Title: SDAR: A Toolkit for Stratigraphic Data Analysis in R Authors: Ortiz, John R.; Jaramillo, Carlos A. Abstract: SDAR is an analytical package designed for both plotting and facilitating the analysis of stratigraphic and sedimentological data. Taking advantage of the flexible plotting tools available in R, SDAR uses stratigraphic and sedimentological data to produce detailed graphic logs for outcrop sections and borehole logs. These logs can include multiple features (e.g., bed thickness, lithology, rock color, samples, sedimentary structures, fossil content, bioturbation index, electrical logs). Note: The development of this package was supported by Carlos Jaramillo, Center for Tropical Paleoecology and Archaeology at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Description: The SDAR project includes the development of a graphic user interface to connect the R package with a database management system; for this reason the structure of the data and headers (column names) should be followed in order to match the database structure. File SDAR_beds_template_v01.xlsx is an excel spreadsheet with the suggested format by SDAR (28 columns) to store thickness, composition, and texture description of rock layers (beds). File SDAR_intervals_template_v01.xlsx is an excel spreadsheet with the suggested format by SDAR to store metadata, samples, visual oil stain, bioturbation, sedimentary structures, fossil and tracefossil content, miscellaneous, structural data, lithostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy information (12 spreadsheets). Additional information: Repository Name: https://cran.r-project.org Resource Type: software Version: 0.5-2 Grant: The Anders Foundation, 1923 Fund and Gregory D. and Jennifer Walston Johnson License: GPL (>= 2)