, and from the Casares Unit. The highest percentages of garnet occur in samples from the sector between the mouths of the Adra and Gualdalfeo rivers. These rivers traverse extensive outcrops of the Nevado-Filabride Complex (Figure 2). Other areas where high amounts of garnet occur include coastal sections near the mouths of the Guadal- horce and Fuengirola rivers, where garnetiferous sequences of the Malaguide Complex crop out. High values of epidote occur along the coast, and the highest concentrations are found in the region between Malaga and Motril, and in some sectors to the west of Adra. This mineral has dif- ferent possible origins that include the Nevado- Filabride and Alpujarride Complexes as well as certain sequences of the Malaguide Complex. Pyroxenes are abundant west of Motril. Per- centages of orthopyroxenes are higher than those of clinopyroxenes except in certain isolated cases (sample stations 2, 20, 35 and 74). Provenance of pyroxenes (ortho- as well as clinopyroxenes) is closely related to the Peridotite Complex. Some clinopyroxenes are derived from the amphibolites of the Alpujarride Complex that are intercalated in the Paleozoic dolomites exposed west of Motril. Amphiboles are present in all samples in vari- able amounts. In some sectors, such as near Nerja, it is the most important mineral in the heavy frac- tion in some samples. Here, its origin lies in the amphibolites of the Paleozoic sequences of the Alpujarride Complex that crop out extensively north of the coast between Nerja and Motril. Olivine is derived in large part from the Perido- tite Complex, and the highest percentages observed in coastal samples occur between Estepona and Marbella, where rivers eroding this complex reach the sea. Olivine is abundant from Algeciras to Malaga; this in part explained by the load carried by the various rivers (Guadalhorce, Fuengirola, Verde) cutting this complex and is also due to coastal currents carrying olivine-bearing sediments toward the west (see next chapter). At the mouth of the Guadalfeo River there is an anomalously high percentage of olivine; this can be interpreted as originating in the "rocas verdes" (altered basic igneous rocks) facies of the Nevado-Filabride and Alpujarride complex that crop out in the drainage basin of this river. Significant percentages of apatite occur only in samples collected in the vicinity of the Strait of Gibraltar. Apatite, derived in large part from igneous rocks, is transported by currents from source terrains that are exposed along this coastal sector. There is no primary source for this mineral in the fluvial basins north of this area. The pres- ence of very rounded grains does suggest that apatite is reworked, at least in part, from older apatite-bearing sandstones. 30 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES Tourmaline is derived from the Nevado- Filabride Complex, phyllites of the Alpujarride Complex and the Casares Unit, and the amphi- bolites of diverse units. The total ZTR content ranges up to 2.3% and is more abundant in the coastal samples from the Strait of Gibraltar re- gion, tending to decrease eastward from this area. This change results from the diminished impor- tance of sedimentary terrains east of Gibraltar. Kyanite is associated with certain lithologic sec- tions (micaschists) of the Nevado-Filabride Com- plex. Sillimanite originates in rocks, including micaschists, of possible pre-Cambrian age in the Malaguide Complex and the Sierra Blanca Unit. Andalusite is derived from several units: micaschist of the Alpujarride Complex, lower sequences of the Paleozoic Malaguide Unit, the Casares Unit, and the Sierra Blanca Unit. The percentages are noteworthy along the coast from Nerja toward the west. Opaque minerals are present, generally in high percentages. Particularly significant are coastal samples containing large amounts of opaques (45% to 60%) between Malaga and the Motril- Adra sector and the Strait of Gibraltar sector. Of these minerals, magnetite is very abundant in the fine sands of this coast (beaches such as the Playa de Carchuna near Motril). Magnetite has several possible origins and can be found in diverse strati- graphic sections of sedimentary and metamorphic as well as ultrabasic rocks. ORIGIN OF MOROCCAN MARGIN SEDIMENTS? LIGHT MINERALS Feldspar, particularly plagioclase, is the most abundant mineral, ranging from 25% to 75% of the total light mineral fraction (the average con- tent approximates 43%). Plagioclase generally con- stitutes between 27 and 71%, and calcic varieties predominate, particularly in the central sectors (Provinces O, P, Q, and R). High values of calcic plagioclase in the sediments of Provinces P and Q reflect a source terrain which includes bodies of ultrabasic rock (Beni Bouchera). Individual coastal samples from the vicinity of Cabo Negro in Prov- ince O also contain enhanced proportions of calcic plagioclase, probably derived from the peri- dotite bodies intruded into the Paleozoic meta- morphic rocks of this region (Figure 3). High values of more sodic plagioclase are encountered in the sediments of Province T and probably de- rive, directly or indirectly, from isolated outcrops of Paleozoic metamorphic rocks in the drainage basin of the Oued Nekor. Total quartz, ranging from 17% to 66%, is most abundant in the western sectors (Provinces N and O) and also in Province S, west of Al Hoceima (to 52%). These areas drain essentially sedimentary terrains. The igneous quartz variety predominates over the metamorphic type in those provinces cited above which contain abundant total quartz of presumably sedimentary origin, whereas the meta- morphic quartz is dominant in Provinces such as P, Q, and R, receiving material largely from Pale- ozoic metamorphic sources. The dominance of igneous quartz in Province T probably reflects the derivation of material from acid and inter- mediate volcanic rocks of late Mesozoic and Ter- tiary age including the Cap Quilates Complex. Carbonate content generally ranges between 4% and 8%, but reaches the exceptionally high mean value of 22% in Province T east of Al Hoceima. Dolomite rhombs constitute an important part of the carbonate fraction and reach their peak abun- dance in samples from the Oued Nekor drainage basin. Such carbonate components derive largely from Mesozoic limestone and dolomite sequences, particularly those of Triassic and early Jurassic age, most commonly exposed in the eastern part of the study area. High values of carbonate in indi- vidual samples (Figure 6) which occur in Prov- inces N, O, and P may be ascribed to a similar provenance, although some may also be derived from smaller bodies of marble developed in the Paleozoic terrains between Ceuta and Bouhamed. Glauconite is generally rare in the Moroccan samples except in a sample (no. 3) east of Tangier in the Strait of Gibraltar (Figure 10), whose origin lies in the adjacent terrain of Cretaceous/Tertiary sandstones. Rock fragments account for only a minor pro- portion of the light fraction except in sample 6 just west of Cueta, where they consist mainly of slate. Mica percentages are generally low and consist predominantly of biotite. The highest values, en- countered in Province P, are attributable to the adjacent Paleozoic sediments. NUMBER 15 31 ORIGIN OF MOROCCAN MARGIN SEDIMENTS? HEAVY MINERALS In general, garnets account for the highest per- centage of transparent heavy mineral fraction but vary considerably in abundance (1.1% to 18.4%). The highest values occur in river sediment samples from the Province Q (Bouhamed) region and in coastal samples from the Strait of Gibraltar and the region south of Ceuta (Provinces N and O). Paleozoic metamorphic rocks represent the pri- mary source of this mineral and account for its abundance in the Bouhamed region. However, the abundance of garnet in the coastal sediments may be attributed either to reworking of younger sedi- mentary rocks or to preferential concentration by littoral processes. The ZTR group is generally an important con- stituent of most of the Moroccan heavy fraction (4% to 18% mean values), and varieties of zircon tend to dominate the group. Exceptionally high values of ZTR occur in samples from Province S (west of Al Hoceima) and from the Strait of Gi- braltar region. These enhanced proportions clearly indicate the increased importance of sedimentary rocks in the source terrains. Minerals assigned to the metamorphic group (andalusite, kyanite, staurolite, and sillimanite) are also abundant in the heavy mineral assem- blages from the Moroccan margin, ranging from 4% to 15% mean values. This group attains its maximum abundance in the region south of Ceuta (Province O), although high mean values also occur in the Bouhamed area (Province Q) adjacent to extensive outcrops of metamorphosed Paleozoic rocks. High values in the Strait of Gi- braltar (Province N) are mainly observed in the littoral samples and probably reflect the increased resistance of certain members of this group, not- ably staurolite. Staurolite constitutes 12.2% of the nonopaque fraction in individual samples but is almost confined to Provinces N and O in the western portion of the study area. This mineral recurs in lesser abundance in the samples from the Bouhamed metamorphic area (Province Q, Figure 5). Andalusite is common, but exceptionally large values are noted in individual samples from Prov- inces R, S, and T near Al Hoceima. They are evidently reworked from Mesozoic and Tertiary sediments, an origin confirmed by the well-rounded character of these grains. Large relative values of kyanite are also noted in the same samples. How- ever, angular grains of kyanite are consistently abundant in samples from Provinces O and Q (south of Ceuta and Bouhamed) where such grains may be more confidently attributed to the sur- rounding metamorphic rocks. Orthopyroxenes are highly variable in abun- dance (up to 24% in individual samples) and are almost confined to Provinces O and Q. The en- hanced content of the orthopyroxene in these re- gions reflects the presence of ultrabasic bodies occurring in the vicinity. Clinopyroxene is more widespread than the orthopyroxene but is almost always lower in value. The highest percentages of clinopyroxene are found in Provinces O and Q. Somewhat enhanced proportions of clinopyroxene occur in coastal samples from the Pointe de Pecheurs area (Province R) and here may be de- rived from the basic or ultrabasic intrusives near- by. A sample from the Oued Nekor provides the highest individual value of clinopyroxene, which probably originates from igneous or metamorphic rocks that crop out in small areas near the source of this river. Province T, in the Oued Nekor drainage basin, also provides the consistently highest content of amphibole minerals, including substantial amounts of actinolite, which is typical of the amphibolite metamorphic facies. The minor amounts of am- phibole encountered in the more westerly regions (especially Province Q) are dominated by brown and green hornblende, together with some glau- cophane. These minerals probably originated in the Paleozoic metasediments. Olivine and spinel (mainly picotite) are con- sidered together because these minerals are de- rived largely from basic and ultrabasic rocks in which these two species are intimately associated. The distribution of olivine and spinel closely parallels the distribution of orthopyroxene, con- firming the basic or ultrabasic provenance of these minerals. The maximum values for this group occur in the region between Pointe Targa and Bouhamed, reflecting the influence of the Beni Bouchera igneous mass. Epidote attains maximum abundance in Prov- inces Q and T, areas rich in metamorphic source terrains. Apatite is relatively uncommon on the Moroccan SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES margin but attains appreciable abundance (up to 4.7%) in individual samples from the Strait of Gibraltar beaches. Grains are well rounded and, in part, may be reworked from older sedimentary terrains. Opaque minerals comprise the most important component of the heavy mineral fraction, with mean values ranging from 23% to 80% and aver- aging approximately 45%. The highest mean values occur in rivers and beaches in the more easterly provinces (R, S and T), together with Province P (Cap Mazari area). Opaques are prob- ably derived from sedimentary and metasedimen- tary rocks, although this provenance is diverse and subsequent concentration by both fluvial and coastal processes has also occurred. Mineralogical Modification by Coastal Processes Although the similarity of heavy and light min- eral assemblages in river and adjacent coastal sam- ples attests to the virtually direct transport of sedi- ment from source to sea on all margins of the Alboran Sea, several features indicate that some modification of mineralogy does occur while mate- rial is held in the littoral and nearshore zone. The nature of these modifications may be used to inter- pret the effects of coastal processes and the conse- quent dispersal pattern on both Iberian and Mo- roccan margins. The most compelling evidence for modification by coastal processes derives from the nonconcord- ance in detail of mineral province boundaries 30' 30' FIGURE 11.?Predominant movement of coastal and nearshore currents based primarily on aerial photographic analysis (cf. Figures 12-14). NUMBER 15 33 /.-? CURRENT PATTERN SAMPLE LOCALITY FI'GURE 12.?Aerial photographic coverage of selected portions of the southern Iberian margin (arrows denote major current pattern). Upper: Malaga Bay (altitude approximately 7000 m; R. Ghor = Rio Guadalhorce; R. Gmed = Rio Guadalmedina; Mai = Malaga; El P = El Palo; Vic = La Victoria). Lower: Strait of Gibraltar (altitude approximately 7000 m; R. Ve ? Rio de la Vega; Tar = Tarifa). with the adjacent drainage basin boundaries, de- spite the broad parallelism already noted. Impor- tant and abrupt variations in the mineralogy of the coastal sands are related to the supply at a river mouth or to the presence of coastal outcrops directly supplying material to the adjacent beach. However, where examined in detail (see previous section), the mineralogical variation from river to river is greater than that observed along the intervening stretch of coast near the river mouths. An example of this effect is shown by the com- parison of coastal and fluvial materials on the Spanish margin between the Calena and Genal- Guadiaro rivers. Here, coastal stations 27 to 30 (Figure 2) display a greater increase in the per- centage of garnet than is observed between the supplying rivers (Enmedia and Padron).' Stations 22 to 29 contain appreciably enhanced proportions of olivine as compared to adjacent rivers, and both clinopyroxene and amphibole are less abun- dant in samples from the corresponding rivers than in the sands from coastal stations 27 to 36. There is, in addition, a much higher content of orthopyroxene observed in all the coastal samples as compared with the fluvial sediments. Thus, river samples, as would be expected, reflect more directly the mineralogy of the terrains crossed by the flu- vial flow, while the greater sample-to-sample simi- larity along the coast indicates that at least some mixing and dilution of individual river supply 34 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES FK.I'KK 13.?Aerial photographic coverage of Algeciras Bay. (Altitude approximately 7000 in; PSG = Punta tie San Garcia: Alg = Algeciras; RPa = Rio Palinones; RGuad = Rio Guadarran(|iie: (Jib = Gibral- tar; EP ?? Europa Point; La I.i = La Linea. Allows denote major current pattern.) NUMBER 15 35 FICURE 14.?Aerial photographic coverage of selected portions of the Spanish margin east of Malaga (altitude approximately 5000 m; arrows denote major current pattern). Upper: area near Castell de Ferro (= Ca Fe; RaGua = Rio Gualchos). Lower: area near Calahonda ( = Cal; Fa = Faro, light house; B.R. = beach ridges). has occurred at the coast as a result of wave and longshore current transport. This example demonstrates that the coastal modification processes are not solely concerned with enhancement of the more stable or resistant mineral species. For example, the increased pro- portions of pyroxenes in the coastal sands west of Marbella (Figure 7) indicate some increment in these relatively unstable minerals from sources other than the adjacent rivers, presumably through littoral drift from more distant fluvial or coastal sources. Evidence concerning the actual sense of near- shore sediment transport is provided by the lat- eral trends observed within both Moroccan and Spanish coastal mineral provinces. Such trends involve distinct, regular diminution or augmenta- tion of the relative proportions of certain mineral species, which may be assigned to supply from a given river or coastal outcrop. For example, in the region of Malaga, samples 48 to 52 show a steady southward decrease in the abundance of amphibole and a concurrent increase in the pro- portion of garnet and olivine (Figure 7). The implication of this trend is that this stretch of coast is subject to an essentially southwestward longshore movement of sediment by coastal cur- rents. This conclusion is substantiated by an inde- pendent appraisal of coastal current motion and long-term sediment drift patterns observed from 36 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES aerial photographs and large-scale charts (Figures 11 and 12). The coastal current map suggests a predomi- nance of westerly trending transport along the Spanish coast from Malaga to the Strait of Gibral- tar. Surface drift surveys (Gaibar-Puertas, 1967) also reveal a similar pattern. Such transport would help account for the observation that the highest percentage of the main mineral species generally occurs in samples taken immediately west of the river delivering it to the sea (note changes on heavy mineral bar graphs, Figure 7). This south- westward transport is further attested by the re- markably high concentrations of orthopyroxene, amphibole, and olivine in the region of the Strait of Gibraltar, a region isolated from direct fluvial or coastal supply of these minerals. The distribution of minerals in the coastal sand of the Bay of Algeciras poses some problems in that the mineral assemblages are rich in metamor- phic species, pyroxenes and olivine, although the rivers that flow into the Bay do not cross meta- morphic or ultrabasic terrains. It is significant, therefore, that the Bay assemblage is similar to assemblages outside of the Bay and east of Gibral- tar (Kelling and Stanley, 1972a). There are sev- eral possible interpretations: (a) currents from the east, moving around the peninsula of Gibral- tar, enter the Bay carrying with them sediments from La Li'nea and farther east; (b) the sands are eroded from Tertiary-Quaternary sediments that bear this particular suite of minerals and that are exposed near the Bay; (c) or the present peninsula forming the "rock" of Gibraltar was an island 4?-- "??-'??- ?si FIGURE 15.?Photographs showing strong coastal currents in the Strait of Gibraltar region. Upper left: ship heading west across Algeciras Bay toward Algeciras. Lower left: view from the Rock of Gibraltar across Algeciras Bay toward the Strait (to the southwest). Right: view showing east side of the Rock and coastline north of Gibraltar. (Note current patterns parallel to the straight coastline off La Linea-Gibraltar region. Large structure in foreground is a water catch- ment above Catalan Bay.) \ NUMBER 15 37 FICURE 16.?Photographs showing evidence of strong coastal currents. Upper: currents oft Morocco between Cap Mazari and Cabo Negro. Lower: view east toward the plain of Carchuna from Cape Sacratif (southeast of Motril, Spain). 38 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES during the recent past, and the coast line along which minerals moved originally lay north of the "rock" (i.e., in the low area close to the Gibraltar air strip and the Gibraltar-Spanish border); (d) or, still, a fourth possibility is that the Guadiaro River in the past occupied the present lower valley of the Guadarranque River; subsequently, the Guadiaro River was captured and occupied its present position east of Gibraltar. Thus, if hy- potheses (b), (c), or (d) are valid, some of the Algeciras Bay coastal sands would be essentially relict in origin. In any event, the present distribution of miner- als in the Bay sediments conforms closely to the predicted counterclockwise transport path (Fig- ures 13 and 15). Note for example the southward diminution of pyroxene in the western part of the Bay (samples 13 to 8) and the northward de- crease in orthopyroxene from Europa Point toward La Linea on the eastern side of the Bay. Although some workers (Perez-Mateos et al., 1973), using size parameters, have deduced a predominant eastward transport of the coastal sediments in the region east of Malaga, the min- eralogic trends between Malaga and Adra observed in this study are generally less regular in sense or in degree. This variability may be partly a func- tion of the increased contributions from coastal outcrops and partly attributable to the less con- stant coastal drift patterns revealed by independent analysis of the aerial photographs (Figures 11 and 14)\Similar effects of nearshore transport have been identified on the Moroccan margin. Coastal sam- ples from the western part of the Moroccan shore of the Strait of Gibraltar contain substantial quantities of minerals, such as orthopyroxene and olivine, which are virtually absent from the adja- cent river sediments. The source of these minerals lies in ultrabasic intrusives exposed on the coast around Ceuta, and their presence in this western region implies a net westward transport of detritus along this portion of the Strait (Figure 11). As in the region west of Malaga, the predomi- nant nearshore sediment drift, as revealed by aerial photo survey, is essentially toward west and north, in the region from Melilla to Cap Negro (Figures 11 and 16). The region between Cap Negro and Ceuta appears to be one of converging flow (to the south from Ceuta, and to the north from Cap Negro). The mineral distribution in this coastal region is significant (samples 7, 19-22, Figures 9 and 10). Here, the orthopyroxene de- rived respectively from ultrabasic bodies outcrop- ping at Ceuta and at Cap Negro (Milliard, 1959) decreases away from these sources to a minimum in the central region near the mouth of the Oued Negron. These decreasing trends parallel the cur- rent convergence (Figure 11). Two other factors, in addition to nearshore currents, influence the distribution of mineral assemblages. These are (a) coastal morphology (i.e., embayments and sheltered areas that serve to trap selected minerals such as micas versus long, open straight coastlines that are prone to more intense wave attack with resulting concentration of heavy mineral lag deposits; the orientation of beaches that may be more or less prone to erosion by wave and coastal currents, etc.) and (b) mete- orological conditions including rainfall, snow-melt, water, and wind patterns that vary seasonally. A case in point is the region of Gibraltar where highly contrasted coastal regimes occur on either side of the Rock. East of Gibraltar, the long straight beaches are exposed to strong attack by waves as well as longshore currents, with the con- sequence that these eastern sands contain very high proportions of heavy minerals (up to 71% in sam- ples from Eastern Beach near La Linea). On the other hand, the Bay of Algeciras, west of Gibraltar, is a region of lower energy where deposition pre- vails, resulting in the enhanced proportions of mica. It is apparent, therefore, that the abundance of individual mineral species is not solely dependent on provenance but is subject to modification by processes active in the coastal zone. Such processes operate chiefly to concentrate or dissipate specific minerals of differing size, density, or physical durability. Dispersal of Marginal Sands to the Western Alboran Basin The evidence cited in the previous section dem- onstrates that sediment transported by rivers from both the Iberian and Moroccan highlands main- tain, at least in a general manner, their mineralogi- cal integrity along well-defined coastal sectors. This NUMBER 15 39 fact should enable the provenance of sands in more offshore environments to be identified. Earlier studies have shown that sand is actively being conveyed into deeper marine environments both to the west and east of the Strait of Gibraltar (Heezen and Johnson, 1969; Kelling and Stanley, 1972a, b). These investigations indicated that coarse sediment is principally being transferred from the Ceuta-Cabo Negro and the Gibraltar- Algeciras regions to the eastern end of the Strait through two major canyons, Ceuta and Gibraltar canyons. From the canyons, this material is trans- ported to a zone of canyon confluence in a rela- tively flat sector at the eastern end of the Strait (Figure 17) and subsequently is shifted pre- dominantly in a westward direction under the influence of the strong deep Mediterranean under- current (Kelling and Stanley, 1972b, figs. 15, 16). The results of the present study provide inde- pendent evidence for this westward transport, since coastal and fluvial samples from both the Spanish and Moroccan borders of the Strait show little mineralogical resemblance to samples from the adjacent deep floor of the Strait (Figures 5 and 6). Significantly, the latter bear a closer mineralogical resemblance to coastal samples obtained farther to the east. However, there is some evidence that part of the canyon-fed sediment load reaching the zone of confluence is conveyed eastward and may reach the Western Alboran Basin plain via the large Gibraltar Submarine Valley (Figure 18; cf., Kel- ling and Stanley, 1972b:518). This eastward trans- port of sand is substantiated by the results of a detailed high-resolution subbottom survey (Stanley et al., 1970; Bartolini et al., 1972) showing the distribution of sand layers in the Western Alboran Basin. The number and thickness of these sand layers provide a means of determining the gross dispersal pattern of late Pleistocene-Holocene elastics within the Basin. These earlier surveys showed that sands were primarily transported from the west and north. Further confirmation of this mode of filling has EAST FIGURE 17.?Two east-west high resolution subbottom profiles (3.5 kHz) at the eastern end of the Strait of Gilbraltar showing the zone of confluence, a flat area between Gibraltar and Ceuta. Profiles cross Ceuta Ridge bounding the eastern margin of Ceuta Canyon (see Figure 1). (Spac- ing between horizontal lines is 20 fm (37 m).) 40 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES been provided by compositional studies of the sand layers in numerous cores from the western Alboran Basin plain and surrounding area (Bartolini et al., 1972; Huang and Stanley, 1972). Material from several turbidites was attributed to a source area in the region of the Serrania de Ronda west of Malaga and at the eastern end of the Strait of Gibraltar. A closer evaluation enables us to identify more precisely the immediate and ultimate sources of the late Quaternary and Holocene sands in the deep-sea cores. It is evident that the heavy mineral assemblages are more valuable for this purpose than the light fraction, partly because of the addi- tion of biogenic carbonate (largely planktonic foraminifera and some shell debris) and mica, and partly because of size-sorting effects. The data of Huang and Stanley (1972, table 5) pertaining to the Upper sand turbidite layer (dated at about 10,000 years B.P.) and to the Lower sand turbidite layer (emplaced subsequently to about 12*500 years B.P.) in six cores (91, 92, 93, 97, 98, and 101) was re-expressed in order to achieve mineral pro- portions compatible with those of the shallower regions. The Western Alboran Basin heavy mineral suite is consistent from core to core and is dominated by pyroxenes and opaque minerals, with substantial proportions of epidote, garnet, and ZTR. On the basis of the mean values of the heavy minerals, the deep-sea sands most closely resemble those of coastal sands in the vicinity of Gibraltar (Provinces B, C, and D). The high proportion of pyroxene precludes derivation of the Alboran Basin sands from coastal areas east of Marbella on the Spanish margin. No assemblage resembling these deep-sea sands occurs on the Moroccan margin (low py- roxene and low epidote). The ultimate derivation of the Lower sand layer may lie in the Serrania de Ronda as sug- gested by Bartolini et al. (1972) on the basis of abundant enstatite and also indicated by river NORTHWEST IcEUTA RIDGE 600 fm SOUTHEAST FIGURE 18.?High resolution subbottom profile (3.5 kHz) extending from the Ceuta Ridge near the Strait of Gibraltar downslope across the Alboran Basin. Traverse cuts diagonally across Gibraltar Submarine Valley, Malaga Low, and Alboran Trough (see Figure 1). (Spacing between horizontal lines is 20 fm (37 m).) NUMBER 15 41 samples from this region. Tenuous evidence of more direct derivation from the north (region of Malaga-Marbella) is provided by the sands of core 107 collected south of Malaga in the Malaga Low (north of the Western Alboran Basin). The sands in this core display mineralogic attributes closely comparable to those in rivers draining the region north of coastal provinces F and G (Figure 5). It 34"N 3"W FIGURE 19.?General geology of region surrounding the Alboran Sea-Strait of Gibraltar region. Note general sym- metric distribution of stratigraphic terrains around the Al- boran Basin, including position of ultramafic rocks (Ronda and Beni Bouchera) on opposite margins. (1, Predominantly Paleozoic sedimentary, granitic, and metamorphic terrain of the Meseta. 2, Mesozoic and Tertiary zones of transitional depth clastic and carbonate deposition. 3, Mesozoic subbetic deep water carbonate, marl, and volcanic rocks; intrarif sandy flysch. 4, Spanish Rondaides and Moroccan Chaine Calcaire- Mesozoic carbonate rocks with Alpine-type facies in the Triassic. 5, Cretaceous and Tertiary sandy flysch. 6, Spanish Betic and Moroccan Paleozoic zones; Paleozoic geosynclinal clastic and thin Mesozoic carbonate rocks. 7, Andalusite- sillimanite low-pressure metamorphic sequences. 8, Ultramafic rock, including an outcrop near Ceuta. High-pressure meta- morphic rock with kyanite is exposed in the Sierra Nevada uplift. Figure and legend after Loomis, 1972, fig. 1.) is conceivable that these sands may have been con- veyed directly offshore to this locale during periods of eustatic low sea level stands in the late Quater- nary (Huang et al., 1972). However, our analysis of the modern coastal sands demonstrates that a predominant transport from the Serrania de Ronda complex and adjacent regions directly to the deep sea is unlikely. Our evidence favors the transfer of Serrania de Ronda detritus southwestward toward Gibraltar and sub- sequent funneling to the Western Alboran Basin through the Gibraltar Canyon and Submarine Valley (Figure 23), a hypothesis suggested earlier by Huang and Stanley (1972). The trace of this transport path is recorded by sands of core 108 (lying 28 km southeast of Europa Point close to the Gibraltar Submarine Valley) that bear a marked mineralogic resemblance to the Alboran Basin sands on the one hand and the coastal sands of Province D (eastern shore of Gibraltar) on the other (Figure 5). It should be noted that other source terrains and dispersal paths cannot be excluded for the older, deeper Western Alboran Basin sands. Thus, derivation from the north African margin and from the region east of Malaga during earlier geological periods remains a possibility which would require further examination and could now be identified on the basis of mineralogy. We can, however, exclude as a possible source area the Mo- roccan margin south of the NE-SW trending morphological barrier created by the Xauen- Tofino-Alboran Ridge (Milliman et al., 1972). In the broader context, the asymmetry of prov- enance of recent sands of the Western Alboran Basin plain indicated in this survey is a feature which at first sight would have been difficult to predict in view of the marked similarity of the opposite margins. The relief (Houston, 1964) as well as the geology of both margins are compar- able and in certain respects mirror one another (Figure 19). Both areas are drained by relatively short, steep rivers flowing seasonally, and the spac- ing of these streams is similar on both the Spanish and Moroccan borders. Climatic conditions are comparable with rain concentrated during the winter months with 300 to 1400 mm per year on the Iberian margin (Figure 20) and 400 to 1400 mm per year on the Moroccan side (Jackson, 1961). Rainfall on both margins decreases toward 42 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES GUADALQUIVIR BASIN MEDITERRANEAN SEA FIGURE 20.?Map showing rainfall distribution on the southern Spanish margin (contour inter- val, 100 mm/year). Maximum rainfall (1400 mm/year) occurs in the Sierra de Grazalema (headwater of the Guadiaro River) and in the Sierra Nevada (1000 mm/year). (Data after Centro de Estudios Hidrograficos, 1970.) the east and in zones of lower elevations. It appears that intensity or river flow, at least on the Iberian margin, increases substantially toward the west, suggesting increased fluvial input of sediment in this sector. Although some major rivers are peren- nial, the majority are dry during much of the year (Figure 21). Snow melt derived from moun- tainous regions of the Sierra Nevada and the Rif may provide additional increments of sediment during the late winter and spring. Winds also are seasonally variable in both intensity and direction, but the strongest and most persistent aeolian trans- port is to be anticipated from the Sirocco, which is known to convey particles up to sand size (Fig- ure 22) well offshore from the Moroccan coast (Ericksson, 1961). The morphological symmetry of both margins of this part of the Mediterranean is further re- flected in the submarine topography; narrow shelves (approximately 10 km wide to the 200 m isobath) leading to relatively smooth slopes of comparable gradients (less than 6?). Coastal cur- rents also reflect this symmetry, showing a predomi- nant westerly trend along both Moroccan and Iberian coasts* (Figure 11). Despite these resemblances, this mineralogical study has enabled us to define the source and com- plex dispersal path of a deep-sea turbidite sand deposited in the intervening basin. The geometry of this and older sand bodies in the Western Albo- ran Basin plain, as determined by high-resolution subbottom surveys, had previously been defined (Bartolini et al., 1972) and a general input from the northwest postulated (Stanley et al., 1970). Moreover, a plausible source terrain of these sands, the Serrania de Ronda lying to the northwest, has * It is noteworthy that predominant nearshore currents trend toward the west in the Western Alboran Sea in spite of the fact that the main direction of surface flow is to the east. This less saline surface and near-surface water mass, originating in the Atlantic, apparently produces large-scale jetlike eddies as it enters the Mediterranean east of Gibraltar (Gaibar-Puertas, 1967; Lucayo, 1969; Lanoix, 1974). Our study suggests that these eddies entrain a clockwise flow of water along the Moroccan margin and a counterclockwise movement along the Spanish coast. NUMBER 15 43 FIGURE 21.?Photographs showing typical river beds which are dry during most of the year. Upper: Rambla de Albunol, north of la Rabita and Punta Negra on the Spanish margin. Lower: mouth of Oued Ouringa, at Pointe des Pecheurs on the Moroccan coast. (Note coarse bed load moved during flood stage.) 44 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES been identified on mineralogical ground (Bartolini et al., 1972; Huang and Stanley, 1972). The present study has refined these earlier surveys by enabling the complex transport path from source terrain to coast, through the nearshore zone and thence to the deep basin, to be defined by means of sediment composition. Most previous heavy mineral studies of modern sediments in enclosed marine basins have been concerned either with relatively shallow areas, in which depositional processes differ greatly from those operative in the Alboran Sea (van Andel and Postma, 1954), or with deeper basins differing in important morphological respects from the present study area. Certain of the latter category differ in possessing bordering areas of low relief (Baak, 1936; Hsu, 1960; Davies and Moore, 1970), while others, although bordered by mountainous regions, receive an important part of their filling sediment from one end of the elongate trough, usually from a major deltaic source (van Andel, 1964; Pigorini, 1968). Our study suggests that there exists yet another type of elongate basin bounded by regions of high relief which a priori could supply material of varied source directly to the adjacent deeps, thus conform- ing to a multisource basin model (Pettijohn, 1957; Pettijohn et al., 1973). However, the evidence pre- sented above suggests that during the recent geo- logical past, the dispersal patterns within this basin have been essentially longitudinal, i.e., input from the western termination. In view of the pos- sible reversal of currents on the Strait of Gibraltar (with eastward flowing bottom currents below a westward surface outflow), it is probable that this longitudinal transport pattern was reinforced dur- ing glacial lowstands of the Pleistocent (Huang et al., 1972). FIGURE 22.?Sirocco blowing silt and sand seaward on the Moroccan coast near Pointe des Pecheurs (April 1973). NUMBER 15 45 Elongate deep marine basins with predominant longitudinal transport patterns are common in the geological record. Various interpretations of the dispersal systems in such troughs, including elongate flysch basins, have been proposed (Kuenen, 1958; Pryor, 1961). In geological terms, our study demonstrates the importance of the mineralogic changes produced by coastal processes and the further modification, largely due to size- sorting, which ensues from downslope transport to the final site of deposition. Changes induced by marine transportation appear to have a more pro- nounced effect on the light mineral fraction, while even relatively unstable heavy mineral species (such as orthopyroxene) apparently suffer less modification. This conclusion must be qualified for geological purposes by the observation that many heavy mineral species are susceptible to dia- genetic alteration and removal (van Andel, 1959). A further geological implication of our study is ALBQRAN SEA PROVENANCE OF LOWER TURBIDITE SAND -3d" -3d1 Contour Interval- 50fm 3O* 5 FIGURE 23.?Summary diagram showing provenance and complex dispersal path of sands that were deposited as the Lower sand-and-silt layer (Huang and Stanley, 1972) in the Western Alboran Basin (dark pattern shows extent of this layer in the basin plain?after Bartolini et al., 1972) at the end of the Pleistocene. These sediments, eroded from the Serrania de Ronda region, were transported by rivers to the coast between Estepona and Marbella. The sands were subsequently reworked to the southwest by coastal currents to the Strait of Gibraltar region, and then downslope toward the southeast by turbidity current through the Gibraltar Submarine Valley. 46 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES that the path taken by detritus from source terrain to the final site of deposition may be highly com- plex and is largely governed by processes active in the coastal zone, a region seldom preserved in ancient mobile belts. Summary 1. This study defines the composition and re- gional distribution of the major sand-sized light and heavy mineral groups on the Iberian and Moroc- can margins of the Alboran Sea, an almost totally land-enclosed, mountain-bounded basin in the western Mediterranean. 2. Twenty light and heavy mineral provinces are identified along the basin margins and these are broadly concordant with the limits of the major drainage basins. The concordance emphasizes the close relationship which exists between the varied lithology of the mountainous Moroccan Rif and the southern Iberian Betic margins, and the min- eral ogical composition of sediments on the adja- cent coast. 3. Sands in the coastal and fluvial samples can be related to specific source terrains. Two major mineralogical sectors (comprising 13 mineralogical provinces) are recognized on the Spanish margin: one between Velez-Malaga and Adra, influenced by the Nevado-Filabride and Alpujarride com- plexes; the other west of Malaga draining the ultrabasic rocks of the Peridotite complex. Two major mineralogical sectors (comprising 7 minera- logical provinces) are also recognized on the Mo- roccan margin: one from the Bteni Bouchera ultrabasic complex to the east, influenced by Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Tertiary sediments; the other north and west of the ultrabasic complex, draining Paleozoic sediments, metamorphic rocks, and basic or ultrabasic intrusives. 4. A special study of samples from six rivers in the western sector of the Iberian margin west of Marbella shows that river samples closely reflect the lithology of the terrain traversed. River sam- ples and samples collected on the coast adjacent to the appropriate river mouth are broadly com- parable in composition, attesting to the virtual direct transport of sediment from source to sea on aJ] margins oi the Alboran Sea. Differences between fluvial and coastal samples may be a function of differing hydraulic processes and also possibly grain-size factors. 5. That modification of the mineralogy occurs while the sediment is held in the littoral and near- shore zone is demonstrated by the nonconcordance in detail of mineral province boundaries with adja- cent drainage basin boundaries. The mineralogical variation from river to river is greater than along the intervening stretch of coast near the river mouths. The greater sample-to-sample similarity along the coast indicates that at least some mixing and dilution of river supply has occurred at the coast as a result of longshore current transport. 6. The lateral trends observed within Moroccan and Spanish coastal mineralogical provinces pro- vide evidence on the actual sense of nearshore sediment transport. The mineralogical trends sug- gesting predominant nearshore transport direc- tions (movement largely to the west along exten- sive sectors of both the western Spanish and Mo- roccan margins) are substantiated by independent evaluation of coastal current motion and long- term sediment drift patterns observed from aerial photographs. 7. Lateral variations in mineralogical trends may also be partly a function of the increased contri- bution from coastal outcrops and partly to less constant coastal drift patterns (area east of Malaga for example). Furthermore, local coastal morpho- logical factors and meteorological conditions that vary seasonally influence the distribution of min- eral assemblages. These factors, as well as near- shore currents, operate to concentrate or dissipate specific minerals of differing size, density, or phys- ical durability. 8. Several possible interpretations are provided for the origin of the mineral suites in the coastal sands of the Bay of Algeciras. However, the present mineralogic distribution within the Bay conforms closely to predicted counterclockwise transport paths. 9. This mineralogical study enables us to define the source and dispersal of sands to the intervening deep basin in spite of the geological and geo- graphic similarities that characterize the opposite margins of the Alboran Sea. A comparison of sands collected in cores in the Western Alboran Basin with sands on the Alboran coastal margins serves to identify the ultimate source oi late Quaternary and Holocene sands in the deep basin plain. NUMBER 15 47 Sources east of Marbella on the Spanish margin as well as on the Moroccan margin can be pre- cluded. Heavy minerals indicate that the ultimate derivation lies in the Serrania de Ronda complex in the western Betic chain as postulated in earlier studies. 10. The dispersal path of sands between the Serrania de Ronda source to deep basin is a com- plex one. We suggest that detritus was first trans- ferred southwestward toward Gibraltar by coastal agents and then subsequently was funneled to the Western Alboran Basin through the Gibraltar Can- yon and submarine valley. 11. It appears that mineralogical changes pro- duced during dispersal by marine processes have a more pronounced effect on the light mineral fraction, while even relatively unstable heavy mineral species apparently suffer less modi- fication. The implication of this study is that there is a marked mineralogical evolution of detri- tus moving between source and deep basin, and that these changes are largely governed by proc- esses active in the coastal zone, a region seldom preserved in ancient mobile belts. 12. In geological terms, the Alboran Sea can serve as one type of model for sedimentaion in an elongate, enclosed basin bounded by regions of high relief. Although this region, a priori, would conform to a multisource basin model, we show that the dispersal pattern within the basin has been essentially longitudinal. Unlike some elongate basins in the geological record, filling from one end has been from currents (input at the Strait of Gibraltar) and not from a major delta point source. Appendix Brief Summary of the Betic Cordillera Source Terrains The Betic Cordillera, a highly complex moun- tain chain, can be discussed most readily in terms of major stratigraphic-structural units. Two major zones are recognized, i.e., an Internal Zone and an External Zone. The major units described in the following sections are depicted in Figure 2. Internal Zone The major stratigraphic-tectonic units in the Internal Zone include the Nevado-Fildbride Com- plex (unit 2, Figure 2), Alpujdrride Complex, eastern sector (units 3-7), Casares Unit, Alpujar- ride, western sector (unit 10). The Maldguide Complex (units 8 and 12)> Peridotite Complex (unit 1), and two other units?Sierra Blanca Unit (unit 9) and Las Nieves Unit (unit 11)?whose attribution to a specific complex is not clear?are also included in the Internal Zone. Nevado-Fildbride Complex.?Rocks of this unit crop out extensively in the Sierra Nevada and its prolongation toward the east. It comprises three tectonic-lithological units. The Sierra Nevada Series.?Composed largely of graphite-bearing micaschists (in large part garnetif- erous) with intercalations of quartzites. Quartz, sodic plagioclase, garnet, white micas, biotite, tour- maline, zircon, rutile, and opaque minerals form the predominant mineral assemblage. Locally, amphibolites are present and these contain horn- blende, actinolite, epidote, quartz, mica, and tourmaline. The Fildbride Series.?The Filabride Series, more varied in composition than the one described above, include micaschist, quartzite, marble, gneiss, and amphibolite. The micaschists contain the same minerals as in the Sierra Nevada Series as well as staurolite, epidote, kyanite, and muscovite. Gneiss includes quartz, albite, oligoclase, biotite, epidote, garnet, and chlorite. Amphibolite contains various amphibole minerals, chlorite, epidote, quartz, mica, and clinopyroxene. The Caldera Unit.?This unit contains similar mineralogical assemblages as those in the Fila- bride sequence listed above. Alpujdrride Complex.?This complex includes strata of Paleozoic and Triassic age. Four major lithostratigraphic units are recognized. The Paleozoic formations include micaschist and quartzite (depicted as unit 3 on Figure 2); these, in their lower part and toward the west, change facies and become dolomitic marble with lenses of amphibolite (unit 4). The micaschist includes quartz, sodic plagioclase (albite-oligo- 48 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EARTH SCIENCES, white micas, biotite, and locally (in some stratigraphic-tectonic nappe units) andalusite, staurolite, chlorite, chloritoid, garnet, and epidote (pistacite and zoisite). Dolomitic marble as well as dolomite include calcic amphiboles (tremolite and actinolite), feldspars (albite, oligoclase), bio- tite, muscovite, and phlogopite. Amphibolites, which appear related to the recrystallized dolo- mites, include minerals of the type found in the amphibolites of the Nevado-Filabride Complex (see above). The Permo-Werfenian Formations (unit 5) in- clude lower grade metamorphic phyllites and quartzites. Quartz, albite, muscovite, chlorite, tourmaline, and zircon are the most common minerals. The Middle and Upper Triassic formations (limestone and dolomite, partly recrystallized but without the metamorphic mineral suite (unit 6)) contain metallic sulfides and oxides related to sedimentary or hydrothermal processes, or both. Quartz, calcite, fluorite, epidote, and hematite occur in hydrothermal veins. Maldguide Complex.?Two lithostratigraphic units are recognized: a lower one, distinctly meta- morphic of possible pre-Cambrian age, and an upper one, consisting of Paleozoic strata (locally, with a poorly developed Mesozoic-Tertiary cover), which is essentially sedimentary. The base of the Pre-Cambrian (?) rocks consists of gneiss and micaschist. Gneisses dominate the base of the se- quence; they are leucocratic, containing quartz, plagioclase, microperthite, microcline, and also sillimanite, garnet, and low amounts of cordierite. Above these are found micaschist and micaceous gneiss with garnet, sillimanite, staurolite, plagio- clase, and microcline. The Paleozoic rocks (unit 12, Figure 2), region- ally, are lithologically extremely variable. Rocks displaying low-grade metamorphism (phyllites and micaschists with quartz, white mica, biotite, garnet and andalusite) occur at the base of the section. The bulk of the unit comprises sedimentary series, including flysch-type sequences that have under- gone considerable diagenesis, but without the for- mation of metamorphic minerals; interbedded carbonates are also common. The Permian-Mesozoic- Tertiary cover, which is only locally preserved, includes limestone and sandstone. Peridotite {ultrabasic) Complex.?Ultrabasic plutonic rocks crop out extensively west of Malaga and form the Peridotite Complex of the Serrania de Ronda. In this region are found dunite and harzburgite and, less frequently, pyroxenite, norite, gabbro, lherzolite, and websterite. In many places, these rock types have been partially, or totally, serpentinized. Dominant minerals are olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, calcic and calco- sodic plagioclase, apatite, spinel, and opaque minerals. Sierra Blanca Unit.?This group of rock types (unit 9) has been affected by medium to high- grade metamorphism and is in part similar to the Casares Unit described below. Marble and gneiss are dominant, and amphibolites are also locally present. Marbles are to a large degree totally, or partially, dolomitized. The biotite gneiss contains sillimanite, cordierite, and/or andalusite, depend- ing upon the locality. Casares Unit.?This group of rock types (unit 10) of the Alpujarride Complex (western sector) comprises essentially Paleozoic metamorphics overlain by limestone and dolomite, marbleized, of Triassic age. The base of this metamorphic sequence is related to the Peridotite Complex, their mutual contact being intrusive. From older to younger, the following types occur: gneiss, rich in feldspar, cordierite and, locally, garnet; mica- schist with andalusite, which in its lowest parts con- tains garnet, staurolite and biotite; phyllite and quartzite, with similar minerals as those in the Permo-Werfenian rocks of the Alpujarride Com- plex (eastern sector); limestone and/or dolomite, marbleized, similar to the Middle and Upper Tri- assic of the Alpujarride Complex (eastern sector). Nieves Unit.?Carbonates of the Upper Triassic and Lias (unit 11) are assigned to the Internal Zone by some authors and to the External Zone by others. Limestone, partially dolomitized, is the dominant lithology; abundant chert nodules are present locally. External Zone A number of units including the Campo de Gibraltar, "Flysch" de Colmenar, and the Subbetic Zone are included in the External Zone. Each of these sequences can be characterized by specific lithological criteria; the age of each unit has also been determined. Three major groups are differ- NUMBER 15 49 entiated: a detrital red bed fades of Triassic age, a Jurassic limestone-dominated facies, and a marl- rich Cretaceous-Paleogene-Lower Miocene sequence. Triassic Units.?The sediments comprising this group (unit 13, Figure 2), very different from the Triassic of the Internal Zone, display a "Germanic facies" aspect. The predominant lithologies in- clude variegated clay, marl, and sandstone. Locally dolomite and ophite are exposed as well as evap- orite (in particular gypsum and salt). These crop out in numerous areas and are easily eroded. Jurassic Units.?Sedimentary rocks of this group (unit 14) include a highly variable suite of sedi- ments, and show a great variability in thickness (Gonzalez-Donoso et al., 1971). The dominant lithologies include limestone of highly variable texture and marls and petrologic transitions be- tween the two. Very locally, there are notable out- crops of radiolarites and submarine basic volcanics (pillow lava) intercalated in the Jurassic series. Cretaceous-Paleogene-Lower Miocene Units.? This suite of sedimentary rocks (unit 15) includes, for the most part, marl and marly limestone facies. There are recognizable lithologic variations that are related to differences in age, outcrop locality, and tectonic grouping. A flyschoid facies with sandstone (includes rocks of different ages) domi- nates toward the west; toward the east, on the other hand, marl and limestone intercalations are common. Post-Orogenic Sequences The extensive outcrops of sediments of Neogene- Quaternary age that fill postorogenic depressions and recent alluvial basins are designated as Post- Orogenic Sequences on the map (unit 16). The most common lithologies of Neogene age are conglomerates, sandstones, shales, and evaporites. Limestone and bioclastic rocks also crop out lo- cally. 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