Tupper 4pm seminar Tue, May 29, 4pm seminar speaker will be Christopher Dick, University of Michigan Extreme long distance dispersal of tropical rainforest trees Paleo-Talk Wed, May 30, 4pm Paleo-Talk speaker will be Vandana Prasad, Birbal Sahni Institute of Paleobotany Lucknow, India, at the CTPA Biostratigraphy and sea level changes across Paleocene-Eocene boundary at paleoequatorial zone: A case study from Meghalaya, north eastern Himalayas Bambi seminar Thu, May 31, Bambi seminar speaker will be Dina Dechmann, Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research Mating system and dis- persal patterns in a bat with an unusual roost choice Arriving next week Stephen Yanoviak, University of Florida, to study the behavior and ecology of tropical canopy ants, on BCI. Andrew Kah, to photograph ants, on BCI. Myra Hughey, Boston University, to study the predator disruption of natural hatching: consequences of plasticity in hatching time, in Gamboa. Jon Seal, Universt?t Regensburg, to study the phylogeography of the facultative clonal ant, Platythyrea punctata, in Gamboa. Sebastian Wolf, to study the sustainable agroforestry for carbon sequestration to improve livelihood in the tropics, at Tupper. STRI news Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panam? www.stri.org May 25, 2007 ?The world is moving towards us?: Bermingham ?No big surprises...but better times for STRI? forecasted acting director Eldredge ?Biff? Bermingham when he addressed the community on Wed, May 23 in his first town meeting. During the past seven years the Smithsonian focused on its facilities, with no big budget increases to science. With acting secretary Cristi?n Samper and undersecretary for Science Ira Rubinoff the future for science looks promising at SI. ?Our relationship with our host country is better than ever...? highlighting the government support through SENACYT that has injected funds to conduct research at STRI, and our partnership with many institutions in Panama, like ANAM. Bermingham also highlighted two new major projects. From a worldwide point of view, the new SI Global Earth Observatories (see proposed map in page 4). ?The world is moving towards us? stated Bermingham indicating the need countries and decision makers have for scientific information, in order to predict the effects of climate change. He also mentioned the opportunities the expansion of the Panama Canal will offer scientists interested in the geology of Central Panama. Bermingham also welcomed new members of the community, acknowledged the support of the scientific and administrative staff and encouraged them to pursue ?our much celebrated intellectual curiosity.? ?No hay grandes sorpresas... pero tiempos mejores para STRI? vaticin? el director interino de STRI, Eldredge ?Biff? Bermigham cuando se dirigi? a la comunidad de STRI el mi?rcoles, 23 de mayo en su primera asamblea general. Durante los ?ltimos siete a?os el Smithsonian se enfoc? en sus instalaciones, sin grandes aumentos en el rengl?n de la ciencia. Con el secretario interino Cristi?n Samper y el sub-secretario para Ciencias, Ira Rubinoff, el futuro de las ciencias en SI se ve prometedor. ?Nuestra relaci?n con nuestro pa?s anfitri?n est? mejor que nunca...? destacando el apoyo del gobierno a trav?s de SENACYT, que ha inyectado fondos para llevar a cabo investigaciones en STRI, y nuestra asociaci?n con muchas instituciones paname?as como la ANAM. Bermingham tambi?n destac? dos nuevos proyectos de gran envergadura. Desde el punto de vista mundial, los nuevos Observatorios Globales de la Tierra (ver mapa propuesto en p?gina 4) ?El mundo se mueve hacia nosotros? sentenci? Bermingham indicando la necesidad que los pa?ses y tomadores de decisiones tienen de informaci?n cient?fica, para preveer los efectos del cambio clim?tico. Tambi?n mencion? las oportunidades que la expansi?n del Canal de Panam? ofrecer? a los cient?ficos interesados en la geolog?a de Panam? central Bermingham le di? la bienvenida a nuevos miembros de la comunidad, agradeci? el apoyo del personal cient?fico y administrativo y los anim? a mantener ?nuestra muy celebrada curiosidad intelectual.? Departures Fernando Pascal spent this week in Washington DC, on official business at SI. Edmundo Rodriguez attended a COTR refreshment course in Washington DC this week. New publications Berghoff, Stefanie M., and Franks, Nigel R. 2007. "First record of the army ant Cheliomyrmex morosusin Panama and its high associate diversity." Biotropica Online. D'Croz, Luis, and O'Dea, Aaron. 2007. "Variability in upwelling along the Pacific shelf of Panama and implications for the distribution of nutrients and chlorophyll." Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 73(1-2): 325-340 Forschler, Marc I, and Kalko, Elisabeth K. V. 2007. "Geo- graphical differentiation, acoustic adaptation and spe- cies boundaries in mainland citril finches and insular Corsican finches, superspecies Carduelis [citrinella]" Journal of Biogeography Online. Medianero, Enrique, Castano M., Gabriela, Tishechkin, A., Basset, Yves, Barrios, Hector, Odegaard, Frode, Cline, A.R., and Bail, J. 2007. "Influence of local illumination and plant composition on the spatial and seasonal distribution of litter-dwelling arthropods in a tropical rainforest." Pedobiologia 51(2): 131-145. Wells, K., Kalko, Elisabeth K. V., Lakim, M.B., and Pfeiffer, Martin. 2007. "Effects of rain forest logging on species richness and assemblage composition of small mammals in Southeast Asia." Journal of Biogeography 34(6): 1087-1099. Workshop to write scientific proposals for Panamanian students The Office of Academic Programs is organizing a third workshop on how to write successful scientific proposals, for Panamanian university students, from May 31 to Jun 1. STRI postdoctoral fellows and Library personnel will serve as instructors with the support of the University of Panama. Interested please write to N?lida Gomez at gomezn@si.edu La Oficina de Programas Acad?micos de STRI llevar? a cabo el tercer taller sobre redacci?n de propuestas cient?ficas exitosas para estudiantes paname?os, del 31 de mayo al 1ro de junio. Becarios posdoctorales y personal de la Biblioteca de STRI participar?n como instructores del taller, con el apoyo de la Universidad de Panam?. Los interesados pueden escribir a N?lida G?mez: gomez@si.edu HSBC Panama maintains support to educational program at Culebra HSBC Panama, member of Fundaci?n Smithsonian de Panam?, presented a check with the necessary funds to maintain the educational program ?T? y el Mar con el Smithsonian? [You and the Sea with the Smithsonian] at STRI's Nature Center at Punta Culebra. HSBC Panam? started funding this program in 2003. In 2006 ?T? y el Mar with the Smithsonian? received more than 23,000 students from pre-school to middle school. The photo shows Joseph Salterio (right) presenting the donation to STRI director Eldredge Bermingham, on Monday, May 21, at STRI?s Nature Center in Punta Culebra at the Amador Causeway. El Banco HSBC Panam?, miembro de la Fundaci?n Smithsonian de Panama, hizo entrega de cheque para mantener el patrocinio del programa educativo ?T? y el Mar con el Smithsonian?? en el Centro Natural de Punta Culebra de STRI. HSBC Panam? empez? a financiar este programa en 2003. En 2006, T? y el Mar con el Smithsonian? recibi? m?s de 23,000 estudiantes desde pre-escolar hasta educaci?n media. La foto muestra a Joseph Salterio (a la derecha) haciendo entrega de la donaci?n al director de STRI, Eldredge Bermingham, el lunes, 21 de mayo, en el Centro Natural de Punta Culebra de STRI en la Calzada de Amador. May 28 - June 3 Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama Special Calendar Monday 28 Tuesday 29 Wed 30 Thursday, 31 Friday 1st Sat 2 Sun 3 Holiday in Washington DC Workshop on how to write scientific proposals e C T P A : P a l y n o l o g i c a l W o r k s h o p (P o l l e n g r a i n s ) e e By registration * By invitation U Open K Everybody is encouraged to attend Global Marine Species Assessment Workshop: Eastern Tropical Pacific Fishes A group of 25 marine biologists met in Panama from May 21-25 to hold the Global Marine Species Assessment Workshop: Eastern Tropical Pacific Shore Fishes. The specialists, from Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, US, Australia, Brazil and France aim to evaluate if more than 1200 species of regional shore fishes are vulnerable or threatened. Panama was selected for the workshop for having the richest biodiversity in coastal fishes in the region of the Tropical Eastern Pacific, and home to many endemic species in the Gulf of Panama and the Gulf of Chiriqui. According to the scientists, Panama is privileged for its rich diversity. Three representatives from ARAP were invited to participate at the event. This assessment was the first global review of the conservation status of every marine vertebrate species, and of selected invertebrates and plants, to analyze its populations and design strategies for long term conservation. The project involves a range of partners in compiling and analyzing all existing data on approximately 20,000 marine species, and will determine the risk of extinction according to the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species, created in 1963, is the world's most comprehensive inventory of the global conservation status of plant and animal species. The Red List is set upon precise criteria to evaluate the extinction risk of thousands of species and subspecies. These criteria are relevant to all species and all regions of the world. The aim is to convey the urgency of conservation issues to the public and policy makers, as well as help the international community to try to reduce species extinction. In Panama, the event was co-organized by STRI?s Hector Guzm?n and scientists from the Global Marine Species Assessment Project, the Species Survival Commission of the IUCN and Conservation International. STRI?s Ross Robertson and Gerald Allen, West Australian Museum, are co-authors of the interactive DVD Fishes of the Tropical Eastern Pacific, published in 2006, which served as the primary data base for the Workshop. Un grupo de 25 bi?logos marinos se reuni? en Panam? del 21 al 25 de mayo en el Taller de Evaluaci?n Global de Especies Marinas: Peces Costeros del Pac?fico Oriental Tropical. Los especialistas provenientes de Per?, Ecuador, Colombia, Panam?, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Estados Unidos, Australia, Brasil y Francia buscan revisar y determinar si m?s de 1,200 especies de peces costeros de esta zona son vulnerables y se encuentran en peligro de extinci?n. Panam? fue seleccionado como sede del por tener la mayor diversidad de peces costeros de toda la regi?n del Pac?fico Oriental Tropical y cuna de numerosas especies end?micas que habitan los grandes Golfos de Panam? y Chiriqu?. Los especialistas consideran esta abundancia de diversidad como un privilegio. Tres representantes de la Autoridad de los Recursos Acu?ticos de Panam? participaron como invitados al evento. La revisi?n fue la primera a nivel global sobre el estado de conservaci?n de todas las especies de vertebrados marinos y de algunos invertebrados y plantas en el mundo, para analizar el estado actual de sus poblaciones y planificar su conservaci?n y protecci?n a largo plazo. Este proyecto se ejecuta con la participaci?n de colaboradores que recogen y analizan todos los datos existentes para cerca de 20,000 especies marinas. El mismo busca determinar el riesgo de extinci?n de acuerdo a las categor?as y criterios mundia- les de la Lista Roja de la Uni?n Internacional para la Conserva- ci?n de la Naturaleza, IUCN. Creada en 1963, la Lista Roja de la IUCN es el inventario m?s extenso que existe sobre el estado de conservaci?n de especies de plantas y animales alrededor del mundo. La Lista Roja se basa en criterios precisos para evaluar el riego de extinci?n de miles de especies y subespecies. Estos criterios se usan para todas las regiones del mundo. El objetivo de la Lista Roja es divulgar la urgencia de la conservaci?n al p?blico y a los tomadores de decisiones, y a la vez ayudar a la comunidad internacional a reducir las extinciones de especies. En Panama,el evento fue co- organizado por H?ctor Guzm?n, de STRI, y cient?ficos de Global Marine Species Assessment Project, Species Survival Commission of the IUCN y Conservation International. Ross Robertson, de STRI y Gerald Allen, West Australian Museum, son co- autores del DVD interactivo Fishes of the Tropical Eastern Pacific, published in 2006, which served as the primary data base for the Workshop. S M I T H S O N I A N T R O P I C A L R E S E A R C H I N S T I T U TE , M A Y 25 , 2 0 0 7 Smithsonian Institution Global Earth Observatories (SIGEO)