This paper examines cultural change and hybridity through a visual history of the alterations in dress, ornamentation, and body treatment experienced by the Yanesha of Peruvian Amazonia in postcolonial times. Such transformations often appear to be fluctuations between tradition and modernity explained alternatively as instances of acculturation or as expressions of invented traditions and postmodern identity politics. By focusing mainly on external factors, these theoretical approaches pay insufficient attention to the role of native perceptions and practices in promoting cultural change. Approaches that do take into consideration these perceptions, such as those centered on the notions of passing and mimesis, do not apply to this particular case. Adopting a Yanesha perspective as a departure point, I argue that what appear to be expressions of acculturative processes are the result of a long-standing indigenous openness to the Other particularly the white and mestizo Others and the native conviction that the Self is possible only through the incorporation of the Other. Such incorporation always finds expression in bodily transformations, hybrid bodyscapes that change throughout time according to the shifting relationships between Self and Other.`